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how about drinking?



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited March 2017

    Hi ladies- just a quick poop in to say my trip to Denver has gone very well. Couple good days of meetings, some shopping yesterday afternoon at Nordstroms and Ikea, and a nice Italian dinner at a place called Il Fornaio which was incredible. This is a smaller chain and think I have been to one before in Cali, and bet a few of you travelers know about it too?

    My wine recommendation from last night is something called Hogwash Rose. Gotta say I love the name!

    I am heading back in the morning and think you should be hearing from me again on Thursday when I have time to catch up more on the posts.

    Goldie, welcome home NM, hope you and others here along the coast are surviving the big storm. Lots of snow!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited March 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Well, it was a wild and woolly night last night, but the snow seems to have blown through.Got 3 foot drifts on one part of the deck, nothing on the other part.Still blowing quite a bit but visibility is back to normal.Well, got a lot to do today and lots of driving, better get off the computer and onto the road.Sigh.I would so love to have one day to stay in the office and just catch up on paperwork. . . .

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Kentucky Blizzard



    Pour all ingredients into a cocktail shaker half-filled with cracked ice. Shake well, and strain into a cocktail glass. Garnish with a half-slice of orange, and serve.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Sandy I heard on the news u'r supposed to keep on getting more snow for a day or 2 still, didn't say how much, but it didn't look good. Just stay in, if falling on something slippery, even a spot is risky, and it might be so just stay put--til all this is over and it will start melting soon. These are the good wine days to me.

    NM jeez I hate how much u have to travel, especially in the winter, I'm sorry I bug u about it, maybe cuz of my fear of driving it bothers me more. U never turn down anything it seems and u'r weather conditions are scarier there than here. Just keep safe and I believe u know how to do that. And again I just like the idea of the wine club u go to. Sounds like so much fun. U give so much of u'rself to u'r job, I just want u to give u'rself some fun time.

    Dara what's going on???? U home yet, or still hiding from the weather, which was a brilliant idea to just leave.

    Jazzy as usual pics, pics pics. I so enjoy them and they tell so much.

    Hsant I hope things are going well for u. I just watched our BH gals and it was boring til the end, so maybe next time it'll have some bite to it. I forgot I do watch the NY women too, so that is kind of fun also.

    Lori I hope u've rested and ready to tell us how all of u'r trip was, u looked fabulous, but how did u feel? I think u had lots going on there.

    Pegg lots of rain where u are, I'm sure spring is on the way there, so tell us when u see the rainbow.

    OK that's about it for now--takes me forever to post, I stop along the way too.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2017

    Yes, mese is home!

    Wacko, have you discussed your headaches with your onc?

    Sandy, sounds like you got pounded…by snow that is! And you had me laffing about your lock and burning the $10 bill.

    NM, driving in that bad weather can really wear on a person. I learned that Monday. I haven't driven in weather like that in a LOOOOOONG time. I did not know about the gay kiss in B & B, wow!

    Cami, there is nothing exciting to report of my trip, other than meeting up with Mary, but you already know about that. I drove out to my mom's every day and back to my brothers in evening. I am feeling fine.

    Oh, started back on the CBD and RSO, and no D. I had D the entire time I was in MI.

    My DD will be here a week from Thursday. I can't wait! We will be going camping, I have a doctor appt. prior to picking her up. So that means getting labs here soon.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2017

    Winter Solstice Cocktail


    1 1/2 ounces orange vodka

    1/2 ounce orange-flavored liqueur, such as Cointreau 1/2 ounce freshly squeezed lemon juice, preferably from Meyer lemons Ice cubes Club soda, chilled 1 mint leaf, for garnish 1 raspberry, for garnish

    In a cocktail shaker, combine vodka, orange liqueur, lemon juice, and ice; shake until well combined. Strain into a chilled martini glass; add a splash of soda. Carefully fold mint leaf in half lengthwise and place the stem end into the opening of the raspberry. Float on top of cocktail and serve immediately.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited March 2017

    Hi ladies! I'm really behind, so please forgive me if I missed something important.

    Good days and bad days with my dad, or more accurately I should say, good moments and bad moments. For the most part good, but since the nature of being symptomatic with respect to his disease (pulmonary fibrosis) is unpredictable I'm constantly on pins and needles waiting for something to happen. Ahh...good times, I tell ya!

    I would have LOVED to have face time with Genny and new face time with Goldie. I just wasn't comfortable leaving my dad for any significant period of time on that day. It sounds like you had a great visit and an excellent meal. You ladies are beautiful! Love the pics!

    The weather here has been dreadful. Lots of snow and wind. We had a big lake effect snow fall last night. Thankfully my cousin's BF was here early this morning to plow the driveway. A nurse practitioner is coming out to do an evaluation (whatever that means) on my dad. Plus the nurse's aide is scheduled to come out this afternoon.

    Jazzy, I think a trip to Ireland sounds amazing, and based on what you post on this thread, the Guinness Jazz Fest is right up your alley. I hope you can make that trip happen.

    Good to hear that Denver is going well. I didn't know that Il Fornaio is a chain. I've been to the one in Beverly Hills, but didn't realize that there were others.

    Cami, wow! Your experience is the reason dentists have a bad rep. Getting a tooth pulled is (or should be) easier than getting a root canal. I wish you would've crushed Dr. Sadist's balls.

    I'm LMAO at your description of your SIL! I haven't watched yesterday's episode of BH yet, but if it's anything like last week's then I'm sure I'll forget the episode about ten minutes after I watch. Nice to know that they've been consistent with the snooze fest. NY is coming up in April. Now those broads really know how to bring the crazy.

    Dara, wonderful pic of you and your high school comrades! I am still very close with a handful of my friends from HS.

    I'm so sorry that Lucy is having a difficult time. I hope she's coping better this week. She knows her mama needs her, and she will be there for you.

    Holy shit! Unfuc*ing believable about your ex manager! I have no doubt she will get a pretty little package of shit in the form of karma.

    Great news about the Botox! But doctor's offices tend to suck, don't they? You should not have to beg for an appointment to get a procedure that will relieve you from intense pain. It makes me want to go over there with a cast iron skillet and hit those bitches over the head with it. I'm not a violent person, but migraines are sooo painful.

    If anybody deserves a getaway it's you! I hope you're having a relaxing and fun trip in AC!

    Genny, how is your knee? It sounds so painful, and you're on your feet all day for work. Can you take some time off? How did the doc appt. go on Monday? I hope you feel relief from the gel injection. I think you're also coming up on another TM check?

    Lunch with Goldie sounds yummy and fun! I wish you gals could've stayed overnight. Two hours is not much time at all with a friend you haven't seen in a long time.

    My dad is doing ok (knock on wood), so maybe an Uber lunch on Friday if you're feeling ok and available?

    Memasue, how are you feeling? I hope that nasty cold is out of your system. Fun that you have some filming going on in your 'hood!

    How did your appt. go with your MO?

    Native, good lord you work your butt off! When do you get vacation time?

    Wow about the crash! So, so sad. As far as the other crash that involved an elderly man, my dad has a very strong opinion that once you hit a certain age it's time to put down the keys. He stopped driving over four years ago, and it was a big argument with me, because I felt it was premature.

    Goldie, gosh, golly girl. I very much wish I could've met you in person! Genny says the nicest things about you. Really sings praise about you. It just wasn't meant to be last weekend, unfortunately. Hopefully, in the future? I'm glad you girls had fun.

    I'm sure you are thrilled that your daughter is coming for a visit. How long? Is she still working in the VI? How is your mom? Did you have a good visit?

    Prayers out to you for happy lab results!

    Sandy, I read Kitchen Confidential, but I didn't read the other book you mentioned. In CA it's required that the restaurant post the grade for the public to see that the city gives the restaurant for cleanliness. I remember this started in the mid 90s, and fancy schmancy, celebrity filled restaurants failed. It was a very big deal at that time. I like restaurants that have an open kitchen for this reason.

    Peggy, I hope the rain has stopped in your area.

    Ok, lovely gals. Gotta get my pops out of bed, because the nurse practitioner is due here any minute. Wishing everyone a fab hump day!

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338
    edited March 2017

    Cami, at the moment it is not raining - thank heavens. For awhile I thought I was living in Seattle! At least it has washed away almost all of the snow in my yard. I've still got a few little piles but with temps in the 50s they will go away today or tomorrow.

    So many of you have had such a hard winter and having to be out and about working or doctor's appointments etc. I'm lucky that I'm retired and not much required of me.

    Today I'm having lunch with my DIL's mother (why isn't there a shorthand term for that relationship?). We enjoy each other so it will be fun.

    Hope you all are safe, warm and have a great day!


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2017

    Our lake effect snow finally ended about 5:30 or so, when the winds turned around and slammed the usual locations along the eastern shores of the Great Lakes (sorry about the rough stuff, all you ladies in the northeast and in eastern MI and the Cleveland & Buffalo areas). Bob got home super-early last night (office was cancelled because so many patients were snowbound on the south side; and so many heeded the advice to take the day off and hibernate that there was absolutely no traffic). I was in neither the mood nor the condition (back was still sore) to deal with icy sidewalks to walk to dinner, so Bob went to Cellars and brought back fish & chips—with which I had some more of that Ch. de Cazeneuve Brut NV champagne (after a week in the fridge, still has some sparkle left).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited March 2017

    Evening, Loungettes.

    Notice the omission of the word "Good". This day has been anything but, and I need to rant and rave to go along with the crying and wailing.

    Got to the office right on time despite some not so wonderful roads, jumped right in and started data entry for the admission I did yesterday afternoon,took until noon time.4 hours.I was very careful to not stop working on that for more than 2 minutes at a time, except for a 3 minute pee break.Then started out for my visits.Barely out of the office and I get THREE phone calls back to back from Clinical Manager #2 about errors in the computer work.The big one is the wrong doctor's name on the paperwork.I was sent out to do this admission with a name, address and phone number.I asked who the doc was, one of the other Clinical Manager #1 and was given a name, so that's what I used.That same name was on the hospital paperwork the patient had and was the name the daughter gave me. So I got reamed out for not matching the name to the name listed in the computer system.Of course, the patient was not in the computer system while I was doing the admission, didn't get into the computer system until later in the day, so I couldn't verify that name that Inever heard of with the patient and/or family.OK, yes, I should have looked at the physician listed in the computer today while I was working on the damnable thing, but I didn't think of it.Then there was the whole lecture about how important it is to get the signatures in the computer on admission.Duh, how do I do that when there is no patient listing in the computer when I'm doing the admission? Fine, whatever.

    Then I get another phone call from Clinical Manger #2.The license of full time nurse I work with expired Monday.She didn't realize this and so all the visits she did on Tuesday (she didn't work Monday) have to be done again by someone with a valid license.The full time nurse has her license up to date now, but can't redo any of the visits cuz she is going to a facility far, far away tomorrow, and not working on Friday.Yeah, I know, full time and working a 3 day week.So guess who gets to add those 4 visits to her schedule?Yup, me.I did get one done today, but at the expense of having one of the visits already scheduled for today refused by the daughter cuz it was too late in the day and the patient was too tired. So yet another visit moved to tomorrow.

    Speaking of tomorrow, New Nurse (part time, 3 days a week) and I plan to meet so I can show her how to do a recertification note in the computer.Clinical Manager #2 is saying have the New Nurse do the 3 remaining visits that need to be redone after we go over recertification notes, and graciously gives us 1 WHOLE HOUR to do that.New Nurse has not gotten any kind of decent orientation, it's going to take more than 1 hour to get her up to speed with this process cuz she has never been given any of the background info she needs to understand and accurately do recertifications. On top of that, the 3 remaining visits are too far away for her to be able to do and get back home by the time her children get home from school, even if we did only need anhour for the teaching. So now I'm worried about losing the part time nurse, cuz her husband is already complaining about the hours she's working and amount of at home time she needs to work to finish the notes and her own dissatisfaction with her orientation, and her orientation isn't even half done.And I'm ready to scream cuz I can see what she needs, and can help her with it, but only if visits are taken off my (and her) plate.

    One of the other office nurses did an admission today of a patient that will be on my caseload.So now I need to work in the second day visit, and all theadmission stuff that won't get finished and will get passed on to me to finish.All told, I have a double visit load tomorrow, New Nurse orientation work, AND a list of case management items that need to be done tomorrow that came in an e-mail from Clinical Manager #2.And Clinical Manager #1 has mentioned that there are a couple more admissions in the works that may come through tomorrow or Friday.And since I am the only one on the team working Friday, And the only one who can do admissions, guess who gets the admissions?

    Add to that 1 recertification note from Tuesday, and a second day visit note from last week that are still back logged, and the big meeting notes that will need to be done by Monday noontime for around 40 patients, and the upcoming week's scheduling and I am going to be on the frigging work computer all weekend, AGAIN.

    Oh, yeah, almost forgot.Clinical Manager #3 is in orientation, and regularly coming to me for help with computer stuff.Basic computer stuff.She is practically computer illiterate. That statement is not a condemnation or judgement, it is a statement of fact, that she herself says frequently.For every hour of time I spend in the office working on stuff, I spend about 15 minutes helping her.

    AND, the company has changed the mileage reimbursement policy, so I will be getting less mileage reimbursement from now on.

    Ok, the first 2 glasses of wine are kicking in, going to pour a third and find something fun to do, and deal with the this crap again in the morning.

    Thanks for listening. And not telling me it could be worse. Or other people have it harder than I do.I know all that, but right now it's all about ME.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited March 2017

    Good afternoon DahhhLinKs!

    All went well with the onco on Tues. My tests were still NED…whoopee!!! Talked to her about the brain white matter/spine. She said is treatment-induced and there is no treatment for it. Couldn't find any treatment on line either, so it is what it is. At least now I kno what is causing my dizzyness, nausia, and general aches and pains.

    Lowee - welcome home!!! Am glad you got to see Mary, love the pic, you two are most bootIful. Hoping you had a good time with ur brother(s). So pleased to hear you are back on the RSO and CBD. I find it helps me a lot. But watch for the big C, which I presently have. Took me 20 mins today to unload 2 tootsie rolls…LOL, I kno, tmi! Yay for your DD coming to visit and camping sounds like a wonderful idea. Can't remember when I went camping last…just have fun and stay safe. MUAH!

    Sandy - been watching the weather in the mid and north east. I wouldn't be able to tolerate the snow in my shape. Did you look into 'key' locks for lockers? That's what I use, and I don't mind the bracelet at all. At least I kno my stuff is mostly protected. I recently re-uped at our rec center to work out 3x's a week. Haven't been once…I just find so much to do around the house and then the 'honey do-s' that dh puts on me.

    Peg - I have several friends in WA, mostly around Seattle. I plan to visit them all in July, plus my brother in Otis, OR, oh and my step-mom in Nyssa, OR. Will b going to PHX for Easter, to Burbank in May. DS is using his SoWest points to pay for Burbank…he is sooo sweet…and handsome too.

    NM - OMG all the bs u are going thru makes me sick to my stomach. I have to give u lots n lots of credit for hanging in there. But keep looking for other outfits that can use you and your intelligence. My dh made up a drink for St Pat's day, calls it Lucky Pee, it's cinnamon whiskey and melon liquor, it's turns out to be green when u mix it. His bosses purchased a ton of plastic shot glasses on lanyards. He had signs made at local printer, $5 for shot/lanyad cup and $3 refills..he is so excited. Glad u have your wine…and you kno u can always whine with us. (((NM)))

    Jazz - ur trip to Denver sounds very productive and some fun too.

    Hi Cami

    Hsant - I am still so impressed w/you and the care you give your dad. Sorry the weather has been so awful, doesn't make u too happy does it. Am pleased that you take a few minutes to check in at the lounge, lets have a dwinkie or two…in ur honor…tink tink, bottoms up.

    Lubslubslubslubslubs and then some!!!

  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited March 2017

    MemaSue: on a completely secondary note--OMG cinnamon whiskey and melon liqueur? My tasting parts have crawled up into my sinuses to whimper in peace.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited March 2017

    Made it home from Denver. Whew! More tomorrow.....

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338
    edited March 2017

    NM, OMG! What a crappy work situation. You absolutely cannot win, can you? And to drove your mileage reimbursement? Just icing on the cake. I don't know how you stay even halfway sane. I'm sure you wonder why you still work there. SMH.

    Mema, That will be a great trip this summer. Sorry I'm out of the way :(

    Jazzy, glad you're home safe.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2017

    Bob bought me a key lock, and it has double notches on the hasp, so it’s not “poppable.” I did manage to find a pair of shorts on sale at Target (after returning the Lock From Hell) with a zipper pocket…on the butt. Sigh. Couldn’t find any of those little coil bracelets that the locker rooms in hospital imaging centers use. Poured myself a couple oz. of that insanely wonderful Williams-Selyem Pinot Noir tonight.

    NM, I’d have used every swear word in my vocabulary and then some. You have the patience of a saint.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    OMG NM How do u do this every day? U r unbelievable, what dedication u have to all of u'r patients. But how u'r treated just hurts me so, don't they realize they have a diamond in u and should be treated with high respect. U should whine and wine a lot, u have every reason to. Hoping so that u'r end of the week somehow gets better in some way. <<<HUGS>>>

    SusyQ good news YYYAAAYYY, love to hear about NED, I've been for 7 yrs now--and with my new tests it better stay that way. Finally today being done. I hate hospitals.

    Pegg sounds like u'll have a good time at lunch, tell us what u ate---for some reason I like to hear that. I always loved restaurants, just being served was a highlite to me. Oh I still go, just not so often. The little bit of snow u have will be gone in no time.

    OK Jazzy glad u'r home safely and now the pics. are coming right??? Ireland looks so beautiful, it better all work out for u.

    Lori u sound good, but I'm glad u'r home. And u'r DD is coming soon--that is great news something really to look forward to.

    Sandy until the snow really melts u really should be very careful about going out and especially walking around. It's so easy to not see one tiny spot that can bring u down, just stay put for a while. As long as u have food and wine, what else do u really need???

    Taxes are mailed ladies, and I added my note to just add this to my bill. I did request that they take just 100.00 out a month so I'll see what they do now. And I also noted I'm at poverty level so again see what happens. I do have to say for quite a while Obama did tell them to leave me alone, so now I have to work on Trump--but I have to wait til all this commotion stops. U all know how I write to everyone in the world now. LOL

    My anti'b's stop today, Chit--should mean my d will be here in 2 days. What a nice vacay from it, but there was nothing happening, no place to go right now, just some Dr. stuff, damn. Oh well. Slept for 2 hrs, then wide awake. I did wash a load of clothes tho. All I have to do is open my door and there's the washer and dryer, so it's no big accomplishment. And I ordered all my private crap on line today, I like walgreens, It always delivers in 2 days, so I'll have everything by Friday.

    That's it for now--I'll find a DOTD so NM can just not have to think about it today.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    Image result for recipes for alcoholic beveragesWe need some sun here. so at least we can drink it.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2017

    So hello, sorry been MIA, staying in AC a third night simply bcuz there is no place like home but uhhh, not yet, icy there!

    NM, OMG, what pure torture you endure. I can't even believe the bullchit that you deal with. Sending many hugs, prayers, more hugs and more prayers! Hoping that Silly Sadie at least made u smile for a split second? ((((((((((((((( KIM )))))))))))))))))))))))

    Cam, you crack me up so, foygot how you write to the POTUS. and now waiting until Mr. Trump settles in b4 writing him. Ehh, write him now and jest instruct him NOT to tell your daughters hehehe. Hope n pray that the D stays away now and foyEBER!

    Mema!!! Biggest congrats on the NED goil, could not be more happy....'matter o fact, been partaying and sailabrating since de moment you posted your great news. It was soooo cool texting with you and sharing our dwunken pics tonight. And uhhh, a sublimiminal kiss and hug to your Mommy from us, mese Lucy and cuz, k? LOVE YOU!

    Welcom home Jazzy, wow how quik was that getaway?? glad you is safe at de residence goil. I owe ya manny many tanks for u know waht!

    Lori, yay yer home too and get to see your bootiful bootiliscious baby goil soonly~ hugs to you too.

    Hsant, love how ya wanna knock out mese exboossy biotch, udda wOMAN!!!! hugs to ya x infiniti, you de best for how well you care for your beautiful Daddy, makes me remember caring for mese own Dear Daddy and oh boy do I remember those challenges. and de love even more!

    K, gotta git packing so I ken rest then check out by noon

    Hailooooo to eberyone I missed, sending prayers and lots of lubs lubs lubs (as suzEEq would say), to all!!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited March 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!3 glasses of wine and a good sleep and I feel better. At least I can face going to work today.Going to take it one day at a time for now.Now to ketchup with everyone else.

    Cammy--I'm careful driving in the snow, and once the snow stops it doesn't take long for the roads to be cleared.And I will be working to get to the wine club meetings, and have tickets for a play on Friday evening, so I have some leverage for not working half the night Friday.

    Goldie--Welcome home!Sounds like the CBD and RSO is controlling the D, and that's a good thing!

    Great Winter Solstice Cocktail!

    Hsant--don't worry about ketchuping, too much goes on in here!Just jump in, cuz we like having you here.I know the road with your Dad has a lot of ups and downs.Unfortunately, that is the nature of many chronic illnesses.The unpredictability can be so wearing on the family and caregivers. Makes it hard to enjoy the good moments, but do try!Vacation time for me won't be until next winter, IF I don't have to take more than 3 or 4 days of sick time between now and then.

    Peggy--How was your lunch with your DIL Mom?

    Chi--fish and chips, when done well, is VERY GOOD!

    Mema--HOORAY FOR NED!!!!!The Lucky Pee sounds like a lot of fun, and the shot glasses on lanyards is a great fun idea!Bet DH gets rich with it!And thanks for letting me whine, with wine in my hand.It really helps.

    Jazzy--Welcome Home!

    Peggy--I'm not sure I'm even half way sane anymore.Nobody sane would put up with this, and I am looking for something else.Preferably not in nursing.

    Chi--I have exercised my off color vocabulary whilst in the car quite a bit lately, but especially on the way home yesterday. Carrying around a key while at the gym would be a real annoyance, I can emphasize with you on that.But I suppose one must do what one must do.

    Cammy--this week will get better just by getting to Friday at 5 pm when I can legally not answer calls from work and don't have to check the e-mail everyhour for a couple of days. Thanks for covering the DOTD for me!Ooh, that looks sooooo good!

    Dara--Thanks for the hugs, and Sadie does get me to smile from time to time, there is a god reason I call her Silly! Somehow she always knows just how to make me laugh. Our cuddle and play time at bedtime is the highlight of my day, every day.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited March 2017

    Good morning friends- hoping everyone is getting a good start to Thursday. Got back in town around 6:30 p.m. last night after a LONG drive home. Thousand miles RT up and back to Denver from Sunday through yesterday. Fortunate to have good weather up, and even better last night. Despite having a super comfy ride, I did find my back was bothering me more on the way home and took a longer break in one of my fav spots two hours north of here on the way back for lunch and a visit to a few fav spots. It was nice having the longer day light on the way home to be able to dawdle a bit as I needed to......

    The business meetings in Denver were worth the trip and I think we have a good starting point around this collaboration efforts as we get going, and they have two clients strongly interested in our solution so we are putting together a presentation next and go meet with them soon. I get to be part of that (paid trip) to help close the deal. Also got some things clarified on my subcontracting arrangement, and some final work to do there with my atty and insurance group. I also think the client site where we just did this for the first time is finally starting to move past the initial change now, and will be able to leverage them for any final lessons learned and references needed. We are hitting our tipping point to be ready to move forward on this. Being in a collaboration team with bigger players is going to bring me some new opps to do more work for others nationally.

    I came home to a big burst of spring here with the warm weather. Despite the wicked storms in the midwest and east coast, the west continues to be unusually warm. It was in the upper 70s here yesterday, also low 70s in Denver the past day or so. My weeping cherry that had a few blooms on it when I left is almost fully covered and rosemary bushes covered with purple blooms. The fruit trees in the hood went from flowering out to leafing out in four short days and green is being seen everywhere. We have a much earlier spring than I have seen in awhile! We need more moisture though, very dry here and this warm winter into March may signify a very hot summer on the horizon!

    Mema- congrats on the NED. Sounds like your symptoms are from some of the previous treatments with this crap. Darned SEs. And yes, quick trip to just have some much needed biz meetings. I love a good road trip, but probably won't have the need to do one again for awhile!

    Cami- not too many pics given the nature of this trip but will share a few things later today. Congrats on getting your taxes done!

    Hsant- I can certainly understand your concerns about leaving your dad for any length of time. I hope you are both doing well this week. I hope to do the Ireland trip to, but getting my work in alignment to be able to put down the deposit. Hopefully by April!

    NM- what can I say except my heart goes out to you with all the challenges with this job; the weather, reduced mileage reimbursement, the poor management, etc. Are their nursing recruiters in your area? Maybe they can be scouting for you for new opps given it must be hard to find anything else right now with all this going on. A clinical manager with no computer skills you have to deal with is a horror show.

    Pontiac- thank you for the welcome home. What fun things are you up to this week?

    Goldie- sound like you had a good trip and good visit with mom. I remember you were worried she would see your weight loss. Did that conversation go okay? And your DD is coming to visit next. Hope you are getting settled in.

    Chi- sounds like you have had a bit of weather too. I love how you have delicious wine or champagne with anything you are having to eat, i.e. fish and chips!

    Dara- sounds like you got an escape, but maybe stuck where you are with the weather?

    Up too early and going back to bed for more rest. Will check in again later my friends

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2017

    Hsant, Mary and I would have loved to have seen you, it's ok, we understand. Nice to know she speaks well of me. Not sure I can say the same about you! KIDDING! She absolutely loves you! How did things go with the NP? My daughter comes next Thursday and leaves 4/3, and yes she is still in the VI. My visit to MI was great. My mom is mom. Nothing new and exciting. Learned while I was there, she has over $1000.00 in charges and she just throws them away!

    Peggy, hope you had a nice lunch with your DIL's mother. Too funny about having shorthand for that one! Where did ya's go?

    Oh mese oh mise NM. What a day girl, and sounds like the same today. I hope that 3rd glass of wine helped and of courses just venting here.

    Sue, still NED! OMG, so f'n happy for you. LOL at the Tootsie Rolls. Droppin da kids off at the pewl! Your DS IS handsome and so good to his momma. Lucky Pee? Oh my!

    Jazzy, welcome home. Trust you had an awesome time!

    Sandy, I'm with you on the cuss words (to NM). I can have quite the truckers mouth!

    Cami, maybe Trump will answer you! Love the "Strawberry Sun" cocktail.

    Wacko, I hope you are able to enjoy yourself in AC. How's that grand baby of yours, and I hope Lucy is doing better. I take it Cheryl takes care of her when you are away?

    Jazzy, nice that you were able to "dawdle" a bit on your way home. Where is the "paid" work trip for presentation? Back to Denver? Mom didn't have much to say about my weight, but EVERYONE else did! I finally said to some friends of my brothers, after their comment to me about how skinny I was. I said, well y'all are fat!

    My new wine holder!


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2017

    Ha ha, this is an actual text that I my BROTHER! It did an auto correct and it was too funny to correct it, so I left it! Should have been something like visit, instead of ride. How it got ride, I have no idea. And my brothers comment at the end is a new ring tone he down loaded. Called Pakastani ring tone.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited March 2017

    Goldie- sounds like the first trip will be to the west coast and another to the midwest if I heard correctly. The sales guys are the drivers, will wait to hear when they are ready to go. I expect it will be a fly in and out type of thing for the meeting.

    Your DD comes today, enjoy your time together!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited March 2017

    Good afternoon DahhhLinKs!

    NM - hoping the 'employment god' helps u find the perfecto position. I still admire you greatly on what you do and all the chit u been going thru. U are a constant in my prayers (((NM))). Glad u slept good and feel better today.

    Dara - I too enjoyed our texting partay last night. Am having a coffee/brandy right now. I tried to get a nap today but ended up sharting n mese pants. WTF!!! Laundry going now. Are you home yet? Just stay safe already.

    Queen - LOL to ur reaction to the 'Pee' dwink. Can't wait til tommow when I can go to the bar. Stateline customers and others meet every year for the annual St. Pat's day 3-mile walk. They start at 9am and go from bar to bar, then finally back at Stateline. There are always 100+ peeps on the walk…plus the bagpipe player. Stateline puts out corn beef and cabbage and other foods…Lots of fun.

    Pegg - me too…and when I go to OR and WA in July I will still be too far as I'll b hanging along the coast. BooHoo!!

    Cami - Yay for 7 years. So proud of you. Sorry about the end of antiB's cycle, am praying the D stays the hail away. Ur DOTD sounds marvelous. I like all those ingredients.

    Jazz - WOW on the total miles. Just thinking about it makes mese butt n back ache. Good news on the collaboration efforts. Tippin one back to celebrate.

    Lowee - thanks for the kudos. Will let you all know how the 'P' drink goes tomorrow. Love ur wine glass holder…very clever me goil. LOL on ur comment to brothers and friends. Ohhh and still ROTF over ur text LOL.

    LubsLUBSlubsLUBSlubs all ya'll

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited March 2017

    Native, I'm sorry you have to deal with all this bs. It sounds like management is very disorganized (plus, clinical manager #2 sounds like a bitch). How many patients does hospice have altogether? It sounds like they are under staffed, and you're their go to nurse. It's not fair. Loyalty and competence should be rewarded.

    I hope today was better, and you can get in some relaxing snuggle time with Sadie.

    Which play are you seeing tomorrow? Sounds like a great distraction from work.

    Jazzy, The project with the Denver group sounds like an amazing opportunity. So happy to hear that I was positive and things are moving forward.

    I'm glad somebody is getting nice weather on this thread.:) I'm living vicariously. Today it went up to a balmy 33 degrees.

    Sue, congrats on NED!!! Big yay!!

    The St. Paddy's day shot sounds fun and festive. I forgot that tomorrow is St. Patrick's Day. It's a very big deal in Cleveland. There's a big parade downtown and the Irish bars will be packed starting at around 11 a.m. Needless to say, I'll be sipping (guzzling) wine from home in the evening.

    Goldie, how nice that your DD will be with you and your DH for a nice, long visit! You must be in heaven right now. Enjoy the time with her, and have fun camping! I'm glad you had a good trip.

    Ok, I'm rolling my eyes at the comments people made about your weight. For some reason, maybe it's our society, people don't think that it's offensive if they say something negative about ones appearance if it involves being skinny. First of all, it's not like you have an eating disorder. It's not intentional. Do they know what's going on with you? If so, vile. Anyway, you are gorgeous. I'm sure your brother'sbuds think so, too.

    Love the "wine holder"!

    Cami, wishing you some more D free days. I hope that the antibiotics were just a coincidence.

    Congrats on finishing your taxes. What a pain. I dread it every year, starting around December.

    Dara, good for you for adding another night to your AC getaway. Cocktails (for some reason) always taste best in a hotel. Cheers lovey!

    The nurse practitioner was nice, but for whatever reason, I felt like I was being evaluated, too. Kind of nerve wracking, but I'm sure this is my problem.

    I'm on my second glass of Markham merlot from Napa. (sure to be followed up with a third, and most likely a fourth). I'm not a big merlot fan, but my local grocery store was sampling this today, and it's a nice change from the big, jammy Zinfandels I like.

    Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend, if I can't check in. Love you gals!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    wow everyone sounds pretty good and the weather here is melting anyway, but it was still cold out today.I watch "FRIENDS" a lot and no one ever knows what the character Chandler actually does, well I feel that way about Jazzy, but it just sounds great anyway. And I'm glad u had some extra light for u'r trip, so u could relax a bit.

    NM I hope today went better and now it's TGIF day so u and Sadie can relax a bit.

    Hsant u deserve any amount of wine u want, it's fine, u handle so much, I never could do all u do away from home.

    Pegg I didn't see u check in about u'r lunch. Waiting.

    Lori I'm still feeling so excited for u'r DD coming in, it's what u need now and love.

    Dara take u'r time, there, enjoy, it's nice to just lay around, that I know.

    SusyQ u sound good and u'll be traveling soon, I think.

    Got a few tests done today finally, My last one I had to move a bit and I didn't take any pain meds and it was awful, so when I got done I apologized to the techs for being so mouthy and mean, and they said u were great u never complained---but I just couldn't leave it alone--I told them I was saying it all in my head and every word I said was horrible to them. They were still nice tho.I'm not worried at all, just glad it's done. Sat. I go back to the dentist to get fitted for whatever they're doing.

    A little busy with work, but not as confusing for me today. I've notice sometimes I get the customers all bixed up and I can't make it better, but that's all right.

    Ah St. Patricks day, my SIL is 1/2 Irish so it's a big day today for him and now Joey who is 1/4 Irish. So they celebrate and go to my SIL'S mom's house and have corned beef and cabbage, Leslie could care less, but she goes. I'll wait for a to go meal from them and stay with the dog of the house.

    Sandy how did today go for u? Is the snow melting there too???

    OK trying to sleep now, we'll see.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2017

    Had my first actual personal training session today—this guy went easier on me (for the most part) than the evaluator did last Fri. I am down a pound. For the first time in my life I lifted a barbell (OK, only 30 lbs., but you gotta start somewhere). He said it’s okay to get pleasantly tired, not sore. (He is also really cute. Kinda creepy for me to say that since I think he’s even younger than Gordy). Next session is Tues., when he wants me to bring copies of my DexaScan, the exercises my LE PTs had me do last year, and the exercises they gave me at the Immediate Care Center when my back went blooey in Dec. He said it was fine to have canceled last Tues., as walking during the snowstorm would have been too dangerous. I got up too late to try the Silver Sneakers class—might see if there’s one at another branch this Sat. If not, I will ease into doing cardio.

    My voice teacher wants me to switch from one 45-min. lesson a week to three 15-minute ones, so he can see how my voice is doing day-to-day and how stuff like pollen counts, etc. might be affecting it.

    Went down to Oak Lawn for Bob & I to take our friends who’d moved down there to dinner at Whitney’s. We shared a bottle of Freixenet Blanc de Blancs.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    Image result for How to make St. Patrick's alcohol drink recipesJust thought I'd throw this in.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited March 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!I am so glad it is Friday.Got tickets to a play this evening, a local theater group is putting on Agatha Cristie's And Then There Were None, one of my favorite murder mystery stories, and one of the actors and driving forces behind the troupe is a high school classmate. Then I get to sleep in Saturday and not get up in the dark.Then there's a ton of work to tackle, but there's not much I can do about that except do it. Going to be a struggle to get through the day today, I am so tired, but I've managed tired before, and I'm the only one of the team working today.I just pray I don't get an admission, particularly a late afternoon/after hours admission.But I've only done 1 admission this week, so I'm due for more.Ah, yes, today is St. Patrick's Day!One of the local bars opened at 6:30, the only day of the year they open that early.Oddly enough, the most popular drink ordered is Pepsi!

    Jazzy--It is nice to have more light at the end of the day.I just wish I didn't have to get up in the dark to have the evening daylight.Ah, well, that will come again eventually. Sounds like the work scene is coming along nicely, good for you! And the promise of spring. Can't wait to see some signs of that here.

    Goldie--that 3rd glass of wine definitely helped the other night, even if it did trigger a wonderful bout of heartburn in the middle of the night. Shaking my head at your Mom throwing away charges. It amazes me how long people can do that without consequences.

    Great wine holder!!And funnier text!

    Mema--thanks for the prayers, that means a lot to me. And helps me get through.

    Hsant--We currently have about 130 patients, give or take a bit. According to the company standards, we are actually overstaffed for this number of patients. We really do have enough nurses, they need to be used more effectively.Most days there are one or two or even three nurses with only 1 or 2 visits to do, and a handful of us with 5 or more.But because of the large area we cover visits can't be shifted to nurses with lighter loads cuz they won't be able to be done and back home in time for kids to get off the school bus or pick up husbands from their jobs. Since they are still available by phone they meet the "on duty" definition until 5 pm. I've considered fabricating a marriage so I can pull the same trick, but don't quite dare.

    Cammy--corned beef and cabbage, good stuff!Growing up St. Patrick's day meant New England boiled dinner, then corned beef hash from the leftovers for breakfast the next day.Hmm, maybe I'll look for some corned beef and do that this weekend.

    Chi--having a personal trainer sounds like such a luxury!Obviously effective.And you do have to start somewhere with the weight lifting. I suspect learning proper technique with the barbell is important before starting in with weights.

    Cammy--Love the the Naughty Leprechaun!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2017

    Jazzy, DD arrives next Thursday. I'm loving the weather we are having!

    LDB, have fun today. Are you going on the walk? I know, toopid question!

    Hsant, I let people know that it is offensive to a person always being called skinny. Yes they know my situation. No I am not upset with anyone, but I do let them know that it's no difference telling someone they're fat. I grew up being called skinny all the time, or bonie maroni.

    NM, praying for an easy day for you girl, you shorly need it. None the less, the weekend will be here soon. LOL at fabricating a husband/family. Wacko did it with her dentist, I do believe!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2017

    Irish Flag Drink Recipe

    • 1/3 shot green creme de menthe
    • 1/3 shot Licor 43
    • 1/3 shot Irish cream

    Carefully layer the ingredients in a shot glass in order.

    The Irish Flag drink is a layered cocktail with Irish Cream, green creme de menthe and Licor 43 - the colors of the Irish flag. The flavor is a surprisingly tasty blend of vanilla, caramel and mint.

    Image result for happy st. patrick's day sexy guy in kilt