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how about drinking?



  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2016

    Good Day Dahhlinks!

    DH at the bar, that means I have time to yak at ya'll. OK, Gbladder ya'all got…I will work with my diet thru Jan 2017 and then discuss with DH and my Onco about removing it.

    Cardio-Doc I saw this afternoon. Findings - 'there is a fixed anterior wall perfusion defect extending to the apex with no significant reversibility. Cardio doc says going to do angiogram next, to see if I need stints. Not happy right now, scared too. But like all things in life…I will survive.

    Took doggies to park this morn, went to sit on the picnic table top…lost my balance and fell right to the pavement. Didn't break anything, but pulled a few muscles, and a neighbor (male) was there so he helped me up. So f'n embarrassing but can laugh now picturing long legs and arms flaying thru the air b4 the ground caught me.

    Lowee - those are scary pics of the roll-over. Am so glad no one was hurt. So glad you are feeling GR8, I had a not so good day today but overall am doing A-OK. By the way, how did u get the rig rolled right, sheer man strength? Tank ewe…mese heart is full of love…always…muah!!

    Jazz - omg looks like absolute marvy time. Love the blu-hue of the Blue Note. That Italian celeb looks familiar, especially her mouth, but I can't place her. Hope Cami can.

    Cami - the mmj dispensaries have lots of edibles. I still have some cookies n choco fudge in fridge. I love the fudge….jes a really thin slice and I'm down for the night. And they have tinctures that you use under your tongue, and sprays that u can spray under tongue and to insides of cheeks. Lots of stuff out there. I don't care for the smokables, but love the edibles. They even come in hard candy, like life-savers n stuff. I was ROTFLOL when I saw ur DOTD. About 10 years ago, I named my left breast, My Left Bank….I'd stash my gambling monies n there. It caught on quickly in my little circle of bars in Vegas that all the tenders put 'Left Bank' on my bonus card and they kept it filed behind the bar. Got a lot of laughs over it back in the day. LOL love the story of u n Bob talking dirty…u are a HOOT!!

    Mary - Good for u for labeling and organizing ur pantry. We cleaned out our garage freezer today as trash comes tomorrow. And we are expecting Schwan's delivery next week. Been in hotel where I had to go outside cuz of fire alarm. Can't remember where or when tho. LOL bout boxing gloves on u n Chi. I didn't think the mouth guard would work either but it really does. Nora did quite a job on her makeup…especially the eyes. O, love her earrings too.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2016

    Hello ladies,

    Jazzy those pics are fantastic, u really did a lot in just a few days. Oh I see u found her name, never heard of her. But a lot of Italians look alike, so that's why she might look familiar to some. U must have been exhausted after u'r trip, looks like so much fun. I'm glad u got to go.

    NM u'd better watch that cold, it's going to be cool again at the end of the week so that's not going to help.

    SusyQ I don't understand why they don't take u'r GB out, but I really don't know much about that. See I don't understand why we have to have things in our bodies that can give us trouble, but they can take it out if they have to and we're OK. U need more heart tests, it's amazing what they do now tho, my cousin has a couple of stents (sp) and as u know she's doing fine.(((SUSIEQ)))

    Lori it's so good to feel u'r writing and u feel good, it's about time.

    I can't go back a page, and now my brain is all blippy so I can't member all that I was going to say-Damn, cuz I had more in my head. My sleep patterns are also messing me up and I was dehydrated yesterday, not to much today. I had my D way to long this time, but it's over now. Stupid Dr.--Oh Joey and I were LOLing at my big stomach and when I'd move a certain way a big fist like thing would come out in different places, I think they're my hernias and I always thought u really only got them when u actually moved u'r body somewhat-mine are poppin out all over the place.

    Leslie is having her GB out Thursday and I really feel bad cuz I really can't help her in any way. But Marty is great and so is Joey. All I can do is give her advice on how to be lazy for a while. That's what I excel at. Nobody takes after me--And I still marvel at how all of u work so hard Leslie doesn't seem nervous at all, but I think she's so anxious to stop the pain she's in she just wants it out. Marty will take her and hopefully she should be home the same day. I feel nervous for her but don't tell her or Joey. And Marty had his out so to him it was nothing, but he still comforts Leslie and makes the food she can eat now anyway. He is such a good husband and dad, but he's not rich, LOL Joey and I are hoping my other DD comes this weekend for Leslie WITHOUT HER HUSBAND, well he wouldn't come anyway driving takes time away from his drinking. But when the girls get together they giggle like crazy, and Marty and her get along great. So I hope she comes and brings silliness here, she's not as much fun when she's with (as I call him) F**kFace--not to her tho. OK u gals got stuck with me babbling again, sorry.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited October 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday.Work starts with a long boring meeting, then out to visit patients.I've got a situation right now that is so sad.Couple was high school sweethearts, been married almost 60 years.Wife chose to move into a nursing home, and actually makes hubby leave after lunch so she can get a nap, and hubby is having such a hard time with not being there 24 hours a day, and not being able to keep her at home, and is just stressing over everything.I'm visiting every day and listening to the same litany of issues, concerns and problems, all of which have been solved, none of which he can let go of.I feel so bad for him, but can't find a way to help him get over this hump.Every sneeze is a "huge, rapid decline" despite being things that have been going on for 2 to 3 weeks now. I guess all I can do is keep listening andsupporting him as best I can.

    Genny--sorry DH caught the Maine cold that's going around. I blame it on the tourist coming in for leaf peeping season, they bring viruses with them and set them loose in the wild and then they find the locals and raise he##.Enjoy the warm temps, cooler stuff is coming!Getting up in the dark is so not fun, no matter what time you go to bed.Good idea to wash the car, my buggy needs a wash, too.The cold is not getting worse, and I'm trying to keep it contained.Can't work from home, big part of the day is making visits to people in their homes.Did get some major help yesterday, thank goodness.Shouldn't have to work Saturday this week, YEAH!We'll see how the rest of the week goes.

    Jazzy--Wow, what a wonderful trip you had!

    Goldie--I bet that driver is just mortified.Dented his dignity.Poor guy.So glad your appetite is back, that is a very good sign!

    Mema--Ouch, the least the doggies could have done is broken your fall!Glad you got nothing more than some bruises and pulled muscles.Those hurt but aren't life-threatening.I didn't realize there was such a variety of edible MMJ stuff!Love the Left Bank line, so funny!I'm keeping an eye on the weather and the temps, already got the rice bag out and have been using it to offset the chilly when I get home from work.Praying for an easy surgery and quick recovery for Leslie.She'll feel somuch better with that thing gone.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Left Handed Screwdriver



    Pour the vodka and juices into a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake well, strain into a collins glass filled with ice cubes, and serve.

    Best served in a Collins Glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2016

    Jazzy, never heard of the Italian actress, but glad you figured it out. Hate when I can't think of ones name, or just something in general! Which happens A LOT.

    LDB, I don't know what any of that medical jargon is, but if you skeered, then I skeered too girlfriend. Oh my, and you fell. Are ya all bruised up? Tell y'all that I rolled out of bed a few months ago? There were 3 razors there, and one had a wench.

    BossLady, it's good to feel good, I can't believe it. It makes me realize how bad of a shape I really was in. I just hope I'm not doing something wrong, that's gonna come back and bite me in the heiny! Oh my, you and Joey playing with your hernia's! Doesn't take much to entertain you two. Reminds me of the movie Alien. We love your babbling. Such a sweet name for your SIL, we can just shorten it to FF. Thoughts and prayers for Leslie. It amazes me the things they do in outpatient surgery anymore.

    NM, sounds like your patients husband needs you more than the wife. Can he just go somewhere else in the home, so she can get her nap? Does she need to know about it? As for the edibles, OMG. They have everything you could imagine. Honey's, butters, ice cream, all kinds of candies. Hard candies, gummy bears, life savers and all kinds of flavors, it's crazy.

    I got my red white and blue card in the mail yesterday. We don't know what we will do about insurance. It's really bad here in AZ. We have Humana, they are pulling out of AZ. We are being told that we can only go to doctors in our county. I live in a very rural county, hardly any doctors here, let alone specialist. And by the time we pay our premium and deductible, it will have cost us over $50,000.00 for 2017. And that's not with a PPO. A lot of people don't even make that much a year!

    Yes, I said $50 K.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited October 2016

    Good morning friends- off and running here at home. Waking up with a stomach ache today and not liking that. My digestive system does get off when I travel and hopefully will settle down soon. Re-entry day was not too bad, but expect that today may be a bit more demanding. I met with my client and have some marching orders for the week.

    Goldie- wow on the insurance, but know you talked about it before. I have an ACA plan and got the update on the cost for next year. I had been told rates were going up by 30%, and mine went up 22%. Going to be sure I know what else has changed like out of pocket, etc. I have been happy with this plan and the cost for me dropped by $200 a month from my other coverage to ACA, but of course, things are going up. They now need to improve upon this. I do worry ACA may get dumped depending on the outcome of this election. Rural areas have such a difficult time with coverage, we have a lot here too.

    Cami- so the GB is ultimately DD's problem? Hope that gets out and she feels better soon. Sounds like the family, including Joey, is ready to help. I remember the days when it was open abdominal, my mother had hers out when I was around 12 (the 70s) and a tough recovery. The laproscopic is easier now, but also not without some recovery time. Those muscles take a long time to heal in the tummy.

    Genny- you also have some things going on friend. I hope you don't need any heart stuff or other surgeries, but do what you need to do. Love the photos of Anorable.

    Dara- thinking of you friend as you seek new work and deal with those headaches.

    Hsant- we know these are hard times for you with your dad. My your times together be comforting. No one ever regrets their time with an elderly parent as things change. But you are doing this on your own, and just know we are here for you?

    Juliet- also some hard times for your family, are you doing okay?

    NM- how is your cold? Are you getting through the week okay? How is Miss Sadie

    Got more photos to share, but have to go to work so here is something you lovely ladies will enjoy for the time being. A drink we discovered at a place in the Chelsea Market called the Cull and Pistol. A raw bar with many other good things, including this "oyster shooter." My sister ate the oyster, and I drank the blood mary shot underneath. YUM!


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2016


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2016

    hsant, i know your treasuring every minute with your dad, here's to more ups than downs for him,lots of hugs and kisses to you,

    lori- so thankful no one hurt

    jazzy - glad you enjoyed your trip, loved your photos

    nora remains anorable!

    dara, just hugs and kisses and prayers that things improve for you

    cammi give dd my love and i will be thinking of her on thursday

    it was surreal at times being at dw and then thinking she was gone but dad was adament that the girls stay and enjoy themselves as much as possible as that what she would have wanted ,flying home on friday for the funeral on monday, when sending messages to people about the details my kindle kept changing post funeral bunfight to gunfight,, my dad laughed when i told him and said with our family anything could happen, he's doing ok, today he said i feel guilty because i;m relieved its over so we had the talk that all of us were praying for it to be over and that if we could have her back before she got sick we would but not as sick as she was before she died,just wish hospice could have been managing her care sooner but she died peacefully and at home as she wanted.. thank you so much for all your kind words

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited October 2016

    Juliet- both of my parents had advance dementia at the end, from different things. Father had Als. and mother had worsening dementia from a front cortex stroke. I will tell you that there is a sadness when they are gone, but a huge relief the suffering is over. Then a weird guilt feeling after about feeling relief. But know your mom is now at peace and she would not want you to feel guilty about any of this. Dementia stuff is just cruel at the end.

    Big hugs to you and your family. May the memories of good times together comfort you with time.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited October 2016

    Hi ladies! Well, this has been a tough ride to say the least. My dad has been taking prednisone under his doctor's supervision, and my dad has been thriving. However, I understand this will not last forever. Have any of you read Flowers For Algernon? It's about a man named Charlie who was mentally disabled, and a scientist gave him a drug that gave him a genius IQ. But, eventually it wore off. I kind of feel that's the way it is for my dad. I'm cherishing every moment with him now while he's sharp and strong.

    Not really feeling it with hospice. I Love, love, love the nurses. They are smart, funny knowledgeable and compassionate. However, not feeling the social worker assigned to my dad. She told me that PT wasn't covered by Medicare under hospice, because it's curative. This did not make sense to me, so after a 2 minute Google search I learned that not only is PT covered but so is OT and speech therapy. Geez..... After giving her this information, she still didn't set this up for my dad. I feel like she looks at him like an old dying man, so what's the point. Hate this woman. Anyway, my fave nurse set up PT, and I'm going to ask for a different social worker.

    I've only had time to read back a couple of pages, so if I missed something major, I apologize.

    Jazzy, fantastic pics from NY! I absolutely adore oyster shooters, especially with a Bloody Mary chaser! Also, beautiful pics of,the balloon festival. I have a friend who lives in Albuquerque, who also posted pics. Just lovely.

    Mary, just adore the pics of Nora! Too cute! She's about a step above me with respect to make up application.The mini golf vacay sounds divine.

    Sorry to Cami, Dara, Goldie and Native and Mema. I'm a little pooped. But I've read your posts. To all ladies who are about to undergo a gall bladder removal, I wish you the best for an easy breezy surgery and recovery!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2016

    Hi Ladies,

    Hsant I'm glad u pooped in, I know what a difficult time this is for u. And u do whatever makes u and u'r dad comfortable---(((HUGS))) And I remember that movie CHARLIE with Cliff Robertson.

    Julie, Jazzy could't have said anything better to u. I think most of us who have lost our parents have gone thru so many similar things. It is funny how we do have the feeling of relief for them, but the sadness never leaves , but with time such fantastic memories. Just today my sister nd I talked about an hour and LOLed so hard at our parents and growing up and older with them, we were so lucky and they were 2 people who had absolutely nothing in common and yet both characters that u'd see in a movie and gave us so much to be thankful for. And I think we all have that for comfort and u have such a good sense of humor, u had to get it from somewhere.

    NM that poor man u'r caring for. Do they have children that can possibly give their dad some relief. It's just sad. U'r job is so exhausting, u'r amazing. U'd better stop that cold cuz people need u as well as Sadie.

    Oh for some reason (oyster) that drink, does not look appealing to me even tho years ago I used to open (or did they call it shuck, or was that just corn?) and make oysters Rockefeller, how did I ever do that? Ehh.

    OK I did this again, forgot who fell, either SusieQ or Mary, ooohhh well does it feel worse now? Sometimes we all know how that happens.

    Well Lori u'r right, what amuses us is simple, we're just simple folk. But Leslie and Marty were not amused, they just started yelling at me and how bad it looked to them and I need surgery, chit no sense of humor here. Well I'm watching CHEERS now and LOLing so that's my sense of humor, now over to HOW I MET U'R MOTHER--How much excitement can this room be in, see it's fun here.

    OK for now I'm going to close, hope to be back later--my stupid phone started at 7AM yesterday and stopped at 9PM--I looked up my job on line yesterday ad again he put 24 hrs a day, but this time no Sunday. Don't know why he does that rarely do a job after 10PM, very rarely, I guess it looks good when u read it.

    Oh one more thing, insurance, I have to look things up, (well not me) to figure out what the hell I have and what I need cuz things are a changin', So Leslie said after this surgery she'll get it all straightened out for me.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited October 2016

    Good morning friends- more photos for you from our time in Chelsea Market, on The High Line, and our first evening in the theater district.









    We finished our day at the musical, Beautiful, about Carol King and her music. It was such so good. My sister loved it too! We are both big fans of Ms. King. And then we went out after for desert and I had the cannolies i was thinking about long before we went that were a MUST have. They were divine.



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2016

    Jazzy, I don't understand why each state is different for health insurance. It should be the same across the board!

    Sweet Julie, welcome back to the lounge. Again, so sorry for your loss. But I am a tad confused, did you fly home? More hugs.

    Hsant, glad you could poop in. I know when my DH is on prednisone, he is like superman! Glad you were able to get PT for your dad. What is wrong with these people that are supposed to help??? I think it's just pure laziness. Hope you get a new social worker to work with you. Don't worry about catching up with things. Take care of yourself……(((((Hsant)))))

    BossLady, it was SuziQ that fell off the picnic table….oh my! I don't know much about hernia's, but those wouldn't have anything to do with your D would it? Nurses???

    Jazzy, love the city pictures, but what is the one that looks like it's just concrete. And the cannolies look devine! Did you eat them all???

    NM, something going out that way, since you are here this morning. How about we have oyster shooters that Jazzy shared. I'm willing to give my oysters away and just have the shot!

    Well, my garden is about to come toan end, lots of green tomatoes, so looking for a recipe. Chutney and relishes is what I'm finding.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2016

    Hi Ladies,

    Jazzy, Lori asks about the concrete, I'm asking about the nude people, are they really? Canolies look delish, those look like the kind I like without all the jellie things in them. OK what about the concrete pic. Thanks for sharing all of these and I always liked Carol King, that must have really been fun.

    Lori u come up with all these recipes, u'r so cute. And I can't believe the season is over already, I see so many Christmas things for sale now. And u know I don't know anything about hernias, u'd think by now I would. But I've had them for a while and no one has ever mentioned any connection, but I don't know either.



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited October 2016

    Goldie- the pavement one is to show you the old rails from the elevated tracks that the High Line was built on. Sorry about the confusion there!

    Cami- there were all kinds of boards like that along the way with strong political statements, but this one made us go "is this a joke or something they were really warning us about?" We were on the look out after, but no nuddies.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2016

    We have a similar urban trail, the “606” (named for the first three digits of any Chicago ZIP code), also on repurposed railroad right-of-way. Haven’t walked it, since it’s in a different part of town where it’s difficult to park and get to via CTA train. But it’s beloved by cyclists.

    Saw Beautiful late last fall when it came to Chicago—starring original cast Tony winner Jessi Mueller’s sister Abby (both Evanston natives). It was wonderful. Not usually a fan of “jukebox musicals,” but I loved both it and Jersey Boys.

    As to different insurance companies offering different policies in different markets, there are several factors. First, especially as to cities and counties, the companies’ actuaries take into account demographics—will those areas lose then money because of a higher proportion of sick and/or older individuals? Second, different states have different regulations governing coverage, patients’ rights, etc. and insurance companies would rather not be that well-regulated because it reduces profits. (Before you decry those regulations as a denial of liberty, bear in mind that almost all of them were passed to protect consumers…and without them most of us would face sure financial ruin from the costs of our cancer care).

    Allowing insurers to sell the same policies nationwide sounds wonderful in principle. But in practice, would surely run afoul of states with stricter regulations—and such a nationwide law would almost certainly either set a laxer regulatory standard nationwide, strip individual states’ insurance commissions of their power, or both. Any such statute that adopts the regulation standards of the strictest state would meet powerful opposition from the insurance lobby, and might even cause some insurers to get out of the health insurance biz entirely and concentrate on life and other forms of casualty insurance. So be careful what you wish for.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2016

    lori fly home friday,

    sue be safe,no more falls and i don't blame you trying diet first!

    we were lucky ,mam would have bouts of confusion but it was more forgetful about names/dates at home and flights of fancy in the hospital, she would often tell us she had been to scotland or on a river trip the previous night but the dementia like symtoms were only for a few weeks ,started in the hospital the last time the shouting and agitation especially at night,how people cope with that month after month , we don;t know and your so right its cruel to see them like that .

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2016
    Hi girls,

    Gotta be quick, need to finish my homework for my appeal tomorrow morning. I am quite nervous.

    I was to an ENT today. Long story short, I had a tooth pulled early June. The ENT doc thinks that the root perforated my sinus cavity which made me vulnerable for a sinus infection. I have twice visited my primary care doc and gone through two courses of antibiotics which never kicked it. I was given another RX for an antibiotic today along with some prednesone. The doc also ordered a cat scan. He said that it is possible that the damage is so severe that I may need sinus surgery. ughhhhhh! BUT, the good news is that I again have hope for feeling better. My life sucks so bad with the blasted headaches which NOTHING helps to alleviate my pain. My blood pressure was quite elevated today.

    Julie,welcome back. I know what you mean with the guilt your Dad has. tHAT is natural. I pray that peace comes your way quickly and that you willl be able to smile when thinking of your dear mum.

    Lori, so happy that you are feeling so good - yikes on the lil accident, glad no one was hurt.

    Cam, you crack me the hail up! Praying that surgery goes well for Leslie. Sorry about the D, glad it's gone. I agree wih you on the oyster drink, ick! Not for me either.

    Jazzy, thanks for the awesome pics. LOL that you saw the naked cowboy. Glad you had fun, hope you feel better.

    yoGenny, loved the pic of Norable! She is a doll. I got to see my Logan twicet his week, they are awesome, we are blessed. Good for you in being productive.

    Sue, crud, sorry you fell. Glad nothing is broken but chit, you must be hurting. Lots a love. And prayers that your heart issue is easily aboubixable.

    Hsant prayers coming to you. SOrry about the bitch social worker, I've put a curse on her to fall on her face and crack her nose hehe! Enjoy every moment with your Dad. Glad he is back to himself.

    Chi, I too love Carole King. Her real last name was Klein which is my name. She changed it to King, I guess she did not like being a Klein.

    I am hoping both Sandy and Genny's teams end up playing for the World Series (Cammie's team too)!
    I will be routing for the best team to win and will say what team I want to live. Hint, I jest love love love Chris Bryant!!!

    Sorry for typos, puter keeps skipping up a few lines, it is annoying as hell.
  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2016

    Bryant is eye candy, isn’t he? Zobrist ain’t exactly chopped liver, either. Arietta would be cuter without the hipster beard, but maybe that’s like Samson’s hair.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2016

    Hi girls, just a quick pop in to say good morning. I have read all but no time to post, DH outta town and pooches need to go to the park and then I'm off to work. Haven't seen Nora in a month, ugh but am keepin her overnight on Sunday. She hasn't had her bippy (pacifier) in 10 days, this is big news! Tomorrow is DH's b-day, getting an uber and taking him downtown to dinner. Cleveland Indians won last night and are officially in the World Series, very exciting around these parts! Sandy, congrats on your Cubs win last night, will be keeping my fingers crossed for your next game. Gotta run, hugs and kisses to all!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2016

    Jazzy, thanks for the splanation of the concrete. And leave it to Cami to ask about the nudes!

    Julie, safe travels tomorrow. I hope you are enjoying your time with family at least.

    Wacko, your headaches are from a pulled tooth that got infected? I hope the aunty B's help and you have no more headaches girl. Good luck on that appeal this morning, praying for you girl. Let us know asap, please.

    Mary, hubby is gone again? A couple that we went on that extreme tour with had just left Vegas for some sort of baking trade show. Equipment and stuff. Thought ofyour DH. Anyways, Happy Birthday to him. I'm sure you will have a good time tomorrow night. No Nora for a month? That is too long. And no more bippie, woot woot. I hate seeing kids that are def. to have one of those. Or when you see kids that are too big for their stroller. A huge sign they should be walking!

    NM, you ok?

    Heading to town today, having lunch with some friends. The husband just learned that he has lung cancer. Been waiting on VA for treatment. He only had an x-ray back in June and nothing since. I'm going in for labs today and we are going to the movies.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2016

    Bloody Brain Shooters


    • 1 1/4 oz. strawberry vodka such as Stoli
    • 1/8 oz. Rose's lime juice
    • 3/4 oz. Bailey's Irish Cream
    • splash of grenadine


    • Chill vodka for better smoothness. Add vodka and lime juice to a shaker; shake, then strain into a shot glass. Using a straw, dip some Bailey's Irish Cream into the shot. Once you submerge the straw into the Bailey's, put your finger on top of the straw to hold the Bailey's in the straw. Dip the straw tip into the vodka and slowly release your top finger. The Bailey's will curdle a little bit due to the lime juice and you should be able to make strands of Bailey's.
    • Repeat the straw/Bailey's process to build a "brain" in the shot glass. Add a splash of grenadine to the concoction to add the "blood" to the mix. Down the hatch as a shot.

    Halloween Cocktail Recipes

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2016

    Way to early good Morning Ladies.

    Leslie's surgery went well and she's been home for hours, and all of us have been sleeping on and off this evening. I love how u see 3 regular bandaids on an operation. Joey will stay home tomorrow so he can wait on her, he loves that anyway. But he did have a bad day yesterday, which cracked me up cuz he told me he was having a mid-life crises, I did explain to him that his voice has to change first. He's so dramatic.

    Dara OMG all this for a tooth, I have heard of that before but I never thought of that. /well I hope that is the reason so u can be treated hopefully without surgery, And so good luck this morning, please let us know as soon as u can.

    Lori for NM not to poop in she must not feel well, I hope we see her this morning. And what a drink, great for halloween, u'r always on top of things, no matter what it is. Oh Lori u'r poor friend with lung cancer, I know there are more options that are newer now and hopefully he can be helped.

    Julie safe trip home and please let us know when u get in.

    Mary Sunday night is just a couple of days, I;m sure u'r looking forward to it. That's u'r great fun time, I know.

    Sandy I have to LOL when u talk about all the Chicago places and I've never heard of them. I feel like a tourist. And for what I could understand u'r explanation of insurance did make sense to me--I'm always so glad u share all of these things with us, I know I find it all interesting and u always talk about things in a way I can understand, which is not easy.

    BTW all my keys are sticking on the puter, except for the Z, that's why I really take so long trying to type and correct so much. I guess I don't talk about zoos and zebras very much. So if u see more subjects with Z's in them, that's why.

    Hi Jazzy I think it's TGIF for u today. Oops for all of us, But I tend to think of NM and u first right now anyway.

    OK, I'll check back later

    SusieQ how are u doing after u'r fall? R U doing OK?


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited October 2016

    Good morning friends- up early to head over to the car dealer to get what I think is a battery problem addressed first thing this morning. When I came back from my trip last Saturday, my Subaru was dead in the off airport parking. The place jumped the car and I was on my way home. I left it parked outside the garage and it started up fine for a few days, but now having trouble turning over. It is the original battery from when I bought the car so it's more than due for replacement (six years) and they told me to get in early and they would get it done right away. I wanted to take it to them just in case it needs something different. My day is packed with project meetings, so I am hopping to get in and out of there within an hour and a half.

    My vacation high wore off by wed with the client site stuff going on. They are splitting up my client's area and some of her people are being moved to another dept, others are being moved around within her structure. Two of my team leads who work for her just don't come to the project meetings anymore, but my client is so distracted right now, it is hard to get her to pay attention to much of anything with this project. She has felt half in the game this whole year anyways. I just keep plugging along and pushing to get this project done.

    Cami- glad that DD got her surgery done and hope she is feeling better soon. Joey cracks me up with the midlife crisis comment, and your response was even better. Hope Leslie is up and around soon and sounds like she will have good care with all of you there around her.

    Dara- I must have missed the post that the headaches are related to a tooth? Did you get it taken care of or will you? Whew girlfriend, hope that is resolved soon and that you are able to find some new work you enjoy.

    NM- hope you are taking good care of yourself with the cold and work demands.

    Hsant and Juliet- thinking of you both with all that has been going on with your families.

    Going to post a few photos from the visit to the Whitney Museum last Thursday next.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited October 2016

    Sculptures and other pieces from the Whitney Museum. The top photo is a sculpture of a burning candle. Candle man has been burning since early summer, and has obviously lost his head, but now continuing on. It will continue burning until the whole thing is gone. Ee sat and looked at this for awhile.

    Other photos are from the outside terraces. The mermaid is another one of my favs and looks like a real person in person and also here.





  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2016

    Cami, how sweet that Joey is staying home to help out. But why did he have a bad day. I had forgotten about boys and their voices changing. I hope Les has a fairly easy day.

    Jazzy, that burning man is odd! Love the other sculptures too. Hoping it's only the battery on your car.

    Labs should be in today. Oh how I hate hate hate this time. The movie was Deep Water Horizon, or something like that. But it was good, Kurt Russel was in it.


    Hard Cider Pumpkin Float Recipe

    Hard Cider Ale plus Talenti Pumpkin Pie Gelato equals a boozy float beverage perfect for fall sipping.

    • 12 ounces Woodchuck Reserve Pumpkin Cider or your favorite ale
    • 1-2 scoops Talenti Gelato or your favorite gelato/ice cream


    • 12 ounces Woodchuck Reserve Pumpkin Cider or your favorite ale.
    • 1-2 scoops Talenti Gelato or your favorite gelato/ice cream.

    Pumpkin Cider Float from

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2016

    Talenti Pumpkin Pie gelato is da bomb—and WF here has it (as well as Eggnog and Peppermint) on sale all week for $2 off.

    GEICO adjuster called and said the “cosmetic damage" on the other (left) side from a scrape (literally) Bob had a few months ago is not so “cosmetic." The fender & quarter panel and part of the left rear door are stove-in, and all need replacing. And then the front door needs repainting to match. Comes to $2780, nearly as much as the damage on the right from having been hit by the “flying Beemer" this past week! Adjuster said we can file a collision claim for that if we want, because it's stupid to fix only one side of the car, but Bob says no. He doesn't remember the exact date (and nearly breaks out in hives when he has to remember minute details to fill out paperwork).

    At the time, he was minding his own business and a truck drifted into his lane trying to pass him on the left. They pulled over, and both decided their respective damages were too minor to bother their insurance companies. Bob being a good soul decided not to file a claim against the truck driver's insurer (we've gotten burned by the previous elderly driver who turned left in front of him without signaling--and has a notoriously substandard insurance company that never pays claims either to other drivers or their own clients) and so was loath to add another (possibly unrecoupable) collision claim and jack up our next premiums.

    So he & the truck driver didn't even exchange information, much less file an accident report! Even if he had the info and remembered the date, that'd make “3 strikes" in one year—we might even get cancelled by GEICO. (Even though I haven't had a claim or ticket in years). But he grudgingly agrees that it would look stupid to drive around with one fixed and one bashed-in side, so we're going completely out-of-pocket on that. (I'm then going to push for going OOP on at least my first Prolia shot at six months after Zometa in case my PCP is no more successful than my MO was in getting Humana Part D approval—aren't my veins, bones and health just as important as the car's appearance)?

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited October 2016

    Chi- you will get cancelled by GEICO. Trust me on this one. Been there. Sorry about the whole thing

    I have Amica insurance. They are good if you need a new company. Gone through both car and homeowner stuff with them.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2016

    Hi Ladies,

    Lori I hope u get u'r results today so u can tell us in the morning--Praying sweetie, u know that. OH NM must really not feel well she's missed 2 days, I hope she really gets a good rest this weekend.

    Sandy I can't believe the other side of the car can cost that much, well I guess u'r DH didn't think so either. That's chitty.

    Leslie's doing pretty OK, it's a little harder than she thought cuz she can't lay down very well, I told her to get comfy on her chair and she is. Our neighbor sent over soup and jello and got a great big pizza for all of us. That was nice. And now back to my ding dong grandson. He was having a crises cuz his pasta wasn't cooking right and he thought he lost the touch. Then he had some jello and told me it was so good (it was plain cherry jello) so I told him we have to make it this weekend, his eyes opened wide and of course he said U KNOW HOW TO MAKE JELLO? He was serious too. OMG I told him I wasn't always like this, brat I did raise 2 kids almost alone and had to cook sometimes. Jeez Remember when he was shocked that I could use a needle and thread?

    Jazzy r u going to take it easy this weekend, u must be tired.

    Well I think I'll try to sleep now, hope I can.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2016

    We’ve been with GEICO since 1989. If they cancel the both of us it’ll probably be because we’re both on the titles of both cars, basically for convenience. Never thought that my being able to renew our license plate & city stickers without Bob having to take time off would lead to this.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2016

    Sandy, to fix the car or not to fix the car! Sounds like DH has not had the best luck.

    Joey is so funny. Did he think making jello was hard? Glad Les is doing ok.

    Well, I'm not a very happy camper. My TM's took a huge leap. From 52 up into the 80's. See onc on Halloween, not sure what he will want to do. I have a whole bottle of FU pills here, I could start back on them. Just not sure I want to play this game anymore.