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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2017

    Hey girls, just checking in. Having a great time.

    Mary, if I come and go to Cami's it will probably be Fri/Sat. No way you can go? Maybe drive out to Cami's first and hit you on my return. Still up in the air for me though. I'm sorry I'm so last minute. It would be super easy to go if I could take my mom…but that's NOT happening!

    Not going to address everyone, too much has gone by, but I did read everyone's post.

    I will say this Cami, re the big D. Since I have been doing the hemp oil and the RSO, my stools have been solid. I didn't bring any of that with me, didn't want to chance it. However, since I am not taking any of it now, guess what??? Yep, the D has returned. Anxious to get back home and on it to see if that is what is helping it. My hands are starting to hurt from the hand/foot syndrome. Oh well. They pulled my purse going through security, glad I didn't have anything in it, re MMJ. They check my M&M peanuts and my Corn Nuts…really???

    Mary, please don't worry about your TM's, they are well within normal range with even room to fluxuate. Now if they continue to creep, then maybe. It could have been your BB, your knee, who knows what, that made them go up a bit.

    My HS girlfriend is coming any minute with her mom. Went out to eat yesterday with mom, brother and one of mom's friends, was a good day and always nice to get her out. Super windy today, oh my!!! Here is a pic of me with some other HS friends, taken the night I got here. And a wooden hummingbird my brother got me in Mexico.


    Love and haggles to everyone.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2017

    I've not seen “Food, Inc." or “Fast Food Nation," but I did see “Super Size Me;" and read “The Omnivore's Dilemma" by Michael Pollan (explains why the post-1968 corn boom has caused obesity), “Why We Get Fat" by Gary Taubes, “The Blood Sugar Solution" by Mark Hyman, “Salt Sugar Fat" by Michael Moss, “Pandora's Lunchbox" by Melanie Warner, and above all “Food Politics" by Marion Nestle. Haven't read “The End of Overeating," though I do respect David Kessler (who got pushed out of the FDA by agribusiness & pharma). About 25 yrs ago there was a book about why women get fat, which explained the difference between hypertrophic & hyperplastic obesity, advocated using hunger rather than emotions or other external factors as a cue to eat (eat only when you're hungry and stop when you're satisifed—which is well short of feeling full) as well as to give in to a craving by eating the exact thing you crave, rather than “eating around it" (substituting, being unsatisfied, and ultimately eating what you crave anyway), and eating only enough to satisfy your taste buds. I forget what it was called, and I think the author's first name was Carol or Deborah.

    My family had nagged me for years to try out for Jeopardy, but I never had enough notice when they came to Chicago (and you had to win a lottery to even take the test). Finally, in 1996 we were in L.A. to see Northwestern play in the Rose Bowl, and on a dare (and just to get Bob to stop nagging) I called the show…and was told they were testing the next day, had one spot left, and to come right in. It was a written test and you had to get fewer than four questions wrong—I got only one wrong and it was basically a brain fart. Those of us who made the cut were then taken through a mock game—and at the end, we were told that although most successful test-takers wash out on the screen test, the five of us would ALL be on the show within the next six months and to make sure we could be contacted on short notice. Talk about short notice—I got the call less than two weeks later and was told I'd be on the day before Valentine's Day! I practiced like crazy with a penlight as my buzzer. Unfortunately, the game I was on featured one nearly 7-foot-tall guy who'd just broken the one-day money record (and contrary to the rules, activated his buzzer by holding it in his armpit), and a four-time champion who challenged a “Final Jeopardy" ruling against him and won his appeal. I was screwed, but I did pretty well for a third-place finisher—only a few bucks behind the second-placer (for the winner, it was a runaway). Back then, only the winner could keep the money, and the rest of us got “lovely parting gifts" (which would make a cool band name). The second-place guy won a roomful of kitchen appliances and I got two satellite receivers, a two-year premium subscription to DirecTV and USSB (which later merged, so I got an extra year), and a deluxe dish. Satellite was pretty new then, and the equipment alone was worth over $1K. The second-place guy wanted to trade with me, but I'd just updated all my appliances. (The winner got cocky and lazy in the “Final" of next game and finished with $0). And Alex Trebek was very nice—after the show we talked about his winery, and he autographed and gave me an armload of show swag to raffle off at Gordy's school's auction. I appealed over the buzzer-in-the-armpit thing, and was told that after 5 years I could re-test rather than being “one-and-done." Never took them up on it.

    Ironically, the first dollar I ever earned was actually $2. When I was in HS in NYC, there was a weeklong recess between fall & spring semesters called “inter-session." My friends & I went into the city one day and saw as many game-show tapings as we could. (Lied about my age—I was only 14 and they were 16). One of them was the original Art Fleming Jeopardy. As luck would have it, Johnny Olsen was doing the audience warmup and called on me—and I got the question right. I still have that $2 bill I won!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2017

    Hi girls,

    I am pooping my head outta de rabbit hole to say hello and to see how my girls are doing.

    Lori, so glad you are having such a great time, keep up the great work. You really need and deserve this break. I sure hope you and Cammy and also Genny can knock back a few, be sure to have one or ten for me hehe!

    Chi, very interesting experience you had on Jeopardy. Sorry you did no win big but I think you should give it another try. Who knows, you could be the new record setter and blow Ken Jennings outta de water!

    Hsant, good to see you pop in more often. Praying that today is a good day for you and your papa. Thanks for your kind words and encouragement.

    Jazzy, oh no, hope you are feeling better! Ah, a trip to Ireland sounds just fantastic for you and a jazz trip at that! Oh how I wish that you and me and Chi could play music (and dwink) together one day! Who knows. Best to you on the newest project, hope you sign something soonliest! Thank you too for your well wishes and continued thoughts of me, udda bestest!

    NM, hate that you hadda be on call all weekend and that you are working so haurd. But happy that you have a plan to make a change once the house is paid off. I envy you, sadly my mortgage will continue until 2031 I think (thanks to the rat bastard, the "gift" that never stops giving). Hope this week is going well. Love to Sadie and oh, would love to see her have her own cooking show lol.

    Genny, love the pics of Nora. And love that ole "WHY" stage of childhood. NOT. I just adore two year olds but not looking forward to the next phase of the why's lol. Welllll, I am prolly not being truthful. Thanks to you to for the love and sympathy on my loss of Bella, I know that YOU know too well how it feels. Life can be cruel eh? I hope you can find a way to see Lori and Dr. Camille!

    Cam, you too, thanks for all you say and for paging me into the lounge. It seems I always hear you calling and it is you that drags my sorry ass in here. Woohooo for no D, for now, hope it continues. And another wooo hooo for some good sleep. Love yuor rants and miss them when you are being serious lol. I love ya lady and hope and pray that something can be done to make things better physically for ya. ANd i know you will figure out de perfect bday gift for your dear seesta!

    Gonna hit submit and finish up here since mese fingers are all kinds of missing and hitting de wrong keys on dis ting, hoping THAT improves soonliest!

    brb! and will try not to be too much of a dara downer, k?

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2017

    I'm back! And jest made a jack n diet for a change, been trying to stop dwinking ebery night but not going well. I am at least refraining from dwinking more than two or three, most nigths.


    Mema, a big congrats to you on finally getting your SSDI. I hope they paid you retroactive AND that you find a way to splurge and buy YOURSELF something you will love and make you happy (besides likker, duh). You having TMJ issues again, did I miss sumting? I sure hope not. I miss you and often tink about our times together, 3 right? Would love to see you (and ALL of my goils) soonly.

    So me, the FN abscess is healed but came down with a nasty case of bronchitis. It went from a cold to a cough to a full blown bronchial thing in just days. I am again on anti B (having D as a result), huffing an inhaler and popping extra ibuprofen to offset the pain of pulling my back from coughing my brains up at night.

    My little Lucy is depressed and not eating well. She keeps scratching at my laundry room door, when I let her in to check it out, seems she is looking for Bella. I told her the same thing I always tell my dogs when one goes to the bridge, told her that Belly-boo-boo joined the circus lol. Lucy is getting extra TLC, she is on my lap right now.

    I did make it to my mini class reunion thing a week ago Friday but did not stay long. I took ainn imitrex for the head but the music blew up my headache in no time hence a drive by, as Jazzy suggested!

    A few pics:

    Me and my high school besties (many of the pics on facebook show me with a miserable face, this is the best I've got. It' me, second from the right and my cousin Cheryl first on the left. The cute lil blond is my high school BFF Dot, she is the one that survived a very invasive bout of breast cancer last year back, look at her cute lil chemo curls! I l love all these girls and always enjoy seeing them.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2017


    Hadda hit submit since nearly lost my post again, whew.

    Finally, some of my fav pics of my Isabella Louisa Klein, aka Bella.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2017


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited March 2017

    Dara- glad to hear from you and so glad that you were able to go to that reunion party. Both you and your friend who had BC look great. You needed that.

    So sorry that your other pup is missing Bella. Such a big adjustment for both of you. Hugs sister Heart

    Goldie- looking forward to hearing about your visits with the our friends here. Love your photos too!

    ChiSandy- if you read the End of Overeating (it is really different than you might think based on the title), you will never eat in a chain restaurant again. Totally eye opening!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2017

    After reading “Behind the Kitchen Door,” about the abuses against restaurant workers, and Anthony Bourdain’s “Kitchen Confidential,” it’s amazing I still like to go out to eat at all! I generally avoid chains like Denny’s, Applebee’s, TGIFridays, Cracker Barrel, etc. (on the road I look for mom & pop one-of-a-kinds or I buy hard boiled eggs & cheese at the truck stop); and after reading how the Darden Group treats its service & kitchen staff I won’t set foot in a Capital Grille, Olive Garden or Red Lobster either.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    Hi ladies, sorry I missed this morning. One of those days.

    Dara I'm so glad u pooped in, I worry so. And super glad u got to go to u'r reunion, that's the best isn't it. But not feeling well is not an easy fun time. And (((BELLA))), I miss my Katie so much so that feeling is fresh with me too. I have to say for not feeling well u look great and Cheryl looks great too. I'm so happy u have her, funny how things happen in life. I'm just glad u have someone u love with u. And I think u need lots of Logan time, believe me that will help. U'r headaches should be better, I hope that is somewhat true.

    Lori so glad to see u smiling with u'r besties. Isn't it funny how u can just pick up like no time has changed. It's like a time lock. U'r mom looks wonderful and I really hope this is a good visit for u. Please take it a little easy. I know u'r stubborn, so all I can do is say it anyway. And of course u look bootiful as usual.

    Jazzy a car, FIRE holy chit. That's scary. Glad u got out of the line of fire. (oooo bad pun) good no one was hurt. I wish u lived close by and could organize me, I have papers to return by the 17th and haven't even opened up the envelope yet. But it has moved to my right side so far. So progress has been made.

    Mary we're having the same winds u ar. And u must be really good to be booked the way u are. But being on u'r feet that long must be tough. U'r DH has a way to go before slowing down, that's hard on both of u. Getting burnt out on that type of job is easy, u want it to go fast, but then again u don't.

    JEOPARDY--where did this come from. I used to watch that show all the time. And marveled at myself for getting one right in each column. Holy chit u nailed it.I told u u'r memory is fantastic and u really did something about it. OK beside law <which is more than enough> That's why u'r posts are so interesting and fun too. U hid this from us, well it's out now and Alex Trabeck <sp>, that alone impresses me. I used to love to read before now, that I really have the time, it doesn't even interest me. And I used to think wait til I really have the time. Oh well

    My silly test is scheduled for Monday Morning at the hospital that's a mile away <yay> I'm hoping my DD can just drop me off and I can call her when done. That would be ideal so I can relax with it. Did I tell u when I had my BP taken when I first went to the Dr. it was almost 170/82 , so since my Dr. really knows me now took it again when her visit was over. It was 120/70--see how crazy I get for nothing. Well something like that and my blood work was great, even my cholesterol <which I thought would b horrible> So on paper I look good, therefore, I should feel good right. I'm trying to be positive.

    Dara never ever feel like cuz u' down u won't come here, u down us anytime u want, any time of day or nite. Just seeing a post is good. But I do still picture u'r big ole' hole. That will never leave my mind.

    Hsant I watched our BH peeps, oh yawn for this one, maybe the next will have some sparks with Erica. Oh no wonder they're always traveling and everyone can afford to just pick up and go. I can see some of them doing that. but all of them? I hope u and u'r dad are doing well. Way to windy to go anywhere.

    OK it's time I clean myself off up and dust <literally> myself off and start another day. I think it's Friday eve.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    NM somehow I didn't say GM to u and I always do, since u start our days and give us some good DOTD's for the day. I hope the week is going OK for u.

    Pegg u'r not here enough. After all u represent that whole section of the USA.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited March 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Yesterday at work wasn't too bad, did get done in time to go the Wednesday, Women and Wine get together.We met in a little Bistro that I didn't even know existed, great little place, wonderful food, lots of fun, and I won the door prize!I got a wine bag, a box if Wine wipes--wipe that clean wine stains off your teeth, and a "You had me at Merlot" plaque.I had so much fun, can't wait for next month's meeting.I had a really nice Pinot Noir, but I didn't get the label info, will have to go back and get that so I can find it to buy it. Now to tackle the documentation backlog I've got built up at work. . .

    Genny--So hard to work tired, I feel badly for your DH.I suppose saying "no" isn't an option? I love listening to and watching windy weather, but the power outage part isn't so much fun.Hope you still have power and got through your full up day.

    Jazzy--yikes, what a scary situation!I would definitely freak out if I was stuck next to a burning vehicle. Glad you could get away and around it all.Tuesday was an exhausting day, I was sitting crosslegged on my bed with Sadie sort of in my lap, I was leaning over her to reach her belly and scratching it and next thing I know she's wiggling out from under me and nudging me with her (cold and wet) nose cuz I stopped scratching, cuz I had fallen asleep!Poor baby, she hasn't been getting as much attention as she would like lately.

    Goldie--look at the lovely ladies, and the beautiful hummingbird!

    Chi--wow, you were really on Jeopardy! That is just so cool, despite all the other stuff going on. And your first dollar was $2, you are just unique!

    Dara--glad to see you peeking over the edge of the rabbit hole.Now if we can just grab you and haul you the rest of the way out! Sadie sends nudges and cuddles.What a great bunch of ladies!Love seeing all the smiles. Poor Lucy is probably missing Bella as much as you do. Must be so hard for the furbabies, not sure how much they understand. Love the pic of Bella and Molly in identical positions next to each other sleeping!

    Cammy--it IS Friday eve, YEAH!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Purple Wind



    Pour chambord into a shot glass. Warm sake on stove, pour into the shot glass, and serve.

    Best served in a Shot Glass.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2017

    Hi again goalies! OMG, you all jest melt my fart with your niceties. I don't feel deserving! Thanks so much.

    Cam, gosh I hope you are not permanently tortured and in mental anguish over the photo I shared of my abdominal war wound LOL. I would happily show you many more photographs of that particular time in my life but I fear that I will scare you and others away. There is something I like and sharing just exactly what I went through at that time and the bullshit that I endured because of Dr. PRrick. I should have sued the mother effer eh? I am sad that you are still missing your Katie cat but you know I completely understand and feel your pain. Hugs x infinity my lovely fwend ❤️ !! Please, DO let us know what dear Joey thought of Romeo and Juliet. By the way, I am Juliet times two, too long stories that I have not yet told LOL. Missing Julia bdw. And pls, remind me to tell 😇 --- or not. And oh,thanks for de permission to vent away wihtout reseravation!

    Lori, I failed to mention how adorable that the wood carving of the hummingbird is and I know you love it. Your brother gave me a great idea, what could that be? I guess you'll have to wait and see! Your mom is so beautiful, I see where you got your good looks from. I wish that you were able to find your way to a lucrative runway gig, uhhh modeling I mean!. You are just so bootiful and have a body that any girl would envy!

    Sandy, oh boy, am I glad that I did not read those books that you and Jazzy have read on eating and such. I love the Olive Garden, especially their chicken Alfredo which I believe that another of my breast friends loves too. And I used to love going to with my dad to Crackle barrel; was his favorite place in the world. I suspect that the reason Dad loved it was not due to the food but due to all of the love that he and my mom got from the waitresses and staff down in Myrtle Beach. I sure miss those days with my parents. So, will you give the show Jeopardy! another shot? For me? Me, Dara, your breast best friend from New Jersey? Don't be a pooper hehe! And uh, did you like that I too put the name in italic print (did it jest for you dearie)!!

    Mary darling, I feel bad for your hubby but it also makes me feel bad for my damn self since I am his age and have many more years until retirement, CHIT! Tell him that three years will go by super fast and at one blink of his eye, retirement will be there for him. It kills me that I have been away from the work force for so long, don't even get me started. Uhhh ohhhh, you didn't did you? I won't even go into the story of how and why my finances suffered so after the DX of de effin rat bastardo! And speaking of being mad, angry and well, call to my neurologist office yesterday to inquire about the Botox injections....I am just so f#cking fed up, the medical communitiy of today does not give an effin' rats ASS about me and others like me who suffer needlessly. Oops rant slipped on, eh? wooops again! Mese apologeeZ.

    NM, I too feel bad for Sadie that you were not able to give her as many snuggles and she would have liked. But remember, you have to do what you have to do to be able to afford to buy her treats and all of the pots, pans and spatulas that she needs. I have wished that I had bigger dogs especially in the winter time. My little dogs are great warmers but when it is really cold, as it gets when she be me turns the house temperature down to 60, I often think of how a larger dog would keep me oh so much warmer. I am glad that you enjoyed your evening, so well deserved, good for you. You should try to make it every time as it sounds like so much fun for you. As girls, where we do just not get enough fun if you know what I mean. I hope today is a good one for you.

    So much to say, I could go on and on. By the way, remind me to pick Chi's brain over some legal matters that my prior employer has been facing. I am 200% torn as to which side I am on. It's crazy shit, should I even go there?

    chit on rye, who'd I miss? mese dwunken hungober brain sucks, yep, de big suckity sux, oh hail yeah. a toast! yep, just made toast for breakfast hehe. no JD but ole dwink is watery and still nursing it? dont tail mese mamma k? omg, me a dunce to the jamor extent of de werd. word up eh? k, bypass dis, it is a figment of yers imagination's x 7! hehe!

    Well I've been typing this message for three hours. I barely slept all night because I really really need to be OK with my resume or make some damn modifications and get it out yesterday, nag nam it to hail!! There goes another day, EFFF ME (is the word is the word… Sing-along; F IS de word is DE word.yeah!)

    gonna grab a short z then twy twy twy to send resume. otherwise, mese sink and no alcamahol for mese should mese sink. errrrrr, dat would suck majorlyestest, right?

    kk, chEErs~ h~calgon and dwugs, oh hell yeah

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2017

    correctione', typed "Jeopardy!" in italic but chit, did not come up right after print fn preview. I stand corrected Chi.

    and finally, anudder ting to peese me off today, check out mese medical for de new year, already met my deductable, dis shit sux!

    ps, mese name is not Dorkoty! trufe me told. kk, cheers loves and thanks again for de lubs lubs lubs. its all i need ~ I tink. gonna call de aetna now, den sleep for reeeeelzies.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited March 2017

    Good morning friends- we are going to have another spring like day here. Yesterday was so lovely, hitting 70 degrees and same for today. Got some work to do in the front garden to clear out some leaves as things are trying to poke through and need the space and sunlight. The fruit trees are now out and my weeping cherry is starting to bloom. Weather for drive up to Denver still looking good, although there may be some wind on Sunday and that can slow you down.

    Got some house, things, business things and trip things to do today. One of my partnering firms is in town, and may connect with him but before that, I am REALLY hoping to stop by a local coffee house to celebrate my writing teacher's wife news that she is cancer free post treatment for lymphoma. We had coffee a few months ago as she was just finishing chemo and her hair was growing back and she posted a photo that it has grown in curly! We know that happens.

    Cami- okay friend, I am going to coach you on getting started on your taxes at is TIME friend. Maybe you and Joey can work on it together? Good thing for him to learn about as some day he will need to know how to do it some day too? Make it fun, put on some great music from the past and have some good food and drink. My business coach taught me when doing anything paperwork related, you need to create an environment with music, snacks, and something good to drink (she suggested wine, but maybe lemonade?) Start with opening all those letters and making sure you got all your forms for income, insurance, etc. and that they are correct. I usually work on my tax stuff for a few hours at a time, about all I can handle!

    Dara- good to hear more from you. And about your stomach. My heart goes out to you. There are good surgeons and some that really are not very good. A good surgeon does not leave you like that. I have a large zipper-like scar on my abdomen from the ruptured appendix (they thought I had stage IV ovarian and opened me wide up to find a surprise!) It is very messy looking and remember the nurse telling me in the hospital that she thought the incision looked messy and something an intern would do. I am not happy with the ways things look but not as bad as it used to be. That being said, that surgeon saved my life.

    Sorry to hear about the bronchitis. So much stress for you lately. Hoping you are feeling better every day!

    NM- yay for winning a door prize and some fun stuff too at the wine tasting. I take a photo of wine bottle labels with my phone so I don't forget a good vino when I find it. Hard to write things down when you are eating, drinking and socializing. Sounds like that was a fun outing and so glad you found this group! Helps to break up the other stuff?

    I hope you will have some home time this weekend with Miss Sadie. It is so wonderful that dogs love us no matter what?

    ChiSandy- I can speak first hand for the poor treatment restaurant workers get. I worked at a few places during my college years and also the year between college and grad school. All family owned and long before the chain restaurants were big, the few that were around were only local or regional. All kinds of crap from deducting extra from your next to nothing paycheck to take a portion of your tips, to another place who was just purely nasty to me and told me I was never going to make as a scientist. Ha ha, wrong! Although I was used to hearing that from men, the owners of the restaurants I always worked for were women. It really surprised me, but taught me not all women support one another. Anyways, when I went to grad school, those restaurant days ended. And the one nasty one I worked for at the end? I did visit that restaurant a few times after, as it was in my home town, and saw the owner whom was of course surprised I was doing so well. I remember her saying to me "so it all worked out?" Yes, and then some. Those jobs all served a purpose with income around my schooling, but I could never fathom doing that for a living. And now, some 30 plus years later, many people DO work at them to make a living.

    Goldie, Mema, Hsant, Genny, and everyone else here, wishing you a good day!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    Jazzy u still crack me up. Ok I did get the mail onto my work pile, yes I have a work pile. But first I called a dentis to see about my no teeth smile and I can arrange payments and I do have an app't for Sat. I'm on anti-b's for my infection so that will help, the few teeth I have left ar getting infected so I have to get this done. But my envelope will now open soon. I don't have any assets or holdings--went thru all of that, just my SS and some pension. But loads of bills so maybe that will be on my side. Oh Mr. Joseph is always so busy, he does help me a lot with computer and cleaning, but he's getting so involved with the clarinet, plays and just plain friends. I'm loosing him, oh no, but I know if I'm seriously asking him, he will help me, if I need him. I also know if I 100% focus completely I can probably do it still. And I think u'r right about the music, it does have a calming effect, but not food for me that seems to take over my whole being. I meant to also tell u about my sister's gift. I really think it out, altho it never seems like it when they get it. So I have 1/2 of the gift figured out now the other 1/2.

    I talked with one of my GF's and we're trying to get a time together for lunch, I hope we do this soon, cuz so far my D has been under control, I think now it's the anti-B that I'm on. They certainly know my problem so she'll work on it.

    be booock latah.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    Holy chit--No one here. I'm all alone naturally.

    Oh this is so stupid it's good for this time of nite. I got into watching some songs on utube, the old ones first and saw all these groups<actually still around> and watching them thought OMG they're all so fugly those days, but seeing them now <closer to my age> they look pretty damn good. They've filled out some and have a good look about them. Well either it's me or they actually look pretty good for me now. Anyway I enjoyed some old songs that stood the test of time. And again, I didn't realize how good some of these musicians were til now. Long time in coming , for sure.

    Well Joey liked Romeo and Juliet, but he said he would have rather seen Hamlet. He said the acting was OK, and he knew the story line, but I guess it just wasn't exactly the type he likes anyway. I forgot who mentioned it before but I saw that movie too yrs. ago and I do remember the one with that gorgeous young guy. Whoa he was something. Then I saw him when he was in his early 40's and OMG he was a nitemare live. I remember thinking that he was no way worth killing herself for, if she only saw the future she would have walked away.Olivia ??? still looks good. Just thought I'd share that tidbit.

    Now see how uninteresting I can be at any given time. It just flows like the sands in an hour glass.

    I actually went on FB tonite for a while , I usually just go thru it quickly, but there were some cute things I copied. I don't want to get into any political or religious crap, so I just copy some fun stuff and not say to much. No one wants to hear me giving my opinions about all this chit, so my sister, cousin and I usually stay clear. Oh I occasionally throw something in, but not enough to start anything. But my first thinking of FB is to just keep in touch and enjoy people I know and don't get a chance to really see like before. And of course if they're troubled, I always say a prayer for them, Personally I don't do that on FB, oh maybe once, but I respect those that do.

    OK nuff chitter/chatter I hope everyone's having a sweet dreams kind of sleep.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2017

    Hey, Cami, I’m up too. Still waiting for the GERD from the winemaker dinner to go away—I can’t lie down yet. Had only half a glass or less of each (gave the rest to Bob), but I guess my ol’ gullet is more sensitive these days than it used to be. Got my gym torture session…er, “personal training assessment” at 2 tomorrow, so I will need some sleep soon.

    Wines were from Hess Collection in the Napa Valley (bet. Yountville & St. Helena). Started with “Shirttail Rosé,” then a Sauvignon Blanc, lightly oaked Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Cabernet Sauvignon (with a little Malbec thrown in), and a red blend called Treo (mostly Petite Sirah, with Merlot, Zin and Malbec—sort of a mutt, since it’s neither a Bordeaux-style Meritage nor a Rhone Ranger style—Rhone varietals do better south of the Bay Area).

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2017

    Hello loungettes!

    Whose partaying with me? haha, it is nearly 5am and I just woke up after hibernating for a day. I guess I needed the rest.

    I got in touch with the doc's office who is working on the pre-auth for botox and was told she'd contact Aetna and call back within the hour. No call back, so discouraging. I guess I will remain on my own in finding a way to work without debilitating headache. I have yet to get my resume out, only want to make some changes to the "core competencies" section.

    I think I will do that NOW and get er done. The job I am interested in is a mortgage company for a builder, Ryan Homes. It pays well according to websites like and the reviews by employees are outstanding. AND it is local enough (nothing will likely be as convenient as my last job which just six miles from here!). Gonna just do it!!! be back!

    Love you girls and thanks again for the support!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2017

    Image result for friends are like a bra

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited March 2017

    Good morning friends- welcome to freaky Friday! The weather in NM continues to be amazing and I was able to drive around yesterday and saw many things blooming and noticed a lot of the trees starting to "green up." Some of it looks early to me, we usually don't have a lot of our trees coming out this soon (just fruit tree blooms), but the warm weather since late January to now with some intermittent cold snaps. I went to Cost Plus World market yesterday and got a few new patio type things and decided to set up my sitting area so I have a place to go perch and read in the evenings. I took a lovely bike ride last night too, really enjoying the new town.

    I went down to the coffee shop yesterday for my friends remission party, and my friend Bob was there sitting in his car with the dog and we chatted for a bit and said "so shall we go in?" He said "the party is tomorrow, not today." Whoops! I was lucky to see him there, this coffee shop is a favorite of his and he goes every day and works out next door, so he just happened to be there. I was bouncing around yesterday morning with a few things going on and did not read his note correctly! Pay attention jazzy! Anyways, he is the one who I took the writing class with that finished last week and just got my shorty story critique back from him the day before. So we chatted for a few minutes, and I will go back today to stop by for a few minutes, but have a standing birthday lunch plan with a friend that conflicts for part of the time. It allowed me more time to get her a card and fun little gift while I was out yesterday. Round 2 coming up!

    Cami- you are never boring to me, remember I came here looking for you. Part of your fan club!

    I love that Joey would have preferred Hamlet. You had to tie me to a chair and force feed me Shakespeare back in those days. Is your work busy right now?

    Dara- glad to hear you are working on your resume and have found a job that interests you. Working for a mortgage company for a builder is a great direction to go. I went through one with my builder when I built my house, saved me some money on points, closing costs, etc. I bet you would enjoy it. Good luck getting your quals polished up and getting yourself in to an interview.

    So despite the dental issues and all you have gone through with that, the headaches remain. I hope you can get the botox soon. Wanting you to be rid of this stuff so you can feel your best friend!

    I am down to the last few days before I hit the road to Denver. Got my suitcase mostly packed and errands done yesterday. Going to chat with the hosting group for the meeting Tuesday this morning to nail down the final agenda for our Tuesday meeting. Weather looks good for the most part, but expect some wind heading up on Sunday. Got all day to get there.

    Wishing everyone a good wrap up to the week. Will poop in one more time tomorrow before I head out on my trip and then be back later next week!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    Good Morning Ladies, I slept a while Yay for me.

    Sandy Years ago I started sleeping in my chair cuz of gerd, but I never stopped even tho I take something for it everyday. But now I actually don't get comfortable laying down sleeping and even when I sleep with Joey we both sleep sitting up. I guess that why I really can take a nap anywhere.

    Jazzy u are always so sweet to me. Oh u'r going to start being super busy again. well I knew it would come. I enjoyed having u home. Can I ask a question? Do u file quarterly, since u are the business? I picture u in a sense as a subcontractor, Well only if u feel like splainin' to me. But I will say I missed u'r story somehow, which I would love to read. and LOL wron nite. I'm rubbing off on u in some ways.

    Dara I can't imagine u having anything but an impeccable resume, but I do know u have to stop these horrible headaches, somehow. Someone has to be able to help u. This sounds worse than migraines to me and I don't understand why they just don't give u anything that can help. And having any trouble giving Botox seems recockulous to me, they give that stuff away like candy to so many. For u it could help medically. There should be no question. U have to be able to function daily. I never understand all the crap the med. stuff goes thru. I know a lot is insurance, the companies that pay out so much and yet make loads of money. All mystery to me. Oh I still haven;t figured out how an aspirin really works, I mean how does it know what I'm taking it for, a fever or what hurts. Many mysteries in my head.

    Jazzy I have music spinning in my head this morning-Stairway to heaven and dream on. Just keep on playing.

    Where's Lori?, I haven't heard from her, and I haven't seen NM yet. so I'll check when I'm done. I wish Nancy would come and share with us how she is doing, I know she's having some problems but I don't know exactly how it's going.

    And Mary I hope u'r busy day went well for u. SusyQ u'r not home yet, I don't think and I like to hear from Hsant, she always has some scoops for me too. Hoping her dad is doing well first of all.

    This time I bought the roll on aspercreme I hate getting that crap on my hands and good thing there is no odor, cuz it's going all over my body again, LOL It hardly helps, but does a little and I put it on my head too, I really overuse things. I'm getting my order ready for Walgreens, I wait for sales and after 35.00 there is no shipping and that's an easy mark to get to,

    My boss called me last nite and he was super nice, Oh OH he said he won't say things to make me feel bad <he thinks it's funny> I got upset with him and told him don't treat me any differently cuz u feel bad for me in any way. I know he means well, but I don't like to be treated like something is wrong with me. He's such a sweetheart and still thinks I'm smart. Poor guy. Believe me I'm a great impostor to him and he doesn't know it. I told u he programmed my computer to get into any part he wants to, but with the minutia of my day he really doesn't have any interest.

    OK I'll check in latah.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    Image result for alcoholic drink recipesLooks pretty

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    P>S> I'm watching the old Mary Tyler Moore show and the fashions they are wearing are just what is being shown today. really sharp too. And one more thing I have a pic. of my mom and aunt in the 1940s and their shoes are so cute, it's what is being shown today.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited March 2017

    Cami- I work a couple ways. I have clients I directly work for and create contracts with, like the big healthcare group here in town you hear I work for a lot. But many groups won't work with a freelancer such as myself, they want a bigger firm. With what I am about to do, I will be subbing so the bigger consulting group will be the prime and working to set up the larger contracts with several big healthcare groups. I don't have the bandwidth to be able to do something like that, but they do. By subbing, I sometimes get paid a bit less (they get a cut), but get paid faster.

    And yes, I do quarterly EST payments to the feds and the state. My accountant told me as we got started 10 years ago I could do monthly, quarterly or yearly and recommended quarterly. Keeping you paying in so you are not stuck at the end of the year. My accountant is good with helping me to adjust over the course of the year if more work comes, I do OT, etc. so either we end up paying a bit or I get a bit back, but we are close every time!

    And I think Lori is traveling and maybe in your area?

  • bcbarbie10
    bcbarbie10 Member Posts: 148
    edited March 2017

    Hi, Cami!!!! I came here looking for you, too!!! I was with you in the triple positive group but been away from thses boards for years. I just dropped by yesterday to tell the ladies there that I'm now five years NED. I was looking at the posts there and wondered where you were.

    Hi all!!! Looks like this is a fun forum. Mind if I stick around for a while

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited March 2017

    Morning DahhhhhLinKs!

    Welcome bcbarbie, of course you can hang out here. April will b 6 yrs for me NED. Congrats to you!

    To the rest of you...have to keep this short. Am on down side of my cold, yay. Have appts this morning for some pampering, another yay. Tests went ok, will get results on Tues (appt w/MO). Not expecting any problems. I will talk to her about the brain & spine white matter. Will let you all know how that goes.

    Until then, am sending prayers, HUGZ, and lots of positive energy to all of you. Hope all have a Gr8 weekend.


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited March 2017


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2017

    Cami, hope the Aspercreme works. I’ve found that roll-on Max-Freeze or Bio-freez help too, as does Traumeel gel (mostly arnica).

    Barb, mazel tov on 5 yrs NED!

    Feel better, Sue. And have fun today and then safe travels, Jazzy!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited March 2017

    Bcbarb- congrats on the five years. I am a Cami follower too, I totally get it. Hope you like it here!

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338
    edited March 2017

    CamiLegal, Here I am! Wow, I sure have been off the radar. Depressed over the weather which today was actually nice! We got snow and rain and rain and snow and cold. Today sunny and 58°F! Melting some of the snow finally.

    I apparently did a no-no Wednesday. I'd made creme brulee and served that to my friends across the street (we go back and forth serving wine and stuff every couple weeks or so). I had a Sutter Home (white) Moscato. I'd never had it before. I not a sophisticated wine lover at all. Guess the tummy did not like the combination because I was nauseous and felt yucky the rest of the day. Tummy was crap until today. Won't do the wine again. The creme brulee was great though I avoid dairy most of the time.

    Doggie and I had a nice walk in the sun. And I feel much better and stuck to my tried and true (and mundane) Riunite Lambrusco for dinner.

    Sandy, I am truly in awe of your brain. It is so impressive. And I'm awfully glad you share all the wonderful stuff you have stored in it.

    Take care, Friends, and have a wonderful weekend!
