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how about drinking?



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2017

    Tonight I served a 2014 Sancerre (Sauv. Blanc from the Loire) with pan seared salmon, roast Romanesco broccoli (and for Bob & Gordy, brown Basmati rice). Amazing how the same grape can smell and taste so different depending on where it’s from—the Sancerre is crisp and buttery with a mild aroma; the Californian (Napa) has a strong eucalyptus aroma (the French call it pipi du chat—which translates to exactly what you’d think) and is tart and herbaceous; the New Zealand ones are fruitier, with notes of pineapple & grapefruit in both the nose and on the tongue. It’s not just climate and soil composition, but also even what grows nearby (especially the Napa versions). Our first trip to Napa after many years, when Gordy was barely a toddler, it was a rainy day and I kept thinking he had a wet diaper…till we left the car and the scent was stronger: eucalyptus.

  • bcbarbie10
    bcbarbie10 Member Posts: 148
    edited March 2017

    Thank you wonderful ladies for all the greetings and warm welcome

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    BARBIE--oh wonderful 5 yrs. Yay, I'll soon do my happy dance for u. I hope u stay here and tell us about u'r life now so we can all catch up, it's been a while now. Yay u found us.

    Pegg talk about dairy, Creme Brulee, and u have to know by now just ask what kind of wine, but I doubt it was the wine, had to be the dairy. U know I have never had that in my whole entire life. Did u actually make it? I've had flan for some reason I think it's similar but then again I put hot dogs and hamburgers on the same list. But I never confuse chocolate.

    SusyQ every year is special and I think we all know it for all of us. Thank God.

    I go to the dentist this morning, yep Saturday, makes me think they aren't very busy and sitting in a dentist chair is like sitting in the electric chair to me. And then to be in my mouth ick, I never like anything in my mouth except food, right, not even a tongue. And I have found out they do know what I say with my mouth open, so I have to watch it.

    Oh get this one, I just found out---Joey will be gone most of the day to enter some kind of competition for his clarinet playing, and he says he has his twill<?> down pat. I don't want to make him feel bad, but believe me he's improved so much, but competition. Oh really I think we overdo the ?u'r really great" attitude, but he'll learn the hard way. I wanted him to help me clean, OK he picked getting out of the house. Brat.

    Weather is craaazy, kind of warm but they're saying it will snow, but no one is saying how much, so maybe it won't be anything. Sandy we get the same weather, so we'll see.

    I heard from Lori, she won't able to make it here, so I feel sad cuz I was looking so forward to seeing her. I do understand, she has a lot going on with her mom and especially since her son isn't there any more. But I do hope she has some fun along the way, that's so important.

    OK I'll be boock latah to share my great experience at the D E N T I S T--Oy vey.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    Image result for alcoholic drink recipesoooh sounds interesting.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    image alt="Image result for happy dance gif">

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    Image result for happy dance gifNED

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2017

    Good morning ladies and happy Saturday. I spoke with Lori yesterday, she is still in Mich and super bizzy with family. We are meeting for lunch today and then she goes back home tomorrow. Of course I will get pics, was hoping hsant could join us but she is bizzy with her dad and not comfortable being that far away from him. I've been reading and all caught up, nothing much new here. My knee is a swollen up mess, feels like I have sandbags taped to it or something. I'm going in on Monday for some sort of gel injection that goes between the joint to pad where It is bone on bone. I'm hoping he will drain the fluid off too, I sure hope it works, the ins company approve it now and again in 6 months. I need to get at least 3 more years out of this old knee because there is no way I can take 3 months off for a knee replacement. Ah the joys of aging. B/P is better for the most part now that I am on 4 pills/day...jeesh.

    Cami, oh yea, the original Romeo boy was a hunk at that time wasn't he? Ha, funny to hear he didn't age well, what girls will kill themselves for, if only she had a crystal ball. The most handsome guy I ever went out with, I was in my late 20's, was a blind date, whenever we were in public I could hear all the women whispering about that "hot guy". Thing was, what he had in looks he lacked in personality, anyway it lasted about a month and was just a blip in my life. So I was going thru my son's baby book one day and had all the kids listed at his 5th birthday party and that guy and his son were there, he helped with with the party at Chuckie Cheese. So I looked him up on FB and holy chit he did not age well! Bald, skinny and hick looking, AND he became a bible thumper, ugh! Sure glad I didn't drink poison and stick a knife in myself over that one! Hamlet hasn't stuck with me, I'm sure I had to read it but since I didn't see the movie 12 times don't remember a thing. My brain does not work like Chi's, takes a lot of repetition to get things to stick.

    Jazzy, nice to hear an explanation again about what you do I sort of get it but not really, but that's ok, sounds like you know what you're talking about and that's all that matters. The burning car does sound scary, glad no one was injured. Funny about going to the party on the wrong day, now that sounds like something I'd do. Hope the nice weather continues for you, we had spring in Feb now we're having winter in March and a lot of the buds have popped and thing are sprouting out of the ground way too early, hope they survive.

    OK, started this earlier, then dogs to park and getting ready for my date with Lori and now I have to skidaddle..... Hi to everybody I didn't get to,,, later

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited March 2017

    Morning DahhhLinKs,

    Am glad you who live east did not suffer any damage from the storms. They really wrecked havoc in some places, been praying for those let homeless and lost so much.

    DH had a fun, crazy night at work on Thurs. Nicholas Cage and his entourage were filming a movie at the Stateline. I assume the bosses knew but no one else did. All of a sudden the bar filled up with regulars so dh stayed to help out, then hung out to watch the filming. He said it took sev hours to get 40seconds of film. I would have loved to go down but was not feeling good enuf. They haven't decided on a name for the film and it prolly won't be out til the fall.

    We've been having gorgeous warm weather. In the 80's and no winds. We turned our a/c on last night, ohh what a relief.

    Cami - Sorry Lowwee can't make it to see you and you're prolly right about her being needed by her mom. Hope she doesn't get too stressed and finds something fun to do. LOVE ur DOTD. Tried to print for my dh but cudn't get it to work. Joey...LOL, on his choice to leave while u clean...still giggling. And when is this competion, bet he will surprise you and do very well. Hope the visit with the dentist today goes well. (((Cami)))

    Peg - u posted ur avatar, ur beautiful, glad u found our wandering Cami, she is such a hoot and a vital part of this thread.

    Barbie - hope you've met all our tenders and have had a chance to try the pewl. glad to see you.

    Sandy - your descriptions of the wines sound so good. Wish my body would tolerate some wine. oh well, I still have my Killya, vodka, and brandy.

    gotta run...lubslubslubslubs

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338
    edited March 2017

    CamilleGal, Yup, I made the creme brulee. It's actually quite easy, just takes a bit of time. Best of all it takes a kitchen butane torch to scorch the turbinado sugar you put on top. Nothing like playing with fire :) I still think it was the combination of the specific wine and the creme brulee. Or maybe it was something else unrelated. Whatever. BTW, the creme brulee freezes very well.

    Snow is melting here. Even my north facing front yard is beginning to show ugly grass. Have about a foot of snow along the south facing back yard fence but it's going away too. Rain today should help it disappear. It's been such a long winter. According to the Spokane weather service, this is the wettest (rain & snow combined) winter ever. Swell. I will definitely sue #2 son for his "Mom, you'll love the winters here - they are mild" statement.

    Happy Weekend All!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2017

    Hi girls, happy saturdey!!

    where is NM this morning? SLeeping in I hope??? Or at least relaxing!

    Welcome Barbie, as the others said, grab a bar stool and let our hot tenders know what you'd like to dwink. Funny you followed Camille, she has quite the fan base and yes, she is a great asset to this thread. Genny and Lori, have a great visit, sad that Hsant and Cam can't get some Lori and Genny time as well, have one for mese!

    Chi, lol on the eucalyptus and Howie's pants, you made me spit out my dwink!

    Sue, prayers and fingers crossed for more great results. And uber cool about Nicholas Cage being at your DH's bar for a movie shoot,, can't wait to hear more and see the movie. This is the same bar that you tendered for years?

    Jazzy, wow, you are working with the really big boys (and girls) out there with the insurance companies and such? Best of luck, I know you will do great, you have your chit TOGETHER more than anyone I know.

    Peggy, glad you are feeling better and the weather is improving. Here, it has finoally turned into winter lol. Enjoy those doggy walks! The days will continue to get warmer, yee haaaaaaaaw!

    Cam, I tink Joey is talking about mastering a trill. It is when you hit a key, often a "trill" key on the instrument and rapidly alternate between two notes to make a sound that wavers, uh not a great description, have him show you loI. I,hope your dentist appt goes well and you are able to get some new toofers! I too hate the dentist and hate when they expect us to talk to them as our mouth is fn wide open!! Good luck to Joey in competing, it is motivation to continue his pursuit toward being a fantastic musician! I believe in him and might see him in Carnegie Hall someday? Who knows right?

    Well gonna hit submit b4 I lose, fingers still jacked up. Then come talk all about me, bet ya'll can't wait!!


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited March 2017

    Good morning friends- I hope everyone is having a good start to the weekend. My Friday was a busy one getting some things discussed with my accountant about taxes, some final prep work for the meetings in Denver next week, and some out and about things too.

    I did manage to get to the remission celebration on the correct day yesterday to wish my friend well on her recovery. The last time I saw her, she was just coming through chemo and now has a head of beautiful short curly hair. She looked so much better than a few short months ago and had a wonderful turn out. I could not stay due to having a luncheon date with a good friend to celebrate our March birthdays.

    The weather was beautiful again yesterday, and saw my neighbor to the north of me last night and we chatted for quite awhile. Funny how when the weather gets nice, everyone is out and catching up after the winter. I got a lot cleared out in the front gardens and doing some pruning today and calling it done until I return next week. Always something to do in the yard this time of the year.

    Genny- I am glad you are going to get to see Lori. I have no doubt she is busy with her family, always my experience when I visit family and try to see friends. I hope you have a good lunch together! Give her our best and sure we will hear from her soon!

    MemaSue- interesting about the filming out your way. We have tons of filming here in NM, they built a number of studios and it was going gangbusters and then tanked for awhile after the 2008 downturn, but it seems to be back again. It is a really good "green business" for here that brings good paying jobs and uses no water (an issue with bringing in any manufacturing jobs). I expect the same for NV, everyone out west has to watch the water issues. I was involved with a film years ago with a film-maker friend who made a documentary and learned then how much filming was done to make a less than 1 hour film.

    Peg- you sounded like you had a really nice time, all those things so yummy! I don't eat sugar anymore, but always enjoyed that desert. Hope you are enjoying the weekend and that the weather improves.

    Cami- your description of the dentist chair being like the electric chair is just hilarious. I always say that going to the dentist is a combination of two things I don't like- expensive and painful, at least for any major work. Hope you only had a cleaning and nothing more?

    And yay that Joey is doing a competition. Here is what will be good about it no matter what, being before a group of judges can be good feedback. Many years ago, about a year after I started playing the violin, someone suggested I competition for a youth symphony. I totally botched it, but remember getting some great input from the judges and encouraged to keep going, which I did! I ended up playing with many orchestras through the year until I refocused on jazz. I hope Joey comes away with something good from the experience. I would love to hear him play!

    ChiSandy- a wine that has an aroma of eucalyptus, how interesting! I have been finishing off a bottle of petite verdot from a local winery I opened when my friend was over recently. I found a couple bottles of pinot noir rose at Cost Plus World market this week and looking forward to that when I get back. A friend of mine who goes to Denver told me about a wine shop that is worth a stop and may go if I have the time.

    NM- Genny talked about the bad storms back east and heard there is a major noreaster pounding the east coast. Let us know how you and Sadie are doing when you can?

    Dara, Hsant, Barb, and everyone else here, wishing you a good weekend!

    I am heading out tomorrow morning and will be back by Wed evening. I love a good road trip and looking forward to this for many reasons. I expect you may all hear from me again either Thursday or Friday of next week.

    Don't forget to turn your clocks ahead tonight US peeps!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2017

    soooo, Dara Downer here again, geez, exciting eh? Life continues to throw me punches and I am tired, just tired of it all.

    So ..... yesterday when I posted, I told you all i was going to be applying to this awesome mortgage company after a quick tweak on my resume. so I log into LinkedIn to get some help on verbiage and see that I have notifications (for those of you not familiar with LinkedIn, the notifications are similar to Facebook where something has happened to a person I am linked in with or friends with if you will....) So I see a few of the notifications suggesting that I congratulate "friends" on work anniversaries. Then waaaa-fn-laaaa, I freaking see a notification that suggests that I congratulate my prior manager for her new job as operations manager at THE mortgage company that I was very interested in!! Can you freaking believe it? The bitch stepped in chit and comes up smelling like a rose. And naturally, my first instinct is to tell this company what I know about her (that she is a cheater and was fired from prior job for cheating on CE credits which are tests needed to satisfy federal laws and mortgage regulations; the bitch was breaking the law and having her underlings do the same and now this? Ugh, gotta ponder my next move. Should prolly let it go right? I closed my laptop and made a dwink, yep, before noon on a friday, I was sipping on some jack daniels with a blast of diet pepsi.

    My next move was to contact the neurologist's office person who was working on the preauth for the botox for mese headaches. I call and get voicemail. I hang up and call in another hour and leave message to pleeeeeeeease call. I had told her my sob story a few days earlier after asking why it took nearly three weeks to even request the preauth. She was so sympathetic and promised a call back on two occasions. So I then decided to call Aetna directly and was quite happily surprised that four treatments have been authorized (woooooo fn hooooo, something in my favor for a change, right????). So I call the girl back at the doc's office and leave a message that the botox is approved and please call me ASAP to schedule, still no response. I a that she is one person doing the work of prolly four people and can totally relate to that with my prior job. When I asked her if she was slammed busy, waaay over her head with work, she said "You have no idea" and I told I her "Oh yes, I sure do, same with my prior job". I thought we had made a connection and that would assist me so that I can get back to freaking work before depleting my entire nest egg for retirment. I am soooo life at the moment. I know things have to get better, right?

    So thank God for the glimmer of hope, otherwise I'd be done with this world and would likely be in the rabbit hole on a hunger strike or something. This is because late last night, my sweet little puppy, well two years old, had a freaking seizure! It was so hard to witness as I had never seen one before. (I thought later of our dear friend Nancy who suffers regularly from these and just broke down). It seemheed to last forever but was prolly not more than two minutes. Cheryl and I were starting to lose it when I quickly went online and read some about it. I quickly told her that she and I need to "act" as if nothing is wrong. I also determined that the seizure may been the result of her anxiety and depression over the loss of her BFF, Bella? It has only been nine days today since Bella went to the rainbow bridge. Nurses and others with experience in this sort of thing, can you share your thoughts on this? Should I see a vet? Or just hope and pray that our baby's heart recovers and that this does not happen again? If I take her, I know it will be costly (since Bella cost me a mortgage payment for treatment/assessment? I don't know, I do know that if anything happens to our baby, well I uh I don't know.

    In summary, please keep my Lucy in your prayers! She is soooo needed around here. And I don't know if I can witness that again. She was terrorized and shaking for a good half hour after. She has never been afraid of anything, she has just the best personality of any dog I've ever had. I think she might need doggy prozac? Uh, should probably take her.

    Dara Downer, over and out!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited March 2017

    Good very chilly ayem, Loungettes!1 degree, lively breeze, wind chill of -18 degrees.BRRR! Hanging laundry out is NOT going to be fun today.Oh, well, won't kill me, either. This last week at work has been an hellacious one.Totally predictable (and three of us told the clinical manager so a couple weeks ago that this would happen) and totally preventable if said clinical manager had listened and let us make some little changes a couple weeks ago. Now it's going to take weeks to get things back to the way they should be and miserable until it gets worked out. I am so frustrated with not having any time to work on the new nurse's orientation, she's getting frustrated doing visits and running into new things every day that she should have been taught about before being sent out to do.I am afraid she may leave if this doesn't get turned around soon, but I can't figure out a way to get it turned around AND be sure all the patient care gets done. And I've got at least 6 hours of work to do on the computer to get caught up, some of it is left over from Tuesday.I'm racking up late documentation notices left and right.

    OK, gang, I am venting, ranting, raving, etc. Feel free to skip this part, and I know it maynot make any sense to any of you, but I need to get this out in a place I know I won't be told that it's not as bad as I think or that it could be worse or that I should be happy to have a job, or that I'm exaggerating but will let me get it out of my system and then give me a glass of wine or a good coffee and a hug. And a tissuesince I expect I will start crying any time now. Sadie is already leaning up against my side and nudging me for cuddles and hugs--her way of supporting me!

    I supposedly work an 8 hour day, 8 ayem to 5 peeyem, with a 1 hour lunch break. The expectation is that I will do 5 or 6 "units" (1unit = a minimum of 30 minutes)with normal traveling, 3 or 4 with longer traveling (normal and longer traveling are not specifically defined). Telephone time, case management time, note writing time is not counted.Here's what I did last week:

    Monday:5 units, 101 miles (3.4 hours drive time) system showing 14.33 total hours

    Tuesday:6 units, 83 miles (2.8 hours driving) system showing 15.11 total hours

    Wednesday: 6 units, 153 miles (5.1 hours driving) system showing 7.64 total hours

    Thursday: 7 units, 172 miles (5.7 hours driving) system showing 11.71 total hours

    Friday: 5 units, 128 miles (4.3 hours driving) system showing 7.93 total hours

    Total:29 units (145% of expected)637 miles(21.3 hours driving time) system showing 56.72hours

    And this is not complete because not all my notes are in, and mileage is attached to the notes.

    I am tired, feeling abused and unhappy.Where am I supposed to carve out a lunch break, spend time teaching the new nurse, making all the case management phone calls and notes that are needed, deliver supplies to people, and be on the phone listening to the clinical manager babbling and talking in circles a dozen times a day?And why should I have to plan on 4 to 6 hours of work every weekend?I am so ready to scream. I wonder if I have any coffee brandy to slip into my coffee. . . . .

    OK, rant over.

    Dara--The Wed, Women and Wine get together is a monthly thing, I try to get to it every month, but sometimes work gets in the way. I tried to get to a wine tasting last night, but by the time I got back to town it was half over, there were NO parking places in the lot, and the store was wall to wall people, and I was so frustrated and upset with work that one accidental bump or such would have sent me either into a raving rant or sobbing tears.So I just came home and had a glass of the wine I bought at the last tasting and enjoy that in peace and quiet and Sadie company instead. Holy smokes, met your deductable already?????Not a good sign!

    Jazzy--boy do you get an early spring!We're in a deep freeze, with another Nor'Easter on the way next week.Somebody give Mother Nature her hormone replacement back, or put her on an antidepressant or something!How on earth does one mistake appendicitis for ovarian cancer?I would have taken a pic of the wine bottle label, but it was the house Pinot Noir, so they brought over the bottle to pour the drinks and didn't leave it on the table. I probably could have asked, though and made a memo.Good excuse to go back to the Bistro.And it was the highlight of the week!So worth being up so late on a work night!

    Cammy--so the D is under control while you are on an antibiotic, and comes back when you are done with the antibiotic?Hmm. Usually it's the other way around, I wonder if there is a clue to the cause in there somewhere.I don't do anything political on Facebook either. No one can just discuss or debate with dignity, it always turns into arguments, fights and nastiness.I wish there was a way to block political posts only, and only see the non-political ones from my friends.Maybe someday the technology will get that good.

    Chi--Some wines really ramp up my GERD, too, so I've started taking ranitadine (Tagamet) with my first sip, or earlier if I know I'm going to have a glass.Works great! If I have a glass later in the evening I will also take a ranitadine before I go to bed.

    Dara--Good for you for getting the resume tidied up. Reminds me that I need to do that, too.


    Jazzy--I'm jealous of you being able to sit outside already!

    Pretty Sunset Drink!

    Bcbarbie10--Welcome to the Lounge!What's your favorite drink?Do you prefer male or female bartenders? We have both.Congrats on 5 years!

    Mema--love the Wi Fi pic!

    Peggy--the dessert I had at the Wednesday get together was Lavender Crème Brulee, and it was FANTASTIC!! I've never tried making it at home, is it hard to do?

    Genny--sorry about the knee troubles, hope the injection works well for you.Funny how much people can change as they age.

    Jazzy--so far we're only getting wind, the real storm is expected Tuesday/Wednesday.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    A Clockwork Tangerine



    Combine all ingredients in a beer pilsner. Stir together, and serve.

    Best served in a Pilsner Glass.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited March 2017

    Woops, Sorry to bump you into the pool, Dara!

    Holy smokes, what a place to find cheating ex-boss! I recommend finding another agency to apply to, and not say anything about the ex-boss to her current employer, too much possibility of getting into trouble.The new employer should have reviewed references and the work history, if they didn't do it well enough, it's their own mistake to deal with.Don't go out and set yourself up for retaliatory lawsuits from the ex-boss.Poor Lucy! It is so scary to see a dog have a seizure.One of my previous dogs, Brandy, had a seizure once.I called the vet and he was very reassuring.He said that a dog can have a seizure for a lot of reasons, most are not serious.Unless the dog had a recent head injury or had gotten into some chemicals he didn't recommend doing anything unless the seizure happened again, but many dogs have only the one or maybe 2 and then never again.Brandy never had another one in the years I had her.I'm sure missing Bella is hard for her. And she senses your pain over losing Bella, too.Both of you will recover with time. Before going the vet route you can try getting some Bach Rescue Remedy--it's a liquid herbal preparation that is good for anxiety in people and in animals. A drop or two on a treat once or twice a day and again if she is looking stressed/anxious will help calm her.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2017

    Oh NM, I have happy tears and sad tears at the same time. I can reallllly relate to how overwhelming it it for you right now. Although our career paths are so diffeerence, the micromanagement seems very similar. I would typically be at 200-300% capacity as far as my pipeline of loans yet management woulds expect us to return all of our calls, make all of our intro calls on new loans, communicate all appraisals which most in this day had value issues. And get loans approved and set up and scheduled for closing. And underwrite all new loan packages received within 72 hours of receipt, respond to all within four hours (when I was getting over 100 an hour, no exaggeration) AND so much more....well you get it. So yes, I worked many hours and often did not in for half of the OT I worked. I honestly believe this type of pressure of being expected to do 18 hours of work in 10 hours is the way of the big corporate world today. It is soooo wrong and is abusive. And the companies want to back on overtime paid out, cut back on resources needed to do our jobs, cut back on what we are and are not allowed to do ourselves to get our jobs done etc etc. YET, the big boys and girls seetm to get ,increases to their pay two, three or ten fold each year.

    I wish you could set up your own hospice business as I know that is the job that suits you and fills your heart the best. If you move on, it will likely be the same torture and inhumane work conditions. Could you somehow become an independent nurse/hospice consultant? And maybe bring on some of those you know who would give it their all? Just a thought love. I say GO AHEAD and have that drink. Then maybe have a talk with someone above the person that keeps dishing out more orders while wasting your time? I dunno, I hope others have some good suggestions.

    thanks so much for your feedback on my issues, I think you are smart and respect what you say. NOW to convince my "hatin' self" not to talk or tell what I know!! Oh, btw, I found out definatively that my former employer will only provide dates of employment and position is which is good for me as it was for the bitch that fired me! Uh, calgon? Nah, doggy snuggles work best for me and I think it is what the doc ordered for you too! Now go get er done! HUGS to you Kim!!!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited March 2017

    Dara- sent you a PM with some suggestions that may help you. Let me know if you have any questions!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2017

    Don’t wanna get too political here, but over the past 20 yrs. “malignant” emphasis on productivity (achieved with fewer people having to do more work, with longer hours and no increase in pay) has become the New American Way. In no other civilized country are people expected to be available 24/7—I see briefcase-toting-people desperately forking out $$$ to be able to be online on airplanes so they can make Skype calls.

    NM, have you investigated the possibility of an “unloader” brace? It is custom-fitted to you (they either make a soft cast or use a device with movable soft plastic pins) and shifts your weight from the worse side of your knee to the side that has more cartilage. Gave me a year extra before I finally caved and had my first TKR (on the opposite side), and another year so I could heal and get the other knee done. Insurance paid 100%—I never even saw a bill. (And this wasn’t even Medicare yet). I got mine in iridescent purple. As for the GERD, I already take a nightly PPI—Dexilant, a two-stage-release version of Lansoprazole—so Tagamet on top of that is a no-no. If I still feel esophageal pressure before I lie down for the night, I chew a couple of Tums—I can’t absorb the calcium carbonate in them (I take cal. citrate for my bones), but they do coat my esophagus & stomach and neutralize the acid. I can’t sleep sitting up without snoring (you wouldn’t want to be my seatmate on a red-eye flight) and waking up with a sore neck.

    Cami, hope it all went well at the DDS. I dunno how you define “warm” weather, but here by the lake it’s 29 and went down to 12 overnight. First time I can recall that I felt cold all night, and had to change into fleece PJs and turn off the ceiling fan—not even my letrozole “personal summer” kicked in. It’s so cold I’m procrastinating on going out to shop for a gym lock and some more eggs, fruits & veggies. My voice teacher is having trouble getting online via Skype or FaceTime, so it looks like no lesson today (will have to p’pone my regular Thurs. lessons because they conflict w/the only time my trainer is available). Also realize I have no further manis or pedis scheduled—was supposed to get the m-p this coming week—so need to get to my phone & text the salon to set some up through May.

    Speaking of the training, all the muscles we worked yesterday are sore: back (we’ll have to find some kind of “wall sit” hammy stretch that doesn’t involve bending at the waist—maybe a ballet barre), quads, hamstrings, biceps, triceps, pecs, delts, traps. I’d be tempted to say it’s the switch to the Accord letrozole, or the Prolia shot, but it’s more likely just that I’d never demanded enough of my muscles (at least not since my 30s) and they’re going to have to acclimate. Haven’t even done the core yet, so come Wed. morning I can expect to add abs to the “ache” list. But I am down a pound.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338
    edited March 2017

    Oh my Sandy. Your mention of buying a lock for the gym made me smile. I still have (and use) the combination lock I had to buy in junior high (1957). It has the smoothest movement and I have never forgotten the combination. Do they even make Dudley locks anymore?


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2017

    Never saw a Dudley lock, but I used to have a Master. Lord knows where it is, much less the combination. (Unless I used the darn thing daily, I could never remember the combination). There are TSA-compliant digit-wheel user-settable luggage locks, but I’m not sure their bails are long enough to fit through the hasps on the lockers. Last thing I want is to be tethered to a key on a coil on my wrist or pinned to my workout clothes.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2017

    imageThe lunch went WAY too fast, never enough time to say all we have to say. Until next time, maybe we'll do it in Chicago.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited March 2017

    Genny and Goldie- excellent photo! ThumbsUp

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    OMG so much is happening here and u know I can't remember everything.

    NM U never complain and u certainly should, I don't remember when u had an 8 hr day, or even a regular lunch. And if u feel like ranting please, we're all listening. Oh if u could only do this independently, Dara is right, u have a gift for this type of nursing, not everyone can do this, but u are marvelous, and u deserve to be treated with respect.

    Dara, u can't say anything, but I know u know that, but I would love it if u could. Karma will come, it always rears its head, when least expected. Oh my poor dear and u'r horrible headaches, I'm so glad u got that approved, now I hope they take u ASAP and u see some results. Then u will be able to really concentrate on jobby things. It's to hard right now. When we first got our doggy after about a month he had a seizure??? It never happened again, but Marty said it could be just the change in his life. Of course he was being treated like a king here. LOL. IDK, but I do remember that.

    Jazzy we're all going to miss u'r posts, but u do whatever it is that u do so well♪

    Pegg since when has Seattle weather been good. LOL It's like a steady rain or snow a lot. Well when I watch FRAZIER on TV, that's all they say. Personally I love rainy days, it's so relaxing. Oh I've got to start drinking. But u'r with u'r family and found some good friends so any type of weather is worth that.

    Sandy, I didn't realize it was cold out--my room is nice and cozy and I hadn't left the house since a few days ago. I realize now it's not that warm, Oh my what kind of weather man would I make, can't even report what's outside my window.

    THE DENTIST:: Sominabitch--that effin tooth whore couldn't wait to get me. Jeez I thought it would just bee a let me tell u what we're going to do.--he just started doing it. He pulled my infected tooth and it wasn't numb yet, I told him next my hands would be on his balls, he thought I was kidding. He did give me more novacaine and pulled 2 more, I stopped him, for some reason my body just started shaking and I don't know why, but he was telling me not to move and my body wouldn't listen, so he didn't do any stitching, which I usually have, I was so unprepared for anything to be done. They figured out my charges for new teeth and just started everything. I had to say Leslie was really nice today, she was upset that he hurt me at all, Usually they don't, IDK I have to finish now, I have no teeth in my mouth but 4 and I'll get my molds done next week. I'm such a baby, I told u gals that.

    Joey didn't make the grade for downstate, but as I told him this is his first year and the best things in a garden come at the end of the season. WTF was I even talking about, I do say the dumbest things, but somehow he understands me and since there was blood dripping from my mouth, it took his attention off of himself. Oh what length we go to making children happy.

    OK for now, I know I'll be back, cuz u gals have to listen to me complain. hehehehehe <that was an evil LOL

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2017

    OMG, make my day Lori and Genny, wtf is the love button when I need it?? OHHHHHHHhhhh, I found it.

    Image result for love button

    I so understand when we breasties get together and there is absol-phuckinglootly NOT enough time even when spending a week together. I am beyond happy that you two were able to get together. Sad that seeing Cammy was not in the cards as well as our Heidi too!

    Chi, love your stories. Yikes, no mani/pedi set up, how totally frightening. I can't live without my pedi's, I will continue to get them when I am living in the city streets lol. You said it well when speaking of the abusive practices of corporate America today.

    Jazzy, got your PM, thanks SO much. Will reply aye-sap! You are a wise woman and I truly wish you were in my circle of local friends, could use you. Enjoy your trip and thanks for taking the time to think of lil ole mese.

    Cam, where art thou? Update please. How'd ya make out with the DDS (dentist)? And how did Joey make out with his competition? (great additional input by Jazzy on why it is great to compete)!

    NM, you alright? Do you need to talk? I h

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2017

    chit, BAD BAD fingers hit submit, had no idea I did that, err that mese damn fingers did. And further, thought I lost my fn post.

    continued from where mese left off: NM, if you wanna vent, I have some time before cuz and XDH1 get back from pharmacy (they ever so kindly took a long hike because my pharmacy was out of imitrex). And oh, chit and shame shame shame on me, wese had a little disagreement before she (they) left. She was against the clock and just HAD to put on her makeup...told her that her priorities are outta wack. Geez, I get MEAN when I dont feel good). So NM< will PM you my number since i changed both home and cell numbers since entering witness protection! lemme do that now and try to pop back.

    Until then, CheeRs! ( and a big dose of lubslubslub)!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2017

    Cam, wtf? will respond more latah, gonna be in trouble as I have chores to do and gotta get em done in uhhhh four minutes, ooopsies, bad bad fingers on this laptop, they do not know when to quit. Hope pain is not bad, prayers and lots love.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    Dara u and I just kept on knocking each other down. Cuz yep I did tell mese tail of woe for today. oh no it's still wagging bt thanks to my trusty pain meds I can 1/2 way sleep thru this whole thing.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2017

    No booze for me tonight—for dinner, we went out to Big Jones (Southern restaurant a mile away that was doing its annual Salute to Crawfish), which brews its own amazingly delicious non-alc. ginger beer. Yeah, I know, it's got sugar, but if I don’t have alcohol every day, occasionally I can also have a little sweetness on the day I'm not drinking…just not both in the same glass. (Bob had a lager, a martini & a Sazerac, so he pulled his weight for the both of us).

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    Sandy I don't think I've ever had ginger beer, in fact somehow I thought it had some alcohol in it. There is lots of fish dinners floating around now cuz of lent, I think this is the time of year to really eat fish, cuz so many people order it. I enjoy so how u and u'r DH enjoy so many of the same things.

    Well I'm sure we all changed our clocks by now and yet nothing has changed, I'm still awake at the same time as usual, I don't get it. My brain doesn't know the time has changed, or does it. I know, who cares.

    Well everyone should be sleeping now and I'm watching Cheers, so it's all good. OK I'll check back later.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2017

    Good morning girls, got one of my clocks changed, and my phone did it automatically so I know what time it is at least cause it's awfully dark out there for 7:30. I'll let DH change the rest, he know how to do them w/o swearing. SO as I said yesterday, Lori and I had a fabulous time, wish we could have sat there drinking wine and talking for another couple of hours, same way with hsant when we get together. That damn drinking and driving thing along with the commitments of life always interferes with my wishes. Ah well still thankful for the 2 hours. We did have a delicious lunch, I had the michigan burger with cherry compote, bleu cheese, onion, field greens, ciabatta bread, altho I did leave the ciabatta on the plate, of course I cheated with some homemade potato chips. Lori had the pan seared wild pacific salmon with yogurt dill sauce and mac + cheesecavatappi noodles, cheddar, gouda, toasted panko topping for her side. We both enjoyed 2 glasses of the Avalon Cabernet Sauvignon, California. The winery uses solar panels, reclaimed waste water and sources the greenest materials that still deliver high quality wine. The cork is a plant-based cork derived from sugar cane. Reclaimed waste water? Hmmm, doesn't seem like something I'd put in a description of wine but what do I know. Anyway... Sandy that was just for you. Super cold here, looks like a big ole noreaster brewing for the next 3 days, that will affect Sandy, Cami, me, hsant and NM. Lori, you got out just in time!

    Cami, oh my goodness, teeth pulled with not enough novacaine?? I'm afraid I might have grabbed balls first and warned later, it sounds dreadful! I absolutey hate dental pain, it's the worse, cut me open with a hacksaw but when it comes to my mouth I'd better be just this side of conscious! And the worse part is the days that follow, hope you've got plenty of good drugs to keep you comfortable. So are you keeping you remaining teeth are do you have to have those pulled too? I know you and Joey have your own special language but your analogy actually made perfect sense to me. Lori will come back in the fall and one way or another we are going to come to Chitown and I WILL get to meet you in person. Fingers crossed for Joey and the competition.

    Jazzy, hope your trip is wonderful and you get lots of pics, have fun and see you when you get back.

    Dara, I'm with the others here, take the high road and let karma take care of your ex-boss. Too bad tho cause I'm sure that's not a place to send your resume, unless you could end up in totally different departments, I don't know how big the company is. I pray that you get approved for the botox and that it helps these debilitating headaches. I forget, do you have health insurance right now? Have you had an MRI of your head? As far as Lucy, I can tell you that before we had Emma we had another german shepherd, Zowie who we had when we got Junior. Well, Jr was such a pysch mess of a little puppy, he'd been in an Amish puppy mill for 6 months and had NO trust of humans. He'd just hide behind Zowie and we'd have to pen and catch him to pick him up. He was so attached to her and when he was about 2 she died. He just slept and sulked and wouldn't eat, then we got Emma and all was well with the world again. That is a big part of the reason we got Louie when Emma was diagnosed. I don't know if you are in the position to adopt a friend for Lucy but I suspect it would put an end to her mourning. Just a thought. Also, have you given her any new type of treat? I had a schnoodle, lived 16 years, wel he had 1 grand mal seizure in his life when he was about 5, freaked me out, I thought he was dying. So I happened to tell a co-worker about it and she asked if I'd fed him any Beggin' Strips. Well it just so happened I'd had a coupon and bought some and had been giving him a couple a day. She said her dog (a dachshund) had seizures and a vet told her some dog treats had chemicals that can course them and Beggin Strips were one of the worse. Well, I threw the bag in the trash and he lived another 11 years and never had another. Other than that just lots and lots of hugs which I know you are already giving.

    NM, Oh my oh my what is wrong with those people you work for. Certainly when you log your hours and your drive time someone should take notice? Do you think if you gave them a bit of an ultimatum? I mean, not a threat but just... "I cant's possibly keep up this pace and if something doesn't change I'll have no choice but to start exploring other options" kind of talk? I should think they'd hate to lose you and maybe of kick in their thick skulls wake-up call might be in order. IDK, but sumptins gotta give, life is to short and we all know stress is a bad thing.

    Sandy, I need to make a commitment to no drink days, keep saying I'm going to and then 5 o'clock rolls around and I'm pouring the vino. I think it was me you meant to suggest the unloader brace and no I haven't. Tomorrow I get the Synvisc-One injection and we'll see how that goes. The idea is to get me about 3 more years and then maybe I'll retire and have knee replacement so a brace may come into play at some point.

    SuzieQ, Barbi, peggy and whoever else I missed hop all is well and have a good Sunday.

    Time to bundle up and get the pooches to the park, hugs and kisses...see ya later.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited March 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy shivery Sunday!Currently 20 degrees, 13 mph breeze, Wind Chill of 7 degrees. The jeans started freezing before I even got them hung out this ayem. I am not happy with the time change, it should not be almost 1:30 peeyem already.Just not right.Just starting to get easier to get up in the ayems cuz it wasn't totally dark, now I'm going to be back to getting up in the dark again.Yuck.And I just realized I am going to be on call Monday night.Seems like I just got done being on call!Grumble, grumble.

    Dara--I only wish I got overtime pay, I'd be a totally rich woman right now if I did. But I'm on salary, so I depend on the mileage checks for the extra from all the driving time.I'm not likely to set up my own business, I don't have the patience for the business management part of things, I just want to take care of people. And have a little fun once in a while. And puppy cuddles are much better than calgon!

    Chi--What did we ever do before cell phones and 24/7 accessibility? When if the phone wasn't picked upthat was it, no contact?I've started adhering very closely to the company policy of not answering phone calls while driving, and since some of my drives are an hour or more long, and then I'm in an area of no cell reception many times, my accessibility is seriously decreased, and so far the world hasn't stopped.Haven't heard of an unloader brace, sounds interesting. Fortunately I can sleep sitting up, and can sleep in the recliner if the GERD is acting up, but Sadie doesn't like it when I do that. She has to choose between sleeping byherself in the bed or curled on the ottoman against my feet.I think the bed is more comfortable for her, but she seems to like to be with me.Good for you for getting good exercise!


    Cammy--thanks for the support, I really just needed to get the rant out of my system so I could settle down and get stuff done again.I suspect there will be a major meltdown at work sometime soon. Having dental work is nothing more than torture to my way of thinking, getting novacaine is torture, having to sit still while they are hurting you is torture, and having to pay for it all is downright abusive.

    Chi-- I had some great ginger beer on vacation in the Bahamas once! Great stuff.

    Genny--yeah, I've been hearing about the Nor'Easter headed our way.Not impressed. Do not need another one.But, it should be the last snow storm of the season.I have considered giving the "something has to change" talk. I'm afraid of backing myself into a corner, and really do not want to leave this job cuz I'm not going to find another hospice position that's any better.That's why I've really been thinking about leaving nursing.I can probably find something with sane hours, a lot less stress, and a lot more money in some other setting, but I don't really want to do that, either.Once I get the mortgage paid off (if I ever find some business hours time to make some phone calls and get that started) I may be able to get by on part time work, and that may be the answer.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Fire And Torture



    Pour all the contents into a shot glass at once.

    Best served in a Shot Glass.