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how about drinking?



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2016

    Good morning friends- I have been out early for a blood draw in conjunction with my upcoming visit to the endocrinologist, back home for coffee (ahh), then back out for an early trip to Sam's Club for the pre 10 a.m. business hours, and final stop at the PO. It has all gone well and found my Nov invoice payment in the PO, today so I will get that in the bank so I can pay my last quarterly taxes to the IRS. Getting some of those final business things for the year taken care of these next few days.

    I had a fun outing with my friend on Xmas Eve to Old Town to see the luminarias and Xmas lights. Lots of folks walking around, and we did a bit of shopping too. I scored a deal on two beautiful cashmere scarves that I got a deal on by buying two and paying cash! Both are things that will go in to spring too, which I like. My friend and I stopped at a nearby watering hole for a glass of wine and conversation, and then went on our way. I love Xmas in NM and have not been town for the actual weekend in a few years, so pretty fun to enjoy the local experience once again. I missed a lot of fun stuff this year with the end of the year push on the project and go live.

    I am getting back on track with my exercise and got to the gym sat for swimming, yesterday for a short weight work out, and going to a yoga class today with one of my favorite yoga teachers. Trying to get my routine jump started after a pause with work and being sick. My lungs are much better, but still have a residual cough that crops up, often at night. I was thinking how I hate to deal with the crowds in Jan and Feb with the folks that do the new years resolution to get in shape and then drop out two months later. But I will be on my break the next few months, I can go midday with the retired folks!

    Cami- I have mixed feelings about the holidays too. Most of my family is gone (parents, a brother, etc.) and so it has not felt the same for a long time really. I make the best of it by creating some good moments as I can. I know you are missing your family too. It sounds like you had a pretty good day over all? I hope the rest of the holidays are easy and you can enjoy some nice time with Joey.

    ChiSandy- glad you are feeling better and hope you get through LGA okay. Worst airport ever. I love that you are going to a drag queen show.

    Hsant- it is really good to hear from you and sorry about the problems with your dad and getting him the best care that he needs. Sounds like he is home again and that you have been super diligent about ensuring his well being is put first. You are a good daughter and hope things are better for you both. Was your husband able to come out for the holidays?

    I did not go to the springs because of just not being able to pull it off. Staying home was the better choice between coming off the long hours and a resp infection that really took it's toll on this old girl. I have decided to not book a full out of town stay at the ones up north in January, but rather do a day trip right after the new year to the closer ones. I have some expenses to get through in January and will maybe try those other hot springs in March for my next b-day. This is the best way to have the experience of the springs without a bigger expense. Now that I am coming off contract for a few months, I need to ramp down on expenses for a bit.

    NM- sounds like an adventure of a Xmas with you and the family. If I read that right, Sadie both thinks she is a lap dog as well as you all had a big old sleep over at mom and Dick's house? Was Dick okay from the fall? I hope you got today as an extra day for the holiday and don't have to work today.

    Regarding work, I am working on a plan with my collaborating team to do more of what I just did for this client, but it will be a couple more months before we may be ready so I will continue to work with them as the plans come together. My goal is to be working more from home and some occasional travel in the new year. I am ready for some different experiences.

    Genny- love, Love, LOVE the pictures, especially the family photo. Thank you for sharing!

    Dara dear- how was your holiday and how are you doing with your healing from the surgery and the headaches?

    MemaSue- I hope your day was good too.

    And we have a newbee here too? Thanks for the hottie picture!

    Gotta go put on my yoga gear and get ready for my next trip out for some exercise. Wishing everyone a good post holiday day!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited December 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday, and back to work for most of us.Raining andthe weather person talking about icy conditions, not what I want to be hearing.Got a long meeting this morning, so can't get out on the road until afternoon.Oh, well, will work it out.

    Chi--glad the D was temporary.Sounds like you know all the good places to eat!Enjoy the trip to DC.

    Jazzy--Nice to get the Nov invoice payment, I'm sure.I bet the luminarias are beautiful, don't see them around here.Probably because of the snow and wind around here this time of year.Love the idea of going to exercise midday with the old folks!Bet they are more laid back and less competitive, too.Yes, Dick is ok after the fall, and yes, Sadie played at being a lap dog--first time she's ever even tried to do that!--during the unexpected sleep over.Had Monday off, too.Back to work today.The break was good, not feeling so emotional about the whole job situation now.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Champagne Eggnog | Easy Cocktail Recipes

    Champagne Eggnog


    Recipes created by Tom Jolly, Bar Manager for The Century Bar at Gleneagles

    • 1 whole egg
    • 50ml cream
    • 10ml Crème de Cacao Blanc
    • 5ml Maraschino
    • 120ml Champagne
    • Nutmeg to garnish


    This cocktail recipe adds a touch of luxury to eggnog, a classic festive drink. It may sound a little challenging to make, but it's worth it.

    1. Shake all ingredients excluding the Champagne in a cocktail shaker.
    2. Strain into a fizz glass or small wine glass.
    3. Fill with Champagne.
    4. Sprinkle grated nutmeg on the top.
  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited December 2016

    Good morning girls, back to work for me, DH off for the rest of the week, sure wish I was. B/P this morning 165/98, but still feeling fine. Have you seen this craziness at the malls around the country. People fighting, stampeding, what the heck is that all about? Insane!!!

    NM, thanks for the advice, you made me feel much better. It really is in my best interest financially to wait, Id hate to meet my deductible on the last week of the year! If I end up needing a stress test or echo or whatever, I'd much rather it go towards next years $6,400 deductible. Wow, what a Christmas you had, all in all it sounds kind of fun tho, camping out with your family, well except Dick's fall of course. Please be careful out there in there in that weather! Glad to hear the break helped, if only you could have that once a month!

    Jazzy, sounds like you've got your work plans in place for the new year, hope it all falls into place. I know what you mean about the holiday, all my life, we got together with my whole family on Christmas Eve, lost my dad, then a brother and then when my mom died my brothers wives decided to change it and we started getting together a week or so before Christmas, never been the same but it is kind of nice to be able to stay home over the holidays. 4 years ago I lost another brother so we went from a family of 7 to 3. Guess that's life but we don't have to like it! Sounds as tho it's just as well that you didn't make it to the springs, you'll probably enjoy it more when it doesn't feel so rushed.

    Sandy, have fun at your sister's! Sorry about the chef, enjoy the drag show, they are so much fun!

    Cami, I'm so glad you got to go to your sister's, sounds like you had a good time.

    Hi to everybody else,time to get in the shower and start my day. Hugs and kisses, have a good day!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2016

    Good Morning Ladies,

    NM I really like how u spent Christmas, sorry about Dick's fall tho, but to me that's the real holiday and sadie is hysterical. just be careful out there, ice is horrible. And gld u feel better about work.

    Sandy LOL about the "fish-filet" laffed at that one. U'r still on the go--hope u'r feeling well. I forgot to tell u My one niece who's "live-in" for years is a top chef at one of the Chicago restaurants, which I'm sure u know, but of course I don't remember ever. But every year he brings a dish he makes, always different from our usual and it's yummy--well my niece is in her 50's and so is he so See that conversation is where I shined about the wine. LOL

    Jazzy what an enjoyable nite u had, sounds wonderful with all the decorations and people, good u changed u'r mind and went out.

    i can't believe this is over, kind of relieved and sad too--I love this holiday, just for seeing everyone and all the lights.

    Oh have to tell u about F**kface--as usual he drinks like crazy, a little more on the holiday, but my family is always so nice to him, it sickens me but hs Dd is 15 with a permit so now he uses her to do the driving and I had to give my nephew credit for Loling but saying Oh it's a little illegal for that reason, but everyone has their own thing. It's funny (well not really) but he thinks he knows everything and everyone just goes along, except me and the more he drinks the more he knows and I debate him on anything he brings up from the Bible to the wars and I'm so bad cuz I have to prove him wrong, I don't know why I do that, I'm not mean I actually just debate and for some reason, my mind gets sharp and why I feel so good for debating a moron is beyond me. So I can outthink an idiot wow me. I'm not proud of myself, but I do get satisfaction. My DD never gets mad at me, she has warned him about this and I won't back down and he can look things up all he wants, otherwise I really wouldn't do it. BTW I'm not saying I'm smart, I'm just saying how stupid he is. Remember he's the one that last time I was in the hospital and they told my kids to say their good-bys, he already started talking about how they should figure out my finances. But his wife (my DD) told him to shut up that time. the joke's on him, I have nothing. LOL OK more babbling from me, but he's a subject that should be a subject in some research on abnormal ignorance.

    Phone is going.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2016

    Good morning friends- trying to get motivated to go to work, today. They reorged the space over at the client site and have no idea where I will sit, but will figure it out when I get there. I plan to spend a full day there getting some things tied up as part of my closure activities. I was reading some e-mails last night from some of my non-fans and was able to be a bit more objective after some space and rest to answer some questions around ongoing provider support. I wrap up every e-mail now with the reminder to my fan club that Friday will be my last day on the contract! The people that matter are pleased with the outcomes though and those people will be my reference for the future work around this same thing!

    Went to my fav yoga class yesterday and although it felt good, my body is still adjusting to exercise again. I will take a break from the gym tonight and tomorrow, and resume Thursday. I am going to try to get out for a short walk around the building today though. One of my friends gave me this fun calendar for tracking exercise and other health info, which I have started using. I used to use MapMyWalk, but found keeping up with on line stuff to just be more than I could do with being on line all day with work. I love the calendar and it allows me to track things like exercise, BP, glucose, weight, etc.

    And speaking of yoga, one of my yoga teachers is having a retreat up in the mountains here in mid January and has a cancellation and I took it! I did the same one last January, but this retreat has been full for awhile but someone had to bow out last minute. It is also near one of my closer hot springs as well as a great place to snow shoe. That is my new plan vs. the hot springs reschedule and more excited about it. Yoga, good home cooked meals, a mini spa to take advantage of, & lovely setting will make it so nice. Love the yoga ladies too! Yay!

    Genny- I am sorry about the losses in your family. From 7 to 3 is a huge change. I only had two sibs, and between the three of us there was only one child so our family is small. I hope Anorable had a good visit from Santa?

    I will say having quiet time is a real luxury for most this time of the year, so I feel grateful I can do it. Everyone along the way yesterday asked me how my holiday was and I said quiet and restful. They stared at me in disbelief and went on and on about how they had to cook for everyone, were exhausted, etc.

    Cami- you crack me up with the FF comments and your debates with him. There are a lot of people in the world who prefer to be right than to listen to another's opinion. Can"t we agree to disagree? I have couple people in my circles who like to lecture me about any number of things. When they get pushing hard on me, I usually just make a statement I have my own brain and can think for myself. Politics and religion are the common fodder for such debates. Sounds like FF is also hoping you will dump some cash in his lap some day? Sounds like he has earned his name!

    NM- I am glad you are feeling better about the job stuff. I always think it is good to let yourself feel whatever you need to so you can move on. I am hoping for that for myself soon! January is decompression month! Glad you got the day off yesterday and you will go into the short work week in a better place!

    Wishing you all a good final week of 2016. Don't forget to make your new year's resolutions!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2016

    My New Year's resolution is to stop making resolutions based on goals instead of actions. "Lose weight," eat healthy" and "exercise" are just too vague and depend on smaller specific behaviors which are more in my wheelhouse. Bob & I noticed that our bucket list is not only dwindling but getting much more specific and focused on experiences. We really couldn't figure out what "things" we wanted for Christmas.

    No DOTD yesterday: by the time I got to my hotel I was too tired to go downstairs for a glass of mediocre overpriced wine. Gorgeous weather today--maybe go to a winery in VA or at least up into the mts. I paid for this rental car (a Sonata with XM and GPS--I always order a Prius and they never have one), so I might as well use it.

    As more and more family die off, holidays with friends become more precious. We had each other for Christmas, but a tepid latke from an airport Manny's eaten on a short flight isn't much of a Hanukkah. At least I have my sister, niece and BIL for the rest of Hanukkah--BIL is an atheist libertarian ex-Episcopalian, so we won't talk politics or religion. At least he didn't vote for He Who Shall Go Nameless. New Years Eve will be at home, with all our best Chicago friends, though. And lots of champagne

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2016

    Chi- I set goals for myself every year with work, health, finances, relationships, hobbies (like music), etc. It helps me to keep accountable to myself and like you, I get specific.

    NYE with lots of champagne sounds divine to me!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2016

    Before hitting the Leesburg (VA) Outlet Mall today, and after a delightful lunch at Tuscarora Mill (see the "What's for dinner?" thread) we hit Sunset Hills Winery (sustainable, biodynamic.....and most importantly, open on Tuesdays) in Purcellville, VA (town was founded by my BIL's mom's ancestors). They have a varied list of wines made from vinifera and hybrid grapes grown in the Shenandoah and Middleburg AVAs--Viognier, Chardonnay, Merlot, Cabernet Franc, Petit Verdot, Albariño among the vinifera; Vidal Blanc, Traminette, Chambourcin and Tanna (a very dry and structured blend of Chambourcin, Merlot and Cabernet Franc) among the labrusca-vinifera hybrids. We did a tasting of wines-and-truffles (dark chocolate, the latter being paired with three reds). We ended up buying a lightly oaked (20% new French oak, 80% neutral) 2014 Chardonnay, 2013 Petit Verdot (normally only a Bordeaux/red Meritage blending grape) and Dusk, a not-quite-sweet ruby Port-style wine made from late harvest Chambourcin. (Most U.S. & Aussie "ports" are made from Zinfandel--and the "real McCoy" from Tinta). Although we liked the Viognier, we have some others in our cellars from Paumanok (LI) and Maryhill (WA) but Bob's fave is Chardonnay (oaked or not); and Cabernet Franc (also a Bordeaux "blender") is readily available these days as a standalone from all over the U.S. as well as the Loire (Chinon, Bourgueil) and even Switzerland (Dole) but you don't exactly see P.V. coming & going. We got the Dusk for my BIL. (It's almost time for us to open the Warre's '83 and Graham's '77 we have at home, though some are saying that '77 has yet to peak). We might try another winery or two tomorrow and/or Thurs.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited December 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day!Nice when Hump Day comes so close to the beginning of the week.Am on call for another 2 hours, but so far no calls.Anything that comes in now will not be so bad since I'm already up.Won't be on call again until the end of January now. Did hear about Pearl, though.It seems there is something inside the engine that is broken, they're going to have to take the engine out and take it apart to find out what the issue is.Hopefully they can do that next week.The good news is that there is 6 (SIX) miles left on the extended warrantee, so I may only be paying the deductible and the rental costs.Yeah!Maybe my luck is turning!

    Genny--The Christmas camp over was fun, and since I found out that there were half a dozen accidents on the stretch of main road near Mom & Dick's road that evening, I'm glad I didn't try to drive home.All I need is to have an accident in a rental car!I am careful out there.And I can get a break every month if I schedule a couple of days off.I'm thinking of scheduling a 4 day weekend once a month for the next few months to see if that helps the mental health situation.

    Cammy--I actually liked the way Christmas worked out.Just a few little gifts, lots of family time, good food, some funny stuff (like Sadie playing lap dog).Dick didn't get hurt when he fell, and we all ganged up on him and wouldn't let him go back out to clean up the mess until the next morning when we could see better and get some grit down on the ice.Debating with F**kface sounds like an interesting pastime.Probably amuses everyone in the room!Glad DD put him in his place that time, though.

    Jazzy--Amazing how much objectivity one can get with a little time and space.I bet it's fun adding the "Remember Friday is my last day" line to the e-mails!There are always going to be people who are unhappy with having to do their own work, I have found.And since the people who matter are happy, let the rest be unhappy.They probably can't be happy unless they are unhappy about something!The yoga retreat sounds amazing!It did go better at work than I thought it would, no meltdowns, no near meltdowns, no tears, just getting the work done.

    Chi--Have you ever heard of the "SMART" method of goal setting?We use this approach with patients when setting goals.


    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:


    RIP Carrie Fisher

    Star Wars Cocktail

    1 oz Lemonade

    1 oz Almond Liqueur

    1 oz Southern Comfort

    1 oz Sweet and Sour

    How to make a Star Wars Cocktail

    1. Add Almond Liqueur, Southern Comfort and sweet and sour mix into a cocktail shaker with ice.
    2. Shake and then add Lemonade and strain into your cocktail glass.
  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2016

    Good morning friends- well, my day back yesterday was far more hideous than I could have expected. One of the thorns in my side was just badgering me with endless questions regarding the move from project to production. The IT folks would be better at getting their heads out of the sand and paying attention instead of not showing up to important meetings and then coming in 11th hour with their list of bottomless pit of needs. I was amazed to see this consulting director demanding things and cc-ing the world in the process, all the way up to our exec sponsor, the CEO. What a fool. Well, they will be on their own soon. I did plan another post production support meeting for this afternoon which may help. I also made my client's VP aware of some of the expectations, but not asking him to do anything. Things have been pretty quiet with end users and think that is a good sign. By noon on Friday, I send in the last of my stuff and turn on the permanent out of office saying my contract is completed.

    NM- I was sad to hear of Carrie Fishers passing. Seems like we loose a celebrity of some sort a week lately, certainly a lot of musicians and other well known folks all year long. I was also a fan of George Michael and his music. I heard Fisher had a heart attack on a plan from London to LA. I loved watching her in interviews. She was only 60 years old, just a few years old than me. GM three years younger. Gone too soon.

    Glad that you felt better going back to work yesterday! Glad on call has been quiet too. I learned about Smart Goals at a job years ago and thanks for sending that. Helps me with a few things I am working on for the new year.

    Chi- your winery tour sounded fabulous. I am a big fan of Voignier and ports! I found a zinfandel port in my collection and pulled that out to enjoy this winter!

    Got a trip to get a few minor things done at the Subaru dealer this am, and then shutting down early to get to the spa for a soak and massage later today. Will make today better as I really begin to detach now.

    Wishing you all a happy hump day Happy

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2016

    Good Morning Ladies--NM How nice to pay tribute to Carrie Fisher. Oh wow 6 miles left, that is crazy, u'r luck has officially changed and the new year will be the same. U'r so good at what u do your resolution should be for u to be extra happy, u help and comfort so many people, it's just part of who u are.

    Sandy u are going strong and now u will be with u'r sister and u all know how I love occasions like that, so I would imagine u will have a doubly good time. Sisters are so important. And this time of year it's really important. BTW Sandy I enjoy how u explain everything, it's so interesting and I guess I do remember some things.

    Jazzy goofy me, I was trying to figure out what NYE meant, I thought at first u meant Nay, then I remembered u know how to type, so it took me well more than a minute to figure it out. U'r plans sounds wonderful. Jeez u find more interesting things to do, my happiness for u over powers my jealousy, I'm sure cuz I care about u so much. And now u'r almost done with this job, so u really have worked hard and can enjoy some "U" time. U got lucky too with this one. And u too deserve it.

    I'm of course thinking about Lori and praying she's doing all right and this New Year will bring her special things.

    SusyQ how are u doing> And Dara and u too???

    OK another story, Marty told me that "we" are having asurprise BD party here for his mom, who I call Eve--meaning douchbag-- but she is very nice to u'r face and I am cordial to her, which BTW I told her I would be for Joey's sake--see how bad I am. Actually Marty has a little hard time being her son too. So he has a huge family but we have to cut the list somewhere, I suggested me, but I live here. BTW Joey has even figured her out without one word from Leslie or me. But he likes parties so this should be interesting. I do really like a couple of people tho and I hope they come, they make it OK then. She actually wants her kids to spend money for her on holidays and BD, no matter what they are going thru. Hence one reason for her name, but there are other reasons too. Anyway that will be coming in a couple of weeks so party time will continue. Oh Wow. Well we have no basement but half of the garage is a party room, heated and bar, TV couch , chairs and all that, so there is plenty of room for all who come. They don't turn down parties, cuz there's lots to drink, they don't care what the reason.

    Work has slowed down a bit, but compared to last yr. at this time much busier, so I'm happy for Dan.

    Have a wonderful hump day


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2016

    Image result for silly sexy hump day

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2016

    Cami- the names you have for people are hilarious. I have the DB name for a few people in my world too. LOL!

    I dislike people who have parties for the purpose of gifts or money. When I first went back to work for this client site after many years, I got invited to all the b-day gatherings, showers, etc. I could see they just saw me as a consultant making good money and wanted the gifts or cash. I stopped doing that and when they invite me now, tell them it is not appropriate for me to do as a business person. Yes, I give Xmas gifts to my client and a few of the folks there that help me but that is it. If you do buy her something, get her something super cheap!

    How about a Chia pet?

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited December 2016

    Happy Birthday, Mary!🍾🍾🍷

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited December 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Friday Eve! Got NorEaster coming in today, but it seems to have calmed down a bit and looks to be mostly north of me.I will be dealing with more rain than snow and lots of wind from the sounds of things.Still going to head out early and get as many visits done as possible and get back home as early as possible.Ah, winter.Work is back to usual.Had a full day of visits, got assigned an admission, and no help.So I had a 9 unit day (4 to 5 is a full day). Worked straight from 8 ayem to 8 peeyem.Still got stuff from that to finish up, and have a full day already today, too.Sigh.

    Jazzy--the idiot cc-ing the world with his/her last minute proof of not participating in the planning may find that backfires.One can hope, anyway.But like you say, Not your circus, not your monkeys after tomorrow!I heard about Carrie Fisher having a heart attack on a plane, too and it sounded like something pretty much not survivable.I actually expected to hear the announcement of her death the day after that.

    Cammy--I am so hoping the New Year will be a better one!I keep reminding myself about that.Sounds like quite the surprise party coming up.Should be interesting!Glad work is good for Dan!

    Yummy pic!

    Morning, Hsant!

    Happy Birthday, Mary!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2016

    Good Morning Ladies,

    NM I thought u'd start being busy, this time of year brings a lot of crap That's a super long day for u, I hope it quiets down some. Wow, carrie Fisher, George Michael, and now debbie Reynolds--seems like it's always 3, poor Todd, he really got left alone fast. I of course remember when she started in films, she was the cutest tiniest thing with so much energy and fun to watch.

    Jzzy I'm not giving her a present, I'll buy thepaper products for her party and my kids can just say I helped with it. I figure a present is so fakey and I just can't say bringing u happiest wishes. Paper is good enough. It's almost Friday Jazzy and time for u to close up shop there.

    Oh I miss Lori.

    I'm supposed to go out to lunch today with my GF's of course 2 of them are my sister and cousin, how we all have hung around all these years is amazing, I think cuz no one else would put up with us. 2 of my GF's have come in from FL this past week so it's always nice seeing them. They do live a couple of hours apart in FL, so they don't get to see each other very often. And one of them always lets me feel her boobs, they are still big and in good shape, so that's our thing.

    Oh I still don't have my loveseat, but it's fine, when Dan can get it, it's all good. It's so typical of my family that I'm used to these things and we just LOL about it.But I know there is a way to get it cheaper if Dan wants to bother cuz it's on sale now, but sometimes men don't want to finigle things-so he knows and it's up to him.

    Sandy our weather isn't bad here right now and supposed to be OK for the New Year. So it's uiet for a change.

    Hsant I'm glad u came in.

    OK I have to get ready in shifts, cuz I'm old and slow anyway so u can just imagine.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2016

    Image result for silly sexy happy birthday I Hope u'r day is great Mary

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2016

    Good morning ladies- quick message as I am heading to the endocrinologist this morning for my check in there. I found my blood work on the portal last night and some things improved, other things around the same. I was loosing weight on the Victoza but then when I got sick in late Nov and again recently, and the lack of exercise until recently, that did not help much. Back on track now and going to the gym tonight.

    Yesterday was another bad day with IT. I won't get in to it, but will just say they are determined to make my departing week miserable. Then there was a request by a director for us to stay on, which was quoted out by me, but then quickly denied. They have been clear with us (test lead and myself who are the dedicated resources) that there is no more funding for this project. The VPs have figured out what is going on with the IT group and not willing to fund us staying on to appease them. Although I have no interest to stay on, I had to play the game out and need to stay good with the senior leaders who ARE my references. I will go on site today one more time, work through the day and then finish up tomorrow morning. It will feel very good to turn on the permanent out of office saying I am done with my assignment at Pres. Almost there!

    Cami- glad you are not having to buy a gift for that woman. Maybe that love seat is on sale now and Dan can score a smokin deal on it? I think you need something in a leopard print!

    NM- long hours for you again. The thing I hate about long hours in the winter is leaving in the dark and coming home in the dark. That was me during the command center hours that were 12 hour shifts. I felt like a vampire. Where is my sunlight?

    ChiSandy, Dara, Hsant, Genny, MemaSue, Juliet, and everyone else, have a good day today!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2016

    Hi goils.

    Finally got an answer from the state board of unumployment, gonna get a new trial through the tribunal but first have to call and find out that IF I decide to not participate in a new trial, if they will change the charge to termination for simple misconduct and just pay me the FN money! my nerves are frayed, slept a only wink last night - maybe dozed off for a few hours at around 5 aye em. Shocked at the news over Debby Reynold's death but really should not be so surprised. I always knew that people die from broken hearts.

    My freaking head is pounding and my phantom toothache is so so bad. I can barely cope. So really hoping and praying for some good news once I call unemployment. GOOD that I do not have to go through the push button system and call call my claims examiner directly now that I have one again, uh. Mese fingers are shaking.

    I now get the guard for mese teeth on 1/3. Not sure that I mentioned the delay, was quite depressed w that news. I was supposed to have it last Friday, mese CHrisTmas present!! Such an fn disapointment. Oh btw, been meaning to tail ye all that I mispoke when I said new neurologist said my headache is a six month migraine, he did not use those words, just said migraine, I added the six month part, now coming up on seven!! crazy chit between that, the tooth ache, the sinus pain and related sinus issues, I am going nutty! And I am sooo tired of taking sudafed and having others buy it for me so that I do not get arrested for buying too much due to the phucking people that make crack/speed with it to sell or abuse! Then the hair pain, the jaw pain and the eye socket pain which is relatively new. And my typing is just terrible again but I think that has to do with me stupidly stopping the topamax! Oops, I failed to realize that one is supposed to taper off of that drug. I didn't realize that until I told saw my psychiatrist earlier this week and was complaining about everything and mentioned to him that I had read that topamax was said to make people as stupid as a pile of rocks and did not feel it was doing anything for me, therefore decided to halt the drug. He then asked me if I was tapering down. No wonder both hands are suddenly as numb as ever!, one of several symptoms of rapid withdraw, ooopsies!

    Mary, happy belated doll. We need a belated (n big ass) partay here in de lounge!

    Jazzy, two more days and you are D O N E !!! DO not extend!! not worth it even if they fiid the funds.

    Chi, hope you are having fun in DC! Crazy weather with 60's early this week. Enjoy the food n drinks!

    NM, you work too hard. Hope nothing serious wtih Pearl. Whew, close one with that warranty, could you get any closer!??

    Hi Hsant, hope you had a good holiday with your Daddy.

    Lori, prayers are coming.

    Cammy, you never fail to crack me up. And chit, I would only buy toiler paper (paper products).lol. I saw you on facebook, you looked adorbs! And I tink I saw f*k face too, looks like the name. hehe!

    Well I'm going to make my call to unemployment and get back with you all shortly God willing.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2016

    Made THE call, took me four times to dial, first called the fax number, then dialed wrong twice. Finally got through and told to call after 1pm. Annoying!

    Have errand s to run and also pondering calling my primary care doc. I have been nursing what I think is a bladder infection. Have never had one. Issues started on Christmas Eve with strong urges to pee when there is nothing there followed by terrible pain when I push. I've been drinking cranberry juice and also taking cranberry vitamins/supplements and the combo seems to clear things up for a few days. My sister has gotten these infections for years and swears by the cranberry solution but when checking on google, seems the research has recently disproved this fix. I dunno, don't feel like hanging out at the doc's office where there is noise and bright lights !

    I figured that since I am sorta pissy, I will put some of my (mostly meaningless) curses on a few people for my breasties: first is for Jazzy's thorned badger's .... may an infestation of fleas attack their crotches! And now for Cam: on FKFACE: May his new year begin with all of the diarrhea that you would typically have and leave you with NONE for the entire year! wooo hoooooo!! Anyone else who would like a curse put on anyone, please say so!

    Oh, Cam, love the birthday wish for Genny! Reminds me of an old and very lame and sick joke: Question - "Hey, have you ever seen Stevie Wonder's Mom?" Answer - "Neither has He!". hahahaha! sick, I know!!

    Partay latah, mese bad for missing it yesturdey!!

    Image result for private party 5:00

    more cheErs!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2016

    Hi ladies- whew, finished up on site today and much better day. The folks in IT had calmed down and wondered if the VP who was helping me had a little "chat" with them. They don't back off on their own, so that is my guess. Someone called the dogs off. BTW, who let the dogs out anyways? Few things to finish up tomorrow by e-mail and then OUTTA there! Oh and I got my first query on the new work I have been developing, whoot whoot.

    Good visit with the endocrinologist this morning. Going to change up a few things, but she thinks what we are doing is helping. She said "did you your cholesterol and triglyceride numbers?" She referred to me as "healthy" today, although I don't feel like that. I won't ever feel like a healthy person after having cancer and all the SEs and drugs I take, know what I mean? She does say after all I have been through, I am doing very well. Wow a doctor that I come away from feeling good from! She is a keeper!

    Dara dear- I am hoping for good outcomes from this wrongful termination situation. And oh the dental work. I have some coming up too. Thank you for wishing fleas on my nemeses! You are too funny! They did themselves in with all those stupid questions and e-mails. Dumb and dumber....

    I was going to go to the gym tonight but decide to relax and enjoy a glass of wine at home instead. Tomorrow I will go back to the gym and will keep that going!

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited December 2016

    Good evening ladies! I can't believe that 2017 is just around the corner. It feels like yesterday that it was 1985, lol. Things have been quiet around the home front and my dad is doing really well (thank G-d, knock on wood), and I'm not complaining. I had a glass (ok, three) of Concrete Zinfandel. Jammy, smooth and lovely with my crown roast pork chop, that I didn't make (puhleeze, I am already physically and mentally shot) picked it up pre-cooked at our local grocery store (Genny, Heinen's).

    Dara, {{{Dara}}}. You really can't compare you're own challenges (for lack of a better word) to somebody else's. When I was going thru biopsies, surgeries, etc for BC, my friends didn't want to burden me. Hey, it ain't a competition. It's all relative. You have been through A LOT. you are one strong woman! Ok, just read your latest post. There s something seriously wrong with you, medically. I feel you are not getting a proper diagnosis. I'm not a doctor or medical professional, but all the pain you've been enduring just doesn't seem right. It sounds like a sinus infection to me, but what do I know? I hope you get relief and a proper diagnosis, soon.

    Genny, hope you had a marvelous birthday! I would love to get together, but right now it's too difficult. I haven't hired any caregivers, because my dad doesn't want them. It's all good. I can take care of my dad on my own, but I have him on a schedule (meals, meds, etc.) so I don't feel comfortable breaking this right now.

    Is high blood pressure normal for you? I'm sorry. This is my second post in over a month. I've missed a lot. What does your doc say about this? Love your pics!

    Cami, I'm so happy you could go to your niece's. It sounds like it was a wonderful time. My mother always said what makes a party are the the people (and the food). I'm sure your relatives were beyond happy that you could make it to the shin dig.

    Who's fu**face? BH and pantygate is kind of laughable. Really, who cares? And if Dorit's old Pervy husband will actually admit to looking up Erika's skirt....I smell divorce in the not so distant future. Where do these people get their money? Boy George is not exactly hot on the charts.

    Native, I'm assuming Pearl is your car, and if you managed to have problems just days before your warranty expires, well you would be a first in my experience. Life is indeed looking up. Sadie is nodding yes!

    Jazzy, if you haven't exercised in awhile, you want to go back into it slowly. It's so easy to get an injury that's chronic if you rush the process. You're smart to listen to your body. The retreat sounds fantastic!

    Goldie, you are in my thoughts and prayers. Hope you're having fun on your trip.

    I'm off to bed. It's after 11, which is late for me these days.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2016

    Hsant- I loved your comment about it almost being 2017, and it seems like yesterday it was just 1985. Sort of hit home for me recently after hearing of George Michael's passing. In 1984-86, I was a grad student living in TX and had a job for an oil company and had to drive pretty far to get there. George Micheal was big that year and his music was my entertainment on those long car rides. I was thinking how it felt like yesterday I was in my little Audi Fox driving to Dallas and listening to Wham. Where does the time go?

    And yes, definitely easing back in to the exercise. After I shut down from this contract tomorrow, I am heading to the gym's friday yoga class. And some exercise this weekend too.

    The zin sounded delish. I came home thinking I would enjoy a class of wine but fell asleep instead. There is always tonight?

    Dara- in re-reading your last post, I encourage you to get to urgent care to attend to the UTI. You don't want to let that go too long. I saw my mother go septic from a UTI and ran into a woman I know this week that had the same thing. Having been a woman who was borderline septic with a ruptured appendix, I am going to say you don't want to be that girl. I know you are tired of not feeling well and one more thing to deal with. But PLEASE go get this looked at. We want you to be better!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2016

    Good Morning Ladies.

    OMG dar, this can not be happening, I thought for sure u would have been helped more by now. At this point nothing is making sense to me. All the pain u'r having it's horrible, I just hate this for u. And just call u'r Dr. and ask to drop off a sample or go to the lab to give a sample it's a lot faster. And if u have urgent care there just go there--It really takes them all of 30 seconds to know if u have one so go the easiest best way for u. I do , in a way, understand the head thing, but it's just way to long for all of this. I don't mean it to worry, I just mean it to say they should find out that the hell is the best way to help u. And now the "retrial" of course I don't know anything about these things, but so understandable why u'r a nervous wreck and then to just stop a med. I so wish I had some things for advice to help u, (((DARA)))

    Jazzy this should be about it for u and it's about time for u to not think about this job again and unstress. I know u have to go for another--how u do this I can't imagine, but u can give u'rself a little time for just u And I too remember 1985 like it was just a few months ago. LOL It's so scary how time just goes.

    NM it's TGIF (right?) I hope u'r weekend is clear for u and Sadie, so u can have downtime. Sorry but I still picture Sadie's hording pile and LOLing at that.

    Hsant I'm so glad u'r dad is doing well, but u must really miss u'r DH and all that goes on. I said it before I know but u r truly a wonderful daughter. Oh and yes I think all the BH people deal drugs. That is just way to much money for people that don't do that much. Boy George is so over and yet that's his only client--Really--Her BD bash had to cost a fortune and her new car. way to much. Oh and (f*ckface is my SIL) not the one I live with, the one I put up with.

    I miss Lori.

    I was talking to my sistr last nite (as usual) and I asked her what she was going to watch on TV and she said she couldn't find anything. I don't get it, cuz I can't either we have how many channels and pay good money for it now and a lot of the channels are now advertisement ones and nothing really good to watch.There was more good stuff to watch when we paid nothing for all this crap. Now I know this is a silly complaint, but it's just another way of people making money and really not delivering. Oh and my loveseat is paid for and waiting for pickup, it'll get here sooner or later. Dan knows that's the only good thing about me is I have patience that stuff never bothers me.

    I was so busy yesterday--which I know is good) but now a lot of people want to add stuff and really fix non emergency things, so those guys better get on this stuff.I don't know why I'm so bossy, even when I was a boss I never bothered being one. ugh.

    OK I'll finish up, hope all tsts are going to be good and everyone eases into another year.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2016

    JUST in case NM is busy Old time drinkImage result for drinks with vodka recipes

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2016

    Image result for drink recipes for winter Now this is for winter and warming up, sounds yummy to me.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited December 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Well, this week is ending with a bang.11.6 inches of snow, heavy and wet stuff.High winds, power outages, blowing snow, just horrible out there.I called out from work, will not be trying to drive in this mess.Of course, I've got a ton of computer and phone work to do today.But at least I know I will be here at home and will be in one piece at the end of the day.Listening to the scanner, it's busy with cars off the road and people falling and getting hurt.So far the work world is going on without me risking my neck.Fancy that.

    Wondering if I need an attitude adjustment.

    Cammy--Can you imagine planning a funeral for your sister and your mother has a stroke?He must be devastated.You and your GFs have so much fun, good for you!

    Jazzy--At least the VPs have figured out where the problem really is.Sometimes we do just have to play the games.So this morning, then you are done there, forever?You must be really looking forward to the freedom!The dark all the time thing isa major downer, I agree.Makes me wonder sometimes if there is a "real world" out there or not!

    Dara--so if you participate in a new trial you will get some money.What happens if you do participate?I can imagine how frazzling all that is.And you have got to stop playing with your meds!TALK to one of your docs BEFORE changing them, please!You are going to get yourself in more trouble if you don't.I cannot imagine having a headache for 6 going on 7 months, and all that other pain as well, just not right.Love your curses, by the way!So imaginative and unique!

    Jazzy--first query on new work, WONDERFUL!And glad the IT dogs got called off, too.And a good report from the endocrinologist, too!

    Hsant--yes, Pearl is my Jeep, and she broke down with 6 miles left on the warranty.They're saying it may need the engine replaced, what's broken is inside it somewhere.Plan is to take the engine out, tear it down to find the problem, then the warranty inspector comes and looks at it and decides what to do, the mechanic suspects it will be replacement with a used engine, but one with fewer miles than the current one.Of course, this is all speculation at the moment.Glad your Dad is doing well.And I have come to like picking up pre-cooked meals at the store, too.Quick and easy, and usually taste pretty good.

    Jazzy--Good advice for Dara.

    Cammy--Yes, the weekend is clear for me and Sadie.I'm thinking some snowshoeing may be in the weekend plans now that we have a nice pile of snow on the ground.

    Just got a call from the dealership, they took the engine out and apart, "major damage to the lower part" something about bearings failing. Have no idea what this means but I did understand that the inspector will be looking at it on Tuesday and I should know more on Wednesday.

    LOVE the Hippie Juice!

    Love the Hot Cococktail!

    Got to go see how much vodka I have in the house now. . . .

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2016

    First off, let me wish Mary a belated Happy Birthday. I saw it was your birthday, but I just haven't been posting much lately, here or on FB. You sure got the shaft in the lounge for your birthday.

    BossLady, I hope you got your sound bixed on your puter. And I'm SOOOOO HAPPY you got to go out for Xmas. And I LOVE the pictures. You looked fabulous! And beautiful! You are too funny about debating with your FF sil! Love Wacko's suggestion of getting the DB toilet paper for a gift!

    NM, too funny about your cruise ship dream. Maybe you were thinking of the trip all you gals took? Glad you decided to stay at your moms with the roads getting bad. I was hoping for a pic too. Well, it made for a memory, right? Glad Dick didn't hurt himself when he fell. You make a good point about "others" being worse off, but I guess it makes me feel like maybe I don't have it that bad. Ya know, that little girl with leukemia, might not make it to drive a damn car, or experience a first kiss, the birth of a child. I've done all that. And I'm sure she would love the opportunity to live to a nice age of 58. IDK.

    Jazzy, love yourdream interpretations. Oh, UndeCoveRebel is not a newbie, she's old time gal, just pops in now and then with some candy. Yummy candy at that!

    Sandy, sounds like you had a nice get away in NYC and DC.

    Hey Unde, thanks for the candy!

    LDB, surely you had a great time.

    Mary, I hope you can get in to get that BP checked. And I'm sure Nora was a huge JOY at xmas. Still feel so bad for Emma and glad Jagger is doing well. I figure I'll do just what you said, take the FU pills till the SE's get to me. Love love love the pictures.

    Hsant, we have missed you and I'm so sorry about your dad. I hope he is not suffering as bad as you are. Hugs and prayers for you both. He is so blessed to have such a wonderful daughter to take care of him. I do have a few options for treatment, they just aren't very fun at all, and I'm not so sure how worth it they are. And yes, like Mary said, be sure to take care of yourself. And we are glad to see you whenever you can show up. You have a lot on your plate.

    Wacko, I too have to remind mese dern self that there are other worse off than me. It does help….some. I hope you got some Logan time at Xmas. And I love your curses, and the fact that as bad as you are feeling, can still do them even.

    I better post before I lose it. Meaning the post! I'm hangin in there, we'll head home tomorrow morning.

    Love to all of you!

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited December 2016

    Hi ladies! So, today I'm standing in line at the grocery store today, and there's a young women (maybe 25) in front of me. She was wearing a gorgeous pair of riding style boots. I complimented her, and asked where she bought them, and the designer. She responded, "oh they're vintage". They looked pretty current to me, so I asked which year, and she said 1997. What???? Clothing, shoes and accessories from 1997 are considered vintage? If that's the case then about 75% of my wardrobe qualifies as a vintage clothing store. 1997 was just a few years ago (ok, 19 years, plus 363 days). When I think of vintage clothing, I think the 70s and earlier.

    I finished the bottle of Concrete Zin tonight, only about a glass and 1/2 left in the bottle.

    Cami, LMAO at your comment about the BH folks dealing drugs! I think Ken, Lisa Vanderpump's husband must be a Colombian drug lord. Their home is in the most exclusive gated community in BH, and real estate in that community is at least 25 million. I can't imagine the 3 restaurants they own (actually, one shut down) could bring in that much revenue.

    Jazzy, you are so right. Any infection can get septic, if it's not treated. My dad had at least 3 instances of sepsis, due to infection, when he was in the hospital for almost a year 13 years ago after a botched surgery. You had a ruptured appendix? Wow! Scary!

    Native, Maine in the winter, not fun. I thought it was bad on the East side of Cleveland, growing up in a snow belt, but you can't compare it to Maine. Are you near the ocean?

    I'm glad you're taking care of you, and not risking your safety for work. Smart!

    So, it's to my understanding that your car is still under warranty. Are all the parts covered?

    Goldie, (((Goldie))), I'm sure you are well informed with your chemo options, but I just want to say that my mom, who had bone mets had very few SE's from any of her treatments. I know everyone reacts differently to meds/chemo, but I just thought I would throw that out there.

    I'm not a great daughter, at all. I was fortunate to have amazing parents and a sister who had my back my whole life. I'm lucky to have my dad.

    How is your daughter and mom?

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2016

    Good evening ladies- the project and the contract is done! Finished sending my closure docs to the client around 5 p.m. tonight. And I talked to my collaborating partners and there is already something NEW developing from this work and got a call on that next Thursday. Something in development, and don't expect they will be ready right away, but maybe by the time I am ready. As you know, I need some TIME OFF!

    I took a break midday and went to the gym to enjoy a yoga class I have not been to in over a year since I started this gig. I had a project meeting at the same time, and glad to be able to resume!

    Tomorrow I am meeting a friend for breakfast, getting a hair cut and then going to the gym for a short work out. Going to head home after and enjoy a quiet evening at home. Then out to music jam on Sunday.

    I am going to stay off the computer the duration of this weekend and go enjoy life once again and wishing you all a lovely New Year. Good wishes for good and improving health to all!
