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how about drinking?



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited October 2016

    Good afternoon friends- nice to be able to sleep in this morning and not have to rush out anywhere. I have been a woman on the go for weeks with getting ready for the trip, traveling the last two weekends two and from, and back to work on Monday. Dang, time for this girl to slow down. I won't have much social stuff for awhile now, I tend to lay low for the holidays (if I am not working through them, eek).

    Cami, I am tired and focusing on home things this weekend. Time to put the summer things away along with the rest from my travels. And well, some bills need to get paid too, right? Work was busy this week coming back from a week away.

    Goldie- I am so very sorry to hear your blood work and TM's were not better. I am not sure all the options you have explored, but wondering if anyone has indicated if Ibrance would work for you? I know several sisters here who have done it and it seems to help. I know Stage IV is a whole different ball game.

    I also respect any decisions you need to stop any more treatment. I think we have all had those conversations with ourselves about how much we are willing to go through with this stuff. I hope your MO can review your results and let you know anything else that may help? Remember there are always new things coming up, and saw something on CBS news about advances in metastatic treatments this week as part of Pinktober.

    Metastatic treatments

    NM- thinking about you and hoping your cold is pushing through and you are home resting with Sadie this weekend. Pets are good snugglers when you don't feel well.

    Got some more photos to share from the last two days, but will do so a bit later. Hoping everyone is having a decent Saturday?

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2016

    Hey girls,. . Just read through the posts and feeling

    Lori dahling, so sorry that our numbers are elevated, F*CK!! I hope and pray that you don't have to make the decision to start taking those FU (FN) pills again. You deserve to continue to feel well, mese heart wants to break over yer news. i pray that this is jest a fluke test and that the numbers start to improve again with jest doing your RSO. Lots of prayers coming to you and loads and big ass loads of wishes for nothing but good tings for you. Iffin you need someone to talk to I am here love. Chit, damn it to hail. It WILL git better though, it must, kk? Muah (((((((LORI))))))).

    Chi, sorry about the fender benders, hope Geico does not drop you, that would not be fair. I have Geico and about two years ago, I had three collisions in three months, none my fault. I was twice rear ended and the third one with a Hummer that backed into me from a ight that he overshot. After de third, I traded in the car for one without a crash magnet. While I love mese newer Infiniti, I hate the car payments and wish that my old G37 did not have a crash magnet. I wish that your hubby would be reported the accident to the police and had the trucker pay up using the truckers insurance. Hey, good luck to your Cubs , babeball often gives me og during the games specially when the game means so much. I jest tail meseself that at the end of the day, no sweat off mese personal back iffen my team loses. Ugh. But yeah, lottsa eye candy

    NM, been missing ya and worried. Hoping ye not in hospital for asthma or sumting terrible. Hope ye feeling well and jest resting with Sadid and enjoying your well deserved weekend.

    Jazz, loooking forward to seeing more of your trip!

    Cam, thanks for calling me, I always hear ya love. Joey is funneeeeee, hard to make Jello hehe! I can do it so he surely can. HOpe Leslie is improving daily.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2016

    chit, glad I hit submit when I did, jest lost a lot of what I wrote. damn laptop keeps on a skipping whereeber it wants to damn it.

    Cam, thanks for calling me again, me always hear ya. Joey funny as hail about making jello, even mese can do that. Hope Leslie feeling better with each passing day and hope too that you are feeling well.

    Mary, hope the Nora visit is a beautiful time for ya, know it will be! more pics pleeeeze!

    Hsant, more prayers, tinking of you and yer dear Daddy and hoping for lots of good days for ya both.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2016

    So about me ~ very down over a few tings. First, had high hopes of the prednisoneand anti b quickly kicking infuction outta me but getting worst instead of better. Hurts to jest breath in and entire head bottom and sides with forehesad and sinus areas. Hoping to God that the issue is not the whichamacallit sinus that is close to the brain, have to wait on catscan to see what's going on. uh!! FN headaches are giting soooo old. Also worried about unemployment hearing was very difficult. had three parties as part of the tribal council against me. wtf! also worried about mese old doggie Bella. She has been slow moving and last night I found a huge lump on her ab which was not there last week, gotta git her to the vet asap.

    oh, hoping Suz recovered well from fall and all scans good, prayers for mese SuzE Q.

    Gonna sign off shortly, have to git back to bed. woke up in pain and hadda take a percocet which did not do much for pain cept make me not care as much that tings hurtin'. had a dwink too, at 5am wake up stead of le coffee~ wow me n JD. GOt some Gentleman Jack for a treat and luving it...mese deserve de step up from Yack Daniels plain. hehe!

    Hi to eberybuddy I did not mention (Julie hope you well and happy to be home). Muah goils!

    chEARs big eARS!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited October 2016

    Good morning friends- I took a whole day at home yesterday to just get caught up on a number of things since being away. Being home all day was good for me. I had a really deep restful sleep, the first in several weeks. Think I got myself back on mountain time finally!

    Going to be doing the same this morning, then have a trip to the gym and grocery to do, a stop to a friend's daughter's 21st b-day party. Got the invite midweek and went digging into my "loot bag" where I keep things for such events. I had bought this fleece snuggly thing for someone else that was not right and think she will enjoy it.

    Dara dear- so sorry to hear that you have an infection. Those sinus infections can be super resistant and cause those head ache issues for a long time. Don't be surprised if you take several round of anti-B's before that thing is kicked to the curb. And the sick doggie too girlfriend. And hearing. So hard to deal with everything when you don't feel well. Big hugs sister.

    Going to post some photos next!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited October 2016

    Wednesday of our trip was family time including a trip to the infamous Carnegie Deli and a trip to Macy's for shopping. Photo from lunch and the ginormous open face reuben my sister and I shared!


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited October 2016

    Thursday we went down to the Chelsea area again and went to the Whitney Museum, newly relocated to this area, and walked the lower High Line again. The evening wrapped up with our second musical on Broadway, Jessie Mueller has an incredible voice.

    The Whitney had these amazing decks between the upper floors with sculptures, a cafe on one level, and incredible views around the city.

    The large man is actually a big candle that has been burning since the summer. He has lost his head and will keep burning until he is done. We just loved this peice, and also loved the mermaid who looked as real as she does here.





  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2016

    Jazzy, yes Ibrance is next on the menu for me. The thing I didn't like about that one is that you have to do labs every week. How flucking fun is that? NOT! Thanks for the link, I'll check it out after my post. That sandwich is HUGE!

    Thanks Wacko, I too am hoping that it's just a fluke, and something going on that made those numbers jump like that. It's just a hard nut to swallow. I sure wish those headaches away for you, and the worries about unemployment. When will you know something, and what's next with the headaches? Praying for your Bella and that it is not cancer. WTF, animals never used to get cancer, did they???

    Sure has been quiet around these parts. I had to get off the pity pot, but it's hard. DH wants me to go back on the RSO, so gonna give that another shot. I just told him that I didn't want to do chemo again. It has been so nice to feel good, but is sure didn't last long!


    Mr. Hyde's Potion



    8 ounces vodka
    4 ounces parfait amour liqueur
    1 ounce blackberry liqueur
    2 ounces tarragon simple syrup (recipe follows)
    1 ounce fresh lemon juice
    1 ounce lavender syrup, available at most liquor stores
    4 lavender sprigs
    8 blackberries
    dry ice (optional) Note: Always observe dry ice safety measures: Never touch dry ice with bare skin and do not swallow.
    purple sanding sugar for rim (optional)


    1. Prepare the tarragon simple syrup by placing 1 cup sugar and 1 cup water in a small saucepan.

    2. Heat over medium-low heat until it reaches a low boil. Add two sprigs of fresh tarragon and reduce heat to low. Heat for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove tarragon and allow syrup to cool.

    3. Place 2 blackberries on each lavender sprig and set aside. Tip: For best results, insert a toothpick through blackberry first to make a small hole for the lavender stem.

    4. Cut and juice lemon. Strain to remove pulp, if desired. Add spirits, syrups and juice to a cocktail shaker filled with ice and shake until very cold (about 20 seconds).

    5. Pour drink into beakers, add a small piece of dry ice (optional) and a lavender-blackberry skewer. Note: Drink is safe to consume only after dry ice has completely dissolved.

    Tip: Alternatively, moisten the rim of a cocktail glass and dip in purple sanding sugar. Add cocktail and small piece of dry ice. Lay lavender-blackberry skewer across the top of the glass and serve.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited October 2016

    Final day in the city included the 911 Memorial and Museum, and a walk through City Hall Park and across the Brooklyn Bridge.

    Let me first talk about the visit to the 911 Memorial. I had been down at Ground Zero the December after the towers came down, and when it was still a recovery site. I will never forget that experience, all the photos of the people who were lost that day with "missing" signs with the hope someone had seen them. So heartbreaking.

    We spent time at the reflecting pools and then took the museum tour that was recommended to us by several/ The museum is very nicely done and respectful to the lives lost. The tour helped to orient us to this place, it's all underground between the two former towers and the reflecting pools sit in the footprints of the towers.

    After the the tour, we went into the room where they have photos of the people and some short audio about each one from a family member. Then I went to the historical section, while my sister decided she had had enough. If you ever go, know that they talk to you about this, sometimes it can become overwhelming and you need to just leave. Happened to both my sister and I at different times.

    Here are some photos of the pools, Freedom Tower, and inside the museum. Several areas are off limits for photos. One of the steel beams where a plane hit the building; the bowed in area is where they believe the nose hit the building.





  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2016

    Good Morning Ladies.

    Oh Lori I hate hearing this my heart sunk--but it might be fluky, that's a big leap and it's strange cuz u've been feeling so well--Chit, OK now the next step will be whatever u want it to be and so true for met. cancer, it's amazing. So make sure u talk to the Dr. about all the new stuff too--Oh I know u will, u r so vigilant (((prayers))) all the time.

    Dara WTF u've got it all piling on u at once. If u can get these headaches figured out I'm sure u'll be thinking better to take control of everything else. I always think about u and want u to let us know exactly what's going on and when u write u tell us and I'm happy about that, but sad too. (((prayers))) for u also AND

    (((HUGS))) for u and Lori.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2016

    I'm back--

    Jazzy those pics are amazing but the candle man can be made into a scary movie, call Candle Man, coming alive at nite with just his candle to lite his way before he murders women and then burns then to death. OMG way to many scary movies. 9/11 pics are exceptional but I can understand how it would be so sad to see everything. To this day I think everyone still stops and thinks about that horror and the aftermath. Wow u r still busy, when do u really relax????

    OH LAST NITE--more neighbors out and fireworks and crackers and all kinds of noise, they were dancing in the street--literally Such fun and Sandy I'm sure u heard so much and probably saw so much--everyone was celebrating like crazy--it was good to see and watch how a team can bring out so much for all of us.

    What do we know about NM??? She must be so sick, she never goes this long. I hope she lets someone know. KIM I'M CALLING U AND SENDING GOOD VIBES U'R WAY.

    Lori no Leslie and Joey tried making Jello about a month ago and it was all watery??? I told them it could happen to anyone---Yeah like people who don't know what Jello is.

    OK wishing u all a Fun Sunday or at least a relaxing Sunday


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2016

    OH I'm back again---Question???

    When (whoever does this) u have MMJ exactly how does it make u feel. Does it relax u whole body? or u mind just feels more relaxed. I know stupid question, but I've been seriously thinking about it and wonder in my insane way if it would help my D--I had it from Friday late nite til 1AM this morning and it absolutely drains me in all ways so I was thinking about relaxing organs. Silly I know but drs. don't know what to do for me, so I'm thinking beyond the usual.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2016

    Cami, so frustrating that the docs still can’t figure out what’s causing the D & how to stop it.

    Dara, those sinus infections are stubborn little buggers and often take more than one round of abx before switching to a different one. Sinus surgery is no picnic, but everyone I know who’s had it (including in many cases correction of a deviated septum) says it was like lifting a curtain. Don’t draw premature conclusions from your UC hearing—some hearing officers are really good at reading between the lines.

    Jazzy, those photos are making me homesick—even though I left 45 years ago. I too visited Ground Zero, summer 2002, and the “missing” flyers were still up as recovery operations continued. (Ironically, when I was in my teens, my dad used to take me to the electronics parts shops & flea markets down on Cortland St.—and we would peer down into the pit follow the progress of the excavation and foundation of Tower One). On the first anniversary of 9/11, the NYTimes website ran a short bio of every one of the victims. I was watching the recitation of names on TV when I caught one that sounded familiar. I looked the name up on the NYTimes website—and sure enough, it was one of my favorite day campers when I had been a junior counselor back in the summers of my high school years. He had been a guitar prodigy at age 9, and actually taught me some chords. I knew it was him when I saw the photo—even balding with a beard the face was unmistakable. What iced it was that the bio mentioned his love of reggae and blues and that he sometimes brought his guitar to his office. I also shudder when I think of all the kitchen & janitorial staff at Windows on the World and Cellar in the Sky—two of our favorites whenever we’d go back home to visit. And I am grateful that we got to take Gordy to family brunch there and for a soda L’Orangerie—Bob & I pointed out where our respective neighborhoods growing up were. And he remembers.

    Lori, hoping those TM numbers were a fluke. You have been through too much in too short a time to have to be put through the medications-mill again.

    NM, wherever you are, hoping your absence means simply you’re flying below the radar for awhile—vacay, work, computer issues.

    As for me, I’ve been a slug all weekend—mold allergies afflicting my own sinuses and itchy eyes, and the NLCS playoffs have been playing havoc with my sleep schedule—I get so keyed up that I stay up and sleep in too late. I was able to skip Bar Show dance rehearsal—turns out I don’t have to be in the gym dance scene to keep my solo in the next scene. (In fact, given the script it’s funnier if I skip the gym). So I spent the day in my PJs. (And in my nightie today, but I’m getting ahead of myself here).

    My diet has gone all to pieces—I start every morning being dutifully low-carb-disciplined, and at or after dinner it goes to hell in a handbasket. Last night was no exception: abandoned all pretense of going low-carb, and ordered out for Middle Eastern—falafel, pita, shwarma, yellow rice, lentil soup, Jerusalem salad (the only healthy thing). And it didn’t help my circadian rhythms that we cracked a bottle of 2007 Mumm Napa DVX and I had a glass and a half to celebrate. A regular champagne flute—not that little Perrier-Jouet mini-flute. Watched the entire postgame celebrations, then SNL and a bunch of stuff on my DVR to clear space on it. (Of course, I snacked my way through it all).

    Got to bed about 3 am, but knew the DirecTV guy was coming between 8am-noon to check out our dish and receivers (we’d been having problems that made me have to reboot and run system tests & rebuild the channel guides Thurs. while tech support walked me through it). Doesn’t it always seem to go that when you know you’ll have only a few hours to sleep before getting up early (and 8am is very early on a Sunday for me), you can’t fall asleep? Came downstairs, had a comforting bowl of Special K & skim milk (very, very bad for my diet) and burned through a couple more episodes on my DVR till dawn. Went back up at 7:15, and in the middle of a dream I was awakened by the robo-call from DTV at 8:50 that the repairman would arrive between 9:20-9:50. Natch, no way I could fall back asleep. He arrived, discovered some moisture had gotten into the LNBs on the dish; and a tree branch was intermittently blocking it whenever it got windy, so he snapped off enough twigs for the branch to clear the dish. He tested all 3 receivers and pronounced them OK but archaic

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2016

    As for me, I've been a slug all weekend—mold allergies afflicting my own sinuses and itchy eyes, and the NLCS playoffs have been playing havoc with my sleep schedule—I get so keyed up that I stay up and sleep in too late. I was able to skip Bar Show dance rehearsal—turns out I don't have to be in the gym dance scene to keep my solo in the next scene. (In fact, given the script it's funnier if I skip the gym). So I spent the day in my PJs. (And in my nightie today, but I'm getting ahead of myself here).

    My diet has gone all to pieces—I start every morning being dutifully low-carb-disciplined, and at or after dinner it goes to hell in a handbasket. Last night was no exception: abandoned all pretense of going low-carb, and ordered out for Middle Eastern—falafel, pita, shwarma, yellow rice, lentil soup, Jerusalem salad (the only healthy thing). And it didn't help my circadian rhythms that we cracked a bottle of 2007 Mumm Napa DVX and I had a glass and a half to celebrate. A regular champagne flute—not that little Perrier-Jouet mini-flute. Watched the entire postgame celebrations, then SNL and a bunch of stuff on my DVR to clear space on it. (Of course, I snacked my way through it all).

    Got to bed about 3 am, but knew the DirecTV guy was coming between 8am-noon to check out our dish and receivers (we'd been having problems that made me have to reboot and run system tests & rebuild the channel guides Thurs. while tech support walked me through it). Doesn't it always seem to go that when you know you'll have only a few hours to sleep before getting up early (and 8am is very early on a Sunday for me), you can't fall asleep? Came downstairs, had a comforting bowl of Special K & skim milk (very, very bad for my diet) and burned through a couple more episodes on my DVR till dawn. Went back up at 7:15, and in the middle of a dream I was awakened by the robo-call from DTV at 8:50 that the repairman would arrive between 9:20-9:50. Natch, no way I could fall back asleep. He arrived, discovered some moisture had gotten into the LNBs on the dish; and a tree branch was intermittently blocking it whenever it got windy, so he snapped off enough twigs for the branch to clear the dish. He tested all 3 receivers and pronounced them OK but archaic—we are eligible for a free single-line dish and whole-house receiver upgrade. Unfortunately, if we upgrade we lose everything we’ve recorded (including the movies Bob paid for but hasn’t watched). So we're gonna have to do some hard-drive triage, deleting what we can trash, and then watching what we must before deleting it too. In the old days, before DTV receivers incorporated DVRs, you could connect your receiver to a VCR or DVD-R and burn shows to tape or DVD. But then came the digital conversion change plus the studios sued DTV and TiVO, and now all content is copy-protected and you can’t run lines out to a hard-copy recording device. If I want to keep series I really want to revisit—like Treme and The Newsroom—I have to buy boxed sets of discs.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited October 2016

    ChiSandy- I hear you on the diet thing. I was pretty much off it, even ate some sugar while I was on my vaca but was selective about it. I had to have some NYC cannolies, but just ate WAY more than I normally do, including way too many carbs. I have to watch all this because of the blood sugar issues, although those are improving on the Victoza. Been back to my regular eating since I got home, but crave all kinds of things after the pig out in the city.

    So wow that you knew someone who perished in the twin towers. So sorry to hear this, but it sounds like you had some fond memories of this fellow. I know you are going to the city in December, yes? If you do go to the Memorial and Museum, do the 1 hour tour. It helps to orient you to the place.

    Speaking of blood sugar, I met with my new endocrinologist last week and the Victoza seems to be working to both help the blood sugar issues as well as working for weight loss. We are increasing the dosage for the Victoza now,and hoping I can drop another 20 pounds by year end. I am down eight and by fasting blood glucose was the best I have seen in awhile this morning. I already see a difference with clothing fitting better and looking a bit leaner. I have a ways to go yet. Will see her again end of Dec and get some updated blood work at that time as well to check my lipid profile and liver enzymes.

    Just finished a couple hours of work and will have a busy day tomorrow, but think I am going to go early vote tomorrow. They just opened up more early voting place this weekend.

    Hoping everyone has had a good weekend and have a good start to the week friends!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2016

    Good Morning Ladies.

    OK Now I'm worried about NM usually she's been on now, How do we find out? I know she's decided to slow up on the weekends but she usually checks in. Anybody???

    Jazzy where in the hell did I miss what u'r describing as Diabetes? I'm so sorry, it's not an easy disease to deal with, infact it really is rough (I think) I read so many posts 2x and still forget. Lori tried to teach me double screen but that didn't happen.

    Oh Lori I so want all this to be figured out in the easiest way possible for u.

    SusyQ what's going on with all of u'r tests?

    It's Monday, the only reason I still dislike Monday is cuz of Joey going back to school, otherwise it really doesn't make any difference. Leslie had that little setback yesterday, but she feels better today, so I think she's take it easier cuz I know she wants to go back to work, and so far they've been really good about it, texting her and even some customers have texted her, so we'll see.

    OK hope everyone has a good day, or at least a decent one.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2016

    Image result for bartenders recipes to mix drinks

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited October 2016

    Good morning friends!

    Cami- I did a search on NM to see if she had posted anywhere else. Looks like this is her thread and her last post was on Tuesday, 10/18. She did mention she was feeling pretty sick so maybe she is just off line taking care of herself? I don't have the personal contact info for most anyone here so we may have to wait and hope she returns soon.

    NM, we hope you are okay and check in with us when you are up to it?

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2016

    Jazzy, some of the pics you posted on the previous page….LOL! Sorry, just had to call you out on that one! Very surreal at the 9/11 site and the beam. Also sounds like you are pretty much back on track at home and at work.

    Cami, you are now a writer! And Joey can direct the movie! Candle Man! Or something else! Come to think of it, I may have messed up Jello one time too. But I think it was hard and like grissly. As for the MMJ, they stuff I do does give me a bit of a buzz, very mild. But they have stuff that doesn't make you high too. Anything that does not contain THC in it. And those things (w/o THC) are legal and can be bought anywhere that it's sold, even online. There are canibinoids, hemp, etc. This is a poster up on the wall at the dispensary I go to.

    This link is to picture, which I will post as well, but I think it will post too small to read. Ifyou click on the link, and then you might have to click on the picture for it to get bigger.

    imageSandy, to be looking through the names and finding someone you actually knew that perished in 9/11. Such a sad time in our history. And yes, you are right. I am not wanting to go through the med mill again. Especially when I feel so good. DH did have me start back on the MMJ/RSO. I have a feeling my MO will want me to do scans, which I don't want to do either! Sorry about the diet going somewhere in a hand basket. And wowsa, staying up until 3 am. You are starting to have a schedule like Wacko! Sorry about the allergies. We've changed plans with our DISH and had to do like you, watch it or lose it.

    I am concerned about NM too. I have her number and will call today. I've managed to stay outta the wabbit hole, as I know it does me no good, whether there or not. So, just trying to be positive. But boy is it hard!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited October 2016

    Goldie- let us know what you hear from NM?

    Sorry about the duplicate photos. That is what happens when you don't do them all at once I guess. I like FB photo albums, they should have those here too?

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited October 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Sorry to go MIA, but the cold turned to bronchitis and woke up the asthma and knocked me on my butt for a bit.Feeling better now that the good drugs are kicking in, but very tired.Been out of work since last Wednesday.Hoping to get back to work tomorrow.Got to stop trying to do the work of 2 people, though.Got to have a long, hard talk with myself about what I can and cannot do at work, and when to start saying enough is enough.Or better yet, start saying "no."If other nurses are doing that I can too, Right?Anyway, enough about me and my non-stop Sadie cuddles (while coughing and gagging up gross guck), time to get caught up with the Lounge happenings!

    Goldie--That lady's husband did need help more that she did.She was wise enough to decide to move to a nursing home a couple of weeks ago.I think she knows her husband pretty well, and decided that it would be better for them than if she stayed at home.She does have more control over her care than she would at home.Both are very intelligent, take-charge, high-achieving type of people, and the husband is struggling as much with not being in control of everything that is happening as with the thought of his wife's death.I really feel sad for him, and got Bereavement support involved early to provide more help for him.And getting the Red, White and Blue card, and still paying $50K?No wonder so many people just pay the fine for not getting insurance, it's got to be cheaper.That's down right scary!

    Jazzy--Welcome back to the home front!The cold became a monster, now getting tamed again.That Oyster Shooter looks absolutely revolting!Glad you and your sister like it, though.Silly Sadie has been a very good nurse doggy these last few days, keeping my feet warm and giving me kisses when the coughing got so bad I was gagging.Gotta love a pup that just lies beside you and puts her head on your arm and gives you the "I love you, wish I could make it go away" look.


    Hsant--Sorry you got an a$hole for a social worker, glad you can get a new one.Spend as much time as you can with your Dad, take all the good days and good times you can get.And don't worry about writing to all of us individually, we get it, pop in when you can to keep us up to date and let us know what we can do to help.

    Cammy--The couple does have a couple of children, both were here over the weekend before last.Last time I talked with Hubby I recommended he have them come home again.Will have to get the work computer up and running and find out what's been going on since last week.

    Jazzy--How many nude sunbathers did you encounter?Is that building built that way or is it collapsing?How weird looking!Is that a forest growing on an old roadway?Too cool.

    Chi--Urban trail, neat name, great idea!I bet they are really popular.Good explanation about the differences among state regs and problems with a national system.

    Julie--confusion can be devastating.Glad your Mom was pleasantly confused most of the time, with very little agitation.

    Dara--I had surgery a few years ago to open up the drainage openings in my sinuses, and, after the recovery which was less than fun but better than DIEP recovery, it's made a huge difference.I still get sinus infections, but nowhere near as often, and usually one round of antibiotics knocks it out rather than 2 or 3, and much fewer headaches.The pressure a sinus infection can create is enormous and the pain is dreadful.I hate the idea of another surgery for you, but if it will fix the problem as well as it did for me it would be worth considering.

    Genny--Bet you had a great time with Nora!

    Goldie--so sorry for you friend.Seems like the VA should be moving a bit quicker than this, though.

    EWWWWW!!!Bloody Brain Shooterslook entirely too realistic!

    Cammy--So glad Leslie's surgery went well.Joey having a midlife crisis before his voice breaks?Very dramatic!

    Jazzy--It must be frustrating to try to get a project done when the participants aren't committed and involved.That burning man candle looks like it will take a while to burn down.Does it burn at night, too or only during the day?That's a bit of a scary looking mermaid!Is she a mermaid Zombie?

    I would never have thought of a hard cider pumpkin float!Might actually try this one someday!

    Chi--Yes, your veins, bones and health ARE just as important as the car's appearance!And you may find that by telling the clinic you will be paying cash that the cost will very significantly decrease.At least ask if you can get a discount for paying cash for the treatment.With some drugs you can save a lot of money cuz the clinic doesn't have to jump through all the insurance hoops to get payment, and everyone (except the insurance company) comes out ahead.

    Cammy--Poor Joey, he still has so much to learn about the world, and about you!I can just picture his expression.


    Dara--Praying Bella's lump is nothing serious, and she's slowing down just cuz she's not a puppy anymore.Wish I could do something about the headache.

    Jazzy--that sandwich looks like an alien from outer space!I bet it was marvelous!

    Mr Hyde's Potion sounds like a lot of fun!Wonder where I can get some dry ice?

    The 911 Memorial and Museum are on my bucket list.What a day that was.

    Chi--Like the "ok but archaic" label!

    OK, Sadie is telling me it's time to take the steroids and antibiotics and get her a snack, so I bet go do those things.Love to all!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited October 2016

    NM- good to hear from you and figured you were down and out with the cold. Knowing you are an energizer bunny who keeps going and going and going, I figured you must be pretty sick to not be here for a bit. But that also tells me you were taking care of yourself. We are glad to hear you are resting and not at work. I often have those conversations with myself about needing to not do so much too. Work always flows to the most competent until they are buried (and sometimes get sick).

    We never saw any naked people thank God!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2016

    NM, yay you're back and on the mend. Uh, I had a feeling things were worse than they were last week and maybe the hospital but did not want to say

    Lori, sending all de love I have to you and all the hugs from a distance, hope you feel it. And conti nued prayers that it was a fluke. I am pissed for ya and glad you are taking it as well as you are. You are an amazing lady and continue to wow me.

    Chi, doesn't sound like you had the best weekenend, hopin tings look up for ya hon.

    Jazz, I know what you mean by needing to leave the 911 memorial. It is difficult to stay, to listen and to see everything. It brings back horrific memories of that very sad day. I am fortunate to have not known anyone that perished but have many friends and former business associates that did. And I don't blame ya for eating the canolli's, NY's are THE best in the world, I guess next to Italy that is (right Cam)??

    Cam, good idea on exploring the MMJ - who knows and you are right it can't hurt. Maybe it would relax, - your gastro system? Do pursue that, cept I can't even imagine you high on pot, OMG OMG OMG. I could not bare the thought of things you would or could come up with here! lmao! Love your movie about the headless candle OMG again x infiniti~ I do love you gal!

    Coming up ~ about mese day NOT good, not one little bit, oh hail no .....

    cheerless in KS

    I M,


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2016

    Cubs winning their first pennant since ’45 and breaking the Billy Goat Curse more than counterbalanced the downsides of the weekend. Had a mani-pedi today and feel like myself again (sadly, a bit more of myself than I’d like—hoping that traveling to the music conference in IA this week limits my nosh-opportunities).

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2016

    Ok here goes - my life in a nutshell....

    I am as discouraged in life as I have ever been. It is one thing after another for me. I am trying to be positive and look for brightness such as the beautiful grand baby I have, the relationship with my daughter, those that love me, there are many....and for being cancer free (albeit I fired my onc but plan on making appt asap). Fives days of another anti B and prednisone -headaches are worse than ever. I have the cat scan tomorrow afternoon.

    On top of that, I am getting solar panels on my house, tomorrow will be the third day of banging, drilling, shouting back and forth by a five man crew etc. My head feels as if it will explode. I had high hopes that anti b and steroid would give me relief but no.

    Also had pain mgmt appt today, not favorable in my opinion. Dr put me on pain med where I can't dwink, wtf? reduced pain meds greatly, took away my vitamim v. He prescribed Nucynda, Voltaren Gel, Zipsor and Topomax to prevent migraines. wtf I say again.

    then ,,,,, for the cherry on top, come home from appt and find in the mail that my unemployment appeal was rejected. I will be appealing through the courts next. also found out that my initial claim WAS in fact approved but due to the verbiage on the doc from the state, had the impression it was denied. One would think it was denied when the last sentence of the statement said "therefore benefits are denied".

    WHAT I FAILED TO DO IS READ THE FINE FN PRINT ON THE BACK OF THE Correspondence! Therefore the initial verdict of being terminated for simple misconduct was upgraded to severe misconduct and that is a result of what I said at the appeal when asked why I did what I did. But hail, the person with the state listed what she wanted to hear then disregarded much of my testimony. I call that Gross Misconduct on HER fn end !!

    so what to do?? dwink schmoke and be Merry, why, don't ask! This is what I did alright, had three dwinks and working on the forth, not taking the new meds tonight, no sirreeeee ladies. and Oops, now must pee at the docs office then had me some willy wonka right from the Hawaiian alps (if there are alps)! hehe!Thinking of moving next door to Colorado, it is a hop skip and jump from me here in Kansas Winking

    i STARTED this post much earlier, feeling better now. Have since talked with an attorney who will likely take my case as long as he feels the same about the case after reviewing the transcripts of the appeal with the tribunal. oh my nerves! I am not sure it is even worth the fight. But I just have too!!

    Also, I did something to throw the old boss under the bus, we will see if it works out but there is nothing to lose. I used that same website for my former company where I complained about the issue of are they sandals or flip flops. My anonymous submission is in review, the bitch. And I am not yet done effing with her, gonna give it a lot of time before my final revenge (oh I can taste it though)!!

    Thanks mese goils for listening, you all have been so kind and helpful. K, now time to ass pout ..

    uhhhh I mean pass out!

    chEErs from Kansas! and congrats to Chicago! May de best team win! \

    sorry this is all about me :(

    Image result for all about me

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited October 2016

    Good morning, Loungettes!I seem to have past the magic 3 days of drug mark, went to bed at 6:60 pm, managed to get close to 8 hours sleep in bits through the night, able to face the world when the alarm went off, so going to work today.Need to pack up a kit of cough syrup, tissues, depends since I leak when I cough hard :( and lots of money on the DD card--drinking hot stuff helps calm the cough for some reason.Will be interesting to see how tired I am by the end of the day.And I have got to remember that I cannot do the work of two people.Oh, but the ketchup is going to hurt today!

    Jazzy--Good point about the work load flowing to those who are most competent and committed.And who don't learn to say "no".

    Dara--not likely to get me into the hospital, been there, done that, don't want to do that again.Not to mention that I won't go to the ER since they're just going to say it's all in my head. That's what happened last time.Not interested in a repeat of that experience.I was just so tired that sitting up at the computer was too much work.Another reason I should have a laptop, I suppose.Oh, Dara, what a saga with the unemployment appeal!How was it not picked up that the initial claim was approved during all this time and stuff going back and forth?And please, think about trying the pain doc's recommendations for a least a couple of weeks.Vitamin V gets turned into some chemicals by the body that can hang around a long time and have very negative effects,and using multiple meds attack pain from multiple directions.And if you are having atypical migraines attacking that is important.The peeing in the doc's office is routine in pain clinics, part of the new Federal regs getting put out onto docs to help stop the prescription pain med addiction problems in the US.Don't blame you for throwing the former boss under the bus, just be careful so it doesn't come back and bite you in the a$ 5 years from now!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:I think I'll mix up a thermos of this and carry it with me today, my breath will just smell like cough drops, right?

    Cough Syrup



    Mix all ingredients together in a shot glass.

    Best served in a Shot Glass.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2016

    Good morning girls, waiting for sun to come up to take pooches to the park and then I'm off to work. Nora was fun and exhausting! If only she would nap to allow for regrouping but she did not. Looking forward to the day that we can play Candy Land and Shutes and Ladders, she is so hard to keep entertained right now, it was too windy to go outside, I took her to the library which killed an hour and then another half hour at Petco, of course she slept all the way home.

    Lori, oh my heart is breaking! So sorry, I had my fingers and toes crossed.....shit, shit, shit!!!! Praying for fluke numbers... (((Lori)))

    Dara, so sorry you are having such a bad time, headaches are the worse and problems with the unemployment on top. Prayers for you too my friend.

    NM, and you've been sick too? Hope you're feeling better and lungs are returning to normal.

    Cami, so sorry to hear about the continued D, oh how I wish everyone didn't have all these things going on... so not fair!

    Jazzy looks like you had a great time!

    Sue, hope all is ok with you.

    Hsant, hope your dad is doing well and having more good days than bad and you are enjoying your time together.

    On the lighter side of things.... Sandy, the battle is on girl! Cleveland Indians Go, Fight, Win!!!

    That's all the time I have this morning girls.... Love Ya!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2016

    Good morning Ladies,

    NM it's so good to see u in u'r place, we were all worried about u and PLEASE don't overdo this, cuz I know u tend to.

    Dara there is nothing wrong when talking about just U. There is so much going on and I truly think when u'r head isnt right every thing else is harder to do. I wish I knew how to help u in some way, this legal junk is just that, I don't know how they can get awy with that. Generally speaking when u got fired u were to get compensation. And over the years I know u'r work ethics and u always worked so hard, this is so not fair for u. But u of course need to take care of all this headache chit so u can give this u;r all. And I would think u know u'r attorney cuz apparently, he seems to have his hands ful with what should be a relatively simple case. U do seem to understand everything so that has to help u'r cause. And all I can do is cheer on the sidelines which to me is not enough. (((prayers and hugs))) always for u.

    Oh Lori leave it to u to display all that is about MMJ, u allways take the time to do those things for us. I think it's legal in IL, I do get confused cuz it's always been such a huge subject. for all the states, and it is easily obtainable anyway., so now I'll check this out. I may be the boss lady but u always out shine me.

    Leslie is being a bitch, cuz she was told this is a nothing operation, OOHH only if u follow what u'r Drs. tell u. She's so effin stubborn Well all of a sudden she's can't move around as much--Oh jeez she was moving around to much. That's one time u really listen to u'r Dr.

    Hsant I'm wishing u the best and like was said poop in whenever u feel like it and don't worry about catching up.

    OK it's Tuesday Mary I think we gave u plenty of time for some pics of u'r weekend. I'm such a nag. But seeing Annorable give us a shot of happiness.

    Nancy u seem very busy right now so I hope u can stop by with some pics too.


    Jazzy u sound as tho u are really taking care of u'r diet. Of course vacay doesn't count and yet u still stayed ahead of the game.

    Sandy with all that u attend and do I don't know how u r not tempted, hell a hostess cupcake has me all goose bumpy.

    I'll check back latah ladies.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2016

    NM, hope you are able to make it back to work, but only if YOU are ready. Glad you are feeling better. Oh I hope you are reminding yourself all day long "I cannot do the work of 2 people". Nuttin wrong like smelling like cough drops!

    Jazzy, LOL at no nekkid peeps.

    Wacko, it pisses me off too. So I just float down de river of denial. Cat scan for you today? I hope they find nothing my love. But do hate the headaches for you. I hope you don't have to wait long for the results. Good luck wif de new lawyer and I hope the boys on ye roof are goot lookin!

    Image result for hot roofers

    Sandy, congrats on your Cubs winning.

    Mary, I'm laffing at Nora sleeping on the way home, well…that's a nap isn't it? And you and Sandy can keep that fight between the two of you's! Break out the gloves! Let the fight begin!

    Image result for cubs vs indians world series

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2016

    Oh Boss Lady, I so so sawry for bumping you into the pewl, but I will join you and bring us some cough syrup, NM left us some. You don't need a MMJ if you are buying anything that does NOT contain the THC, but if it has the THC in it, then you need a MMJ card. And I don't out shine anyone! It does sound like Les over did it. They tell you not to for a reason!