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how about drinking?



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited September 2016

    Good morning friends- it has been one kind of crazy busy week and one more day, or rather half day with the vendor to go. Been going none stop and long days since Monday. The site visit has been good, some critical issues for the project on the table, and some new ideas on the table to improve our effort. We are going to need some more help with some of the recommendations coming at us, too much comes my way as it is and going to talk to the client about that today before I leave the site for a few days. Going to wrap up early afternoon, go to the gym and go swimming, then come home to rest for bit before I go work with the phone bank tonight for the campaign I am helping.

    Dara- glad to hear your test was clear. I am working on getting mine scheduled, and probably doing it the week of Thanksgiving because I have the best space to do it then. Getting some rides set up, I have the most important one set up where I need the ride home. Waiting on someone else who may be able to give me a ride over but may just uber it over in the morning instead. I had a couple polyps too and of course, after having bc and some skin cancer, I just say be ready for anything, right?

    Glad you are looking for an ACA plan to help you get through until that next great job opp comes. One less thing you will need to worry about so you can just focus on your job search when you are ready.

    Hsant- we were able to get confirmation that the changes at the Waldorf won't happen until next March and kept our reservation there. This place has always been on my bucket list so we will go. One of our plays (American in Paris) that we got tix for is coming off Broadway the day we arrive so we got a refund for that and got us tickets to Waitress instead. I have bought a few new things to wear and of course, there will be some shopping on 5th Ave. The day after we arrive is Columbus Day and there is a little parade on 5th Ave that morning, which will be a fun way to start the morning.

    And right, this trip is not about meeting the needs of other people. I am just disappointed my sister had to stir the pot with family members we know will always try to change the plan to make it about them. I have just tuned the whole thing out this week and focusing on what I need to get done over here.

    I have more catching up to do, and will check in tomorrow before I leave for Taos on Saturday. This is the resort I am heading to for a few days and never stayed there before and looking forward to it!

    Hi to Genny, Cami, ChiSandy, juliet, NM, Goldie, and everyone else here! Wishing you all a good start to September!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2016

    TM's are down even more, and that's with NO CHEMO!

    Woooo Hooooo! Gotta run, 4 hour drive to the doctors. Gonna be a good day!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited September 2016

    YAAA HOOOO LOWEE....doing a happy dance for you...oh can't tell how happy I am for you


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited September 2016

    This is what my rat looked like, and this one got out of terlet....scary chit!

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited September 2016

    Goldie, Yay!!! It's incredible that your TM's came down with the RSO, and no chemo.Congratulations!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited September 2016

    Good Morning DahhhhhLinks

    Sandy - hey thanks for da UB40 quote, lol.

    Dara - Yippee, allaluia bout scope all clear. I wish I could help ya with ur insurance and your headaches. Did u see my post on my visit w/ENT? I'm in starvation mode. LOL, it's not bad really. Oh Yeah, sewer rats are real and sometimes snakes come up too. So check dem terlets Ladies!

    NM - It sounds like u are not going to be on call this weekend, I hope so as you and Sadie need more fun times. Yes I would clean as much as poss, as I do before my cleaning crew gets here…LOL.

    Jazz - HoleY MoleY ur week sounds like tooo much for mese brain. Here's a Purple Savvy fer ya…I'll join ya…TitsUp!! Have a GR8 time on your trip, sounds like u need a get away. (((Jazz)))


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2016

    My endo suggested prepping with Magnesium Citrate (6 small bottles, cherry or lemon-lime flavor) rather than gallons of that disgusting MoviPrep stuff. Still tasted like salted barf but had to drink less of it.

    Dara. hope you can sign up for an ACA policy before the upcoming election. If a certain faction retains or expands control of Washington, we might have to kiss goodby the precious prohibition against excluding preexisting condition (and if there's one thing we bco sisters have in common, it's the mother-in-law of all preexisting conditions--one that scares the crap out of insurance industry bean counters).

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2016

    DAY-um, Mema--that rat is bigger than my cats! I’d have crapped in my pants before I could even consider not sitting on the toilet!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited September 2016

    Goldie- congrats on the TM's being down. I am going to attribute that to all the fun you had with Wild West days.

    Dara- Chi brings up a good point. The GOP has been trying to overturn ACA (which I might add got started by last GOP president, just implemented by Obama) and if we have a change in parties in the White House, it will be at risk. As a business, I can get a health plan for a one person shop, but as of last year, it was only through one of my current client sites I work for (and prefer to stay out of their E H R with my story). That puts me in a rock and a hard place in many respects. I am hoping to be able to keep my ACA plan and hope you can too if you go that route.

    The other not good thing about ACA being eliminated is that there used to be safety nets in at least some states for people who could not get insurance otherwise and I was in one of those plans after I left a job in 2007 and when my COBRA insurance ran out. I stayed with that until ACA got going and as that group phased out, I hopped on one of the exchange plans. I have had ACA plans now for a few years and done just fine with them. They were more affordable than what I was paying in those other group plans. I don't get subsidies either, but you may be able to qualify for those as well.

    That is something else you may want to look in to, not sure how COBRA works now with the ACA world these days, but it used to be that any termination in employment from being let go or quitting resulted in a letter with an 18 month coverage option. COBRA is not something that companies are in control of, but a federal government requirement of all employers to provide once someone has left a company. So you may want to check into that as well. My guess is that you can get something cheaper through ACA for a bronze plan, but may have better coverage through the COBRA plan depending on how good your company insurance was.

    Vendor is gone and wrapping up and going to go swim. Wishing you all a good afternoon.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2016

    Just a small correction, Jazzy--it wasn't Dubya who started the ACA, but rather it was the same program Romney implemented in MA during his term as Gov. And as it is currently constituted (mainly, the coverage mandate in return for the no-preexisting-condition-exclusion rule), it was mainly proposed by Congressional Republicans (and a few conservative Dems) who had to answer to the insurance lobby. Conservatives conveniently forget that.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2016

    wonderful news lori,long may the tend continue,i'll drink to that

    sue if i saw that rat or a snake in the toilet wouldn't need a bowel prepShocked

    booked a budget motel for the weekend,cheaper to loose because of mam or the weather! going up tomorrow ,have an appointment with a dermatologist for a punch biopsy of the r breast at 1020, due to my shoulder, and mam had skipped my breast exams for a couple of months well the scar tissue has changed to me its harder and felt bigger so went to see mo on tuesday, she just thought it was scar tissue and said the scar tissue can get bigger ! wondering if the pt maybe but according to the mammogram today theres no change and they only did an us of the scar area,so will not be paying for a full price us of the breast , this breast centre has been the one i have used all along even tho they have changed buildings the staff have stayed the same and are usually great but today was made to feel like i was wasting their time and being a drama queen, have called the mo office and let them know they only did the r side mammogram not bilat as ordered( said left not due as feb was normal) and a very limited us.also mo concerned about the nipple have had the vascular changes common after radiation but now she feels a biopsy is needed so have that tomorrow before i go to orlando still have my insuranc under cobra once all this is cleared up will switch via the aca

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited September 2016

    Chi- I knew Romney had the program in Mass, but think I missed exactly what happened during those years after and with how ACA came to be. Those years were a blur to me with starting a new business, a mother with lots of eldercare. I was excited about it though.

    Juliet- I wish you an easy biopsy and some safe travels to FL. I know there is a hurricane down there, or the remnants of one so be careful. Wishing you sunny skies and warm sand between your toes.

    What is everybody doing for Labor Day? NM is cleaning but hope she and Sadie get out for some fun too!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2016

    Sunday we’re attending a friend’s surprise 70th birthday party down in Oak Lawn. Monday (Labor Day) I’m emceeing and playing in a writers’ round for the Chicago Songwriters’ Collective at 11 am-noon on Stage 2 at the Fox Valley Folk Festival in Island Park (middle of the Fox River) in downtown Geneva, IL. If you blink, you’ll miss me.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2016

    LDB, OMG…a rat in the toilet and it wouldn't flush….EWWWWW! And snakes! So wus up wif your jaw? I hope all that you mentioned helps and I hope it's not too painful. Soft foods and all, you don't need to lose any more weight. I picked up a protein powder yesterday while I was in town at a Whole Foods.

    Sandy, you too with the sewer rats? We have rats, but I live out in the boonies, not sure what I would do if I saw one in a terlet! How scary to think that we might not be able to afford insurance due to our "pre existing condition". I guess only healthy people are deserving of health insurance!

    NM, I didn't know that you did not have to be somewhere at a particular time in the morning, just need to be available by phone. That makes it nice. I hear ya about spending time on the computer. For me it works best to do it in the morning whilst having mese coffee. Then for the most part, other than work, I am done. I will peek in on facebook, or here, but not post. So, the biggest expense on a scan is for the doctor reading them?

    Wacko, congrats on the clean pooper. Oh, my favorite color and it has nothing to do with BC, is actually pink.

    Jazzy, hoping your trip with your sister will work out and you will have a grand time. I didn't even want to say anything, since you are trying not to think about it. So my apologies for that. And you even said something in the beginning, if I remember right, about not saying anything to anyone. Enjoy your stay at El Monte.

    Julie, LOL at not need heiny prep cuz you saw the rat. I agree! So sorry you have to do a biopsy, praying all is good. Enjoy your time in DW. Please let us know when you get results. And why do some folks in the medical profession have to treat us like crap. I have not had it happen to me, but to friends.


    Well I was shocked with my labs. I had been very emotional all day, waiting and waiting. Sat with my doc, talking for about a half hour. He knew what I was doing, kind of poo pooing it, but said it was ok. He felt as though I had gone my limits with chemo, due to the SE's I was having. Butbefore we end my session, he says he wants to look at my numbers. His jawed a bit, I went from 70's and 80's, down to low 52 on both of them. Normal is 30 and 37. Our town is having a "Healthy Lives and Custom Rides" for our Vets, and they are flying in Dr. Sisley, who is doing a study on MMJ and Vets with PTSD. So I want to go to that.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited September 2016

    Good morning friends!

    I survive the vendor visit and cut out of work early to run errands and come home to take care of a few business things I need to get done. Including a FAT INVOICE to my client. I realized yesterday we completed everything we were trying to do in August and very pleased by that. This process I have been working on with them is starting to gel. My client and I met and were pleased with the visit. But we both talked and agreed I need more help on this project. So that will happen next. Whew!

    Goldie- no problem talking about the sister stuff. I am just trying to not talk to her about it so I don't get pulled into this other stuff. I called her yesterday post vendor visit but no call back and she may be at her other house. They have company this weekend so will let that be and hope they have fun. I too hope this trip will work out okay too, I am planning on it regardless of the other stuff. I have drawn my line in the sand on this, right? Big Apple here we come!

    Chi- your weekend coming up sounds really nice! The emcee-ing sounds way cool and a fun time! Love all types of music festivals!

    Hoping all my other sisters here have some good things planned. Going to stay off the computer while away and will check in when I am back!

    Into the Fall we go!

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited September 2016

    Hi ladies. Well, lots going on with the 80 plus crowd in my world. My uncle had a heart attack yesterday (#4). I'm glad my dad and I were home. I called 911, and as of last evening, according to his daughter and DIL he's set up comfortably in CCU. He has 7 stents in him from his previous attacks, so not sure if he's going to need triple or quadruple bypass surgery. I guess I'll find out more today. He has two kids and a DIL who live with in 5 miles of him, which is fortunate for him. I've got my hands full with my dad.

    I discovered the beginning stages of a pressure ulcer on my dad. This would be the third one that's in the same place. The first time was when he was in the hospital for almost a year after a botched up surgery 13 years ago,but it cleared up pretty quickly once he was home. Second time was three years ago when he was so thin (100 lbs and 5'8"), but he was driving and 100% independent. It took 8 months to get that one to heal, with the help of the wound vac. Now I see what appears to be a stage 2 pressure ulcer, and my dad wants to try and heal it himself with nutrition, working out, etc. for a week before he'll see the doctor. I'm scared that thing is going to break open, because once it does I don't know if it will be able to heal 100%. My dad is in a completely different place then he was 3 years ago. He's not nearly as active as he was back then. Good times!

    Jazzy, I think you are going to love The Waldorf. It sounds like you and your sis have the perfect NY experience planned. Dinner out with my dad, but otherwise no holiday plans.

    Memasue, so sorry about your jaw! I would faaaareak out if I saw a rat of any size in my home. I flip out over field mice. A couple of years ago there was a garden snake in my uncle's house. I called animal control, and they attempted to talk me thru how to catch it. Long story short, I wasn't exactly Indiana Jones. Ewwww. Snakes!

    Goldie, I love how your MO got a little twitchy with respect to your TM numbers, and the fact that your off chemo. Sometimes docs can't see past their own specialty, and maybe, just maybe there's another solution with respect to keeping cancer at bay.

    Dara, I get my insurance thru ACA. My husband and I are both independent contractors (well, before I stopped working to take care of my dad) and before the ACA our insurance premiums in CA cost more than our mortgage, and this was for a plan that was mediocre through Blue Shield. Now we have an excellent plan (Blue shield gold, ppo, no deductible, $6,500 out of pocket maximum per person, $35 copayment for PCP, $50 copayment for specialists, $50 copay for all imaging and scans including MRIS and PET Scans). Our premium is still high, but not nearly what we were paying before, plus we have a better plan.

    Native, I hope you're sleeping well. Yay to a three day weekend for you! I get the feeling of needing to clean before workers come into the house. As I've said, I'll clean before cleaners come into our home. However, the truth is nobody gives a sh$t, and these people just care about getting paid for their service. They are not judging your home or how it looks, so I hope you and Sadie will get more R and R than cleaning this weekend,

    Sandy, I'm a HUGE UB40 fan, so that quote made me smile. Pass me the Red Stripe, please!

    Wishing everyone a wonderful holiday weekend!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2016

    saw the pa at the dermatologist.she said immediately it's telemangeosis from the radiation she did the biopsy.Will call with results .sutures to come out on16th.currently in Orlando.rained heavily most of the way up so came straight to the hotel.Will hit the theme park tomorrow.

    Enjoy your weekend

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2016

    Good Morning Ladies--

    I swear I talk to u gas everyday, but I must talk in my head.

    Lori--YAAA HOOO for numbers. sounds so much better--Relief. Whew

    SusyQ I thought u were kidding about a rat, it's for real??? WTF How did u even go in that room. Oh and TMJ I haven't heard that in years what a time u'r having--If everything else is good that's all that counts.

    Mary what a great pic. of such happy women.

    Dar gad u'r heiny is happy. What an awful test (to me) I hate that awful stuff--I don't even leave the bathroom for hrs when I drink that stuff--I get mine in a couple of weeks, and my crazy Drs. keep calling me for more blood work. I don't like Drs.

    Hsant u'r uncle now--wow u have to have al kinds of things happening there-I hope all goes wel for u'r family. Oh I watched the reunion I, LOLed The countess and Betthany went at it good, these women in real life would never hang around together--This Tom character sounds like he'll be a hoot.

    Oh Julie sounds like plans have changed but u always have Mickey, maybe Pluto too.

    NM I think we all like the fact that u get a 3 day weekend, hope the weather is nice there like it is here.

    Sandy u have a fun day coming up and again the weather is supposed to be nice.

    There's a BBQ planned for Sunday, but it's not my family, my SIL's so if I go I go, if not that's OK too. Some of them are nice, but not enough of them--even Joey sees it.

    Nancy I read on FB, i'm so sorry for this loss u just had in u'r family--so young too. My prayers go out to all of u. So sad.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2016

    Hsant, sorry to hear about your uncle and your dad. Praying that sore doesn't break open. Isn't your hubby coming out sometime soon?

    Julie, DW must be packed on a holiday weekend, I hope you are enjoying it. Do you go alone?

    Cami, why do all these damn doctors order all these tests and blood work, when they can't tell you what's wrong and they don't know how to fix it????

    Nancy, my prayers for your family as well. That is 3 young people I know that have lost their lives on a bike in 6 months, all of them just in their 20's.

    Put up 9 pints of beans yesterday, doing more maters today.

    I say we all join Jazzy in that hot spring pool!

    Massage anyone?

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited September 2016

    Good morning friends- cleaning up a bit and packing up to go.

    Goldie- doesn't this place look divine? Never been there before but think it is going to be a wonderful sanctuary. I am going to be in that pool later today and then on one of those treatment tables tomorrow. Going to spoil myself this weekend.

    Wishing you could all come with me. Hey, if it is a good spot, maybe a future rendezvous place for us sometime? I know you like the idea!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2016

    I,m on my kindle you have been warned

    Hsant hope your uncle is doing better today.your so strong to take care of your dad ,hope his sore heals.praying for him to eat well.

    Jazzy have fun

    Mam is home,she is now so frail,she has 2 pressure sores now.she has all the air mattresses etc but barely eats.just waiting

    Went to universal today .did rain a little but had fun.the parks have limited smoking areas but apparently those that smoke the e cigarette just walk around blowing the vapor wherever they to disney tomorrow

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2016

    Hi goils,

    Happy Saturdey, well what's left of it. Hope you are all having a good day. I've been fighting this blasted headache all day. It is hard to believe that these have been going on for nearly three months and I get very few days without them, uh. I woke up with a splitting headache this morning and have not been able to get rid of it all day. And I keep trying to determine what kind of health insurance plan to get but jest looking at em all make mese head hurt more. So I am jest watching some TV, jest found a channel that plays good ole shows, watched The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson, a show from 1972 and now watching bewitched, have not see that since I was a kid, whatta great show!

    Lori, OMG, such terrific news from you, I am so very happy for you honey! You deserve this There shure is something to be said about that RSO. uh, where can I find some? Thanks for posting the pics from where Jazzy is being pampered. I was looking at the website yesterday and lookiing at the menus as I had the munchies, tanks to my good ole friend Willy who makes mese hungry. He does help with the headache but geeze, can't just indulge all day long as it is expensive and not quite the healthiest way to kill a headache. So....I tink a partay in de lounge is in order to sailabrate your numbers.

    Suz, sorry about the TMJ ting, you said like TMJ but TM sumting else that is similar to arthuritis of the jaw? Ugh, you poor dear. Hope the diet is not too trying for you. Hope it feels better real soon.

    Julie, still saying prayers for you and for your Mum. Hope you enjoy your time at DW. You sure do deserve it. Are you anywhere near where de big storm hit? Wese expecting it to start around here tomorrow, all kinds of flood and wind warnings, I'm praying for the Jersey shore as the storm seems to be heading into the same direction that Superstorm Sandy hit.

    Speaking of Sandy, ChiSandy, hope tomorrow and Monday is all you want it to be and hope for nice weather. Sounds like your gonna have a fabulous remainder of this weekend!

    Jazzy,hope you are having a fab time at de resort, would love love love you all meet up there someday. Hey, we've made dreams come true in the past and can do it again, yay! I wish I was there too.wooo hoooo on writing a big fat invoice, sweeeeeeet it is. And uh, I bet your gitting furcited about your trip to NYC, the Waldorf will be amazing for you. Thank you and the others for all of your suggestions and commentary on the ACA plan. I have so many questions and have tried to call but can't get a human on the phone. Do you or anyone happen to know that if the annual deductible would be prorated since I will be joining so late into the year? Ugh, decisions make mese head spin ya know? Thanks for hearing mese biotch!

    Hsant, sending prayers for your uncle and some for you and your Dad too. I know how hard it is taking care of an elderly father and it is a lot on you. I hope you are able to make some time for yerself and do something that you love. Hope and pray that the ulcer goes away. Your post made me remember something that I saw on my Mom after she had passed and it was not pretty and is not anything i've spoken of in de past, my Mom had what is called a Kennedy Terminal Ulcert. It caught us all very offguard and the things progress so very quickly, it is pretty much the skin dying as the body shuts down. I tink it is what killed her so please, make sure your Dad's wound is looked at soon. ((((Hsant)))))

    NM, I expect that you are having a leisurely weekend, indeed, well deserved. Hmm, did you not post or did I miss it? Now tinking I missed a page of sumthing? hope this storm does not head your way as I know that you and Sadie jest love playing outside.

    Camille, nice to see your face. Darn that you will be having the dreaded scope in a few weeks. I can see why you park yerself on the terlet. I guess you can look at de bright side in that there are no rats starring up at your behind hehe!! But seriously right? Hmm, not sure what happened to Nancy's loved one, will have to check facebook, have not been on there for days. Be well my love and keep on coming back and not jest in your head, do ya hear me?

    ok, gotta get off this puter as it is starting to really hurt mese head, I tink it is my glasses and eyse that are making mese head hurt now, the glasses after awhile, seem to be jabbing my brain. damnit, so unfair. Oh well, life goes on eh?

    Wishing you all a pleasant and dwunk remainder of the holiday weekend! ChEErs and lots of love to all of ye goils!!!!

    Titties up, if ya got em!

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited September 2016

    Image result for labor day drinksImage result for labor day bbq food CHEERS!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2016

    I had to stop by that pool on my way in and then snuck in for another massage….ahhhhh!

    Julie, sorry to hear about your mom, I hope she is comfortable.

    Wacko, the RSO comes from a MMJ dispensary. Hoping that storm doesn't hit you hard.

    Shannon, you lil sneaky thing! Hey girl, you usually bring company! How are you doing?

    Not feeling the best today, I think I'll skip my RSO for today. I'm still struggling to eat and therefore still losing weight.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2016

    Good Morning Ladies,

    OMG Shannon what a surprise, it's so nice to see u, even for only a moment.

    Julie I glad u have Mickey and gang to hang around with, people must think u work there.

    Oh Lori, I'm sorry u don't feel well, please stop what u'r doing and just do nothing for as long as u can. U need to decompress some, u've been so busy lately now it's just time to rest. And I mean it too. I know u have ots of jobs, but u'r priority is u so u ca do a these things, so leave everything alone.

    Dara u'r headaches (constant) sounds terrible, oh I can give u some old Italian remedies, but I'm sure they wouldn't help--and I don't know anything that u don't to help u, could it possible stress related? But to me they sound horrible and I can't imagine that it's stress--and I'm not thinking of anything scary for the cause--headaches are a puzzle, even to Drs. Just pray it eases up very soon.

    I think we all need what we saw in the pics. Oh what relaxation time that would be. I would go back and forth all day and enjoy. I know Jazzy must be on coud nine or is it 10, whatever.

    Lori I've seen more Drs. than I ever talk about, and all I am is a mystery to them and they've said it's not in my head, (I wish it was) and I do hear but at least u'r NED which I am grateful for so I don't push a lot I guess. I think I've tole u al a couple of Drs. said I should be in a journal, if they ever figure out all this chit, So I wait for my super Dr. Right now they are concerned about my potasium and kidneys--bla blah blah. so it just goes on and on.

    OK I've moaned enough I hope everyone has a good long weekend. NM tis is a perfect time to have fun with Sadie.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2016

    Image result for onestoppro This is my boss, not such a good pic. but this baby actually tells me what to do--well not often cuz he knows. He asked me if I wanted a smart phone to use, the look on my face answered him, so he just said relax, u don't have to.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2016

    He's definitely eye candy, Cami!

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited September 2016

    Good morning, lovely ladies. My uncle is doing well. He didn't need major bypass surgery. The surgeon was able to put in another stent. He most likely will spend time in rehab before coming home. There are all kinds of family dynamics going on with respect to my extended family, and my uncle. I'm staying out of the line of fire.

    My dad has finally agreed to see his wound care doc., so I'll make an appointment after the holiday weekend. I'm not going to lie. This is a major source of anxiety for me. Thank the good lord for a nice Napa Cabernet and mindless TV.

    Goldie, thank you for your prayers. Much appreciated. I'm so sorry you're not feeling well. I hope you feel better soon, and get your appetite back. Count me in on some hot springs action, and a massage. Oh heck, throw in a facial, too! Ahhhh.....

    The hubs is flying out on Thursday for four days. Woo hoo!

    Jazzy, hope you're having an amazing time! How could you not?

    Cami, lol to Lu and Bethenny going at it. These hags crack me up. Very much looking forward to the reunion part 2. Plus, Orange County on Monday. I hope you could make it to the bbq.

    Your boss (cousin?) is one mighty fine looking gent.

    Juliet, Prayers out to your mom. I am all too familiar with that air Mattress. Once again, I'm so happy your mom made it to the wedding.

    Dara, thank you. I hope you're head ache free today. You've been under so much stress, so it's not surprising that it's manifesting itself into the form of a massive head ache. Sometimes, you just have to chill, forget the outside world and watch a little tv. I hope this included a little (or a lot) of JD.

    Native, I hope you and Sadie are enjoying the holiday weekend.

    It's a beautiful day today, so I'm going to (hopefully) get my pops out the door and into the world soon. Wishing everyone a happy Sunday!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited September 2016

    Good Morning DahhhhhLinks

    Sandy - You're M-cing and playing….Sounds wonderful, wish I could see you, no I won't blink.

    Lowee - Yay, yay, yay on ur numbers. Stick with RSO and it should continue to go down. Got 8 more days of soft food and wearing this tooth/jaw plastic gadget in my mouth at night. Made a few blender full of spinach/kale/fruit…someone jerking my chain when I hear that smoothies make u feel full…NOT!!

    Julie - u need a biopsy? That's what I get for not reading everything everyday. Glad your mam is home. Prayin all is OK.

    Hsant - sending out prayers for your dad and uncle…BIG HUGZ!!

    Cami - Nope, not kidding about the rat. I didn't kno it was in there til after my 1st

    Drink of the colyte. But I learned, yup I did. Handsome boss!!!

    Dara - I hate that u having a blasted headache. Can you take a couple ibupropin or something similar?? TMD is what I have…it's like TMJ but not as bad…mostly authur-ities in my jaw.

    Shannon - the array looks gr8, think I'll embibe in, well all of em. How have you been doing?

    Hsant - jes read ur last post, glad your uncle is doing better. Wish I cud b there to gibs u ANOTHER BIG HUGZ for ur anxiety about ur dad, prayers headed ur way.

    Lubslubslubslubs to all!!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2016

    Good morning girls, this post is prolly going to take a few hours, starting now then off to the park with the pooches. Last week was lots of fun going to Kelleys Island with my girls. Got home Wed, then our golf league had a scramble with a potluck, then Thursday I worked and had 15 clients! I was so pooped when I got home, was bizzy on Friday too. Yesterday went golfing with DH, the weather here is just perfect, sunny, 70's, wish it could just stay this way. Ok, now for sme catchin up.

    Lori, I see you had labs done, I'm sure results should be further down the page, oh I'm praying!!! Love the pics, I can still see that little boy from the Rifleman when I see that pic of Mark. Oh my gosh I cheated and peaked ahead!!!. TM's down??? holy shit you downplayed it so much! oh shit. I'm so happy!

    Sue, sewer rat? I musta missed somtin but bowel preps are no fun that's for sure! So sorry about the jaw problems, I have some mild TMJ, acts up every now and then. Soft food and no talking for 2 weeks! I'd prolly die! hope it's feeling better now.

    Ok, so I'm drunk, I admit it... it's now 7:36 at night.... we went downtown.. haven't bin there in awhile, now I'm hom, dwinking wine and feelin it. Gonna catch up a little at a time but post this for now..see you soon