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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited October 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Well, yesterday was a decent day at work.Today shouldn't be too bad.One day at a time, right?Sadie is loving riding along every day.Love this time of year.

    Cammy--So far this week things are pretty good at work.Last Friday was unusual, we set an office record for number of admissions in one day, and a regional record for admission in one day, and are at an all time high census.Got new staff starting next week to keep up with the workload. I'm getting a new partner, who will be full time.My first partner has gone back to nursing school and hasn't been able to work as much as she thought she could. So all is good.And Joey comes through again!It's amazing what can be customized on a computer.

    Goldie--There are times when I worry about the elastic on my big girl panties, for sure!I do not understand what it is with these little old ladies stealing stuff from their friends, the only thing I can think of is it being a sign of dementia.Or maybe they are just crazy.I pray your Mom doesn't get hurt, too.

    Dara--Ah, I bet that dwinky went down nicely, after submitting the appeal!Good job!

    Chi--oh yummy, yummy!

    Jazzy--what amazing pics!The colors of the sky and the balloon are fabulous!

    Chi--Thanks for telling us about Rosh Hashonah and Yom Kippur, that is so fascinating to me.I never realized there was a transition from priests to rabbis.I love learning about cultures and religions.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Bubbilicous Grape



    Open sherbert and dump the entire package of it into a punch bowl. Add grape soda, southern comfort and grape pucker. Stir, and serve out.

    Best served in a Punch Bowl.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited October 2016

    Good morning friends- up early to get over to work so I can catch some shots of the mass ascension this morning. The winds were not good yesterday so the park balloons did not launch, but there were balloons all over the west side of town where I live. They send up a "dawn patrol" every morning to check the winds and conditions to be sure it is safe. There are over 500 balloons on the field (in peak days, it used to be like 900), but plenty to look at still. The special shapes are my favorite and Thursday morning will be their special day so I hope to get some photos over the next three mornings. I am not going down on the field for anything, too busy getting ready to get out of town for a week.

    ChiSandy- thank you for explaining what this week's holiday is about. I never knew the part about there being priests in the Jewish faith and when that ended. I like the part about the 10 days of atonement to God and to others too.

    I am going to assume that you have been to Israel? I went there in 1989 on a middle east tour to Jordan, Israel and Egypt and to this day, still one of the most memorable international trips I have taken. Israel is such an amazing country, so green and lush compared to the surrounding countries. The only thing going on at that time was the first intifada and when we were in Jerusalem, we could here the mortar fire from conflicts in the Gaza Strip not that far away. We were fortunate during our time in Jerusalem to spend time day and night without issue, but the night after we left, there was a curfew and the city shut down.

    Cami- that balloon was pretty low and myself and the neighbors thought it was landing in that spot, and maybe it tried, but not a good spot from all we can see. We have some major high power lines that run down over the nearby mesa and the balloons here can easily get in trouble with those with the winds.

    NM- how fun that Sadie is getting to ride around with you. Good for you and for her. She is having a blast no doubt! Dogs love a good car ride and am sure she enjoys being with you and vice versa.

    Dara- Fingers crossed on the appeal. Are you headaches better? Since you have insurance again for a couple months, are you going to be seen for the headaches? Wishing you better days sister.

    Must get moving to my day. Wishing everyone a terrific Tuesday!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2016

    Jiminy Crickets woman, nothing like waiting until the last minute, the VERY LAST MINUTE to get that appeal in.

    Sandy, I assume that is the wine that the squirrel is drinking?

    Cami, those balloons start going up at the crack of dawn. It takes quite the time to get all of them off the ground. So the first ones that go up will usually go somewhere and land, and then they wait for the grande ascent, where they all go up at the same time, over 500 balloons. We had to leave before they did that last year.

    NM, there is no one with dementia! They are just crazy. And my mother is NUTS. She called me yesterday, and said she wanted my husband to invent a bicycle, with a very small motor on it, so she could ride it in the house! I'm like "you really ARE nuts". You can't even walk but you are gonna balance on bike. She lives in a very small house, no where at all to turn it around! Oy vey! Very interesting DOTD, not sure I could stomach that one!

    Jazzy, I see it's called the mass ascension. Hoping Mother Nature cooperates for the balloonists. It is crazy down there on field where they take off from.

    Need to run to town today and then stop and make sure the toy hauler is good to go so we can head out Friday morning. Also will go and do labs…….oy vey! Hate when it's that time.

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited October 2016

    Image result for party drinks

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited October 2016


  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited October 2016

    Luckily it's still beach weather in So-Cal

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited October 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day!Kinda dragging my butt out of bed this ayem,even Sadie is playing lazy and went back to bed after going potty.Poor puppy gets pooped out getting extra petting and tummy tickles.

    Jazzy--can't wait to see the pics, must be fantastic to see!And Sadie is a very happy dog right now.She loves car rides.I can't imagine being somewhere and hearing mortar fire nearby.And having the curfew start the day after you left, what a close call that sounds like!

    Goldie--a bicycle with a motor small enough to ride in the house?Oh, my goodness.Tell your Mom they already have something for that, it's called a motorized wheelchair.They even sell them on TV nowadays.I can just picture the disasters involving indoor bicycling!Have fun with all the trip prep and errands.

    Undie--Wow, what an eye-opening set of pics!I'm awake now!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD--

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2016

    Sitting here in the surgi-center with Bob waiting for him to be wheeled into the O.R. for his cataract surgery. Since I was up till past 2am and slept only till 4, my DOTD was a double espresso--I had to get us down here to the SW Side by 5:45 am. He wants to go to Chuck's Southern Comfort for late post-op breakfast, so I assume his DOTD will be either an Abita Turbo Dog or a Hurricane. (I'm designated driver).

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2016

    We need to hang on to that beach weather Unde!

    NM, she has a motorized wheel chair. The battery won't charge, but I don't think she could operate that either, without running into walls. It's not one that pivots. I thought of a moped when she said that. Is Sadie staying home today, to get rested up?

    Sandy, good luck to your DH with his surgery. Isn't that what you just had done? I think so.

    On my FB, I have lots of pics from last years balloon festival.



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2016

    Thanks, Lori--yup, I had my right eye done last month and will do the left one four weeks from today. They were joking this morning at the surgi-center that we are on the alternating family-plan. This is Bob's second cataract surgery--his first, on the other eye, was 8 years ago

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2016

    This was one of my favorites.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2016

    Good Morning Ladies

    Sandy good luck to u'r DH. U2 are old hands at this. I especially like how u'r DH has his breakfast plans made. LOL, Let us know exactly what goes down.

    Lori I think the weather for u is getting better so u'll probably leave soon. BTW u'r mom is a character A BIKE in a house cracked me up. Why won't her battery charge? My mom (for a short time) had one that was motorized--now she was a small woman so it realy could maneuver, but she hated it--she did run into things and ran over people's feet, u do't forget that--so maybe they're not as good as we think, IDK That frog balloon is huge, and what an array of color.

    M Sadie being so tired, u'r working her hard, but u know she loves it and it's great for u too. So as long as u can it sounds soothing to me to take her.

    Jazzy what a pretty sight u'll have to just watch, it's like invading NewM all over again.

    Thanks Undie leave it to u to poop in with our eye candy and refreshments.

    I was up til way passed 3am this morning. Dan (my boss) came over to watch a movie and saw Interstellar Wow what an intense movie and then he pauses it for a minute to make sure I understood it, well I explained what I understood and I think I shocked him--cuz I'm so bad with computers but I do understand about other things--MEN

    OK my phone has started, catch u latah,

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited October 2016

    Goldie- this morning's launch was spectacular! The frog is here and got lots of close ups of him but no time to process that download on the better camera right now.

    This was the view from the fence at my client site. We were in awe this morning!


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited October 2016

    ChiSandy- I hope everything goes well for Bob and that you are both home by now, and that he is comfortable this afternoon.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2016

    We’re home and he’s comfortable, but extremely bored. He can’t fit his glasses over the eye shield, so he can’t read or work on his computer; he took a stroll but there really wasn’t anything close by to do; he napped but doesn’t want to nap too much because we have to return to the S.W. Side early tomorrow for a followup appointment with his ophthalmologist tomorrow morning (not “farmer-early,” thank goodness). He had a “Tennessee Benedict” (poached eggs over biscuits & gravy) and I had a spicy brisket hash so hot it brought me literally to tears—it was the jalapenos that did it, I think. No alcohol, since it was before noon and they can’t sell booze before noon in Cook County. So he made a beeline for the box of Malbec when we got home. We’ll probably walk back to Broadway Cellars for dinner if it doesn’t rain—he’d rather do that than eat in. I think he’s okay watching TV, though—and he does want to see “The Girl on the Train” so maybe we can go to the movies.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2016

    Good Day Dahhlinks!

    My BAD BAD BAD. Been reading and think I am caught up.

    NM - Love the DOTD - Soul Taker, all 3 ingredients I like. Im with u….Shannon shore gave us a ton a eye candy taday and seeing how I bees celebate for last5 yrs….send one a dem bodies to mema!!!

    Lowee - WTF Seriously???? I hate to LOL cuz ur mom probably really thinks she can do this eh? NM I agree, get the motorized wheelchair. But then again if ur moms place too small, then a walker with a seat is next. My DH took the front wheels off of the outside of walker and put inside front. That way mese Gma cud get in and out of most of her rooms. Prayers out for ur mom. Speaking of camping trips. DH has been working on transferring VSH to DVD. 1st one was our wedding and honeymoon back in 1993, then camping in parks all over USA, of course we had my rotti, Tybo, with us..good times. My DD and her crew were over yest when he was trans' DD's skydive. Lots n lots of laughter in the dining room where all is set up. I spent most a da time with mese GGBaby, Scarlett. Pics before I close.

    Sandy - prayers to DH, keep us posted. I won't remember 4 wks from today for ur 2nd surg. Sending good vibes ur way. And thanks for expounding on the Jewish ways. The 10 days of penitence sounds similar to Catholic Lent. I just love the history. DH has TV on Smithsonian chl and other history channels all the time. I would not have tuned in, but I do get caught up in them when I'm watching. I actually enjoy hearing, seeing, about the history of just about anything.

    LOVE ALL THE BALLOON PICS, thanks for sharing.

    Cami - I am rotflol…almost spit mese wodka out da nostreels…yep mese a widdle intox'ated. MEN…..I understand too….LMAO.

    Dara - am on pins n needles about the appeal….yep am f'd up too. CheerS!!!

    O mese, am 2 dwunk, close anyway….but wanted to let all mese ladies kno of da latest doc appts. GallBladder doc - need to do US. If it needs to be removed, will have to cut me wide open, cuz of my double AB hernia (was repaired in 2010) but now bulging again, plus the surgery on unkn mass in pelvic area, too much scar tissue to use Micro whatever….would have to cut me wide open. So not something I want to do. Will have US done on Fri and then Echo for heart right after. Lipid panel will b done b4 both tests. Been a wild week.

    Then I get call from my Aunties…u kno I talk about them during FB season, anyway, A

    Aunt Pat was just dx'd with lung cancer. Aunt Sue called me Sat to see if I would/could come to Tarzana, CA to be her caregiver. She is going to need help. I talked with them today…They are going to get my cousin Paul, who lives in CA, to help. I could go visit but not b caregiver.

    Well, DH home wants his dinner. I'm dwunk, he's ddwunk, this ghonna b interesting.

    Lubs to all.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2016

    Hope these pics post. image

    Doesn't Scarlett look older and wiser than most babies?

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2016


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2016


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited October 2016

    Mema- Scarlett looks wise beyond her years. Flippin' the bird pic is hilarious. I like that baby!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2016

    Good Morning Ladies,

    SusyQ, let's face it any baby that can flip the bird is our kind of baby--She loves to get her pic. taken, she stares right at the camera. She's so sweet and her color should be red, Oh o Im already figuring out her wardrobe. Pics anytime Thank u. I'm so sorry all this crap is going on for u medically, u've got a lot going on and I hope they do this in a timely manner so it doesn't drag on and on. And how in the hell can u be a caregiver, Oh please tht cn ot be on any list of u'rs. (((HUGS)))

    Jazzy grrreat pics. There are so many to see, and all the colors are amazing. Quite a vew

    Sandy it sounds like all is going pretty good for u and u'r DH. It's amazing all that U2 have in common, What fun u must have together. And if u see that movie please rate it for us.

    I know Dara's not going to hear for a little while but this is agony, ot knowing anything.

    Leslie is going for a test this morning (don't know the name) when they put a tiny camera inside, empty out u'r GB and let it fill? to see exactly what's going on, it takes about 4 hours. But she's not put out so that part is good. The pain is back and I can see how much it's waring on her. I hope this is it and they can just remove it so she'll start feeling better, fingers crossed--see another wasted test that she had.

    OK a fun point. I got my results from my heiny--get this, something precancerous but fixed and everything else fine. And here are my instructions, Continue with Immodium--OMG is he kidding me, another We don't have an idea Dr. and believe me they do not realize how bad this is, cuz I'm not skinny, I would like to bring my Depends in there and say see u idiots. I just get so frustrated with all of them. I thought maybe with newer things they'd find something to really help me this time. Oh well another wasted test as I knew it would be.

    Been busy with work again, I guess it's almost furnace time so lots of problems for people.

    OMG I've been watching the storm in FL, is that close to Julie? The streets are loaded with people leaving and it's not good. I think this name Is Mathew, like Mathew Mark Luke and John--that's how I remember. It sounds terrible for a lot of that area. This time of year again. How awful.

    OK everyone have a good day


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited October 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Thirsty Thursday!My work week is still going reasonably well, long days but getting lots of good stuff done.And having Sadie with me has been really nice, forces me to take at least a short break every few hours.And she's getting lots of attention and lots of treats--she helped herself to a bag of cookies yesterday.My own fault, left them where she could reach them, makes them fair game!Maine had it's second ever Amber alert day before yesterday.A 3 year old little girl was missing after 911 was called on her mother and the mother hospitalized in the middle of the night.She was supposed to be with a sometimes caregiver and supposed to be taken to the local police station by noon time, didn't show up.The Amber Alert went out, and "an unidentified man" who saw the Amber alert and then saw the little girl took her to the police station a couple hours later.Police are still looking for the part time caregiver and her boyfriend.The little girl is now with family and is fine.

    Chi--I can see why your DOTD was a double espresso!Hope Bob's surgery went well and he enjoyed his DOTD.

    Goldie--the motorized wheelchairs seem to develop battery charging problems over time.Does make them a bit less useful.Bumping into walls is problematic, too.Sadie actually gets a fair amount of rest when she rides with me.She curls up and sleeps during the drives between visits, that can be as much as an hour and a half at a time so she has lots of opportunities to recharge.Those are quite the pics of the balloons!

    Chi--alternating family plan, that's funny!

    Goldie--Oh my goodness, the frog is pooping a balloon!!!!!!!!!!

    Cammy--Sadie may be working hard between her naps in the car, but she's right there at the door ready to go with me every morning!So she can't be too bothered.She is going to stay home today, I am spending all day in nursing homes, hours at a time, and don't want to leave her in the car in parking lotsthat long.I'm too afraid the car will get too hot or she'll bark at people and be a bother.Gonna miss having her with me, though.LOL at you understanding MEN if not COMPUTERS!And good for you for shocking the boss!

    Jazzy--Wow, what a lot of balloons!I think I see the frog.

    Chi--Glad all went well, and too bad Bob can't read.I know how boring it can get when you can't read or do anything.Glad he can watch TV.

    Mema--Good luck with the US and the Echo.Getting cut wide open for gallbladder surgery is not an attractive idea.Even if they could fix the hernia at the same time.Don't blame you for not want to go down that road.So sorry to hear about your Auntie Pat.Glad your cousin can be caregiver.Being a caregiver is very, very hard work.

    Scarlett is such a CUTIE PIE!!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Scarlett's Torch



    Shake all ingredients with ice and strain into a cocktail glass. Garnish with flamed orange peel, and serve.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2016

    Image result for bartenders recipes Look at this drink, no wonder why she's sprawled all over. Tryig to save time for NM.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited October 2016

    Thanks, Cammy--meet you at the swim up bar!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited October 2016

    Good morning friends- I am doing a bit of hair coloring this morning as I go for highlights tonight with my stylist. Doing my own base color saves me a bit of $$$ as the full foiling is pricey enough. I do highlights a couple times a year, they stay good for a long time even with other color touch ups. Going to get my hair restyled too and this photo on the upper left is the look I am going for with both color and style. What do you think?

    Sandy- good to hear Bob was home and adjusting yesterday. Hope today goes well for him too.

    Cami- it was so cold yesterday morning and my hands were cold being outside for awhile and taking pictures! Also reminded me to pack a pair of light gloves for my trip.

    Juliet- I hope you are okay and that Florida does not have the impact they are forecasting.

    NM- sounds like a busy week for you with work. Like you, I am pounding it down and getting work done to be ready to step away. I had suspected based on some thing I had been observing that a re-org may be coming and pretty much heard it's starting to happen. There was an analyst in our area (also working on our team) pitching a fit about being moved to IT middle of the month. I think I picked a good time to be away. Getting things in a good place to be gone. My test lead (also a consultant) will be on site next week and be my eyes and ears for me. Today is my last day on site until the 17th. Whoot whoot!

    Got my pics downloaded and more soon, especially froggies for my friend Goldie. Will check in again later today!


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2016

    Cami, my mom is a character for sure. I have no idea why the battery won't charge. But she would run into things with that as well. Her house is VERY small, maybe 900 sq. ft. and it's 3 bedrooms. All of the balloons are HUGE. If you look closely you can see the basket that the people are in. Kind of gives you an idea of how big. So you stayed up until 3 am with your boss watching a movie??

    Beautiful pic Jazzy! They had another one there last year, it was of a cow. Had to be the equivalent of three balloons. They got is almost all the inflated, and pppffffffftttttt, it deflated. So I don't know if they ever got it up or not.

    Sandy, glad Bob is doing well. I wouldn't be able to eat something that hot, I am a wuss. I assume the box of Malbec is wine?

    LDB, I thought you sayed you was celebrating 5 years, but den I look agin and see you say CELEBATE! I'll bet it was a hoot watching all the old videos. And Yes, my mom does think she can do this. WTF??? She keeps her wheelchair in the kitchen and then uses the walker to go up and down the hall. And the walker for however much room she can maneuver around in her room, which is pretty much just getting in the door. Oh I pray they don't have to open you up, that just gives me a tummy ache. Can't imagine family even asking you to be a caregiver. Glad they found someone. Scarlet is cute as can be, how old is she? And DH lookin goot too.

    Cami, I had to chuckle when you said that you would like to take your Depends in and have them see. My mother TOTALLY would do that. Her house always smells like urine and she wanted me to smell on her diapers to see if it were strong. I'm like NOOOOOO, I'm NOT going to do that. Who does that??? I know…my mother!

    Julie is on the west side of the state, so I think she is ok.

    NM, I just love it how any kind of trouble Ms Sadie gets into, you always turn it around as being your fault. She indeed has you well trained. But her reward is all the love you give her. Glad your work week is going well. So happy that little girl was found. We just had one here in AZ, caregivers left the baby in hot car and it died. I only say it, cuz I don't know if it was a little boy or girl, but only a few months old. Ha ha, had to go back and look at the frog pooping the balloon! Good eye lady.

    2 DOTD's today, gotta love it.

    Almost knocked you in the pool with NM and Cami, Jazzy. The haircut is super cute. I want pictures please. ( I know, you have to send privately)

    Well, we heard from our insurance gal yesterday, and it appears that we are totally F * U C K E D. The only insurance available in AZ is BC BS and then you can only go to doctors in your county. We don't have any! Well, a couple, but we need specialists! Today is our anniversary, 7 years. Driving to Flagstaff for Red Lobster Shrimp Fest.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2016

    Here is a pic of the cow that deflated. It was right about at this point when that happened. I had a video of them blowing it up and this was the very end of the video, so I stopped it and did a print screen.


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2016

    Good Day Dahhlinks!

    Wow, that's a lot of balloons, love the frog and it does look like he is poo'in. LOL

    Thanks girls for the kudo's.

    Cami - Im thinking u might be right about red, after all her name is Scarlett. No caregiver. Talked to A. Pat a little yest, not long as she can hardly breathe, she seems very positive. Talked to A.Sue and she sounded better too, so all good for now. AMEN

    Jazz - How fun, a new do…I'm liking all of them, having never seen your face, hard to pick for u, but am sure u will end up gorgeous.

    Sandy - I'm with Lowee, can't do too hot even tho I love it…wawawa.

    Lowee - I am LOLing but I did spell it wrong, supposed to be celibate. DH jes loves that baby, she is almost 4 mos old (born 6-16-16 7:30 am). OMG I mean it's one thing for my family to ask me to care-give, but to smell her diapers…OY…no way. Happy 7th anni….and enjoy the shrimp fest. I like Red Lobster, sometimes….happy happy for u two.

    Gotta run...lubslubslubslubslubslubs all

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2016

    kindle finally lets me in,lots of rain right now,and occasional gusts of wind but otherwise just a disturbed night,girls ok were opening the bottle of champagne from the plane and watching tv,

    Pt worked on lower scapulalco to try and get last few degrees back, and now got bruises to prove it,agreed with me that the lower shouldercwascgoing to take longer because it had been irradiated.

    Mam home with hospice,last hospital visit seemed to have accelerated dementia.confused most of time when awake ,had been shouting out help me help me but meds now helping praying this is it,she's been through so much.

    Will try to catch up

    Love to all

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2016

    Oh Juie, I'm sorry for u'r mom sometimes enough is enough (Ithink) she's been thru so much. Whew about the hurricane I'm not sure where u r, but I was watching the weather stuff and lots of things happening, praying u'r safe and for u'r mom too. One of my GF's lives n Orlando and it looks like the worst is missing that.

    OMG I remember that cow balloon or something similar, it's huge amazing how these balloons stay up at all. Wow Lori again u'r mom is a character, Wow with her depends too. Noses and Depends do not go together. Otherwise they'd be called kleenex.

    SusyQ--Scarlett's BD is really memorable, no one will forget it. How are u feeling, something must be going on let us know as soon as u hear, please.

    Jazzy I really like that hairdo, I was going a little for it, but my hair is not straight, straight compared to what it used to be, but I got my hair cut like that anyway, except mine has not curl, just a lot of waves all over. U will look great in it. Trip soon now.

    TGIF, I think--Leslie has another Dr.'s pp't this morning, This is awful I hope they get it right this time. I can not stand to watch this pain and what's going on with her.

    Dara if u'r reading this let us know how u'r feeling.

    Got up early but this time I did fall asleep early, for me anyway. of course I'll need a nap soon.