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how about drinking?



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2017

    Oh, Dara, how frustrating! I hate bureaucracy.

    For the next few nights, once the new furniture is in and it's been determined by the vet that the kitties are safe here, we may be moving to the new Hampton Inn up the street (about a mile). Sadly, the only pets they allow are service animals. Well, since we are our cats' servants..

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited January 2017

    Good morning girls, we have a new and very effective alarm clock in our house... his name is Louie. Problem is, I don't know how to reprogram him, 5:30 seems to be what is is set for... and snooze buttons are out of the question. Of course my DH hears none of it and his 6 ayem alarm has been going off for 10 minutes now. I think I told you all about Emma, our 10 year old GSD with the growth in her heart, initially they didn't think she'd make it thru Xmas but they drained the fluid from around her heart and she's been fine ever since. We had another echo done last week, shows no more fluid but definite growth, say they wouldn't know what it is for sure w/o surgery which of course we won't put her thru..she is 10 years old. Anyway, you'd never know there is anything at all wrong with her, I took them to the park yesterday and she ran with the others just fine. Hope she gets to live her life as a dog and then just dies in her bed one night, would love to be spared euthanasia. Talked to my brother yesterday. it was his 62nd b-day. Anyway, he has had high BP for years and they have tried every kind of meds on him and he says his diastolic stays around 90 and they told him that's the best he can do. Same thing with my older brother who is 66 but did have bypass surgery at 56. So maybe I've just reached the age where my genes will overrule it. Both parents and 2 deceased brothers all had it so may not be too much to be done about it. Friday is my day, back to the gym come hell or high water as my mom used to say. 50 mile/hr winds and lightening last night, kinda feaky this time of year, sure there will be plenty of trees and branches down on my way to work. Lost power for about 4 seconds, just long enough to have to reset every clock in my house.

    NM, hope you got all done yesterday, enjoy your day off today and even more wine and Wed ladies. Sounds fun! Eye doctor just routine I hope.

    Lori, you got me curious...According to Mr Google....'Bated' is simply a shortened form of 'abated', meaning 'to bring down, lower or depress'. 'Abated breath' makes perfect sense and that's where the phrase comes from. First noted use was Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice:

    What should I say to you? Should I not say
    'Hath a dog money? is it possible
    A cur can lend three thousand ducats?' Or
    Shall I bend low and in a bondman's key,
    With bated breath and whispering humbleness, Say this;
    'Fair sir, you spit on me on Wednesday last;
    You spurn'd me such a day; another time
    You call'd me dog; and f.or these courtesies
    I'll lend you thus much moneys'?

    So there you have it, ok about the story, I kept reading back so nice to know it wasn't me. Whatever it was, I hope your D is ok. Nora's bank account is a g-p account with my DH and me in charge and her name listed. We told her parents we would put their name on it anytime but haven't gotten around to it. Hoping they can use it to help play sports or dance lessons or whatever she wants to get into to. Bank is at my grocery store so I can throw 20 bucks in there now and again and my DH puts bigger chunks in at Christmas. They are going to be putting her in preschool soon so we'll see if they need help with that. Her parents need to save for a bigger house, the on they have is so small I'm afraid it will strain their marriage if they stay there.

    Jazzy, good for you on chiseling at the list, sp the working out part, I was on a pretty good roll till Dec, then my knee and I was busy and Just a lot of excuses. Ortho doesn't want me doing squats or lunges so I may not be able to go back to boot camp, thinking about starting with spinning and yoga. Weight loss really was the goal, the BP just made me focus more. I do miss my wine but it's getting easier, I'm reserving it for Saturday nights only.

    Sandy, Ugh, sounds like you've got a mess on your hands. Moving temporarily sounds like a good idea but what will you do with your kitties? Did they give you an idea of how long this will all take. Not that a timeline means much to contractors anyway...I always think my DH blames me for things too, I think much of the time it's in my head and not his. This may be your imagination at work. So crazy that we spend so much for insurance and then are afraid to use it.

    Dara, I am soooo sorry, what is the reason for the denial? Do you have an atty? Please don't go down the rabbit hole and stop back to talk when you feel up to it.

    So DH just volunteered to walk the pooches, going to have to get moving and do some stuff around the house instead. Don't have to go to work till 10 today. Hope you all have an easy day and stress free day. (I can hope!)

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited January 2017


    Moose working on becoming friends with Louie.


    Nora's 3rd birthday.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited January 2017

    Good morning, Loungettes!Well, turned out not to be such a long day at work yesterday as I thought it was going to be. Was told to move a bunch of visits to the LPNs, they need more visits to make full days (they work hourly, so not having a full day means less income for them). So the rest of the week looks pretty good.Have today off, have an eye doctor's appointment this morning, the Wednesday, Women and Wine meeting this evening.May be able to get Pearl back today if all goes well with the engine install--I had a message yesterday that the engine was in andthey were working on it.Raining like a son of a gun and blowing up a gale here, expect power will go out today but with the temps in the 40's not much of a problem.Hope a lot of the snow on the roof melts off today.

    Genny--Funny how one name can work for a dog and not another, isn't it?Good for him to learn to cuddle, and good that he stays with you on walks, too.That blood pressure is better than the ones you were having, by the time the HCTZ kicks in you should be in good shape that way.Praying the knee problem is fixed by the steroid injection. So many people wait for Medicare to kick in before getting knees replaced, it's kind of funny.

    Goldie--no, no getting out of the paperwork, but I am determined to find a better balance between work and having a life this year.I am not going to hand over an hour of work time every other weekend to do those reports anymore.Those reports are part of the regular work load, and so can be done during regular work hours.

    Jazzy--I'm trying to think how I can make notes without looking too dorky at the wine tasting this evening!

    Chi--wow, all that from a toilet leak?YIKES!Glad you've got it under control.Woops, maybe it isn't as well controlled as it first sounded.Holy moly what an inconvenience!Not sure I follow the all your fault reasoning, must be a married couple thing.All because of a little rubber gasket.Amazing.


    Chi--Don't blame you, I'd bale out for a hotel, too!

    Genny--eye doc is routine, exam and get more contacts.And there is no reprogramming the 4 footed alarm clocks.At least not that I 've ever found.

    Great pics!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Windy Miller


    How to mix

    Fill a shaker with ice cubes. Add absinthe, Absolut Citron and mandarines liqueur. Shake and strain into a chilled highball glass filled with ice cubes. Top up with lemon-lime soda. Garnish with mandarin.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2017

    Jazzy, glad you are enjoying your free time and you have a lovely weekend to look forward to. As for Cami and going to the party, the party is at her house and they are wanting to remove her if she is having a D day! Disability is a given to someone with stage IV cancer. But it also depends on how much you make and what you owe. If you make too much, you get nothing. Been mostly windy here and it has rained a tad and cloudy. I need the sun! That's our power.

    Sandy, thanks for the chuckle. Accumulator…haha! What a chore tho, to fix all of that. I wondered if you had dust everywhere. You just can't avoid that, and it does get EVERYWHERE! I'll bet even the stuff in the cabinets are full of dust. Oh dear and the bathroom now too. All of that from just one night of dripping? I'll bet that's been leaking longer than that. And as for poop jokes, they are welcome around here. Just as fart jokes are as well!

    Oh no Dort. We thought for sure you were gonna win this. DAMN DAMN DAMN girl. Big hugs for you.

    Mary, I sure hope Emma can live for many more years and not in any pain and goes in her sleep as well. Of course we would like that for ourselves as well. I sure hope you can get that BP taken care of. Not fair at all to do the dieting, no drinking, no salt, etc. and then not see any results. Why bother then, right? I wonder if the MMJ would help the heart? Or maybe just some CBD. That's legal anywhere. No THC in it. Might be worth a try? I can get it to you. I just don't know how much you would take. It's totally safe, you could give it to a kid. In fact they do. Thank you for the English lesson. Shakespeare, how does one understand that? Because I do everything in Word, and I don't usually turn my puter off. I kept hitting the "Undo" arrow and wa la, there is the story I typed up. Send me your email, andI'll email it to you. What is a g-p account? Too small of a house putting strain on the marriage, not good. Guess we better not ask for another baby then, eh? Look how long her hair is getting? And I think she looks like her mom?

    NM, I hope you have an uneventful day, and everything gets done and Pearl back home. And good for you for keeping work at work and giving that time to YOU. Enjoy your evening, can't wait to hear about it.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338
    edited January 2017

    Sandy, the extended stay hotel we stayed at allowed pets - that was a must. Too bad yours doesn't. I had Auto-Owners for my home insurance when I had the water problem. Not disputes on paying. I also had had very few claims. Why do you think you'll have more claims in the next year? I'd certainly put in the claim but you know your circumstances best. I'm with State Farm here in Spokane. Good luck getting everything fixed quickly.

    Dara Diverse, That's terrible that your unemployment claim was denied. Hope you can pull out a win!


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2017

    Good morning friends- lots of news here again this morning. I had a productive day yesterday, and an unexpected invite. Got my pantry cleaned out (oh that expired canned food) and re-organized and a lot of paper work filed and business receipts and expenses updated for 2016. Getting ready for the tax stuff next, 1099s and my tax planner.

    I had an unexpected invite to a business dinner last night as part of the collaboration/partnering events with one of the parties and my client. We were trying to do this back in December and she had to cancel last minute as she was sick, but I went to dinner with him anyways. This was his reschedule with her, which I knew about but had not been invited to until yesterday morning. So given the stake in the developing work and my ability to go, I did and was glad for it. Lots of good conversation. After the meal and while my client was in the restroom, I told the fellow who initiated this dinner that there were too many individual conversations going on this and we should all be talking together to create a plan for how we are going to do this. He agreed and is going to talk to the VP on the other side about a conversation soon. Still herding cats!

    We had some great wine last night, a Siduri pinot noir from Willamette Valley and a tasty cab from Slingshot in Napa. I highly recommend either.

    NM- I assume you may have a smart phone of some time? There are all kinds of wine apps available you can leverage and some that allow you to take notes. That is a good way to gather info. I always take a little book to write notes too, but the apps are easier. Not sure you will have time to find something with working today and going tonight, but maybe for next time? Or ask the group which apps they like best?

    Dara- that is disappointing about the outcome on the appeals. The world is often not a fair place to employees. Perhaps it is time to go another route on this. Have you talked to an attorney about this? About a wrongful termination? Might be worth finding out if you have a case. If you are starting to feel well enough to go back to work, maybe that is also a direction you can start to go. I have had these things happen too in my work where a bad boss is just out to get you. Trust me, these people do themselves in with time, I have seen it happen. You may have been freed of a petty tyrant.

    ChiSandy- oh this is awful. I agree you may need a homeowners claim on this one sister. Turning out to be a major production as well as expense. Hugs, flooding things are the worst.

    Goldie- I did not realize Stage IV cancer automatically meant disability approval. That is good to know. Hope you are feeling okay too.

    Genny- I think I had not paid good enough attention in previous posts about Emma. I pray she can enjoy life for a long time. And the heart disease in the family. Keep taking care of yourself sister. Anorable is so cute, a joy to have in the midst of all the rest.....

    Cami- so again, did not realize the party is in the place where you live. I hope this weekend works out okay. You like the new love seat?

    Thinking of all the other sisters here. Will try to pop in tomorrow but getting ready to head out of town for the yoga retreat so if I am gone for a few days, you will know why.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    Good Morning Ladies,

    OMG Dara, how the F*ck can that happen, it seemed like it went so well. Those a$$hole people. Is there another chance u can have.? There has to be something, this is so not fair to u at all. I'm so sorry.

    Sandy, damn what are u guys living thru, it sounds terrible and of course a fortune to boot. I know I would be crying just being there, I hope this gets finished asap cuz it's a mess for all of u. And leaving sounds like a good idea, especially if u'r contract says all will be thoroughly clean when u get back.

    Hsant it great to hear from u, but sorry about u'r dad. I would think he would need something to ward off pneumonia u''d hate to have him go thru that, this has to be so hard for u to go thru too. BTW our show from BH haven't had any real knock downs yet, I'm waiting. I do think Erica will be stirring up the pot somehow with the new one. Go rich crazy ladies.

    Mary Anorable is 3? Yikes she looks precious and has to be so much fun too. I didn't know BP was a genetic thing, but now they figure everything is, I guess Years ago that was called high normal, but of course u want to get it down. How in the world do u work on u'r knee> U'r on u'r feet the whole time. I hope the shot does it's job.

    Oh Lori u always come thru. Nicky is my cousins son (the one who passed away) he's in his 50's as all our kids are now. He's just so fun and loving I always enjoy being around him. And I did just get some results from my stool samples. So far everything is OK, no parasites or infection. I was so sad knowing they can't find SOMETHING The only time u want them to find something wrong so it's something to fix. The other nite was so bad I was up all nite with washing floors and clothes and wanted to just go to the hospital, but for what? So I do understand going to Jodie's house cuz it would make everyone sick, but then again Leslie doesn't even want this party for these people so I can be big help. LOL U havven't said how u are feeling yet.

    Jazzy right now is a good time for u with no distractions just doing what u need and want to do. I know u'll be back at work soon but u always handle it well.

    NM U know I don't understand things well, but I have to ask. When I was doing home care she always had her computer open nd wrote chit in it all the time and told me it was all connected to my file so she didn't have to write out anything later. Isn't that hat u do? Or is u'r system there just totally different? It did seem easier for her tho. Just wondering. It was a notebook puter so it wasn't hard to carry around. We're having some of the same weather u have. It was so windy late yesterday and nite u could hear everything blowing around and yet the temps weren't awful. All snow is melted, so now we wait. Leslie is hoping for a snowstorm for Sat. Peple are actually saying they're coming and bringing 2 or 3 people. don't even know WTF do people think like.

    Well my phone has started, hope I do a better job today, one of my messages yesterday was furnace on ceiling, window is breaking it. Hey I was tired and weak--I didn't even remember it. and a phone number only had 5 digits, good thing it's all on my phone.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2017

    It’s getting worse. The vet’s nurse says that cats shouldn’t be breathing this but they’ve been doing so for over 15 hrs now—she says cats’ lungs are very sensitive; it’s on their fur and they will ingest it if they clean themselves. I’m afraid that with them the damage may already be done, but even so, there’s nowhere safe I can isolate them. (The dust is even on our hair & skin). The inspector/project manager says the dust is non-toxic, but I don’t believe him. And neither my housekeeper nor I trust them to clean everything thoroughly without breaking anything. It’s everywhere on our first floor. The only room where we can isolate them is on the second floor….in Gordy’s room where the furniture is going to be installed w/in the next few hours…right next door to the noisy fan & dehumidifier which must remain on at least another 48 hrs. The vet cannot board them, and none of our friends can take them. I don’t know how long after this the dust will finally stop settling—and then there’s the matter of closing that ceiling back up! Who knows how much more dust that’ll generate and for how long? I have decided I will do NOTHING about the ceilings on the second floor, because they’re stable by now (have been for years) but if I remediate them, everything in those rooms will be ruined even if they only sand & paint. Let it be the next owners’ problem (we--or our executors if we die before we move—will just have to credit them for repair costs).

    Bob is taking this calmly and not blaming me. My housekeeper said I should have waited—but with the bathroom subflooring being wet (and adjacent to drywall which can, unlike plaster, grow mold) I think I did the right thing. But the company did not do right by me in failing to tell us what to expect, the extent of their work being greater than predicted and billed (and I am NOT paying once cent extra), nor even to do anything to prepare for this! They say they will clean up after themselves, but I have my crystal, fountain pens, and my dulcimers on display (at least the guitars are in their cases)

    The project mgr. says he’s going to have the regional mgr. call me. I am at wit’s end. Our lives are turned upside down—if we go through insurance, they get to pick the hotel, which could be many miles away from where we live and Bob works. (The closest extended-stay places are way off in the ‘burbs—the north or northwest would be impossible for Bob because his hospitals are so far south and southwest, and south or southwest would be like relocating us to witness protection—Gordy doesn’t drive, his work is up here, there’s no reliable public transit in those far suburbs, and it’s much harder and tougher (and costlier) to get an Uber or taxi. And forwarding mail and landline calls…I’m getting nauseated just thinking about it.

    All because one single rubber washer on one nut/bolt assembly at the bottom of a toilet tank failed. If it had been going on for awhile, we surely would have noticed puddles on the bathroom floor before we saw the kitchen ceiling leak. I shudder to think what might have happened had one of our pipes frozen instead. (Which, despite precautions, can happen in this climate). I can’t predict that I will have another claim in the next couple of years, but I couldn’t have predicted this one either.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2017

    ChiSandy- houses are so unpredictable as well as the things in them. I had a water filter housing go south on me 3 years ago and started flooding the kitchen. Fortunately, I was able to catch it early on and got a hold of an appliance person to come the next day. She told me that if I had been away, I would have come back to a completely flooded house (and I had just in fact returned from a week trip). Scared me to think of the what ifs, but sister, you are living it.

    I agree with you about the dust being a concern. Anything like that we breathe in (humans or pets) can hurt us. Oh sister, I feel for ya.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2017

    Feel a bit calmer now. Spoke with the project mgr. and he is crediting me half a week’s salary for my housekeeper for all the extra work she needs to do. She’s cleaned everything I regularly use in the kitchen, and no new dust has fallen. The espresso machine will have to be taken away and professionally serviced, though—the plaster dust has gotten inside the machine through the vents in the top and perhaps even the tank itself, contaminating the water inside. It’s due for its biennial servicing, though, so even the cost of that (and the $150 for its roundtrip to & from the shop—it’s one heavy sucker) is still less than the cost of replacing it. Might send the espresso grinder out for new burrs while I’m at it. We can finally make simple things like fried eggs or use the microwave—but except for breakfast, I think we’ll be dining or ordering out till the project is done.

    As to the cats, they’ve already been breathing the dust (and ingesting it when they groom themselves) for 24 hrs. We haven’t heard back from the vet (which doesn’t board pets unless post-op), and there’s no new dust in the air, so we will just watch for signs of coughing or sneezing. Next Tuesday the reconstruction crew comes in for an estimate, and we will find out the timetable and what to expect. At least there will be no fans or dehumidifiers, and all work will be confined to the kitchen. We will pack away all exposed china, crystal, pots & pans and store them upstairs. We will insist on fully covering (with sealed tarps) all surfaces in the kitchen, and completely sealing the kitchen off from the dining room. (If the crew needs to go to the bathroom, let them walk out the back and through the gangway to the front). It’s unlikely they’ll do the repair with lath & plaster, as it’s almost a lost art (and their “services” page lists “sheetrock”). So drywall and drywall compound will probably be used—and that dust is more toxic than pure plaster dust. We will plan to put the cats in our bedrooms and head to the Hampton Inn up the street, checking on and feeding the cats a few times a day.

    Took a sponge bath downstairs rather than try to shower upstairs with the fan blowing on me—it’s pretty chilly in there even if I’m not wet. Gonna get my hair done before heading out to my support group meeting tonight, and after dropping off one of my friends at home and going through the drive-through, I hope I’m home before the rain turns to sleet or ice.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    OMG Sandy this sounds just horrible, and u'r poor cats, of course whatever is on them they ingest, oh I hope it won't be awful for them. U'r living in a nitemare right now and how much longer is this going to go on? Whoever is coming next does it have to be done right away too. Oh this sounds like a fortune too, no matter how u figure it. Nothing is u'r fault for sure, things have to be done as houses get older so what else can u do.Hopefully the worst is over, or almost anyway.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2017

    Natch, the vet called while all of us were out—Bob & Gordy at work and I at my support group meeting. The kitties seem none the worse for wear, there is no new dust settling where my housekeeper & I wiped, and the HEPA filter is pulling it out of the air. The remediation process had to be immediate, to avoid damage. But the restoration can be delayed until we work out the extent of what we want done, what the insurer will pay (should we decide to file a claim, about which we’ll be advised by the reconstruction inspector on Tuesday—if so, they’ll reimburse what we’ve already paid for the remediation), and we can work out and execute a specific plan to protect the cats, us and our possessions before work starts. We will have an ugly plastic sheet over a hole in the kitchen ceiling pending recon, but that’s not an emergency. Maybe the crew will put a nicer tarp on it temporarily so nothing falls out of the hole.

    DOTD: a split of Domaine Chandon Brut at our usual Italian restaurant.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    Sandy u sound a little better this time. But u ar up late. Well I worry some about the kitties, maybe cuz one of my furbabies is my very own Katie-Kat, so there's my soft spot. I know it's all an awful inconvenience but as long as u all will be able to tolerate it, it's better. Well in a brighter spot having a kitchen isn't all it's cracked up to be.

    Well I had a little goofy night, I went to go into my computer and it stopped me completely and said call this number u'r computer has been compromised and I could not get off that page and everything else went away all my tabs and everything. I was stuck right there. So I called Dan, good thing this guy doesn't sleep. So he entered my puter and of course said WTF do u do to a computer? it was a total virus and he had to undo all my damage. So lucky I just sit here and watch my little pointer move all over the place and all the fun things he does to undo it. Then I started about him hacking and he said so clearly I can not hack, I don't know how,but all I said was can u teach me? Smart ass said I can barely teach u how to open up a tab. Good thing he never looses patience with me at any time of day. So he got it all unvirused and up and running. Last time he had to come here and took the whole computer apart, but this time he fixed it from his home, we got lucky. So tada here I am.

    Wow It's Friday Eve already and I have a feeling I'm going to be sleepy today, That sucks for work. Well the house will be empty, everyone will be gone so I kind of like that actually, but the weather is suppose to be icy this morning, I hope they're wrong cuz driving is really a bitch and Leslie will have to drive in it..

    I hope everyone has a great day, and I can sty awake for the most prt.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    Image result for winter alcoholic drinks recipes imagesWhy are these so big, but I like to give NM a break now and then since it's winter and u get up in the dark still. I bet soaked marshmallows would be good in hot chocolate too, like Bailey's or Kahlua. Never thought of that before. Yummy

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited January 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Friday Eve!Happy Thirsty Thursday!I had a great time at the Wednesday, Women and Wine get together.It's a sub group of the local wine lover's group.Not really a wine tasting, but a get together at local restaurants that have happy hours or just good wine and food.There were 7 women, 2 of us new to the group.There was lots and lots of gabbing and picture sharing and half priced glasses of wine and then some very nice food.Can't wait for next month's meeting.Didn't hear about Pearl, so hoping I will hear she's ready for pick up today.We'll have to wait and see.Still warm and melty here.Lots and lots of melting.January thaw has arrived!

    Goldie--I did have a nice day, got my eyes checked, ordered contacts, treated myself to breakfast out, puttered around the house, refinanced the student loan to get out of the interest only payment program I didn't even realize I was in so I can actually make headway on that, may have found a way to pay off the mortgage this year, had a nice nap, and then a really fun Meet Up.Things are looking up!Definitely need to keep up this taking time for myself periodically thing.

    Welcome, PontiacPeggy!Pull up a bar stool and order your favorite libation!

    Jazzy--Wow, what a nice dinner invite and outcome!Still laughing at the Herding cats mental picture.I will ask the bigger group about wine apps, I do have an android smart phone and do love to play with techie toys.Apparently the bigger group is more active in the summer months due to traveling, and does go to different local wineries and other wine tastings.

    Cammy--The computer system I use for work is probably quite similar.I do put in information during the visit, but I don't focus on the computer, I focus on the person and family.There are a few "pages" I use in the home, but there are also a dozen or so pages of general "stuff" that has to be stated each visit that really isn't relevant except to Medicare:things like does the person live alone or with someone else, do they have a Living Will, if so what date was a copy put I the chart, does the person have a caregiver, if the patient is male or female, does the patient have hearing loss, what the diagnosis is, and a bunch of other stuff that escapes my memory at the moment.Then I have to write a summary of the whole visit on a separate page.Some visits I can get most of the stuff added during the visit, but if there is anything going on I just take notes and finish all the details later.This system we're using now is MUCH better than the last one, and the tablet is much better to carry around than the laptop.And really good documentation takes time and thought.

    Chi--oh, my, you really are having a time of it.So unfair not to let you know really what to expect. I hope you stick to your guns about paying the estimate and no more.And I don't blame you for not touching the stable stuff, and letting someone else deal with it.Can you cover stuff up with sheet and pillow cases and such?Or does the dust go right through?I think you did the right thing, dealing with it now.Can you imagine if it had gone on for a while, what a mess that would have been?I worry for your kitties, too.Oh, good, it sounds like things have settled a little bit, and now you have a plan in place.I think that makes things a lot easier.And good to get extra pay for the Housekeeper, too!

    Cammy--those virus attacks on the computer are a true pain in the Arse!Glad Dan could get you fixed up remotely.It's freaky watching your computer do stuff when you aren't touching it, isn't it?

    Thanks for the Hot Coccoktail, Cammy!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2017

    Ha ha Jazzy, I hope your cat herding goes well. At least you mighten get another dinner outta it! Any disease, that the end result is death, is automatically in for disability. Stage IV cancer being one of them. No cure.

    Cami, it is so very frustrating that they can't find the reason for the D. What the hell do we pay these doctors for anyways? I'm feeling just ok, I'm not in any pain. My stomach as started the rumbling, grumbling, gurgling from the FU pills and I continue to lose weight. In the past year, I have lost almost 30 lbs. I'm now down below 130, none of my close fit. A pair of stretch jeans I have, and I think they run a tad big, but they are size 6 and I swim in them. Sorry about the virus, I get those things pop up every now and then, about your computer not running right, click here to fix it……NEVER. Even if it looks like it's from your computer, NEVER click. Ask first. Or you might get something that says you need to verify your account oryour email. Do not click on anything you are unsure of.

    Sandy that's horribly about your cats, can they be tested in any way? Friend or neighbor that can keep them? I say Bull Shit! Harmless my ASS. You need to take as many notes as possible. And text messages. But of course I don't need to be telling a lawyer this, right??? Your son does not drive?

    NM, it seems like winter just got here and now we are looking at mud season for you. So glad you had fun last night and hopefully some new friendships on the horizon. Hoping Pearl can come home today.

    Been talking with my DD, she may be coming out for a visit for a week or so in March. Can't wait.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2017

    Good morning ladies- I think I said I would make yesterday my last message to you until next week, but I lied! Here I am again! I do have lots to do today and heading out in the am to the mountains for my three days away to the yoga retreat. I have a treatment at the B&B/spa at 1 p.m. tomorrow, and yoga begins later in the day. I expect we are going to have snow while we are up there which will be awesome for snowshoeing and/or sitting in those hot springs I hope to take another shot at again. Just need to finish putting together my snowshoeing gear today to be ready.....

    I took a break yesterday afternoon and finally got to the movies (something I never do when I am on these busy contracts) and saw Manchester by the Sea; a sad movie, but good writing and acting. Casey Affleck gives a stellar performance of a very broken person. He just won a Golden Globe for this movie too. My next movie will be La La Land and want to see Jackie too.

    But here was my surprise, since I probably get to the movies once a year (prefer to watch movies from the comfort of my home), I was surprised to find out things have changed. Assigned seats where you have these reclining type chairs. Pretty nice and it makes it more appealing to be able to be comfortable the whole time. Part of the reason I don't like going to the movies is because of having to sit in those regular chairs for hours. Nice change! All I needed was a blanket......

    NM- sounds like you all had a great time. Food, wine, visiting sounded great. I can see how they could be busier in the summer months too when the weather is better and now you have that to look forward to. And yay for finding ways to pay down debt. I am hoping to pay off my house this year too. Hope you hear on Pearl soon.

    Goldie- that is great news your DD may be coming to visit!

    Cami- oh computer problems. I have been using Norton antivirus for years and found one of my computers was super infected and now have VIPER on it. The computer people say it has the best protection, far better than Norton so maybe your computer needs that? I am having challenges with my phone right now trying to download an app I need and am ready to throw it through the window.

    Chi- thinking of you as you work through this very unexpected mess this week. I hope the kitties are okay.

    Must get some things done and going later to meet some friends for martini drinking. Will be back next week after the yoga retreat and a few other things!

    Blessings to all for a lovely weekend!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2017

    Talked to the vet today, and he said there wasn't much more I could do for this phase, beyond damp/mopping the wood and vacuuming the carpeted floors to reduce the chances of walking through the stuff. Sheets & pillowcase would keep out larger particles (like the inevitable paint flakes) but the dust is so fine that only non-porous plastic sheeting (edges sealed with duct tape) and a heavy-duty HEPA filter will keep those particles from circulating & settling. Unlike Bob, he believes that the temporary emotional trauma to the cats of boarding them out for a few days for the next phase would be less than the long-lasting physical trauma from their breathing or ingesting dust from drywall & joint compound (chemically different from pure plaster or concrete dust). He's sympathetic because he's had to deal with flooding issues; fortunately, he was able to find a pet-friendly extended-stay place not too ridiculously far from where he was working at the time.

    Gordy doesn't drive because he tried it and it was traumatic for him. His private school, like the NYC public high school Bob & I attended, did not even offer driver ed. Private driving schools were available for all three of us at the time. Bob's parents (who also never drove) told him that like they he just didn't have a “driving personality." In college in NYC he took the bus & subway; in grad & med school in Seattle we lived across the street from Health Sciences. As a resident, I either picked him up or he took public transit; but the hospitals where he moonlit during his cardiology fellowship were horribly inconveniently located (the CTA Orange Line hadn't yet been built so he had to take the train & 2 different buses to the one on the SW Side); the other was in a very far south 'burb that required a CTA train, walk to Union Station for a commuter train, and a taxi. It got old pretty quickly. He'd taken the AAA course his last year in med. school when he found out we'd be leaving Seattle, so he took a refresher course, got his license and got my car (I bought another for me).

    As for me, the legal driving age in NYC was 18—no such thing as a “jr. license," and I walked to high school anyway—but you could get a full license at 17 if you took a DMV-approved private driver ed class. The catch was that you had to be both 17 and still in high school by the end of the course, and by the time I was 17 I was halfway through freshman year at college (to which I commuted by bus & subway). At 18 my dad taught me, but our family insurance agent said the minute I got my license their premium would triple. So I waited till we got to Seattle and when I got tired of taking buses everywhere, I got my license and we bought our first car—a Datsun 1200—because it was the cheapest new car with automatic transmission we could buy for cash. Because Bob didn’t drive, and we were <25, I had a devil of a time getting insured—company after company said males <25 are high-risk drivers and his not driving was so unusual that they had to assume he would change his mind any minute and get a license. My premium with Allstate was high. Once he turned 25, PEMCO took me and my premium fell 75%. Killed me to have to give it up when we moved here, but they don’t sell outside the Far West.

    As for Gordy, at 16 he took a summer driver ed course at a private driving school in Winnetka. Aced the permit test but driving itself was a nightmare. He has sensorimotor integration deficit and dyspraxia, so he had trouble judging distances, steering, and even feeling how much pressure to put on the pedals. He renewed his permit, but let it expire. We live close to the CTA station, the bus stop is on our corner, his college issued free CTA passes; and he used first cabs and now Uber and sees no need to drive. He has friends in L.A. who use Uber!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    Hi Ladies I'm back and crabby as anything.

    Oh Lori u'r tummy is starting already, oh 30 lbs is a lot for u, u'r a wisp of a thing anyway. Maybe this is as far as it will get (praying) and u can feel a little beter than last time. U know when I got Dis. it was a snap, cuz like u said Stage IV was a no brainer for them, they got the paper work, called me on the phone for n app't, so I didn't have to even go in nd 2 weeks later gave me all my back pay then started my monthly one. I actually thought I'd make more tho, so I'm not sure how they figure it, cuz I worked most of the time, but of course my ppay was nothing great. The only time (for me) that I made decent money was about the last 5 years at the state and thinking I was going to work at that amount and more for a few years I figured I'd be in much better shape money wise, Anyway it did get OK'd quickly.

    And I still can't believe about Dara, how can they possibly do that and it was OK.

    Jazzy I knew u'd pop in again and u'r week sounds amazing, pics I hope after, but u'r good for that anyway.

    Sandy I hope u'r furbabies will be OK, I always feel for them. nd I can understand why people don't get their licenses, specially if u live in or right around any big city. It's really easy to get around, so many times u can just walk places u want to go. I even remember when I was young we lived on Ohio street and I would be in a buggy and we'd walk downtown just to go there. Or we'd take street cars that stopped on any corner, now there are buses and cabs all over plus Ubers. I never would drive in the city tho. It's insane.

    I got more test results today, everything is still OK--One more to do, Oh jeez. I had my D all day again today ate some crackers and didn't help at all. I've had a couple of those being in a tube and they would put some solution up my rear end--I don't have a clue what else they can possibly do--I don't know the names of those tests but I'm sure u all have had them.

    BTW when I tell u gals stories about what Joey and I talk seriously, it's really for a reason, I like to hear what u gals think, since I can't rehearse or read up on anything he comes up with. So if I get u'r OK I feel better about the things I say.

    OK I guess that's about it, OH I can say more for sure but how much can u possibly read from my writings. I mean it's not like my name is Poe or Hemingway or even Dr. Seuss.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2017

    My DOTD was a can of Diet Canada Dry. Even though one of Bob’s patients actually gave him a bottle of her homemade limoncello.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited January 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF!Yesterday went better than I expected at work.One of my nursing homes is being reassigned to another nurse, so I won't have this one that is way out of my way anymore.That is going to simplify my life enormously. Now if only I can get Pearl back, still haven't heard, probably will call and check today.

    Goldie--Our little January thaw will be ending the weekend, temps going back to the cold and colder range.All this mud will freeze up and wait for spring to return.Hope your DD does get to visit!

    Jazzy--ah, yoga, snowshoeing and hot springs, what a great sounding combo!Reclining chairs at the movies?Wow, things sure have changed!Put me in one of those and I'll end up napping rather than watching the movie!

    Chi--I'm always amazed to hear people talking about public transportation that will take them anywhere they need to go--no such thing in rural Maine!Oh, the bigger towns and cities have buses, but people who depend on them are very limited in where they can live and work.Don't blame Gordy for not driving, sounds like it would be an ongoing nightmare for him.Insurance companies sure know how to make money, don't they?

    Cammy--bummer about the D.I so wish someone could find a reason and FIX it.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Lady Cello



    Shake with ice and pour into a sugar-rimmed highball glass. (Use limoncello and sugar.) Garnish with a cherry, and serve.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    Good Morning Ladies,

    I slept 5 hrs, with no wake up time, Feels good.

    Lori by the time I write my post I forget most things. I'm so furcited for March for u. It'll be here before u know it, and seeing u'r DD will be so so wonderful for u. It's great to have this to look forward to. For some reason I think of her being like u.

    NM I can't believe u and Pearl aren't together yet. Must be lots of work for these people right now. Sounds good about u not traveling as much tho. And we're having the same type of weather, it's going to warm up by Monday and then who knows. But I do know my DD works Downtown Chgo, and has never driven to work and she's been down there for 20 yrs. And just walks about a mile to her office unless it's really bad, then she cabs it. But at lunch she goes wherever she needs to and walks everywhere.

    Sandy how nice to have homemade Limoncello, have u even had any yet? And u had a diet Ginger ale? U'r DH must be very well liked by his patients which has to be rewarding for him. One of my Drs. at Elmhurst had originally come from Luke's and he told me he left there cuz he wanted more one on one with his patients and I remember saying Why, u have no personality. (I told u I have no filter)-He was actually surprised--well over time, we really got along and even hugged when I left my app'tments. OK one of my goofy stories.

    Well Jazzy no doubt is busy and getting to go on an amazing week filled with relaxation. Well except for the snowshoey thing, Now that has to be really hard excercise for u'r whole body, this so sounds like her tho. She has a lot of adventure in her.

    Well it's TGIF for some, OK for everyone but u know what I mean. Dan told me he totally cleaned out my computer (don't exactly know what that means) but this morning I only had not even 1/2 the emails I used to have, if that's what it means--mostly crap anyway. But my other email is loaded (his) Oh well.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2017

    I'll be back in the morning, have to get ready to head into town.

    Jazzy, have a super relaxed weekend. We're all JELLY.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2017

    Good morning friends- just got back from dropping off the convertible for the hail damage repair and getting ready to head to the mountains. I have a treatment there at 1 p.m.I know, shut up jazzy.

    I went to a cool place last night where some small businesses reside. An incubator of sorts, and checked out this distillery called Broken Trail. They make a pecan rum and a tasty vodka for starters. I focused on the vodka and tried a couple things including this very interesting "pickle martini". Made with dill pickle juice and a dill spear. Kind of like a dirty martini but with pickles and vodka. I liked it!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    Hi ladies,

    Wow it's quiet today and it's TGIF day well almost over here. OK now it's over. Anyway....

    Jazzy I'm sorry but that drink doesn't sound very goo. how was it really? Kind of cute to look at but that's it. U must be leaving today so u probably won't even read this, that's all right. If we keep up this pace when u get back there will only be a couple of posts to read.

    Lori I hope u tell us how today went for u, word for word.

    DARA DARA DARA---she usually hears me.

    My work was quiet today, just a few phone calls, I don't like that really, but this is usually slower after the holidays unless it's an emergency.

    Well tomorrow is the BIG PARTY and I don't know yet if I'll be here or not for it--I'll know sometime tomorrow. Everyone is cleaning like crazy and 2 mins. after people walk in it's a mess, never fails. I always liked when people just came over and whatever it was like that's it, but when u know, u feel an obligation to clean. Obligation was never one of my strong points.

    The weather is supposed to b OK so that's in their favor, and if I do stay home I can stay in my room most of the night, so that would be good. Now here's the stupid news, my other DD knows if I have to go there it means things are not good and I'm not feeling well and what is FF making for dinner Italian food, as much as I like it I can't tolerate it if I'm there. Oh how I feel the love, he makes it sound like he's doing something for me. WTF?My mom used to say to me (in Italian) loose translation--Patience lil one it all goes away. Sounds better in Italian tho. Even swearing sounded pretty good.

    OK I took my pills and nothing so far, I hate that. but Patience..........Nite guys.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    Good Morning Ladies.

    I see I closed up the post during the night--reminds me of the days of closing the bar, but not by myself, so I see myself coming and going. OK mostly going.

    So I ask myself how I slept, not bad actually, so see I can keep up a conversation all by myself. Oh I know what I forgot to ask, how do u make the "notes" on the computer, I totally forgot u know for singing or music, Dara told me before and whoosp it's gone.

    I hope NM sleeps in today and gets a little more rest, she's always on the go, cuz she said she was going to try to slow down on the weekends. Oh all of u women are so on the go, sometimes I have to rest after reading all that u do. Well ok, I rest after every phone call so.....

    Hey this isn't easy carrying this whole post u know, of course I'm going to say silly things, I do anyway. I'll be back later to catch up, cuz that's the kind of gal I am.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    Image result for winter alcoholic drinks recipes images A little different Martini, maybe, I really don't know, sounds kind of good.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2017

    Sandy, thanks for sharing the stories of learning to drive. I just couldn't imagine NOT driving. But I guess if you live where all of that transportation is available to you, then you are good to go. And then your son, just not being able to do it physically. I've not heard of that, but can understand.

    Cami, I don't get a whole lot from SS either, I guess it's cuz most everything we have is paid for, so no bills really. But I couldn't take a check anymore, which is fine, DH just takes my part. And those darn docs not being able to help you. Ya know, it's not necessarily in the poop that is causing the D. It could very well be something else. Now don't ask me what, cuz I haven't a clue. But like your meds could be doing it, but I believe they have looked into that. My DD is a lot like me, but then again very different too. She has BALLS, whereas I don't! You are up in the middle of the night girl!

    NM, glad you don't have to make that long drive, making things a bit easier for you. But still no Pearl? I can see you and Jazzy going on one of those weekend retreats. Perhaps it was the snow shoeing, cuz I know you do that. But it just sounds like a Jazzy/NM kind of weekend.

    Jazzy, pickles and vodka? Nothing else? Just pickle juice in the vodka?

    Cami, tell you word for word what? About town day? I sure hope you get to stay home today. Then you won't have to eat that nasty Italian food that FF makes. LOL, swearing in Italian, I bet it does sound nice. Probably in French too, right?

    Hold the ALT key and type 13, or hold the ALT key and type 14. ♪ ♫ :poop: that one didn't work.

    Image result for how to make poop with keyboard symbols

    Having company today, so I need to get my EWWA moving. But I surely don't have an EWWA. Will have to come up with something else for moi! Maybe ESWA, ever shrinking white arse!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2017

    Hi Lori, I thought u had dr. stuff yesterday, that's why I wanted to know. Oh great hair and u'r EWWA has traveled across the states to me, so it's not lost, I'm holding on to it. BTW u do have balls, I don't think u realize that. And yes all my meds have been stopped at one time or anothr just to see, I get a little upset tho with Leslie, cuz she gets upset with me like I don't get the right Dr. I had 4 at the other hospital and 3 at this hospital plus a research Dr. Oh well. More company, jeez u have things going on today too. Have fun.