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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    OK NM is back, sorry about u being so busy tho, that's awful on a day off for u. Hope u can just relax today.

    Jazzy u completely tire me out. Woosh oh and I forgot the pic. of drink u posted looked so enticing, I wanted to have one.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited March 2017

    Jazzy, you are inspiring me to get my butt in gear! On most days I could absolutely make time for an hour hike. I'm going to blame it on the weather, but really that's just an excuse. Tomorrow the highs will be in the 50s, so I'm going to really try and get motivated.

    I love me a good Bloody Mary!

    Native, it sounds like a very busy work weekend for you. Yikes to those temps! Question, and I'm sure it's a dumb one; how is it that your clothes don't get icy and freeze when the temps are so low?

    I've had many conversations with the after hours on call nurse, and she has always gives me great advice and support. She also always offers to come to the house. I've only had her come out on two occasions in the last 4.5 months.

    I'm with you on the time change. It always screws me up.

    I hope you and Sadie can enjoy some down time.

    Cami, yes, PeeekKaaay (I can't help but make fun of Dorit's fake Audrey Hepburn accent) is Boy George's manager, and while I'm sure he gets gigs and can earn a living, I doubt that his income can support the ridiculous life style of Dorit and PK that we see on TV. Right?

    Yep, those lux trips are courtesy of Bravo. Same goes for those fancy catered parties. Anything that is filmed is paid by the network. I even heard that cosmetic plastic surgery is covered by Bravo if the person will allow it to be filmed. I've always loved me some schlock (another favorite Yiddish word!) TV. Don't get me started on The Bachelor.:)

    Sandy, Schvitz (sweat) is another fave Yiddish word, which I use a lot thanks to the hot flashes I've been experiencing. The hubs pronounces it "svits" with a heavy Italian accent. For example, I'll tell him not to sit on our couch after he comes back from an eighty mile bike ride, because he's schvitzing. He'll say, "I don't svitz", my comment is, yes you do and it's Schvitz, not svitz. His response, I don't shhhh....svitz. Oy vey!

    Goldie, Genny, Peggy, Dara (hugs), Sue, I hope you're enjoying your Sunday!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited March 2017

    Hi again ladies!

    Hsant- I think it is great you may be able to do some exercise outdoor soon. As the weather gets better, it will feel good to be outdoors. I went for a 40 min bike ride last night and it was just divine. Work your way up to the hour, maybe start out with 20-30 minutes? That is what I do. When I rode my new bike for the first time a few weeks ago, I did 20 min, then went up to 30 (found my hips were really tight and worked on that), now 40 last night. I do other exercise but working to get my "biking legs back." Hopefully you will have more good days than not great days for outdoor movement soon!

    NM- glad you were home yesterday but sorry it turned out to be a day full of work. Glad you and Sadie could hang together. Wow, bitter cold but no snow though. I had those freezing winds. Hope you get more "you time" today. Weekends are short enough without work creeping in.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2017

    Buying ground coffee in bulk is a colossal waste of money unless all you want is the caffeine (much of which is in the essential oils and evaporates too long after roasting, much less grinding), and don't care about the taste. The first pot made after opening the can may taste good, but afterwards you might as well be brewing organic cat litter. That “whoosh" you hear when you open the can is CO2 escaping and oxygen immediately getting in. Much of the aroma comes from “outgassing," the emission of CO2 (like what you smell when you squeeze a bag of roasted coffee beans that has a one-way valve). And oxygen, while we need to breathe it, is the enemy of freshness. Oxidation=spoilage or at least staleness, whether coffee or wine. BTW, canned ground coffee is mostly cheap low-altitude-grown robusta beans (instant is 100% robusta). A little robusta is ideal for an authentic Italian espresso blend, to give a good “crema," but tastes awful on its own, though it is much higher in caffeine than the arabica beans that have become the standard for “real" coffee.

    Cami, if coffee tastes too weak it's because not enough coffee (and ground too coarsely) is used in relation to water. The standard recommendation is 2 coffee scoops per 6-oz. cup, which is unrealistic: that's 4 T.—1/4 c.-- of coffee (a scoop is 2 T.), and who pours only 6-oz. cups? (That may be the capacity of a teacup, but most folks drink from mugs, which are 8-10 oz.). The capacity of drip coffeemakers is measured in 5-oz. cups, which is even sillier. So what to do? If you're brewing a standard “8-cup" pot, consider that is only 4 or 5 mugs at most. I usually use one coffee measure per 5-oz. “cup" if brewing a pot. So that's 8 measures, or 1/2 c., coffee per pot. I then throw in an extra measure. But if brewing a mug at a time, I go for the full 2 measures—ground finer for pourover filter drip, coarser for French or Aeropress. The reason is that the water is in contact for a much shorter time and you don't want to underextract, lest you get a weak cup.

    A lot of people wince at how strong Starbucks tastes. Part of that is because they generally roast dark—and the perception is darker=stronger. Actually, the darker the roast, the less the caffeine—you're tasting more carbon than you are coffee. But when they're brewing one of their lighter (normal) roasts like Pike Place in-store, they do use too much—because customers expect a consistent signature “Starbucks taste." Here's the deal when brewing at home—you can always dilute coffee that tastes too strong (use fresh hot water); but the only way to rescue a too-weak cup is to add a shot of espresso, which most people can't do at home because while most people have a coffeemaker, few have espresso machines of any kind. (There is instant espresso powder or crystals—Cami, you probably grew up with Medaglia d'Oro—but it's really only good for cooking & baking).

    Getting back to economy, if you buy 1/2 lb. of freshly roasted beans, store them well-sealed (in the original recloseable bag or put the bag inside a ziploc or mason jar) at normal room temp., grind just before you brew, and use them up w/in a month, every cup will taste great. It may cost as much as a 1 or 2-lb can of preground, but most of that preground will either taste lousy or get thrown away—and the Yiddish word to say while doing the latter is “FEH!" (The only exception is if you're using a great big pourover urn at a restaurant or church basement and have to serve many people in a short time).

    And percolators are terrible—they brew by recirculating the coffee repeatedly through the grounds, and will produce a bitter overextracted cup—even if too little coffee is used. I learned this as a newlywed (we'd moved to Seattle for grad school the day after the wedding), when a friend from NYC came to visit us before getting a post-doc fellowship at UW. I proudly ground some A&P beans in my brand-new blender and brewed it in my brand-new percolator. He smiled and out of his backpack pulled out a small French press, some beans from McNulty's in the Village—and a brass hand-crank coffee grinder. He explained this was what he used to brew coffee on the road. Wow—the coffee tasted fantastic! He also suggested we buy our own real grinder, even a cheap ten-buck electric blade grinder. It changed my life—even made those A&P “8-O’Clock” beans we bought from the store dispensers taste good. We bought a grinder & beans on a day trip to Vancouver, and then when we discovered Starbucks had opened a store near us (they sold only coffee beans, teas, spices & chocolate back then), I discovered how good individual bean varietals could be.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    Hi ladies,

    Sandy when I lived alone, I really took better care of my coffee, very centered on it, and would grind every day and I din't measure, I actually just put A LOT in and taught Joey that way. So if he does make coffee, it does taste better to the 2 of us. I almost bought a cheap one cup coffee maker this week--just for me, but I thought I'll wait to get paid. My dad started me on strong coffee yrs ago, he'd make the coffee in the morning and I'd always have coffee with him before work, my mom or anyone else really only drank 1/2 cup with cream--we would drink it any way we felt like. I don't sleep like I used to, but I would drink coffee at nite and it never bothered me so I enjoyed it any time. Now I just drink it til about 3, or 4PM.

    Hsant I hope the weather stays nice for u to get out sometimes, since u really enjoy it. Oh I love the skinny on all those people, jeez I always think most of them deal, cuz who has money like that and wants to expose all their chit. I do remember Kim Richards telling her niece that she was the celebrity in the family, but in all fairness I remember when she was in one of those Witch Mountain movies, that's about it tho. And Sandy too I love the words u gals use.

    Jazzy again u make me tired. I need u to motivate me in person, u could probably do it, if I could actually walk. But I have to say since the steroids my pain is so limited it's unbelievable, of course I'm wondering when I stop what will happen also I only had one real episode of my D, so I don't understand what this actually is doing to me. I can sleep better now tho. Tuesday is when I see the Dr. and I will have stopped these by then so I hope it stays away for a little while longer anyway.

    I watched a pretty good scary movie this afternoon with Kevin Bacon (I like him anyway), but Joey told me it was considered one of the worst scary movies of 2016, well of course we liked it. I Sandy once my dad was retired he would add anisette to his coffee, and when I didn't work so did I, by the time my mom would get up we were really happy. I enjoyed my dad so much.

    OK I'll check back later no doubt.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited March 2017

    Cami- been slowing down today and working on my tax stuff. Took a nap too. The weather is not as lovely as yesterday.

    You just do your best every day girlfriend. The D is wiping you out......

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2017

    When I was a kid, there was an Italian restaurant in my Brooklyn neighborhood that always brought out a bottle of anisette with the coffee. When I was very little, I was wondering aloud what my parents were drinking in those little tiny cups (espresso) and itty-bitty glasses (grappa). The waiter answered “strong coffee and stronger water."

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited March 2017

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Monkey Monday!Another chilly starting day starting out, 8 degrees, but the wind has died down, thank goodness.Talk about cold hanging out laundry yesterday!I did more going in and out than Sadie--pick up a couple items, go out and hang them up, go in and warm the cold fingers, pick up a couple items, go out and hang them up, you get the picture. But boy don't they smell wonderful after drying in the cold wind!

    Cammy--yup, I'm baaack!

    Hsant--the clothes do freeze first, then since it's so dry out they will still dry, it just takes a bit longer, unless there is a lot of wind like there was Saturday, in which case they will freeze then dry pretty quickly.There has to be some breeze for clothes to dry in any reasonable amount of time, fortunately that is rarely a problem.The on call nurses will almost always offer to come out when you call and talk with them, that's the best way to be sure someone isn't expecting a visit and we don't misread and not make one. But they are very happy to work with people over the phone.Whatever the family needs is what it's about. Schvitz, svitz, lets call the whole thing off!

    Jazzy--Sadieand I had some very nice "us" time yesterday.She kept my feets nice and warm.We found some time to work on a mystery package that came last week.It's a story set in an imaginary town with people and businesses with FB pages, websites, and working phone numbers. This one is a kidnapping (a story comes out monthly) and I'm an FBI Special Agent.So far I've identified the person kidnapped out of a list of 6 possible victims, now I need to work through some puzzles the kidnapper has sent, if I get all the puzzles solved within in a certain time frame the kidnapped person will be set free.This is the first one I've gotten, it's a monthly subscription, so far lots of fun!Got to work on the puzzles now, and find the one puzzle that isn't in the box, which means it's online somewhere.

    Chi--no wonder I don't get the caffeine "lift" from Starbucks coffee that I do from other places! I do like the taste better, though that may be cuz I usually order a flavored concoction that probably isn't properly called coffee anyway.But it is a nice place to sit and work for a bit when I don't want to be in the office.Hard to work efficiently in the office, too many interruptions and the clinical managers see being in the office as "not busy" and often assign an admission or extra visit to someone sitting in the office.

    Cammy--anisette in coffee?Sounds yummy, and sure to make you happy!

    Chi--"strong coffee and stronger water"what a description!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Cafe de Paris



    Shake ingredients over ice cubes in a shaker. Strain into a cocktail glass, and serve.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited March 2017

    Morning DahhhhLinKs

    It's MondayFunday, ugh to those who have to work. Jes pooping in to let u kno we are going to LV today. Will stay with my DD as she is closer to SDMI (diagnostic place) and my appt is at 8am, fasting, but drinking lots of water. Will check back in on Weds or Thurs.

    Lubslubslubs and prayers to you all

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited March 2017

    Good afternoon friends- it is a windy day here in New Mexico and the winds are a howlin'. Pretty typical to have these high wind days this time of the year. The Native Americans call them the "big winds" and sure Mema and Goldie know all about them.

    I got my tax stuff finished yesterday and ready to go to my accountant tomorrow, pending a final review. One thing I found on one of my forms that is wrong is the premiums on my 1095-A form that confirms my coverage through the exchange. I won't even go through the run around I got this morning and sent back and forth between the exchange and my insurance carrier with no resolution. My accountant said he needs the form to verify I had coverage, I can work it out to get the updated form from them.

    The woman at the exchange said it was the second call on this today which makes me think I am not the only one with wrong info. She gave me all kinds of crazy reasons why it was different and could tell she had no clue. I need the correct amount for possible future audits since my insurance is deductible as a business owner. I had problems getting the form the first year I had coverage from the insurance company, and my accountant always advises me to write down dates, names, etc. around this stuff when trying to resolve it. Ah, the joy of taxes prep.....

    Mema- I hope your time in LV is good. You are having a procedure tomorrow and wishing you good outcomes. Keep us posted?

    NM- your sleuthing work yesterday sounded so fun and relaxing. Sadie helps you with it too? The winds sound chilly there too, but I love the smell of things drying in the outdoors though. I usually put out my bedding (comforters) on the weekends to air out and get that fresh smell when I change the sheets. I grew up with a clothesline, but no room for one in my little yard.

    Chi- I had learned at one point that the dark roasts have less caffeine. There was a big thing a few years back about taking green bean coffee supplements because it sped up your metabolism for weight loss. I think I tried a bottle, but never saw much from that. I love a good dark roast more for the flavor, but it can also be too heavy in the morning.

    Dara- please check in friend, hope you are feeling better?

    Hoping everyone has a good start to the week!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    Jazzy we're all windy too. The mighty wind gave strength (as was said) All I hear is noise. But I do have to say, it's still Monday??????? Long day. doing u'r taxes must be taxing Jazzy, all the stuff u have to get together. I have to do mine, but I don't even know where things are. I can't believe I used to do people's taxes some years back (of course no charge) My own parents wanted me to do them and I did. Jeez I can't figure out anything for myself anymore. I just sit and stare at the paperwork. My mom would volunteer me to seniors, I would get so upset cuz I was not a tax person--Oh well.

    SusyQ let us know how things go ASAP.

    OMG we talked so much about coffee, it sounded like we were going into some business adventure. It was fun.


    I hope Nancy is doing all right, and JULIE where r u?????????????

    Fingers crossed, Dr. and some tests tomorrow.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    Yep, still awake.

    Sandy did u see TV at all? On the bottom of the screen say Weather alert. And that's til 5am chit thunderstorms, severe of course and now it's super windy, I hear things a-blowin. It's pretty much built up around here but it's still open and infact our mail is on an every other day program. I think they think we won't notice. When I was growing up this was all land, now we're down the street from the DuPage Courts, and lots of people.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2017

    Hi girls, back to work for me today, Tuesday is my Monday. Spent last Friday night and Saturday with my Nora girl, man these little ones change fast! She is very much into the "why" stage, asks it about absolutely everything! Why is the little ball on your necklace small? Why is Junior a boy? Why is Louie a boy? Then she asks..... "why doesn't Papa have very much hair?"....... oh my, don't think he was crazy about that one! We had a million questions about Emma, I started with "she died and went to heaven and is with angels now." Why, why, why to that. Then she said, "why did she stop breathing and close her eyes?" Don't even know where she came up with that? Anyway, great to have her and great to wave goodbye, love her to pieces but she wears my old butt out! It's thundering and pouring here and super windy, looks like doggie daycare today, DH is on the road again. Haven't heard from Lori yet, still hoping we can meet up. I have a keurig coffee maker which doesn't make coffee as good as a pot but is so easy, I just have my 2 cups in the morning and thats it, too much and I look and sound like I'm jacked up on speed and nobody wants a shaking hairdresser. I stocked up on McDonald's pumpkin spice k-paks over the holidays and got hooked on it but now only have a couple left so back to regular ole joe for me. I'm SO not a coffee connoisseur. I watched half of the first season on Orange is the new Black on Netflix last night, I think I'm hooked.

    Cami, guess your earlier weather just made it here and I just heard by next Saturday only high in the 20's! This has been such a wacky winter! I've said before, I just LOVE steroids and sure wish they weren't so bad for you, I always feel amazing when I have a short bout on them for whatever reason. Hope the D stays away today.
    Sandy, Yep, you could definitely write for a foodie magazine, your posts sound like I'm reading one. How's the new kitchen?

    Jazzy, I don't have to do the taxes but I have to live with my husband whilst he is getting everything the accountant needs and writing all those checks and putting money in the HSA, and funding this and that retirement account and it's hellish enough. I'm always so glad when it's done. Self-employment has it's ups and downs for sure. Hope the new gigs work out the way you hope. Ireland? I must missed something.

    NM, a dozen new patients, wow! Glad you got your keyboard up and running. 12 degrees, doesn't the laundry freeze on the line? Sounds like you have the job situation worked out, hopefully they will again fix all that is broken where you are and you can stay with what you like.

    Sue, woohoo on disability, I thought stage 4 made you automatically approved? Glad the RSO is helping, oh and Cami, that's Rick Simpson Oil. What kind of test are you having? Hope you get to fit in some fun while in LV.

    hsant, we need to plan our uber get together, we should set up a date and do it. No hiking today, are you eating thunderstorms?

    Dara, thinking of you, glad you got to have Logan.

    Lori, hope to hear from you soon and hoping things are ok at your mom's.

    Everybody I missed, have a good day, got to run and get ready for work…lugs to all!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2017

    imageimageI guess Louie and Junior have bonded.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2017


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Wow I'm meeting myself coming and going.

    I didn't hear any storms during the nite, so I don't know what happened, I was knocked out literally. For some reason I'm really mixed up on my days, so I now have my own calendar next to my puter, when I can find it.

    I't my sister's BD soon (next month) but I already have to start thinking what I should get. I always would get her earrings and an accessory but she was working, so now I have to shift gears for staying home much more. So now she has enough earrings and really doesn't go anyplace, I did think of a set of wine glasses (without the stem) especially now, it would be easier. I've given her scarves and such, so I'm paging thru things (on line too)

    I just heard the storms woke Joey up, no one else tho, but in fairness, we are medically put to sleep. LOL- 3 Tornado things and lots of places without power-wow we missed some bad weather. Thank God. Big winds today tho effin March. Sandy how about u?

    Joey's going on a field trip today, seeing Romeo and Juliet downtown Chicago somewhere, so I just checked out what he was wearing and it's fine. Anyway Romeo and Juliet??? Falling in love to soon, defying parents ending up dead. Hmm good stuff for 12 yr. olds.See how jaded I've become.--I know, I know it's a classic. Classic, shmassic, they could go see a musical.

    I hope Lori is doing OK and NOT to much.

    Changing clocks this weekend. Nice being light later, but sucky having to get used to it. Remember the yr. that they didn't change times, u'd think the whole midwest was under an influence of something. Everyone complained because of kids in school for the morning. I think we only did that once.

    Oh my coffee tastes really good this morning, new maker finally.

    Hope everyone has a good day in whatever way they want.---DARA, DARA, DARA. Check back later.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    I'm back in the pewl, but this time Mary--Love, love, love the pics Mary. She's getting so big. I knew u would handle the Emma sadness, but u really have to stop and think now. she's so Anorable. U sound pretty good and I hope work goes well with u today. So lucky to have Anorable and like u I hope Dara is getting her Logan fix.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    Image result for alcoholic drink recipesJUST IN CASE, nice breakfast drink

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited March 2017

    Good morning ladies- yesterday started out pretty well, but then I was not feeling well with an earache and some other things going on that felt like I was coming down with something. I did not have anywhere I had to be and with the high winds, did not want to go out anyways, so I just stayed in and took it easy. By last night, I felt better then a headache came on. Achy joints too. Well, who knows? Feeling better today, outside of some congestion.

    All of this can be related to spring allergies though, which come hard and fast with fruit trees blooms and high winds. Blocked eustachian tube, runny nose, headache, AHH CHOO! The winds are down today and already feeling better outside of a bit of congetion, so the good news is, I think I will live! Today I am getting back on track and must get out of this house!

    Cami- I hope you find the perfect gift for your sister. I am in to doing "experience gifts" now because I find everyone already has so many things it is hard to find anything different they might like. Does your sister have her nails done, go to the movies, have a fav restaurant she likes to go to? All great places to get a gift cert?

    I love that Joey is going to see Romeo and Juliet. He is so beyond is years, he will love it!

    Genny- that little Nora is growing up fast. And all the why's? It is hard to make little ones understand death, pets are a better way for them to deal with it to start though vs. the loss of a person. I can tell what a joy she is to you and she is just tres adorbs. I hope you get to see Lori soon!

    I actually don't do my taxes but have to do a prep document with all my business expenses and then other personal stuff for my accountant to do both for my annual biz and personal filing. Because I am a freelancer, not as big a deal as if I had employees, etc. but still a bit of work. I am doing a final review today and putting the document in the mail to him so he can get going.

    And the Ireland trip is something I think I want to do later this year. The local jazz workshop which I am very involved with is having a trip to the Guinness Jazz Festival that will include an 8 day tour through Ireland, including three days in Cork County where the jazz festival is. They started doing trips each year and did the first last year to Cuba, which I was interested in, but it just was not the right time with starting a new contract. This trip fits better and not only is Ireland on my bucket list, but my father's family clan is from Cork County! So the trip includes many things I am interested in, including going to explore some family roots and three days of jazz in that location too. I need to decide soon and put a deposit down and pay for the trip insurance (by April at the latest) before they fill up. I really want to do this, but first things first, getting my first contract signed. My trip to Denver next week is key to making this happen.

    Wishing everyone a good day with no crazy storms!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    Jazzy lots of work for taxes. I hope u'r feeling OK and not anything more serious. Jazzy u have to plan a trip to Ireland, I've only seen pics., but I believe that's where the color of green originated, and then to go to Cork County. Imagine if u find relatives--how fun that sounds Well knowing u, u'll find a way.

    Done with Dr. for today YAY.Now she has some kind of newer test for a different type of cancer, she wants me to do. So I have to make plans for that, not worries, she just wants it ddone. I'll do it for her actually. She threw a couple of more tests for me to take today, but that was fine. U have no idea how happy I was to finally get there. Now the next step. But she did put me on an Anti'B.

    Going out today was so windy and the wind is cold, really cold, I was a little surprised cuz the sun looks like it's warm. Ahh it's fooling.

    OK I'll check back later.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited March 2017

    Cami- tax prep is done, going to my accountant to work his magic next. Yay!

    What kind of test for what kind of new cancer? Inquiring minds want to know.......

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2017

    Cami, we didn't get a drop of rain, but hoo boy did the winds ever blow! I almost dashed to the basement when it sounded like the El train had left its embankment and was coming right down the street or planes suddenly were flying low enough to land on our block. We didn't lose any tree limbs or building materials, but the alley looked like a bunch of vandals had randomly kicked over the plastic dumpsters & recycle bins. Driving down the alley felt like a slalom course.

    I treated myself last night to a 3-oz. glass of that marvelous Pinot Noir I've been Coravin-ing. With sea bass tonight, I'll have a small flute of the champagne in my fridge. Also made myself a yummy small cappuccino with excellent espresso beans and the dregs of a glass bottle of organic, non-homogenized whole milk (the kind you have to shake up because the cream's on top). Those are my DsOTD.

    Here's a dirty little secret about commercially sold supermarket milk—even from dairies like Horizon Organic or Organic Valley. The designations “whole, reduced fat or lowfat” do not indicate how much of the fat was removed from each of those categories of milk. All of the fat is removed first at the dairy plant—the cream having been removed, vitamins A & D are added to fortify it the milk because those vitamins are fat-soluble in the cream that had been removed. Then, whatever cream isn't sold as whipping cream has its butterfat extracted; the butterfat gets added to the skimmed milk in various amounts to make half-and-half, 1%, 2% and whole milk before the milk gets homogenized, pasteurized and packaged. A small independent dairy in Florida was sued by its state's ag. dept. for labeling its own manually-skimmed milk “nonfat milk"—not because it might have had had traces of residual fat but because it wasn't artificially-fortified with A & D—by law, in FL any milk that has had its fat removed and not had those vitamins added back can't be sold as “milk" but must be labeled “imitation milk," despite being more natural than commercially-processed milk. A judge held for the state dept. of ag. because the law is the law (and three guesses who wrote that statute…and who received campaign donations…).

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    Milk, vitamins WTF----and 3 guesses, u'd better tell sandy cuz all I can think of is u, I know u know all about it. Wow am I right?, I bet.

    Jazzy the cancer isn't new but some test is, no biopsies or something, I really didn't get it all, cuz as usual I wasn't really listening. I figured I'd find out.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2017

    Cami, I simply spend way too much time reading (and on the road, listening to NPR, where I heard that milk story).

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    Sandy but u can remember all these things, and as far as reading good for u.Winking

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2017

    What can I say, my brain is like a file cabinet for trivia. (Even so, I still came in third on Jeopardy).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited March 2017

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day!Needed a really early start yesterday and then it turned into a long day on the other end, with me being one tired puppy when I got home. Poor Sadie, didn't get much cuddle and play time when we went to bed, I fell asleep on top of her! I'm hoping I can make today go efficiently, I want to go to the Wednesday Women and Wine meeting this evening. We'll see how it goes.At least it's warmer, and raining instead of snowing, but the rain is freezing in some places, making for slower going in places.Ah, well, this will pass and mud season is almost upon us. Then we'll face a whole new set of challenges!

    Mema--good luck with the appointment and scans!

    Jazzy--you have to wonder about the efficiency and effectiveness of a business/company/whatever that can't get the important forms correct. And to give a run around on top of it all is just annoying.Yes, Sadie helps with my detective work, she lies on the bed and attentively listens to me reading things and thinking out loud, and occasionally mixes up the papers and such I have laid out, and makes me take breaks when I start to get frustrated. Very helpful!

    Cammy--I can't imagine being volunteered for something like tax work! I die of fright! Your mail is only delivered every other day?That is just weird.

    Genny--Nora at the "Why?" stage, must be hilarious at times! Laundry does freeze on the line when it's cold enough, but it also does dry, it takes longer though and best if there is a good breeze, or a big wind! Awww, cute pics!

    Cammy--sleeping through tornado warnings would give me heart failure when I woke up and discovered that fact!Give me blizzards over tornados any day. Joey going to see Romeo and Juliet?Sounds like fun.For his generation it will probably seem tame. I remember the year we didn't do the time change, I was getting on the school bus in the dark in the mornings.But being one of the fist on the long bus route meant it was just barely not dark when I got on the bus when we did have the time change. And it's already lighter noticeably later, so why change the time to make it more so?It's getting there all by itself!

    Love the mash up!

    Jazzy--sounds like spring allergies are a real problem for you.Do you have things you can do to make things better? A trip to Ireland sounds wonderful.

    Cammy--you HAVE to start taking one of us with you to your appointments, WHAT new test?WHAT new cancer?WHY antibiotics?WHAT other tests?You are driving us crazy!

    Chi--oh my goodness, the info about milk is crazy!I knew Vitamins were added to commercial milk but didn't know why.Every so often I get a gallon of raw milk at a local health food store (once in a while cuz I don't get in early enough in the day before it sells out). It comes in a Mason Jar, you can see the cream rise to the top, and tastes sooo different and better than store bought milk. Labelling unprocessed, unchanged milk as "imitation" is just nuts.No wonder people don't recognize real food when they see it!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Purple Rain recipe

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2017

    Good morning girls, wish I could stay in bed, I'm tired. My poor DH had to go to Traverse City, MI on Monday, spent 1 night and then got a call saying he was needed in southern IN. Ugh, poor guy, he's so burned out and wants to retire, I feel bad for him. He's 57 and has to go a minimum of 3 more years then maybe he can start tapering off. Super windy today, especially here on the lake shore, weather lady says as high as 60 mph, hopefully power will stay on all day so I can get all my customers done cause I'm booked solid.

    Cami, so glad you got to go to the doctor, hopefully you'll get some relief from the D for awhile. I'll be curious to hear how Joey liked Romeo and Juliet. I was just his age when the movie came out, we had a movie theater that was walking distance form my house and had really cheap matinee's. Well, me and all my friends were in love with the boy that played Romeo and we went to see it at least 5 times, oh we'd just sit and drool over that boy. Hope you enjoyed the swim.

    Jazzy, hope you're feeling ok and no bugs are trying to get you. Hope you make it to Ireland, the 8 day tour sounds fantastic, and we could live it thru your pictures. I'd like to go to Napa Valley and do the wine train for my 60th birthday but I'm not sure how it'd be in December.

    Sandy, were you actually on Jeopardy? Wouldn't be for me since I had to look at your post to figure out how to spell Jeopardy, and besides, even the answers I know take me 2 or 3 minutes to pull out of my brain.

    NM, hope you are hanging in there and work is not too terribly brutal today.

    Have to run, time to get the pooches out, have a great day ladies!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited March 2017

    Good morning ladies- catching up with you all on this hump day. This week is going fast and daylight savings on the horizon this weekend. Whoot whoot!

    Tax prep work is in! My part for the meeting next week is done, will finalize our structure on Friday with one of the partners and have some work to do on the subcontract with the other. Today I am going to work on packing and some other things to be ready to hit the road in a few more days. Temps are warming up and weather looks good so far for the drive up on Sunday!

    I came across a pretty dangerous situation yesterday afternoon. On my way to do the afternoon errands, I was going down the busy artery off the road where I live and there is a lot of construction going on along this stretch. Lots of orange barrels, single lanes, etc. As I was coming up to an intersection, I could see a plume of very black smoke in the distance and thought "house fire", but as I got closer, I saw an SUV engulfed in flames. Because of the traffic light and the construction, there were cars right next to this burning vehicle and no fire truck on the scene yet, but at least a cop car. All I could think about is "what happens when the flames reach the gas tank?" Those people stuck next to it must have been freaked out. I was fortunate enough to be far enough back and spotted others diving off to a side street, and I did the same. No way was I driving into that mess. As I found my way around to the next major road, I saw the fire truck coming up at a clipping pace. Never found anything on the news about it so hopefully they got the fire out and no one hurt? Whew!

    NM- sounds like Tuesday was an exhausting day. You feel asleep on Sadie? I hope today will be better. And yes, I take Allegra D for allergies but they manifested a bit differently on Monday and was having a hard time figuring it out. Now I will know next time and pop a pill sooner?

    Cami- any new procedure that is less invasive than a biopsy is a good thing. My first biopsy I had at age 39 was surgical, last ones were laproscopic, stereotactic, and MRI guided. I think medicine is improving more and more with addressing medical tests like this that don't require major anesthesia or other invasive processes.

    I wish you luck with your tests and let us know how it goes?

    ChiSandy- you are a wealth of information! I have a big interest in reading up on our "industrial food" nation that has helped me to make better food choices through time. Have you seen Food, Inc.? Or read the End of Overating? The later has kept me out of chain restaurants for the most part for a number of years now.

    Dara- thinking of you friend. Hoping you are taking good care of yourself friend. I understand your need for some private time right now......

    Mema, Genny, Hsant, and everyone else, wishing you a good day!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited March 2017
