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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2016

    LDB, Moab is next week. We were gonna leave Monday, but they weather doesn't look too good. So we may wait until Tues. or Wed. And listen here missy, who's calling the kettle black!!! Skinny Minnie! Muscle Milk? Ha ha, funny story when DH had to have the halter monitor.Well, did some boom chickey, and when the doc was looking at the reading, he asked him if he was feeling ok during that particular time. We both just looked at each other and laffed! As for moms pills, they did call the police, they did say they knew who did it. However, there is no proof what so ever of anything. So the report only said home invasion. But she let the bitch come back over to buy from her! Also, the dog would NOT let a stranger in that house.

    Hsant, my mom slowly declined. Started out getting her a seat for her toilet. Then the walker, for which she didn't want. And then finally to a wheel chair. But she does nothing to help herself. Unlike your dad. I am so sorry for your dad, and I pray the assisted living will work well.

    Cami, seems odd that a UTI would cause so much tummy pain. I don't think I'm buying that. She may have the infection, but I don't think that is what is causing her pain. And now that sweet boy is sick? Glad the two of you were able to get some good rest.

    I think Julie is at DW with her nieces? Julie, we all want to know how your mum is doing?

    Jazzy, that hot air balloon festival is AWESOME. How cool that you are so close to see most of it.

    Wacko, how is that sweet grand baby of yours? I hope you get to see him a lot.

    Not much going on here. Garden is pretty muchj done. I have lots of green maters, but don't care for fried green tomatoes. Rained all day yesterday, and rather froggy out this morning.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2016

    Whoa this place is quiet. What no drinking this week, or to weak to drink.

    Lori u do sound better and I'm lovin' it. And I'm sure seeing u'r family was great for u. But I know with u'r mom that's tough. U always try hard to help her but she's just set in her ways. And BTW she let that lady back into her home? That seems crazy to me, but then again if u think about it maybe to her she's just plain company. I give u'r DS a lot of praise cuz it's not easy for him, I'm sure. I think Leslie is going to work today, she's feeling better, of course we're still not sure what's going on. And the only thing I can say is when I get UTI's they are very painful, they didn't used to be years ago. But I usually am doubled up and my back is horrible, so at first I didn't believe that's all it was. And I get these things a lot over the past couple of yrs. So we'll just have to see, all I know is my cousin, sister and I did a lot of work in diagnosing her and it wasn't that. My sister's DD just told her she had her lungs biopsied (didn't want her to know) but she was fine. She's the one that had breast cancer too and she called me after too. So glad to hear and after the fact was much better.

    I had my D all day yesterday, and then my cousin called and told me hers started up again, where she can't make it to the bathroom. I basically stopped where she's have D once in a while and just once and she was fine for a while, now she said it's coming back like it used to. I told her we're the proof that out family is full of chit. I cat napped all nite so this should be a fun saturday, but as long as Leslie is feeling better that the important thing.

    Oh I've been going thru the in-line things and so much is on sale for Christmas presents, but I'll have to wait for next month, I have to hold my fingers together so I don't hit anything,

    Dara Lori (as usual) has the right idea, I hope u'r seeing u'r sweet baby, they can make u forget u'r troubles so easily. What is going on tho, cuz if I recall u only had a few days to figure out what to do. SO TELL US.

    SusyQ can u feel this thing on, I mean what it's doing or is it quiet. I've never seen one before. I hope u can rest wit it on. Do u wait a week for any results then or does the Dr. talk to u about it. Sorry I just don't know about this.

    Oh Lori I did find out about my allergy it's the med gabaten (sp), I forgot.BTW u'r avatar u do look to thin, but u still look bootiful.

    I hope NM is enjoying a late morning sleep with Sadie, cuz I know it's getting cooler so it feels nicer to sleep.

    Joey has his boyfriend sleeping over, they've bunked out in the living room, they won;t be happy when Marty and Leslie wake up. They're so loud. LOL

    OK everyone get in here and tell us what's going on. Cuz I'm watching. BWAHAHAHA-Only 30 more days til Halloween, lots of scary movies on this month. U know some of these movies actually scare me, they're so spooky and now the special effects are unbelievable.

    Hsant I was going to mention Housewives to u. I forget the names tho, I think it's Kelly, the one that was really bitchy, now she's making friends and it's not so fun, so someone has to start something and if Vicki says "Whoop it up" one more time, I'm writing to them--she's goofy. I guess if I was getting paid I'd have friends like that too, when I don't hang around my real friends.

    I didn't know Julie would be gone this long, I thought it was just a couple of days. Oh is it still illegal in FL for MJ?


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2016

    Image result for bartenders recipe drinksSounds good for the season.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited October 2016

    Good morning friends- whew, glad to be to the weekend but busy day ahead. The balloon fiesta starts today and they are waiting to see if they can go up through the "dawn patrol" that checks the winds to be sure it's safe. It sounds like they will have good weather this weekend, so hopefully things will be off to a good start! I am not going to the field, but will see the balloons next week from my client site that is literally right next to the park.

    I am heading out to help my friend this morning with some estate sales type stuff for her mom's apt. The mom has been in the hospital since Monday with organ failure and found out last night she past before midnight on Thursday. My friend is single like me, no siblings to help so I am going to go this morning with another friend of hers to be her sister help get some things sold. Then I will be off to a few apts and then to the spa for a much needed massage. Ahh......

    I spent last night finish the bulk of my packing for the trip. Got a bit more to do but think I am ready. I am bringing a foldable duffle bag to bring back some "loot."

    Cami- I am sorry about the D all day yesterday. I hope that chit quiets down today. Good to hear DD is doing a bit better. Severe pain with no real answers is so disconcerting. Hope Joey is doing better too!

    ChiSandy- are you & Bob fans of the Carnegie Deli in NYC? I heard from three friends on FB last night that it is closing at the end of the year. So you may want to make a trip there when you go the end of this year. My friend who lives in NJ and I go every time we have meet up there, and we split the incredible reuben. I already told my sister we are going there, now we may have to go twice since this will be the last chance!

    NM- I was watching Marley and Me again on HBO last night and thought of you and Sadie. Have you seen the movie? I love the scene where they were going too look at a house and the dog ran through and jumped right in the pool! lol, have you seen that? That is a great movie for you if you have not seen it.

    Gotta get moving to my day. Wishing everyone a first day of October!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2016

    Cami, it's not the company my mom enjoys, it's the $$$. When I'm there, she will do things for herself. When I'm not there, she asks my son to do it, ALL THE TIME! She calls him on his phone constantly. Will you make me a sandwich, so he does. Takes it to her, oh, can I have a glass of milk? This goes on all day long when he's home. She even calls him at work, on your way home can you stop and get me such and such? Anyways, it is what it is. I'm glad to hear the Les is feeling better, but that still doesn't solve the issue. Sounds like Joey must be feeling better, to have a friend stay the night. DOTD sounds pretty yummy! Is there a flavor of Wodka that they don't make???

    Jazzy, very nice of you to help your friend and be a "sister". You are so lucky to be able to see the balloon fest. every year. It truly is amazing. And good for you, hitting the spa.

    Woke up with a stiff neck this morning, oy vey! My little buddy is supposed to up this weekend. Excited to see him and his mom. Of course he wants me to take him for a ride on the quad. It's a bit hard to do, as he has scoliosis real bad and his little legs are practically nil. Now his arms on the other hand…well very thin, but the boy is strong. I don't have to take him very far, he is fine with a 10 minute ride.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2016

    Jazzy how nice of u to help u'r friend, it can be all so overwelming to do these things on u'r own--so she's lucky to have u. And a well deserved spa trip for sure. So we won't see any pics. of the balloons til next week? Now when is the exact date u'r leaving--to bad u can't send sandwiches home somehow, but that doesn't sound like it would freeze well.

    Lori like I said u'r son is unbelievable, he must be so patient, cuz having been called so often, I would think he wouldn't know when u'r mom truly needs him. I guess he feels like he has to answer each time. He never complains tho, does he? I don't know if u'r mom really feels that bad or if she's that lonely. What would she possibly do without u'r son? And I don't understand what u mean bout the $$$ for u'r mom, but I'm sure she has to be happy seeing u and u'r family

    And u'r right there is every flavor of vodka in the world being made lately, it must be selling like crazy with more recipes than most.

    See u all latah.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2016

    Jazzy, never been to the original Carnegie Deli in NY—grew up with kosher delis every few blocks, so it never impressed me. Not a reuben fan either—am a corned beef and pastrami purist: just give it to me plain on fresh seeded rye with some brown deli mustard on the side for me to apply as I choose. We used to have a branch of Carnegie here in the 900 N. Mich. bldg., but I found the prices ridiculous ($15 for a sandwich, in 1998?) and the portions obscene. Nobody’s mouth is big enough to handle half a sandwich piled that high, and I was pissed off that they always charged me extra for the couple of slices of rye I needed to make a sandwich out of the take-home leftover meat. They stayed open less than two years. Here in Chicago, we have Eleven City Diner in Lincoln Park & the S. Loop, The Bagel in Skokie, and Max’s up in Highland Park—not to mention Romanian Kosher Sausage Co. in Rogers Park (which, unfortunately, closes at 3 pm and isn’t open weekends), whose meats are readily available at the kosher counters at Jewel in S. Evanston and Mariano’s in E. Lincolnwood. No shortage of great rye breads either.

    Speaking of which, there’s some chopped liver from Romanian in the fridge calling my name right now. Gonna have a couple of Tbs. topped with chopped Vidalia onion. (DODT: Dr. Brown’s Cream Soda…but for me, seltzer).

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2016

    Sandy, I know in different parts of the city there are really special deli's. bakeries, etc. Out here there really isn't much except Italian food. And the best ones are owned by families, not the fast take outs. But I really enjoy Ruebens or a good corn beef sandwich, but u really can't get a good one around here, like u can. My GF has owned her own restaurant for about 25 yrs and being Italian she still makes a lot of the food and it's really good. But she has stopped with some things like she used to bake her own bread every day, now she buys it, it's still good but not as good as when she made it--but like she's said she's tired. No one that I know of has a good corn beef sandwich tho, just good meatballs. But there is a place called Freddie's it's toward the city that has great meatballs.

    OK just saying.......

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited October 2016

    Cami- I don't eat sugar but SO want a cannoli when I go to the city!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2016

    Mmmm….cannoli! I do a kind of low-carb version of the filling by mixing a little mascarpone, ricotta, Skinnygirl agave (mostly stevia), rum extract and some chopped pineapple. But as for the shells…..I got nothing.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2016

    Jazzy a good cannoli has to be had in NY, they are known for just about everything. But I never liked one with all that goop in it. just the riccota, sugar, choc. chips--that's it. Well I don't mke them, but almost everyone else in my family does. What we do too is serve it as a dessert and make a dip out of it and break all the crunchy stuff up. That's what u do when u have a lot of desserts.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2016

    Well officially this is Good Morning.

    Slept on and off again, Oh I'll catch up one day.

    I taped what I think sounds like a scary movie, it's no doubt stupid but I only watch them during the day, for some reason they don't seem as scary. Does anyone watch American Horror Story? This is the first year I've watched it and it really is something strange, but I'm watching it. OK I admit it TV is what I do best, Boring I know, as my cheap, cheap, cheap aunt used to say what would I do without TV. Yes she was cheap. She hated calling the paramedics cuz it did mean money--so when my uncle fainted one nite, she covered him up and thought oh by morning if he's not better we can get someone to take him to the hospital (we all lived close by) well we called the paramedics anyway and he did die the next afternoon, so she didn't save any money at all. And she had money. My other aunt (my favorite) and my mom were nothing like her, but everyone understood her, she was loopy. Another one of my family history stories.

    OK it's Sunday-Funday--whatever u think is fun just do it and relax along the way.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2016

    Image result for bartenders recipes Never heard of this one, but who knows?

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2016

    Cami, you talk about your friend that owns her own restaurant, I had an aunt who owned hers. Little town in Ill called Jerseyville. Everything was homemade, but she would go in every morning, like 4 am, to get her pies going. She did that up into her 80's. You are so funny when you tell your family stories. And you have the DOTD covered.

    LOL Jazzy, surely one cannoli can't hurt!

    I guess NM is continuing with her weekends off the boards. Not sure where everyone else is, other than our DW. We had a nice time at the neighbors last night. Took my little buddy for a ride on the quad. We are postponing our trip until Wednesday, due to the weather. Only in the 60's and 40's at night. Just a tad chilly for riding. Wednesday, the temps get more into the lower 70's.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited October 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Sorry to go MIA, needed to get an early start Friday and good thing I did, it was a day from he## at work.Wound up working all day Saturday to ketchup, and still need to do a couple hours of computer work today.I swear it's like Friday the 13th, on a full moon with a storm added to end of the month and the imp of the perverse shi##ing on my head all at once!Slept till almost 9 am today, been a long time since I've slept that late.And if it doesn't warm up a bit--it's 54 degrees in the house right now--by the timeI need to start the computer stuff for work I am going to give in and turn the heat on.But Sadie is a happy camper, and a very good bed warmer, so that's all good!

    Jazzy--September did go fast, didn't it?Can't wait to see the balloon photos.Sounds like your client has way too much on her plate, or, as you say, just doesn't want to be there.Good idea to keep focused on what you can do and affect.My cold is pretty much gone, thank you for asking.And Sadie is loving being a car dog. I hope it doesn't get too cold for her to be in the car for a while, I enjoy having her with me.

    Goldie--I can't think of anything that would end up being TMI here in the Lounge!Too many nurses, too many women who have been through the wringer, medically and other wise, and too realistic to think life is any different from what it is!Do you notice a difference in how the MMJ affects you when you take it rectally rather than orally?If I'm being too nosy, feel free to say so! With more and more of my patients using MMJ I'm looking for any education I can get that's from a reputable source on the subject.Someone using it is a VERY reputable source, in my book.The nerve of some people!To take out a window AC and steal a bottle of pills, and then deny it?Really? Did she at least put the AC unit back?What's your mom going to do without her pills? And your Mom still lets her in the house?Crazy.Just Crazy.

    Mema--there are so many drinks out there--vitamin water, muscle milk, meal replacements, supplements, powders you can add to liquids, it's a wonder anyone can figure out what to eat and drink any more.Have fun with the Halter Monitor.May it show nothing interesting!

    Hsant--so sorry to hear about your Dad.I think it's a good idea to look into assisted living atthis point.Your Dad may feel more secure in that kind of setting, and he will still have independence and be in control of his care and life.A lot of elders think that going into an assisted living setting means giving up control of their lives, but assisted living places work very hard to maintain resident's independence.Your Dad may well be lethargic/tired from the hospital stay.Being in bed like that causes a surprising amount of muscle loss in a frighteningly short time, and it gets worse the older, more frail a person is.And exercise recommendations are often overwhelming and not realistic.Being a person who needs to make personal changes with baby steps, I can understand how others may need to, as well.And when you start with something that is doable, you avoid the frustration of failure.I used to recommend people stand up when commercials come on for a week or so, then stand up and turn around, and sit back down for a week or so, then stand up, take 2 or three steps (or walk to a nearby piece of furniture) then go back and sit down.The goal is to keep adding on until the person can comfortably walk to the bathroom and back.Hope your Dad at least tasted the sandwich and gelato!

    Jazzy--I agree, "it's all in your head" is never said to men, only to women, and usually BY men!


    Cammy--I can take Sadie in the car with me whenever I want.It's in the fall that the days stay cool enough that even if the sun is out it won't get too hot in the car for her while I'm seeing patients.In the winter it can get too cold, in the spring and summer the car can get too hot awfully quickly.She doesn't mind staying at home, either, especially in the summer when I can leave the kitchen door open so she can go in and out.She supervises the entire neighborhood from the back yard.So sorry Leslie is still suffering.,A UTI is no fun, but I doubt that's the answer to her pain issues.Still, it may be contributing.I hope she finds someone to order and MRI soon.And poor Joey, glad he could sleep with you and you could both feel better.

    Nice cooler, Cammy, thanks!

    Goldie--I've never tried fried green tomatoes, gonna have to look up a recipe for that!

    Cammy--online shopping is definitely the way to go for Christmas shopping!So much easier.Ah, yes, scary movie time, love scary movies.Not sure why, but I do.


    Jazzy--what a sad time for your friend.So kind of you to help with the estate work.That must be such sad, difficult work.I haven't seen that movie, will have to look it up and check it out!Sounds like fun!

    Goldie--I bet that 10 minute ride thrills your little buddy to the toes!

    Chi--deli sandwiches like you describe don't exist around here, I wonder if I'm missing out on something! Another good reason to visit NYC someday, right?

    Cannoli dip, sounds intriguing!

    Cammy-- I watched American Horror Story through season 4.Crazy, scary stuff, lots of fun!Every family must have at least one loopy aunt or uncle, I swear!

    Gin, I know, Cinnamon syrup I know how to make, Pineapple and lime juice are easy to get, but what is Mezcal Vida?Sound yummy, though--love stuff with cinnamon!

    Oh, well, time to hit the work computer.Sigh.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2016

    NM, I don't get that "high" feeling when I take it rectally. I guess somehow it passes the stomach and goes right to the blood? I can also do more at one time by doing it this way. If I do it orally, I have to do a little at a time. The more the better, from what I read. I can do 1/3 three times a day. My stools are better doing it this way too and I'm having a better appetite. Which that one really had everyone confused, as it should really GIVE me an appetite, not the opposite. Mom has a new script for the pills, and NO, the biotch did NOT put the AC back in, and yes my mom has had her over since. I'm sorry your Fri. and Sat. were messed with, but you had a good rant and I hope you feel better now. I know that doesn't give you back your Saturday tho. Fried green maters, dip in flour, then egg, then bread crumbs and fry. I like zucchini like that, but didn't care for the green maters.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited October 2016

    Good morning friends- right over the house this morning......



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2016

    Goldie, have you tried ripening the tomatoes on the windowsill? Mine can stretch almost into Dec. that way. As for frying the green ones, I use seasoned cornmeal instead of breadcrumbs. Oh, and that squirrel had dang fine taste in wine!

    We cracked open a bottle of Mumm Napa DVX 2006 last night, fearing it might be getting oxidized. Nope--Dee-lish! Had it with taramosalata and (please don't hate me) Osetra caviar (our WF had a special on it) on mini-blinis.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2016

    Cami, growing up in Brooklyn I ate more than my share of great Italian food, especially cannoli. (My mom even made such good lasagna and veal parm that when I’d fly home from law school in Tacoma for the holidays two of my Italian classmates asked me to freeze and bring some of it back—one of them, who was interviewing for an LLM program at NYU, had dinner with us at my folks’ house and raved about it to his buddy).

    But the best cannoli I ever ate was in Taormina, Sicily last December. (Best arancini, too—at a little stand called “Strit Fūd”). We had about three hours free to stroll the town and before going back to our tour bus I had my daily gelato fix at a little pasticceria. I didn’t see any cannoli in the pastry case, and the owner said that’s because he makes them to order. He pulled out a couple of shells fried that morning and piped them full of ricotta-mascarpone filling. Then he dipped each end in chopped candied fruits and chocolate chips and dusted them with powdered sugar. He put them in a little wax-paper bag so I could take them back to our cruise ship and enjoy them with espresso in the lounge. While waiting in the plaza for our tour guide to lead us back to the bus, I noticed that the clouds had parted, showing Mt. Etna in all its glory. I put the bag down on a bench next to one of our fellow passengers so I could have both hands free to take a picture.

    All of a sudden I heard someone scream “The cat! The cat is eating your food!” I turned around and saw a tiny calico patch-tabby kitten (so adorable it almost made my head explode) with its little head barely in the bag, its tiny tongue lap-lap-lapping at the end of one of the cannoli. I immediately yelled “Bad kitty!” (as if that would have done any good even if it understood English) and grabbed the bag away. I broke off that half of that cannoli and left it on the bench for the kitten to enjoy. (Should have taken a picture, but I was too rattled). Bob came back from window-shopping and I told him—I offered to have the untouched half of the cannoli that the cat had enjoyed and give him the intact one, and he said “eeeuww—foreign cat germs!” He wouldn’t even have the intact untouched cannoli. (More for me. Knowing cat saliva actually contains an antiseptic, I had no qualms about refrigerating the remaining cannoli and enjoying them over the next day or so).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited October 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday!Happy Monday!If I say it enough it will come true, right?I feel like I haven't had much of a break this weekend, but I I'll survive.Things should be calmer than they were Friday and Saturday.Glad those kind of days don't come along all that often!

    Goldie--thanks for the info, interesting the difference it makes how you take it.I thought it was expected to increase appetite, but everyone reacts to things in their own unique way. Having good stools is a good way to increase appetite, though, Your Mom's "friend" is a cad, and your Mom is a fool, but there's nothing that can be done about that, is there?And I did feel better after the rant, and a nice long nap yesterday.Thanks for the recipe!

    Jazzy--WOW, what a sight over your house!

    Chi--Yummy dinner!Love the Canonoli Kitty story!I can just picture the adorable little thing lapping away! Funny about "foreign cat germs" too.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Gold Velvet



    Half-fill a beer pilsner with lager. Add pineapple juice, and gently top with champagne.

    Best served in a Pilsner Glass.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2016

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Sandy LOL about the cat, smart kitty too. I never thought about a furbaby not understanding English. The tongue of a cat tho does feel funny. My cat used to lick my head when it was bald and her tongue felt strange, not smooth like a dog.

    NM I never put it together why Sadie goes with u at this time of year. No wonder. And I am truly sorry for the days u went thru, u had a good week or so when things were quiet, and I hope it goes back to that right away. And I hardly ever know ll the ingredients in our drinks, I just copy, I always figure u gals are up on it.

    Jazzy right over u'r home. WOW what a view, it so pretty to look up and see that. Well this weekend we'll have more pic. to see.

    Lori we used to fry green tomatoes with green peppers, and the same way and they were so good and the peppers took on a good flavor and visa versa and throw them on sandwiches. Super good. Easy too.

    SusyQ I hope u check in.

    OK I'll talk later and see what's happening. All good I hope


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2016

    One more thing, Finally the pointer (cursor???) is big and a dark color and I can see it, thanks to Joey, I never knew u could do this. How easy to see.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2016

    Sandy, you don't necessarily have to have the tomatoes on a window sill, just on the counter is fine too. But I can't imagine them keeping for 2 months! Funny and cute about the kitty getting your canolli!

    NM yep, we just keep pushing through and I know that is just what you will do. We just gotta put those big girl panties on! Wishing you a smooth week. Oh, the drama with my mom and these ladies is crazy. The one that died (June), things would come up missing at my moms and June would blame the cleaning lady, or whoever my mom had as her caretaker. Her wedding ring came up missing. Well, when she died, the niece (Chrissy) found it at her moms (June's sister). The ring was in my sons room, she went in his room and just took. She also took $100 of his money. June had taken some of my moms clothes. They are all just liars, thieves and druggies. And you are right, not a thing I can do about it. Just pray they don't hurt her trying to get drugs.

    Hand Painted Quote Sign- Pull up my BIG Girl PANTIES Funny Friend gift FREE Shipping

    Cami, I'm glad you got my message. I think you understand now? And I'll bet Joey can teach you lots of things on the computer. And you can make things on your screen bigger and easier to see. Joey and Les are feeling ok? How about you? Are you done with tests and labs now?

    Well, we don't know when we are leaving. Anxious to go, but the weather right now just isn't cooperating. Mid 60's during the day and 40's at night. We have heat, but it takes so long for it to warm up, which is usually mid afternoon, and then it starts getting dark. Next week the temps get up into the 70's, so much nicer.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2016

    Hi girls.

    I just submitted my unemployment appeal with one minute to spare, oh my nerves. Now time to make a big stii dwinkl!

    Gonna try to catch up with you all, in the meantime, hoping everyone is well and happy. And dwunk!!

    chEErs! (along with lots of lubs...)

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2016

    Last night after temple, with the apples, honey and raisin challah, we cracked a bottle of Mumm Napa Demi-Sec—absolutely perfect match! A sweet year to all!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited October 2016



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2016

    Oh, to be in Albuquerque in October!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2016

    Wow that one balloon looks low from the angle of the camera, but I'm sure it's not. Beautiful

    I think it's a Holiday for u Sandy, I'm sorry if I'm not saying it right, and I have no idea what u ate or drank. But u seem like u enjoyed it so wonderful.

    Lori I swear, it does sound like a little crime ring that will never be caught, I'm sorry u'r son has to be involved in all of it.

    Dara I was thinking about u, but I did think it was Friday for some reason. Oh boy, have another drink and try to relax.

    Just poopin in, I'll see u in the morning.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2016

    Yup, Cami, it's Rosh Hashonah, or the Jewish New Year. (What's especially confusing is that it falls on the 7th day of the 7th month—the first month is in springtime). It didn't use to be called “New Year," but the Hebrew name, which translates to “head of the year" was probably adopted to conform to local Pagan seasonal observances that assigned special significance to the first day of the first month of the year.

    Its significance is that it starts the “ten days of penitence." Our liturgy declares “On Rosh Hashonah it is written, on Yom Kippur it is sealed," who shall be inscribed in the Book of Life for another year. (The traditional greeting, “L'shana tovah tikutevu," translates to “have a good year and may you be inscribed"). During those ten days we are supposed to make amends not just to God but to our fellow human beings whom we may have harmed physically, economically or emotionally. Then on Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) we fast from sundown to sundown, attending services on Yom Kippur Eve—where the “Kol Nidrei" prayer is sung and recited. It means “All Vows," and in it we pray to be released from vows we made that we were unable to keep. It dates back to the Spanish Inquisition, when Jews were forced to convert to Christianity or be killed (and many were killed anyway if the Inquisition deemed their conversions to be insincere). But we are never excused from transgressions against our fellow human beings unless we atone to them personally. We spend all day the next day in worship & meditation till the closing service ends at sundown. when we then break bread (literally) and drink wine or grape juice together.

    Yom Kippur itself dates back to long before the Kol Nidrei prayer—all the way back to the days of the priestly, pre-rabbinic era. Jews would make pilgrimage to the Temple in Jerusalem, and the High Priest would then enter into the Holy of Holies containing the Ark of the Covenant, and beseech God to first forgive his sins, then those of his family, and finally those of the Jewish people.

    Jews no longer have priests, ever since the Second Temple was destroyed about a century after Jesus’ death. Instead, we gather in synagogues (a Greek word, which means “house of meeting,” in Hebrew, “Beit knesset") and are guided in prayer by rabbis (actually defined as “teachers”) and cantors, who lead the services in Orthodox congregations and assist the rabbis in non-Orthodox ones.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2016

    Sandy u r so very interesting, I actually knew the name ad some of the reasoning behind it--Well first I forgot how to spell it and the reason I did know some of this history was , now hold on, this is another family thing, my dad went to a Jewish school, I think he was very proud of being Italian, but he loved Jewish history and all that it stood for. So he would talk alot about this, but certainly not all that u know, I still find religions so very interesting, but I know it's from my dad but as I said before he was an atheist he was such an odd but funny person.