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how about drinking?



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2016


    lori- hope the weather is not to bad for you but hope you got plenty of essential fl supplies thats booze and choccy

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited September 2016

    Hi ladies! Well, my uncle came home the other night, and seems to be doing pretty well. He's completely self sufficient, so the cuzzies don't really have to do much for him, which is a good thing for my uncle. Anyway, the hubs arrives this evening, and flies back Monday morning. He has to work for a few hours during the day, which is fine, because I can take my dad to the gym during that time.

    The wound care doctor my dad used a few years ago switched hospitals, and doesn't start at Metro for another two weeks. I scheduled an appointment with him, and my dad will see his PCP tomorrow.

    Thank you for listening to my rambling, for your advice, kind words and support!

    Native, cracked, (or as you ladies say "cwacking") me up about the conjugal visit!

    How cool that your CEO took the time to sit in on a meeting, AND listened to what you had to say. Unfortunately in an industry that's about helping people you don't always see that.

    Sadie may just want to protect your cookware from getting scratched.

    Pass me a straw for that hump day punch bowl! Love the Champs cocktail!

    Goldie, it really is amazing how your TMs dropped (woo hoo!!) with out the aid of chemo. I would think a lot of doctors would be interested in following your case with respect to RSO. How are you feeling? I'm sorry you're having trouble eating. It's bad enough not to have an appetite, but when swallowing is uncomfortable it makes eating a chore. Hopefully,once you start taking a syringe a month vs. everyday you'll regain your appetite. When do you leave for MI?

    Genny, the humidity is dreadful, isn't it? It's great that you're getting back into yoga, and good for you for giving up The Grape for a little while. I actually plan on doing a major cut back after DH leaves. I'll allow myself a glass when I go out for dinner, but I'm not going to buy any for the house. I'm going to try (key word being try) to do this for a month. Would love to meet you via Uber for some cocktails!

    Cami, it's awesome that your daughter is an esthetician, even if you have to wait for a little for some beauty treatments. Nice that you can get your hair done in the comfort of your home.

    I haven't watched this weeks OC or the NY reunion yet.

    Mema, My dad had Macular Degeneration, but it's dry so he doesn't have a major problem with his vision.

    It's amazing that you got your mom off the walker. They must have taken a lot of patience and work. Very admirable.

    Glad to hear that your ears aren't hurting as much anymore Sounds so painful! But I'm sorry about the big D. Wishing you all good news with your MO on Tuesday. Positive thoughts and prayers going out to you for clean scans!

    Jazzy, I saw a special on 60 minutes a few years ago. It was about a study that examined the life style factors that contribute to living past the age of 90 years. One common factor among the elderly that were interviewed was the majority carried extra weight on them. They weren't obese, but over their ideal weight. Another one was they enjoyed an alcoholic beverage or two a day, so drink up ladies!

    Juliet, Good luck at the surgeon on Tuesday. You can't put a price on peace of mind. You are going through so much with your mom, and my heart breaks for your dad. It sounds like she's resting comfortable, and has all her loved ones close by.

    Sandy, Wishing you a speedy recovery. Don't you have another surgery scheduled this month?

    I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2016

    Yup--Sept-Oct is our family Surgi-fest. I have trigger-thumb tendon-release surgery coming up Sep. 20, and Bob's cataract surgery is Oct. 5. (He had his other eye done 8 yrs. ago). If I heal well and quickly, I'll get my left eye done the following week. Now that I've scheduled my thumb surgery, the triggering has dramatically improved and is painless except upon getting up from lying down. I'd chalk it up to the cortisone shot finally “taking," but I doubt it takes two months for the stuff to work its way into the tissues. (On my other thumb years ago it worked within a day or two). The handout I got from my ortho surgeon's office says it can be “self-limiting," but according to corollary #12 of Murphy's Law, as soon as I cancel the surgery it'll flare up again. And his wife just had twins--his office called to postpone my followup appt. by almost 3 wks., which is too darn long to keep those sutures in.

    My eye is much better today. Surgeon says to use the shield only for sleep or in the shower--no shampooing for awhile except by my hairdresser (who has the right stuff that won't strip the keratin out of my hair). I had my follow-up today and was able to keep my eye open while riding in the car (the special shades fit over the shield). And the pain pretty much stopped when he applied a lidocaine drop. (Too bad I can't use it all the time, since it can destroy the cornea if used more than once in a blue moon). I can also start using the NSAID, steroid & antibiotic drops, which helped pretty quickly too. Turns out the pain was from a couple of tiny blisters on my cornea (it figures--I get blisters on my feet all the time, and I'm a seroma-former) which should resolve with the drops. Therefore, no contacts, ever. My acuity (sharpness) in the “new" eye isn't there yet (have to wait till the swelling goes down and I do still look like hell)--but the lens is much clearer and everything looks more vivid and 3-D. By comparison, the acuity in the left eye is still a little sharper (which is why I can type this) but everything out of that eye looks like it has a yellowish haze, like smog, over it. Guess you could say the right eye is blurry but the left eye is foggy. It'll be 3 more weeks till the swelling is down enough to refract that eye for reading correction--right now it's at about 20/80 (had been 20/40 before the cataract ripened), same as the left. And there is no astigmatism--I just put on a pair of drugstore readers and a square grid looks square, not like a rhombus or trapezoid.

    And since I can drink again by nightfall......limoncello shots out on the deck tonight! (Arnold Palmers for now).

    Cami, hope they can plug up that Big D. Hsant, glad your uncle’s burden has been lifted from you and your dad’s pressure ulcer can heal (and you can get some “me time” for once). And Jazzy--what a wonderful resort! Never been to Taos, only Albuquerque (and only overnight--to take a deposition, at that).

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2016

    Hi gals---Ladies in the morning and gas at nite

    Sandy so glad u'r eye is better, how awful it is when n eye hurts--well u have some surgery coming up--DH too. chit.

    NM Sadie cracks me up, so funny she takes pans and even more things--is she planning on moving to her own place?

    I'm sorry I don't get involved in all the technical talk about al this med. stuff--but u know I really don't get it--that's why I don't remark to anyone about what they are talking about, not cuz I don't care, it's my ignorance of all these subjects that I really should know. Cuz I certainly do care.

    Lori my whole life I never heard of any type of hurricane in AZ--even a touch of one. WTF is going on in this country.

    HSANT's with her DH now whoopy, it's about time.


    OK where is Dara, she reminds me of Waldo.

    I'm sorry again for not addressing everyone, but I've forgotten some things that I was going to say. (not unusual)

    This crazy heat is still going strong, I'm sure it has to stop soon or we'll go right into winter---which is not unheard of---

    OK I've used up all my cells for now so I'll close for now.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2016

    Image result for fun tgif pictures I don't know why, but I thought this was so funny.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited September 2016


    • 2 oz. dark rum
    • 3 oz. ginger beer
    • 1/2 lime juice
    • Collins glass


    1. Combine the rum,* the ginger beer,** and the lime juice, which is optional, in a tall glass full of ice cubes.
    2. Stir.

    * Bermuda's own Gosling's Black Seal is of course the preferred brand, but anything dark and funky will work.

    ** If you can find Barritt's, it's from Bermuda. If not, anything will work as long as it's ginger beer and not ginger ale.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2016

    Good morning girls, hope all had a good sleep. Got a little while before sunrise and dogs to woods. Took a Xanax last night, slept thru the hot flashes and feel very refreshed this morning. They are getting worse, hate the thoughts of them for the next 8 years but se's are better then mets so I'll just move into a meat cooler or something. DH already preparing for the cold house and freezing his butt off this winter, I told him I'll get him some long johns.

    Sandy, glad to hear you are feeling a bit better, eye pain and tooth pain are just the worse. Hope the upcoming surgeries go without a hitch and you and Bob are gazing into each others eyes by Halloween.

    hsant, glad to hear uncle is doing well. Maybe sometime in mid Oct we can plan a get together? I went 2 nights with no wine, almost bought some on my way home yesterday, I had such a crazy busy day and it sounded so good after... but I didn't. Got home, sat for awhile and ended up making myself a cucumber martini, it was good and still better than drinking 3 glasses of wine, which is what woulda happened if I'd bought it. My bff is a RN and she always talks about how older patients that have an extra 20#'s or so do so much better. She says if something serious like bypass surgery or fractured hip or whatever that the already skinny ones just waste away to nothing and don't do nearly as well. And I will say, the customers of mine that carry a few extra pounds look much better, but the very heavy ones have a tough time with mobility. Glad you got your dad the appt with the primary.

    NM, I agree about the BMI. According to the chats my DH is obese cause he's only 5'9" and he's muscular, he should lose about 10 pounds but is hardly obese. Too funny about Sadie taking the giant frying pan into the crate. So nice to hear about the CEO taking such interest, those type of bosses are a treasure for sure and unfortunately not the norm.

    Oops, want to address all of you but just realized the time, got to get moving, have a great day ladies!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2016

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Oh I see NM is in a hurry, but didn't leave us without a DOTD.

    Mary, Not fair--put up the ingredients for cucumber martini, which made me LOL. I know I wake up in the dark too now, and these hooligans in this house -when awake-never stop talking--ugh.

    I hope everyone has a great day today and it's TGIF day so that has to help. My boss is in MI with his family for a few days, he didn't figure it to still be so hot, so everything is so goofy with work, I want to just slap him. Yea well we know how far I'll get with that.

    I have to set up for work, I don't know why exactly but I'll take the heat for what we can't do and pretend we can. Somehow.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2016

    Julie, Booze – Check. Choccy – Check.

    Hsant, glad your uncle is home and doing well and DH should be there by now. My gosh, how long has it been since you saw him? The blood work is interesting for sure. And I have no idea how one goes about "documenting". I do have a calendar that I marked on, the days I was one chemo, the days I was off, my appts., when I started the RSO and when I started a full syringe a day, etc. But that's it, it's just on a calendar. Eating is a chore, that's a good way to put it.

    Sandy, laffing at the surgi-fest. I think Dara had that trigger finger release thingy, but I could be wrong…Dara?

    Cami, you funny lady, asking if Sadie was gonna get a place of her own. Actually, I think she has one! We didn't really have a hurricane, it was just the weather created by it. We really got nothing. That cat reading the book, sort of looks like Katy Kat, doesn't it? Isn't your Katy grey?

    NM, running a bit behind today? But leave it to you to get us a drink!

    Mary, those damned hot flashes….WHY? Why must we endure that. Since I quit chemo, mine have returned with a vengeance!

    Hard traveling this time of the year, as this is harvest time. But I have enough to get through, as I also have quite a bit left over from last year. Well, the weekend is here. I will be doing all last minute stuff, getting ready for mese trip. Still have more canning to do too!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2016

    trying to get some housework done but has i'm on the computer you can tell its going well, pt is not until 0345pm today due to the holiday week, so my schedule all screwed up, have a fun day people

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2016

    Back in my pre-bc days, I had a couple of triggering episodes in my L thumb--and as a right-handed guitarist, that affects me more since it’s the L hand that wraps around the neck and the thumb acts as the fulcrum around which the hand pivots to change finger positions--and all five fingers on that hand are “on the job.” The R thumb, OTOH, doesn’t do as much, because whether I flatpick or fingerpick, the thumb joint at play is the basilar one, not the distal (the one that’s triggering). My first triggering happened in 2005, and I got nearly-instant relief from a cortisone shot which lasted me three years. That second episode was painful, so I knew I’d need surgery. Had a shot so I could go out on tour, and had the surgery (including flushing out the cortisone to keep from eroding the tissues) the day after I returned. Some pain at first--and I had to do PT every day. No guitar playing till the sutures came out, but was told to start playing dulcimer right away after my first PT session, since it involves stretching but no gripping. No pain or stiffness after suture removal, and seven years later I couldn’t even tell you where the incision was--there is no visible scar. I keep rationalizing that perhaps since my R thumb has started behaving itself that I should cancel the surgery, because my surgeon just became the father of twins and I would be taking care of Bob when he has his own cataract done Oct. 5. (And at some point this fall I need to squeeze my L cataract surgery into my schedule--which includes Bar Show rehearsals and a trip to Iowa City for a music conference).

    Meanwhile, I’m finding it easier to read without my glasses--but wear them anyway because my swollen eye (which is still looking squinty) is less obvious behind lenses. Maybe I can get a lift to the mall today to have Lens Crafters put a blank lens in there. Need to get to WF to replace a few things I’ve depleted from the fridge--so will probably use my schlep-cart because I must still walk, due to my depth perception being kinda hinky. And a shopping bag is out of the question, as I’m not supposed to lift more than 10 lbs or bend over. Tomorrow night’s gonna be a challenge, because the formal dinner-dance we’re attending requires me to look at least passable....not sure how well I can see in the ballroom in dark glasses.

    No DOTD for me last night--took a Xanax instead of limoncello. Less fattening.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2016

    OMG sandy to much to soon--take care of everything first before u go hopping around and too you have u'r DH to take care of. My sister has gone almost blind in her one eye so she starts shots in it next week, now I'm thinking she takes such good care of herself and still has had all kinds of problems so maybe just do what u;r comfortable with and enjoy u'rselves.

    I see Hsant of not around, well not here at least.

    Lori I'm not going to preach to u anymore, u don;t listen anyway and I'm so derelict for me it;s silly.

    One of my drs. (card) called me 2x this week to get blood work done, chit is all I can say--I;ve been taking coconut and 6 Imodium a day, helps a little but I can't get to the hospital for my blood work, this is a joke now. I am so frustrated with this whole D thing I went out 2x this whole summer--then I have to take a backpack filled with supplies and clothes with me just in case

    Everyone is working so hard cleaning WTF is going on? Oh don't get me wrong I think it's great for everyone else, just not me.

    Oh yes Lori my cat is grey and trying to kill me now. I walk so slowly still bad foot to she thinks my legs are posts to walk thru and around. This is the same cat that found my cancer and actually saved my life, now she has regrets I guess--everytime I go to the bathroom she has to come with me and sit by me, and this is often sometimes and she won't get out of my way.

    Well that's it for now, Lori make a lot of smoothies with good stuff in them and and use a straw and throw a scoop of ice cream in it too. but always drink with a straw. I know u won't listen.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2016

    Image result for funny saturday morning quotes

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2016

    believe me cammi i been trying to do this apt decluttering for 8 months now and the fact not finished tells how motivated i am because usally find a book and thats it for the day

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2016

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Oh Julie I'm so proud of u, don't worry sooner or later it will get done. Remember the old----- picture u'r room as a clock, start at midnite and work around the room til u get back to midnite and it's all done? Well 1:am is a good time to stop.

    Oh it's the weekend so NM is either resting or working. And as u can see I didn't sleep much last nite so I'm already tired.

    Oh Oh I bought the dry Dove deodorant and it actually works well---OMG I'M TALKING ABOUT DEODORANT, I really need help..

    I'll be back latah.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2016

    Image result for ingredients for alcoholic drinksThis looked so pretty and good.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2016

    Cami, I'd slap that cousin of yours, right on the behind! Please don't ever stop preaching to me. Shows me that you love me. I thought they were coming to the house to draw your blood? And Katy loves you, I just hope she doesn't trip you up. My mom's dog does the same thing to her, but he's WAY bigger than Katy!

    Sandy, between you DH, you sure got a lot going on. Have fun at the ball.

    Well, is NM gonna pop her pretty lil head in the lounge this weekend? If not, we understand. Cami's got the DOTD.

    LDB, waiting anxiously to hear from you love.

    Just last minute stuff for me, before I leave on Tuesday. I saw this on FB, and it just cracked me up.


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited September 2016

    Good Morning DahhhhhLinks

    Been reading and lose track of time. Boy Ladies, have I been sleeping well or what. Overslept again today. Oy!!

    Cami - never heard of the 'start of midnight' to get your room or house done. I lke it tho. Thanks for sharing. I use either dove or secret but I get the clinical strenth stuff. U crawk me up with the turtle, LOL!!! (((for u n ur D)

    Julie - I'd rather read a book than clean too.

    Lowee - I finally got the dose right on the RSO, was taking way too much. When we go in on M & T for my tests and onco appt we will also stop at mmj dispensary. Can't wait for the one to open here.

    Ladies hopes u kno I lubslubslubs ya all but gotta run…muahmuahmuah!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited September 2016

    Goldie- LMFAO!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2016

    Goldie, I can never un-see that again. At least it’ll keep me away from Starbuck’s seasonal lattes.

    Cami, in your pocket for the bloodwork. (Can’t they send someone to draw it)? I hear you about the “stealth” cats--lost track of all the times I’ve unwittingly tripped over them, or even accidentally stepped on their little toes or tails (cue the bloodcurdling, guilt-tripping yowl).

    Called LensCrafters & VisionWorks--the two places with on-site labs--and both said it’s against company policy to replace one lens with a blank. (They can replace it with a prescription change--why not a “prescription” that says “no corrections?”--replace both lenses, or simply remove the lens entirely). Removing the lens without replacing it with something not only would look ridiculous, but would be pointless--if anything it would make my bloodshot eye and its swollen lid more prominent, and the point of wearing any glasses now is to camouflage it until it looks normal and/or I can wear eye makeup again. So what I did was Uber it up to Lincolnwood Town Center mall and get two pair of gradient sunglasses at LensCrafters: one pair of classic Ray-Ban Wayfarers, dark up top fading to clear at the bottom, for everyday till this eye heals; and a big bling-y fashionista pair of Ralph Laurens with darker gradients fading to amber at the bottom for dresswear (like tonight). Both pair accomplish what undereye concealer (still off-limits for at least a weak) would, protect me from indoor bright light (though for sunlight I still have to wear those welders’ glasses Solar Shields I was given--or at least the smaller pair I originally bought to cover my old rimless specs), and once this eye heals, I would have them in reserve for the other eye post-op. And if I do still need distance-and-intermediate-vision correction, I can replace the lenses with prescription ones. Meanwhile, while I was waiting the 2 hrs it took to replace the very dark gradients in the Laurens with lighter ones, I shopped at Old Navy. Got a bunch of T-shirt dresses on sale (still an XL, not XXL, thank goodness) and then saw some even bling-ier mirrored sunglasses for $15 a pair. Not gradients, too dark for indoors, but perfect for outdoor use if I don’t want to look dorky. (Had planned to try Sunglass Hut first--but it was replaced by a cellphone store, so that’s why I went on to LensCrafters). Had I seen the Old Navy shades first, I might have saved a bundle, but then I wouldn’t have these uber-cool hipster-ironic Wayfarers.

    Gonna head upstairs, put together my outfit for tonight (dressy black shell or tank, palazzos, sheer black jacket and whatever dressy shoes or sandals are comfy and don’t aggravate my blisters or give me new ones), and take a shower. Too bad I can’t wash my hair yet--and my stylist is off today even if I could Uber it over there; I don’t trust anyone else to do a shampoo & blowdry without stripping the keratin treatment from my hair. Not every salon uses sodium-and-sulfate-free shampoos & conditioners, and I feel ridiculous bringing my own. So I’ll have to trust dry shampoo, my styling tools and maybe a bit of shine spray (all with my operated eye closed).

    Speaking of which, after I put my first set of drops in this morning, I closed that eye, and gasped--the vision in my left (not-yet-operated) eye is like looking through a yellow frosted window. How on earth did I function with both eyes like that???

    DODT: whatever they’re pouring tonight at the Black Tie Gala From Hell. But not so much of it that I can’t give the cabdriver coherent directions home from Navy Pier. (DH intends to not just eat but also drink his money’s worth--so neither of us belong behind the wheel).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited September 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Well, it looks like my last post didn't ALL post, only the DOTD!Not sure how that happened, but there it is.Having a lovely lazy Saturday, do have one load of laundry on the line and several games of fetch played.Shaking my head wondering where my last post disappeared to, guess the gremlin got me!

    Genny--Yikes, the hot flashes are not fun.Poor hubby, maybe some battery operated socks andmaybe they make battery operated long johns?Or at least a plug in throw for watching TV?

    Cammy--at least that much of my post got through!

    Goldie--keep the calendar--that's the kind of documentation researchers will be looking for someday.Actual calendar notes are much better than trying to reconstruct the chronology of events from memory.

    Julie--computer always more fun than housework!

    Chi--xanax IS less fattening than Limonchello, but the Limonchello tastes way better!

    Cammy--do you still have a nurse coming to the house?Get the card to call them and let them come get the blood test.Might as well get some benefit from the home visits, right?

    Turtles RULE!

    Julie--you and me, too!When I'm in a book, I'm in a whole different world, no clutter, no worries, no work!

    Yummy layered dwinky!

    Goldie--yup, here's my head and all the rest of me!Got enough items crossed off the TO DO list to earn a trip to the HTL!Reclining in the pool with a dwinky in hand and relaxing.

    No, I do NOT like pumpkin everything.Most of that stuff tastes HORRIBLE!Every yearI try Pumpkin Spice coffee, every year I throw it away after 1 or 2 sips.I tasted Pumpkin ice cream once, blech!Pumpkins belong in pies, sometimes muffins, very, very rarely coffee cake.NOT in coffee, ice cream or other such stuff.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:for those of you who look forward to Pumpkin Everything season:

    Great Pumpkin Punch Cocktail


    Serve in a hollowed out pumpkin with floating pumpkin chunks.

    Best served in a Beer Mug.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2016

    One of the most disgusting pumpkin things I ever ingested was Great Lakes Brewing Co. Pumpkin IPA. Ewwww. Tasted like pumpkin guts (from making Jack-O-Lanterns) smells. Oddly, there’s a little pub in Ft. Madison, Iowa called Lost Duck (so named because the Mississippi River, which migratory birds follow to guide them, flows E-W at that point, and the ducks get confused). I was there one Oct. and had their pumpkin spice lager, and it was yummy.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2016

    had a pumpkin and white chocolate cookie from walmart ,not too bad!,

    mam just gone back to the hospital ,her breathing this time,very confused but her sats ok ! i'm sure her abg is horrible tho! wish hospice was not reserved for those last few days ( too much demand) and has she has failed the end of life before in medical language ,she is palative but has issues that require treatment,AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH we are all praying very hard for the end soon ,just skin and bone now

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2016

    Juliet, so sorry about your mom. When my mom went into home hospice, the criterion was a) that no more medical interventions were desired or would be performed, with palliative care only; and b) that the treating physician believed she had six months or less to live. She was kicked out of hospice when her six months were up and she was doing well enough to go out to dinner, movies & shopping, albeit on oxygen and using a Rollator. She made it seven and a half months from admission, until her breathing got too difficult, her spinal stenosis pain required opioid patches, and she died suddenly at home, almost immediately after pressing the button on her emergency pendant. (She was found on the floor of her walk-in closet, clutching the hem of a housecoat because she didn’t want the EMTs to see her in a nightie). Given your mom’s dire condition I don’t understand why she wouldn’t meet the “end-of-life” criterion. I’ve had several relatives pass away within a day or two of checking into in-patient hospice, where they were made comfortable without the tubes, monitors, and hubbub of hospitals.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2016

    the uk hospice is so busy literally will only admit if actively dying,on paper she's a train wreck but keeps surviving stuff that kills a normal person!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2016

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Oh my heart is breaking reading about u'r mom Julie and Sandy how u'r mom must have been thinking about how she looked. Julie it is so difficult watching our moms go thru a difficult time passing, day after day and there is nothing u can do but pray. And yet being selfish enough to not want it to happen at all, and Sandy u'r poor mom being alone at that time. I'm so sorry.

    Oh I had nurses or tech come in for a litmited time and then it stopped, but my D didn't stop so I don't get it at all, and I'm not a pushy person (I know I sound like it) I don't understand all this crap and in a way I wish it away and don't face what I should, I'm a horrible patient and I've been told that cuz I just don't speak up or ask OOOHHH mese or mice.

    Sandy my sister (as I've said) is going thru all kinds of chit with one eye and when she tels me in detail what has to be done my eye litterally hurts and sometimes I have to stop her from telling me the whole story and then we LOL.

    Lori I always know u do a lot--u work, do all kinds of things and I know u don't feel well a lot. And yes I worry about u and I lubs u so I have to preach to u and I don't want u to ever be sad--u'r doing so well and u can keep doing well and that's what we all want. U goofy bi*ch.Heart

    Oh all of u are busy and just keep on keepin' on, it's wonderful.

    Oh it got so cool yesterday great sleeping weather, if I could sleep, I was alone, why that bothers me now I have no idea, anyway this feels good--the sun is out and a great breeze, finally. But oh it's dark until like 6 something--that I don't like.

    Happy Sunday-Funday everyone and NM u've been exposed to the gremlin now, it's so frustrating. It happens to me a lot.

    OK I'l close for now---LUBS U ALL.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2016

    Image result for ingredients for alcoholic drinksHAVE NO IDEA WHAT ML MEANS, BUT U GALS DO SO.......

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2016


    Never heard of treating a room like a clock for cleaning.

    Jazzy, I thought the pumpkin man was pretty funny. Have you ever seen the Richard Simmons Salad?

    Image result for richard simmons salad

    Sandy, amazing how you were looking through yellow haze all that time and didn't realize it. I think pumpkin lager sounds good. How cute that your momma had to make sure she was covered. I hope she didn't suffer.

    NM, thanks for letting me know that the calendar is good documentation. But Imoosta say, I do like the pumpkin coffee and ice cream.

    Julie, sending lots of love and hugs your way, for you and your family. Your mum is one tough cookie.

    Cami, I'm feeling much better these days, since I am no longer doing the chemo. But now the MMJ does make me feel loopy sometimes! And I'm not sad either, promise. And do tell, why should I drink out of a straw? Pretty soon we will be waking up and going to bed in the dark.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2016

    cammi-you need home visits,probably need to be renewed every few months per insurance, wish your d would give you a break, think you need to break out your Italien

    just talked to mam on video chat, please let it be soon, not flying home yet, so many false alarms will keep getting things ready for my nieces trip

    chi hope you had a fabulous night

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2016

    It was a lovely, albeit too expensive night. (Bob had invited a colleague, who accepted--and then we found out two days ago the guy had forgotten about a wedding invitation he and his wife had accepted. So we paid $800 for two dinners that didn't get eaten--and they don't do doggie bags at these things. We'll just take a deduction on the full value of those two tickets, as we derived no offsetting benefit from them).

    The food was wonderful, the speeches interminable. The emcee, a local news anchor whose mom is general counsel for the hospital's parent corporation, had promised to give everyone a heads up about the fireworks, which start earlier as the days get shorter. Unfortunately, the keynote speaker's redundant ramblings--during which he kept calling out people by name, telling them to stand up, insisting the house lights come up so he could see them and then making everyone give them standing ovations once the lights went back down, ran ten+ minutes overtime and there was no fireworks announcement during dinner--the only way anyone knew was the lights of the police boats drifting by into position. I missed all but the last two minutes. But it was nice to see them without a yellowish filter

    Drinks were a Folie a Deux Chardonnay, a La Terra Cabernet Sauvignon.....and an iced limoncello shot on the deck once we got home.