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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    NM I love the DOTD, it so fun to just look at.--U find the funnest drinks and on top of that they always sound yummy. Damn I wish I drank.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2017

    LDB, woot woot on your winnings and a new massage chair. Any idea when you will get to see AM or Maddy?

    Wow Sandy, quite the trip. Sorry about your hubs and the cleaning lady being sick. Can't imagine living a life a life where I wouldn't have to fend for myself!

    BossLady, I think you beautiful in your pictures. And I'll probably always ask permission first.

    NM, sounds like you really got dumped on. Hoping Pearly only costs the $500 and nothing more.

    My cold has been pretty mild, so not complaining. I think it's too early for allergies.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited January 2017

    Good Morning DahhhLinKs!

    Lowee, I got to see Maddy on xmas day. She loved her gifts from mema and papa. Saw both ggGD's, Scarlette and Autumn. One of my kids got picks but haven't sent them to me, they're both so busy. So glad your cold is mild now. DH has been suffering from alergies, me too a little, and I know it's from the winds we've been having and the oleander bushes out back.

    NM - oooohh that DOTD sounds marvelous. Love referring to today as Tuesday Boozeday…very cool.

    Cami - I love the chair. Back was killing me yest so I did a 15 min massage, makes me feel much better.

    Sandy - I can so relate to the messes men folk leave behind. It's like they are blind to messes of any sort.

    Gotta jump in da shower, have PT in couple hours.

    Lubslubslubs ya'll

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited January 2017

    Good Afternoon, Loungettes!Got some good news about Pearl.The extended warranty will cover replacing the engine with a used engine.Apparently the oil pump failed, which made other things fail, so the engine is kaput.Money estimate for the engine replacement and associated "nuts and bolts" not covered by the warranty is around $500.I thought the deductible was $500, but it's actually $100.I'll know later when the engine will arrive and the time frame for getting it fixed.Then, in the mail, is a check from the auto insurance company for $450.Remember when I got rear-ended?The other guy's insurance paid out for the repair, including my deductible.I had a $50 bonus for no accidents in over a year, and I already got that check, now I need to find where I put it and get it deposited.So I'm only going to be out the cost of the rental (and the warranty will cover 6 days) plus whatever comes in over $500.I was thinking it was going to be at least $1K.And I had help at work today (even though I don't really need it right now).And it's quarter to 4, just starting in with the sleet and crap and I'm already home safe.2017 is looking good!

    Cammy--happy to oblige!

    Goldie--Pearly and I are going to be ok!Praying the cold stays mild.Mustn't get a "heavy" cold like the Queen.

    Mema--enjoy that massage chair!

    Sadie says Woof Woof!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2017

    Bob is feeling better, back at work. When he got to Advocate Christ Hospital (first stop of the day), he went to see one of his colleagues, a pulmonologist—who gave him an “Acappella” PEP device to use. What it does is vibrate when you blow into it, and your lungs vibrate too, loosening the crud and making it easier to cough up. Of course, it came in a sealed plastic bag with a giant pamphlet in “mice type” font in just about every language but English. So I went online and downloaded a bunch of more comprehensible instructions, plus a link to a YouTube video from the mfr. So guess what Bob left on the dining room table before heading to work today? I don’t get the macho mindset at all. At least he popped a Mucinex this morning.

    Housekeeper is back too—she didn’t get pneumonia. My guess is that Bob caught it from a patient at work and it incubated for a week while we were in NY. He says I should go to Walgreen’s and get that Pneumovax booster ASAP. Caveat is that if this bug isn’t strep but another bacterium like staph, mycoplasma or H.flu, there’s no vaccine to prevent it. Stocking up on more paper towels and hand sanitizer….

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited January 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Almost and inch of snow with a glaze of freezing rain on top, so very yucky, power outages being reported, schools and businesses closed or opening late, not looking forward to going out in this, but don't have much choice.

    Chi--men do seem to have a unique way of dealing with things, don't they?Wish I could get my hands on one of those Acappella thingys, sounds like it could be a great help early on in a cold or whatever and keep things from progressing to asthma.Hear you about the hand sanitizer and paper towels.Don't forget to cleandoorknobs, keyboards, faucet handles and light switches.Everyone touches those, but they rarely get cleaned/sanitized.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    snow storm martini - 2 parts vanilla vodka, 2 parts white chocolate liqueur, 1 part white creme de cacao, 1 part heavy cream:


    2 parts vanilla vodka,

    2 parts white chocolate liqueur,

    1 part white creme de cacao,

    1 part heavy cream

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    Mornin' Ladies.

    Sorry sandy but I was LOLing at u'r DH, so typical, it cracks me up. OK better get u'r shot and u can't sanitize enough I think, I know Marty is always cleaning everything and handles from everywhere and it usually goes around the house anyway. And no one comes near me and I catch it. OK well Joey is around me.

    NM good news about Pearl, that's lots of stuff that has to be done. But it's also good to have a loaner if the weather is bad too, just be careful, I know u are, but u'r weather is really goofy. Good DOTD again. And glad u got home early for u yesterday.

    SusyQ 15 minutes that's all??? I think I would be on it so much more. But I'm so glad that helped u out, now u know what to do. Glad u got to see u'r babies on Christmas.

    Lori I hope u'r feeling better now. U sound better.

    Jazzy how are things going?

    DARA DARA, DARA she should hear that and BTW do u ever hear from Lara?

    I'm still hearing about the scrambles eggs I made yesterday for Joey--according to my family I make the best that they ever tasted. Wow my culinary skills have rocketed thru the roof. I can make eggs and peppers--all these years that's it.

    Oh Marty was told to take a pic off FB by FB, personally I didn't think anything of it, but I guess they have censors now--well I know some of the people I know will hate that. Cuz they are disgusting --not to me, but maybe to someone--

    Of course I had fun during the nite with my D and all the noise my stomach makes, it woke me up (th noise) and scared me then I realized what it was and of course a volcano then came out--this is getting louder and louder. LOL

    Ok have a good day.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    Image result for Sexy hump day Just thought I'd throw this in.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2017

    Good morning ladies- I am most certainly enjoying my freedom this week in the post contract world. I was out to meet some friends for coffee yesterday, whom I have been trying to connect with for awhile. The woman who is part of the couple is just coming through lymphoma treatment. I told them about my bc a few years back yesterday. As you know I keep it low profile, but always feel it is important to share when having discussions about the big C. We can speak from a common platform. We had a great visit and felt good to finally connect.

    I had an non-disclosure agreement request come up yesterday from one of my new partnering firms to be able to continue the conversation around the new work opp in development. I was able to get that reviewed, along with some feedback from my biz atty, and back to them. I have a call on this tomorrow and will see where things continue to go. This is very early in the process, but feel optimistic!

    Today I am taking a day away to the closer hot springs for a day up there. We have weather coming tomorrow so I picked a good day to go. Middle of the day and week should be perfect and not too busy. Restorative time!

    NM- great news on the car and the lesser than expected out of pocket on the engine replacement. I hope you can feel safe out on that snow and ice today. Be careful sister!

    Ooh and I love martini's and that one looks totally decadent!

    ChiSandy- I hope Bob continues to feel better. Lots of nasty colds and respiratory stuff going around (mine finally seems gone). What exciting things do you have planned for 2017 for travel?

    Cami- I am doing a-okay this way. Every day I wake up, I remind myself I am DONE with the project and the day ahead is all mine. I am sleeping better too, which comes with letting go after completing a big deadline and year long contract. I noticed last Saturday while at the hair stylist how tired I looked, but saw some changes in my face yesterday. I am bouncing back! I am making plans to connect with more people I have not seen in awhile into next week, including with a fellow martini lover!

    I am sorry the D is back and creating such havoc in your life. When will you get the test results friend?

    Dara- I am wondering if you got in to have the possible UTI checked out? Are you okay sister?

    Hsant- thinking off you and your dad this week and hope everything is going okay.

    Mema- it sounds like you had a wonderful holiday and got to see the little ones in the family. I am amazed how quickly the holidays rush in and out every year.

    Time to get some breakfast going and packed up with my day things to enjoy the springs. Blessings for a good Wednesday to one and all!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2017

    LDB, so glad you got to see the kids. And TooZday BooZday fits us to a T! I can't really tell if mine are allergies or a cold. The cold makes more sense, since nothing here is blooming, but I have been in Laughlin and Phoenix where it was warmer. So, who knows! The chair sounds great, I wonder iffin I should invest in one?

    NM, money for your cruise??? I dunno, but I'm sure you will find good use of the xtra moo lah! Oh gosh, I was hoping you could stay home today. I know you will be safe, so I'm praying for everyone around you to be safe and stay out of your way!

    Sandy, glad your DH and HK are feeling better. Here's to hoping you get NOTHING! I too like that acapella thingy. Would like to look into for my mom.

    I saw where someone posted on FB, some sort of ER for men with colds.

    Ok, Boss Lady, what was the picture that Marty had to take down? That's funny, cuz I can't imagine him even putting up something that bad??? And what the heck are you doing, that is so special, to scramble eggs?

    A HUGE thanks to NM for helping me to decipher my scans. I have some new bone mets and a new spot on my liver. So, talking with my hubs, we are going to continue the MMJ, but also decided that I should go back on the FU pills, maybe just not as strong. Now to let my family know. I guess I'm ok with everything. NED would be nice, but I guess he just doesn't like me. And things could be worse, right???

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited January 2017


    My Massage chair!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited January 2017

    Morning DahhhLinks

    Tried to post pic of my chair, will try again at end of my post, go the hunt and peck route.

    Lowee - OMG tears are rolling now. You have been a trooper and it's just not fair...$uRB! Praying you find a way to NED. BIG HUGZ!! I looked up the chair on the Osaki website....Zowwwy, he spent about 3K on my chair...tooo much, but am loving it.

    Cami - I can program up to 30 mins on the chair.

    Dara - poss UTI...please go get it checked. HUGZ!

    NM - so happy the cost to fix Pearl is doable. I'll have one of Cami's hunks and 3 or 4 of those Tini's they look good and the ingredients sound delish.

    Gonna post this and go start my day, lubslubslubslubs

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited January 2017


  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited January 2017

    Cami: you can make me scrambled eggs any time. Add what you like, I'm all with that. I'll bring the homemade bread, and maybe some sausages too.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2017

    Hi ladies- well the trip to the hot springs was a BUST today. I got up there (about a 90 plus minute drive but very pretty one) to find the place locked up. EEEK! I saw the nearby gate open and saw the pools drained and knew it was not looking good. I guess they had some type of problem and could not open for the day. Anyways, I ate some lunch at a nearby spot and tried to go to another hot spring place but they were closed today. I laughed to myself that the stars were not lining up for me to hot spring it this winter!

    Anyways, I stopped at the B&B where the yoga retreat will be in another 10 days on the way out to make an apt for a treatment, and will have another shot at going to the springs when I am up there again soon. Somehow, I am not going to count on it though......

    Will be back to respond to a few of you individually.....

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2017

    All of you will appreciate this one!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2017

    Hi girls,

    Just catching up here, been having an issue with nausea, hope I'm not preggers hehehehe!

    The great news of the year - I got my NTI-Tsi, the guard for clenching and grinding, yesterday. I wore it last night while sleeping and woke up 85% headache free!! Yippee, this after now 7 months of a full time headache! I am so freaking fircited! And I think the nausea is coming from the anti-B I am taking as I do have my first UTI, ick! I was hoping I'd feel better by now since my dr visit was MonkeyDey but still having some symptoms.

    NM, great news on Pearl! Sorry more snow n ice, stay safe. Thanks for helping Lori with translating results, you are a dear. And I love Boozedey Twosdey too!!

    Lori, sad news but loving your positive attitude, love. While I am heart broken, I am also going to also be optimisttic that a lower dose of the FU pills and the MMJ will be jest the thing you need. I will be prayinhg for you and hope that all goes well when you tell the rest of your family. Keep us posted chickie. Lots of love coming your way.

    Gonna hit submit cuz mese fingers seem to be going backwards with the keyboard, ughhhhh! They making loads of mistakes in typing! brb!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2017

    btw queenmom, you might wanna bring some likker too. goes great with scrambled eggs!

    Image result for eggs and alcohol

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited January 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy whatever day of the week this is.Isn't it Friday Eve?

    (short break whilst I check my calendar)

    Ah, yes, it is Friday Eve!Got another half inch of ice on top of the snow already in place.Lots of ice this winter.Had to knock icicles off over the kitchen door to be sure Sadie and I don't get impaled.Power bumpeda couple times last night but never went out completely. According to the notices from the electric company power was out on part of my road, so Sadie and I got lucky.I lit the kerosene lamps anyway so I would be able to see when I got up if the power went out overnight.

    Cammy--I am being careful with the driving, pissing off lots of people cuz I'm not driving as fast as the speed limit.Won't go that fast if I don't think I can maintain control. I do try to find places to pull over and let other people go past me, then I count how many people flip me off.Every once in a while I get my quiet revenge when I see the same car off the road in the ditch or snowbank a mile or two down the road. I can't imagine Marty posting anything offensive on FB, but all it takes is one complaint, I suppose. LOL at the volcano in your stomach!

    Nice hump day pic!

    Jazzy--it must have been great to visit with you friends, finally, and be able to reconnect. What is a non-disclosure agreement? Does that mean you agree not to talk about what the job is about?Sounds very hush-hush, espionage-like! Must be a pretty special project! Ah, restorative time, how I envy you that time.

    Goldie--Tuesday Boozeday definitely sounds like us!The money that came in will just about cover what I will need to pay to get Pearl back when the work is done, so no cruise for me this year. I've got to figure out some way to get at least one of my 3 big debts paid off, every time I start making progress something happens and I end up back at square one. I keep praying for an answer, and keep plugging along in the meantime.Your welcome for the help, anytime, my dear!

    Mema--WOW!NICE massage chair!

    Morning, Queenie!

    Jazzy--oh, my, what a trip to find the spa closed! At least you could laugh at the situation.

    Dara--HOORAY for 85% headache free! That is real progress! Taking Auntie-B's is a pain with the nausea and diarrhea, but stick with it, it will be worth it. And I will stay as safe as I can, got Sadie depending on me, after all.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Egg Cocktail

    2 parts Kanon Organic Vodka

    1 part heavy cream

    3/4 part amaretto

    cardamom pod

    egg yolk

    Lightly crush cardamom in shaker, add liquid ingredients, dry shake (without ice), then shake with ice, strain into rocks glass.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    Morning Ladies.

    Lori always good luck with sharing this with u'r family and praying this new round won't be as bad. But as soon as NED is round u, it will fall in love with u and stay (((PRAYERS)))

    Queen I like the idea of all the goodies going with MY eggs.

    Dara u heard me as usual, I can't believe after one nite things are better, wow I hope this just keep getting better and better for u. And did I read this right==this is the first UTI u've had. I never heard of suck a thing. But it'll get better quickly and then concentrate on bettering u'r headaches==Yahoo.

    OK SusyQ that is the best and oh yes it's expensive. U'r DS is so sweet and u can really enjoy this for a long time and anyone else who tries it.

    Jazzy I'm so sorry about u'r CLOSED day. What a trip. but it will happen soon--I would never have thought to call first for sure, but 2 places closed? Not meant to be yet. But very soon. U'r job is very streaaful, plus now u have to get another one going so u need R&R badly/

    Lori the pic. was silly it was a lady with a thong wishing his friend a HB and all u could see is the cheeks. Believe me I've seen worse, but I don't judge anything anymore. LOL

    Sandy we're having some decent weather so u shoulld be trying to get out, cuz u always make it so simple to go any where.

    I'm supposed to get my love seat Sat. and I did order some bit totes with cover to hopefully do some organizing. Oh I always say that and I want to but it falls by the wayside. Everyone here is sick with something or other and me too. So I don't have a clue how this will be done.

    OK I'll check back.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2017

    LDB, you sneaky lil thang, looking up the price of your chair. I probably would have done the same thing tho! It's no different than Cami's cuz that wanted to get her a love seat. IT'S WHAT THEY WANT TO DO.

    Now listen here Queeny, you can't be making plans with the Boss Lady and just act like we don't even exist. We want eggs and sausage too!

    Awwwww Jazzy, that was a dirty trick for the hot springs to play on you, glad it waspretty drive. Heck, it takes us almost that long just to get to town to get groceries.

    Wacko, no headache? Or at least ALMOST no headache. That is amazing and I am so fercited for you as well. I try to be as optimistic as I can. I am my own worse enemy. I am a super sensitive person, and on top of that, I'm a huge cry baby. Thank you for the prayers. I think we ALL pray for each other!

    NM, I had to go look at mese calendar, yeppers, tis Friday eve. I too would pull over and let the idiots pass, and you are so right about the secret revenge. You ought to just wave at those sending gestures, almost like you would be saying "oh, you're welcome that I pulled over to let you go like an idiot".

    Cami, you and the fam are sick? Oh, I hope it doesn't last long. You should have had someone pick you up Xmas totes, they would have been on sale. Oh well.

    Off to town today, might snow tomorrow.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2017

    Good morning ladies- waking up more rested once again. Today is my day to focus on getting some things done around the house, plus a trip to the gym. I have a list a mile long of to dos and going to more seriously start chipping away at those today!

    NM- I am glad you are staying safe with the driving. Sounds like you are getting rounds of snow and ice. Glad you did not loose power at your house. Sounds like you and Sadie weathered the storm last night. Be safe today sister and drive nice & slow.

    An NDA does keep you from disclosing the details of any client specifics or opportunities with others. Sometimes clients share business problems they don't want being discussed more broadly. The NDA helps with the initial discussions so there is no concern about any disclosures so you can work the issue to come up with a solution for them (and hopefully get hired for a contract!) Then the contract you sign usually has very specific confidentiality agreements that bind your discussing any additional details from the work you do for them outside of the agreements.

    Dara- you are taking good care of yourself girlfriend. Amazing that the dental device caused immediate relief. You suspected all the way that this was something with the teeth. I hope you find continued relief. And also good you got the UTI checked out. Did they give you sulfa drugs? Sometimes people are allergic to those. I have taken them and they are strong. Wishing you better days. You are getting yourself straightened out and will have a fresh new start and new work opps in this new year.

    Goldie- I am sorry to hear there are additional spots showing up in places. Stupid cancer. And so thankful NM could help you, we sisters stick together and help one another. I have found through the years the people that can support us the best are those who have been down this road. I hope the FU pills are not too awful for you. We will be here to listen any time you need us to?

    Cami- home organization is tops on my list right now. Too many things with no home that need one. Going to start with the simple things today and work up to the harder ones this weekend. But will still be sure to include some fun and exercise each day. That is important for the restoration part. I hope that love seat comes soon!

    Gotta get going to my day ladies. Wishing you all a good slide to the weekend down in to the weekend.

  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited January 2017

    Now drooling over a Nice Hot Breakfast. So who's bringing the coffee?

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2017

    Queenmom- I will bring the coffee! Lots of good choices here right now!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2017

    Lori, NED is a fickle b@$tard, but I hope the mets remain small & slow and your treatment tolerable. Dara, glad the night guard is working. Jazzy, phooey on the closed hot springs—but at least you'll get your spa services soon at the B&B. Bob is better—spending the night at the hotel again so he can read echocardiograms early in the morning and make it home for (a late) dinner.

    Cami, bummer on your family getting sick. Really good scrambled eggs aren't as quick & easy as they look, but with patience they can be phenomenal. I got out yesterday, all right—twice. First in early aft. for my mani, and didn't even bother to put on my hat. Then in the evening to pick up my Rx refills and then to Macy's up in Old Orchard, and I had to add a fake fur scarf across my face and my parka hood atop my hat.

    Why Macy's? Well, Gordy's bedroom furniture is literally falling apart (as in nails and duct tape aren't cutting it any more—it was the cheapo Formica-laminate stuff we got from Mr. Rents rent-to-own when we moved here in 1978 and gave him in 1987 when we bought ourselves a real oak bedroom set). I checked all the competition online, and either the stuff was too expensive or too cheap & shoddy, one site didn't even offer any beds except king or queen, wouldn't deliver past the front door or wouldn't deliver at all. At least Macy's moves the other furniture out of the way temporarily and the old furniture to other rooms on the same level as the new stuff, and cleans up after themselves.

    So I found a set I liked on Macy's online, and phoned to order it. (Yeah, they actually said “Phone to order"). I had some Macy's gift cards to redeem—three for $100 each and four with no dollar amount listed. So the saleslady first confirmed the $100 ones were valid, and would apply them to the whole purchase price plus delivery & tax. But the undenominated ones didn't come up in the system. No problem, $300 off is good enough. So she tried to run my Macy's card…and my credit limit was too low, at the “starter" level since I've barely used it ever, for trivial stuff at that. The credit dept. got on the line and immediately raised the limit to a few bucks more than the net total price. So the saleslady tried to apply the $100 cards to the price….and kept getting “server error, try later." So I said I'd just put the remainder on my bank debit card and save the gift cards for a rainy day. She replied she was sorry, but she couldn't split purchases over two cards over the phone. I would either have to put the whole thing on another credit or debit card or go to my nearest Macy's, give them the sales receipt number (good for 24 hrs) and have them complete the transaction, gift cards & all.

    So I headed up there. I apologized to the salesman that he wasn't going to get his commission. He keyed in the receipt number and gasped. “She didn't give you the sale price?" I told him that I thought the sale was over, and he said he had discretion to honor advertised sale prices for up to 3 days after, and that it was going back on sale next week. He was easily able to apply the verified gift cards….and I saved $1000 over the phone-sales price! (And he got his commission). Then he tried to run the non-denominated cards…and they came up as “never activated." So I asked how I could activate them, and he said I couldn't—they were older ones, and would have had to be “loaded" at the register at the time the person who gave them to us bought them. And even if I tried to purchase them to give to someone else, they were already flagged as invalid.

    When I got home, I asked Bob who gave them to us—and it was the home health care service that used to shower doctors with lavish gifts (over the years for us, Dom Perignon, Perrier-Jouet with matching flutes, his-and-hers Movado watches, a Montblanc pen and leather tote, and an electric shiatsu massage chair….not as good as Mema Sue's, though). Until they got busted for Medicaid and tax fraud and employee-rights violations.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2017

    Furniture Adventure, Part II:

    So this morning I told my housekeeper the new stuff would be delivered Monday and she flipped—there wouldn't be enough time to get it out of the house, and it wouldn't fit into any other room until we could find someone to haul it away. So first I called Goodwill: they don't have trucks in Chicago any more but would be glad to take it if we brought it in (yeah, right: two sixtysomething ladies, a husband with pneumonia and a son with asthma and a bad back hauling a dresser, tall & short chest, headboard and bedframe downstairs & out of the house into my Outback, which is too small to hold any of it. Couldn't even haul it out to the alley). So next, I called the Sally Ann—their first available pickup was Feb. 9, in fact the only date they had before March. Same deal with Amvets and The Ark. The hospital auxiliary resale shops want stuff in really good condition. So we ended up calling 1-800-GOT-JUNK. They're coming tomorrow for an estimate (average is $300, depending on how much room it takes up in their truck), and if it's reasonable and they have the truck available, out the door the stuff goes for recycling or target practice, I don't care. If they don't have the truck tomorrow, then they can come Mon. or Tues. since I rescheduled the delivery for Wed. Gordy will sleep down in the den again, since that's where he slept when my FIL lived with us in his room for two years. Dunno what I'll do if the cost to haul it away is outrageous and an alternative remedy not timely. Can't see us tiptoeing around and squeezing between those pieces in the teeny upstairs foyer and the middle of our bedroom….unless we invite the camera crew from “Hoarders."

    It's infuriating I have to pay to get rid of the old stuff instead of donating it for repurposing, but at least I saved $1000 off the new bedroom set.

    My DOTD: the last glass of leftover LaCrema Pinot Noir from New Year's Eve, with a square of dark chocolate.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    Morning Ladies,

    OMG Sandy u'r ADVENTURE is beyond the norm for shopping. U really have patience getting everything in order. But the best part is saving $1,000. for sure And it will be there in just a fw days. It was worth all the effort and time u put into this

    Queen I'll also have the Kahlua for our coffee and the hell with the eggs.

    Jazzy now u have some time off right? between jobs or do u already have the next job that's going to start soon. I can never figure out how u do this. U know I could never figure this out, but I do know u'r on top of u'r game, that's for sure.

    Lori u never complain so I get goofy on u for saying some of the things u say. U r marvelous dahling, I can't help myself.

    Sandy u'r DH puts so much of himself in his patients, he's got patients that are so lucky to have him.

    I'been writing this for almost as hour now--bthroom interruptions. Igh

    Dan called me today to talk, and I kept on saying what wrong? and he kept on saying I called because we haven't just talked in a couple of weeks, remember I love u. I still didn't trust him. But that was it actually Again I supposedly will have my love seat Sat. but we'll see. I really have to get some organization in this room, it's insane I'm really serious it looks like those rooms on TV for the before pic. I remember having a surge of energy once a month for about 2 days and did I do lots of cleaning and things, now no more surges--those periods were my cleaning days--Now what??? Damn cancer took my surge days away, well I'm sure it would have been gone by now anyway. Oh it was great not having a period anymore but my cleaning really went down hill.

    OK for now I'm ready to take a nap now.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    Image result for drink recipes for winter Just trying to save NM some time for TGIF and I have no idea what most of this stuff is, but it's pretty.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited January 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF Day!The work week is going reasonably well, with some craziness, but that's to be expected in any health care setting.Will be interesting to see how today goes.I did put in for a day off next week for my eye doctor's appointment (routine) and it's the same day as a Wednesday, Women and Wine meeting.New grew I discovered that I'm going to try out.Guess what they do?Actually it's a subset of a local Wine Appreciation Club, the Women's group meets once a month, the whole group not quite so regularly, but they have gone to some neat places and it looks like they visit various wineries around the area.Free to join, so worth checking out, right?

    Cammy--Can't wait to see a pic of the love seat in place!Good luck with the organizing, that seems to be a never-ending project in my house!

    Goldie--I do sometimes wave at the idiots on the side of the road, but mostly I just gloat privately.Sometimes the idiots are out kicking the car or yelling at it or gesticulating wildly whilst on the cellphone, and I don't want to trigger any road rage since I see some of these people pretty regularly on the way to work.I definitely do not wave when I pull over and let an idiot pass and then pass them a ways up the road when they've been pulled over by the big car with the pretty blue lights!

    Jazzy--waked up rested, what a wonderful thing!We are getting the roundsof ice, snow, and cold.The funny thing is, this is actually typical for this area this time of year.The last few years have been unusually warm and unusually dry.I got spoiled.Need to get back into the habit of shoveling out every couple of hours when I'm home, and as soon as I get home from work.Now I've got a bunch of iced over snow to deal with this weekend.Oh well, at least it will be exercise!

    Queenie--I've got the cream for the coffee--organic, off the top of a jug of raw milk!

    Chi--Wow, what a story with Macy's!And you came out on the good end of that transaction.The local Macy's is shutting down in a few months.It was just on the news.Reminded me that I've not set foot inside the Bangor Mall for months, if not for more than a year!Probably should stop in and look around, if nothing else I'll get some steps on the pedometer.The local K-Mart is closing down, too.It's not at the Mall but is nearby.I do shop in there from time to time.Holy, moly, what a chore to get the old stuff out!It's crazy how hard that can be to manage.At least here in the boonies if I want to get rid of something I just need to get it to the side of the road, put a "FREE" sign on it, and it will be gone in a few hours, no cost to me.Of course, getting the stuff out of the house can be a chore all by itself. . . .

    Cammy--Great looking DOTD!I've seen Kinky Blue, know what Limoncello is, need to look up the Risata one.Beautiful!

    Thanks, Cammy!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited January 2017

    Oh Girls, I just spent an hour writing to everyone and catching up and I think I forgot to hit submit and it's gone!!!! Ahhhhhhggghhhhh!! CHIT!!! Can't find my post!!