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how about drinking?



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2017

    Genny, I had hyaluronic acid shots (Suppartz) that were the same thing as SynVisc, just a different brand. I had to take a series of three, my insurance (pre-Medicare) considered them “experimental” and wouldn’t pay, and I didn’t notice any improvement—I didn’t have enough healthy cartilage left to stimulate to produce its own hyaluronic acid. A cortisone shot did help once. Hope yours work.

    LOL about the “waste water:” it doesn’t go into the wine. (In fact, there is no water added to wine, which is made only from the juice of the grapes themselves). Instead, recycled waste water is used for washing down the floors & walls, climate control systems, and powering anything hydraulic such as valve toilets. If it’s used for washing bottles it’s been purified six ways from Sunday.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    Hi ladies,

    Mary I'm so jealous u and Lori met again (not bad jealous) I'm really so happy. I love when we get to know one another in person, we all share so much and not just about FURB but our own personal chit and it's good to really see each other. U sound good Mary. I'm glad u shared to Dara what u were thinking.

    NM I hate this day, I'm so mixed up with time and sleep now. Jeez they shouldn't do this anymore. When I worked I did like the time back tho, it gave us an extra hour off work. OK now u'r on call Monday too. Hope u don't get any. My SIL is on call every 3rd week and he gets these stupid calls in the middle of the night and of course has to go and spend time, then goes back to work on time. He hates it.

    Well another day without D, no doubt the antibiotics, I don't get constipated just normal wow what a difference. I could even wear regular underwear, but I don't dare. Just feel different. And I'm still hating the dentist, he's on my list, no Christmas card of my colonoscopy of "Oh wholly nite", he'll be sorry. I now have 4 teeth left in my mouth, saving 2 for a bridge, I just want to be able to smile, I've certainly learned to eat without teeth, if u saw me u'd know LOL Tomorrow is a cancer test for my bones or something, but no prep for that, so that's fine with me. Tuesday my card. I don't like all these Drs. now. They interfere with my laziness and I've honed that with perfection.

    Lori should be home tomorrow, wow went fast, miss her here.

    And Jazzy soon and I know she'll have pics for us.

    Whoever I missed, hello to all and hoping u have a good Sunday-Funday.


  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338
    edited March 2017

    CamilleGal, Not in Seattle (thank heavens). I'm about an hour from the Idaho border on the east edge of Washington. Totally different creature. Usually dry. Mild winters (per #2 son who is getting sued for mis-representing winter - worst in 25 years) and hot dry summers (except when I'm here then no). Think high plains. I think my little area resembles NW Colorado where #2 lived. He doesn't think so.

    Everyone, have a nice evening. Go Gonzaga - #1 seed in the NCAA West bracket!


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2017

    Go Wildcats! (Northwestern’s finally “going to the Dance” this year).

    It’s snowing for the first time since before Christmas. Our side of town is expected to get 6-8” from this first system; and then the winds will change direction tomorrow afternoon and throw 8-12” more back at us over on this side of the lake by the time it ends midday Wed. I already messaged our snow guy, and we stockpiled a few jugs of ice melt salt back in Jan. The UGGs are gonna see action again, alas.

    A bit too headachy and cranky from the storm-induced sinusitis to drink tonight—it’d probably either give me heartburn or wake me up in the midst of my sleep. Or both. Think I’m gonna brew me some Ayurvedic Chai (no black pepper) tea with honey.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    Sandy I really like chai tea, but have no idea what type. One time I wasn't feeling well and my boss brought me that tea, I had never tasted it and since Joey makes it for us and for some reason he has a way to make tea to give it the really good flavor, it takes him a while, but it's worth it. My SIL said we're supposed to get a lot of snow, but I didn't look into it. Maybe u'll get a bit more tho.

    Oh Pegg I couldn't tell u where Idaho is compared to Seattle, unfortunately I'm geography disabled, I didn't even remember Idaho was a state. But I'm glad u'r in a nice area, well except that u went there, LOL I just know Seattle cuz I watch Frazier.

    When I go to the bathroom, I'll check the weather, jeez I wonder how the driving will be tomorrow morning, if it snows thru the nite- We're like the last area they clear up. Well we'll just wait and see, I guess.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2017

    Right now it seems to be sticking only to the cars and lawns, but as the night wears on and the heat radiates up & away from the pavement, which will get colder, the sidewalks & streets will be a mess. Have yet to see the salt truck come down my street—as I sit here & type I can see out the front room window—which is not a good sign; hope Streets & San. doesn’t get caught with its pants down. Good thing the city didn’t spend much this winter on snow removal, and there’s plenty of salt. Bob has to commute to his hospitals down on the S. and SW Sides tomorrow. I suspect he’s gonna end up staying over either in Oak Lawn or at the hotel complex near Midway (unlike on Gray’s Anatomy, the on-call beds are only for residents, not attendings, though if he had to he probably could camp out on the sofas in the doctors’ lounge at Christ or Holy Cross—free coffees & munchies, plus showers and a big-screen TV).

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    OK Sandy I just went to the bathroom, altho I've been up all this time. I see the snow, it's sticking on our deck and the grass so far, now we have no lites on our street so the snow lites it up a bit, no sidewalks, no parked cars cuz of garages, so it looks baron as hell. U do hear ambulances once in a while cus we live so close to the hospital, but police cars don't even drive down our streets and now a days kids don't play outdoors to often. Now my point is when it does snow and I'm alone I like the idea of looking outside to see if anyone has been around the house--I told u gals to many crime shows. Another thing is I don't want Leslie to drive me in the snow to the hospital, altho it's close, she's not a good driver when the streets are good, I mean when the diver keeps asking should I turn now, u get this feeling of fear, and when it's snowing she's constantly saying OMG, OMG, OMG. No one likes her to drive in snow. My SIL never scares me in snow at all, but Leslie scares him too. LOL She scares everyone. Even at the grocery store, her cart goes all over and she never brings home what's on the list, hence they grocery shop together. She's really good at certain things, she excels actually, but everyday things are different for her and she always takes her meds, but that's been like that since she was diagnosed so we accept that. It's her lot in life. I am sorry tho she couldn't have any more kids. But thankful for all has accomplished, cuz all drs. then said she belonged in an institution and gave me a list of them. I was way to stubborn, thank God. OK enuff of my tales of woe. And all this cuz of snow. See what it starts???

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited March 2017

    Good morning, Loungettes!Well, Morning, anyway.I'm up and moving. That's about it.Not a fan of getting up in the dark, it was just starting to get light out when I was getting up, now I'm back to getting up in the dark and I do. Not. Like. It.Bah, humbug.But I've got my coffee going, so I'll manage.Eventually.More yuck, the weather guesser is talking about snow tomorrow peeyem and lots of it.Oh, Lordy, the news just reported on a crash, a woman with a small child didn't stop, got hit by a loaded school bus, woman and child pronounced dead on the scene, no one in the bus hurt, counselors going to the school today to support the involved kids, who were coming back from a school function. And another one, an elderly man driving the wrong way on the Interstate, head on crash with a college student on his way back to campus, both with life-threatening injuries.What in the world is going on?

    Chi--"waste water" gets used a lot, and we don't realize it.It's also called reclaimed water and treated water.At least one of the big ski areas here in Maine make snow using reclaimed water. Lots of big commercial farms do, too.Still a bit of a yucky thought.

    Cammy--Actually, I just looked at the calendar more carefully, I'm on call NEXT Monday night/Tuesday ayem.Better than tonight, so I do get to have an adult beverage after work. You dohave a lot of doctors to interfere with your life! Way too many, but if it makes the D go away I guess it will be ok.

    Peggy--funny how different places can have different climates.

    Chi Sandy drinking Chai Tea, what a picture!

    Cammy--I like Chia, too, my favorite is Oregon Chia, that I buy in the health food store, comes in a box like a juice box, mix it half and half with milk and heat up, YUM!I even found an instant version, but it takes so much of the powder to make a mug full that the little canister only lasts a few servings.I think I would be nervous about Leslie driving me anywhere in the snow if she reacts like that!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Barnaby's Buffalo Blizzard



    Blend ingredients (except cream) briefly with half a glassful of crushed ice in a collins glass. Top with whipped cream. Serve with a cherry.

    Best served in a Collins Glass.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    Good Morning Ladies,

    I'm officially awake for now. And yes there is snow, right now the streets have that iced over look and it's still snowing. I asked Joey about Leslie driving, His eyes rolled and he said I just have to walk to the corner. <he's out of it> LOL

    NM hearing about those accidents is horrendous, WTF how fast are these cars going. And then down the wrong way on top of it. Just u be very careful out there, and u can't drive far, no matter what and as soon as u come home, have the wine ready. BTW I forgot to mention about the wine club, I know u don't go every month, but I really think u should try u'r hardest to go all the time. Sounds like so much fun and relaxation for u. U deserve as much time to unwind as u need. And yep it was dark this morning.

    I've been holding in a rant about something stupid, if I still have to I'll do it later. Little things bother me more than the bigger things. How silly I am.

    My pain is edging back into my back and legs and it was pretty low on the scale for a while, it's revving up again. Damn, I know I complain alot, but it's just aggravating and walking is a chore, I really look like the old lady all bent over with a cane. Like in cartoons, hahaha.

    My oldest DD told Leslie her FF lost his job recently, but she didn't want to tell anyone. I'm surprised he kept it that long. Anyway he's doing Uber which Leslie and I LOLed about, he's an alcoholic for God's sake, I hope he's doing it only in the morning and early afternoon, he sometimes can go til early afternoon without drinking. I don't know how the screening goes for that, but I sure hope he follows rules and also doesn't talk to people, cuz he is not just boring, he's stupid too. Well she really makes the money, but he likes to spend so I hope he can make some and not loose this too. Sometimes I think she's with him cuz she adopted his DD an she never had kids, and she gets along with her so well so whatever. Then there's Leslie and her DH arguing over who wants to make breakfast for the other this morning. THAT'S WHAT THEY ARGUE ABOUT, No, I'll make it, no I'll make it. They can't even have a decent argument. BTW that wasn't my rant. hehehe

    DARA, DARA, DARA, and I wish Nancy and Julie would poop in. Miss them and Lori should be home today sometime, hope she has a good flight.

    OK let me get my day started, have some voicemail chit to take and open my puter for work.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    Image may contain: 1 person, suit

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338
    edited March 2017

    Ignorance showing here: What's FF??


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2017

    Hiya girls! I am up packing, we decided to get away from the upcoming blizzard and take a mini vacation to Atlantic City. At this time, the weather guessers, as NM calls them, are predicting anywhere from 8-16 inches of snow here, give or take depending on when it turns to frozen rain/sleet. I've said for awhile that we will get one hellofa a storm late in the season since it has been such a crazy, mild and dry winter on the central East coast. We are heading out late this afternnon and returning on Wednesday. AND we are taking Lucy with us. Should be fun! We can watch the storm from the window of our hotel, staying at Harrah's.

    NM, glad you managed to get everything done and still have time to relax. And kudos to you in your new thinking, you do what you can and that is all that you can do! They can threaten you if the work is not done in the time that THEY think it should take but do keep that ef them attitude. I pray for no meltdowns. I also hope n pray it is quiet while you are on call.

    Cammy, prayers that the D stay away. If the weather is bad, please stay home, safety first. I heard ya calling me. Did you make the appointment this morning?

    Genny, thanks so much for sharing experiences over seizures and for making me more optimistic for Lucy. I've heard before of the dangers of canine carryout treats and others that come in those usually yellow bags. Cheryl was buying a lot of them for Lucy and Bella but I put my foot down and showed her some of the reports on dogs dying from the treats. Thanks too for your feedback on the ex biotch employer. You girls all rock!

    Chi and Peggy, I am rooting either Villanova or Princeton. Last year's Villanova win was amazing. I have some Princeton and 'Nova alumni friends. Best of luck to all, may the best team win!

    Lori, missing you girl, pls report asap.

    Hello to anyone I missed. Hope Jazzy is having a blast. Will report back from AC wlhen time permits, should t be soon since I will not spend too much time gambling, hope to enjoy e pool!

    Love ye goils, rock on!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2017

    ps Hope you are feeling better Chi. And NM, woo hooo for not being on call this week! xo goils!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2017

    just got my appt for the botox injections, not til april 6 but on waiting list. had to freaking get on my knees and beg to get in before two phuckin months. better than nothing eh? k, gotta get my sorry ewwa in de shower and get outta here. thanks for hearing me.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2017

    Cami, there is a group I just joined in Chicago & its suburbs called Imerman Angels. We are all either cancer survivors or caregivers, and do stuff like mentor patients who have had the same diagnosis and are going (or are about to go) through the same treatments, direct them to resources, and if they live in our area even drive them to appointments. They have a FB and YouTube page too.

    Arnica gel, hot shower and sleep helped the muscle pain (didn’t need the juniper oil bath, a relief since I hate trying to climb out of a tub). We got 5” overnight, and are in a bit of a lull right now before the lake effect stuff hits. (That’s why our snow guy hasn’t come yet—our housekeeper cleared a path from the garage to the deck & up the stairs—lest he have to shovel too soon only to have to do it again). I hate lake effect snow, because they can never predict which areas of the lakefront will get it nor how much. Usually, it’s the other side of the lake that gets slammed—played a church coffeehouse in S. Bend, IN once where we had to shovel a foot and a half of snow in order for people to get from the parking lot to the door (we arrived before someone could open the doors) even though Chicago didn’t see even a single flake.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2017

    Peggy, FF is Cam's nick name for SIL, mean fhuckface. she jest loves him soOOOoooo.

    Edited to add: Cam, so sorry about the leg pain, hugs and prayers to you. You tell a good story. BTW, I signed up to be an uber driver, I wuz dwunk when I did it. but chit, I haint taking mese beautiful Infiniti out to have people vomit in my car, stink it up with curry, or freak me de hail out. there is an option to do just deliveries from stores like Target and jest pick up and drop off merchandise that is prepaid OR pick up and deliver food which is also prepaid. my car only gets 16 MPG with driviing around locally and this will be something I only if I am desparate and broke. but I do have the option. Not much screening is done. Hadda send my license and insurance and have background check done. and if I were to haul passengers, have to have car inspected. really though, my car is not practical for that. well it is not practical for anything but lookin good which is not a priority . might have to sell it for food and buy a clunker.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2017

    Chi, great idea for Cammy, you rock! ok, over and out for real. ~ procrasting my shower, hate hate hate washing hair cuz it flipping hurts to do. uhhhh, Calgon?nope, LUCY! AC here I come, if I ever get off my arse that is! rock on goils. will likely update from AC once I get settled in.over n out.

  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited March 2017

    Chisandy: weird storm, this. i'm in that "persistent bands of lake effect snow" area you mentioned (about thirty miles north of South Bend, right on Lake Michigan) and we only got an inch and change. Pretty much all melted off the roads now, with some assistance from the lovely hardworking snow removal crews.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    DARA, u'r on the run from the weather, u stinker, wouldn't it be great if u won a whole bunch and u wouldn't have to worry?? Oh that would be fantastic, so very good luck and maybe u'll feel better just getting somewhere else. And April really isn't that far, but it is when u r in pain. So glad u got an app't and anxious for u to go. Safe travels and relax in a pool and get some tenders to wait on u. YYAAAYYY. Oh and thanks for splainin' FF to Pegg.

    Sandy that's really a good idea and I like the driving idea that u'r involved in. When I did have rads, I did go thru a cancer drive thing and the nicest people picked me up and took me home. And I remember thinking how nice these people are to do such a thing and giving their time up.

    OK snow has stopped for now, now we'll see.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338
    edited March 2017

    Dara and Cami, thanks for the explanation. HAHAHA!!

    Sandy and everyone else. Take care in the snow. Just loads of rain here.

    Sandy, Imerman's Angels sounds like a wonderful group. It would be nice to have support, especially when first starting out, to help navigate all the choices, terms, and shock of BC. Amazing how much things changed in the year between my Dx and yours in terms of treatment.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Kind of early, but u know I don't sleep well, I end of sleeping during the day and return phone calls. Chit What a terrible employee I am.

    I just looked out and didn't see that much snow, just a few inches, a quick look so I really don't know what's happening all over.

    OK this will be a bumpy ride---here's my rant. I tell u how much pain I'm in for the most part and now all of it is back and it goes right to my eyeballs--it was so much better with the steroids, <this is not my rant> I'm leading up to it--anyway I tell u gals more than anything and I have a terrible time walking--OK here it comes. Now when I went to the dentist, he looked over my 2 pages of pills and then he said "U take Tylenol 4, why do u put so much opiods in u'r body?" Can't u take Norco, or vicodin? WTF No I can't tolerate those. How could he judge what I'm taking them for? I never took aspirin before, so I'm not really a pill popper, but times have changed and no sense in me being in more pain than I need. I don't drive, use machinery or take more than I should in 24 hours. I really wanted to punch him in the mouth, but I just let him work on me--He was young and didn't get it, and I didn't say anything. I'm more mad at me, cuz I never shut my mouth, but dentists scare the chit out of me <always have> I'll need to go for the next couple of Sats. but I'll get some teeth in my mouth. End of rant.

    Sandy I'm just watching the news whoa, lake effect is horrible and big accident on Kennedy, schools are being closed <Catholic> and he just said so far about 8 ins. He's standing in a blizzard now. Right now there is nobody on the streets, I assume u'r in some of this area. Bunches of flights cancelled--Holy chit NY is getting feet of snow, NM I'm wondering about u now.

    OK on the news front Disney's Beauty and the Beast is not going to be shown in Malaysia --I don't understand this---Disney??? OK news off, now it's all about Chgo shootings--that's why I really don't watch it.

    I'm pretty sure Lori got out yesterday so she should be home now and safe from this weather. And Dara skipped town to avoid it, so I hope she feels well enough to enjoy being away. And so glad she got approved for Botox.

    Well I finally opened up my tax forms <this is for 2015> LOL and now I have to figure it out, I make so little money and spend more, but this has to be done. And now I'll owe more money. They just add it to my bill. I'm on the pay every month plan. Sounds like I have money, doesn't it. LOL

    OK I bored u enough for this time of day, so I'll check back later.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    OK I now have proof of where people are employed who have true dyslexia --they write the booklets for how to do u'r taxes. I knew they worked somewhere.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    Image result for recipes for alcoholic beveragesI didn't see NM yet, so just in case.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2017

    ohhhhhhh, Cam, Idda have punched that doc in his phuggin' b oassalls for that lecture you got. OMG, it jest kills me how we are made to feel like addicts when all we are doing is trying to be as comfortable as it gets! I hav toe to go to pain management to get a quarter of the narcotics that I was accustomed to (and not to mention to reCOCKulouse fees that pain management bills to my insurance ~ I think he bills 600 + another approx 300.00 for one visit plus pee-pee test. They, the doctors, milk the insurance company while making us feel like a chunk of chit on dere feet and they are so reluctant to help ease the pain. I am just so fed up with the syst oem. Every element of my body hurts. And the fn neurologists,dentists and fn speachalists(as they call themselfves), treat us like we are either addicts or hypochondriacs.

    Hot DAMN, I am pssied off.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2017

    Yes, I am home! Travel to the airport was a bit slow! All the snow and ice, took me an hour and a half to do a 45 minute ride. Good thing I left 20 minutes early. Got to the airport, you have to get in line for a kiosk to get a tag for your bag, then in another line to turn the bag in, kinda toopid iffin ya ask me. Then through security, stopped and got a sandwich, went to the bathroom, stopped at another store for some chips, first one didn't have any. To my gate and on the plane! Talk about it being close!

    Not going to address anyone today, but def. time spent with Mary was too short. My salmon had a JD glaze, not the yogurt one. Was soooooo yummy! My thought was to fly to Chicago, and get a rental car there, and return it in Detroit. We'll see. I will be back tomorrow and just jumping in. I have read all the posts, but too many to start commenting on all.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2017

    Lori ~~~~ you are bock, yeeeeee hawwww! Hope that the trip did not wear ya out too much.. Muah and some X O X O X O X O X OHHHHHhhhhhhhhhh!


    Did I say that uhhhhhh, I am awake and have been awake bcuz mese freaking head EFFFiNg hoits? Hate my life right now. But still l .......

    We're happy to be East of the wild weather. DD texted me, she has no power. due to wild winds. I told her to go to our, errr my house (?????). I hate to see her and baby boy cold. She is stubborn and wants to wait it out.

    Hope all mese goils r having a great day, dus far!!! chEERz!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    OK Lori home safely. I was concerned about the weather up there. Just relax today sweetheart, that's what u need now.

    Dara I hope u'r DD goes to u'r house. Wow u'r area is getting it strong. We basically just had maybe 5 ins. and not much wind, well I didn't feel it anyway.

    Still workin' on my taxes #%^()&*^$%^^^%%&*(_*^$, I don't even have my name on it yet, I can't believe I used to do this for other people a while ago, of course.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2017

    Up here in Edgewater (north lakefront of Chicago), we got 8” thus far—not out of the “lake-effect” woods till almost sunset. Housekeeper snowed in in the W. side Austin neighborhood (still close enough to get lake-effect snow). Shovel-guy came by late last aft to scrape away ice & put down salt. Neighbor came by with snow-blower to keep the city from ticketing me for not shoveling. Bob came home last night to a clear path from garage to back door; this morning, deck/stairs/path are all covered by at least a couple of inches w/o visible footprints so it must have fallen between 9am & noon. Compared to NYC, though, we’re positively tropical (albeit below freezing till Fri.). We have visible pavement. And after we warm up to either melt it away or create a sloppy slushy mess, they’re talking another round of snow/cold next week.

    Had to cancel my entire gym day—Silver Sneakers' (drop-in class) instructor called in snowbound, and my back is too sore for me to walk through the snow and do a training session. Besides, I have no padlock. Went out early last evening to Target for some sundries, a snow brush (mine broke) and a gym lock—decided an old-fashioned one-dial school-gym lock was not for me (a combination set by a mfr. goes in one brain cell and out the other) so I picked up a three-dial Swiss Gear TSA luggage lock. Brought it home to set my own combination, and despite following the instructions TO THE LETTER the stupid thing wouldn’t lock—the hasp just wouldn’t engage. After exhausting my vocabulary (and deafening everyone in the house, including the cats) I went online to get more info—and found reviews were nearly uniformly awful. Had I taken a ten-dollar bill and set fire to it, I’d at least have had a pretty flame to look at while still ending up without a working lock.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338
    edited March 2017

    Boy, Cami, not good.

    Sandy, sorry about the snow. That's terrific about the TSA lock. I'm trying to remember what brand I have. Can't recall but it was easy but I can't imagine it working on a locker. If you get a single dial dealie, put the number in your phone and then write it in ink on your hand when you exercise (or the bottom of your flip flops? Or similar?).

    It has quit raining for now. Pushing 3/4 inch yesterday and plenty more this morning. Flood warnings all over the area.

    Stay safe!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited March 2017

    Good afternoon, Loungettes. Went to work early this morning to get as much done as I could and hopefully get back home before the snow started flying. it almost worked except that I got sent to a town 45 miles away to do an admission at 1 o'clock this afternoon. By then it was already snowing and let me tell you the drive home was one heck of a drive. In and out of white out conditions particularly probably the last 10 miles or so. I am bushed. I really should spend some time working on documentation but I'm not sure I've got the energy to do it. Baby after a bit of a break a cup of tea and something to eat I'll have enough energy to sit down and do some of the computer work.

    Cammy-- you don't have to worry about me being on the interstate coming up against somebody going the wrong way because I rarely use the interstate. Ever since i got caught up in that pile up accident a couple of years ago I've been very very picky about when I will and won't go on the interstate and it's more won't than will. Stayed way off it today. I am going to try to get to the wine tasters club meeting every month, as much as I possibly can. Sometimes though the geography and the driving just isn't going to work out. However I'm going to start using what other people use how they need to get home to their kids or husband's to say I can't do something so that I can be back in time for that.

    Dara-- I wish I had the option of bundling up Sadie and going to Atlantic City and watching the storm from a hotel room! That sounds like the way to be dealing with all of this mess. I'm not a big gambler but I do enjoy people-watching and playing a little bit of the slots and roulette. I've never been to Atlantic City, maybe I should add that to my bucket list.

    Chi-- t h E I merman ab gels group sounds like a wonderful group. I bet they help a lot of people.

    Queenie-- I'm glad no snow is building up where you are, and that the roads are getting cleared off quickly. It's really just getting started here it's about 5:30 p.m., looks like driving should be very interesting tomorrow morning.

    Cammy-- that dentist is an idiot. There's no reason for him to be judgemental like he was. But I know how hard it is to speak up in a situation like that when you're scared cuz I hate dentist too. Fact I haven't seen a dentist in probably 3 or 4 years now because I can't just get past the fear. I just know it's going to hurt no matter what they say. I read somewhere that the new Beauty and the Beast by Disney has a gay kiss in it. Supposed to be the first homosexual kiss in a Disney movie. Maybe that's why they won't show it in Malaysia.

    Welcome home Goldie! Sounds like you had a good trip. Glad the snow and ice didn't totally messed things up for you trip home.

    Chi-- what a time you had with that walk! Isn't it annoying when something simply will not work? It does make looking at the reviews worthwhile sometimes doesn't it.?