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how about drinking?



  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited January 2017

    Good morning girls, typing from word so no chance of gremlin attacks. Our lounge has been bizzy lately, harder and harder to keep up if not popping in daily, that's a good thing!

    Cami, my knee is still doing fine, ortho guy made me an appt for Monday just in case it started to hurt again but said cancel if not so I'm canceling it. Maybe I'll just need a steroid shot every now and then. I've been on my feet for 42 years, they don't know any different, I'm more uncomfortable when I have to sit for long periods of time. Oh my so sorry about the bad D, and all samples normal! I was so hoping they'd find something… I'm sorry Cami. Glad Dan was able to fix your puter, techy people like that amaze me, I don't understand these viruses and worms, let alone know how to kill them. My DH was up all night with the techs in India trying to fix his puter. It won't let him into any files, they say it's not a virus, maybe a corrupted file but so far no luck on fixing it. He had to turn over the contents to them and they are trying to figure it out, he pays for Dell Support so it's covered under his warranty. Sure hope they can get it fixed or I'm gonna have one super stressed hubby for awhile! Hope you got to make it to the party. Haha, closing the post like the old days of closing the bar…

    Lori, thanks for pm-ing the story, he sounds like a real piece of work! Don't you just want to shake the living chit out of your SD for putting up with him! I'm not sure I could've kept my mouth shut, you did a good job. And the hairdresser in me could never ever have kept a brush out of that, of course you were out in public, not at a house so I guess there was not much to be done. Bet you were glad when that day was over! I have to really sit down and read some more about MMJ and it's benefits. I'd never heard of CBD, looked it up briefly and it sounds very interesting. How do you find reputable companies so that you know you are getting what they say you are getting? You're right Nora does look a lot like her mom, and her Great gramma on my DIL's dad's side. The more I think about it the more I hope they don't have another one, just not enough money, afraid of the stress they'd be under. I'm so sorry you had to go back on the FU pills, and the weight loss, 130 would be great for me but not nearly enough for your tall self. I told you I took a 6 week break from my AI's, I will never do that again, I was just starting to remember how I felt w'o them and it took about 3 weeks back on them and I had to get used to the se's all aver again. Now my body has adjusted again and the fatigue and aches and pains are my normal me so I'd rather blame it on aging then have to know it's that toopid little pill. Have you told your kids yet about the progression? I'm gald too that your DS is moving out of your mom's, sounds like they both kind of enable each other. Enjoy your company.

    Jazzy, oh, I need to clean out my pantry, it's a mess, on my long list of things I need to get to. Hoping today to get into Nora's toy box, get rid of the old to make room for all the stuff I gave her for Christmas. Sounds like you've got some good irons in the fire for work. Thanks for the well wishes for Emma, DH thinks they got the "terminal" dx wrong and the fluid build-up around her heart was a fluke but I don't see how the scan could be wrong, there is some kind of abnormal growth on her heart. We shall see, so far so good, she just seems to be a normal senior dog right now. One of these days I would so love to do a yoga retreat, please tell us all about it when you get back. A pickle martini? hmmm, sounds interesting.

    NM, B/P much better, I'm not sure about the HTCZ tho, I've been feeling really crappy for several hours each day, GI upset, gas pain type stuff and super fatigued in the middle of the day which is not like me at all, just a general feeling of BLAH….thought I was getting a bug or something, then it occurred to me that I was on this new med and taking it in the morning, so I switched it to evening on Thursday night and woke up feeling crappy yesterday till about 4. So I didn't take it last night and I'm going to skip it tonight and take it on Sunday night and see how I feel on Monday. IDK, maybe related, maybe not, we will see. The Norvasc didn't bother me at all. So glad to hear they got some LPN's to help with your case load, is that going to be a regular thing? The wine night sounds right up my alley, sounds like something to look forward to each month, and a great way to meet new friends! Oh, paying off the mortgage, how nice that would be!

    Sandy, The house stuff just keeps going from bad to worse, ugh, nothing to say except this too shall pass, eventually it'll all be back in order. If you posted a pic of the kitties I missed it, I would love to see one. Can't imagine not driving, living in Ohio would not be much of and option unless you lived right in the city. Uber has certainly made things much easier, when you figure the cost to main tain a car it's probably cheaper too.
    Hi Peg

    DH and I made it 2 whole weeks (Sunday-Thursday) without alcohol, that's huge for us. Last night we just had to do it, opened a bottle of Decoy Pinot Noir, was very delicious and when we finish it he jokingly said to me "now don't you dare open another bottle!" which meant he wanted me to but I told him… no we don't need it, we'll have some tomorrow… and that's what we did! So we've cut our drinking from 2-4/day to 2-4 week. We have been talking about making this commitment for a long time and it's getting easier, just a matter of changing our habits. It started as a January commitment but I'm quite sure we'll make it a permanent one. It occurred to me yesterday that I have stopped my daily squirts of nose spray, sinuses much more open and my hot flashes are almost down to nothing since we gave up the daily sauce. And we decided that if we limit our intake to wine only on weekends we can buy the good stuff and really sit and enjoy it instead of mindlessly drinking $7 bottles of wine. Well, I've just finished my 3rd cup of coffee, DH is awake and pooches are getting restless so time to get moving. Have a great day everybody!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited January 2017


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited January 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy sunny Saturday!I'm late getting on here today, had lots and lots of e-mail to clean up, hadn't been keeping up during the week.It's come off cold here, 8 degrees when Sadie and I got up.40 degree difference from yesterday. Quite brisk out there, fortunately, no real wind, just a bit of breeze.Clothes are freezing on the line pretty quickly!No word about Pearl, which has me worried that there is a problem I haven't heard about.Hopefully it's just a matter of waiting for some miscellaneous part or something.

    Cammy--nothing like a good night's sleep, right? I think you'll find your computer works faster now that Dan has cleaned it out. Nice that DD can walk everywhere.

    Goldie-have a good day in town!

    Jazzy--ooh,that pickle martini does sound yummy!

    Cammy--ah, patience, always hard to find and hold on to. I can imagine what swearing sounds like in Italian,I bet it's fun to listen to! Hope you get to the party and do find something to eat.

    Oh, wow, Cammy, what a great DOTD!

    Goldie--Love the emoticons! Who is Putnam? That poor little girl.She and her mother will regret letting her get away with that someday soon.

    Genny--if you are feeling yucky after taking HCTZ you are probably low on potassium.Try eating a banana or two a day, or drinking a couple glasses of OJ, or a couple of potatoes per day.I'm assuming you have a follow up appointment with one of your docs, with blood work planned, that would be to look for this kind of thing in particular. It's looking like I'll be getting help on a more regular basis, which is very good timing, cuz I was just about burned out. Getting the mortgage paid off would go a long way toward getting out of debt entirely.Definitely going to work on this. Good for you and DH on the commitment keeping!That takes will power, and you two definitely have it! Yeah for you!

    LOL at the "friken' elephant"!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    Hi Ladies

    Funny ELEPHANT Mary, like that one. I'm glad u'r knee feels better and oh yea all these meds do a number on us, I think--I still remember the old days when I was on 2 pills a day, yep right before the FURB, now we have to keep the list on us at all times. Oh and cutting down on the wine, hmm it really help? I'm trying to start on it, it's just so hard.

    NM maybe Pearl is in a place where they r super busy, plus they might have to wait for a part, cuz it has been a while. And u liked the pickled martini? The weather today is not so bad the garage is comfortable to be in, so Marty's glad about that and anyone who smokes will be fine.

    Phase 1--I'm here so now we see, I have loads of gas, of course I took something for it, but I'll just sit in my room whenever I feel the need. Joey came in my room and told me how pretty I look, he's so goofy another words I don't have PJ stuff on and I fluffed my hair. Some of these people I hardly know and I hear voices now and they did decorate so nicely. There are only 2 people out of all these people that I really hope show up, I've loved them since they were little cuz I knew them (without the family) years ago, I doubt if they will tho. OK we'll see how it goes.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    OK phase 2--everyone is here and she was surprised, now there is about 30-35 peeps here and enough food to feed about 75 people and desserts and drinks and the actual food has not even come yet. I'm a grazer so I really prefer appetizers. I have to say these are a bunch of people who do party alot so make super appetizers and desserts, They should have just had that cuz way to much is still coming--OK if I pace myself properly I can manage to eat everything by 3 AM, maybe 4 and then have it for breakfast--oh boy this is gluttony (that Catholic in me never leaves) I do realize it doesn't always mean food, which when I was a kid thought that's all it meant, cuz when I was a kid I used to go to confession and confess I committed one of the 7 deadly sins, I ate to much pasta and I really didn't understand why the priest didn't chastise me for that--the mind of a child is very literal.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    Phase 3--I stopped at phase 2, I couldn't eat another thing after some little stuff and have so much gas, I'm hiding in my bedroom. There's no way I can go out there like this. Damn I wanted to have some dessert and I can't, they're dividing everything up now and she'd better keep some good stuff, cuz this comes out of my money too and everything looked so good. I'm so bad, I know.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    OK Phase 4--there are a few left, drunk as can be and they took out the Karaoke thingy, They're having a ball even tho no one can form the words, they don't know. I have to say when they're drinking they are funny and they even act like they really like each other--that's why they party so well, Usually sometimes they argue really bad, but tonite they're OK. My pain is subsiding finally after 2 pain pills and my cat figured out how to lay on the back of this love seat tonite. Took her forever , she circled it for a long time. Oh the drivers aren't drinking so that part is good.--OK I stopped for a while, had to say goodnite. Everyone is gone. Relief for Leslie, Marty sure had a good time--so that's good. OK I'll let everyone rest now..see what I mean when I say word for word, boring as hell, but can't help myself.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited January 2017

    Good early morning ladies, Sunday morning, no work and I'm wide awake at 5 ayem. Course that might be cause I crashed at 9 last night. I'm so much fun. So DH and I fell off the wagon, of course I said we were allowed to do that on Saturdays but was supposed to be just wine. We each had 2 cocktails before dinner then a bottle of wine with dinner, ah well, today is another day. DH had a real bad day, his computer crashed...bad! Everything gone, he was able to get into his desktop and should have saved everything then but Dell was working with him, supposedly to fix it and ended up wiping his hard drive (and no, not "like with a cloth"). So, it seems he will be able to recover it from various sources, Quickbooks being his biggest concern but he will have the hassle of getting a new one and getting it set up and putting everything where it needs to be. Times like this I think the old fashion, pen/paper and file cabinet were easier! And he has to call his principles and get whatever programs they use loaded back into it and all his contacts and I think I should join Sandy in the extended care suite for awhile... So I've decided I am going to work on cleaning out the basement today, been meaning to do it and it seems like the perfect time.

    NM, thanks for the info on the potassium, that makes perfect sense, I will make sure to get enough. I'm going to take it tonight and see how it goes tomorrow. Might just be a GI bug, not sure if it's related to meds or not but I'll add some potassium rich foods to my diet. Colder here too and to be honest I wish it would just stay below freezing, so much easier to deal with having 3 pooches. Supposed to get to 50 and rain again Mon, Tues, Wed, DH will be in Mich and I am NOT looking forward to the muddy dogs! So glad the extra help at work will be a regular thing, hope they stick with it for the long run this time. If they do will you be happy staying where you are or do you still want to look for something else?

    Cami, you crack me up! I felt like I was at the party, thanks for the blow by blow descriptions! You are never boring! I could HEAR the drunks singing! Glad you got to enjoy the festivities for a bit and glad to hear everyone got along.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited January 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday!Cool and sunny again here, 10 degrees on the back deck.The clothes I hung out yesterday are still pretty frozen.But the snow is gone from the roof and mostly off the deck, much easier to deal with anything new now.Looks like we might get a little snow on Wednesday, but that's too far away to worry about.

    Cammy--I hope they just have to wait for a part or something, I really would like to get Pearl back.Tired of driving the rental that does not go good I snow.Ah well, at least I have the rental, and can keep working and functioning.Phase 1 seemed to go ok. Phase 2--appetizers and gluttony--what fun!And the mind of a child IS very literal at times!Phase 3--I hope you got some good desserts left behind.Phase 4--karaoke time!I wonder how much alcohol has been imbibed by now.And now the quiet after the party, time for sleeping for everyone.

    Genny--Does your DH use a back up system?I use Carbonite, but there are a lot of them out there.Carbonite automatically backs up every time the computer is connected to the internet, it can be set to save just files or desktop and everything.It's saved me a ton of time and annoyance over the years.Last time I got a new computer I set up everything to download overnight, and in the morning it was all there, just needed some little resets of settings and I was back where I was before.And I can go get older versions of files off the site, too, if I need to.And I hear you about how much easier it would be if the temperature would choose above or below freezing and stay there for a while.The back and forth is MESSY!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:


    The Breakfast Martini


    • ¾ oz. Grand Marnier®
    • ¾ oz. Ketel One® Vodka
    • ½ oz. fresh lemon juice
    • ½ oz. fresh grapefruit juice
    • 2 barspoons orange marmalade
    • ½ oz. egg white

    How to make:

    Pour all ingredients in shaker, dry shake and then shake with ice. Double strain into a coupe or martini glass, garnish with a mint leaf.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2017

    Cami, if you have my EWWA, then that means I need to get over there and get it! Why don't you ask Leslie what doctor she would like for you to see? Loved reading the phases of the party. You are so funny. Glad you got to stay home too.

    Mary there is so much to the MMJ world. There is CBD oil from hemp and there's CBD oil from cannabis. Then there's the RSO that has the THC in it, which makes it illegal, except in states that is legal, medically and recreational. The the CBD oils are legal and can be purchased online. Some sites are knowledgeable about their products some are not. I find that the dispensary that I go to is NOT knowledgeable in their products. Meaning they don't know the percentage of CBD in the product or the THC. They don't know what kind of solvent was used, etc. You can send it away to be tested, or try to find one that know what they have. What I have now is the Hemp CBD oil, but I'm learning that what I should be using is the Cannabis CBD oil! Yes my kids know about the progression. I still have a few friends to tell. It's quite hard to do. You kind of get tired of telling it, ya know. My mom is back in the hospital. And I have a feeling my son will not leave. My mom called him at work the other day and asked him if he could leave work for a bit and come home to get her a glass of ice water! So easiest case scenario would be for him to stay, easiest for both of them. The fricken elephant is a funny one. Having to get a new puter and put all the stuff in, huge headache. But it ALWAYS happens, to all of us, at one time or another. Computers just don't last forever.

    Still dark here in AZ NM, almost bumped ye into the pewl. Here's the scoop on Putnam…he was a software engineer at FB. That's it! Hoping all is good with Pearl. I doubt you will hear anything until tomorrow.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2017

    Hi ladies- back from the yoga retreat. It looks like Cami survived her party (and if I read it right, enjoyed a lot of good food?), NM is still waiting for Pearl, thinking Sandy is still wrangling with her house, Genny is enjoying a day at home today, Goldie is talking about the Mary Jane. Did I get it right? Where are Hsant, Juliet, Mema Sue?

    It was a perfect time up in the mountains that included four sessions of yoga, delicious vegetarian food for dinner and breakfast, time to go explore the area, and I FINALLY got to my hot springs for a couple hours yesterday. I also had a fabulous treatment on Friday upon my arrival. My body is in pure bliss with all the TLC this weekend.

    The weather was mild Friday in to Saturday, and made for a nice day outdoors on that (more on that tomorrow along with some pics), but hard rain started falling last night and snow up above 8000. We got some of that big moisture dump coming off the west coast. Fortunate to not have any travel problems home today.

    Having a slow afternoon getting settled back in with some unpacking and laundry, and thinking about what I want to accomplish this week. I have some major dental work on Tuesday (ugh).

    More to share tomorrow including some photos you will enjoy. Hoping everyone's weekend finishes up well!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2017

    Last night we went to Cellars (they dropped the “Broadway” from their name) and the DOTD was a glass of cava. Today, mostly coffee & water. (Did have a cappuccino and a slice of pie at Metropolis—depressed after returning from funeral and burial of our older Rabbi Emeritus’ wife, who died on her 102d birthday. She was an amazing woman, and was always so kind and bright till the end. Her husband is 101).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited January 2017
    Good Morning,
    Loungettes! Happy Monkey Day! Got an early meeting at work this ayem,
    supposed to be a good surprise announced, kinda interested to see what this is
    all about. Kinda wish the day didn't
    start with a meeting, but what the hey,
    can't get around it, might as well just roll with it. Still cold here, but at least no snow or rain
    predicted for a while. And Sadie makes a
    wonderful bed warmer, she snuggles so good.
    Woke up with her snout tucked into my neck and her head on my cheek.
    Didn't want to move to hit the snooze alarm, but had to!

    Goldie--I did not
    know that there were different CBD oils.
    Aha, thanks for the update on Putnam.
    Hoping to hear about Pearl today, too.
    Meet you at the swim up bar!

    Jazzy--your body
    must feel sooooo good after all that TLC!
    Especially the hot springs.
    Looking forward to the pics!.

    Chi--wow, died on
    her 102nd birthday? It amazes me what
    changes she must have seen, and the Rabbi Emeritus, too. Love to hear people talk about how life
    changed over the decades.

    Princess Leia of
    Maine's DOTD:


    The Grand Coffee Cocktail

    1 oz Grand Marnier, warmed

    3 oz Hot brewed coffee

    .75 oz Brown sugar syrup, if desired

    How to make The Grand Coffee Cocktail

    Pour all the ingredients into a mug or heat-proof highball glass and stir.

    Spoon about 2 tbsp of whipped cream on top.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited January 2017

    Good morning girls, finally going to drag my sorry butt to the gym today. DH got the computer stuff mostly figgered out, bought a new one yesterday from the same guy that tried to fix his, loaded with only the stuff he needs. Says he learned a big lesson, came home with a back up drive for future use. Was able to contact QuickBooks, he had backed up with them and they were able to get reloaded to new computer with up to date files. The rest of the info, contacts and such was on his phone so he can move all from that. He even kept a cool head thru it all once he figured out what to do. I did clean some of the basement, he came down once to ask me why I was doing something and I sent him upstairs to cook dinner. I cannot have him around during certain projects. I wish I could have a whole week off all by myself just to clean out cabinets and closets. The "drinking wine only on Saturday" turned into Fri, Sat and Sunday but resolutions are meant to be broken and we will hop back on the wagon today. I guess my body needs time to adjust to these new B/P meds, I just feel tired, get up feeling good then about 4 hours later fighting fatigue that seems to hover around me throughout the day. I get my stress test on Friday and see my new PCP next week but my inkling is tat all will be fine, we shall see.

    NM, please tell us what the surprise is, got me curious now. Supposed to warm up and then rain here, ugh, more muddy dogs, I wish it would just settle in at 30 degrees and just stay there. All in all so far our winter here has been very mild so far. That coffee cocktail looks yummy!

    Jazzy, sounds like you had a wonderful time, sounds so nice! Looking forward to the photos!

    Lori, there is so much I don't know about MJM, I am very interested in the CBD and will start researching. My stepson is quite informed and I run stuff buy him. I think his big dream in life is to own his own medical MJM facility, maybe a pipe dream, maybe not, time will tell but I think that is a lot of what drove him to move to CA. I imagine the progression is a very hard thing to talk about, just wish you didn't have to do it. Mom back in the hospital, good she has your son there I guess but calling him to leave work to bring ice water is a bit over the top, such a shame she can't afford assisted living.

    Sandy, sorry to hear about the Rabbi's wife but 102 is a good long life, I hope she went peacefully.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2017

    Jazzy, sounds like you had a fab time, can't wait until I get to the pictures.

    Sandy, amazing ages of your rabbi and his wife, wowsa!

    Kim, on my way over to the swim up bar. You have us all anxious to hear about the meeting now. I hope it's a good surprise and not just a "meh".

    Mary, glad DH got a new puter and all good there. I hear ya about waking up feeling good and then plummeting! I get that every day, but I know what mine is from. Sucks non the less.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited January 2017

    Hi ladies! Not much going on in my life, which is a good thing. Nice, slow and dull. My dad's cold remained a cold, which is somewhat of a miracle, because he hasn't had a "cold" in four years. It's either bronchitis or pneumonia. Plus, it was a very mild cold. He feels fine.

    I was craving one of those Japanese noodle bowls tonight, so I put tofu, Seasoned Asian frozen veggies, shirataki noodles in a pot of chicken broth, added a couple tablespoons of Tamari and two raw eggs, lightly scrambled. Had this with a couple of glasses Mumms brut, and I'm in the process of polishing off the bottle as I catch up with you gals.

    Genny, I'm so sorry about Emma. It sounds like her quality of life is good, and prayers out that this continues for her. Good for you and your DH for cutting back on the booze and working out. I know you started out with a certain plan of action, and that has changed, but in the big scheme of things what you have been doing is really impressive. Kudos to you! Lol, to your DH not suggesting, but really suggesting opening up another bottle. When the hubs and I have put a limit on our nightly booze intake (happens rarely), ill say should we get another bottle, and the hubs is off the couch, wallet in hand out the door to our neighborhood liquor store(literally around the corner from our house). I've never had Decoy Pinot, but I love Decoy Cab. I would think that exercise would help with the BP issue, even if it's genetic? Happy 3rd birthday to Nora! She just gets cuter and cuter!

    Cami, I'm glad you like your new love seat. Enjoy! You deserve it! Love your party description. Are there any "good" desserts left over in the house? I'm also a big fan of appetizer type food., little bites as opposed to an entree. Beverly Hills is a bit zzzzz for me. I'm hoping Eden will shake things up.

    Native, Dara, Goldie, Mema, Sandy, Jazzy and anyone else I missed, I'll continue my catch up tomorrow.

    Need to get a little shut eye!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2017

    Some photos from my yoga retreat and time in the mountains

    Yoga space




    Morning view from the retreat center


    Hot Springs



    Jemez Historic site (mission and pueblo ruins)


    Travertine soda dam


    Valles Caldera National Preserve


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2017

    Spectacular, Jazzy, especially on a raw rainy Chicago evening (at least the ice is gone).

    DOTD was a Henri Fessy Beaujolais Nouveau, with pan-seared Chinook salmon.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2017

    Love the pics Jazzy! Im envious!

    Hello I heard Cammy call me. Hugs all!

    ChEERs ⏳🍸🍹

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited January 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday!Just a quick pop in this ayem, going to be a VERY long day today and need to get an early start.Did get some good news yesterday, Aunty who was diagnosed with ALS is actually doing better than I thought.Her daughter is home, ran into her and could talk for a couple of minutes, the Aunty that has been disseminating information has got things all mixed up.So ALS Aunty is doing ok for now, needs a knee replacement more than anything else, and some help with communication as she can't speak, but the prognosis is more like a few years than a few months.Sadie and I are going down for a visit after work Thursday, staying over until Saturday or Sunday, so I probably won't be on the boards over the weekend.

    Genny--So glad your DH could get all his data back!Especially the Quickbooks info.The surprise at work was the announcement of a new function being added to our medical records system that will take data from various places and put a medication list into the record when we admit a new patient.Supposed to save a lot of time as it can take over an hour to manually add in a long list of medications, but it will have be verified med by med, and I can see that process taking almost as long as that process is a bit clunky.Frankly, we've all been told so many things about this system that have not lived up to promises that we are all a bit skeptical.

    Goldie--More of a "meh" than a really exciting thing, but maybe it will be better than it sounds.

    Hsant--good to see you!Glad Dad's cold remained a cold. There are times when nice, slow and dull is a good thing!

    Jazzy--fantastic pics!

    Morning, Chi, Dara!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Swimming Pool Cocktail

    Ingredients :

    - 1 scoop crushed ice

    - 1/4 oz sweet cream

    - 3/4 oz cream of coconut

    - 2 oz apple juice

    - 3/4 oz vodka

    - 1 1/2 oz rum

    - 1/4 oz blue curacao liqueur

    Use a "In glass" for Swimming Pool drink recipe

    Mix ingredients well, pour into an exotic glass and float the blue curacao on top.

    Serve in "Hurricane Glass" Garnish: No

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited January 2017

    Good morning girls, nice to see everybody checking in but where's SuzieQ? Rain, rain, rain here this week, ugh, I'd rather have snow, at least I can take the dogs to the park in that. Guess this morning will be raincoats and leashes which none of us are happy about. I did go to the gym yesterday, lifted weights a bit then did a spinning class, now I'm sore as hell. DH going to MI overnight and I work next 3 days. We're getting Nora Friday night, mom and dad getting a date night.

    NM, def sounds like meh to me, leave it to mgmt to call something like that "a surprise!" So glad to hear the good news about aunty.

    hsant, nice to see you and so glad to hear your dad is doing ok. Dinner sounds delicious, right up my alley. I'm going to see Dr Price next month, Feb 20, maybe we can grab lunch? I know it will depend on how your dad is doing, we can play it by ear.

    Dara, nice to see your purdy face. We need some new pics of Logan.

    Jazzy, love the pics, it all looks so tranquil!

    Lori, Sandy, have a good day, got to run, get these pooches out.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    Good Morning Ladies,

    U all know it takes me a couple of days to unhinge myself after any type of party, here or anywhere.

    Dara dropped in--miss u.

    Jazzy u'r pics are bootiful, Oh just looking at them is relaxing. U really know how to unwind--u work hard and ply hard. U've hit the balance.

    Mary u and u'r DH are really serious, how nice to have a partner doing what u'r doing, it's good back-up. And u get Anorable this weekend, good for u, u know I enjoy hearing that. And u pic is so professional, how beautiful u'r firbabies look.

    Lori I hope u'r feeling OK today, caring lots.

    Hsant good news about u'r dad.I can't believe how all u gals have a taste for something and can make it, u all impress me, unless this is normal for most people. And I've always said boring is good and actually it is. Yea our BH gals are quiet right now, maybe they're building for something, I hope--I think the new one will start some things going. *maybe)

    Sandy did u get the thunderstorm during the nite? It was awakening to say the least. I thought OMG trees are going to go then I remembered most of the trees around here have already been shot down. It didn't last long but long enough to wake everyone up, like a spring horrible storm.

    NM did u tell us about Pearl? See now I can't member, of course. I'm sorry but to me that was not a fun big surprise, oh I'm sure it will be helpful, but I think of cake and balloons.

    My BIL had a TIA, he's OK now but was in the hospital for 24 hrs. They're both on the phone talking at the same time telling me about it, he said he just had a hard time putting words together, well I did say u always do how can u tell the difference? One difference he couldn't put words together to swear--now for him that's a big sign. I hate all this chit,

    Joey and I went on Netflix last nite and watched a scary movie, pretty good--Dan put Netflix and Amazon on for me, on his bill, but usually Joey has to put it on, I can't get how to do it, for some reason, I can get 1/2 way there and I get screwed up. He's off from school today too.

    OK that's it for now--My D kicked in this morning and I'm already floopy, so I'll check in later.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2017

    Good morning friends- thank you for the compliments on the photos. It is a very beautiful and tranquil place. New Mexico has many beautiful places like that, blessed to be able to live here.

    Spent some time getting back in to my groove yesterday, working on home things, got some tax work done (more today). The rains were continuing off and on yesterday and in to last night, but there was a break in the weather for awhile and I got out for a walk late afternoon. Adding more walking now to my routines as I continue to go forward. Getting more fitness back as well as loosing weight. Whoot whoot!

    Hsant- good to hear from you and glad to hear your dad's cold did not progress in to something worse.

    NM- I am glad to hear your aunt is doing better and that you have plans this weekend to visit her. I was hoping your news was that you were all getting bonuses, but it sounds like a medication module is being added to your platform. Hope that eases your workflow, sounds like it will be a time saver!

    Genny- Nora is so cute, and those dogs look totally ready for their walk! Those German shepherds are huge and beautiful.

    Dara- did you get caught up in that horrible ice storm that came through the midwest? I heard it is heading east now. Ice storms to me are the worst.

    ChiSandy- hope things are getting resolved at the house?

    Cami- I bet you are busy with work.

    Heading in for some major dental work this morning. Hoping it is only a crown replacement. I hate dental work, expensive and painful which to me is never a good combo.

    Wishing everyone a terrific Tuesday!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2017

    Cami, we got a ton of rain; but since I sleep wearing earplugs (the family that snores together…), I wouldn’t have heard the T-storm if it’d happened up here. The kitties are usually quite clingy during storms, but they didn’t come to snuggle with me during the night. Maybe they hung out with Gordy. But this morning after I got dressed Heidi wanted to nuzzle me, so I climbed back into bed and pulled the comforter back on until the reconstructor inspector arrived.

    We did decide to file a claim, especially because of the anticipated expense of our temporarily moving out and relocating the cats (to an upstairs bedroom if the dust stays on the first floor or to a boarding facility or pet-friendly hotel if necessary). State Farm’s claims agent says it’ll take 10-14 days after getting the estimate before they’ll make a decision on what to cover. The inspector assured me that they can patch the hole with lath & plaster rather than drywall, and won’t have to take down the rest of the ceiling. He also said the work area will be set off with tension-posts and fully tented with plastic zip-walls and a HEPA running so that no dust will escape. So we’ll see what the cost and time frame will be. The claim will also include reimbursing us, subject to our deductible, for the remediation phase for which we’ve already paid.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2017

    Good news on the dental front. Just some decay in the problem tooth (vs. a pending extraction) so she took care of that today. I have a temp crown and getting the permanent one in early February.

    I was concerned about loosing the tooth, and complications that could arise with osteonecrosis (jaw) that goes with the Prolia shots I take for bone health. I printed out some things to discuss with the dentist, and she was on top of it. She says she has other patients who are also on it, taking the infusion form (I assume they have bone mets). She said if the tooth had to come out, I would be sent to an oral surgeon who could help to mitigate any risk around that happening. I felt very listened to today. She and her husband bought the practice in the past few years, and the more I see her, the more I like her.

    ChiSandy- glad you are filing a claim. I hope they cover this well for you. Given what you have described, it is the right way to go. Fingers crossed for a good pay out!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2017

    I saw this on FB today. Just blown away by this young girl and her performance.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited January 2017

    Native, great news that Aunty is stable. Your wine group sounds delightful. Nothing better than a good group of people, good food and good booze. You meet once a week or month? How is Dick? No word on Pearl yet?

    Goldie, it's very scary to drop weight when it's not intentional. My sis was 5'6" and 105 lbs before BC. She was naturally very thin. After Mets, Multiple Chemos, SEs, etc she clocked in at 89 lbs. she tried, but couldn't put the weight back on. How is your mom? Why is she in the hospital?

    Are you back on Xeloda? {{{{Goldie}}}}

    Dara, damn girl, I just want to send you a bottle of JD and an extra long straw. I'm glad that the dental work wasn't as bad as you expected. How are your head aches? Sending evil curses over to that nasty judge.

    Sandy, sounds like things are kind of coming together??? A light at the proverbial end of the tunnel? I wear ear plugs too, because snoring drives me batty.

    Jazzy, beautiful pics and delicious looking food! I admire how you can balance work, play and taking care of yourself, body mind and soul. Your holiday sounds amazing!

    Mema and Julie, hope all is well with you, and you're in my thoughts.

    Genny, love the pic of your adorable dogs! I would love to meet for lunch next month. My dad is stable and doing well, so hopefully this continues.

    Cami, I'm sorry the big D has once again reared its ugly head

    Have my Doc appt tomorrow and will get my TMs checked on Friday.

    Wishing everyone lovely dreams!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2017

    DODT (thus far): Perrier Green Apple. Smells like apple peels, tastes like hard cider without the buzz. But I may take a nip later on of that homemade limoncello...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    Good Early Morning Ladies,

    Mamaray--our bar is full help u'rself. It's always stocked.

    Jazzy u confuse me so, OK it's easy, I thought u were gone for the whole week? Or are u leaving soon for more things.?

    Hsant let us know how all the Dr. stuff goes. I hope u gals meet for lunch soon. The weather will be OK for a while now, so u can take advantage of that.

    Sandy u sound so calm with all the crap u'r going thru, OMG it seems like they are trying to keep things under control, but still so much going on. I hope the ins. take care of loads of it. Oh I'm sure u know what's basically going on with them, but they can surprise u and it might all be good.

    Dara I'm glad u heard me, but how are things actually going.? I like Hsant idea of a loooong straw.

    Lori when in March is u'r Dd coming, cuz I always think of feb. as a short month and it really flies by. How are the FU pills going for u this time?

    NM so u'r plans are to see u'r auntie this weekend, I hope the visit goes well and sadie will be happy going too. Is u'r weather going OK, cuz it is here. I thought it would be bad now but so far nothing big is coming our way. U must know about Pearl now, or did I miss something? How is the new puter things going, or hasn't it started yet?

    OK where's Julie??? (sounds like Waldo)

    Lori Dan again tried to teach me double screen, but again I just can't get it. He looks at me like how did u ever support anyone all those years. well my brain wasn't this bad, OkOK I did work for the state many years too. I guess at this point I prove the old adage of State Employees.

    Wow did I feel really old last nite, Joey asked me about when I went to high school subjects and I told him I took Shorthand, he looked at me with crazy eyes and of course had no idea what that even was. And trying to explain it actually did sound archaic. But I still remember Dear Sir. That was my big opening and I just made up the closing anyway. I did admit I barely passed it, but also said I knew it was going out of fashion anyway. Is that even a class any where now? Well History still is.

    BTW did u realize in less than 2 months we change the time? So morning will be better, right?

    I notice my job isn't as busy, but some commercial work is coming in and bigger jobs for homes are happening, maybe it kind of evens out for them, I know Dan likes it.

    OK I'm missing people literally, so just start posting and I have to get back on FB, I'm missing so much and BD's too.

    Hope everyone has a good Hump Day.


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited January 2017

    Just popping in to say hi, got to get the pooches out and get ready for work. Drank 2 glasses of wine last night, ha! so much for the resolution. My last customer was lecturing me, she's 85 and told me life is too short and as she was leaving she said "now go home and drink some wine!" So I did. Anyway, looks like things are fairly calm around here, hope everyone has a good day.
