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how about drinking?



  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited March 2017

    Oh Dara! I'm so sorry to read that her time has come.......such a beautiful little girl and I know you are going to miss her terribly. Sending gentle hugs for both of you.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2017

    Dara, I am so very sorry, it's so hard and there are now words. Hopefully we will get to see our furbabies again one day, God bless my friend.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2017

    Dara, may Bella’s trip over the Bridge have been graceful, peaceful & painless.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2017

    Lori, I thought I had posted my TM's. CA27.29 went from 15 to 25 but is still within normal range. CEA went from 2 to 4 which is above normal and the one he seemed concerned about. CA15-3 up slightly but still within normal limits. I don't know, I guess it was enough to worry my MO. He told me he wants me to stay on the Arimidex, says it has nothing to do with arthritis, just osteoporosis and he thinks it works better than the Tamoxifen. Hopefully the slight rise in the markers is just a fluke, I'll know in a month. Love the wine/bookstores, wish they were closer to me.

    Cami, glad you are having less pain today, wow, it did get cold in a hurry didn't it? Hot Toddy looks good.

    Jazzy, I know what you mean about meds. Prior to BC I took Synthroid, vitamin D and a baby aspirin. Now I have a whole handful every night, ah well, we're alive! Sound like your next project is falling into place, back to work you go, any idea how long this one will take?

    NM, I figured you were probably salaried with all the hours you work. Glad you got your computer up and running and good to hear you've been getting some time for yourself.

    Dara, hope neurologist can help and again, I'm so sorry about Bella.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2017

    Thanks girls for all of your love, hugs and prayers. Bella is now at eternal rest. It was just so hard to get it done. God Bless Cheryl, she came with me and held her in the car. And Cheryl did not mind that Bella had some nasty D during the ride and it got all over her. She had slipped so badly these past few days. And bless that lil girl, as weak as she was, until today, she was still making it outside to do her business despite being unable to hold herself up. She lost so much weight since the weekend.She was drinking water but would not have anything to do with food. And that tumor got so big so fast, it was the size of a baseball a month ago and vet said was closer to the size of a football, unfuckin real! And this is on a little girl who weighed but 16 lbs. The vet made the process very peaceful. I still have nightmares from the last time I went through this were my baby screamed so loud when the needle went in then the vet commented that her little belly was rumbling from hunger after putting the stethoscope to her heart. Needless to say, fired that vet!

    Lucy is struggling too, she has not been eating right and once we got home tonight, she was moping around and seemed to be smelling everywhere Bella was as if that would help her find her buddy. I am so heartbroken. And I feel like shit. Have the worst headache, took some imitrex and what a waste as I threw up some mucus, water and those pills that are worth their weight in gold. I know tomorrow will be better and know we did what was right for Bella. It has been so stressful. And it is wild how she made a four week comeback, she was like a puppy, running around the yard with Lucy and even getting into some trouble in trying to steal food! I guess it was her last ra-ra!!

    So many of you going through chit, wow. Was glad to read that Nora;s mommy had good results, whew!! Well I will try to do a better job at catching up once I feel better. I am so down and so frustrated, visit with neurologist was a waste of time and money. He said he can't help me and has referred me to a program at Jefferson Hospital in Phila which takes months to get in to. I guess I still have hope that the other neurologist will get off her ass awatnd get the pre auth for botox? I am running out of ideas and just want to feel better and get on my feet.

    I watched Logan this afternoon while Jess went to the dentist,her sitter cancelled on her at the last minute. I was nervous that I would miss my appt for Bella.

    Calgon, take me away! Well jest had a vitamin V whether I am allowed or not, ef the doc who says I can't. Let him live a day in my world then tell me what I can't do!

    Chrissy, thank you too for pooping in. You met Bella as did Sue and know what a sweetie she was.

    Well my three muskateers are together again at the bridge, I guess I take solace in that.

    Gotta run, sorry again about me. Too many of us have lost fur babies and it jest sucks .

    Thanks for hearing my rant!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2017



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    Oh Dara, I'm poopin in to tell u how very very sorry I am, I like most of us know how u feel, It's heart braking, please just take care of u'r self.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    Image result for death of a dog condolences

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited March 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!TGIF! Except that I'm on call this weekend, so I expect that I'll be out doing visits and I have lots of computer and scheduling work to do.Oh well, such is life, right?

    Jazzy--since I'm on "back up" call, I can have a little wine.The person on back up call is the one the weekend nurse calls if he is already out on an emergency call or attending a death and another call emergency call or death call comes in.The clinical manager on call also gives some routine visits to the back up call nurse during the day to take the pressure off the weekend nurse that does routine visits.Soonce the routine visits are done I can have a little wine, as long as I can drive.Generally, I don't drink at all when I'm on call to avoid having families get upset if they smell alcohol on my breath when I get to their home. But I can if I really want to, so that helps.

    Cammy--I'm pretty sure God hears prayers that are said in any position, not just on our knees.I certainly hope so, cuz I say lots of prayers in the car between visits, and getting down on my knees is a chore these days, and getting back up is downright entertaining!The wind came up and the temp fell down here yesterday, so we're back in winter weather again. Even had some snow squalls yesterday. Nothing that amounted to anything, though. Good luck with the tests and appointments!

    Goldie--yes, the Clinical Managers do need to get together, and yes that was the position I applied for. The 3 of them really need to start talking to each other about what they are doing, or find some way to be sure they aren't all assigning stuff to the same nurse on a given day. I know adding a new position means resetting a lot of processes and will take some time to sort out, but if only a particular one of them would LISTEN to what I tell her things would go better.But she's so insecure that any time I try to point out something that isn't working with the scheduling and how it would work better she gets defensive and starts talking about how I need to stop trying to micromanage the schedule. We've already lost one nurse over this, and a couple of aides are looking to find other jobs because of this. And since we aren't replacing staff when they leave it's only going to get worse. It has been brought up in meetings in the past and discussion has been promptly shut down.So I don't bring it up any more.Once in a while someone else does.

    {{{{{{{DARA and BELLA }}}}}}}}

    Genny--Lots of things can make TMs go up a little, especially the CEA.For instance, the normal range forsmokers is 0 to 5 mcg/L, for non-smokers is 0 to 2.5 mcg/L due to the effect of chronic inflammation from smoking. It also goes up during pregnancy.Fluctuations that are within normal limits are usually not cause for much concern.Sounds like your doc is playing it cautiously.

    Dara--I am so sorry about Bella, I know how hard this is. Even if she is in a better place, and waiting to be with you again, you are hurting now. She had such a wonderful rally, and was able to get outside to do her business up until the end. And God bless Cheryl for being with you and Bella at such a hard time. Hugs.

    The Perfect Rainbow Cocktail

    + Red:

    + 1/2 oz (15ml) Grenadine

    + 1/2 oz (15ml) Strawberry Liqueur

    + Orange:

    + 3/4 oz (22ml) Pineapple Juice

    + Splash of Grenadine

    + Yellow:

    + 1 1/2 oz (45ml) Pineapple Juice

    + 1/2 oz (15ml) Lemonade

    + 1/2 oz (15ml) Triple Sec

    + Green:

    + 1 oz (30ml) Midori

    + 3/4 oz (22ml) Lemonade

    + Splash of Vodka

    + Blue:

    + 1 oz (30ml) Vodka

    + 1/2 oz (15ml) Blue Curacao

    The Perfect Rainbow Cocktail

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    I'm back, and I guess it's Good Morning Ladies.

    DARA (((HUGS))) First thing.

    I'm mad right now. I just had my D--I went 2 full days but I ate all dry foods to help and I'm supposed to see my Dr. at 9:30am--WTF--How can this nitemare stop--I have to see a Dr. and can't even get there. A couple of times along this road I have gone to the dr's when I wsn't right and it was awful --Like clean up on aisle 1,2,3--I kept on walking and never turned around and another times I just LOLed--I didn't know what to do. Oh damn this is always about me lately.

    Lori u'r on u'r way today--YYAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY for u and I pray to see u so much. BTW I remember u'r mom and DS having a fall out, but I don't remember he left for good. She must be lost, I think u'r DS really went big time for u'r mom, but he is young and needs to have his own time too. But NC? Are u going to see him somehow? Oh this is going to be difficult for u. Remember I'm not to far and u can stay here too, we have a seperate room now with a bed and empty with a closet with mirror doors, who the hell would do that to this family. I just don't want u to be upset.

    Kimburke I hope u come back and tell us what's happening and dates of things.

    I was thinking--YES i DO, Maybe Julie is in wales??? maybe.

    And Nancy I'm not sure what's going on actually.

    Chrissy it was great that u pooped in for Dara, we miss u.

    NM I was going to say TGIF, but when u'r on call, it doesn't work as well, I hope so much it's a quiet weekend for u. This crazy March is on here--it's supposed to be warmish then very cold next week and snow along the way, Lori better bring some warm clothes, cuz she'll freeze--I would think u might have similar weather, maybe.And I also hope all u'r driving is done with today (Far) I'm just going to say it--U should be managing that place, u'd get it right.

    Another crazy with Leslie's job. she understood she was getting minimum pay, (fine) and 30% of whatever her customer has done. Well, Talk about upset -She already was there for about 14 hrs. and didn't get paid anything. She did get her % and pay for approx. 7 hrs. for the whole week, and some people just had waxes. Got some tips but nothing special And ended up making about 100.00 for 20 hrs. --with tips- not happy. She's actually considering applying for a drs. office.So IDK what she's going to do. More drama here. I'm to old for this shit LOL -as Murtaugh would say--

    OK I'll be back to tell u if I went to the Dr., fingers crossed.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    It's early and I'm in the pewl again, but thanks NM it is warm and bubbly thanks to the tenders. Luv that drink, it looks so pretty and lots of good stuff in it. And a good whollop just what I need. oops now drinking right now

    Oh Lori, I meant BBQ, some of my letters are sticking. I don't think it's such a hot idea tho.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited March 2017

    Dara, I'm so, so sorry about Bella. I don't have pets, and I can't imagine how difficult it is to do what you did, even if it is in Bella's best interest. I'm glad you have a good vet, who was sensitive to not only Bella, but Bella's family. I hope you get that pre auth for Botox soon! You're the poster child for that treatment, with what you endure with your migraines. Sending you a hug and a bottle of Jack (and a straw. No need for a pesky ole glass)!

    Native, Oy to what you endured the other the day. Besides it being a complete waste of your time, now you have to do the paper work during your weekend. Stinks. When you're on call, how often do you need to actually drive out to someone's home? I ask because I'm extremely conservative with respect to this and my dad. I like to pick and choose my battles, so I'll only have a nurse come to the house during off hours if it's an absolute emergency, aka a situation I can't handle.

    Love The Rainbow cocktail! It is "Perfect".

    Cami, I hope you and Goldie get to meet up. I'm sorry the big D reared its ugly head. And I hope you went to your doc appt. I get that it's unpleasant, but really who gives a shit (pun intended). I mean that it's more important for you to get to your doc, then to concern yourself with the other shit (see what I did?). I just hope you're feeling well. That's the most important.

    BH is finally getting good! Rinna woke up from her spell, and got her memory back! Personally, I think that the producers showed her the footage that has her saying all those things about Kim and Kyle, so she really didn't have any other choice but to "own it".

    Goldie, a Manhatten consists of Whiskey and sweet Vermouth. It's basically the dark booze version of a martini.

    The rectangle with a ? Inside means the emoji I add from my iPad isn't compatible with Thanks for letting me know.

    What made your DS move to North Carolina? It's my favorite state after Maine. I bet your mom is regretting calling the police. She had a good (and rare) situation with him, pushed it, and he reached his limit.

    Loling to the Mr. Magoo pics! And I want to open a Books and Brews on the corner of my street.

    Of course you modeled back in the day. You're tall, thin and beautiful.

    Wishing you safe travels to MI, and I also hope you and Genny can meet up again, along with Cami.

    Jazzy, congrats on losing weight. You are taking excellent care of yourself, sister, and are truly an inspiration. I haven't exercised (except pacing around the house when I'm filled with anxiety) since September, when my dad was admitted into hospice. I miss it!

    Genny, doing the happy dance to clear bone scans! I'm sorry about the arthritis. That stinks. However, it sounds like your BP is under control.

    It's been snowing heavily here since last night. I hate this weather.

    I met my girlfriend from high school yesterday for pedicures, and she brought a lovely bottle of Napa Cab (can't remember which one), which was shared between us and the pedicurists. Love her!

    Time to get my dad lunch. Wishing everyone a happy Friday and a wonderful weekend!


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited March 2017

    Good Morning DahhhLinKs!

    Dara Dahhhling - Mese shedding tears for u and Bella. Such a heart-ache to have to let Bella go to a better place…BIG HUGZ.

    Don't have time to address everyone, but wanted to poop in so u'd all kno I'm still kicking.

    My Disabilty Ins was approved…now jes waiting for my packet to arrive. WooHoo. Also my cold is 90% gone, another WooHoo. Did something toopid on Weds. Ate a cut up apple with peanut butter…OMG the pain in my jaw and rt ear was intense enuf to bring tears to my eyes. Put drops in and hit the heating pad, plus took a naproxen. Was a lot better yesterday. Last night it flared up again after dinner out. Gotta really watch what I eat.

    Read a bit here, am very thankful that none of you were in the path of those tornados. Thanking Jesus for keeping you all safe.

    Lowwee - didn't kno ur son moved out, is anyone staying with your mom now? And yes, when he's at work LOL.

    Wish to talk to all, but no time, close to noon here and I have so much to do, just kno that I


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2017

    My espresso machine & grinder are back, good as new! Unfortunately, my coffee beans are all stale, so off to Metropolis I go tomorrow for fresh ones. Going to the opera (early dinner at the on-site restaurant, and they will likely kick us out for the 6:15 seating we couldn’t get, so there will be much thumb-twiddling before they open the house. Maybe there’ll be some good exhibits in the basement, but I fear we’ll be forced to spend the time wandering the lobby, glass in hand; or maybe copping some zzzz’s in the restroom lounge.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited March 2017

    Hi friends- pooping in on this Friday afternoon. I have been a busy girl this week. Was out early to Sam's Club, then to Kohl's next door, home to unpack and then to a presentation about a trip to Ireland I may do later this year.

    I have my trip to Denver finalized and will be heading up there the 12th through the 15th with a couple days of meetings up there. This will help us to push to get some agreements in place with our first clients!

    Cami- I am sorry to hear about the D. It kept you from your doctor's apt today? I hope you can get in their soon. Are things calmer this afternoon. Is Joey with you (I think you said he had a day off from school?)

    Hsant- I remember you had been hiking at one point, but think it was a different time with you dad and likely harder to get away now. Is there a way to exercise in the house? Even with a yoga mat or some light weights?

    NM- very glad you can enjoy some wine! I am thinking you are maybe seeing some signs of spring in Maine? Daylight savings is coming up the weekend after next. I hope you don't have to go anywhere this weekend.

    Oh and that drink is beautiful! When I used to bartend back in the day, they taught us how to pour to layer liquors like that. Almost too pretty to drink?

    Genny- you asked about my next work? This arrangement will be a bit different than some of the previous work where I have gone in to work for one clients in a longer term contracting arrangement. Will be working with a few and we expect what we are doing will have a longevity in the industry the next 18-24 months. I am evolving to more of a multiple client site model which I really want. I have gotten a bit too beaten up on some of these gigs by being on site too much. This is something I have been working towards for awhile and think I finally have the right people to do it with! Wish me luck!

    Dara- I know today must be a terribly sad day for you friend. Sending big hugs. Like hsant, I don't have any pets (allergies and asthma) but do love animals and have had them in the past and know how much it hurts to loose one. They are part of the family.

    ChiSandy, PontiacPeg, Mema, Goldie (who is traveling) and everyone else, wishing you a good slide in to the weekend......


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    Wow I'm so late an no one is on yet. First things first.

    Image result for alcoholic drink recipes

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Oh I hope NM isn't on a call, but just relaxing with Sadie time.

    Jazzy u are by far a power woman and that's a compliment. I know sometimes u'r projects really have a profound effect on u, but u always turn it around when it's done and find another, all regenerised. (is that a word?) Working on u'r own to me sounds horribly Difficult. I've never had a feel for it. Oh I'm sure most of u gals can certainly do it, I can tell just the way u approach u'r lives, but I want to be told what to do an then discourage others. That's my lot in life.

    DARA (((HUGS)))) sending lots. But I do hope u feel better, u'r headaches are just to much, Someone has to help u soon, that's awful.

    Hsant u sound pretty goo. Did u know Rinna has her clothing line on QVC and I watched for a few mins, oh boy (IMO) way to expensive, for fabric that isn't that expensive, some things were cute, but not great and they were selling out like mad. Lots of people must like her.

    I hope Lori can talk to us, it'll be different this time not seeing her DS.

    SusyQ glad all u'r crazy stuff is leaving you, how hard was that apple? Wow to hurt that bad. And super happy about the Dis., it's about time. YYYAAAYYY.

    Sandy in't know coffee really got stale, well that never lasts long for me, but.... hope all went well with the opera. U do such interesting things, Really. That's why I think u and u'r DH can retire with great stuff to do.

    My boss came over last about 8 and stayed til midnite, so it was a short visit. He does wipe me out tho. He always tries to explain the business to me from a computer stand point. Oy Vey He looses me right after the computer is turned on, but he loves it all and I do tell him so I let him ramble. He says he likes to run things by me to see what I think, hahaha for some reason he thinks my brain works well. Boy have I fooled him still.

    Joey's at a neighbors helping her figure her phone with the computer? But he has to come home soon cuz they are going to the St. Patrick's day parade in Elmhurst, where it's pretty big--very early but big--having it early cuz 1/2 the parade goes downtown to Chicag and walks in theirs. But it's kind of chilly, Marty's cousin has a business right on one of the streets so they can go in and watch and be warm if they want. It's mostly a big party for them anyway.

    OK hello who I missed and have a great Saturday.


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited March 2017

    Good Morning DahhhLinKs!

    This is early for mese. Took some RSO last night, was asleep in no time. Felt good this morning. Oh and no leg/foot cramps during the night, I believe it is the RSO.

    Cami - was jes a regular apple, but they do require more chewing than other foods. So I've learned my lesson. Joey is helping a friend with their puter?…he is jes tooo smart. U make me laugh about ur own puter knowledge or lack thereof. LOL That Zuckerpunch looks good…too good…would have a hard time not falling off da barstool. Did u make it to your dr appt?

    Jazz - a trip to Ireland sounds terrific. Hope the meeting goes well and you lock in at some of the agreements.

    Sandy - how was the opera and did u get kicked out? I have never been to an opera, but they really don't rank high on my bucket list. Hope u had a good time.

    NM - I am amazed at how much work you do. I don't blame u for not wanting to smell like u had wine, but I'd still be tempted to have one glass, then stick a few mints in mese mouth. Things are so crazy with the scheduling and the like. You r not micromanaging you are just offering suggestions, sorry she can't see that. I hope someone there finally sees the situation for what it is…'totally out of whack' and then does something about it. (((NM)))

    Dara - how are you doing today? I hope the neurologist gets off her ewwa and does right by you. Ahhh, you got to watch Logan, hope that put a few smiles on your lovely face. Lucy is prolly jes missing her friend. Hopefully she'll jump outta her wabbit hole soon.

    Hsant - Now I call a pedi with alcohol a wonderful way to spend a few hours. You are very special lady for taking such good care of your dad. I kno how hard it is sometimes, being the caregiver. U Rock!


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited March 2017

    Good morning friends- it is a sunny spring like day here with temps heading up to the 70s today! I took a late afternoon walk yesterday and observed many of the fruit trees budded out and ready to bloom. With the warmer temps again, I thing the blooms will be out by the end of the weekend! Lots of things to do outside this weekend, some inside too. I am starting my day with laundry.......

    Cami- not everyone is cut out to be an entrepreneur or business owner. I have had a lot of people who see the parts about it they like about it (deciding how much vacation time, often deciding where and how you will work, etc.), but are not always aware of what goes in to it and the sacrifices involved. For sure not all fun and games. I have coached several new entrepreneurs about the important aspects of setting up a freelance business and things to watch out for. Someone this week just told me how much I had helped her when she was getting started about a year or two after I went out on my own. You have to really love the entrepreneurial lifestyle and be a risk taker. Many people are more comfortable with a salary job, which I get too. I have had both situations in my life, but have always done better as a consultant. I am having a lot of fun right now with my teaming partners setting up what we are going to do next!

    MemaSue- nice to see you friend! I am super excited about this trip and been researching some of the family roots in Ireland where we will be spending a good three days of the trip for the jazz festival. I have found a clan site on FB for our family and doing research on all things related to the family history.

    I am glad you had a good night last night.

    NM- hoping you and Sadie are doing okay. I think there is a storm moving into the east?

    Dara- thinking of you friend Heart

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338
    edited March 2017

    Dara, sending warm thoughts and love to you. You know you did the right thing and that makes it no easier.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2017

    The opera was great, and cheaper than rinkside Blackhawks seats. The tenor playing Don Jose had a fantastic voice (Grammy nominee), was an authentic Spaniard (Malta) but looked a bit too middle-aged & shlubby for Carmen to bother seducing. Then again, the Russian diva playing Carmen was equally vocally gifted, but a bit too peaches-and-cream-skinned to be a believable Gypsy. It was a riveting production, though, and we sat in the third row. Downside is that great seats=slow getaway. But we did manage to snag a taxi less than a block's walk east. (Took the CTA Red & Brown Lines down, because Lake Shore Dr. was already too jammed to risk driving or taking a cab or Uber—which with surge pricing would have been as pricey as a taxi. The Washington/Wells stop is no further than the closest parking garage).

    Since we ate in the opera house's restaurant, DOTD was a shared bottle of Aria rosé Cava made from 100% Pinot Noir. We were able to stretch out the bottle and our time in there with cheese & fruit for dessert—and were right on time for the free pre-show lecture, which was fascinating and pointed out things to look & listen for that we might not have considered in versions we'd seen or heard elsewhere.

    Tonight's DOTD will be a cappuccino made from the beans I have to buy to “dial in" the new burrs in my grinder. As far as coffee freshness goes, it's pretty tricky. Ground coffee is already stale before you buy it. That's why I'd been suspicious of K-Cups, Nespresso capsules or paper espresso pods—but they're ground & hermetically sealed right away. Never freeze or refrigerate coffee beans—don't buy more than you plan to drink soon; store them in their original bags, which have a one-way valve to let out CO2 and keep out air.

    As for bean freshness, decaf you plan to use for brewed coffee (electric or manual drip, press, etc.) has the longest shelf life—you can grind & drink it as soon as it's been roasted and it will still taste pretty good for about a month to 6 wks. Regular beans for brewed coffee need to “rest" (to let off that CO2) a couple of days after roasting—no problem because they're at least that old when you buy them—and though best within 2 weeks, still taste decent up to 1 month post-roast. Espresso beans are the trickiest—if you don't let them “rest" 3-7 days (depending on what the roastery specifies) they will produce a shot that's too bubbly and maybe even sour; but if they're more than 10-14 days old you won't get as tasty and predictable a shot either. (Decaf espresso beans don't have to “rest," but because they're almost always roasted very dark lose whatever coffee—as opposed to carbon—flavor they have almost as fast as regular espresso beans).

    When you buy coffee beans of any type, go by “roasted on" rather than “best before" dates. Especially at Starbucks, the “best before" date can be as long as 6-9 months after roasting and sometimes specifies only the month & year. If the bag (or the bin from which the beans are scooped) doesn't have a roast date and the vendor can't tell you, don't buy it unless you don't really care that much about the taste (or you live where you can't get freshly roasted beans or can't afford to order them online or by phone). Be careful at Whole Foods if you buy the beans from those bulk dispensers—the dates written on them are most often “filled on” (the date the bin was filled or topped up by the store) and not “roasted on" dates. If you're lucky, your town will have a branch of a specialty coffee roaster, or a coffeehouse that uses and sells specialty-roaster beans. Metropolis, Intelligentsia, Blue Bottle, Stumptown, Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf are nationally available. If you have a local roaster, please patronize it!

    You can even order unroasted (“green") coffee beans on line from sites like Sweet Maria's or Coffee Bean Corral and roast them yourself. You don't need to buy a roasting machine, either—a West Bend Poppery II air-popper (often found in thrift or junk shops) will do up to 1/4 lb. at a time, and if you have an outdoor grill, a wok, a long-handled spatula for stirring and really good BBQ mitts you can roast a pound at a time. The green-bean sites also sell reusable coffee storage bags.

    And whatever method you use—espresso, drip, press, etc.—always grind fresh for each pot, cup or shot and then brew immediately. You have no control over how a restaurant makes its brewed coffee. But if you walk into a coffeehouse or espresso bar and see them scooping pre-ground coffee, ask them to grind fresh beans for your drink instead—if they refuse, walk out. I once played a coffeehouse in northern WI that actually kept some pre-brewed espresso shots on hand to make cappuccinos & lattes. I told them gently that they're not supposed to do that because they get cold & stale, but the owner shrugged and said her teenage daughter (the barista) didn't know how to brew a fresh shot and she couldn't afford to hire anyone who knew how or was trainable. (The milk foam was pretty awful too). Not surprisingly, they were out of business a few months later, after they had to drop live music because ASCAP & BMI were hassling them—the coffee was so bad that the music was the only reason customers went there.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited March 2017

    Sandy, you crack me up! "Shlubby" is one of my favorite Yiddish words. Other Yiddish words I love are (in no preferential order) kibbitz, mensch, chazzerai (sp?), I'm assuming the opera was Carmen? How was dinner?

    Sue, glad you had a good night's sleep. Hope you're enjoying some "Killa" this fine Saturday.

    Jazzy, there's a dreadmill (not a typo) in the room where I sleep. I like being outdoors, and moving forward. I've always been this way. I'll figure it out.

    Cami, how did Joey like the parade? Yeah, it is early by almost two weeks. I knew that Rinna sold her swill on QVC, because this has been shown on the show. I've never watched QVC, but I'm not surprised to hear that it's overpriced. These broads have a deluded sense of what's "affordable".

    BTW, the only wife who lives in Beverly Hills is Vanderpump. Kyle, Eden and Rinna live in an affluent community, Bel Air, Eileen lives in Malibu. Don't know about Dorit, but I find her and Pk (Peeekkaaay) to be sketchy. I read that they filed for bankruptcy a few years ago to the tune of 10 million$.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited March 2017

    I was going through some remaining photos from the Vegas trip to do some TripAdvisor reviews and wanted to share a photo of this best ever blood Mary I had at Bouchon.

    Dang, now I want one....


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited March 2017

    I was going through some remaining photos from the Vegas trip to do some TripAdvisor reviews and wanted to share a photo of this best ever Blood Mary I had at Bouchon.

    Dang, now I want one....


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2017

    Yup, the opera was Carmen. And chazzerei, albeit kosher (is that an oxymoron?), is some of what I bought at the grocery store today: poppy seed hamantaschen, chocolate-covered macaroons, chocolate-covered matzo, brownie thins, Guinness potato chips. (I'll be away for Passover—in fact, first Seder will be in London—but my guys love the Passover stuff all year round. Couldn't see buying the round shmura matzo though, since it's too expensive for snacking).

    Dinner tonight: roast chicken leg quarters, roasted rainbow carrots, steamed asparagus with hollandaise. (Gordy also gets cornbread, though he wants just salt & lemon on his asparagus). Three bucks at Mariano’s got me two giant leg quarters—we split one between us. With it, an ounce of Williams-Selyem 2011 Westside Neighbors Pinot Noir (just enough to accompany the meal). Got my coffee beans and am about to “dial in” my grinder (i.e., calibrate the burrs for “baseline” grind size—then tweak it daily for how fresh the beans are and the humidity. More humid, fresher beans=a tad coarser; dry air, older beans=go finer). I keep a cheaper grinder around for regular coffee.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2017

    Popped open the hamantaschen & the potato chips. The former's alleged poppyseed filling is too smooth—I like the crunchy poppyseed kind of “mohn," as they call that filling in Yiddish. And the latter? I ate half a chip—blecccchhh!!!! If I want a Guinness, I'll drink a Guinness…which I probably wouldn't anyway. After washing my hands, my fingers still smell like stout. So I had some plain Skinny Pop instead. It was stale. I guess God really does want me to stay away from carbs.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    Hi Ladies,

    I fell asleep like crazy very early, couldn't even watch a movie at 8PM, well so now I'm awake. But I really slept finally. still on steroids, but it keeping the D away for the most part, maybe it's that, IDK--OK

    Sandy u r so funny, u really should be writing for someone for critique, u explain so well and I too love the word Shlubby but I do have to say I have no idea what u were eating. U explained the opera so well, the characters were great. My dad used to listen to the opera all the time when retired, especially when he went blind (always Italian) and when we hired his caretaker she happened to be the lead singer in her church and had a beautiful voice and would sing for him all of whatever he wanted, opera of course--but it was funny cuz we lived in the same condo building and I' come home from work and see some women sitting by his door just listening and I would tell them to go in and they didn't want to bother anyone--I would tell my dad--they're at the door again, well my dad always asked everyone in but they'd just giggle and decline. I'd go in and listen with him and he'd have a big smile on his face and I didn't understand anything of course, but it made him happy. Anyway I never knew that about coffe or beans, no wonder why sometimes coffe is bitter, even fresh stuff. We bought 2 coffee things in the last couple of weeks and both returned, my SIL, Joey and I thought the coffee was so weak, my DD thought it was fine--she's not a big drinker, this morning he ended up going out for coffee for us and it was actually so good, maybe cuz we've had so bad. Again anyway I enjoyed u'r posts.

    Jazzy I know u have to be a trouper to do what u do and very disiplined (tyoing and spelling too LOL) U absolutely should be written up in some type of magazine or something cuz u r a success, by far. I've actually known u for a while now and u have always been so consistent in all u do and I enjoy and love how u've managed u'r life. U done good girl!!!

    DARA I wish u would check in.

    SusyQ u'r finally feeling better and I'm happy, but what is RSO? I think I forgot if I knew. It's so nice to be able to sleep and wake up refreshed. U'r always busy and I think that's so wonderful. And BTW our neighbors have paid Joey to set them up on puters, but they are all over 50 and don't have a clue, he's like any of these 12 year olds now. But they have said he doesn't want any money and have to push it on him. Of course he likes the money, I guess he thinks he has to be polite.

    Hsant I like u'r style, I was wondering about Dorit (?) didn't she say he was Boy George's Mgr.? But 3 yrs ago he was really big, Imean he's not that affluent now, is he? He must have others but she never mentioned them, but I did think her DH was much older. Of course we'll see as the "plot" unfolds, they can't really live like this, can they? I wondered if the show pays for all this traveling, I mean they go everywhere all of them, Jeez. I'm glad u find some silly stuff on TV to watch tho, u need to be entertained. I hope u manage this stress well, it has to be awful being away from u'r DH and home.

    I babble a lot, I know it, I have calmed down tho since the other day with my brilliant ideas, I felt like as they used to say I was trippin', not so bad actually. I ordered what I wanted for organization, now who's going to do it---LOL SOMEBODY STOP ME.

    OK I'm done, maybe, I already want coffee but it is way to early and drinking Dcaf is a waste of a coffee product to me.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    An official good morning ladies

    Where's Kim??? I hope she's not running around all over the place. OK, I'll wait a while and make sure she's back.

    I hope all is well with Lori--I know she's with her mom.

    When someone is on every day it's like what's going on? Have to know.!!! I don't care where Waldo is, I want to know where is NM.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited March 2017

    Good morning ladies- here we are on Sunday Funday and hoping everyone is doing okay. The weather out here in the southwest is spring like again and allowed me to get quite a bit done outside around the yard and gardens. Doing a bit of old growth clean up, pruning, washing of windows, etc. More of that today while the temps are mild and before another blast of winter returns. I so want to take the patio furniture cover off and set things up out there, but may be a bit too early yet. Maybe later in March.......

    I got out on my new bike last night for a nice 40 min ride too, boy do I love my new wheels! It feels good to be riding again

    ChiSandy- I am a lover of coffee and totally embrace the roasted date when purchasing coffee from my favorite spots. I have a favorite place in town called Trifecta and have not been there for a bit as I had a lot of Xmas coffees from Starbucks and Peets (my sister sends me their Xmas blend every year). Enjoying some morning java right now. Every time you share about your meals, I want to come right over! You would be a great cuisine writer!

    Cami- so glad to hear you were able to get some rest and the D calmed down. Sometimes you gotta take sleep when it comes. I am one who goes to bed early, even if that is 8 p.m. I sometimes have middle of the night insomnia and it is often the only way to ensure I get enough sleep. I hope the D stays away now for awhile friend.

    Thank you for the compliments too friend Hug

    Hsant- I remember when you would go out early for hikes awhile back. I know that is not as possible anymore. Hoping your dad is doing well. You are taking such good care of him.

    NM- I expect work must have gotten busy. You take care of what you need to and we will see you soon. Hoping you have not had long days/nights.

    Dara- thinking of you friend and sending much love this weekend Heart

    Mema, Genny, Pontiac, KimB, and everyone else, wishing you a good day. One more week to Daylight Savings here in the US. Whoot whoot!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited March 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Sorry to be MIA yesterday, spent most of the day writing meeting notes, coaching a new nurse on how to write them, and then working on visit scheduling that required looking up details ona dozen new patients.Took me most of the day. Did get a load of laundry hung out to dry, and boy was that a cold job! Single digit temps and very brisk winds, one would actually live longer falling into the ocean this weekend than standing outside without serious cold weather gear.BRRRRR! I bought 2 keyboards when the old one broke down, one to use and one to have as back up.Bought 2 different styles, both illuminated.Got the second one set up now, like the layout better, and it has 3 colors.The thing I'm getting used to is the key that toggles through the colors is right next to the shift key on the bottom row, near the space key, and I keep hitting it with the heel of my hand, so the color changes randomly!Red, purple and blue. Makes for interesting moments when the room is dark.

    Cammy-- It's been an unusual call weekend so far.I expected to be assigned a few of the scheduled visits to "take the pressure off " the weekend nurse but that hasn't happened.Just checked the tablet this morning and still no visits showing, so I will only have to go out if there is a real emergency that the on call nurse can't get to.So sorry your D is making life miserable.In this day and age it seems like someone must be able to find an answer for you.

    hsant--I am on back up call, which means that I am the one who gets called if there is an emergency or a death and the weekend on callnurse is already out at a death or emergency, so theoretically getting called out should be rare. BUT, if the weekend is busy with scheduled visits the clinical manager on call can move some of those visits to the back up call nurse, which usually happens when I am on back up, Many of the calls that come in over the weekend donot require a home visit, the family needs information to deal with a situation, or clarification of instructions, or reassurance that what they are doing is the right thing. We encourage our families to call after hours with any questions or concerns,often we can head off an emergency by talking with families early on when a situation is developing or by answering questions before misunderstandings create a problem, or identifying families that need more support and setting up more frequent scheduled visits. It's all about trying to match the level of support to the need, but not being overbearing.

    Mema--hooray for the disability approval!About time!

    Chi--Ah, the relief of having the espresso machine and grinder back! Too bad about the stale beans, though. Dinner and opera, sounds like a great night. Except for the thumb twiddling time in between.What does your DH do while you are snoozing in the restroom lounge?

    Jazzy--we were seeing some signs of spring until this weekend.Temps now about 12, wind chill is - 9.So everything is in deep freeze again. Which is March being a lion.Shouldn't last long now, though. Probably get one more good snow storm this month or next before Old Man Winter gives up to Mother Nature. Time change coming up again already?Yeesh. There's been talk of Maine changing to Atlantic Time, to be in line with Canada all around us.Then, even with the time changes, we wouldn't have full darkness at 4:00 pm in the winter, it would be lighter until full dark at 5:00.Massachusetts is considering changing, and some are campaigning for all of New England to switch. I just wish they would pick one time and leave everything there.The spring forward/fall back thing drives me nuts. Good luck with the project and getting what you want!

    Cammy--Love the DOTD!Good for breakfast, has OJ in it!

    Mema--sounds like the RSO is dong you some good! Do you have TMJ problems? I have decided to stay with this job until the mortgage is paid off, which I can do by the end of the year, and possibly more quickly depending on the answers to some tax questions I have. In the meantime I am going to update my resume, post it in a few places and start looking to see what is out there right now.Hoping for something in teaching again. BUT, it will have to pay better than last time I was in teaching! Unless something change at work where I'm at now, which I hope will happen, cuz I do love this kind of work and the people I am working with.

    Jazzy--No storm that I'm aware of right now, but a nice artic front has moved down and is chilling everything down very nicely. Lots of fun with this wind and single digit temps!But it makes for great Sadie cuddle time.

    Morning, Peggy.

    Chi--thanks for the added excuses to buy my coffee beans at local coffee roasters! My mother has a fit about how expensive it is, and how she can get 5# cans for (ground) coffee on sale for less than I spend on a half pound of beans.I keep telling her it's a quality thing, and an indulgence, and since she can't taste the difference, we can each keep doing what we are doing and be happy.

    Hsant--Yiddish words are so expressive!

    Cammy--got caught up with work stuff yesterday, once I was done I didn't want to play on the computer anymore!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Black Fog Ingredients


    Pour the Chambord in to a mug of Guinness. Swirl slightly to mix.

    Best served in a Pilsner Glass.