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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2016

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Happy New Years Eve, I guess.

    Lori it's great to hear from u--I know u have a lot to think about, but maybe this time the SE won't be as bad either, my sister is lucky tho she has old age SE not really bad from the crap she takes--her knee needs replacing, but because of C-diff she can't do it, she gets a needle in her eye every month--she must have crossed her heart one to many times in her life-- so just maybe u'r body has changed some so u don't have all these awful SE. I pray so.

    Hsant how could u ever say u'r not a good DD, u silly Ah vintage clothes--I look at old (really old) pics of my mom, those are vintage clothes and yet u can sure wear them today, espcially the shoes.

    NM I talk about u'r weather and car like u live next door to me LOL--u'r really getting the crazy time now, but so glad u didn't venture out yesterday and just bring in the New Year with Sadie--that sounds good to me. We have no snow on the ground, it all melted so quickly.

    Jazzy Yahoo for u. Another job well done and now some down time, which is well deserved and u'r reputation always gets u anothr job and u take charge and go with it. And I know u work hard.

    I hope Sandy is having a great time.

    Dara I have to say as sick as u feel u always make us LOL and Lori with Wacko to this day it cracks me up--U've got to get help tho, this is all going on to long for some strange reasons. (to me)

    My boss called me last nite, of course I was 1/2 asleep and he's trying to teach me some stuff, I honestly could not remember a conversation we had about this before, he thought I was kidding and said it was only a couple of weeks ago he wanted to implement some stuff for the puter, I had nothing in my brain about it. He does have patience with me. My cousin Nicky came over, spent some good time together yesterday.

    Nothing much is happening for me and Joey tonite, Leslie and Marty might go to a party and use uber tonite, no one wants to take any chances.

    I hope everyone has a safe, happy Holiday and with the New Year ringing in, plenty of good health and understanding of all this insurance business.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited December 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Bright sunny Saturday ayem, with another winter storm coming in tomorrow.Welcome to Winter in Maine.Just spend the ayem finishing up the last few continuing ed units I needed to renew myHospice and Palliative Nurse certification. That's put me back a pretty penny with the CEU fees and application fees.Oh, well, such is the professional life, right?

    Goldie--maybe I was thinking about the cruise when I had that dream.I know I really wish I was planning a vacay right now, but financially that's not going to happen this year.

    Hsant--I don't currently live near the ocean, so I get more snow than I used to see growing up on the coast.That's one of the advantages of being right on the coast, the ocean moderates the temps, tend to get less snow, more rain.But more storms with snow changing to rain or vice versa, and those can be a real b!0#@h to drive in.The warranty inspector makes the final decision about the coverage, if I understand correctly, and he/she will be doing that on Tuesday.The mechanic thinks it should be.So I need to wait a bit longer to find out for sure.

    Jazzy--HOORAY for finished project and contract!YEAH!Let Freedom Ring!Great idea to stay off the computer for a few days, really puts closure to the old project.See you when you get back!

    Lemon Ball Drop New Years Eve Cocktail -


    1/2 oz triple sec or grand marnier

    1 1/2 oz vodka

    1/2 a lemon about 1 1/2 oz lemon juice

    Sugar for rim of glass

    Cocktail Shaker

    1 lemon head


    Mix the following the Cocktail Shaker:

    1/2 oz triple sec or grand marnier

    1 1/2 oz vodka

    1/2 a lemon about 1 1/2 oz lemon juice


    Rim glass with sugar, and add cocktail to glass

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2016

    Image result for drink recipes for winterSounds good on a snowy day

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited December 2016

    Good Morning DahhhLinKs!

    Been soo busy and sick 2 days, am feeling a lot better this am. Did manage to get pooches to park and go pu football parlay cards. Have a big bash at the Stateline Bar tonite. Boss always draws a ticket that customers, on one win, won $50 or more. I have lots of tickets in the bucket, as do others but he doesn't draw until Midnight. You must be present to win…the prize is the amount of the year, $2017. Would love to win. Gonna get a nap and go down there about 9or10, DH has to work his 8 hrs today, then be back by 8pm and work til at least 1ayem. He also will try to get a nap btwn 4 n 7p. I can relax all day…been raining, temp in the 40's-50's, feels colder to me cuz of the rain. Won't take pooches cuz park too wet and muddy. They'll forgive me.

    Been reading and see several of you need more prayers, and positive energy….open wide ladies cuz they're coming in cyber-space. XOXOXO

    Wanted to wish all a HAPPY NEWYEAR!! 2017 will, must, has to be better for all of us.

    Lubs you all a gadzillion!!!!!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited December 2016


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited December 2016


  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited January 2017

    Image result for hot guys new years eve>Image result for hot guys new years eveImage result for hot guy happy new year HAPPY NEW YEAR! CHEERS!

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited January 2017

    Happy new Year! Cheers! Image result for guys shirtless new years eve

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    There's our Undie, first deleting then sending ANOTHER THRU.

    SusyQ I like that amount u can win---home u'r the winner would be fun and glad u'r feeling better and u'r right rain is chilling for some reason.

    My kids went out and Joey has 3 friends over, I limited it to 3--I'm so mean, but they are LOLing up a storm so it can't be all bad.

    Oh talked to my boss again, again and again today. I really don't know why he's under this delusional thought that he can really teach me anything at this point Foolish man.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    Image result for Sexy happy new year

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2017

    Image result for happy new year 2017

    Image result for cheers 2017

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2017

    and a berry SPAYSHALL belated Happy Birthdey post to our very own loungette, a good time sincen wese are all sailabrating anyway! (come one come all, let's partay like it's 2017 !!! )!


    PS Mary ....

    Image result for sorry so late


    Image result for wine birthday cake

    Image result for Happy birthday genny

    Image result for wine birthday cake

    Image result for flowers for birthday

    Image result for birthday cheers

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2017

    Happy New Year and happy birthday too Genny!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    Happy New Year all.

    The best part of last night (or early this morning) was when Joey's friends left and we were alone, he laid with me and we cuddled and talked for a while, so it was all good. So if that's how my NY started, I hope the whole year is calm and I pray that for all of u ladies.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited January 2017

    Happy and HEALTHY New Year to all you wonderful ladies! My dad watched the Ohio State/Clemson game, and I got a little drunk while face timing with the hubs. I did take out from a local, excellent Japanese restaurant (riceless rolls, and yellowtail tar tar, with smelt roe topped with a raw quail egg for me) and chicken teriyaki for my dad. This went very well with the bottle of Perrier Jouet champagne I consumed. Yes, a bottle. Don't judge:).

    Jazzy, congrats on finishing your project! It sounds like you're an independent contractor?? It's a great feeling to know that you have another project in the works, while you get some much needed downtime. I'm living vicariously thru you with respect to exercise. Unfortunately, I really can't take the time away from my dad to go to the cardio barre studio I've been wanting to try. I kind of pace around the house for some much needed exercise.

    Cami, you are so cute! Joey sounds like he had a fun NYE. Cuddling with Joey is priceless. God bless. It's also nice that you spent time wth your cousin.

    Mema, I'm sorry you were sick, but I'm glad you're feeling better. Hope you won the jackpot! Now that would be a great way to kick off 2017!

    Native, your employer doesn't pay for you to renew your certification? That's just plain wrong.

    Do you work mainly in home care or do you typically go to nursing homes? Just curious. I'm crossing my fingers, and sending a prayer that all costs and parts will be covered under you warranty.

    Dara, Sandy, Goldie, Genny and anyone I missed, hope you had a wonderful NYE.

    Gotta go and check on my pops. Wishing everyone a happy Sunday!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    Image result for drink recipes for winterI have no idea what the top ingredient is, but it looked good for morning time

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    Hsant I'm always so happy to see u post and u'r dad sounds good. But my big mouth has to say U have an incredible DH too, u r both just incredible. I was alone when I took care of my parents, so my time was my time--well I just had to say that.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2017

    Hsant, you ARE a great daughter, so quit arguing with me. My mom is mom, all I can say is she's managed to stay out of the hospital for a month and my daughter is doing well, but still no divorce. Ha ha at the 90's being vintage! No judging here girl, nuh uh, no way, not any of us!!!

    Image result for don't judge me i drank the whole bottle

    Image result for don't judge me i drank the whole bottle


    Jazzy, enjoy the weekend and we'll see you on the flip side of it!

    Cami, kinder SE's would be nice, but I doubt it will happen. But I will hope for that.

    LDB, I'm opening Wide and sending some of those cyber prayers your way as well. Glad you waited until you got home from vacay to get sick, but sorry you were sick at all love. Glad you are feeling better. Sending lots of good juju for that $2017.

    ….And Sha nay nay brings the party. That's mah goil!

    Cami, you looked so beautiful at the Christmas party. Can one of us share your pictures, so the other gals can see you. I'll delete them after a day or two. But your call BossLady. Did Joey's friends stay the night? It must have been such a joy, listening to them laughing and having fun. LOVE how your new year started! That young man is such a blessing to you.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2017

    Image result for don't judge me i drank the whole bottle

    Image result for WINE FOR MARYs birthday

    Image result for happy birthday mary

    Image result for happy birthday oysters


    Looks like you had a nice celebration. Happy Birthday girl.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2017

    Image result for happy birthday oysters

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    Lori's back Yahoo. I really hope u'r doing OK. And fun pics and prayers all going out to u. And of course u can share my pic. I look horrible but that's the way it is. LOL I missed u.

    Well my D is back I managed thru the holidays but on 1/1/17 it's baaack. So I bottled it up in 4 different bottles and thought Haha I can put time in a bottle. and Now it's ready for the lab. I have it hidden in the garage, cuz everyone (except Joey) gets sick if I put it in the outside fridge Of course it's all bagged and u can't see it. So that's how my NY started. Well it's not so bad, I thought I wished me well, but I guess I didn't.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited January 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monkey day!Sadie and I had a totally lazy Sunday, never got dressed, never really did anything but watch the end of the Downton Abby marathon on TV.Napped.Have got to get some housework done today, though. And some snow shoveling.Got another 6 inches the other night.Definitely white around here!

    Cammy--great drink!Now I have an excuse to buy some Kahlua!

    Mema--Glad you are feeling better.

    Undie--Happy New year, indeed!

    Happy Birthday, Genny!

    Happy New Year, Everyone!

    Hsant--I had a whole bottle, too, Lunetta Rose Spumante, each glass with just a touch of orange water or elderberry syrup to make it special, so no judgement here! Glad your Dad continues to do well.Hmm, I'll have to check, work might reimburse for some of the recertification.I'll have to see how many hoops have to be jumped through.I work in both private homes and nursing homes.And boarding homes.And Assisted Living facilities. Very occasionally even in a hospital.I'm praying the warranty will cover most of the repairs, too.

    Cammy--you are right, that espresso cocktail looks marvelous for morning time!I just took a break to look up Herradura Anejo, looks like it's a kind of Tequila. I've got to write the name of this one down and order one next time I'm in an appropriate establishment!

    Goldie--No judgement here!And good point about the glasses of water vs glasses of wine!

    Cammy--not many people can say their New Year literally started out $hi##y!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    New Years Resolution


    3 shots tequila,

    1 measure apple brandy,

    1 measure cranberry juice,

    dash of lime juice.


    Put 4 cracked ice cubes into a cocktail shaker, add the other ingredients. Shake until a fog like mist appears and strain into a small chilled cocktail glass. Add umbrella for decoration.

    NB* The use of cracked ice cubes in cocktail shakers for cocktail drink ideas allows the liquids to chill faster and is excellent for presentation. Cracked ice cubes are simply ice cubes hit with a blunt object, causing them to crack.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    Good Morning Ladies,

    I think it's morning, these crazy days are just that.

    Finally slept well, but not long enough so I'll be napping thruout the day. Now some places are closed today and others aren't another confusing craziness for my mind. Even when I worked we were always off on Monday and worked some of the day Sat. and got that off and banked the other hours. Oh well no biggie.

    I have 40 million channels, 1/2 are now paid program and the other 1/2 are pretyy crap, oh some are good but at the rate that it's costing almost all should be great. Oh I can see how 2017 is coming in me a huge crab. We don't even have all the movie channels, but most of the movies are crap anyway. But Dan put me on his amazon and Netflix which does have it better, but I still don't know how to get into it. Joey has shown me, but to many remotes, well more than 1 anyway. Which is enormous to me. Oh my Ny's resolution is to be more crabby, cuz I knew I could keep this one. And it's going well.

    I hope everyone is off today who's supposed to be off, it always nice to have a 3 day weekend, my phone will be answered but it shouldn't be to bad I think.I'm trying to organize my bedroom/office with thosecute boxes and I want to put a tall thin thingy in my closest. Now here's the crabby part, I can't do what I would like to do physically and boy does this make me mad, isn't that silly, to be mad at something that adds to my laziness, well it's frustrating that's all. Really I'm not complaining I'm just trying to explain why I actually want to do something. Which is rare for me. I have to wait too to get paid til Feb. Dan paid me before the holiday

    Oh boy all about me, and I'm the dullest one here, well in most places. so u gals always put up with me so Thank u.

    Hope everyone's day is good, but not as good as it gets.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    Chit--I'm all wet cuz of NM pushing me in the pewl, but I'll dry it's OK. The DOTD sounds good too. And NM I realy hope u'r car is all covered--Jeez 6 miles. Marty was tlling me about some part of Main getting loads of snow, but u have enough for sure. Our weather is warmish for now but it'll change supposedly.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2017

    Cami, I'm so sorry about the return of the D, I guess it's just inevitable. But too funny about keeping it bagged outside. You are just too funny. And I almost bumped you into the pewl. We have, I think, 3 remotes. And whenever we try to do Amazon or NetFlix we always have trouble too. So we just record the shows we want and watch those. Movies not so much. I'm so sorry about how you would like to do something but physically can't. My mom has the same issues. I'm sorry love, I can only imagine how frustrating that would be.

    NM, glad you and Ms Sadie had a nice weekend. You sure have gotten the snow, good grief Charlie Brown. We are all hoping that the warranty covers Pearl, will you find out today? The no judgement meme was for Hsant, but I see it applies to you too! And the water vs wine, or any other kind of drink, even if just pop, 8 glasses are easier than with water. Love how the DOTD tells you how to crack ice cubes!

    Well, ya all know me and my "I never get sick", well I think I caught mese self a bit of a cold. Got a head ache and a little bit of a scratchy throat. And as given permission, may I introduce our lovely Cami, aka Boss Lady! I will be deleting these in a day or so. So we have our beautiful Cami with her SIL Marty, the one she lives with. Then I think maybe some nieces? And then with her sister Lou.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2017

    Good morning friends & Happy New Year- catching up on your messages since Friday and it sounds like everybody survived the move in to the new year. No judgement from me on drinking a bottle of anything! Let's face it, we are on the drinking thread because we enjoy our adult beverages!

    I had a good couple days since finishing up my contract. I did not feel good initially as I finished, because I felt very rushed finishing things up, but told myself after I was done that I did what I could in the time we had. By Saturday, I was really letting go. Decompression after these difficult projects takes a bit, but this weekend, I started thinking about the fact I can detach now, and already have something new on the horizon I will be discussing by Thursday of this week for new opps. Time to bless that experience for all it provided, taught me, and then let it go.....

    I had a nice outing with a friend on Saturday for breakfast to a yummy french bakery. Yesterday was a super fun day playing music with my jazz friends. There was a woman there from Europe whom had just moved here and had the most incredible voice. Nice to reconnect with old friends and hope to play more music in the new year.

    Cami- I hope you can get some information from your "samples" to figure out what is going on. I love that you had some quiet time with Joey to just hang out and connect. You have a super special connection there and love hearing about it.

    NM- sounds like you and Sadie had a nice weekend. Lots of white stuff your way! I hope your car gets fixed and without any out of pocket to you. Be safe in the snow friend. Do you have today off for the holiday?

    HSant- thinking of you and your dad and hoping he is comfortable at home.

    ChiSandy- hoping you are home and settled from your travels

    Goldie- I know you were going to wait until after the holidays to talk more to the family about your TMs and options. Hoping your time with family was good and that you are home and settled soon.

    Juliet- thinking of you friend knowing these holidays without your mom may have been difficult. Getting through the first year of holidays, birthdays, etc. is never easy. Wishing you a good start to the year friend.

    Genny, MemaSue, and everyone else, sending you good wishes as we creep in to this new year!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited January 2017

    Good Morning DahhhLinKs!

    My bad, bad bad. Happy Belated Birthday Mary!!

    I didn't win the 2017 drawing, but is ok. Won $2500 on Poker Machines 2 days before…woohoo!

    Cami, thanks for letting Lowee post ur pics. You are da Boss Lady. Love seeing your smiling, beautiful face…Muah! Sorry about the D coming back, but I had to giggle a bit about 'baggin it'. I assume for testing? Oh I reread, see it is for testing…keep us posted on the results. HUGZ!!

    Hsant - u r a VERY SPECIAL daughter. It takes a lot of love and patience to be a caregiver. Glad you are taking time to post. Prayers and BIG HUGZ!!

    Jazz - wow finishing your project, must feel very rewarding. Sounds like you will be involved with another soon.

    Unde - Thanks for all the eye-candy and wishes. Wishes right back to you for a gr8 new year.

    Lowee - I can relate with the remotes. I try by myself and screw it up. When DH is here he has trouble too. Love all the posts, lmao-rotf, especially the oysters in the hot tub. And the 'f'rs are up to something', lol.

    Oh, I gotta tail ya that my sweet DS bought me a leather massage chair. Does ur feet, arms, shoulders and back. It had to cost a pretty penny, but he jes says 'quit worrying'. Also got those earbuds that hang around your neck. Can listen to Pandora and take/make phone calls. Pretty cool. Will try and post a pic.

    NM - Sorry to hear about Pearl, hope the garage and get it fixed for a reasonable amount. You have lots of snow, ugh, but glad you and Sadie had a relaxing weekend. I know I caught my cold from PT place. I noticed, too late, that they don't wipe down any of the equip before/after clients use it. So packing a bleach rag in a baggy to take tomorrow.

    Wanted ya all to know that the ZiCam spray or pills works to shorten the cold.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2017

    Happy belated New Year, everyone! Been running around (on the ground & in the air) like the proverbial headless chicken, so with rare exceptions, I’ve been offline except for texts & e-mails.

    Cami, you look wonderful. Dunno why I’d always pictured you as a blonde. Mary/Genny, Happy New Year B’day!

    Had a great time in NYC, drank & ate with lovely abandon (well, exc. at the Midtown branch of Fogo de Chao, which was full of tourists, short on waitstaff (we weren’t even offered a drink list or a dessert “upsell”), mediocre salad bar, and the meats were all their cheaper cuts and very overcooked. And only 2 stalls in the ladies’ room for the entire place! I got some D from the cheese rolls (Bob didn’t eat any of them so he was fine….at least digestively). Then we flew back to Midway (SW doesn’t fly from NY-DC or even Baltimore), Bob went home to work and I flew to DC to hang with sis & niece in Arlington, VA. So many restaurants & wines (including a tasting at Sunset Hills Winery in Purcellville, VA), so little time….

    Came home Fri. night to find the house a mess, though my guys tried their best. Housekeeper was supposed to have been back from Alabama a week ago today, but she came down with strep and an ear infection on her flight to B’ham, the day before we flew to NY. She’s flying home today, but her chest hurts from coughing so I don’t expect her in this week. So my men had to fend for themselves—which neither of them ever had to do (Bob lived with his folks till our wedding day, Gordy lives with us, and when I’ve been away they’ve always had either my housekeeper or me cleaning up after them).

    Unbeknownst to me, Bob developed a cold last Tues.—but he didn’t tell me till Fri. night. He did dishes by hand, but I had to load them into the dishwasher before I could even unpack. I had stacks of mail & phone messages to deal with, and two gift shipments of fruit that should have been refrigerated but weren’t—I was able to salvage & chill all but 2 pieces that had begun to rot. Gordy was working at his theater all week, not to mention shuttling our kitty Heidi up & back to the vet after her kidney stone surgery. Because we had to sequester her in the first floor bathroom, it became unfit for human use—so he did his best to sweep up and deodorize the room as best he could (the bathroom rug is a goner, despite a bottle of Febreze). I came in the door at 10pm—by 1 am I was finally ready to kick back with a decaf and relax before unpacking and putting dirty clothes into the hamper. (No booze—because I’d had prosecco at lunch in Arlington along with some good Korean food, and a glass of rose cava at the airport waiting to board my flight home. TSAPre notwithstanding, because of my knee implants AND my bra underwire set off the scanner I had to go through the full patdown (and shoe, coat, blazer, jewelry and laptop removal). I would have asked the equally annoyed trainee afterward if it was as good for her as it was for me, but I feared she’d sic her supervisor on me. I needed that glass of cava.

    Bob stayed down at the Oak Lawn Hilton Fri. night to get a jump start on work at Advocate Christ in order to make our dinner & party—our friends who recently moved down there to a HC-accessible ranch house wanted to take him to dinner at the hotel because the trip up here would’ve been too rough on her (she’s wheelchair-and-walker-bound and on oxygen), but Bob declined, saying he didn’t want to give her his cold. Good thing he didn’t…read on…

    So Sat. I straightened up like crazy, made all the beds, shopped for party munchies & Rx refill, dug out the bubbly to chill, etc. When Bob came home, he sounded awful—it was then he admitted he'd felt so terrible for several days that he couldn’t even think to refrigerate the fruit boxes. We had an overnight guest arrive from the far s. exurbs, and set out for the restaurant. The ten of us had a lovely dinner with cava, Cambria Katherine’s Vineyard Chardonnay, and LaCrema Pinot Noir. (Bob started with two Gray Goose martinis, and we ended up taking home half the Pinot). Bob felt too sick & tired to finish dinner, so he headed back home and went straight to bed—we packed up his entree & dessert. So six of the original 10 of us (Gordy had 2 shows to do, two of his friends had another party, and Bob went to bed) rang in the New Year with the last bottle of Dom Perignon (2000) in our cellar—a home health care agency to which Bob referred patients used to give us a bottle a year and threw huge parties before they got indicted for Medicaid fraud & employee rights violations. About 2 am, Bob came downstairs and drank the last glass of it along with us, and went back up to sleep.

    Yesterday he put in a full workday at 3 hospitals before coming home, still exhausted and coughing—by then in pain from coughing and running a low-grade fever. We had some of the party nibbles that everyone had been too full after dinner for me to even open the packages, along with some of a bottle of Mumm Napa DVX rose 2007 and the leftover Pinot from the restaurant. I made him promise to get seen at the Immed. Care Ctr. around the corner today before going to work. Good thing he did—they did a sputum culture and a chest X-ray. Running a 101 fever. He has right lower lobar (aka “walking”) pneumonia. (No, he hadn’t gotten his Pneumovax or Prevnar shots). Good O2 sats, no wheezing, so no Medrol. They put him on Levaquin and—at bedtime—Phenergan syrup with codeine. (He had to go to 2 different drugstores to get the syrup—CVS has gotten very squirrely about opioids). And his definition of “rest?” Canceling office hours for a couple of days.

    Pretty sure that either he gave our housekeeper strep (her current symptoms sound like his) or vice versa, or he caught it on our flights to or from NYC. Our housekeeper felt her first symptoms about half an hour before landing in Birmingham, so she couldn’t have caught it on her flight. I’ve been fighting that “tired throat” feeling for a few days, but so far so good—no fever. But now I can’t get my 5-yr Pneumovax booster until Bob’s well and I’ve gone a few weeks without symptoms. Despite running behind schedule the day before we left for NY, I should have gone to Walgreen’s for that shot.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    Good 3 days in on the New Year Ladies, or just Good Morning.

    SusyQ a message chair, oh I would for sure never leave it. I've had portion of message things but never a chair, it sounds good just thinking about it, what a beautiful gift. And u won $2500.--what a way to start the New Year, I likes alla that. U deserve all good things.

    BTW Lori u never have to ask for my permission to print anything about me, if u feel like it just do it. My vanity has shattered after all this and I look like I've been in a Star Wars movie anyway. And u hit it right on the head, my SIL, my niece and her DD and my sister. That is my brothers DD who got her Masters over 25 years ago and I don't even remember in what, cuz she never used it. She's divorced for several years and has been a waitress all this time. Another character in our family. I think of u all the time (((LORI)))

    Sandy what a time u had, wow. But it is ironic how u'r DH got so sick and would tell other people how to take care of themselves, but he does sound terrible to miss all he did. I hope by now he feels much better.And it must have been so nice to see u'r sister, I'm sure not long enough. Oh and all the yummy food and wine, a nice way to start the year--well except for u'r DH being sick.

    My SIL started a cold around here and he took that ZCam, which he liked, of course we use tons of Lysol and now I think I'm getting it or it's my sinuses it's hard to tell at the beginning. And one of Joey's friends who has been here most of the tim said he has a sore throat for the last couple of days. Marty's having a fit cuz he no doubt brought those germs here, I can't help but LOL at him, he's so germy effective.

    Well my D has come back in full form, I've already had to wash clothes this morning. Well I got lucky for the holidays, but now I'm back to mad. Oh well

    NM how's Pearl doing now? U must know something about the stuff that has to be done now. It's been raining here????? I don't get it, we have the craziest weather.

    OK I'll close for now saying hello to everyone and checking back. Hope everyone has a decent day.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited January 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday!Welcome to the Monday of my week.A few more inches of snow predicted for this evening/overnight, nothing significant.Need to do more shoveling, but I'm working at it a bit at a time.

    Cammy--the work world has changed, I remember when EVERYONE was closed for holidays, now we have a whole bunch ofwhat I call half a$ed holidays where businesses may or may not be open.Makes it very confusing.Like your New Year's resolution!I could keep a resolution like that one!It must be really frustrating to not be able to do things physically.And we love "putting up with" you!

    Sorry to push you into the pewl, glad it's a heated pewl!The part of Maine getting loads of snow is a bit North of me, I'm in the middle section of the state where I'm getting moderate amounts of snow.

    Goldie--I expect to find out about Pearl on Wednesday.The insurance inspector is doing his thing today, Tuesday.The mechanic will take that info and look up stuff so when he calls me he can lay out all the details with an estimate on both dollars and time.If all is covered under the warranty I'll only need to pay the deductible of $500 plus any incidentals (there are some small things that may need to be looked at, but shouldn't amount to much time or money-wise).Sorry you've caught a cold, that can be pretty miserable.Get better fastliest!

    Love the pics, Cammy! You are beautiful!

    Thanks for posting, Goldie!

    Jazzy--Ah, decompression and detachment time!Wonderful things to experience after a big job.And beginning to look forward to the next project is a good sign!Reconnectting with old friends is a good thing, too!I did have Monday off.

    Mema--$2.5K on the Poker machines, HOORAY!Ooooh, a massage chair, how wonderful!I've heard that ZiCam really does shorten colds, need to get some to have on hand.Used to do that every winter.Forgot this year.

    Chi--nothing wrong with being off line for a few days, it's healthy do to from time to time, IMHO.Oh my, what a situation to come home to!Don't blame you for the glass of cava at the airport.So sorry about your housekeeper, hope she's better soon, and best she stays away until she is, you guys don't need strep on top of everything else. Poor Bob, he must feel miserable.Good thing he did get checked.The phenergan with codeine syrup is great stuff but hard to come by.Lots of pharmacies are getting "squirrely" about stocking opioids these days.Can't blame them with all the robberies on top of all the regulations.A few years ago the same Rite Aide Pharmacy was robbed twice in one week.They actually had an armed guard in the entrance way for a few months after that.

    Cammy--Get yourself some ZiCam and zinc lozenges and kick that cold to the curb!I'll hear about Pearl tomorrow.Will let you know what the news is when I get it.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:
