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how about drinking?



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2016

    A "mannequin challenge" is when a group of people "freezes" in mid-action and someone walks around or among them shooting video of it. It ends when the photographer has captured the entire tableau. We had the Bar Assn. video guy use a Steadicam, though most folks just use a cellphone.

    Weather a bit warmer today. In my haste to get to rehearsal on time, I forgot to retrieve my iPhone from the charger on my clock radio. Discovered it only once I'd sat down on the train and reached for it to listen to music I'd downloaded. Oops--had to use the old 3GS in airplane mode again, though it was only halfway charged. Felt utterly marooned--whatever did we do before cellphones? I texted Bob via my iPad in my tote to bring my phone to our friend's party so we could order an Uber to take us home. On the way home from rehearsal, something told me not to get off at my friend's station but instead ride to ours. That way, if Bob didn't get my text, I could at least retrieve my phone and call an Uber (both ways) and if he had picked up my phone, I would take the B'way bus instead of the train (avoiding the 3-block walk back to our stop and shave a block off the 1/4-mile hike to our friend's house). Sure enough, the phone was right where I'd left it, so I called an Uber, which arrived just ask was locking the front door.

    This was the 40th one of our friend's pre-Thanksgiving brunches, so we toasted with his brandy Alexanders, which were insanely good. Also had a little Prosecco and Beaujolais Nouveau.

    Did I mention that I got 11,000 steps in yesterday? Only 7500 today, but I'm wiped

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited November 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Guess what Sadie and I woke up to?SNOW!Just a dusting, and melting fast, but still, SNOW!Yuck.I suppose it was inevitable.Still, Yuck.

    Goldie--Yup, took Friday off so I'd have a loonng weekend.Feel like I deserve it.So I'm doing it.I bet that guy was on his phone, even though he didn't say so specifically.And the dry eyes, what a pain.Gotta love BC treatment for all the giving it keeps on taking even years later.

    Jazzy--a new bed, wow!Nice upgrade!Ah, to have a spa day.How thoughtful of you to remember the spa people this time of year. I must find some people like that to pamper me!

    Chi--the Mannequin challenge sounds interesting!Could be painful if the photographer takes very long, though.Does the video get submitted somewhere?Is it some kind of contest?Forgetting the phone is a real PIA.Brandy Alexanders, yum!11,000 steps?GOOD FOR YOU!!!

    Stinky Old Bird's DOTD:

    Brandy Alexander



    In a shaker half-filled with ice cubes, combine the brandy, creme de cacao, and half-and-half. Shake well. Strain into a cocktail glass and garnish with the nutmeg.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

    Brandy Alexander recipe

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2016

    Good Morning Ladies,

    I'm Baaack, after a horrendous flu type cold, type sinus thing. I do feel better.

    Sandy how can u possible travel on all those trains etc. with all that stuff? OMG Downtown Chi is just bad enough, let alone carry anything more than a purse.What a time u sound like u had tho and wow did it get windy fast, super windy and so cold all in a short time, just like Winter. Last year at this time, someone told me we had about 10 inches of snow now--I don't remember, so everything has to be started up.

    Mary Nora needs to come over more, Lori's right just take the time off and ask for her--it's so much fun.

    Dara Neuralgia in u'r head? OMG that has to be horrible, but it does sound like u can take the right meds. I guess--Does that go away? Dar I don't think u can tell a perspective employer all these things, sounds iffyOh what can u do tho--U need these things done. I pray all this stuff can be bixed up for u and u can feel better, chit when u don't feel good u can't even relax to make things better.

    Lori-- Dry eyes, now? That's not pleasant I know--keep those drops flowing--how do u get that. I mean u didn't have that before? And u know how amazed I am at how cold u get there and so fast too.I;m sure u'r keeping warm cuz u know the weather, but that's cold.

    Jazzy u r one busy lady and u'r last weekend sounded great--all I have to hear is massage and I feel more relaxed-wow even when I got my nails done it was nice. But u'r smart enough to get the whole shmear done. U work so hard, but u know how to unwind which is so important.

    NM an accident. Well of course I'm glad u'r all right but (to me) it doesn't seem that long ago that u had the other one. It's suck a pain in the ass going thru all the Ins. chit tho. And u have Sadie to gie u some smiles so that makes u lucky in so many ways.

    Oh Sandy I do go to Central Dupage Hospital, but before my Dr. was my Dr. I don't think she realizes I did have some research Drs. take care of me. I know it's in my records but she probably never went back to before her really. I don't know--but I was in the Hospital for over a week then with these drs. ???? No answer then. Whatever.

    Well our new system for the computer for work is a no go. The guys just can't get into it--these are ment who for yrs. never knew a computer and it is a little complicated altho a super good system, but Dan is so sad about it cuz he really got all the kinks out and was ready. He called me at 1:30am and was so down, (oh I never mind when anyone calls me at any time, never did), so we talked and I tried to explain to him, computers are his thing, not everyone gets so involved, he really doesn't get that, so we talked a while and he seemed to understand a little bit more that he's a computer nerd and not everyone is. So this weekend I just kind of worked with him and I was so tired and crabby, but he didn't notice cuz i didn't tell him.

    I can't get over this week is Thanksgiving-hopefully we'll do ours saturday so Thursday I really don't care what we do. I was on the puter trying to find an easy and easy to bring a veggie dish, OMG everything that sounded good was just to much work and I know the oven art is hard cuz to many things are going on--I guess I could bake here and bring it in an insulated container we have somewhere----oh maybe that would work? I don't know. Oh damn I haven't shut up. OK I'll stop for now. Sorry I go on and on, I do that all the time.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2016

    Jazzy, hope you had a great sleep on your new bed. I'm still jelly over your spa day!

    Sandy, life without cell phones. I can't imagine. Many other things too! It's just amazing. I can remember thinking "OMG, there's no way you would be able to see the person you are talking to on the phone".

    NMNOOOOOOOOOO. SNOW?????? Say it isn't so! And if needed to be, if that guy WAS on his phone, it would be easy enough to figure it out. So, you actually get a 4 day weekend right? I assume you are off on Thursday.

    Cami, the FU pills caused the problem with my eyes. I just don't know if its permanent or not. We haven't had any sun since I started the drops and the ointment. Partially sunny here today, so I should be able to tell if there is a difference or not. But it has only been a couple of days. Most of our cold is at night, day time temps are not bad at all. So you have to make a veggie dish for Saturday? What are you making?

    Got most of the garden up and DH ran the tiller. I still have flowers that need cutting back, but no big deal, it can be done in the spring if I don't get it done now. I had a friend post this on FB, it's about things to get to drop off at the food banks. I'll post it separate, after this…
  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2016

    1. Spices.

    Think about it. People who rely on the food bank eat a lot of canned food, rice, oatmeal, white bread, etc. They love spices. Seasoned salt, cayenne pepper, chili powder, cumin, cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, oregano, basil and so on.

    2. Feminine Products.

    Can you imagine being worried about affording these? Pads, tampons, panty liners, etc. Recommended: Buy in bulk at Costco for donating.

    3. Chocolate.

    People don't need it, but think about being in their shoes and how nice it would be to be given a chocolate bar or brownie mix along with your essentials.

    4. Toiletries.

    Grocery stores are great about donating surplus or unsold food, but they have no reason to donate toilet paper, tooth paste, soap, deodorant, shampoo, etc. Food stamps often don't cover these.

    5. Canned meats and jerky.

    This isn't true of all food banks, but some struggle to give users enough protein.

    6. Crackers and tortillas.

    They don't spoil and everybody likes them.

    7. Baby toiletries.

    Diapers, baby wipes, baby formula, baby shampoo, baby soap, baby food, bottles, etc.

    8. Soup packets.

    Sometimes you look at rice, beans, instant potatoes, and cans of vegetable and think, "What do I make with this?" Hearty soup is a complete meal.

    9. Socks.

    From a former homeless person: "Socks mean the world to you. They keep you warm, make you feel like you have something new, and just comfort you."

    10. Canned fruit other than pineapple.

    Food banks get a lot of pineapple donated. Their clients love it when other kinds of fruit are available.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2016

    Good morning friends- into the new week and got rain going on here, like NM has snow going on there. I think the mountains here are likely getting some snow too. My weekend was great on all levels, time out and about Saturday, yesterday was home time and new bed delivered! Ah, the joy of a new bed that is comfy but also a bit firmer than the worn out one I had. I hear there are snow storms all around the midwest to east and hoping people can find there way safely to their family destinations. I hate traveling for Thanksgiving and fortunately, not going anywhere this year. No place like home!

    Cami- been wondering about you and sorry to hear that you have been sick, but are now better. Also sorry to hear about the puter problems. That is my world, trying to make computer stuff work! Hope they get it figured out. Technology is great when it works?

    NM- sounds like you got a bit of the white stuff going on your way? Good to hear you are taking Friday off, you need some good down time at home with Miss Sadie. Have you told her yet? She will be excited.

    Chi- the brandy alexander, just wow. I used to sling cocktails in my 20s during college and then the year between that and grad school The BA was a big cocktail back then, very tasty one too. Your pre-holiday brunch with friends sounded divine.

    I am in the transition now to my colonoscopy on Wed, and on restricted diet. Tomorrow is liquid diet. I am a bit worried as I am feeling like I have a scratchy throat and some congestion, but think that may be from working in the yard and with pruning the rosemary and raking leaves yesterday. I hope it is not a cold, otherwise I will have to reschedule and hate to do that as I have rides arranged and all. Wish me luck, this girl wants to get this done.

    Got to get in to the client site today and get some go live planning going. Wishing you all a good start to the holiday week (and yay for those of us that have a short work week!)

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2016

    Our Bar Show mannequin challenge will be posted on the show’s Facebook page. Will let you know when the link is live.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited November 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Well, Morning, anyway.Woke up at 3 ayem with a horrendous headache, had to get up and take some tylenol and sleep in the recliner for the rest of the night.Even Sadie was sick this morning, so I had to clean up Sadie barf his ayem.I wonder what's gotten into us!Anyway, headache is gone, need to get the car in to the shop at 7:30 to get pictures and an estimate done before work.Hopefully won't be too busy a day today, but coming up on the holiday weekend we'll probably get slammed with admissions as the hospitals try to get patients moved out.We'll see what the day brings.

    Cammy--glad you are feeling better!These flu/cold/sinus things can really kick butt when they hit.It doesn't seem like that long ago I was in the big pile up, either.That was Feb 2015.The police officer that wrote up the accident report got caught behind that pile up and was 3 hours late for work that day.This one though is minimal, damage wise, so much better.I think baking something at home and taking it with sounds like a good idea.If you can't find the insulated carrier, line a cardboard box with newspaper--that works great!

    Goldie--Yup, SNOW.And more overnight.About a quarter inch.Light fluffy stuff.But it is COLD out there this ayem, only 29 degrees.Yup, I have a 4 day weekend.Holiday Thursday, took Friday off.I so need the break!That is a great list of items to donate.I would never have thought about spices, socks and fruit.

    Jazzy--I have told Sadie about the long weekend, but right now she's rather focused on going to Mom and Dick's for Thanksgiving Day.She knows she'll get lots and lots of belly rubs and attention, especially from Dick.I don't think she's given much thought to me being home on Friday yet.But she will, come Friday when the alarms go off and I don't get out of bed!Hope the scope goes well and the scratchy throat is just from working in the yard.

    Chi--can't wait to see that video!

    Stinky Old Bird's DOTD:


    CAPTAIN PIE CRUNCH with Captain Morgan™ Original Spiced Rum


    1 oz Captain Morgan™ Original spiced rum

    3 oz ginger ale

    3 oz cranberry-apple juice

    Glass: Punch Glass

    1. Add Captain Morgan™ Original Spiced Rum, ginger ale, and cranberry-apple juice in punch glass with ice and stir.

    2. Garnish with apple slice.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2016

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Brrr it's cold during the night here and I hope no snow will be on it's way yet.

    Jazzy a new bed sounds luscious , what a wonderful way to really sleep. I hope u get this heinyscope done, just to get it over with--u'r throat might be scratchy for several reasons, just pay attention tho.

    Lori all of what u said was a great idea. I never thought of those things before, just the usual that we usually do, but u'r right there are so many things too that maybe u don't need but it would be nice to have. And personal products have never been on list of things. Thanks for all that info, it's a big help. I was looking up veggie casseroles yesterday and then I thought of oven space, so my brain came up with old fashion corn bread with the cream of corn and regular corn and I can make it before and just warm it up there, if needed. When u make it like that, it yeilds more than usual.??? I'm praying I can go, it's so much fun.

    Dan is driving me crazy, he wants to buy me a new loveseat for my room, I will not let him and we're actually arguing about this, he's so damn stubborn--he wants me to be comfortable and I assure him I'm fine--he want to take me to a store today and I am adamant--I told him to work on jobs--Oh and now he has another new system I have to learn--he called me at midnite with his excitement--puters don't excite me and he knows that. It's funny tho we are getting so close and I just love that--he is such an honorable man and I do work extra for him to make things smoother for all of the guys. That's all I can do for him.

    Sandy u've been a little quiet are u and u'r DH all right? I know u'r busy, which is great and I hope that's the reason.

    NM NO SNOW that's an order, well at least til Dec. I think, then it has to come.So get u'r car ready so u'r all set.

    I love having Joey home, Les is working today and tomorrow, so i'll just be us and whoever he drags in to play, Play yea on the puter.these kids bring them with then they talk on skype to their friends, so spoiled for this age (I think)

    I'm saying Hello to everyone cuz I didn't talk to everyone on here.I want u all to feel good and have a good week.

    Oh one more thing Lori I might make a Hawaiian salad, thought of that too, but I will have to look it up, it's been so long, but easy. Unless someone has a different good recipe for that one.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2016

    NM I'm in the pewl again, but I'm glad u'r going to be off and u'r getting u'r car taken care of--GOOD DOTD today, I was just going to look one up so u got in on time LOL Have a good day.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2016

    Jazzy, all liquids today and most likely CLEAR only.Hopefully you are still feeling ok, and not coming down with anything.

    The mannequin challenge will be fun to see Sandy.

    NM, I thought those were good ideas too. I'm going to use some of them. I never would have thought about feminine products. And so much of that stuff you can get at a dollar store or such. Interesting DOTD, I wonder what it tastes like. I used to love that cereal and bought some not too long ago. Had to throw out. How in the world did I eat that stuff???? OMG, it was so sweet.

    Cami, we are ALL praying you make it to your party. Who is hosting it? Your bread sounds like the perfect dish to make and take. Will Joey help you with it? So glad you can help Dan out. And you know what, if you would like that love seat, let him get it for you. He would like to do that for you, it will make him feel good. Or if there is something else that might be more helpful, throw that at him. Joey's friends actually bring their own computers over? Whatever happened to bringing your bat and ball, or a Frisbee, or your dolls (I know, not for Joey)etc. etc. etc. The Hawaiian Salad sounds good, I'll have to look that up. I WAS trying to think of something you could take, something easy. But couldn't come up with anything.

    Well plans here have changed. My step daughter and her hubby are going to come for TG and stay through the weekend. So now I have to head back out to the store. But it's ok, I'm looking forward to their visit and they usually seem to have a good time as well.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2016

    Good morning friends- last day of work today and throat is still a bit scratchy but nothing more than that. I left work a bit early to take care of some things at the PO and then got caught in a wicked storm close to home (and another hail storm). EEEK! I got home quickly and got the car in the garage (the other one) and no damage. Then there was a second storm that came through and brought MORE hail (a two fer yesterday) and high winds. The hail was smaller than pea-sized, more granular but WTH? Three hail storms in two weeks. Now when it rains here, we worry!

    NM- sounds like Sadie is looking forward to visiting the fam for lots of pets. Does she get table scraps or are you good about being sure she just eats dog food? My sister give her golden snacks and that dog has a sensitive system and it never turns out well. We always have lots of dog treats for her just so she has something too. Wishing you a good day tomorrow with Mom and Dick and Sadie too!

    ChiSandy- I want to see the video too! Can't wait!

    HSant- thinking about you and your dad and hoping you can have some easy holiday time together.

    Cami- oh what a riot that Dan wants to buy you a love seat. That is nice gesture, but sounds like not something you want tho? Sometimes people just want to do things for us to help in some way. And calling you middle of the night to talk about a system? I used to work on a project years ago where the head of the IT dept would call my client boss at 3 a.m. pretty regularly. Wore him out. So just don't answer the phone next time. Oh you called? Sorry, I was sleeping like normal people.

    Glad you are enjoying Joey being at home and hope DD is feeling better from the surgery? Takes awhile to get back to center after that stuff.

    I plan to do the procedure tomorrow, moving to the liquid diet today and will start the prep at noon. I do want this over with and I won't be able to reschedule it before year end with everything else going on. I plan to wrap up work early today and rest for awhile. I should be home early afternoon and will let you know how it all goes ladies.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2016

    Here’s the link to the Bar Show promo video—only certain clips of the mannequin challenge are included in the video. I am the grumpy security guard.

    2016 Chicago Bar Show “Shamilton” preview

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2016

    Went to Binny’s today (after dropping off a full bag of spent Nespresso capsules for recycling at Sur La Table) to explore this year’s Beaujolais Nouveau. Bob got the Georges Duboeuf at Whole Foods for $10.99 (that’s the only brand they have) and while it’s okay, it doesn’t have the lighthearted strawberry-banana-bubblegum bouquet & taste of BNs of years past. Tastes sort of “meh"—in fact, would probably have pegged it as a generic budget red-in-a-box. When I got to Binny’s, I noticed they were selling it for eight bucks. I asked the head wine guy at Binny’s for an objective evaluation of which of the six brands on the shelf were best this year—in years past, Domaine Dupeuble was head & shoulders above the rest of the pack, drinkable all year long (wine & food writer David Rosengarten agreed two years in a row). The expert replied disdainfully, in a British accent, “They’re all dreadful.” Uh-oh—just my luck to find the most extreme wine-snob on the store’s staff. (He’d reacted as if I’d asked him to recommend a white Zin or even whether this year’s Boone’s Farm is better than Annie Green Springs).

    I pressed him for a real answer, explaining that my friends hosting Thanksgiving dinner were looking forward to it and the dry riesling I always bring. “Well, if you like drinking sweetened airplane glue…..”, his voice trailing off. He suggested L’Ancien, saying it was the “least offensive if you must get something to drink with food." So I got a bottle of that, a Moulin-a-Vent for more serious gastronomy, and a Ste. Michelle dry riesling for the dinner guests who need to stay away from reds for health reasons. I did get to taste a Caymus Conundrum (I asked the rep which grapes were in it and she replied she could tell me but then she’d have to kill me) and bought it to bring as an aperitif. It’d probably go well with the turkey’s white meat too. (Sadly, nothing will stand up to cranberry sauce).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited November 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Turkey Day Eve!TGIF for me this week.Has all the makings of a very good day!Except for the wind chill factor that we'll have to deal with today.Snow on the ground (just a dusting), wind chill, winter has arrived in Maine!

    Cammy--That corn bread recipe sounds good!And good idea to take something that just needs a warm up.Making things smoother for Dan and the guys is a big deal to them, I bet!Sounds like he really care a lot about you, too.Kids these days spend so much time on their phone and puters, I wonder if they even know what their parents look like!It's amazing when I'm driving to work, seeing all those kids standing there, head down, fiddling with their phone.You'd think they'd geta permanent kink in their necks.

    Meet you at the swim up bar, Cammie!Drinks are on me!

    Goldie--I haven't been able to actually eat Capt'n Crunch cereal for years, either, same reason.Way too sweet.I used to eat that stuff by the huge bowl full.Not sure how.Hope your step daughter and hubby and you have a great holiday weekend!

    Jazzy--2 hail storms in one day??? Wow.No wonder you worry when it rains!Glad you got the car in with no damage.Sadie gets very, very limited table foods.Mom and Dick keep treats on hand for visiting dogs, and I will take a big chewyfor her to work on while we eat dinner, although she's calmed down quite a bit in the last couple of years and will likely just nap while we eat.She'll get some meat, maybe a bite or two of other stuff, as little fat as possible.And of course, anything that hits the floor is hers.It's been a few years since she got so much that she got sick or got the runs.She doesn't have a super sensitive system, but fat doesn't get along with it much.And I don't want her getting into the habit of getting hooman food and start begging and getting obnoxious about it.Good luck with the prep and the scope, hope you can get it doneand over with!

    Chi--The video is GREAT!I bet the show is, too!Wishwas close enough to go see it.LOL at nothing will stand up to cranberry sauce.Whole berry vs jellied cranberry sauce is a big debate in my family, for years and years now, with both on the table.I don't know why I look forward to the cranberry sauce every year, but I do.FYI, I'm on the whole berry side of the debate, along with Dick.Mom and my brother are on the jellied side.My sister in law changes sides depending on whose winning the debate at the moment or who she wants to flatter at the moment!

    Stinky Old Bird's DOTD:


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2016

    Good morning friends, hope everyone is feeling good today. I have to work and then 5 days off! Yay, I have been so busy, all my ladies....and men, wanting to look nice for TG. Don't even know how many I had yesterday, maybe 15? Phew, my old bones are feeling it, and it seems everyone needing toenails cut this week, I sit on a little stool like I'm milking a cow or something to do them and it does a number on my back. They are remodeling the whole place and moving the beauty shop from the basement to upstairs and I will actually get a spa pedicure chair! Not till next fall but at least I'll get a few years in before I retire. Right now the whole place is under construction or rather destruction and they all just complain about it all day long. They don't understand why because it was beautiful the way it was, which is true, but management is thinking ahead to us baby boomers. They are cutting the dining room in half and putting in a pub, making a state of the art exercise room and putting in a theater room. All needed stuff for the next generation but these 85 year olds are NOT impressed! I suspect my curlers and weekly sets will be a thing of the past but prolly not till I retire. Had a great time with ANorable and her parents on Saturday, they stayed the whole day. MIL didn't come, she's been mad at us about something I think and she went shopping with one of her friends. She's moody like that and we don't worry about it, think she's a bit bi-polar. We've been trying to get her to take and anti-depressant that the doctors are always trying to get her on but she never stays on it for more than a few weeks. Anyway... she told my husband she went back on it on her own! That is huge for her to realize on her own that she needs it, sure hope she sticks with it this time. I try to tell her that half the country is on anti-d's but she thinks it means she''s crazy (which she kinda is), so we'll see. Oh, and I can't post any pics unless I e-mail them to myself cause my phone and my puter aren't speaking to each other. I have tried everything so I guess I'm going to have to take some time and call Apple Support.

    NM, so sorry about the accident but glad everyone is ok. I don't restrain my dogs in the car but I should. Glad you've got some time off work to regroup, you've certainly earned it. Glad the H/A went away and Sadie is feeling ok. I suspect I'm pushing you into the pool right about now.

    Sandy, I'm going to watch the video when I get done here. Sounds like the shows were a success, are you done now? We really had some wind here too, but they don't call Chi the windy city for nothing do they? Did you see the white house star mannequin challenge. Was on tv this am.

    Jazzy, getting your heinyscope today, timing is good tho cause you'll lose 5 ponds so you should be able to eat tomorrow without guilt! Hope it was just routine and results are normal.

    Dara, so glad you are getting answers and hoping you are feeling better everyday.

    Lori, hope the drops are helping your eyes, living in AZ with sunlight sensitivity sounds tough, damn CA drugs. I am taking an 8 week vacay from my AI's, will go back on them on Xmas day but I'm enjoying the break. I actually took a hot bath the other day, haven't been able to do that in a long time because I'm just too hot all the time, I know I have to go back on them and I will but ugh, I don't want to. Watching all you've gone thru will keep me on them, you still doing the RSO suppositories? Hope you have nice time with SD and family.

    Cami, got my fingers and toes crossed that you make to the party!!! Oh, I want you to be able to go... You should let Dan buy you the loveseat, it would make him feel good, I can tell he really cares about you a lot. Enjoy having Joey home and have a good weekend with no D.

    SuzieQ, you must be busy, hope you get some G-kid time this weekend.

    Hsant, hope dad is doing well and you enjoy some fun family time tomorrow too.

    Well, time to get ready for one more crazy day of hair, 15 more clients and I'm off till Tuesday! DH is off so taking pooches this morning but my GSD alarm clock goes off a 6 no matter what. Love to all, have a great day!!!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2016

    NM, I guess I'm the one to take a swim, thanks, water is nice..

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2016

    Jazzy, I hope your night wasn't too bad. It will all be over with soon. Enjoy the twilight sleep. Glad for no hail damage.

    I see that grumpy security guard! Looks like everyone is having some fun! LOL at the head wine guy! About the only thing I understood was red and white…LOL.

    NM, it's cold here too. Gosh darn it, I hate winter! And it's not just the kids on their phones, us adults are just as guilty. I hate going into a restaurant and seeing everyone at a table on their phone. So sad. But the kids need to get outside and PLAY. My other favorite cereal was Sugar Pops. Same thing when I bought some of those. Begging pooches can be annoying, can't they? You are a good mom to Sadie. Ok, as for cranberry sauce, I like it. Not a fan of the jelly stuff, but I will engage. Saw a yummy recipe yesterday for a cranberry/orange relish. Looked super yummy and I bet it would make the house smell super yummy.

    Oh Mary, I use a little stool in my garden and I know what you mean about the back! Hoping to hear about some funny comments from your MIL when you go out to eat. Oh shoot, it's already happened and she didn't make it. Cuz she's mad! They are putting a pub in??? Wow! I am back on the RSO, taking it orally. Good for you taking the break and that it actually helps with the hot flashes. I never took a break, but when my 5 years were up, I still had those dreaded hot flashes. Still do. In fact they are worse now since I quit the FU pills.

    Well, this momma will be spending the day cleaning for more company!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2016

    Kind of cute if you want to read, floating around FB.

    Dear Family,
    I'm not dead yet. Thanksgiving is still important to me. If being in my Last Wi...ll and Testament is important to you, then you might consider being with me for my favorite holiday. Dinner is at 2:00. Not 2:15. Not 2:05. Two. 2:00! Arrive late and you get what's left over.

    Last year, that moron Marshall fried a turkey in one of those contraptions and practically burned the deck off the house. This year, the only peanut oil used to make the meal will be from the secret scoop of peanut butter I add to the carrot soup.

    Jonathan, your last new wife was an idiot. You don't arrive at someone's house on Thanksgiving needing to use the oven and the stove. Honest to God, I thought you might have learned after two wives - date them longer and save us all the agony of another divorce.

    Now, the house rules are slightly different This year because I have decided that 47% of you don't know how to take care of nice things. Paper plates and red Solo cups might be bad for the environment, but I'll be gone soon and that will be your problem to deal with.

    House Rules:
    1. The University of Texas no longer plays Texas A&M. The television stays off during the meal.
    2. The "no cans for kids" rule still exists. We are using 2 liter bottles because your children still open a third can before finishing the first two. Parents can fill a child's cup when it is empty. All of the cups have names on them and I'll be paying close attention to refills.
    3. Chloe, last year we were at Trudy's house and I looked the other way when your Jell-O salad showed up. This year, if Jell-O salad comes in the front door it will go right back out the back door with the garbage. Save yourself some time, honey. You've never been a good cook and you shouldn't bring something that wiggles more than you. Buy something from the bakery.
    4. Grandmothers give grandchildren cookies and candy. That is a fact of life. Your children can eat healthy at your home. At my home, they can eat whatever they like as long as they finish it.
    5. I cook with bacon and bacon grease. That's nothing new. Your being a vegetarian doesn't change the fact that stuffing without bacon is like egg salad without eggs. Even the green bean casserole has a little bacon grease in it. That's why it tastes so good. Not eating bacon is just not natural. And as far as being healthy... look at me. I've outlived almost everyone I know.
    6. Salad at Thanksgiving is a waste of space.
    7. I do not like cell phones. Leave them in the car.
    8. I do not like video cameras. There will be 32 people here. I am sure you can capture lots of memories without the camera pointed at me.
    9. Being a mother means you have to actually pay attention to the kids. I have nice things and I don't put them away just because company is coming over. Mary, watch your kids and I'll watch my things.
    10. Rhonda, a cat that requires a shot twice a day is a cat that has lived too many lives. I think staying home to care for the cat is your way of letting me know that I have lived too many lives too. I can live with that. Can you?
    11. Words mean things. I say what I mean. Let me repeat: You don't need to bring anything means you don't need to bring anything. And if I did tell you to bring something, bring it in the quantity I said. Really, this doesn't have to be difficult.
    12. Domino's and cards are better than anything that requires a battery or an on/off switch. That was true when you were kids and it's true now that you have kids.
    13. Showing up for Thanksgiving guarantees presents at Christmas. Not showing up guarantees a card that may or may not be signed.
    In memory of your Grandfather, the back fridge will be filled with beer. Drink until it is gone. I prefer wine anyway. But one from each family needs to be the designated driver.
    I really mean all of the above.

    Love You, Grandma

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2016

    Goldie- that is funny! Thanks for sharing!

    Back from the hospital and procedure went well. Spanking clean colon, no polyps this time. Resting this afternoon after the sedation.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2016

    hi girls, I am talking into my phone and writing from my bed. So don't mind any typos.

    Jazzy, I'm glad that your scope went well .. I hope that the prep was not too bad. I sure hated it. As someone said the bright side is an instant 5 pounds off. Thanks so much for your words of wisdom on the interview. Which by the way, I think the interview went well. The downside was that the job is part-time. Another downside is that I realized as I was driving there that the sunlight is excruciating to my head pain. And I'm not really in a position to work.

    NM, very sorry about the fender bender but glad that Sadie and you are OK. Also glad that there is not too much damage to your beloved Pearl. You are right Pearl can be fixed you or Sadie, not so easy. Thank God Sadie was in her car seat. God knows what could have happened. Your thanksgiving plans sounds so nice I hope you enjoy your well-deserved long weekend.

    Mary, I also crack up at your mother-in-law stories. Glad you had such a good time with Nora. She is just so cute. And I can see why the residents of the home where you work would be bothered by all the demolition and construction. I wish I was feeling better with each day but sadly, not quite yet. I saw the neurologist today and my next step is to have an MRI, waiting for a pre-CERT from Aetna.

    Camille, love, first I always love your rants and never ever want you to shut up. Secondly, I am very sorry that you are having such a hard time with the fucking diarrhea. It pisses me off more than you can imagine. That's Joey, what a gem he is. And your boss, another angel. I too would tell you to go ahead and get the loveseat, that is if it is something that you would like as an addition to your room. I sure hope that you can make it to Thanksgiving dinner and actually enjoy yourself. You so deserve it.

    Lori, crud, sorry about the issue with your eyes. I sure hope that the drops give you relief. I hope that you did not mention it and I missed it. I have been reading along a couple times a day I go in and read. I'm glad you are starting the RSO again. I read something about medical marijuana being good for what I might have. My doctor changed my meds again and increase the Topamax. Here in New Jersey, uhh I mean in Kansas, medical marijuana is legal but difficult to get and the dispenserary very is very far away. Well for New Jersey errr I mean Kansas it is. I might be talking to you about legal oils and such.

    Sue, are you away? I forget when you said you were going away. I hope you are well and I hope your headaches are absent. I also hope mine will go away along with my phantom tooth and hair pain. It a bitch being us isn't it?

    Sandy, you are a riot when you write about your adventures. I can picture you with all that luggage going up and down the street, up and down the escalators and elevators etc. it does not sound fun but you do what you do to get where you have to go. Love the manikin story, have not yet viewed your video but look forward to doing the same. Thank you as well for the encouraging words on trigeminal neuralgia. It is not something that can be confirmed unfortunately or fortunately, it depends how you look at it. The EEG showed that my brain waves are slower than they should be for person of my age but the doctor said to let's see what the MRI shows. I still have signs of a sinus infection despite my ENT discharging me, neurologist said to revist ENT or find new one. So very frustrating. But such is life and I try to look on the bright side as I know things could be worse.

    I was to see my oncologist yesterday and I got an all clear and I do not go back for a year. He was concerned when he saw me and thought that I was there because something was wrong in the cancer arena. PS we were high been as I had not been there till early or since early 2015. I told him it had been a terrible year with being very busy at work, losing both parents then losing my job I also touched on my health situation and how it is getting quite depressing. He reminded me that I am cancer free and that is a huge blessing. Amen, I lift my glass and toast to you all. I wish you could all be cancer free with me.

    Thinking of you Hsant and hoping all is well as can be with you and your daddy. God bless you both. I hope you enjoy this very special Thanksgiving together.

    I will be heading to my sisters for Thanksgiving. I have been hiding from my family just how bad I feel and hope that I am be able to tolerate all the noise over there. I had an especially hard time at the neurologist office today as the waiting room was packed and I initially set next to a very bright light. I moved my seat and low and behold, my dumb luck, the new seat I picked was right next to the stereo system which was screaming out Christmas tunes. As much as I love Christmas music, it was too loud. I ended up leaning on my elbow and holding my hand over my ear and blocking it as much as I could and just closing my eyes. My head and my jaw were on fire. My life just about sucks right now but I'm doing the best I can to keep my head up and stay optimistic when I can as much as I can! And drink. I wish you all a very happy Thanksgiving. Remember to count each and every blessing. My biggest blessings is my family and my loved ones. And you girls. love each of you!

    Thanksgiving cheers!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2016

    Lori, too funny & too true!

    Genny, that Bar Show preview video was taken during a dress rehearsal. We open a week from tomorrow night and run through the Sun. 12/4 matinee. The producers took mercy upon us and set us free from last Sun. night to this coming Sun. morning, when we rehearse with the band in the morning and then run the show 2 or 3 times in the afternoon. Mon. is another dress rehearsal. Tues. we move everything to the theater and do a tech rehearsal. Wed. is full dress and we open Thurs.

    We start weekly choral rehearsals as well as weekly staging rehearsals at the end of Sept.—casting is complete by Oct. 1, preliminary script by Nov. 1 (but changes at the drop of a hat due to current events—three years in a row it changed during the run of the show). Everyone in the cast is either a practicing or retired lawyer, judge, law professor or (in the case of a couple of extraordinary operatic voices) a third-year law student. Used to be that if you could carry a tune in a wheelbarrow and not be in a wheelchair (one cast member actually did her part one year using a walker hidden beneath a hoop skirt) you were in. Nowadays, the talent level is so high that if those of us already grandfathered-in had to audition, we might not be chosen.

    When I first started in 2002, we began choral rehearsals on the last Mon. in Oct., and didn't even get the script (and learn casting for the non-lead roles) until the Sat. after Thanksgiving. We moved to the theater on Mon. night after a full run and did a tech/blocking rehearsal; Tues. aft. was dress and Tues. evening was opening night. We did 6 shows, Tue-Sun. matinee. We used to offer a pre-show dinner package across the street at the Hilton. Tickets were much more expensive then: $65 show alone, $100 dinner theater package. In the decades before I joined the cast (the show's been running annually since 1922), the show and dinner were held in the Hilton Grand Ballroom—the talent level was iffy, but it didn't matter because it was the legal community's biggest festive event (firms bought at least a table or two) and both audience & cast mingled, ate & drank during the show. Performances were uneven to say the least.

    Women weren't allowed in the cast till 1972—and it took a lawsuit to accomplish that! The show ran for 10 performances at the Hilton, but one year after some extremely spirited revelry (the show used to be called “Christmas Spirits") one of the drops on the improvised temporary stage collapsed, injuring several performers. It was the year after that we moved across the street to the Merle Reskin Theatre (formerly the Blackstone). It opened in 1898, and the Barrymores and Lunt & Fontanne actually acted there on tour.

    We usually have one or two, uh, “weather challenges" each run. One memorable year, our third of five nights took place during a blizzard (24"). The show must go on, of course. We have no understudies, so if anyone vital to a scene is missing, the scene is cut. That night, we lost two sketches. Our conductor got stuck on his train, so the choral director led a partial band. Most of the other musicals in Chicago were dark that night—so we sent word to local radio & TV news that anyone holding a ticket to one of those cancelled shows could get in to see us for free. We had a 2/3-full house that night! (We didn't refund the tickets of those who'd bought tickets and couldn't attend—they didn't mind because all proceeds go to charity—but did allow them to attend one of the remaining performances and sit anywhere that was unsold).

    Sadly, the budget has gotten tighter and tighter, so the sets have gotten sparer, the costumes mostly volunteer-made, we do our own makeup, and we're down to four shows per run. But we charge only $45 for a main floor seat (you can't even get balcony seats at a touring B'way-in-Chicago musical for that price) and $35 for mezzanine.

    DOTD: it's cold and rainy out there, so I made a grande cappuccino. Bob brought home a few different bottles of Beaujolais Nouveau, and we tried the cheapest one—Nectarouge, at $6! It was actually fun and frivolous, what we expected of a “baby Beauj." He also brought home Cambon, Drouhin, and Momessin. We'll probably bring some of our stash of Duboeuf and either a dry Riesling or Conundrum white.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2016

    Lori, LOVE the Dear Family, very funny. And so smart of that Granny ! !

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2016

    Sandy, watched the Bar show preview, looks like a very funny skit. And look at you, great acting! Now looking forward to seeing more of the manikin challenge! Good night all, heading to bed, had a long siesta today! chEErs!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2016



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2016

    Yeah for the clean pooper Jazzy. Now to fill it back up!

    Dara, I'm still so sad about the headache pain you are having and especially that it will keep you from working. And now you have to have an MRI. What happened with that thing to put in your mouth? With you smoking the MMJ, I don't know why the RSO would have a different affect. But what do I know?? Have fun at your sisters. Well, I hope you can. Will Jess and Logan be there?

    Sandy, how funny that women weren't allowed in the cast and it took a lawsuit to accomplish it! Where does the money go that is made from the shows?

    I figured it would be quiet in here. We are actually having out turkey tomorrow. Only because my step daughter won't get here until 1 or 2. So lasagna today, had one in the freezer and turkey tomorrow.

    So thankful for all of you. Happy Thanksgiving!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2016

    Happy Thanksgiving friends!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited November 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Turkey Day!Had a lovely sleep in this ayem.Enjoying a leisurely breakfast before heading out to Mom and Dick's.Looking forward to 3 whole days after today of no work.Aahhhhhhhhh!

    Genny--I use a seat belt loop that I put the seat belt through and clip to Sadie's harness.It's inexpensive -- around $10, and takes advantage of the seat belt locking up in a crash.

    Loop Attaches Seatbelt To Harness

    Secure Attachment Point for Harness and Seatbelt


    I did add a swivel clip to the tether so that it wouldn't keep getting twisted up when Sadie turns around, got one at a hardware store for about a dollar.Besides knowing she won't get thrown around if we have an accident I know she won't be able to bolt out of the car when I open the door.She will do that if she sees something to chase, like a squirrel or another dog. I just make sure to put the leash on before I take the tether off.The remodel sounds like a great plan and will be great when it's finished.Do have to put up with the destruction in the meantime, though.Wise of management to be thinking about us Boomers, we will be many, many, many when we get to needed those services.Not to mention making it easier for us while we are still working as we age!Weekly sets with curlers will probably be a thing of the past, but trims and manicures/nail work every couple of weeks will probably be common.I bet the pub is going to be VERY popular once it's open.And you got time with aNorable,yahoo!MIL does sound a bit unbalanced.Not taking it personally is probably the best thing to do.I'm glad the headache went away, too, and have discovered that I'm brewing a sinus infection.So I've started the netti pot, extra fluids, and tinctures routine to see if I can cut it off at the pass.Been running too tired for too long lately. I keep catching everything that comes down the pike.Gotta love the 4 legged alarm clocks, no electricity required!But no understanding of "day off" either!:)

    Goldie--Mom and Dick make a cranberry-orange relish that is very, very yummy!They grind together cranberries and oranges, including the peel, I think and a little sugar and freeze it.I actually like both kinds of cranberry sauce, but I like the whole berry kind better.And it's fun to "argue" over which is better during Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners.I never thought of using a stool in the garden, that's a great idea, would do a world of good for my knees and my back!

    Goldie--That is a GREAT letter toDear Family!!!!Too funny!

    Jazzy--Hooray for clean scope results!Enjoy the rest!

    DARA--I started using the tether on Sadie right after the big pile up accident a couple winters ago. I had thought about taking her to work with me that day, and didn't cuz I thought it would be too cold in the car for her, and realized afterward that if she had been in the car she'd have gotten thrown all over the place, and probably gotten hurt.I would have if I didn't have my seat belt on.We are both looking forward to the long weekend!Amen, indeed, to being cancer free.That is a a blessing, but hard to appreciate with everything else going on.

    Chi--that is quite a theatrical history!It's interesting to follow the evolution from amateur to more skilled voices.Love the story of hiding a walker under a hoop skirt!And the irony of needing a lawsuit to allow women into a group filled with lawyers and the like!The preview is a hoot and a half!

    Stinky Old Bird's DOTD:


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2016

    omg I'm so screwed up--------------


    U all sound busy today and happy and I lubs it.

    Sandy what a video, enjoyed it. Great sense of humor, but then again u really have to.

    Been sleeping alot, I think I haven't completely gotten over this, but oh so much better, still on Anti-B's.

    Oh my loveseat, everyone is getting involved with now redoing my whole bedroom OMG it's turned into awhole thing with Dan, Bob and everyone. I'm just giving in. Lori Thanks for OKing what I thought I really feel I have to bring something and everyone is saying don't, BTW it's at Dan's house which as u know is about 1 mile from me. And I'm so happy u'r having u'r family come in for a few days

    I give thanks for so much and of course for all of u, who at all times have helped me thru so much chit and let me babble.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2016

    Image result for making the day after drink with alcoholJust looked good for the day after. even tho it's Friday Like Pepto Bismal