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how about drinking?



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2017

    Cami- yay for the loves seat arrival. Moss green sounds like a lovely color!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2017

    LDB, I have appt with onc for Jan. 23 but I need to change it to Feb, as that is when my Medicare kicks in. Oh gosh, I sure don't want to have to go through surgery. I start the FU pills today, gonna do 4 a day. Been cold here too. I like mese eggs over medium, need them a tad runny so I can dip mese toast in it. But don't think I would like it in drinkie. Hubby had to stop taking the medicine that was causing the Steven Johnson syndrome, it was blood pressure medication. Evidently, it's a common ingredient in BP meds.

    Jazzy, I did know your name, but have forgotten. No biggie though. You should have quizzed the vitamin dude on women's hormones.

    Cami, I will keep my mouth shut, but only for the sake of my step daughter. I would have loved to hear you talk to vitamin man. I didn't know Joey was color blind, how did they figure it out? Do we get to see your new love seat?

    Wow, that is some dude for Julie!!!

    I will start the FU pills today. I'm over excited!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited January 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday! Got another inch of snow overnight, bright and sunny this ayem.But chilly, 9 degrees on my deck.Very pretty, though.

    Jazzy--Hot and cold yoga, you've done it all, now!Enjoy the music and the rest of the weekend!

    Cammy--I'm not on call again until the last weekend in January. Will be glad to get Pearl back, hopefully that will be sometime this coming week.In the meantime I am grateful to have the rental.Congrats on the new baby!The heated garage sounds like a fun idea.I've wondered if those fancy new pans really work as advertised, you'll have to let us know.

    Goldie--I like the direct patient care work best, but need to do all the paper work to keep Medicare happy.So much of what we chart nowadays has nothing to do with what we are actually doing, the care actually being provided, but is repetitively noting down the same, mostly irrelevant but required by Medicare bits of information.Like if the patient has a Living Will, and what date a copy of it was put in the chart needs to be noted EVERY VISIT. It's crazy.Glad the SIL isn't abusive, but lack of discipline is no gift for a child, either.That can be almost as bad as outright abuse, IMO.

    Great poolside party for Julie!Yeah!

    LOL @ the Egg story!

    Mema--It's funny how many way eggs can be cooked and how many specific preferences there are! And some people are absolutely fanatical about their preferences.Too funny, sometimes.Not that I blame anyone for sending food back, I do that with steak or other meats, like mine cooked AND HOT in the middle, not raw and bleeding like everyone else.But that's ok, we all deserve what we like, right?

    Jazzy--I wonder what would have happened if you had stopped and started grilling Vitamin Man on the effects of his mixture on bc survivors?Bet it could have been very funny.

    Cammy--Hooray for the new love seat!LOLing at the difference in color perception.Reminds me of the big controversy about the dress--blue/black or gold/white-- a while back.Funny what you found underneath, too.


    Goldie--prayers for the FU pill restart, for minimal side effects and maximal anti-cancer effects.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Good sleep on my new loveseat. Dan's going to be sorry he bought this for me and my phone was ringing at 5"30am, I was way to comfortable to move.

    Lori I didn't know u were starting today, I'm praying it will be better for u this time. Damn FURB, u'r going thru way to much. I want to know everything word for word and call me anytime, u know that tho.

    Oh when Joey was learning colors I noticed there were just a few he never got right, ever so when I bought him a big box of cayons I taught him ow to read the names and use that to pick out colors, but he said to him they didn't look like blue, purple and a couple of others. He saw almost all purple-My bother is colored blind and when I told Leslie she thought Oh mom u'r just to close to him and think he should know everything. So I worked with him and he got used to it, but when she took him to the Dr, one time she mentioned it and he did some test and he said yep he's colored blind, he must use a lot of purple cuz he was sure of that color. I told u so Leslie. But the really good part is it doesn't bother him in the least he knows when he looks at certain colors that that's not right so somehow he compensates. His teachers know but none of the kids have ever picked up on it, he's really pretty good about it. What's funny is my brother worked for a paint company in IL and started as a chemist and had to match each barrel of paint for the next batch, well apparently they can see shades better than most, might not know the color but they can match perfectly and my brother did, and he ended up being the President of the company he never told anyone he was color blind. Why do u ask me questions? I give the longest answers and boring ones too. LOL.

    OK I'll be bok too.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    P.S. I just read u NM, I completely forgot about that dress, it's like a wonder dress, yes we all wondered. Strange-Oh I have to see if Joey can get a picture of my love seat while it's new, it won't look like this ong. And u always have the best DOTD's for all of us. And drinking to seeing Pearl asap this week.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2017

    Good morning friends- I actually slept in until 8 a.m. today after having a lazy afternoon yesterday. Giving myself permission to really slow down now, although today will be focused on some home and business things, plus a trip to the gym.

    So where it started with Vitamin Man is with looking for some calcium supplements. I have osteopenia from the AIs, but my MO has countered that with Prolia shots, but you have to keep up with your calcium and Vit D. So as he was spouting about how the calcium drugs keep people from getting osteopenia & osteoporosis, to which my comment was "well I already have it as a side effect of some anti-cancer drugs I take." He paused for a minute, but then went on with his sales pitch. By the time I was at the multi-vitamins, he was back at me and don't even think he remembered talking to me the first time. I am careful with what supplements and the multi I take because I know some have estrogen behaving things in them that we don't want, including some of those herbs that help with the hormones. That is why I am looking for what I know my MO has okay-ed. This guy had a script and a pamphlet he was working and not much else to offer. These supplements cost anywhere between $45-65 for a 30 day supply.

    There is another health food store (Sprouts) that some of you may know of (mostly out west) and they have a much larger supplement section. They always have super helpful people there, and when I was first looking for some things to help relieve the terrible pain in my feet and joints the first six months on the AIs (just a horrible time). That is where I found a woman who recommended some Toprocin for the foot pain, and the hyaluronic acid to help my joints. All okayed by the MO and both have helped so much. I don't use the foot creme as much (feet settled down with time), but the hyaluronic really helps the stiffness. So I need to just go the place that gets it. When I told that woman who helped me find those products, I let her know what was going on and she really worked to find me so solutions.

    Love Whole Foods, but staying out of that section from now on!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2017

    Surprised that WF's vitamin guy didn't know about which supplements have estrogenic effects and that some women (ER+ bc patients) should not take anything, not just “hormones," that acts estrogenic or encourages estrogen production. I remember that when I had an HMO, my gatekeeper PCP was an integrative practitioner, who yanked me off my PPI and put me on deglycerrhized licorice—oh, the heartburn from hell; and suggested that instead of taking any pain relievers for my cramps, I substitute black cohosh & evening primrose. Lord knows how fast (or how much sooner it'd have developed) my tumor would have grown had I heeded his advice rather than demand an OB-GYN referral. Obviously, a dearth of estrogen was not causing my dysmenorrhea, metorrhagia and too-frequent periods. The first was caused by the other two; the second, revealed by a uterine biopsy and TVUS, was adenomyosis (inward-growing fibroids); the third (and the reason why it was so hard for me to conceive & hold on to an early pregnancy) was due to short luteal cycles, so a dearth of LH necessary for embryonic implantation. And it was a surfeit (lifelong) of estrogen (from both my ovaries and the Pill for decades) responsible for all that…and my bc.

    I ditched that HMO long ago and that woo-woo PCP joined an alternative-medicine group.

    My DOTD? Right now, coffee. But probably bourbon—lotsa bourbon--later. Awoke this morning to my already-stained kitchen ceiling above the fridge (and below the master bathroom) dripping and flaking. Upstairs, the culprit turned out to be a leak from the nut-and-bolt at the bottom of the toilet tank. Even if I had a hex wrench, I don't have the strength to loosen the nut; and besides, why should there be a leak from an 8-yr-old top-of-the-line toilet tank to begin with. Called the plumber at 1:30, said it was an emergency but they didn't call back. Figured first step should be to empty the tank by flushing, but first shutting off the refill valve. Tried that—and the plastic valve (with no directional markings, so I figured “righty-tighty"…) knob cracked off in my hand. So I wasn't about to just flush and pray. Put down Plastic bags, then towels and every cup and container I could find (by the toilet and the fridge). Prayed the tank wouldn't fill; nagged them again at 5:15. This time the owner replied and apologized his crew was busy fixing people's burst pipes, but that he was sending his son out right away. (We've used these guys for almost 30 years and watched these kids grow up and join the family business).

    When the toilet issue is addressed, we will have to get a contractor to take down that part of the kitchen ceiling, vacuum out any residual water, and replace it. At a minimum, we'd be unable to use the fridge for as long as it'll take; we face the possibility of having to replace the entire kitchen ceiling and being w/o a kitchen till the paint dries. We have ancient, long-dried water damage to some of the upstairs ceilings, from an ancient leaky roof we had to replace twice (the first roofer we hired didn't use flashing at the gables, just an extra coat of tar and a layer of shingles) as well—so if we do a long-overdue repaint (a nightmare to prep for, with all the stuff we’ve accumulated) we'd have to board out the cats and stay in a nearby hotel, perhaps for weeks. They don't tell you on “This Old House" that perhaps it isn't wise to buy said Old House without doing a total rehab first. (we also need to replace the front steps & porch, repair the inside stairs to the second floor, and replace most of the first floor window frames).

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    Good Morning Ladies.

    Sandy Holy Chit u'e got lots going on, What a job u have to do, to catch up on all repairs to do. It sounds like u'r flipping with all the things that need fixing. Was u'r home rehabbed from the start and the base was an old house? Cuz some of those areas are beautiful be the older homes have been redone and u wonder how much was really done well. Anyway I do hope u get it all figured out and it's a good feeling to have someone working that u know so well.

    I do remember when I got my hysterectomy I did ask about hormones and my dr. at that time said absolutely not. We got everything out and there is no more cancer but I did take something for a while, but I don't know what it was. Of course I do remember talking to my PCP and knew him forever and asked him to explain it to me like I'm 4 yrs old. Cuz he always had to, but it was all so foreign to me I just stayed away from hormones and didn't bother with all that stuff. And forgot about it. Oh I think I told u all about this boring story before so I'll stop. She was the Dr. that was so beautiful that I just figured she got thru med school on her looks, and of course I asked her. Thank God she was nice.

    Marty's surprise party for his mom is Saturday night-Ugh I'm bad, I know but I wish he would have made it for next week cuz my checks come in and it would be a lot easier , he didn't completely think it out. Actually none of us did, so Joey's bank might have to lend some money--no interest of course--oh he gets paid back, it's just funny--None of us think ahead. And now it seems like a lot ess people might be coming but these are people that just show up usually and we really have to know cuz of the food--so Leslie has to make some calls u always want enough food but not so much that it's just a waste. So we'll see.

    Joey came to me last nite with something very heavy in his head and heart and after I pray I told him all that was right, I like to think it was but being 12 is a hard age, I told him he has 2 big responsibilities now, to do his best in school and home and have a lot of good clean fun and enjoy being a kid. Sounds stupid I know that's how I think. Fun is very important to me in life; Oh it's not like I'm keeping a secret of what he said, it's just long telling about it.

    OK, I'll be back.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    Image result for winter recipe alcohol drinksSaving NM a step on Monday Morning

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited January 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monkey Day!A bit chilly this ayem, 2 degrees on the back deck.Actually have a "Cold Alert" on my phone this ayem, and I'm like WTF?Of course it's cold out it's January in Maine!Seems like every little change in the weather big news these days.Didn't do all the meeting notes on the work computer this weekend, so will be on the naughty list this morning.I'm doing a stubborn.Those notes are a routine part of our job, we should have time during the routine work week to do them.I should not have to plan on doing them at home onmy own weekend time every other weekend.So we'll see what kind of trouble I get into.

    Cammy--too funny about the color blind brother working in a paint store and matching shades!The human body can adapt to so much, it's sometimes amazing.And a good sleep on the new love seat, that must have been wonderful!I know that too comfortable to move feeling.Love it when I can indulge in it!And I love your answers to questions!

    Jazzy--The whole supplement/vitamin business is a tricky one.You are right to be cautious about not only what you are taking but where you get it from.Not all supplements actually have what they say they do, and some can be outright harmful in some situations.Best to go where you can talk with someone knowledgeable.

    Chi--oh, my, what a thing to wake up to!I can't imagine going through all that.And to have to re-do some roofing done incorrectly, what a PIA.Do you put your bourbon in your coffee or take it straight?

    Cammy--Hope Marty's surprise party for his mom goes well. The food thing is always a problems, need enough but not too much, so hard to balance.Good advice to Joey, being 12 is hard.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Blue Hawaiian Punch

    Ingredients to use:

    1 litre Blue Curacao

    2 quarts Pineapple Juice

    1.75 litre Rum coconut


    Mix all ingredients in a large punch bowl. Add Sweet & Sour mix to taste. Serve well chilled and garnish with pineapple wedges

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2017

    Good morning friends- lots of cold and snow around for many. I heard the northern CA coast and even Nevada is getting hammered by inches of rain. For my friends out west, please be careful and know some of it is coming this way. I hear even Florida is chilly right now!

    NM- you are so right about the vitamin products sometimes being dangerous. I have been down this road before with people pushing expensive vitamins and supplements. I remember going to a class with one of my gyms one time that was pitched as a nutrition class and nothing more than some vitamin distributor was the presenter telling us all the vitamins in the store were crap and theirs were the best. Waste of my time.

    Ha ha about the notice about cold. I would laugh if I were in Maine in January. Duh!

    Cami- that is good advice for young Joey. Do well in school and home, plus have good clean fun in life. That junior high/middle school time was the worst for me. So much changing for us, going from kids to young adults. Kids are not always nice to each other either, right? I remember 14 just being an awful year, but pulled through it. Then I started getting excited about going to college and really focused on getting good grades. I hope his heavy heart was lifted after talking with Grandma Cami?

    ChiSandy- oh friend, you have some plumbing issues to deal with now. I hope you can get things fixed and you are so right about the ordeal with cleaning out to paint the inside. I did it at my house a couple years ago, in two phases. It forced me to de-clutter, but alas again, I am seeing TMS (too much stuff) and working on that again. I had to move out of my house for a bit into a hotel with the new floors and painting job that were done around the same time. Those Hilton points come in handy when you need to do that (and many Hiltons allow pets too?)

    Finally got the last of the Xmas stuff put away yesterday, which only forced me to take stock of my garage where a lot of my storage things are. Once I get some of the inside stuff dealt with, the next step is to deal with the garage. Lots to do this week, plus a few outings with friends I have not seen in awhile. Then Friday, off to the mountains and my yoga retreat! I may also hear more this week on the new pending work too.

    Wishing everyone a good start to the week!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2017

    NM, you are really getting the cray cray weather girl, be safe out there. I rather thought you preferred hands on with the patients. It's a shame that there is so much paperwork. Too bad they can't hire someone and pay them less to do that for the nurses.

    Boss Lady, I don't know why I ask so many questions. Just tell me it's none of my damn business. Or, you don't wanna go into it! Or, just ignore me. And yes, Joey needs to concentrate on being a kid and having good CLEAN fun…I like that one! Is your love seat also your bed?

    Jazzy, it's crazy what some supplements cost. We have Sprouts, Whole Foods and there is another one, name escapes me now, down in Phoenix, but none up where I live. Wal Mart, Safeway and Basha's.

    Sandy, is that an old home you live in? I can't imagine replacing a ceiling in a home, yikes.

    Oh gosh NM, hoping you don't get in trouble for not doing the paperwork. But it is not right.

    Jazzy, so are you not working right now? And I'm sure we will not hearfrom you next weekend. I need some organizing done around here too.

    Wonder where our birthday gal is. And Mary. Wacko. I don't think Nancy is coming back. Hsant, we hope all is going ok with you dad.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2017

    Good morning loungettes!

    It is a cold snow covered yet sunny morning here in NJ. We had about 7" of snow sunday night. I got my driveway and sidewalks cleared late last night which included the prior snow we had late last week. It was 10 degrees here when I woke up, not as cold as Maine but too cold for my liking. Jest 69 days n 20 hours til Spring darlings!!

    Lori dear Lori, praying so hard that the FU pills do their ting without all the FN se's this time. So proudda you for hanging tough and popping out of the rabbit hole to visit the lounge regularly. You know I luv ya so berry much and pray for you so much and tink of you all the time.

    NM, I hate too that there is so much paperwork needed in nursing. During my hospitalizations a few years back, I always talked to the nurses about this subject and told them that I had a good friend, being you, who makes me truly appreciate all that a nurse has to do. I am glad you had a nice relaxing weekend. And poor Sadie not wanting to go outside to pee, I can't blame her. She must be the best warmer in bed, my lil girls are tiny but keep me warm at night. I was actually co ld last night since I only use a light blankey since I get so hot when I sleep. I got up and put a throw on at 2am.

    Chi, sorry about the leak, sounds like a mess. Hope the fix is not as difficult as it appears it will be. How old is your home? I love an old home, they have so much character. My first home was built in the late 1800's and I just loved the wood trim, the pocket doors from the living room to the foyer and the double doors to the front entry doors. I also had a really cool wrap around front porch and the windows in the living room went to the floor. It was a money pit though and the prior owners did things to it that made me ill. Over the years, some a-hole painted over the beautiful old wood, painted it ich ! Ugh, many mueany coats. The master bedroom had built in sconce lamps which were brass, also painted over in white, ughhhhh!!!! Had I stayed there, I would have loved to have that stripped down and refinished all of the trim and floors it would cost a fortune. Good luck, fingers crossed for ya!

    Camm, yay for the new love seat! So glad you like it and that it is comfy. Happy that you were able to help Joey with his issue and heart, God Bless his lil heart. You give him the best advise, he is blessed to have you. off subject note - mese damn fingers on right hand are back to typing horribly, cursor keeps jumping up (if you see random letters attached to words, that is why). no idea what I am hitting. Hmmm, so annoying, fingers are numb still with fits of tingly pain. Getting my left hand done on the 30th, a good idea? Anyway, back to you, love love love your rambles/stories. And a big congrats to Dan and his family on the pending arrival. Wooo hoooooo, furciting for all!!

    Jazzy, I admire your willpower to be organized. I have way way way TOO MUCH stuff for my small home. I am glad that you are going to finally have your getaway, so well deserved. Enjoy the time with your friends. And fingers crossed that the next work endeavor is much easier on you than the last. And thanks you (and others too) for continued support in my personal woes, ie headaches, unemployment etc. More to follow on subject. Stay warm.

    Genny, hi there, so sorry that you wrote a heart felt post then bam, it nessappeared, that sucks so much. Hope all is well.

    Julie, happy birthday, hope it was a great day for you. Pls send some of that Fl sunshine this way although I know it is chilly there too. Miss seeing you here.

    Why Nancy not coming in, I see you reading??? Bawling

    Gonna hit submit cuz I feel that fn gremlin stalking mese! until then, brb.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2017

    Goldie- not working right now and so enjoying it after pushing hard for a full year on that contract I just finished. Can't tell you how nice it is to get up on a monday morning, and NOT have to get in the car and go to that client site. Good to be grateful for the work, also good to know when you have delivered and can let go. I do have some new work in development with my new collaboration partners. They have another discussion with the possible client tomorrow via a demo and may hear more on that this week. My hope is that I will get a good six weeks off, but planned to be off through February. This is a benefit of what I do, big contracts and then time off (ahh......)

    I have so many accrued things to deal with around the house, with my business for tax time, with health, etc. Next week I am taking the other car in to have that hail damaged addressed that happened in Nov and also have some dental work to do. Then the following week is follow up week with my six month mammo, MO visit and Prolia shot. SickTired

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2017

    I'm bock as Arnold S would say! Had to grab a breakfast bar and another cup of coffee. And an advil.

    Lori, forgot to comment on your trip. OMG, the nerve of that basturd, kudos to you for keeping your cool. Curse on that SOB, will think of sumting.

    Suz, lol glad your car wuzn't dwunk for a change. Thanks for telling me it takes time to get used to the guard. I had to take it out at 2am last night, my teeth were screaming. And of course, I woke up with a headache. Didn't your doc put you on a soft food diet? My mouth is a mess right now.

    So girls, hoping to hear from unemployment anyday. I just checked to see how long it took to get an answer from my first appeal hearing and noticed that the decision was made same day as the hearing. I will be watching the website along with my bank account for a nice deposit. I will be absolutely floored if I am turned down again.

    I am doing part I of 2, getting teeth scaled and root planing tomorrow afternoon. I thought of putting off until my mouth is less traumatized but wtf, I want to get it over with. From what I hear, it is not fun. And a cost of 1200 is painful. I need about another 1500 or more dental work but going to defer some of it in hopes that I have dental insurance in the near future. Have to start thinking about finding employment ick, don't wanna!! Not much out there now, rates are up from the historic lows and this time of year is slow in the industry. Spring is time. The results of the hearing will impact how quickly I get back to my pursuit.

    Correction to first post, snow here was Sat night, not last night, duh me! Well that's it for now. Gotta get back to doing what I do....wishing I was organizing as Jazzy is likely doing!

    more cheeRs!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2017

    Dara- fingers crossed for you. I feel positive you will get a good outcome here. Will they notify you outside of the web site and watching to see you get an unemployment check? Will they give you the back checks too or this point going forward? Been awhile since I did the unemployment route, had to a couple times in the 1990s and know it is all too tricky even in the best circumstances.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited January 2017

    Morning DahhhLinKs

    Dara - that's a lot of work on ur teeth OMG hoping and praying for the best. Be sure to ask the dentist if u can still use the guards or wait until your teef are healed. And yes, my dentist said 'soft food' and less talking for 2 weeks. Which I did, and since then I have noticed a little more pain if I eat something hard or that requires a lot of chewing, like gum, he said NO GUM. Anyway, it's not easy but take it one day at a time and you'll pull thru, u r TOUGH and we all lubs u so much we want u all better soonliest.

    Lowweee - I have applied for disability from soc sec, was denied, then got a packet in the mail to fill out and mail in, did that 6 weeks ago and still haven't heard back. Gonna call today and try to get estimate of when I will hear. Glad u are hanging in there...still praying hard for you.

    Someone mentioned my complaining about the cold...yes I kno real cold like 20 below, but that is why we moved back to so NV. My heart goes out to all who have to put up with real cold.

    Jazz - time off is what you need, but am glad to hear u have something else in the works, hope all come to fruition.

    Sandy - if that home were mine I'd freak out, sounds like so much water damage. Hope you can get all repaired soon and reasonable costs.

    Well cleaning crew is here, gotta get outta there way.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2017

    My house was built in 1908, technically “American foursquare," but what is referred to in Chicago as an “LSB" (Large Stucco Box). There were several modifications over the decades: in the post-WWII housing demand surge, the owners converted it to a 2-flat, and some of those details remain: cast iron rail on the lower part of the interior staircase, which unlike those of other homes on the block built by the same developer was walled-off; strange pattern of ceramic tile in the foyer; front porch enclosed & carpeted, 2 upper BRs converted into one large one intended to be a living room; middle bedroom fitted with plumbing, gas line & cabinets to be a kitchen; rear BR turned into a dining room. The immediately previous owners wisely reversed some of this in the late '60s, capping off the upstairs kitchen plumbing & gas lines. But they did a lot of tacky '60s-'70s things liked dropped ceilings in the dining room and downstairs bath, ugly disco-foil wallpaper in the foyer; cork-tile walls in part of the living room and full paneling on the wall on the living room side of the staircase; tacky faux-grasscloth wallpaper along the other side of the staircase wall; painting the master bedroom (those original 2 BRs with the wall between removed) dark brown with a tan ceiling); and carpeting the master bath. They left intact the 1920s frame garage, and the 1950s hex-tile roof over the original front section (incl. the enclosed porch) intact; removed the rear upper exterior stairs in the former upstairs “dining room" (but left the door in place); built a rear deck; and tar-roofed the rear flat roof over the extension. But they did a striking kitchen remodel with Scandinavian-style cabinets and custom surround for the fridge—the kitchen is huge, with a tiled eat-in area.

    We replaced the crumbling concrete front exterior steps and cast iron banisters with a wood porch more in keeping with the style of the house; replaced the roof (twice) as well as soffits & fascia; demolished the old garage and built a newer 2-car one; completely tiled and papered the upstairs bath and replaced the asphalt tiles in the first floor bath with quarry tile; ditched the foil wallpaper for a mini-Colonial print; and have gone through several toilets (on all 3 floors), ranges, dishwashers & fridges (eventually doing away with the custom surround as each successive fridge was too big to fit). We did put in a second handrail for my FIL for the two years he lived with us; and replaced the rickety rotting deck 4 yrs ago (though we may have to modify it because water puddles in spots rather than passing through it due to the planks being too close together).

    The toilet-tank leak was due to various rotting rubber gaskets and flapper (courtesy of Chicago's hard chlorinated water), and has now been fixed. The restoration co. is en route to see if there's still water above any ceilings—they will probably only have to replace & repaint parts of the drywall in the ceiling—but if they see mold, there's a remediation process that can bar access, one at a time, to the rooms being treated so we needn't move out.

    Last night's DOTD was water…to wash down a Vitamin X.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited January 2017

    Good evening, ladies! After about four days of temps in the teens and below (for NM that's balmy for this time of the year), we had temps in the 20s and we're getting temps in the 40s tomorrow for a few days.

    Well, my dad caught what appears to be a cold, and it's kind of freaking me out, because his health issues are respiratory related. He has pulmonary fibrosis due to a botched surgery (aortic aneurism in his stomach) back in '03, and was in the hospital for almost a year with a trach tube, and had ten bouts of pneumonia during that period of time (along with several bouts of sepsis. He survived it and thrived once he was home, but now his lungs are shot. He's doing well, but he's extremely susceptible to pneumonia. So fingers crossed that this doesn't progress.

    P.s. I'm on my third glass (and last, maybe....) of Klinkerbrick Zinfandel.

    Julie, Happy belated Birthday! I hope it was wonderful! Firsts are hard when you lose a loved one. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Cami, I'm so happy I saw your photos before Goldie took them down. You are so beautiful! Somebody posted a photo of you and your daughter some time back when she looked to be about 12 or 13 (she reminded me of Jodie Foster at that age), and you haven't changed at all. The love seat sounds lovely, but more importantly comfy. Sometimes the ones who love you know best. Your family has your back.

    Mema, That massage chair looks super inviting, I mean for me (just kidding....kind of)! What a great gift! Enjoy it. Maybe with a cocktail? and how awesome that you won $2500! Great way to kick off 2017.

    Sandy, Thank you for mentioning the Acapella (makes me think singing with out instrumentals) PEP therapy. I've done some research, but I'm a little confused. Is it similar to a CPAP? Is it invasive?

    I can't even with all your house issues. I'm sure your home is beautiful, but My head reels, because we've been thru this. When I was diagnosed with BC, we had to replace all the pipes under our house. It was messy, expensive, and I just didn't want strangers in the house at that time. The hubs is an architect, bought a fixer upper, and we gutted our house about ten years ago, did a full remodel. Oy. A real test on a marriage.

    Genny, I hate when I lose a post I've been working on for a long time, which is why I create it in a new email, and copy and paste. Hope you had a wonderful holiday! How's the weather in your 'hood?

    Native, The wine group sounds dee-vine. Definitely check it out. What was the end result of the cost for Pearl? If you posted, I apologize. I missed it. It sounds like it was relatively (as far as cars go) reasonable. Engines are so expensive to replace, but it sounds like you didn't need to do that. Love all the cocktails you posted!

    Goldie, I am so sorry to hear about the Mets progressing, but I do know you are one strong lady. It does sound like maybe your Xeloda dosage was too high??? My sis had many, horrible SE's from this, before her MO adjusted the dosage. Sending you a big, hug! My prayers are with you!

    Your mom has stayed out of the hospital for a month, which is a good thing. How's your son holding up? I never heard of Steven Johnsons syndrome. Yikes! {{{Goldie}}}}

    Jazzy, thank you for you kind thoughts. Have a wonderful time at the hot springs this weekend. It's great that you're getting to the gym on a regular basis. I hope you're enjoying your free time before your next gig. Sounds like you are!

    Dara, you are so funny! When I get nauseated I also wonder if I got knocked up, too! So what if I have one foot in the menopausal door, and I haven't had sex since Jesus was in high school. Hey, it's possible!

    Big yay to the hearing going well! I'm a big believer in karma, so I know that c**tjudge will get her due justice😀😀😀. Never, and I mean never underestimate the need for some good old fashioned self medication in what I refer to as liquid love.

    I am so happy to hear that the mouth guard is helping with your headaches. That is truly great news! Wishing you the best, always {{{Dara}}}.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2017

    hsant, the Acappella is neither a CPAP nor invasive. It isn’t even electric. It’s a clear plastic (tinted green for most people, blue for those with weak lung capacity) pear-shaped thingy. You blow into it, and a little diaphragm inside it vibrates, making your lungs vibrate. That shakes stubborn phlegm off your alveoli (air sacs) and bronchi so you can cough it up more easily in order to get it out of your lungs so it won’t stay there and fester—not to mention ameliorating severe chest and ab-muscle pain from coughing too hard. (Not to be confused with an incentive spirometer--that thingy the respiratory therapist brings you after any general anesthesia into which you inhale & exhale to keep the three little plastic balls in the air within their tubes—to improve your lung power and prevent pneumonia. You might have one each as souvenirs from every major surgery you’ve had).

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    Hi Ladies,

    Oh Lori I lubs how u ask questions, u always have and for me to talk about it is goofy, cuz I'm the one who wants to know word for word what's going on.U'r so cute.

    Jazzy I admire how u balance u'r time off with u'r own work and fun too. It gives u a chance to clear u'r mind for u'r next job with plenty of time in between.

    Oh Dara what a time u'r having, but anyone who can walk around with a huge whole in u'r stomach can get thru all of this (I still member it) And altho people have said all the gum work is painful, believe me it's not, so no worries about that. I'd be checking my balance after midnite every day.

    And what's happening with Nancy? Are we dwindling?Oh get this, well of course I now have my D and I was informed if I still have it on Sat. for the party Jodie is coming to pick me up. LOL Leslie said u'll be so embarrassed, and of course I'm the life of the party so they'll all be miserable. hehe Now Joey says he wishes he could just come with me so do I cuz I'll have to put up with FF so I have to call Nicky and see if I go if he wants to come too--he sleeps overnight with me. And it's so much easier putting up with FF then. We laugh at him and he's so drunk he doesn't know. stupid FF. Of course it would be awful to have all these people hereand I'm a mess. Oh well.

    OK I'll settle in for now and see u in the morning.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited January 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Going to be a long day at work today, long morning meeting, then a full day of visits with alot of driving.But, I have tomorrow off to go to the eye doctor and the Wednesday, Women and Wine get together. So got to get 5 days of visits done in 4 days. But that's ok.Did all the meeting notes in the office in the time before the Monday ayem meeting started, going to do it that way from now on and not on weekends. Worked really well as far as I am concerned.

    Cammy--thanks for the DOTD, sorry to bump you into the pool!

    Jazzy--The vitamin and supplement market is very competitive, but there are ways to be sure you are getting what you think you are getting. And doing your own research is usually best. Those "ours are best, all others are crap" lectures are a real waste of time, aren't they? Praying for good news for the new project.

    Goldie--the company would hire people to do the paperwork, but Medicare doesn't allow that.The documentation MUST be done by the nurse, doc, social worker, Chaplain, aide, whoever.No shortcuts allowed.Didn't get into any trouble with the paper work. Technically I have until noon on Monday to get it in, was done by 8:30.

    Dara--love the countdown to spring! Dogs of every size are great bed warmers, aren't they? I love it when Sadie uses my head for a pillow, and I end up waking up with her snout on my ear. Not so fond of when she parks her snout on my nose, though. But I've used her as a pillow, too, when she wouldn't move off the pillows, so fair is fair, right?

    Jazzy-Good to get all that stuff out of the way before the next project starts. Not fun but necessary.

    Dara--praying for good news from the hearing!

    Mema--Good advice for Dara!

    Chi--Wow, that is a lot of work on the house! Glad you've got a good plan in place for repairs and clean up.

    Hsant--contact your Dad's doc and get a script for an antibiotic--your Dad is likely to need it and starting it sooner can ward off a bout of pneumonia, or at least keep it from becoming a big problem. Final bill on Pearl hasn't come in yet, so far the estimate is at $500 for the engine replacement using a used engine. Hope to get her back this week, but haven't heard yet.

    Image result for winter recipe alcohol drinks

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited January 2017

    Good morning girls, been trying to get back since that nasty gremlin m-f-er got me. I worked for 90 minutes catching upend commenting on everything and then didn't hit submit! So it really wasn't gremlin's fault just my stupidness. I do have to work today and get dogs to the park so I can't make up for the missing post but wanted to stop by. Had Nora's b-day party on Saturday, she is 3 now and got a bunch more stuff that she doesn't need. Her parents will need to buy a new house just for all her toys! We put $100 in her savings account that we opened on her 1st Xmas and gave her something small to open. She's now got more $$ in hers than her parents have in theirs. New dog is working out well, we changed his name from Jagger to Louie, fits him better and he is learning it well. We can take him off the leash and let him run at the park and thru the woods, he stays right with us. Moose is teaching him to cuddle, he's never quite convinced Emma so he started on Louie right away. I'm convinced he thinks he's a GSD since I got him when he was 2 weeks old and he was raised by the on we had then. B/P is still up, this morning 150/95. I went to cardiologist on Friday, he added HCTZ to my Norvasc, ordered a non-contrast stress test for 2 weeks, thought new med should kick in by then. He told me I could start working out again but other then my 2 miles with the dogs I haven't started yet. Been on low sodium diet, no drinking, super healthy eating, hasn't made a bit of a difference, but I have lost 5 pounds. Went to ortho guy and had 30 cc drained off my knee and a steroid inj, go back in 2 weeks if it's still hurting and then he will order MRI, if the injection does the trick then it's arthritis, if not probably torn meniscus. Guess my running days are over for sure, now just try to to make this old knee last till I retire then maybe have to get it replaced. Would prefer to wait till I'm 65 and medicare kicks in.

    Lori, praying for few se's from the fu pills. I went off my AI's for a total of 5 weeks, won't ever do that again, just about the time I realized how I felt w/o them I had to readjust to how I feel with them. Nothing major just a bit more achey and blah. Hope you can find a dose that keeps the rat bastard at bay and yet keeps you feeling good. I have to go back and read the story about your D ? was it?

    Cami, yay on the new loveseat, so glad you got what you wanted and are happy with it and got to start with a clean sleep under it. Hope Joey's heart is feeling better, I'm sure you help him so much. Jr HS is such a tough age, esp now with social media.

    NM, glad to hear you are getting Pearl back, hoping you have a much better year at work and end up with the job of your dreams, you have earned it for sure.

    Jazzy, sounds like you're getting a nice respite to recharge your batteries for the year ahead. Hopefully you'll get some good projects going.

    Sandy, oh my that sounds like a big project in your bath and kitchen. Hope you find some contractors that get it done quick, having a torn up kitchen is no fun!

    Sue, good to call hubby after the dwinkies, worth the trouble the next day for shur. Enjoy your special chair, I have tried those and they are wonderful!

    Dara, I am praying hard for you!!! I so hope you win, glad the preliminary part of it went well. Hope the mouthpiece brings you more relief and the dental work too. Don't know how you can get a new job with daily migraines!

    Julie, happy birthday girl!!!

    hsant, so sorry to hear about your dad's cold… hope it's a mild one and doesn't case any problems with his lungs. Enjoy that wine for me, DH and i are on the wagon for the month of January, except for 2 glasses of wine on Saturday night. We are both trying to lose weight , ugh…

    OK, that was pretty condensed and I'm sorry if I missed anyone but I have to bundle up and get pooches out. Love to all, I've got pics to post when I get some time. Love to all!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2017

    Dork, we are all waiting with baited breath (whatever the hail that means) to see what is going to happen. We all want to see that big ole check put into your account. It's heart wrenching when you see how someone's has painted over old history.

    Jazzy, I kind of thought maybe you were off. So glad for you. Like you said, work hard all year, or however long it takes and then this nice time off. ENJOY my friend, although our weather is looking pretty gray and windy for the next few days, at least that is the forecast for around here.

    LDB, when I applied for disability, I went right in the office. Everything went fine and approval without incident. They cannot deny you! AND you should get retro pay too maybe. I would say go in and talk to someone. Did it say why you were denied? I had to quit taking a check for work, as I was making too much.

    Sandy, had to laff at the LSB for the house. 1908 wow. How long have you lived there? I would love to see any pictures that you might like to share, before or after restorations.

    Hsant, always good to see you pop in, but I will say it scares me. I scroll through your post to make sure your dad is still with us. Praying that he does NOT get pneumonia. Our home is a total remodel too, but it wasrepo modular. We couldn't get anyone to come out to where we live to build, too remote. So we pretty much gutted the entire thing, except for the outside supporting walls. Took us a year and a half. OMG too funny, no sex since JC was in HS!!! My mom and my son have had differences recently and my son is moving out. Which, I'm actually glad of this. It will be best for both of them.

    Boss Lady, we all love when you talk, ramble, carry one, tell a story, etc. Sometimes when I'm reading, I can put myself into the situation being discussed. Do I have this right? They are throwing your butt outta the house if you have D on Saturday? They don't want you around, if that is the case? And who is Nicky? And when do you hear about your stool samples that you sent in. Oooooops, I'm asking questions!

    NM, yay for getting the paper work done before the meeting and it worked out AOK. I guess there's just no getting outta the paperwork, eh?

    Mary, no way, it was the gremlins! I saw em! Love that you have the bank account for Nora. We tried to do money certificates, can't think of what they are called now. But anyways, they just aren't worth it anymore. I was totally disgusted at the amount of money my g'dau. was allowed to spend on CRAP. Glad the new pooch is working out. Who came up with the name Louie? Will he go to school to become a service dog, or whatever Emma's title is. Again, can't think. Remember, I'm a scarecrow! Gosh, I wish they could figure out that high BP. No drinking and dieting not helping? Well don't that just suck the big one! But good on the weight loss. Sorry, I deleted my story! Didn't want it sitting there. Just as I do with pictures on occasion. Post and go back in few days and delete them.

    Nancy has not logged in since July. It is a common thing for girls to come here and then when they are done with treatment and life starts to take on some normalcy, they don't post as often or at all. And move on with life. It's ok! And I give them kudos for that.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2017

    Good morning ladies- wow, lots of great updates from so many today!

    I was reminded yesterday it is so nice to wake up on a Monday and not have to be anywhere! I have been able to get to one of my favorite yoga classes three weeks in a row now (less cold this time, but the heat is not totally fixed in that room). Got some paperwork things and errands done. Today I am going to focus on more of the paperwork things and get some tax prep work going. A trip to the gym later for a weight work out. Chiseling away at my to do list.....

    Hsant- good to hear from you and sorry about your dads cold. I have had asthma my whole life and always been at risk for respiratory things, even more so now as I get older. I hope your dad's cold remains a cold, and nothing more. That being said, a cold is a difficult thing too for an older person. The zin sounded yummy and I love the term liquid love.

    Genny- well, congrats on the weight loss even if that was not a particular goal. Sometimes our bodies need a bit of time to adjust to new routines like eating better. I hope your next heart tests go well and the knee situation is better too.

    NM- they are still working on Pearl, yes? Glad you have your wine and women event this week. Do let us know if you sample anything particularly good?

    MemaSue- regarding disability, I know from several friends it is pretty tough to get these days, and many have had to do multiple submissions through time to get it. Sometimes folks get an atty involved to help, although that costs money, right?

    Are you having flood in your area? I know that Reno is flooding. The west coast is getting killed with moisture right now.

    Cami- didn't you send in some samples to have your poop checked? No results yet? I hope you can go to the party and not have problems. So hard to be tied to a bathroom. Not sure who Nancy is either......

    We are having all kinds of weather this week from mild conditions again, to high winds last night, and more snow coming. January seems to be a weather adventure everywhere you go right now.

    Onward to my chores and tasks of the day. Wishing everyone a good Tuesday!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2017

    The remediation crew is vacuuming up the dust from the kitchen ceiling over & around the fridge, which they had to take down to the studs. Too much water in the wood to just sand and drill vac tube holes.(All they needed to do in the bath was clean & disinfect around the toilet). That's a helluva lotta plaster! Meanwhile, the fridge area is tented off and they have a fan going to dry out the wood. We can access the fridge but only for short ins-&-outs. They estimate 72 hrs. for the drying to be completed, and then will return to remove their gear & temporarily close up the space. The restoration crew will take over on Tues. morning, first doing an estimate for the kitchen, and then for the sand-off, skim-coat and paint for the 3 areas upstairs (which won't need to be taken down because the infrared gun showed they were bone-dry). I will insist that the kitchen ceiling re-do be lath & plaster, not drywall. That might double the cost, but it's more fire-resistant and mold-proof.

    Believe me, you don't wanna see pix. Yet. (I'm not quite a hoarder, but an accumulator). Come Aug. we'll have lived here 30 yrs (out of 38 in Chicago).

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2017

    It's even worse than I thought. There is plaster dust all over everything in the kitchen and in most of the dining room. There is a huge dehumidifier purging into the sink, a big HEPA air cleaner (supposedly to catch whatever dust didn't settle on all our stuff) and two giant fans blowing air up polyethylene tubes into the tarp above the fridge (which also covers the soffit). We have to keep these in place for 72 hrs (at least). Can't go to a hotel, since we have to monitor the equipment to make sure it's working, and to keep the kitties away from it. I was able to wipe down the fridge & microwave; we have paper plates and plastic cups in a closet in another room, can wash eating utensils and order out. (Stove is now so dust-covered that I'm terrified to light a burner even if I can wipe it down). I also wiped down the Nespresso and Keurig and washed the Aeroccino. Must…have…coffee. Had to wash & relocate the cat food dishes and water pan to the living room—but neither cat will go near them. Can't say as I blame them. It'll be fun taking my meds tonight too—will have to wipe down every bottle that's exposed (yup, they're in the kitchen).

    They lied about the upstairs bathroom—their infrared gun found water beneath the tiles below and behind the toilet, so now they have a giant dehumidifier…no, wait—it's malfunctioning so they're going back to their shop an hour away for another one…and fan sitting right outside the bathroom door too. The alternative would be a “tile drying kit:" drilling through the grout, removing tile, putting down rubber mats on the subfloor, and upping the bill by Lord knows how much (and taking just as long) They assure us it's safe to shower, so long as we keep the stuff running (they swear it's safe and not an electrocution hazard) and—get this—the door open, to dissipate any steam we generate! Yup—we have to yell “Heads down, look away, using the bathroom!" every time we go in there to use the toilet or shower to avoid giving anyone a “free show," as we used to say when we were little poop-joke-obsessed kids. The downstairs shower barely works—you can just about water a small plant with it. I'd initiate my BCBS gym membership just to shower and wash my hair at L.A. Fitness—except it's horrid outside, with gale force winds and pouring rain. 48F, feels like 32. And the front seems to have stalled, so it'll keep raining till it starts snowing later in the week. Ugh.

    Gordy is still asleep—keeps odd hours, works nights then stays up till dawn writing. All this stuff is right outside his bedroom door. I dread having to wake him up and explain what he can and can't do. I called Bob. He doesn't want to stay down in Oak Lawn tonight. I'm terrified he will get up during the night to pee, trip on something and end up falling or fracturing a bone or worse. Naturally, this is all my fault. Why? Because it's not his. Because I talked him into buying an old house (which he says he now loves and doesn't ever want to sell) 30 years ago. (Mind you, the toilet and its hardware are only 8 years old). And because I'm here, and discovered it a few hours after he left for work on Sunday morning. That's right—he went to the bathroom and didn't notice the floor was wet nor hear any dripping. He went down to the kitchen to take his meds, drink his juice and make a cup of coffee, and didn't notice puddles and paint flakes on the floor, water dripping down the front of the fridge or from the ceiling. But I slept in, discovered it, set in motion the steps to get it remedied, and am therefore to blame. (He hasn't said this, of course, but somehow it's always my fault even when it's nobody's fault).

    But wait—as they say on the infomercials—there's more! Guess who's coming over tomorrow morning. Yup, Macy's White Glove Furniture Delivery. To deliver my son's new bedroom set. To the room right next to the bathroom. The repair crew says that the furniture guys can move it out of the way temporarily in order to make room to get the furniture in. Macy's delivery page says service includes “moving like furniture into another room on the same level." I hope they can interpret dragging the dehumidifier ten feet and the huge balance-beam scale into the bathroom as within those parameters. Everything they are replacing is already gone, so I'm hoping this'll go smoothly.

    They promise that if all is dry after 72 hrs they will remove all equipment and clean up thoroughly. They have no idea what that's gonna entail. I'm probably going to have to throw away a lot of food that isn't sealed nor fully washable & peelable. (They put the dropcloth down, but plaster dust settled anyway). The restoration crew is coming Tuesday to give an estimate of what it'll cost to fix the kitchen ceiling, as well as to sand off, re-paint and re-plaster the stable dried-up ceiling damage upstairs from decades-old leaks in three rooms. I will ask them to be more honest about how much and how long that will disrupt our lives—and if I get the run-around or they tell me they'll have to do any demolition, I will let the next buyers deal with it (and credit their repair costs against the sale price).

    All this because one little rubber gasket between the bottom of the toilet tank, bolt and hex nut decided overnight Sat. into Sunday to fail. What's that poem, “for the want of a nail…a kingdom was lost?"

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338
    edited January 2017

    Sandy, won't your homeowners insurance cover most of this?? It sucks.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2017

    Yes, Peggy, it will…and then I will be in danger of being dropped if I file another claim, so said the damage inspector for the restoration company (the best in Chicago, which works with all insurers). The remediation team guys were surprised that I’m going out of pocket. But we aren’t even halfway through winter, and then comes spring & summer flood and tornado season. I can’t assume that this would be my only claim this year; despite not having filed one since 1989 (not even for the raccoon damage), in IL State Farm will drop you after two claims w/in a year (and they’re getting stingier).

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2017

    Hey girls,

    I am just beside myself, got the unemployment determination and once again denied. The bitch is playing games with my mind. Can't get further into it now, too upset. Had my dental procedure done, Cam was right, it was not nearly as bad as expected.

    Sandy, so sorry you are going through all this. But stop blaming yourself, it if of no help. This too shall pass. Your DH and son will be just fine, the furniture delivery will work out and the place will be good as new in no time (I know, easy for me to say),

    Hsant prayers for your dear Daddy that he is able to easily get over the cold. Sorry you are going through this fear, praying for you and your Daddy too.

    Will catch up more later, very tired but having trouble sleeping.

    cheeRs! and lots of love to all!!