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how about drinking?



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2017

    Good morning friends- I am waking up to a pretty major snow storm here! The weather forecasted rain for the valley, snow in the higher elevations but we got us a pretty major state wide snow storm. Moisture is good for this place, so nice to see and I like the fluffy white stuff. Some parts of the state (east) getting up to 17 inches of snow! We don't have a lot of plows here, so outside of the freeways and major arteries, kind of tricky. I had some plans to hit a yoga class at noon, get a few errands in, and

    Chi-oh boy, what an adventure for you! Too bad about those cards being invalid, but you got that sale price. I hope the new stuff arrives easily and the old stuff gets on it's way soon. Sounds like Bob is slowly getting better too?

    NM- Women and Wine sounds good to me! We will want a wine report here on this drinking thread. And yes, I knew Maine normally got the weather this time of year. Remember I am originally from New England myself.

    One of our Macy's here is closing as well. I grew up with Macy's being from the east coast, and it was always an adventure to go to the big city (New Haven) to shop at Macy's. I like the Macy's back east, but the ones here are junk. My sister and I went shopping at the one in Herald Square when we were in NYC, and that was super fun (we both got coats!) An article just got published yesterday in the local paper that they are closing the one at the mall near me by the spring. I am going to stop there maybe later today to pick up some makeup (Laura Mercier) that they carry and may have in this store, but think I may also have to order on line too. I also saw they are closing a bunch of Sears and Kmarts around the country. The big box stores are going away.......

    Cami- so I don't have a new gig yet, but working with some partnering vendors on a new opp that is developing. I had a good discussion with them yesterday on something they are working on, and that I think is moving faster than expected. My plan is to be off through February to get caught up on some things, to complete a class or two I want to take (one for work, one for fun) and need to be working by March. I think we should know more if this is going to turn in to anything to move towards after they do a demo next week. I will be ready earlier if they need me. But even once decisions are made, contracts have to be done and that takes time.

    I don't have the energy I used to either Cami. I really notice this when I am working and trying to keep up with the rest. I look forward to those surges too, but they are few and far between these days. Does your family help you with cleaning? Maybe Joey could help you organize your room?

    Got to get going to my day. Be safe in the snowy places if you are in one of them ladies!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2017

    My sweet wacky friend, I sure hope to read that the mouth guard is still working.

    Jazzy, for cleaning the house, I often wish my friend/hygienist lived closer. I would suggest to her that we help each other with cleaning. She's anal like I am, so I know things would be done right. Ya know, get a bottle of wine and both of ya hit it hard. The next day or next week, you do the other one's house. Now it gets done quicker AND it's fun! But perhaps your mile long list was running around errands. My DH is allergic to sulfa, had a horrible reaction. Steven Johnson's syndrome, he was basically burning from the inside out.

    Queen, the Tenders will bring you your coffee.

    Image result for sexy guy with coffee

    If you want it pool side, look for this guy!

    Image result for sexy guy with coffee pool side

    Sandy, I like your thought of the lesions remaining small and slow growing, thank you. Unfortunately, NED has never been a friend of mine. A home health care service that got busted for Medicaid and tax fraud and employee-rights violations. SMH! Great save on the furniture, but darn, you have to pay a lot to have it removed. What about the Lions Club? Of just taking some pictures and puttiing it on Craigs list for free, you pick it up. IDK.

    Cami, you are right, I try not to complain. Doesn't do any good anyways. You saw that guy coming with the coffee, uh hu! I know that's why you put the kabosh on the eggs. OMG, I remember you "surge" days. More so, cuz I think I remember you always running the vacuum. You know, you are a stage IV cancer patient, why couldn't you utilize "Cleaning for a Reasson"? Even if it's just once a month? Or if they just help you with your room and laundry? Leave it to you to find a "KINKY" drink.

    NM, your new group sounds like fun. Sounds like a spin on The Red Hats, but WAAAAAAY more fun. I hope you try it and I hope you like it. I guess gloating privately at the raging drivers is probably the best, and exactly what I would do. I have said it before, my husband says I'm the bravest scaredy cat around! I'll have to sit and write about our visit with my step daughter and her family. I need to grow some balls!!!! Dragging stuff to road with a free sign works. We do that at my moms, don't even need a sign!

    Oh Mary, losing a post is the worst! That's why I do mine in Word first. I'm sorry, but don't fret over it.

    Jazzy, it's not light enough here yet for me to see what the weather is doing. But I can hear the wind.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2017

    Hi giirls,

    Sitting here having major anxiety, my unemployment tribunal hearing is under an hour away. i have slept horribly the past two nights. I had to take my guard out last night as it was hurting again. I had it adjusted yesterday. Still just a touch of a headache. Anyone reading, say a prayer for me, I am soooo tired of this and feel like a victim of race. Or perhaps of where I live? I dunno but seems that the state agency is conspiring against me, nothing makes sense! See you all later. Love you all bunches!!

    ~deep breaths IN N OUT repeat......

    will try to pop back in and let you know how it goes......


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2017

    Dara- I do believe cancer patients are discriminated against on the professional world. I have heard way too many stories here from women who went on FMLA after dx and during treatment, were back awhile, and then found themselves let go a few months later. I have also seen people being treated very well during critical illness. It is just hard to know how employers will react to any of this.

    Go fight the good fight and get what you deserve, sister.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2017

    Thinking of you and praying for you today my love. But that goes everyday, not just today. But today will be a tad more spayshul.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2017

    Thank you lovies and Lynne too for reaching out via cell. OMG, the hearing went SO well, I am very hopeful.My head is killing me but I think it will feel better after I get some much needed sleep. My blood pressure was through the roof, numbers like our Genny. But no wonder, the crud that I have had to endure is beyond maddening. I should have a decision within a week. If I am turned down again, my next appeal is to the Supreme Court, no joke!

    I just made myself a jack n diet, no kidding. AND I took 1/4 of a vitamin V. I thank the good Lord that i have the means to medicate in this way. At the end of the call when asked if i had a final statement, I did but was at my breaking point so thought best to leave it alone. The greatest thing was that when it came time for me to interrogate my former boss, I got her to agree that I was an ideal employee, with a stellar record and that I held numerous accomplishments showing that I often went far above and beyond for my clients and for the company. She also agreed that she did not think that it was in my nature to do anything that would constitute a malicious/deliberate offense against the company. The previous judge that rendered her opinion was so FN wrong, curse on that biotch, still plotting that one!!

    Thanks again for all of your support. You goils are DE bestest breastest fwends a goil could wish for!!

    Image result for breast friends

    Image result for breast friends

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2017

    Yippee Yippee Yippee


  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited January 2017


    Oh, heck. Never mind the eggs. I'll just stick with coffee if that's the pool boy

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2017

    Dara- yay, look forward to hearing a good outcome from today. I don't think anyone wants to see it go to the Supreme Court if that former dumb ars beoch has a brain in her head!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2017

    Peek a Boo

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    O M G!!! Lori u are so so way to so nice. What a f**kin' A$$hole that man is, I can not believe how horrible he is. And his wife just goes along? I'm seething inside for how he talked to u--how dare he, again u are so nice, I would have laid him out with words before he even knew what hit him. I know I do that with my FF, cuz I can't stand it, but I really believe it's not what u say it'ss how u say it--so at my age I can say it pretty well and u should have, but I understand why u don't really. How would he know if u didn't feel well and u were just being polite---some people are so ignorant it's actually sad. Sorry that happened to u, it never should have.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    Image result for happy dance gifDARA Happy dance for u, my luv.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2017

    Keeping fingers crossed for you, Dara, that this hearing officer is a “mensch” and you get your UC after all. Toasting your Jack & Diet with my decaf espresso! (Jonesing for a Drunken Donuts Boston Kreme soooo badly that I called Bob (en route home on I-55) and asked him to go through the drive-thru and bring home a few. Been my experience that if I try to eat around a craving with a substitute like a square of dark chocolate, Greek yogurt & honey, I still end up giving in to it, at least a couple hundred calories later.

    The old furniture is gone. After contacting 1-800-GOT-JUNK, I also called Lions—no pickup in my area. Would take way too long on Craigslist, and the only re-purposable parts are the headboard & metal frame (twin) and the formica-veneered frames & drawer front panels of the chest & dresser. The drawer innards are held together with spit & duct tape—literally. Can’t imagine anyone wanting to come out ASAP in the arctic cold, drag the stuff down one indoor & another outdoor flight of stairs and take it away for free to, say, dismantle it and make starving-student bookshelves and tables out of it. Nobody with a truck big enough to haul it is that poor, nor would they have internet. So I made the appt. for a free estimate for today, they gave me a 2-hr. window, called when they were leaving their previous stop with a precise ETA (w/in that window) and arrived on the dot! Two nice young (cute) guys. Measured the stuff and determined the volume of the truck it’d occupy—and said if I wanted them to haul it away ASAP they’d give me a 10% same-day discount. Well, duh. And after the stuff was loaded (we’re keeping the little cheapo “u-paint-it” pine bachelor chest to put in the office to hold Gordy’s extra T-shirts, or props for his shows) into the truck and I paid them, they straightened up, moved the remaining furniture back into place and asked me if there was anything else I’d like moved w/in the house. So I am now sitting in a recliner that fully reclines, typing on a laptop that’s level on my lap because the footrest raises all the way up!

    What they do is first take stuff to a donation center that will accept drop-off donations for repair or repurposing, like Goodwill. Failing that, to a recycling center that’d probably dismantle it or put it through a chipper. And as a last resort, to an approved disposal dump. We almost moved the new delivery back up to Monday—but after hearing that they expect snow Monday and rain Tuesday, we’re sticking with Wednesday. Gordy’s okay in the meantime with his T-shirts stacked on his bookshelves & desk, and with sleeping on the mattress & box spring (or going downstairs to sleep on the foldout couch in the den).

    Think that my DOTD will be a piping hot mug of Teavana Ayurvedic Chai, maybe with a little Skinnygirl Agave or Xylitol. Bob wants to go out for a big lunch downtown tomorrow after his haircut, and that’s gonna be my wine intake for the day. (Thank you, Uber).

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited January 2017

    ChiSandy, you so totally crack me up!

    We had a VERY expensive, solid oak, mission-style entertainment center, when TVs were the shape of small refrigerators. A couple of years ago, we mounted a brand-new flat screen TV on the wall. Beautiful.

    What to do with the entertainment center? No one would take it. No one--not Goodwill, Salvation Army, Habitat for Humanity. Its weight and bulk resembled a submarine. We managed to jockey it out to the garage, where it stayed for about a year. Garage sale--no joy. Finally, completely out of ideas, we began shoving it down to the street to the corner, where we planned to tape a "FREE" sign to it and hope for the best.

    Mid street-shove, a neighbor came out and said, where are you going with that entertainment center? My husband went into used car salesman mode. The neighbor said, yeah, maybe I can use it. So we shoved it into his garage.

    Where, at least a year later, it remains.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited January 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday!Sadie and I had a lovely sleep in till almost 7 ayem.Cuddles and cold wet nose in the neck, makes for a fun ayem!Nice after being stuck in the office finishing up paperwork until 7 peeyem, and still having at least 2 hour's worth to do over the weekend.I am so tempted to not do it, miss the deadline and see what happens, but that would not be a wise move.I may talk to the boss about the possibility of creating a part time position that's not case management, just doing visit.At least then there would be a limit to how many days a week I'm working late like this and it won't always be on Fridays.Ah, well, need to try to let that go for a while.

    Genny--OH NO!The Gremlin is back and bit Genny!

    Jazzy--Wow, sounds like you are getting quite the storm!17 inches of snow can make quite a mess.Take your time if you do go out! I'll try to take notes for the wine report, but don't expect an expert report like some we see here!It does look like the big box stores are thinning out.I've wondered how so many big box stores selling essentially the same items can survive in close proximity to each other in so many places.

    Goldie--Ah, to be brought coffee by THAT Tender! Or a pool dwinky to me in my pool floaty by THE OTHER Tender!Talk about eye candy! LOL at being the bravest scaredy cat around!

    Dara--praying for you!So glad the hearing went well, and that you had a chance to get your former employer to paint an accurate picture of your work.So now we're back to waiting for the final results?Oh, boy, I'd need some Jack and diet and probably a whole Vit X (Xanax) tablet!I think you are doing well only needing a half.

    Goldie--I would never skip a post like that--it's the closest I allow myself to indulging in gossip! Oh, my what a description of a dysfunctional relationship.D is definitely controlling and probably abusive in private.He was borderline abusive in public!I really feel sorry for GS and GD.I hope you can have a positive influence on them over time.

    Chi--Wow, you found some real service-oriented guys to haul off your stuff! For them to straighten up is remarkable, to offer to move anything else is amazing!And to be able to enjoy the full use of the recliner--Priceless!Good for you!

    Sbelizabeth--Welcome to the HTL!And at least the entertainment center is in the neighbor's garage and not yours!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2017

    Good morning friends- the storm came and went and left some residual ice around. I changed my plans to just get to yoga class and some grocery shopping and decided to opt out of some of the rest. It is cold here! Plus there was NO HEAT in the group exercise room yesterday which meant a very cold yoga class. Well, I have done hot yoga and now I can say I have done COLD yoga too?

    ChiSandy- good to hear the junk people took stuff away. I found Big Brothers/Sisters takes things most won't take, but they won't come in the house to remove things. I hope you and Bob have a nice lunch today!

    Goldie- that does not sound like a good time with the DIL and others. I wish holidays could be less stressful with family sometimes?

    Cami- what do you have going on today?

    Wishing everyone a good start to the weekend. I have lots to do around home, but going to play music for awhile this morning!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    Good Morning Ladies.

    S.Liz--do I know u, u seem familiar but if I don't ,welcome and if I do welcome back.

    Sandy that was great. I really thought most of them pretty much picked up everything, but I guess not. I know Sal. Army calls and picks up when it's outside mostly, so it's a good reason to clean out clothes. OK But I had to LOL about u'r lunch with u'r DH, it sounded like u2 were celebrating a haircut., well maybe u do. And Crispy creams are always good.

    Oh it's saturday and I hope u workrs are getting rest this morning. U should.Our weather is cold here and Jazzy the way u described u'r weather it sounded like u live in Alaska, jeez u live in NM--which I never think of as having a blizzard of any kind.

    Lori how r u doing this morning, I hope u'r doing OK.

    Dara hope u slept with u'r mouthpiece in tack so u have relief. And now we're waiting but it all sounds good.

    JULIE, JULIE, JULIE. that should do it.

    NM I know u'r car is still being fixed but glad u have other transportation and hope u'r not on call.

    My gift to Marty finally came yesterday, one of those suare no stick, can be run over by a car and is fine fry/bake pans. They look bigger on TV, I guess these people all have small hands but I got the deal buy one and get one so two are great and he really likes them Oh Leslie does too. It did come with a recipe book so Leslie can cook dinner in one pan, that's why she liked it

    I talked to Dan last nite and Kat (his wife) is pregnant, I'm so excited and of course I hope she has a girl so Sam can have a little sister and they'd be close in age to grow up and be close. Of course Joey has his opinion that they should have waited a little longer. like another year. Sam just turned 2. Of course he didn't mention the love seat so I have no idea about it. Oh Joey will always help me with my room, but today they have to clean the garage to set it up for the party next weekend, that'sthe "family room" for this house and it's heated so it's comfortable with all the furniture plus TV in there just move the car out--but Marty and Les are really clean and like the house always looking good so they handle it all, but no one can get thru my mess, but as I say I have a door so that helps.

    OK check back later.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2017

    Wacko, I can not tell you how happy I am for you. This could not have gone any better, could it? How can you not possibly win and when will you know???

    Sandy, I guess you are wise to just go with the crave. Glad you got the furniture out, and with some cute guys to boot!

    I have a post, but very short, sin sin no one has been around. Well hardly no one. Floating around in the pewl waiting…..

    And we have a boythday sailabration.

    Oh, here comes NM. Girl I would love to see you not work so many hours, especially when so much of it is paper work. But what do I know? Do you prefer the office/paper work over actual people contact, or visa versa? What I know of you, I think it's personal contact. You are not getting any younger and life is too short to spend it on work, unfortunately those darn bills need paying. I do not believe my SIL is physically abusive at all. They won't even pat the kids on the butt when they are bad. And everyone seems to be VERY happy. We only see them 1-2 times a year.

    And BossLady in the house.

    Y'all meet me in the pewl. Birthday party in the pewl

    Sandy, I guess you are wise to just go with the crave. Glad you got the furniture out, and with some cute guys to boot!

    I have a post, but very short, sin sin no one has been around. Well hardly no one. Floating around in the pewl waiting…..

    And we have a boythday sailabration.

    Oh, here comes NM. Girl I would love to see you not work so many hours, especially when so much of it is paper work. But what do I know? Do you prefer the office/paper work over actual people contact, or visa versa? What I know of you, I think it's personal contact. You are not getting any younger and life is too short to spend it on work, unfortunately those darn bills need paying.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2017

    And Jazzy.....

    I'll be bock...

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2017

    In the mean time, have some cake. Poolside.


    Image result for julie's birthday

    Image result for poolside birthday party

    Image result for poolside birthday party

    Image result for poolside birthday party

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2017

    Goldie- is Julie the same as juliet? I know people more by their "handle" than their real names?

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2017

    Jazzy, yes it's Juliet. Her name is Julie and last name begins with a T. After meeting someone, and learning their real name, I tend to call them by that. But some people like to use their screen name and I hope Julie doesn't mind and iffin she does, she best tell me about it and that goes for anyone else......PLEASE TELL ME.

    NM, I don't mean to gossip. I think it's more venting on moi's part.

    Jazzy, at least there are no hot flashes with cold yoga. Certainly you get those???

    Cami, I've partied with you and yours in that gargage. It's the poyfect par tay room. And a new baby in the family, how fun. I hope Joey looks up some recipes he can cook too. I think he likes that.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited January 2017

    Good Day DahhhLinKs!

    Had to get up at 6 ayem to take dh to work. No it wasn't dwunk but I was, so he drove me home in my car. Was sooo cold, still is today, cloudy, no sun ugh.

    Dara - glad u got ur mouth guard. It me about 2 weeks to get used to it. At night I'd pull it out a couple times…now I can stand to keep it in all night. Give it time my dahhling. Am glad you can already tell the diff with the headaches. Yep, nausea prolly from ur anti-bs. Am doing the HAPPY DANCE that ur headaches have lightened. Muah!!

    Lowee - I love the TooZday BooZday better to, LOL..

    Well it's been a few days, have u taken any FU pills yet? When do you go back to doctor? Hoping and praying they'll have some answers on how to treat it. I knew one lady, can't remember her name, but she had the spot on her liver removed, it was small. I hope your's is operable. Prayers and HUGE HUGZ!

    Queen - I love scrambled eggs, especially with sausage or bacon, philly cheese, spinach oh yum.

    Jazz - what a BIG Bummer about the hot springs and drive all that way. Hope u can find one elsewhere.

    NM - you will figure out how to put some of your debt to rest. The DOTD looks good but since I kno it has soft-boiled egg yolk in it I wudnt drink it. Yolk has to be cooked and hot, like scrambled, before I'll embibe. Even in restaurants I will send my eggs back if not at least over-medium. DH loves eggs and used to eat them over-easy. Made me nauseous to prepare them for him. Told him it wasn't healthy, he ignored me for months, then all of a sudden he wants them medium…so glad about that. And that's enuf about dat.

    Sandy - woohoo on the deal, not ur fault they dabbled where they shudn't have and got the tax fraud after them. So glad you got what u wanted. Salute girl!!

    Cami - love the Kinky Jack Frost…it is so pretty.

    Mary - The little imp must be up to old pranks, he's gotten me a few times too. Not to worry, I jes love seeing you posting.

    Lowee - OMG, burning from inside out. What did he have to do to stop the syndrome?

    Dara - I can imagine the angst u were going thru, but glad the hearing went well and get wait to hear the results…good luck dahhling!!!

    Dang, I have yakked and yakked. Am worn out, gonna go sit in my special chair.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2017

    Goldie- I was thinking the other day a lot of you went on the Disney cruise together some time early last year, so many of you know each others first names. Or was that the year before? I remember I hopped on this thread later than some, mostly because I was stalking Cami. Don't let her kid you, she likes having a fan club and I am in it. I know some of you know my real name but for privacy reasons, I like to use my "handle" here.

    MemaSue- I always find alternatives to my plight. Been soaking in the hot tub at the gym and may go later to swim and soak after. I will be in the area of those springs that were closed again next weekend on my yoga retreat.

    I went to Whole Food today and they are having a sale on supplements. Could not find the ones I wanted, but there was this guy pushing this super expensive brand every aisle I went in. No I am not spending $65 on a bottle of multi-vitamins. I think that is the second time that has happened there so I am going to my alternative health food store, Sprouts, to find what I want (more selection, less pushing of expensive lines). But here is the funny/not funny part, he was saying these multi-vitamins are good for women's hormones. Dude, you are so barking up the wrong tree. I got away from Vitamin Man.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2017

    For you Carrie Fisher/Debbie Reynolds fans, the documentary "Bright Lights" about their lives and relationship is running on HBO now. Saw the first run of it tonight and so good. Catch it if you can. So nicely done. Those ladies will be missed.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2017

    Happy Birthday, Julie!

    Goldie/Lori said:

    <<And Jazzy.....

    I'll be bock…>>

    I'll be lager. Or IPA.

    Jazzy, I DVR'ed “Bright Lights," and Bob & I will watch it later.

    Mema, my secret for doing eggs “over easy" to “over medium" without breaking the yolks is to use half butter and half olive oil; as soon as the whites get opaque, turn off the heat, cover them and move the whole shebang to another burner while I make a cup of coffee. By the time the coffee's ready, the yolks are set but still gooey. If you want 'em medium—like a gel—keep the pan covered while you go get & plate your toast. Funny thing is that about a year after I figured that out, America's Test Kitchen (or was it Cook's Illustrated, in print) revealed that it was their secret as well.

    Cami, oh, how I miss Krispy Kreme! There aren't any of them in the Chicago area. Sometimes Peapod will carry bags of their mini crullers, or that wildly overpriced Plum Market down in Lincoln Park (makes Whole Foods look like Food4Less) might have a few boxes of glazed (or chocolate-glazed creme-filled, my fave). But for my fix, I have to wait till I'm on the road (say, Omaha or Scranton). Meanwhile, Bob came in last night with a bag of Drunken Donuts—one chocolate cake dipped for Gordy……and a Boston Kreme cronut (!!!!) pour moi. (Only one, lest I go off the deep end). Insanely good—almost as good as the Jefferson Donuts chocolate eggnog-filled cronut I had a couple of weeks ago at Founding Farmers in Tysons Corner, VA!

    OK, DsOTD (hey, it's the weekend). With lunch (seared ahi salad) at Allium in the Four Seasons (same mall as Bob's fave barbershop), Veuve Cliquot NV. With dinner at home tonight, a 2012 Brouilly. (Went great with smoked duck). As dessert, a Nespresso Linzertorte-flavor espresso. Gonna make myself a Sachertorte or Apfelstrudel one in a few minutes (I can sleep in tomorrow).

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    Hi everyone,

    OK Lori I had to LOL at u'r hard boil eggs story, that was to funny, hhaha And I can't imagine u saying anything if that happened again, but they were good to think about. But since u don't really see them often u'r smart to just not say much, I guess. I think now that the holidays are ovr u'll have lots of Dr. things, u know we all want to know everything cuz we all lubs u so much.

    OK SusieQ I love the way u women who live west tell us about how cold it is, I mean we're at 0 temps with wind chill nd when they say it'll be in double digits it's sounds great. And then to tell us u'r going in u'r CHAIR oh so jealous. OK u deserve it. MUAH

    Jazzy How Much??? I would have started laughing out loud, oh and hormones too, I would have kept him talking til he left me for good. Which BTW I have done before, I took after my dad who never stopped talking to people.

    And I love Julie's full name, I think I told her a while ago, it's just so poetic. Now how can we ever top Lori's HB to Julie.? I wonder what she's doing. Is she still not back yet?

    Sandy I love how u use Uber, it sounds so convenient, Are the charges the same as a cab or is it how far u go.Now another kind of Uber is around Lyft (I think) Are they in u'r area too. U know where I live u have to have u'r own car, there's nothing u can really walk to like Chicago.

    OH OH I got my love seat today and Dan was just as excited as I was--it is beautiful and comfortable and dan said to me I'm so happy u can sit comfortably now, he called me like 3 times today to ask if I really liked it. The color is so funny--we all saw a different color well Joey saw gray but he's color blind, Marty saw brown, I saw grey and blue then Leslie came home and saw moss green and then she is right, We all saw that then, well except Joey. I really didn't realize how bad my old one was, now I understand But I never really cleaned alot under it and when the gus came to pick up the old one and put the new one down--It was funny, cuz Bob (one of the guys who I talk to every day and LOL with) Yells WTF do u do under here, there were meds,lighter, paperwork, plus so he cleaned it all out--but I washed the floor and got my new area rug down, OK now I need a new ottoman with storage, which I'll buy I've been looking and I'll get a little smaller one. Joy was ready to do some storage for me, but I couldn't do anything else for the day. I'm so lazy.

    OK my boring post is done, u can open u'r eyes now.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    Sandy I just saw u'r ost, that's how long it takes me to wite mine. And I thought crispy cremes was just not the suburbs anymore, the only thing wrong with them was they slid down to easily and u wanted more. Where as the other u kind of felt the heartburn while u were swallowing.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2017

    Cami, Uber & Lyft are everywhere except Las Vegas and some European cities. Haven't used Lyft. In Chicago Uber used to be half the price of a cab until the taxi fleet owners' lobby pressured the City Council to impose certain fees on them that taxis have to pay (and at the airports, they have to use the limo lanes). Still, except during extreme-high-demand periods where “surge pricing" can be as much as 4x the usual rate, Uber is usually about 2/3 the price of a cab, and even cheaper if you use UberPool and are willing to wait while the driver picks up and drops off other people who share your ride. At Navy Pier, there are three sheltered Uber “stations” with benches. I took it last week from Dupont Circle in DC to the Shirlington neighborhood of Arlington, VA, and it was half the price of a taxi!

    You download the app on your cellphone, sign up for an account and link it to PayPal, your checking account or a credit card. Even in DuPage, you probably wouldn't have to wait any longer than 10 min. or so.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    Image result for happy birthday gifJULIE