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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited October 2016

    Good morning, Loungettes!TGIF!!!!! So looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow.And puttering around the house, and not having to be in the car driving around.Been a busy week, but got a lot of good stuff done so it's good.

    Jazzy--like the hair cut and color.I bet you can really rock that look!It does sound like you picked a good time to be away from the workplace craziness.Enjoy the breather and being able to watch the drama from afar!

    Goldie--Yup, Sadie has me well trained.As it should be, since I'm supposed to be the responsible adult hooman being, right?Found her curled up on the dirty laundry this morning, I must have been tossing and turning too much last night.I cannot imagine leaving a baby in a car, and to have it die from the heat, just too wrong.Your insurance only lets you see docs in your county?And no specialists?Something sounds wrong there.I swear we need to start a movement of people boycotting insurance and paying for medical care out of pocket (you can make arrangements with most hospitals, docs, etc for paying over time and for paying a total much less than the amounts driven by insurance companies) and put that entire industry out of business.Cool cow balloon!Please tell me that she didn't deflate by farting methane gas!

    Mema--Praying for your Auntie Pat, that she stays comfortable and peaceful.

    Julie--praying for your Mom.She has been through so much and she deserves to be comfortable now.Hope the shoulder isn't too bruised and sore.And that you get the last few degrees back.Glad you are safe from the storm.

    Cammy--take a nap for me, too, I am dragging my butt out of bed this ayem!And noses and depends absolutely do NOT go together, I agree!I'm praying for Leslie, too.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Banana Banshee recipe

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited October 2016

    Good morning friends- finished up on site yesterday and some things to wrap up today, and then on to my vaca! My hair cut and color came out awesome, and can show a photo here as my stylist did a profile photo so it really does not show my face. Tomorrow I will go get my nails done and then will be all "prettied up" for my time in the big apple!

    Watching the updates on the storm the hurricane and hearing from friends and family via FB that they are okay so far. Hoping Juliet and her family are okay?

    There was a scary moment yesterday at the balloon fiesta with a sudden shift of winds. As I arrived at my client site, the regular balloons (meaning not special shapes) were going up and drifting over the building to the northeast. The special shapes were inflating and going up second but then suddenly, a gust of wind pushed the existing balloons quickly to the SE. We looked up to see all these balloons going hard and fast and some were quite low. I was worried some might crash but those pilots recovered quickly and road out the gust. Wow, never seen that before but shows you how unpredictable the whole thing can be. The special shapes did a ground inflation, but nothing more went up.

    I have to get some things picked up as the cleaning company is here in a few hours and it will be nice to have the house clean before I go. More to follow on balloon pics, I promise!

    Wishing everyone a good day!


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited October 2016

    For Goldie......



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2016

    LDB, glad you Aunties are doing ok. Has to be hard on you, you and your family have been through a ton o chit over the last few years. Most of the women in my family, on my mom's side and my mom and myself included, have done a lot of work in the medical field, therefore that is why I think my mom thinks that it is ok to do some of the things she does.

    Julie, glad you are ok. I'm so sorry to hear about your mum, but I guess this is what we were expecting. Although I know it doesn't make it any easier on your family or your dad. I did not know you left anywhere via a plane? As I'm pretty sure you just drive to DW. Glad you are out of Mathews way.

    Cami, I'm laffing my butt off right now about the Kleenex, mom def. needs more than that! I sure hope they can figure out what is wrong with Les. We don't need any more chapters in that book about your family and illnesses that they can't figure out!

    NM, you are most def. the responsible adult hooman being! Wasn't close enough to the cow to smell any farts! LMBO! Wishing you and Sadie a most relaxing week end.

    Oh Jazzy, she DID do an amazing job. So glad you could share. How scary for those balloons that were up in the air. Have a fab time girl in NYC.

    Leaving beery early tomorrow morning and I don't remember if we get internet there or not. No plans on when we will get back, just when we feel like it!


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2016

    LOL Jazzy, that frog is still poopin. Look at the second one!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2016

    Jazzy, you look terrific! Lori, too funny!

    Juliet, prayers for your mom’s peace & comfort.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2016

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Jazzy I love u'r hair, that's the style I wanted, but my hair is all squingy so it sure doesn't look like that. Hey I'm the only one that doesn't get my pic. taken--with good reason, not u, I've seen u before and u'r so pretty, u goof ball. Oh we're going to miss u and I hope u have a great time and no goofy weather gets n u'r way. See Balloons are way to scary, but bootiful to fly.

    Lori u getting ready this time, so the weather must be all right for u finally. Have a very relaxed time and lots of fun.

    Julie I'm still watching the weather, but as long as u'r all right I'm glad--I watched the procession of cars on the highway too... Holy chit no one was even moving. Prayers for u'r mom.

    SusyQ prayers for u'r family too, everything seems to hit at one time or anytime, Lots. of things happening

    Sandy are u all right, U just seem not u'rself maybe u'r just tired. I hope.

    Well another "don't know" from a Dr. for Leslie, I think she's going to loose it and take down the whole medical profession. I know I think different, but when a Dr. knows their patient is mentally ill, u'd think that would have them call in a timely manner. She was told he would call her yesterday (which they never should say) but they did and then no call or communication t all. She did call back at the end of the day and tell the nurse, it's been 8 weeks now and no one can tell her anything, then she said aren't these Drs/ capable of reading a test. Oh Leslie, not a good thing. Only cuz the Dr. reading it actually came out and tole her he would have these results for her Dr. the following morning. And like I said she has never missed work or school cuz she didn't feel well, she'd always go--Both my girls have a very good work ethic (and school) OK not from me, I admit it. So I'm really worried, this is just to long. I'm just worried. And too my family has conjugated the word cancer so my mind goes there too. Almost every kind.

    Whew glad u gals let me vent, cuz I always do with u.

    I hope NM is really taking advantage of this morning with sadie, I'll first look, then get the drink if she hasn't.

    Have a great Sturday everyone.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2016

    Image result for bartenders recipes Looks so pretty, still some summer drinks, but they look good.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2016

    just a quick update,mamdied peacefully this morning

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited October 2016

    Juliet- I am so sorry for your loss. Sending you love, comfort and peace on this difficult day.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2016

    I’m fine, Cami—my post on this thread wasn’t long because I didn’t have anything really to add….but we did have champagne (Mumm Napa Demi-Sec, which we’d already had open in the fridge) to celebrate the Cubs' NLDS Game 1 win. Staying over in Oak Lawn tonight with Bob (he’s driving and back at work already, but doesn’t want to try night driving yet), so I’d better not wear my Cubs’ shirt. (Diehard Sox territory). I’m pushing it as it is driving down to the S.W. Side with a Hillary bumper sticker…..

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2016

    Julie, I am so sorry about u'r mom. My prayers for u'r family.

    Sandy I'm glad u'r OK just checking.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited October 2016

    Good afternoon friends- rainy day here in NM, but we can always use the moisture. I was up early to check in on line, do some laundry and work on some of the smaller stuff I need to pack (jewelry, vitamins, cosmetics) then out to do errands before I go. Got myself some "road snacks" as I will have an early & long day tomorrow. I arrive in NYC a bit before 3 p.m. and my sister arrives about 90 min later. I checked my flight info last night and had myself going through Baltimore (usually do when I fly SW to the east coast) but realized I am actually doing my connection through Love Field in Dallas.

    Home for a few hours and then going to get my nails done. Glad to have this day in between work and travel so I am not so rushed and exhausted. Learned this the hard way a few times by trying to travel right after finishing work the day before. I will have a day on the front of this trip and one on the back end before I enter the fray.

    Cami- it is so frustrating about your DD not being able to figure out what is wrong with her. That pain means something, but the tests and scans are not finding it.

    Juliet- I hope the family is able to be together to comfort one another during this time of loss and change. Hugs sister

    NM- hope you are enjoying some nice New England foliage?

    Dara- hope the headaches are better and you get some help with this termination situation.

    Goldie- glad you enjoyed the front photos. Poopin frog in the photo was something!

    Wishing you all a good duration of the weekend as well as a good week next week. Will pop back in here when I am back and settled with some stories and photos to share!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2016

    hi girls, I have started to post and gotten interrupted so many times and then delete what I started. I've been checking and reading here and there but really so far behind. I'm on a short little golf vacation with hubby right now right at the Ohio Pennsylvania line. Dogs are boarded about 15 minutes away. We are at the bar, DH watching football and m typing on my phone. Everything good on my end, I have some pics to post from my puter when I get home. Not diet this weekend, going out for Italian later, Yum!

    Not going to address everyone, too hard to type with my phone but wanted to tell

    Julie... so sorry about your mum, my thoughts and prayers for you and your family.

    Hasn't, got to go back and find out how your dad is doing. Hope you find just the right place for him.

    Cami, need to read back to see what's up with Lezlie....hope things get figgered out.

    Jazzy,Lori, NM, Sandy, Dara and everyone else, love you all, hope it's a good weekend

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2016

    Julie - BIG WARM HUGZ!!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2016

    Lowee - that 2nd frog pic...that is just a hot-air shart. didn't know sharts were in color tho...


    No results yet from my tests. Do a neuclier(sp) stress test on the treadmill on Tues morn...once I get all my results, will let you all kno.

    Wishing all better days, hope ya all take time to find something to SMILE about. My heart sending lots 'o love and prayers to all!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2016

    Image result for bartenders recipesHoly Chit this is big--I'll catch up later just thought I'd start the day with a DOTD--Have safe and fun trip Jazzy--we'll miss u and I think Lori s gone too--have a great time Lori--Good to see u Mary and SusyQ we're all waiting.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2016

    WTF no one was here today. we're falling apart, with Jazzy and Lori gone we're in a hole--come on ladies and speak u'r mind, cuz I do.

    OK here's something my DD read her report today on the computer. It said her GB is working at 16% and it looks like something is blocking something. I really speak Dr. don't I. This has been going on for 9 weeks and she was even told at one point to just get used to the idea that she has chronic back problems and she told them it was her GB 9 weeks ago. This never should have happened, sometimes Drs. just don't listen to their patients cuz they know better. And they should know better, but sometimes u really have to listen to u'r patient when it's possible that there is a solution and even to shut them up. So I hope tomorrow wil give her the solutions she needs and she can finally be without all this pain.

    OK I had to rant a little, well a lot. Thanks gals.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2016

    OK I see no one is writing so I will use this as my own personal notes. I watch TV til ll hours nd see the most commercials for products that people have used and now they're suing for cancer of some kind. OK this one I don't understand at all--how can u possibly prove tht u used talc and u got cancer. I mean people have used this for many years so who would know thst, no one really announces that they use it so how can anyone prove it???It boggles my mind, I had cancer and never used it many years ago, Well at least u can prove hair loss for taxetere if u got that for breast cancer, that would be easy to prove. Just things I think about for some strange reason and since no one is using this space I would share my views, and I'll probably have more views, cuz I'm loaded. With views at least.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2016

    OK Now I'm saying Good Morning to myself???

    I actually slept a full 5 hrs. during the night, so decent nite for me. MyYeast infection is back and I think I have another UTI, I'll wait til next week for that stuff, it all just started so that's 2 different kinds of meds and we're in a bad week for anything extra this week, but we'll be fine in another week or so. This is no big deal I know, but I'm running out of things to talk about. So I'l do my usual complaining. BTW (this is silly) my foot is still not healed it's stil a different color and swollen LOL See I can still have more to complain about. HAHAHA

    I know it's early but DARA, DARA, DARA anything going on????

    SusieQ we should all hear things this week right?

    I hope Julie is doing all right, it's a rough time.

    OK I'll check back later and N I hope u get to take Sadie to work again this week.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2016

    Image result for bartenders recipesHave no idea what a couple of those liquors are but I found this for the day. Relax today NM

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited October 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Apologies for not getting on over the weekend, I really was tired and didn't do much besides sleep and ketchup on computer work.Friday turned into a horrendously long and difficult day, last visit went from 4 peeyem to 6:30 peeyem.It was a joint visit with a social worker, most of the time spent mediating between the daughter and the girlfriend.I finally had to jump in and talk to them like a couple of arguing children to get them to focus on taking care of the patient for the next few days.The social work and I were both exhausted by the time that visit was over!How can people who both care so much for the same person get so caught up in the past and arguments and such?I know it's the stress and emotions running so high, but really, what a day.I dragged all Saturday morning, sat down to watch a movie in the middle of the afternoon, woke up enough to go to bed at 11:30, then slept till 7:30 ayem Sunday!Good thing Sadie was in a mellow mood this weekend.

    Jazzy--Hooray for vacay!The hair looks fantastic!So scary about the balloons.Glad nobody got hurt.Love the Frog!And the Fire Hydrant!

    Goldie--Have a great trip, come home when you feel like it, pop in iffen you gets a chance.

    Cammy--Thanks for covering the DOTD over the weekend!Poor Leslie, I would go nuts, too, if I was told results would be ready at a certain time.I tend to hold medical people to promises like that.Waiting for results is bad enough but when you know the info is out there and someone just isn't opening the file or picking up the phone, well, I go nuts.And then to wait and hear "don't know"is just torture.


    Jazzy-- I try to schedule at least a day before and after traveling before going back to work, just need the decompression time from travel, and like having the time buffer if there are delays or other problems.The foliage is turning and starting to look great, but the wind is coming up and the leaves are coming down, so it won't last long.And they're talking about wind chills for today!Temps 40's,. Feels like 20's.Good bye summer.

    Genny--hope you enjoyed the golf mini-vacay!

    Mema--Sadie and I smiled a lot over the weekend, me in my sleep, Sadie laughing at me!

    Cammy--the Pumpkin Cider Cocktail sound absolutely yummy!I'm glad Leslie got some info, finally, and that it probably is her gallbladder.GB issues can be so very painful.And docs SHOULD listen to patients, way more often than they do.Hopefully now someone will actually do something helpful for her.It is amazing how a new drug is a "miracle" one year and fodder for lawsuits the next.Like we don't know that all drugs have side effects, and that there are risks.We do learn a lot about drugs AFTER they are approved by the FDA (it's called Post Market Surveillance).So hard to find a balance between research forever and never making the drug available to those it could help, and getting new drugs out quickly but before we know enough about them.Such a crazy world.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2016

    The cancer linked to talcum powder (talc-based, not cornstarch-based, powder) is ovarian, not breast. Apparently, Johnson & Johnson knew of the connection decades ago and kept making the stuff anyway without a safety warning on the packaging—even though they, too, eventually switched to a cornstarch formulation. The skin of the vulva is very delicate and often has microperforations (which is why it is the most common entry point for bacteria & viruses causing STDs in women). The talc particles, unlike cornstarch which dissolves harmlessly into sugar, enter the bloodstream from the vulva and via capillaries make their way into the reproductive system. The science I’ve read describes the insoluble talc particle as almost like the “seed” that irritates oysters into secreting nacre to protect itself from it, eventually forming a pearl; but in the ovary, tissue hyperplasia occurs from increased estrogen secretion as a reaction to protect the lining of the ovary from the particle, causing a tumor around the particle which occasionally mutates into a malignant one. Can a woman with ovarian cancer absolutely prove that using talc to dust her privates caused her to develop that cancer? No more than a smoker with lung cancer can “prove" his or her tumor was caused by the cigarettes. But like the lung cancer-smoking or oral cancer-snuff link, the correlation between long-term use of talc in the vulvar area and ovarian cancer in susceptible women is so strong that courts have found it to be causational, and talcum powder makers have set aside funds for settlements. (It’s a form of product liability, which is strict—i.e., no negligence need to be proven because the product when used for its intended purpose and in its intended manner is inherently dangerous). If you used it on your feet, armpits or outer skin instead of dusting your privates, and got ovarian cancer, you’re out of luck if you try to sue. If you got a different cancer, same thing.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2016

    Hi gals

    Oh I knew I'd get some answers here. Thanks Sandy, and I didn't mean my breast cancer, a few yrs. back I had a complete hysterectomy cuz of cancer--but that's a whole other story. LOL

    NM glad u got some really needed rest, sounds like u and Sadie were compatible partners this week end. And Leslie is seeing a surgeon this morning, this new Dr. wants her GB out ASAP. I knew my medical group (sister, cousin and me) were right from the beginning, remember she has been in pain for 9 weeks, that inexcusable to me anyway. So now we see when. I did tlk to Joey cuz he asks a lot of questions about all of this to ease his mind (he worries) so he seemed to be more at ease when I told him all of this family has had this done and his aunt (my sister) had it done by the robot , which he liked of course. So did I actually.

    OK that's it for the night. See u gals in the morning.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited October 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday!Cold enough for frost here this ayem.The wind was really blowin' a gale yesterday, had power out ages all over the place, branches and trees down everywhere, lot of leaves flying around, it was quite the day.Very pretty, too, with the weekend rain really making the foliage colors pop.

    Chi--great explanation of the talcum powder/cancer connection.

    Cammy--so good you can explain things to Joey and ease his fears.He is a real gem!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Falling Leaves Cocktail



    1. 1.
      Combine ingredients in a mixing glass and fill with cracked ice. Stir well for 20 seconds and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a whole piece of star anise.
    2. 2.
      * To make honey syrup: combine equal parts honey and hot water and stir until honey is dissolved. Store in the refrigerator.
  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2016

    I should have had a drink to forget last night’s 13-inning loss by the Cubs, but I was already falling asleep by the end of the game. Since I was up past 3 am and had to get up before 9 this morning, my DOTD is a double espresso

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited October 2016

    Long story short, my dad is in hospice. Pulmonary fibrosis has caught up with him after 10 bouts of pneumonia and various other respiratory issues due to a botched surgery when he had an aortic aneurysm removed from his stomach in 2003. Thankfully he's still sharp and alert. I'm cherishing every moment with him.

    My issue with hospice is PT isn't an option. Since my dad has been on premedisone, he's been thriving, but he's weak after being in the hospital for five days and since coming home hasn't left his bed.

    Julie, I'm so sorry about your mom, but I'm happy she left this world peacefully and with dignity. My prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time.

    Haven't had a chance to truly catch up with everyone, I'm over whelmed with my situation, but will catch up when Ican.image

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2016

    Juliet, I didn’t scroll fat back enough to see your post that your mam is finally at peace. May her memory be for a blessing.

    Hsant, prayers that your dad’s precious remaining time with you will be meaningful and comfortable.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2016

    Hsant, love and prayers going out to you. I know it is just the hardest thing to witness a parent declining. You look so pretty, hate that you are so very sad but understandable. Hang in there luv.

    I am up early because I went to be at dinner time yesterday. I've read the posts but the freaking headaches are taking control of me and keeping me away from the computer.

    NM, I thought it was jest the cutest ting that you were able to bring Sadie to work with you on all of those nice fall days. I hope that she is not too disappointed that it has to stop due to harsher weather. Ugh, so hate this time of year.

    Julie, still praying for your heart to feel better, I know how it hurts losing a parent, it just sucks...prolly the most suckity part of all of life.

    Chi, happy Yom Kipper.

    Jazzy, hope you are having a wonderful time in NYC!

    Cam, love to you and thanks for screaming for me so often, mese heard ya each time. Prayers for Leslie to get answers and relief. I feel her pain.

    Hey hey hey to anyone I missed, gotta run bfore mese head essplodes, been a bad few days.

    K, gonna have some coffee and continue working on my case with the EEOC. I was going to head over to Philly this morning to file but do not feel fully prepared so perhaps one day next week. I also have errands to run, mainly rounding up some dough from two savings accounts to pay bills then depositing into my checking account.

    chEErS and lubs lubs lubs, it's all wese need!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited October 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day!One thing about being a Hospice nurse is that I get to see the cycle of life.Had a patient death yesterday ayem.After doing the post-mortem care, while waiting for the Funeral Home to arrive, I got to hold and play with an 8 week old baby.Just starting to get a social smile, just starting to coo, and totally handsome, with some features clearly from his grandfather.He was wrapped up in a baby blanket that his Mom made while pregnant with him, mostly during times when she was sitting in the hospital with her Dad.It was a nice way to spend a sad morning.

    Chi--I'm with you, even getting way more sleep than you I am practically living on caffeine lately!

    Hsant--I am so sorry your Dad is not doing well.Don't worry about ketchuping here, just pop in and let us know how you are doing when you can.It's an overwhelming time.Good for you for focusing on your Dad for now.

    Dara--Sadie will be miffed with me when it gets too cold for her to ride with me, but for now she's a very happy camper riding around, barking at bicyclists and other doggies, and getting extra pettings and tummy tickles.I wish I could do something about your headaches, that is such a disruptive kind of pain.Praying for you!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Satin Angel

    1 oz Frangelico® hazelnut liqueur

    fill with 3/4 cream

    1 splash Coca-Cola®


    Add a splash of Coca-Cola to the Frangelico over Ice, and fill add the cream.