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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2016

    Scans approved, do them on the 29th.

    Heading out to a friends for a Xmas celebration and then on to Laughlin for a few days, and then to Phoenix for a few days. Step daughter and family are coming into town.

    NM, it's a public picture, steal away.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2016

    Good Early Morning ladies.

    Lori I't totally my pleasure to have u in my life, but u know that.

    OK Jazzy I think u'll go for a little while. U'll get u'r second wind well I hope so anyway. This project tho has really taken it's tole on u. U put so much of u'rself in each and every one u do, as long as I have known u. I can't get sound on my puter the last couple of days, don't know why--Joey tried, I think tho I'll ask Dan--(he's supposed to drop of my DD's present this morning) if he has the time to check it out.

    Sandy all this time u've never mentioned how long u've been married. WOW how wonderful for all those years and u always seem to really get along and enjoy each other. I thinks it's great. Jeez u really have to watch everything now when traveling. I think it's a good thing, but for the most part people are just traveling and everyone has to do this cuz of the crazies out there. U are so interesting and I love how u share all u'r doing, Thank you.

    I hope we hear from Hsant, something seems to be going on and I hope she's OK.

    Well Joey and I should be able to finish our stuff today, Dan will be here and we just have a few odds and ends to wrap. He had another Christmas party last nite and tonite he's seeing (remember his first GF) Gina and they'll celebrat Christmas tonite. They are still very close. The people next door came over yesterday to give Joey a present, they are the older ones and they always give him one. So he went shopping with a friend and bought Gina a little gift with some of it. As u can tell I get so excited this time of year, I always have and I get to share this with Joey We were going to make some desserty things but that didn't happen, so we'll buy some. Oh I ordered boots for myself and they came in time. AND THEY FIT--They just go to the ankle but have zippers and my feet are always swollen so it's hard to wear real shoes, and that one foot that my cat screwed up is still more swollen than the other so they're a mess but these are comfortable and in STYLE LOL, and of course on sale cuz they are so expensive and it's hard to find my size.

    Sandy I have tried those vapor things and I couldn't stand them, my problem (wll one of them) is I really enjoy smoking. I don't have a cough or discomfort from it and so it just eggs me on.

    Oh Dan went on a job that was cancelled late yesterday, I left a message on Bob's phone but Dan didn't get it. I felt so bad, I didn't know it was him who was supposed to go. Of course he called me oops, he was LOLing about how bossy I am. My cousin and I can not talk him out of making a big breakfast Christmas morning--we are all going out for a big dinner and he insists so, I wonder where his stubbornness came from???

    OK I won't keep babbling, I'll check back later. TGIF


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2016

    Lori I just read about ur scans, so happy u got them in, and now u'r on u'r way for a great holiday. So u enjoy and we'll all be praying for u, I know.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2016

    Image result for drinks with vodka recipes Just n case--but the color was what I was going for, nice Christmas color.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2016

    NM- Sadie is wondering if you would play dress up with Xmas lights with her?


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2016

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Jazzy luv the Merry Pup. Wow it's really been quiet in here. I know either busy or exhausted or both--but this weekend is here and hoping all is calm and all is---wait I sound like a song. But then again it is time for song--good thing u can't hear me sing or all holiday plans would be ruined. FOREVER--I still remember how my sister would sing while we would be doing dishes and my mom would just relax, and when I'd sing she'd rub her head and tell me I was giving her a headache. Now u don't dare tell a kid that, but believe me it never bothered me, after all I could hear myself. Why is it all the things that "they" say u shouldn't talk to u'r kids like that or talk to u'r kids more, our parents never did--they pretty much told u as it was or spent lots of time not even talking to u, yet no one cared and everyone seemed to grow up without major problems, or at least we never seemed to. And not one person my sister, cousin or me knew anyone that was allergic to peanuts--Oh as u can see I don't like change. LOL

    I just about finished with everything (not that much), I found some new paper so things look nice and crisp and wrapped like chit, another thing I don't do well. But again I don't care and no one else does. I talked to my sister a couple of times yesterday, cuz we kept on forgetting what we needed to say, finally about 9PM we remembered and it was stupid of course. Oh is she stubborn, she's making sausage,peppers and broasted potatoes and she can barely walk. Her kids tell her not to, but she's the martyr type and never complains--Now no one asks me to do anything, I must complain all the time. Plus no one can really count on it so I bring things that u don't miss if it's not there. Oh and 2 of my great nephews who have graduated college are going to go for navy seals, which I hate to say no one is really happy about but we all act like we are. Of all times to do these things. They are such nice men and intelligent OOOOO my poor niece is quietly going crazy.

    Wow I didn't even have coffee yet and I blabber, can u imagine what I'm like in person. Dan should be here this morning with Leslie's present, damn he always forgets things, his mind is always on work or computers, I can't seem to break him at all.

    Sandy it was kind of sleeting here last nite, the streets were OK but the walking was slippery I hope u didn't get mixed up in all that, but it's supposed to get warmish and maybe rain for Christmas so no snow at least, we have enough here and I'm sure we'll get more.

    Well I'm done boring u all for now, I SAID FOR NOW, so don't think it won't happen again, cuz that's what I do when I'm anxious.

    Have a lovely day all.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2016

    Image result for drinks with vodka recipesA nice happy DOTD. RELAX NM, SO CHEERS

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited December 2016

    Good Christmas Eve Morning, Loungettes!Happy first day of 3 day weekend!Up earlier than planned this ayem, was dreaming about being on a cruise ship for a vacation, then a friend had a premature baby so I was taking care of the baby (who was remarkably similar to a wiggly puppy that visits at the office).I was taking a break, going to the dining room for a meal, got singled out by a Mexican official on the deck, taken with a handful of other cruisers off the ship to a local police (policia?) office, which was an old lobster boat.We were asked a bunch of questions aboutstuff supposedly going on in the cruise ship wheelhouse (Like any of us had any idea what the crew was talking about up there).I woke up after we were told we could go back to the ship after we showed them our passports and we were all upset cuz they wouldn't let us go get out passports when they took us off the ship and we knew we couldn't get back on the ship without passports.Wonder what THAT was all about???

    Those of you with kids and grandkids, have them check this site out:

    It's NORAD's Santa Tracker site.Gives last sighting (Tongatapu, Tonga), heading for (Auckland, New Zealand in 2 minutes 31 seconds), and the number of gifts delivered (250,6xx,xxx cliiking over too fast to catch).It's fun!It's interactive so kids can check out different parts of the globe.I'll admit I look forward to playing with this site myself every year, as well as listening to the Santa Sightings on the Police radio on the scanner on Christmas Eve.The area dispatchers take turns making a BOLO announcement (Be On the Look Out for) with a description that is usually funny, last known location, direction of travel, instructions to report sightings but not stop the "subject".Dispatchers with children often add a quick "get to bed" message to the end of the report to their kids!It's fun to listen to.

    Jazzy--I can just see you sitting in the command center waving at the PITA Doc and him sitting where he with a totally puzzled look on his face.Wow, that's a lot of BC in one family, and so much of it before the age of 50.have any of you done the BRCA testing? Oh, I see you have, no results ,which just means we don't know everything about BC yet.Yes, I did get the Jeep back after the fender bender.Tuesday night on the way home it started making funny noises and broke down on the side of the road, it's currently at the dealers, waiting to be looked at and "diagnosed."So I'm back in a rental again.The dealership called last evening, they didn't get it in to look at yesterday, closed for the holiday weekend.So nothing I can do about that situation this weekend, so I'm going to do a Scarlet O'Hara andI'll deal with next week.Sadie does have one of my serving spoons and a bunch of forks and spoons in her crate.Cooking with Sadie, sounds like a great show!

    Goldie--Glad the scans got approved and scheduled.Enjoy your Christmas travels!

    Cammy--Do you really wonder where Dan's stubbornness comes from?LOL!Nice to find boots that fit AND look good!Good for you!

    LOVE THE DOTD!!!I love cherry in anything!

    Jazzy--Hmm, I wonder if I have any Christmas lights left over from the day I did decorate. . .

    Cammy--I think kids have a greater ability to handle facts than we sometimes give them credit for.So amazing to hear about another stubborn family member!Hope you are enjoying your coffee by now.

    Love the Raspberry Twist DOTD, too!

    Thanks, Cammy!

  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited December 2016

    Oh, I love Norad's Santa Tracker! (and the 'BOLO' reports from the local police? great.) Santa's now approaching Tokyo.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2016

    Good morning friends- the go live support is OVER! We had a busy morning yesterday, finished up at noon as planned, and then I went on home. I had some other business stuff to take care of yesterday afternoon, and did that and planned to then get to the gym, but then poof, my energy was gone. So I was just home relaxing the rest of the day. But, I needed that. Now all that is left is some project closure work next week and submission of a final invoice and on my way to my next adventure.

    My client said she met with the CEO on Thursday (our exec sponsor) and he is very pleased; the feedback that matters. Yay me, I put in my first beta project ever (meaning this particular thing we did has never been done before by them or the vendors), and expect to do more on this, hopefully with a few easier clients? I survived!

    Cami- I think it would be nice to sit back and take in the holiday without too many expectations on a person to show up or do something etc. You enjoy that and hope the D stays in check so you can enjoy the holidays. I know you enjoy getting dressed up and going to events, and no doubt you have a nice outfit with some jewelry picked out?

    Congrats on your nephews graduating and Navy Seals is a big thing to do, but hear your concerns. I have a nephew in the Army I have not seen in 7 years (he has been all over the world), but coming out in March. He wants to come visit and going to make it happen in the new year.

    NM- well dang sister on your car. I hope things get fixed soon. I am heading back to the dealer on Wed as more things are breaking on my car. Nothing huge, but I seem to have endless things wearing out from wiper blades to lights, etc. So I am asking for a multi-point check on the car to be sure nothing else (belts and hoses) is about to go. I have been in three times already, once for something planned but two times going on three for things wearing out. Car stuff is time consuming and exhausting.

    Dream interpretation- I think the cruise ship represents the new job you wanted and there are people keeping you from getting it (being removed and passport not being available). Travel dreams also represent a change coming in your life, often with work. Whenever I am coming off a contract or have new opps coming up, I have travel dreams and they often involve going to the airport, catching a train, etc. Along with that, I am often late and forgetting something like a suitcase, a passport, etc. That is usually a sign to me there is something unfinished I need to look at.

    Gotta get my day going and wishing everyone a blessed Xmas Eve Day and evening. A friend who is in town invited me to meet her tonight to go look at luminarias, so we are going to do that. I decided to opt out of the open house tomorrow for many reasons. Honoring my time to myself.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2016

    We were disgusting slug-a-beds and didn't get up till after noon this morning. Good thing I bought a cruller & a bagel at Walgreens next door last night so we had something to go with the coffee. Last night we ate at Benoit (Alain Ducasse). We used the $150 in dinner vouchers from HGV. Started with a rosé sparkler from Blum Cellars on the N. Fork of LI. During dinner, a Santenay 1er Cru with the duck breast & foie gras. A nice Guiraud Sauternes with dessert.

    Yes, we did end up trading our 1-BR at the HGV on the Vegas Strip for one in the Hilton Club (the owners-only one rising from the center of the Hilton NYC on 6th Ave--not the smaller one on W57 where we're staying). Maintenance is even lower than in Vegas because it includes everything, and NYC has both a state and city income tax. We have more reason to visit here anyway. Big selling point is that when we croak, it'd be easier for Gordy to sell, since there are many more properties in Vegas. Besides, he'd have more reason to visit here, as well as that we can convert our HGV to HHonors points 50-1 rather than 20-1. We stay in Hilton properties almost everywhere anyway. It came with a bonus of 9000 HGV points (so we can go to the Elara again this fall) plus a MOMA membership.

    Today we visited the 9/11 Memorial and Museum. Actually got to see a photo of the kid for whom I was a day camp counselor, who was a guitar prodigy who gave me lessons in return for tutoring him in reading. He perished in Tower 1 as a trader for Cantor Fitzgerald. It was incredibly intense and sobering. We took the subway and walked. And yes, I got my 10,000 steps in rather easily.

    DOTD tonight was a Schramsberg Brut Rosé at Butter (Iron Chef Alex Guarnaschelli's restaurant). And with our salmon, a Four Graces OR Pinot noir (half of which we brought back to the room). If we don't attempt Midnight Mass at St. Patrick's, we'll just kick back and have it with some street-vendor roasted chestnuts tonight. Tomorrow is early lunch at Tavern on the Green. We might keep our dinner res. at Fogo de Chao, or because we have a branch of it back home, maybe see either The Front Page, Glass Menagerie, or Something Rotten. We decided that rather than rise with the chickens, check out early, rent a car and visit the family graves in Queens and Suffolk Cty. before heading to LGA, we'll save that for June when we come in for Bob's 40th HS reunion (in NJ for some reason). That way, we'll have a rental car and not need to pay for parking.

    Merry Christmas

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2016

    Merry Xmas to all! A little highlight from my time in Old Town tonight.


  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited December 2016
    Was there a sale? B1G4 Santas?


  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited December 2016

    Image result for xmas cocktails>Image result for xmas cocktails

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited December 2016

    Hope all have a very Merry Christmas and a happy new year. Undi, love the boys in their hats.

    Got pies in the oven, gotta heat the beans, shower, load car and we're off to LV.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2016

    Merry Christmas (and 1st full day of Hanukkah)! This morning we went to Tavern on the Green. Started with a Franciacorto Brut NV, then Bob & I killed off an entire bottle of Strawberry Ridge (CT, Litchfield County) Chardonnay with lunch (cauliflower-oyster veloute, lobster risotto, Chilean sea bass, black cherry Baked Alaska). Sipping a Canada Dry Cherry-Pomegranate seltzer in our hotel room watching basketball, killing time till dinner at Fogo de Chao. Bob heads home tomorrow, I go on to DC to spend a few days for my sister before getting ready for New Year's Eve at home.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2016

    ChiSandy- Tavern on the Green is open again? I thought it closed awhile back?

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited December 2016

    Good Christmas morning girls, hope you all had a nice night and good sleep. My Stepson, Ryan and his GF Leslie are here from CA, so nice to see them. DS, DIL and Nora, MIL all here last night. Nora was my little elf, passing out gifts, she was very good at it. I bought her a lot of more age appropriate toys to leave here at Yaya's house, today I hope to go thru her toybox and get rid of everything that she's outgrown. We had lots of good food, I was so tired by the end, my whole body ached, damn I'm getting old. Initially were going to make a turkey today but decided to go with leftovers, only us and MIL today. New dog is doing well, I've never had a dog that talks so much, she is very vocal if she doesn't get her way or if she's bored or whatever is bugging her. DH talked to her previous owner and they said she's been that way since she was a puppy. We can leave her off the leash and she stays right with us, we are going to the metro park in a little while for a long walk with all 3 pooches. It's in the 40's here and super muddy so we need to skip the woods, metro park is all paved thru the woods. Emma is doing well, probably will get her a scan this week and see if any fluid has collected around her heart. My B/P is still very high, Norvasc has so far had no effect. Cardiologist is out of the office till the Jan 2 and I have an appointment on the 3rd. Still asymptomatic so I guess I'll just wait? Not sure what I should do, only other option is the ER and I'd hate to run up a big bill with only a week till my new deductible starts, never met it this year. Average readings are 170/100 but I feel fine.

    Jazzy, I hear ya about the possible family connection with BC. My mom did not have it but her mother and 2 of her 3 sisters did along with one of my cousins. My dad's mom died from BC but his sister did not get it. I was checked for all known genetic traits but negative for all. Of course all the men in my family on both side and my mom all had/have heart disease, me included so genetically speaking I'm a hot mess! I did everything right, got my mammograms every year since 40, still ended up with stage 3 BC. Get my stress tests every other year but have CAD, don't know if it makes much difference to know if it's genetic or not. Glad you finished up your project and gott to wave bub-by to the PITA, what a nice year end feeling that must've been!

    Lori, I hear ya on not wanting to go back on the FU pills, I was just thinking if you could take them until the SE's got you at might set the BC back a bit but I understand not wanting to take something that makes you feel like shit, I prolly wouldn't do it either. I hope you have a nice time in Laughlin and the festivities get you out of the rabbit hole for a little while. Yay to scan approval, will be nice to have some answers... prayers and hugs for you my friend!

    NM, wow you have had a crappy end of the year, way too much stress. I'm hoping that there is a position opening up for you just around the corner, seems you have been going through this for way too long, they get you help and then add more work and you are always doing the work of 2 people, I sure wish management would get their heads out of there arses and hire enough people! I hope your 3 day rest gets you a least a bit regenerated. When do you get your car back? I made these baked sticky ham sandwiches last night, they were in a big disposable pan on the counter and my stepson asked who was eating just the tops off of the sandwiches, turns out our new Jagger was just tall enoug to reach up on the counter and take them, this was followed an hour later by him throwing them up.... we need to adjust a few things with our new pooch, Emma would NEVER do such a thing! Hope you have a faulous time with family today. Last year at this time we were all gearing up for our cruise... to bad we can't do it again.

    Sandy, hope you and Bob are having a nice time, thanks for the advice on the B/P meds, I'm sure he'll adjust them when I go, hopefully nothing will happen before the 4th. Do you think I should refrain from working out until I get it under control? I was planning to get back to the gym next week but not sure if I should. I was in NY when ground zero was still a hole, it was fenced off and under construction and so very sad. I'd love to get back and see it now, sorry to hear you lost someone close to you that day.

    Well girls, I started this at 8 this morning, now it's 7pm and I'm going to sit here and finish even if the house burns down around me.

    Cami, hope you got to be with family and the D stayed away, I'll refresh the page after I finish and maybe find out. Presents all wrapped pretty, your sister does sound very bullheaded, doing what nobody has even asked her to do.


    Sue, you look great! Thanks for sharing the pics.

    OK, I'm going to post this and refresh to finish.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited December 2016

    Sandy, Happy Hanukkah to you! I didn't know the Tavern on the Green was still open, was closed for quite some time wasn't it? Sounds like you're having a nice vacay, have fun at your sister's.

    Sue, have fun in LV!

    Well girls, everyone is bizzy, hope you all are having a wonderful day, love to all, off tomorrow so I should get back.



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2016

    Genny, I'd sure take it easy if I were you but I wouldn't wait till your cardio gets back--call the practice and go see whichever doc is covering (and doubtless has access to your chart). If that's not possible, look for an urgent care center and see what they say. Hypertension is usually asymptomatic before it does major damage.

    Found out today that a dear friend and former Bar Show castmate suffered a massive right-sided stroke in October (we were all wondering why she hadn't dropped by during weekend rehearsals bearing her usual quiches and crock-pots of chili). She's fine cognitively and verbally--can text and e-mail--but has left-sided hemiplegia. She's only 70. When I get home I'll visit her--she's in the same Rush rehab wing where I was after a car shattered my right tibia in '96.

    You and Jazzy are correct that Tavern on the Green was closed for a couple of years--its 99-yr lease from the NYC Parks & Rec. Dept. had expired and for a year they went bankrupt and couldn't afford a new lease. They had some "rebirthing pains:" the first couple of chefs earned scathing reviews but third time proved to be the charm.

    Unfortunately, dealing with a (hopefully temporary) bout of D, shortly after finishing my trip to the salad bar and having my first two servings of meat at Fogo de Chao tonight. I am not impressed with this location of the chain: salad bar was meh, few hot bar offerings, fewer guys running around with meat skewers than there were busboys and waitresses up-selling sides and desserts. The few meat offerings were mostly overcooked (I ate the bacon that wrapped the filet mignon, because the latter was past well-done). We weren't offered a wine list, nor were we even asked what if anything we wanted to drink. Bob had to flag down a meat-skewer guy to order a glass of Malbec. Normally, I'd have had a caipirinha, but after this morning I'm "boozed-out" for the time being. Gonna down a couple of Imodium and see what happens.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2016

    Sandy- sorry about the D. I have not had good experiences myself at those brazilian steakhouses. I hope you feel better and can enjoy the time in DC where you are heading next.

    So sorry to hear about your friend. I have heard a lot of not great news this week from folks including a good friend who had a heart attack, along with the cousin diagnosed with BC and the uncle who passed. Unfortunately, tis the season for not great news sometimes. I hope your friend can continue to recover. After going through my my stroke and rehab with her, I am amazed what they can do for folks now as long as they are treated quickly.

    Genny- I am glad you had a good holiday. I hope you can take care of yourself on the other?

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited December 2016

    Merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah and happy kwanza! I'm Jewish, and I think Sandy is the only other member of the tribe on this thread.

    Y'all, this is just hard. Really, really hard. I love every moment with my dad, but it is a bit of a mind

    F**k. My dad had a bad episode a few weeks ago. He was hallucinating and agitated, so I put him in the fancy schmancy hospice house, and THEY SUCK! The doctor running the joint is very nice, but I feel she just blows smoke up the proverbial ass. My dad is home and doing really well. I decided that I'm keeping him home for as long as possible.

    Had poached eggs with smoked salmon and salmon roe for lunch. Had this with Jordan rose brut. I bought this, because I'm a huge fan of Jordan (Napa Cabernet), but I thought it was so, so, a little disappointing.

    Native, I am so, so sorry about Auntie. Als is a bitch of a disease. How is Dick? What happened with respect to the clinical manager position sucks. You are obviously devoted, passionate and knowledgeable. It's their loss.

    Dara, girl, you have been thru so much! I hope you are enjoying the holidays. I'm a Klein, too.


    Goldie, {{{Goldie}}}. Based on your tag line, it appears that you have a lot of options with respect to chemo treatments? You are in my prayers.

    Sue, love, love, love your pics! Cancun=tequila. It looks like you had a blast.

    Genny, Nora is just too dang cute! She looks like my little cousin when she was that age. Love her little outfit. Love the pic with Santa!

    Julie, you have been in my thoughts. I know the holidays are difficult when you lose someone you love. Big hug out to you.

    Jazzy, you're skipping a hot springs weekend? Why?

    Cami, hope the big D isn't rearing her ugly head, and you're enjoying the holidays with your amazing family. Oh, are you watching BH? The new chick, Dorit is totally getting on my nerves. What is up with that accent?

    Sandy, damn. You have been thru the ringer. Butter.....nice! It sounds like you're in NYC. Where else are you dining? Maybe Le Bernadin?

    If I missed anyone, I apologize. I've read your posts, but I'm physically and emotionally pooped.

    Hope everyone had a lovely holiday!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2016

    Hi girls,

    Quick pop in. Had a great Christmas but having insomnia so decided to check in to see what's up with mese girls!

    Hsant, I feel ya honey,oh boy do I. Hang tough, you are a warrior and will get through this difficult time. anKld also, remember that the Klein's rock hehe! xo doll.

    Jazz, hoping you are feeling better.

    Lori, saying prayers and thinking of you several times a day, love you so much. My heart is sad.

    Mary, so so sad about the news with Emma.

    to the rest of you, hope to revisit soon. my life is so stressful and my heart has been so sad lately. It is hard to cope at times. then I remember thos less fortunate than mese and kick mese darn self in the ass. then the guilt. and on it goes. the pain, the guilt, the anxiety....just wish I could just endulge in some willie and make it all bettah! but heck, tomorrow is a new day and yesterday, CHristMas, was fabultastic!

    rest of you you all and feeling you alls pain, anxiety and essitements. just can't stay and write more. so ....CHEeRs!!!

    KK, will update later.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited December 2016

    Good early morning girls, I couldn't sleep either, after an hour of flippin and floppin, I gave it up.

    hsant, good to see you, sorry about your bad experience with the hospice center and glad to hear you have your dad back at home. Now that the holidays are coming to an end we should try and meet up if you could get away for a few hours altho I understand that may not be possible right now. Do you have any help? Anyone to relieve you for a few hours here and there? Don't forget to take care of yourself too, ok?

    Dara, so glad to see yer purdy face! I'm so sorry you have had such a truly sucky several months, hoping and praying that 2017 is better for you. Are the h/a's any better?

    Sandy, B/P seems to be coming down a bit, out of that really scary zone. The cardio's nurse said it would take awhile for the med to kick in, I'll keep a close eye on it and now that Xmas is over I'll try harder to stick to low sodium, and I need to cut way back on the alcohol. So sorry to hear about your friend having the stroke, 70 is way too young, and so is 59 so if it goes back up I'll go to the ER.

    Well it seems so many of our girls here are having a very hard time of late, I'm hoping and praying that 2017 turns it around for all of you, fingers crossed.......

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited December 2016

    Here is our new dog, Jagger, he's sweet, learning to adjust to life without his family of 7 years. I think he misses them but he is starting to wag his tail and learning to trust us.



    I'll have to work on getting one with Moose in it.


    And the whole fandamily on Christmas Eve.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2016

    I can not believe this--I didn't come here to wish all my super friends a wonderful holiday, I really thought I did. This (to me) is such a mixed emotion time of year, but I truly hope everyone found some happiness and good feelings along the way--u are all in my heart and really in my conversations--Always love the pics and of course Undie pops in to give us some cheer in no clothing, puts a smile on mese face.

    Jazzy so glad to hear this is over for u, just another check in and u'r done. Of course u did a bang up job u always do.

    Sandy u are on the go again and sorry about the D tho, that's not fun. But all in all it all sounds great.

    Mary is good to see u and I hope u'r doing all right and get taken care of. This is a very stressful time of year.

    Oh Hsant missed u too, but now it sounds like u'r dad is doing OK, bless u'r heart for being you. Oh I don't think I like the new one on BH, LOL and then when one of them said u'r from Connecticut, I cracked up. Oh these women are so funny. Good mind relief.

    Dara everything is still so fresh for u, it does get better and I hope u'r feeling good.

    Julie I saw u on FB and u have the happy smile on u'r face that I enjoy so.

    NM I hope u'r doing OK and sadie is making u happy as usual.

    (((Lori))) u are always in my prayers and thoughts.

    Well I got to go to my nieces and it was great, and I even talked wines with some of them (men) and they were shocked, thanks to u sandy and others. Of course I didn't stay in the conversation long just long enough. LOL And we had so much fun and so much food, so I did taste a lot but I didn't want any surprises so I just ogled all of it. We really don't exchange presents, but of course we do a little (there are just to many) Joey loves going there cuz as he puts it our family is so warm and wonderful Haha, well he goes to Marty's on Christmas Eve and it just isn't the same--so I always enjoy things even more cuz he does so much. And Marty (who is not a big Christmas person) loves going there he always has such a good time and laughs so much. So I am very thankful for my family and all the happiness they bring me and they hug a lot so I love it. I missed my cousin today but I hope to see her Thursday for the holiday, so that's all good.

    And my good thoughts and prayers for all of u hoping this New Year will bring happiness and health for everyone. U ladies are the best.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2016

    Mary I just saw u'r pics beautiful.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited December 2016

    Thanks Cami!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited December 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Well, it was an exciting Christmas around here, sort of.My Brother and his wife came up Saturday morning, with plans to stay overnight.Sadie and I went over Saturday ayem.Sunny to start, then it started raining a bit.Then a bit more than a bit.Then the temperature started dropping.Dick fell taking the turkey remains out to the trash bin, the door yard (Yankee for drive way) was glare ice.So, it was decided I was not driving home.So, Sadie and I spent the night, too!Now picture this:Mom and Dick's place is on a lake, a small place, originally a camp, essentially a bedroom, kitchen alcove, dining area, bathroom, living room.Small.Perfect for 2.Now picture the living room, the biggest space, with a Christmas tree, a desk, a sewing corner, 2 recliners, and a love seat.Now add a queen size air mattress to the middle of the floor taking up pretty much all the floor space there is.Brother slept on the mattress, Sister-in-law and I slept in recliners, Sadie started out with brother, then, in the middle of the night decided she was a lap dog and climbed up into my lap!I wish one of us had thought to take a picture!It was a great visit, though, and lots of fun.Even if I did miss hearing the BOLO reports on the scanner Christmas Even.

    Jazzy--HOORAY for the go-live being over!I bet it was a busy morning that last day.Project closure work must be a good feeling.Have you settled on your next adventure yet?And to get such good feedback, too!Hmm, good dream interpretation, will take all that into consideration over the next few weeks as I figure out what I am going to do going forward.

    Chi--sounds like you found a good dealat the Hilton Club.I'd like to see the 9/11 memorial someday.And the dining sounds so yummy!

    Jazzy--what a bug!

    What an eye full, Undie!Oh, and there are drinks, too!

    Mema--Hope you had a great trip!

    Chi--Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to all!

    Genny--Sounds like your Christmas was busy, busy, busy!If I were you I would wait until the appointment, unless you develop symptoms, then head to the ED or urgent care.High blood pressure needs time to do damage by itself.And chances are that the ED isn't going to do much either since you already have an appropriate appointment in place.Don't know anything about the car yet, they didn't get to look at it before the holiday weekend, so no news until Tuesday at the earliest.And I do so wish we were getting ready for the cruise again, it was such a marvelous time!

    Cute Doggies!

    Chi--Oh, my, so sorry to hear about your friend.Praying she gets a fast and complete recovery.Hope the D has resolved by now.

    Hsant--I am so sorry you had a bad experience with the hospice house.There isn't one any where near where I work, but we get people who have used them in other states and I hear mixed reviews.Did you ever find out why your Dad was hallucinating and agitated?There's usually a cause for that kind of behavior and it can usually be managed.Dick is doing well, was started on a blood thinner after the Thanksgiving day episode, no symptoms since.Didn't get hurt when he fell on the ice the other evening, either.Still praying for you and your Dad.

    Dara--Yes, others are having a harder time than we are, but that does not mean that we are not entitled to experience and deal with what we are feeling.I have never figured out how telling someone who was hurting that some unknown person "out there" is hurting just as much or morehelps with anything.Why should we feel guilty about someone we don't know and will never meet feeling badly just because we talk about how we feel?Is my keeping silent about how I feel going to make that mysterious person feel better?Will that person's keeping silent make me feel better?Anyway, HUGS.Talk to you later.

    Genny--Pay attention to the sodium intake, but don't stress over it too much.Only about 30% of the cases of high blood pressure respond to reducing sodium intake, and those only slightly for the most part.Regular exercise actually does more to reduce high blood pressure than diet changes.Jagger is handsome!Love the black face.Great family pic!!

    Cammy--this is a mixed emotion time of year, for everyone over the age of about 4 I think!But it's ok you were busy with your fam and didn't get in here, we understand!Joey is suchawise soul!Lubs you too!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Santa's Sleigh Cocktail

    Santa's Sleigh Cocktail


    White sugar crystals, preferably coarse

    2 cups store-bought eggnog, chilled

    1/2 cup brandy

    1/2 cup amaretto liqueur

    1 teaspoon ground nutmeg

    2 scoops vanilla ice cream

    4 cinnamon sticks


    Dampen the rims of 4 martini glasses and then line the rims with sugar crystals.

    Combine eggnog, brandy, amaretto, nutmeg, and ice cream in a blender; process until smooth. Pour mixture into martini glasses and garnish each glass with a whole cinnamon stick.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2016

    Thanks, all. Yeah, the D was temporary--Bob didn't have it, but he also didn't eat the marinated oyster 'shrooms or the cheese gougeres on the salad bar, so those may have been the culprits. I wanted to do Le Bernardin (been there twice), but Bob had his heart set on last night's Brazilian meat storm and his buddy Thurs night was not the most adventurous of diners (Filet-O-Fish during Lent is the closest he gets to seafood). Next time Le Bernardin (though we'd really like to try little ethnic BYOB mom-and-pops). We usually do have better food at Fogo in Chicago, so maybe the Midtown location was overwhelmed with Christmas tourists and understaffed. What seemed to be amazingly popular, though, was The Halal Guys' food truck--lines around the block (courtesy of word-of-mouth and Trip Advisor's review). We were always too full whenever we passed it--the aroma of the shwarma was heavenly.

    Breakfast this morning from the Murray Bros. food hall down the block. Heading out to LGA in a bit, hoping to get on earlier flights to MDW and then for me, DCA. (Would have simplytaken the Acela, but it's carry-on-bags-only). Gonna have fun in DC with my sis--we might be able to snag the Inn at Little Washington or L'Auberge Chez Francois (where she had her wedding). Sadly, our fave chef in the area, Michel Richard, passed away suddenly a few months ago. So much for Citronelle or Central. Might take a drive up to the edge of the Blue Ridge. We also have tix Wed. night for a drag show.