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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2016



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2016




  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2016

    Ha ha, a filtered picture made by my niece.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2016

    Lori such beautiful pictures with beautiful people and no one has to filter u'r pics.

    Leslie is have the down the throat one, she has pain from the side ro the back and they've ruled out kidney and GB--she'll have the same dr. I had and told her do not mention my name, cuz u gals know I say recockulous things. I just had a few biopsies done, oh I did think Leslie's thing was a GB which makes sense for her age and this pain hurts worse when she sits rather than stands, she pretty much can't eat--she is loosing weight and she's happy about that but she feels miserable. It's not heartburn it's all lower stuff, I just hope they can fix this without her being really miserable, I think they should do the heiny scope too but I'm no Dr., but I do have my own medical team as u know and we concur about doing both tests.

    Back to work---Thanks for the pics Lori.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2016

    Hello girls!

    Sorry it took me so long to get back here, mese head been a hurting so bad. Today is the first day that I do not have a headache, at least not yet. I am a nervous wreck over the appeal for unemployment and only have five more days to submit my appeal.

    Lori, so glad to hear that you are feeling so so good, prouda ya! hehe! You look fn fantastic girl, you are jest so so beautiful. Love the pics of you and your people. Thanks for sharing. Try to eat a little more, k? We all need fuel to keep our bodies going, and likker is not quite enough although almost hehe! Love you goil!! Missed your face.

    Jazzy, what a sweet gesture to bring gifts to the couple that is going out of business. It is always sad to see a mom and dad type of company close its doors. I always try to patronize small businesses when I can. I buy all of my produce from stands around town, same goes for my summer flowers. I shop at a local hardware store instead of lowes or home depot but it seems that the local store is hurting as their inventory lately has been lacking. I supported a local business for my drugs until about ten years ago when they closed down the town pharmacy. It sucks to see these small businesses close their doors. Great pics you posted, thank you, the flowers made me smile. Your NY trip is getting close girl, so furcited for you. HOping the family pain in the arses are leaving you alone

    gonna hit submit before I lose this, still uneasy typiing on this small machine!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2016

    Suz, so sorry that you are having medical issues along with headaches, I know how much they suck. Hoping and praying that you find some quick relief. Always nice to see your purdy face in de lounge.

    Sandy, omg, you know a little too much about the digestive system, good Lord! Is this a hobby of yours learning about it? Haha, jest kidding ya. ANy gigs coming up soon? I so envy you as I really miss making music with a group. I tink I told you that i was in a union from 1991 - 2001. I checked my "memory box" and found the card, it WAS indeed the same union as you. It was the AFM Local 802 which was based out of NY. I got paid for performing gigs. It was such an unbelievable feeling. The union paid us to perform which was so so fun. It was my lifelong dream to be a pro musician. I gave it all up when I started working for that FN mortgage company as i ended up needing to work late evening night and could not make it to practice and could not make most of the gigs. I so wish I did not give that up. I am too rusty to play in a group but hope to keep practicing and getting there again. I've really enjoyed surfing your music, you guys are awesome.

    NM, chit about waking up in the dark, hate hate hate that part of this time of year. I do love the season but hate the dark and the cold that is coming. The worst thing for me is gitting outta work when it is already dark. I know I suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder, love summer sooo much. How sweet that you are taking Sadie to work with you. I am not surprised that she knows to be very gentle around your patients, she is a smart girl. I am so glad you have her, I could not live without my furbabies! Glad the cold is easing up quickly.

    gonna hit submit again .... n make a dwink too! Its almost 7 pee em! cheers!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2016

    Hi Enerva, glad you made it back. Funny post, love the last line about not needing water hehe! Keep coming back, I have a dwink for ya cheers! whats your preference btw?

    Cam, prayers for Leslie, hope they figure out what is wrong and can easily bix it. Thanks for your sentiments, you always warm my heart lady. aND you also crack me de hail up. I lol'ed when you wrote about your recockulous comments and tailing Leslie not to tail the doc that she is related. And wow, you worked after your procedure? I can see why you did not shivagit about yer clients, that propofal is DE best, love that stuff. I see why Michael Jackson liked it so much, I would not being high on dat ebery day! Hoping and praying that your biopsies come out clean. And bdw, I related to you last night with the big D. I coughed and wham, a big blast of chit snuck outta mese anal cavity and persisted most of the night into dis morning, I could only tink of you and imagine jest how horrible it is going through that fuc*ing day after day, big hugs and lots of love to you my lady fwend!

    I guess that Hsant is enjoying her congigal visit with her DH. Hoping her Daddy is going well.

    Julie, how is your Mum, still hanging in there? I pray that she is comfortable, continued prayers going out to you and your family as I know this is a difficult time. Muah! Love you lady!

    Thank you all for your kind words, suggestions and prayers regarding mese situations. ugh, things are bound to improve, can't get worse!

    Ok, gonna hit send again, murphy's law sez that if I do not, this post will nisseppear into thin air. gonna make a dwink, for real this time, and maybe come back to chew on yer ears hehe! love you ladies, really glad to have you all to support me. Muah muah muah!!!!! or as ?Suz would say lubs lubs lubs lubs x infiniti!


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2016

    Dara, thanks for the compliment about my music! Although I'm AFofM, I'm Local 10-208 (Chicago) and Local 1000 (continent-wide, the “Traveling Musicians' Local"). Local 1000 is the largest non-geographic local of any labor union in N. America, and was founded in the early '90s for mostly folk musicians who were being shaken down for dues by union reps—most venues were union, but few paid scale for anyone who wasn't part of a band or didn't have a regular standing bar gig. Work dues were usually more than what they even made. And some of those reps—at least here—earned an "unofficial commission," pocketing some of the take for themselves. I had to join 10-208 when I was elected to the Board of Local 1000—rules say that Local 1000 members also have to join your geographic local and file contracts through it if you play gigs within your geo. local's jurisdiction (for Chicago, that's a 50-mile radius that includes all the suburban “collar counties"). Local 1000 recognizes there are "dozens of dollars" to be made in folk music (how to make a small fortune in folk? Start with a large one) and that while we are encouraged to play venues that pay scale (our scales are lower than the geo. locals'), for all but established folk music celebs it is impossible to make a living playing folk music without doing tip jar, door-charge, and other low-paying “dark dates" at venues that can't afford to pay scale—much less tack on a pension contribution. While annual dues go to AFofM, “work dues" (2.5 % of union wages) are what sustains the locals. So Local 1000 looks the other way when it comes to dark dates, and requires that we pay a “work dues equivalent" (an amount approximating 2.5% of all our performance earnings, scale or not). But only official scale gigs for which we can file a contract are eligible for pension. Local 1000 lets us file a contract for a non-union venue in which our nightly “take" meets or exceeds scale + pension contrib. and the operator is willing to sign the contract—we carry blank forms just in case we get lucky that night. But Local 10-208 requires us to file contracts 3-6 weeks in advance; and if they find out we've played a dark date—or filed a contract retroactively w/o paying a penalty—we can be expelled from the local and even from the union! I very rarely play solo gigs in Chicago any more; and for duo gigs in Chicago, my singing partner, who lives in Madison, WI, files the contract with Local 1000 and if we play in Madison, I file the contract. (Local 1000 requires that you play “most" of your gigs outside your geo. local's jurisdiction). We joined late enough in life and earn so little that we won't vest in our pensions, but we can at least help keep the fund going for younger members to build a pension.

    What instrument did you play?

    As to your appeal, look into the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Your boss may have violated it. I don't practice in KS or NJ, so I can't truly advise you, but you might want to see if you can get an attorney to represent you on contingency (for a % of benefits if you win). You might qualify for Legal Aid—they can't take fee-generating cases, but might be able to walk you through the process "from the sidelines."

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited September 2016

    Hi friends- I was out early to a car service apt to get new tires on my Outback and will be out tomorrow again for an early morning prof org meet up so just wanted to say hi!

    Dara- I agree with Sandy, there could be some violation with ADA here. You need a good attorney! Glad there was no headache today.

    Also, the people who closed their business were retiring, so a bit different than those that have to close due to lack of business, etc. I would have felt less enthused to bring them parting gifts if that was the case. I am careful not to make light of things like that. Sort of like the time a horrible boss ended my job years ago and then wanted to throw a going away party for me. Well, that certainly can't be for me! I said no thanks.

    Goldie- such beautiful photos.

    Cami- so DD is having an endoscopy? I had one years ago for some GB problems in my 20s. I hope they can get to the root of her problem soon.

    Well, my day was good until I got home and I got bombarded with phone calls from some IT folks. Drama management!

    Have a good evening my peeps!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2016

    Hi girls having a hard time sleeping--of course I'll sleep all day later I'm sure. I felt so bad for Leslie she was there for hours with nothing they could find. and came home in pain just the way she left. I think that's wrong--She didn't get an MRI (which my medical team thought she should have gotten right out of the gate) but I know there is an order in which tings have to be done. But how can u send someone home not knowing what the pain is? I mean it could be something crazy that can be dangerous the longer it stays.Maybe it a mom thing too.

    Sandy I never thought about any union things for performers, well I have heard for certin entertainment,but u had to really learn alot about all this stuff, cuz again I never really understood unions, except when I worked for the sate and had to pay my dues and never could figure out what they really did, we went for years with no raise, with no consequences to the state or anything the state wanted--but I do get a pension and insurance that picks up where medicare leaves off so it's all good that way.

    Dara I'm so happy no headache today and I don't blame u for being crazy about when u have to do things. Oh yes u have to have an attorney for this one now that u'r having a hard time, and u let him or her handle all this crap, I can't imagine it not going u'r way those bastards.

    Jazzy are u getting u'r WINTER tires on for New Mexico, like people do for Chicago weather? And NM has to get ready for her winter.

    OK I'm going to try to sleep and then rub it in to my boss again how I unselfishly worked when I was told not to work tile the next day. Of course my work is simple but I just like to aggrevate him as much as I can.

    OK seel u latah.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2016

    Image result for bartender drinks recipes with coffeeRelax this morning NM

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2016

    image alt="Image result for hump day images">

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2016

    Image result for hump day images

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited September 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day!Another cool day in store here, maybe some rain this ayem, but we really need a couple of days of steady, gentle rain.Ah, well,we'll get what we get, right?Sadie's been happy as a clam at high tide being able to go to work with me this week.It's good for me, too, forces me to take breaks to water and walk her.And she gets to do good deeds, on one break yesterday Sadie spent a little time with a couple on vacay that was in doggy withdrawal from their 3 dogs.She got such a lot of tummy tickles in that few minutes!I swear Sadie was smiling as big as the lady was.

    Cammy--yup, weather has changed from summer to fall.The cold continues to fade away, nothing more than a couple of coughing spells yesterday, nothing terribly annoying as long as I have something to sip or cough drops to use to keep the tickle from getting worse when it hits.And Sadie thinks she is the center of the universe.And, of course, she is the center of her universe.I try to keep it that way.Hope Leslie's test went easily for her.

    Goldie--Sadie is very good company, at work and at home, that's for sure.I love taking her with me, except for when she is barking at other dogs while I'm trying to talk on the phone!Not sure I like the loss of appetite thing, but as long as you are feeling good I'll try not to worry about it!


    Dara--don't dither, Dara, and get that appeal in!I know you're a nervous wreck about it, and I'm right here holding your hand, along with everyone else in the HTL.Don't lose out by missing the deadline.The worst that can happen is nothing changes.I think part of the reason I like autumn so much is being able to take Sadie for nice long rides.And she is a smart pooch, she has me well trained!

    Chi--good advice for Dara!

    Jazzy--love the term "drama management"!

    Cammy--Yup, I can put the studded tires on the car the first of October.Rather eager to do that, this set of summer tires is pretty thin, not going to pass inspection and not giving good traction in the wet, so time to get rid of them.Time to get the snow shovels out and cleaned off, too.Tis the season!

    Thanks, Cammy!For the DOTD (very yummy) and the Wine Wednesday pic!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2016

    Good Morning Ladies,

    M it's realy cool this morning, but it's fine with me. Oh Sadie is such a darling, it's great to have a very special furbaby and u2 spoil each other. That's the most fun.

    At this point I'm worried about my DD, her pain is non stop and I know it's wearing on her and I worry about that too. That's all she needs is to be sick and crazy at the same time.She's caling the Dr. today anyway and hopefully he'll listen to her. Sometimes we kow our own bodies better than when u explain it to the Dr. and u know u need more that a pain pill. I know why I take pain pils, but just to take them when not knowing is chit., Again I'm venting, sorry.

    Is Lori gone already, I always miss her so. and lately she's been gone alot. I'm so glad she's up to it tho, that makes me happy.

    SusyQ what's happening with u, my mind is in a dither (haven't used that word in forever) but u know I care.

    I hope everyone has a great day and in a way I hope I'm not busy today. Leslie has a job interview today, she's set on going, she feels that she has had some experience now and of course she wants to get better pay. I don't know if this is a good idea for now, but she's as stubborn as a mule (more like a jackass) so whatever.

    Phone is going.


  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited September 2016

    Mema, woo hoo and a big congrats to NED! Doing a happy dance!

    How did the doc appt. go today? I hope you're feeling better. My ex boyfriend had a gall stone when he was 28. He was super fit, not an ounce of fat on him, and he was basically immobilized during that time. I've heard gall stones are one of the most painful things anyone can experience.

    It must've been a blast to watch your wedding!

    Cami, how is Leslie feeling? How was her job interview? Is Joey enjoying junior high?

    OC has been a little bit of a zzzz fest, since Kelly hasn't gone off the rails. Vicki backing up Brooks on his cancer diagnosis this past episode, seriously?! He faked his med. records! She should just own the fact that he was lying and that she knew he was lying.

    It seems like you cancelled your colonoscopy?

    Jazzy, I'm watching The Voice, and I especially love this season. I think that Miley Cyrus and Alicia Keyes are fantastic additions to the coaches. The talent this season is incredible IMO.

    Someone is leaving on a jet plane for NYC soon! You and your sis are going to have a blast!

    Native, how nice that you share Sadie with your patients. I remember when my mom was hospitalized there was a person who brought his dog to the hospital for therapy. I've heard that domestic pets are very good for sick people. Your patients must be in love.

    LOVE your deconstructed adult AP recipe! This is something I will definitely make when I'm home.

    Goldie, Gorgeous pics! You have a beautiful family, and your mom is so stylish! Is that your DS in the neon green shirt and your DD in the Lions shirt? It looks like you had a really nice visit. How's your mom?

    Dara, I highly recommend looking into the ACA. Open enrollment starts in October. I'm so sorry about all the shit that you're going thru right now. Although, I get the convenience of marrying your ex.

    Chi, I've been to Vina Robles winery. Paso Robles is my favorite area to go wine tasting in CA. Super chill and unpretentious. At least it was six years ago. I've heard it's become a lot more touristy.

    Julie, thinking of you and your mom.

    The past couple of weeks have been difficult. My dad was hospitalized for dehydration on Saturday. He was released on Sunday, but he's so crapped out. He has a lot of scar tissue on his lungs from a botched surgery (aortic aneurism in his stomach) 13 years ago. He had a trach tube for 10 months, feeding tube, Foley catheter, and He survived 10 bouts of pneumonia during that time, along with 2 bouts of sepsis and other infections. Anyway, his lungs are crapping out. He's not exhaling all of his carbon monoxide. He saw a new pulmonary doctor today who thinks he's aspirating from fluids. So, he's scheduled to get a swallow test a week from Friday. His pulse oxide is also at 88% when he walks, so he was prescribed oxygen during the day. I'm waiting for this to be delivered. I really don't like the new pulmonary doc., but I'll wait until after his swallow test to switch to someone else. I'm completely overwhelmed. On top of that, his pressure ulcer is no longer superficial. We saw the wound care specialist, and it's open. It's the size of a pin point, super small, but he needs to move and be active in order to get rid of it. Lots of conflicting shit going on right now. I'm going to pour me a big glass of zin.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2016

    Super-cool out there today—I may actually throw a sweater on over my blouse (not ready to turn the furnace on yet). Rainy, too—figures, since every time I have a mani-pedi, which requires I wear flip-flops, it’s always wet out there. And earlier this afternoon, there was a water-spout photographed on the lake, about a mile east of Ardmore Beach (1/2 mi. SE of my house). Oy.

    My DOTD is a big screaming-hot cappuccino. Or maybe a mug of steaming chicken broth.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited September 2016

    Hsant- good to hear from you. I was hoping your DH was still visiting and you were having a nice time together. But it sounds like he may have left and you have had a really hard time with your dad in the hospital. Do you have any other family around there to help? I think you have mentioned some aunts and uncles but realize they may also all be older too.

    Hugs sister, wishing I could come over with a nice bottle of wine.

    Cami- that stinks about your DD not having any answers. The bad pain is surely a sign of something. I wish they would do an MRI.

    We do get some snow and ice here so having some tread on the tires helps. My tires are the originals from when I bought the car in 2010 so they have done well! The mountains here can get some big snow, but it does not snow in the valley here too much.

    NM- I used to work FT for a company here that had a lot of drama (similar to the current place) and did a certification program in quality management. I remember telling my boss at that time the university should offer something for drama management. She thought that was funny. But good lord, it is everywhere these days!

    I had a wicked day at work. Client has been out again a bunch and came back and can see she is not happy about some things. Going to try to get some things further pushed along and delegated on the project with her directives. I don't have a good feeling this project will be in good shape when I go back.

    Time for bed, good night friends!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2016

    Hi Ladies,

    Hsant it is so so good to hear from u, I kinda thought u were having a good time, I'm so sorry for what u'r dad and u are going thru. U'r poor dad having all those thing a few yrs. back, he had to suffer a lot then too. (((HUGS))) I did have my ass pics taken, Leslie went back to emergency tonite her pain was so bad, and they just sent her home cuz there was no MRI ordered so they said (good thing I wasn't there) it might be a little in her head, believe me it's not, and they have her down for stomach pain and she kept on saying it's in my back mostly, of course my medical team came up with peritonitis )sp) but we're not Drs. IDK I just see the pain she's in and it awful. I really missed u .

    Jazzy I realy didn't know u got any snow or not much anyway, but yes u'r tires did u proud.

    NM I just membered when my dad was in the home care they had a cat cuz all the older people liked pets. A CAT--U all know my mouth by know, so I was talking to the administrator (not mean) that she must know the cat won't be around more than 3 days. And she said oh no she likes it here--A CAT hahaha sure enough she got out and they never saw her again, I always thought I hoped someone nice found her, never thought further than that.

    Oh chit I talk about Joey to much, I didn't realize myself he was in Jr. high, damn. but BTW he was a part of our medical team today and explained to Leslie what peritonitis is??? He must have looked it up cuz we never talked about it. Well it's just that I talk with him the most now and he tells me what happening everywhere and he's interesting to me. I tell Leslie how smart he is and she told me no all the kids are smart now so don't say that out loud.LOL Then the results came back from those state test they take for knowledge and he was in the top 4% in the state. so I was I told u so, I told u so. sorry I'm talking about him again see he's all I know about, really well and diarrhea.

    Sandy rain is in the forecast for the next couple of days, then warm up, but I don't know how warm And does anyone realize Christmas is less than 3 months away and Thanksgiving less than 2 months. Holy chit. I feel like I was just saying this like a month ago..BTW is u'r DH Jewish also? U r right? Another thing I enjoy how u have something that u love to do now that u are not lawyering (my word) anymore.

    See I took a pain pill and I can't stop talking, why is that? Aren't they supposed to me me sleepy?

    Something stupid I just thought of, u know when u'r i the hospital they put all the warning wrist things on, well I had so many on and I saw one that said allergy and I asked what am I allergic to? As the nurse told me I acted ike I was kidding. I didn't even know. See why I talk about Joey so much.

    OK I'll stop rambling as I do from time to time.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2016

    Cami, my husband is Catholic. We belong to both Temple Emanuel and St. Gertrude’s. Got our bases covered. (Decades ago, a grateful client felt my fee was insufficient recompense, so since she was LDS she decided to have me baptized Mormon in absentia. She meant well). We’re not due for a warmup till Monday, acc. to ABC7. We had hail earlier this evening—hope it didn’t trash my tomatoes.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited September 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Thirsty Thursday!Another brisk day dawning here in Maine.Trees are just starting to turn color, got some pretty spots to drive through.Sadie is loving riding with me this week.We even stopped at Mom & Dick's for some extra tummy tickles and treats on the way home from work last night.And she sure is nice to cuddle up to in bed at night!

    Cammy--Sadie and I do spoil each other, quite a bit.And weboth love it!Your poor DD, I hopeher doc listens to her, and I pray an answer is found very soon.Like today.Stubborn can be a good thing, Wishing Leslie luck with the interview!

    Hsant--Animals have a big healing influence on people.I love meeting the Therapy Dogs that I see in the nursing home while I'm working.And it's so important to people to see their pets.So many elders continue to live in bad situations because any place they could go for assisted livingwon't allow pets.Fortunately, many are changing their rules and allowing cats and small dogs now.I'm so sorry your Dad is having a difficult time.He went through a horrible time with that surgery, so not fair that he still has to be paying for that.Wish there was something I could do to help.Is your Dad a TV watcher?One strategy that helps a lot of people with pressure ulcers is to stand up for a count of 10 every time a commercial break comes on.Don't have to walk or anything, just stand up and count to 10 then sit back down.Doing that when commercials come on usually means doing it 3 or 4 times an hour, and that little bit can make a big difference. It's hard when lots of conflicting $hi# is going on.

    Chi--a water spout?Wow!

    Jazzy--Workplace Drama Management would be a fantastic course!It would rake in huge $$ for whoever runs it, I'm sure.Like you said, there is Drama EVERYWHERE!Sorry the project isn't going so well, sounds like the Client isn't really invested in the project, and that makes for an uphill battle.

    Cammy--whatever ER doc Leslie saw needs to be stomped on.That doc can order an MRI, for crying out loud.He/She saying it's all in her head is inappropriate since the pain has not been completely worked up yet.And it can be very hard to get medical records to say what the patient actually says in this day and age of computer charting.One of the nursing homes I go to has a cat, he is HUGE from being given treats and carried around on laps and generally being fussed over.He loves it there.But not all cats would like that kind of life.So funny how the cat you saw escaped!

    Chi--you really do have all the bases covered!Too funny!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Tequila Sunrise recipe

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited September 2016

    Good morning friends- winding down the month of Sept, boy that went fast! The balloon fiesta is gearing up to start on sat. I think I mentioned to you that my client site is literally next to the park. Lots of great photos will be coming soon!

    NM- my client has felt very peripherally involved because she is the business owner of too many things. That is the orgs fault to overwhelm her to the point she cannot be as present as I need her to be. She is also out a lot too, with vacations, conferences, and working remote a lot too. It is obvious she does not want to be there. She was back yesterday and we reviewed a presentation for the execs on Monday and seemed upset on a number of fronts. Much of it is beyond my project, but going to call the vendor today and refocus on some things we need to push forward that they are the driver for. I have seven more days of work for these people before I step away, and need to make the time effective before I go.

    How is your cold? How did Miss Sadie enjoy her outing with you?

    Cami- if the doctors think peritonitis, do they know a root cause for that? I had that from my ruptured appendix and had severe pain all over my abdomen. A CT scan revealed an abscess that caught most of the infection but not all. When they opened me up, they found the real problem. Did she have a CT scan? It sounds like she really does need an MRI.

    Going to refocus myself for today, leave a bit early to drop by the computer store with a problem laptop, and then hit the campaign phone bank tonight. Bring on the new day!

    Have a good almost last day of Sept!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2016

    Hey Boss Lady, I'm still home. Had lots to do yesterday and still lots to do yet. We leave Monday for Moab, but might hold off until Tuesday, just need to watch the weather. I'm so sorry they couldn't figure out what is wrong with Les. Are they going to do more testing?

    Hsant, the young man in green is my niece's boy friend. My kids are behind my mom in the wheel chair. We try and just cover her up the best we can! My son was not with us at the cider mill. The picture of us all sitting at two tables, left to right. Me, Anthony (Lindsay's BF), my DD Jennifer, my niece Lindsay, Raul my brothers partner, my niece Lauren and my brother Rodney, who is Dad to Lindsay and Lauren. So very sorry to hear about your dad. And how hard this is on you. Sending prayers and hugs your way girl.

    Wacko, I hear ya about getting married. It's really a shame, isn't it? Wishing you all the best on your appeal goil.

    Sandy, Dara plays the flute and piano. Perhaps more, but those are the two that I know of. I was able to watch a tad of your video. We have limited data for our internet, so videos are pretty much out of the question, unless before 5 am.

    NM, my appetite is returning. I have been doing my MMJ rectally. I hope that's not TMI to the rest of the goils. I know you nurses get it. I don't think there is anything that any one of us would say, that would be TMI. We tell it all, don't we? Good idea for Hsant and her dad to stand during the commercials.

    Jazzy, we probably get more snow than you. I'm not sure of your elevation, we are at 6000'. I see Albuquerque is at about 5000'. This "project" you are working on and you think your client is not going to be happy. Hopefully this has nothing to do with your work.

    Cami OMG, they told your DD it was all in her head??? I am just beside myself over this. And of course Joey is smart! Did you find out what you were allergic to?

    Well, the little bit of drama while at my moms. So you all know about the "Senior Drug Cartel". Well, on the day we took my mom to the zoo, one of her "friends" called. My son took the call for my mom, proceeded to let this person know we were at the zoo. We had locked the house up, cuz we know certain people can just walk in and the dog doesn't care cuz he knows them. Well, upon returning home from the zoo, someone went in the backyard, removed my moms small window AC, reached in and grabbed her whole bottle of hydrocodone. Well…mother ends up telling this person about the break in, and asks her if it was her. Well of course she says NO. A few days later this gal calls again, my mom asks her again, again she says no. Well, my brother and I are telling her, she is a liar and she is a thief. She will tell you whatever she wants you to hear. Well, guess who was over the other day????

    Jazzy, jumping in the pewl with you. I see you posted as I was writing.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited September 2016

    Good Morning Dahhlinks!

    Sandy - OMG u r a wealth of information, am soo glad I put the ? Out there. I didn't kno anything about the bowels, cept sometimes mine works n sometimes not. Very sad about A. Palmer. My DS drinks those all the time, I thot he made up the name…now I kno.

    Lowee - I am excited u ate twice in 1 day. I kno how the loss of appetite can be. I'm better but it still comes and goes, my DH looks at me like I'm crazy or something, I am, he just doesn't realize how crazy. LOL. We had rain last night (Weds) did u get wet in Moab? Or is your trip next week? I just love the pics cept u look too thin. How clever the pic with filter. U look beautiful. WHAT?? Rectally? Well I say whatever works. So glad u r feeling better. My DH came home with 'muscle milk' (no dairy in it) and ensure, n one of the other common ones. They do have milk, and too much sugas, so he took them to work. The muscle milk is delish, easy to get down when it's been chilled too. Stay safe in Moab…MUAH!

    NM - Love that you can take Ms Sadie to work with you sometimes. My pooches love to ride too, Baxter gets soooo excited he whines when we go. Good for you and the netty pot, glad u are pretty clear of it all now.

    Dara Dahling - Glad no headache on Tues., how has it been since? Better, I'm praying.

    Just got a call from Cardiologist, wants me there at 11 today to get fitted with a Halter Monitor.

    Will try and get back on later. Lubslubslubs

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited September 2016

    OK, I'm back and bound up with this halter. See Gall bladder surgeon on Monday, thenTues it's the cardio specialist. Her name is Mekdelawit Aschenaki. I can say the last name but my tongue gets tied up on her 1st name, no biggie.

    Lowee - I'd b pissed and seeing red, it has to be her. Who else would know how to get in and where those pills are. I'd b calling da police to file a report (just to have it on file) and a referral to the Detectives that work Elderly care. Here, if u are convicted of 'crimes against the elderly' u get automatic Double sentence.

    Hsant - sad to hear all the trouble with your dad, but he sounds like a real fighter after surviving all that crap now and earlier in his life. Will keep you in my prayers. Puuleeze, try to fit in some down/relax time, u surely need it.

    Ok, mese ladies, I kno I missed of few of yous but my back and head are horrible right now. Will try to get on here tamari.

    Lubslubslubslubslubs...and lots of prayers too.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited September 2016

    Hi ladies. Kind of a crappy day for me. My dad has very little energy. He shaved this morning. Well, it took him almost 4 hours from the time he got out out of bed to the time he started shaving and dressed. Breakfast was at 1:30.

    Getting adjusted to the oxygen during the day is also challenging. Yours truly is the one hauling it, since it's too heavy for my dad to carry. His dr.'s office ordered a walker, which has wheels and a seat where he can put his oxygen on it, but my dad doesn't want to use a walker. He's extremely cautious and isn't one of those elderly folks who thinks he can do more than he can, so I won't force it, at least not right now.

    I have an appointment to meet with the director at an assisted living facility next week. I don't think I can keep my dad safe on my own anymore. As much as I would love to have my dad near me in CA, his doctors are in Cleveland and they are accessible and are familiar with his medical history. The place I'm looking into is super fancy and has a wonderful reputation. There is a two year wait list, but since My dad put himself on the wait list in the independent living apartment many years back, this will carry over to assisted living. I'll still stay in Cleveland. I'm not going to abandon my father, but it makes me very, very sad.

    NM, HUGE THANK YOU for the standing advice. His wound care doc. told him to walk a few feet every 20 minutes, but standing for ten seconds seems less daunting to my dad right now. I'm wondering if the reason why my dad is so lethargic is because of his one night stay in the hospital??? Could it be from that one night where he was in bed for about 18 hours?

    The leaves have barely started to turn here. Maine is so beautiful in the fall. Glad that Sadie is keeping you warm at night!

    Mema, wishing you the best with the GB surgeon and the cardiologist. I laughed when I read you couldn't pronounce her (his?) first name. Oh but why? It's pronounced just the way it's spelled.:) just kidding😀.

    Jazzy, I am riding solo in this experience with my dad. My cousins were expecting me to take of care of their father when he was released from the hospital a few weeks ago after his heart attack. They didn't want to deal with him if he was physically incapacitated. Fortunately for him, he was pretty much fine. My husband was in town for 4 days after Labor Day. Because of his work, it's difficult for him to spend any significant time away from his client.

    Cami, I'm going to respectfully disagree with Leslie. Not all kids are smart. A lot of them are quite dumb. Joey is an exceptional young man. Any news regarding her job interview?

    Goldie, hey, if inserting RSO thru the tushie region is the most effective, then you do what ya gotta do. I'm so happy to hear that your getting youreappetite back!

    It's grilled cheese and mashed potatoes for my dad tonight, along with raspberry gelato. I'm sure he won't eat any of it, but a girl can dream.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited September 2016

    Hsant- you are in a hard place with your dad, but if you cannot keep him safe, then you need another solution. I hope the new place is something you both can feel okay about, as much as possible. No one wants to be in this place EVER. My mom was in an excellent place in CA near my sister the last 8 years of her life. We moved her from CT to CA 11 years ago, and it was a very tough thing on all of us. But she actually thrived there and had good quality of life until probably the last year as she went into a major decline. I hope this transition happens as easily as possible.

    Mema- the halter to check your heart beat? I did one of those awhile back to check what felt like a skipping heart beat. No findings, eventually the feeling went away. Hope you are okay.

    Cami- I think the "it's all in your head" is said mostly to women, never to men. All the men that have mysterious problems are told "we don't know what it is but will get it figured out." I have been shushed too, mostly by male doctors. Patient satisfaction is a huge thing right now, Leverage that if DD gets a patient survey. Most health care orgs do them, there are incentives for providers to do well with this stuff. Fill out one and let them know! Find another opinion.

    Goldie- my client seems more unhappy with her role and work there than with me or the project. She came out of a meeting with her managers last night when we spoke last and she was really pissed off. So I got some thing taken care of today she asked about and hopefully we can have a good end of the week project call. I have known her for years and seen the change in her.

    Gotta get to bed. Huge storm came in and story about that but not tonight. Rest well friends.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2016

    If I had a dollar for every time a doctor told me “mind over matter” or “psychosomatic,” I could afford a weekly shrink.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2016

    Hi everyone.

    Wow a lot going on.

    SusyQ a harness thingy? Is this worn 24/7 and for how long? I pray it all goes good for u, every minute.(((BIG PRAYERS)))

    Lori it's so good to know u'r feeling good. I thought u were kidding about u'r ass. I didn't know tht was an option ever. So if someone said take this and go stick it up u'r ass, u actually can, this has to be new right? And this is what seems to be helping u, I think it's great. OK so now u'r leaving Monday, OK I was missing u to soon then. OK I had to LOL when I read TMI--what a hoot.

    Oh Hsant this is a very difficult time. I too remember when we put my dad in a "home" The 4 of us talked to my dad and he was fine about it, but we felt bad. I think if he wasn't blind he could have lived long at home with a caretaker, but it is difficult to do this. U r such a devoted DD and u'r dad must be a wonderful and lucky man just to have u. I'll tell u the truth I could never do all that u do for my parents. (((HUGS AND PRAYERS)))

    Jazzy right now u seem like u have u'r hands full. Mybe something is going on in her life tht's making this more difficult. I hope it mends itself, without u stressing all the time.

    NM U can take Sadie any time u want? Oh I bet she hates to stay home. She's having so much fun too.

    Sandy what Holidays u 2 must have with Jewish and Catholic--the best really--there's a lot of food in them I know so that's fun. Well I'm Italian brought up in Catholic schools so that's why I mentioned the food, but my dad was an Atheist What fun holidays we had a lot of debating my dad knew more about the Bible than any of us. LOL I've also been told it was in my mind, only to end up in surgery by the end of the day.

    Julie hasn't been here, I hope things are going OK.

    Well Leslie was back n ER today, different hospital no MRI yet, but they did say she has a bad UTI so she was given an antibiotic--I don't know, but when I get them they are very painful, which wasn't the case when I was young, so she's going with this for a couple of days and sees how she feels. Now Joey got sick, I think it's sympathy sick, cuz he gets like that--he slept with me again last nite and again we both slept so good.

    Oh I'm starting to get tired, aren't u gals happy. Soooo

    I LUBS U ALL----AND Dara I'm praying for u too.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2016

    Image result for bartenders recipe drinksJust in case Hppy TGIF