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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Ahh NM why not tell them u got married, I would and u have a long distance one and u need to be home for u'r daily call, or he lives with u and u make dinner, or he has a child u have to be home for. Hey there are a lot of possibilities. I would explore them, how would they know--OK I'm bad, but I hate that u get the brunt of all this chit cuz u'r single basically. Wacko can help u on this. <and I still LOL about Wacko> Lori.....

    Lori 6 days and it's u'r DD time, this is wonderful, absolutely wonderful.Oh and remember this saying "U can never be to rich or to skinny" we all know who said that, but u are just plain bootiful anyway.

    Sandy u'r trainer sounds really good. I mean he's taking into consideration all of u'r conditions and some don't, and they should--30 lbs sounds good to me. And I hope all goes great with u'r vocal coach. I knew at a very young age I could not sister would and everyone would listen, then I would and my mom would put her head in her hands and tell me I was giving her a headache. LOL So that was that. But my sister has sung at weddings and occasions, she has a very nice voice.

    Sunday is St. Joseph's day, but it's not celebrated like it used to be so, I'll just wear my red colors and that's about it. It's an Italian thing mostly. Well it used to be and Catholic schools were pretty big on it. Kind of fun actually.

    I actually slept some last nite so that was good. Leslie brought me my coffee this morning again very nice. Joey and I had a talk about school, he gets a B on something and this bothers him, He's goofy, too serious about this.

    DARA DARA DARA, are u home yet??? Take any pics. If u were up to it. I hope so.

    oooo Lori I forgot to ask u was that pic. of u'r mom taken when u were there, cuz she looks marvelous and very strong looking, anyway. I hope it was. <Is strong a look?> U know what I mean..

    I hope everyone has a great St. Patrick's day and a great TGIF day-I'm hoping to. BTW Joey does not like corn Beef, but he likes ruebins, so he's having a hamburger tonite. Why bother.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited March 2017

    Happy St Patty's Day everyone! Everyone is a wee bit Irish today, yes?


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited March 2017


    I'll be quite busy all day....but I'll be dwinking with all you wonderful ladies!!!


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited March 2017

    Good morning/afternoon friends- it is a beautiful day here in the southwest and expected to be mid 70s today and up to 80 by Sunday. Continues to be unusually warm here in the southwest. Not that I don't like it, but also know when this happens, we are usually heading in to a hotter summer. I read something on that the south and east are going to have an early start to summer, certainly seems like it.

    I went to my prof org event last night which quite honestly, I did not feel like doing as I was pooped from the trip, but was glad I did show up. I made a strategic connection with someone here in town I have been wanting to meet (senior leader with another healthcare group) and a colleague who sat with us was very gracious to put in a good word for me during the conversation. Nice to have a fan club! The evening turned out to be way better than I expected. I find that to be true sometimes when I am on the fence, but force myself to go for awhile, something good does happen.

    After some work in the yard and gardens this morning, I am shifting gears to go to the spa and get a massage. My aching back really needs it after that drive. Hot tub soak before hand. I traded some messages with a friend about meeting up for a drink later for St Patty's day but the plans have not really come together so who knows if that will happen.

    Cami- ha ha, I am like Chandler on Friends, that is priceless. I used to tell people generically I work computers, but then people would ask me to come to their house and fix their devices! LOL. Now I just say I work with hospital computer systems.

    Goldie- oh good, glad you have a bit more time between coming home from your travels and seeing DD. This is the daughter that lives in the Virgin Islands? Did I remember that right?

    NM- girlfriend, I so hear you on the "you are single and can do more" expectations. I have been in that place throughout my career and still have people do that to me even in my consulting work. And it is easier to draw boundaries when you work for yourself than when you work for others. Part of the reason I do it these days, because I got tired of being used up by companies who put me on the road all the time, made me work six days a week, etc. Sometimes it is just that others can draw the boundaries better with husbands and kids, we single folks are often expected to do the extra like we have nothing better to do. How about take care of a home, our bills, laundry, etc.?

    Instead of faking a marriage, I highly suggest implying you have elder care responsibilities in your family and need help with balancing out the extra hours being requested. I know you have a mom that is still alive and no one needs to know what you are doing. Perception is reality and you have to create a different perception with your employer to level the playing field. It is sort of sneaky, but since they are not fair, you play the game their way. Trust me, I have leveraged many situations to get out of OT expectations because I am single.

    Wishing everyone a good day and a good evening if you are having some green beer!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2017

    No green beer for me ladies but I am in fact Irish today! Gonna sailabrate with the arrival of my XDH1 by 7:30 and the arrival of Cheryl from work by 6 at which mese St. Patryou ick's sailabration will begin with an icy cold Jack n Diet.

    NM, our girl Jazzy has a great suggestion on putting a stop to the use and abuse by your employer with expectations that you are not needed at home at a reasonable hour. Your shift ends at 5 pee em and it is time for you to stop cutting yourself short on time for those that have young children and spouses to attend to! I did use my Dad as an excuse many times to hide from expectations that since I no longer have a baby to attend to, that I could always cover a late shift for someone who had to leave early. OR you can try the very unconventional Wacko way and tail them that you suddenly found love and eloped as I did after accepting a date offer from a prior dentist. Go ahead and enjoy the play tonight them get home and take some time for Sadie. Oh, speaking of your Sillie Sadie, you can also use her for an excuse to get home. A dog can only hold her bladder for so long, right? I used that one to go home at lunch time daily during high volume when it was highly suggested that we work through our lunches! I loved coming home for lunch and seeing my baby girls whilst restoring a bit of sanity~~be assertive, I know you can when needed!!

    Jazzy, happy that things went your way at the business function last night. I too often wonder EXACTLY what is it that you do. So I gather that you are a systems analyst/programmer for both hospital and insurance company computer systems? I have mentioned here that my degree is in Computer Science and I excelled at systems analysis and flow charting.I mainly programmed in college using Cobol or Fortran which are now very obsolete. Sadly, when I graduated back in 1983, unemployment was at a record high for the period and I never landed a job in my studied field and was led to working in finance which is what I have been doing since 1986. My point here is that when I read about what you do, I was never able to secure a job in the field and excel from there. Finance is grueling! And I loved systems analysis and programming, it was freaking fun. Anyway, glad you were able to get a great recommendation and meet the local person that you have wanted to link with. You are passionate in your career and you just get closer to being the best of the best. I can tell that you are very driven and self motivated which allows you to be the successful entrepreneur that you are! I see you becoming a mogul in your specialty and being at the top and over the big boys, oh hail yeah, girlfriend! Hope you are able to hook up with your friend for some St. Pat's day dwinkies!

    Gonna hit submit, battery is dying, gotta plug in and charge up but first have to find my charger. Things were tossed into our baggage while in AC due to quick need to exit/oversleep, oopsies! BUT got my first set of botox injections today, will write more within the hour, God willing......


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2017

    It's not like I have a trainer come to my house and work with me—which is what most people think of when they hear “personal trainer." It's actually that I have a half-hour appointment twice a week at my neighborhood gym during which a trainer assigned to me gives me exercises to do to address specific concerns, sets up the equipment, and supervises me to make sure I'm using the cardio machines safely and doing stuff in a way that is supposed to sufficiently work the intended muscles and not hurt myself or exceed my limitations. Very much like physical therapy. No pricier than a voice lesson, and cheaper than a chiropractor visit. It's no more a “luxury" than if I went to a chiropractor on a regular basis, took piano lessons, got a mani-pedi more often, or got my hair done oftener than the once every 3-4 months that I currently do. Now, those folks who have personal chefs, or who have personal shoppers bring them flattering clothes in the right size, are enjoying luxury!

    What sucks is that I am not a morning person, but the Silver Sneakers classes are at 11 am at my gym the same days that I train, and the Aqua-Fit classes at the other branch are at 9 am. Ugh.

    I had to drive all the way back down to the SW Side this afternoon for my ophthalmologist's 6-month followup appt. When I made it (the last time I was there in late Nov.), the receptionist said March 17, 2 pm. We both remarked it'd be easy to remember because it's St. Paddy's Day. So I drove down there (even in early midday the traffic was horrendous), only to find I wasn't on the schedule, there was a new receptionist, and no room to fit me in. So I killed all that time (and burned a gallon+ of gas) for absolutely nothing. Took over another hr. to get home. The only reedeming part of it was that I was able to hit Costco en route and gas up for 80 cents a gallon less than it costs up here. Had this happened a week ago, the old me would have hit the donut shop or bakery ASAP for consolation. But since I started this fitness stuff, I just had to console myself with the promise of a homemade cappuccino (unflavored, unsweetened) after getting home. I so want a piece of that soda bread or blueberry pie sitting out there on the counter—but I don’t dare, as sugar & refined starch are really my enemies. Maybe some chopped liver or lox on low-carb bread (from the small end of the loaf). Maybe a nap too. Especially if I’m gonna hit the gym or the pool tomorrow.

    Bob isn't sure he'll make it to Cellars in time for dinner tonight—so once again, it's walk there an hour before closing, order him a drink, start my own dinner and sit and sit and hope he gets there before the kitchen closes. For a guy who complains that his practice is “literally dying" (he's a geriatric cardiologists whose patients are dying off, and he isn't getting “new oldsters" because most area Medicare plans are now HMOs with narrow networks that don't include him), he still works long hours. Heck, even some of his nurses are retiring. Last night when we dined with our friends down in Oak Lawn, the husband was complaining about the same thing—and the hospital wasn't interested in buying his practice and putting him on salary because retina specialists are not exactly moneymakers for hospitals. He & Bob swear they'll keep working till they can't—but then they'd (and perhaps I'd) be too sick to enjoy retirement. I think because Bob's dad was forced into early retirement at the bank where he was a VP (because he resisted technology and resented diversity…to put it delicately), he wants to keep working and feel needed in the marketplace as long as possible.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited March 2017

    Hi ladies- back from the spa.

    Dara- I am a program manager. I manage large complex system changes. New installs, data conversions, programs. I also do operational project management and have formed new programs for health care systems. Not a system analyst, not my thing. I basically manage the changes going in. I work with up to 100 or more people at at time on my projects in most cases. I usually am directly managing teams up to 50. I work from the analyst level right up to the C-suite,

    I wonder if you could not find your way into systems work with the degree?

    Chi- I have worked with two different kinds of personal trainers. One I worked with here when I first moved to NM was the kind that would come to me. She taught me to buy some equipment to do weight work outs, work with an exercise ball, and worked with me on some of my aerobic exercise. She also took me through the grocery store and taught me how to read food labels and clue in on things that were too much sodium, sugar, carbs, etc. That was so valuable and something I use to this day. She had her own business and married her fiance she followed here from the midwest within a year. He was an AF guy and got moved all over the place and they were gone relatively quickly after as he got restationed by the AF. Amazingly enough, after many years, I just heard from them recently and they want to move here when they are ready to retire.

    The more recent one was a couple years at the gym I was going to. Very much like your current experience. The gym PT is very much around what is convenient for them, pretty much an 8-5 set up. No evening apts. I was able to do some for awhile as I was working PT and off every other day. She helped me to get really strong. But sooner or later they try to be something else (like your nutritionist). My trainer ended up moving away to live near her son on the west coast.

    Well keep up with it and once you get enough of a routine, you won't need a trainer anymore. They are good to a point with teaching you how to use equipment and helping you to focus where you need to be stronger. I enjoyed my experiences both times, but was ready to move on when the time came. You go sister!

    The friend I was going to meet tonight had to put her dog down so not a good day for it. In reality, I need to be relaxing and drinking water post massage. Instead, it will be a fine evening to relax on the patio with my book and maybe take a walk tonight too.

    Oh and I got a call from one of the national labs here about some possible work. We be jammin......

    Until we meet again friends.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2017

    I am back. I know ya'll were anxiously waiting! hehe!

    continuin' ....

    Lori, it angers me too that people can be so insensitive regarding your weight. I don't care what anyone says, you have a beautiful figure and you are very beautiful. I love your come back with "you are fat". I suspect some of these friends might be envious of your skinny! I often tell Cheryl that money can't buy skinny, no matter how much money you have. Just ask Oprah! I'm glad you have some time to unwind and rest up before the arrival of your daughter. You will have a great time with her, I am excited for you and look forward to hearing details. I guess there is no news regarding her marital situation? I think that it was you that asked if Cheryl was watching Lucy while I was away. Actually Cheryl and I went together and Lucy joined us. Harrah's allows pets at a cost of $50 extra per night. Lucy was great, she loved being the center of attention and was strolling through the casino on her leash with her nose up as high as can be. She did have a problem with going potty, she refused to use the wee wee pee pads I bought and I did not want to take her to the common pet area out of fear of her being attacked by a larger dogs (my sister and h er doxie, Augie, were attached twice in the past two weeks by two different neighbor dogs while she had him on a leash, adding to my fear), anyway, we finally decided to take her outside to where the buses pick up and drop off groups of mainly senior citizens.,, Not allowed but we figured she was just too cute for anyone to say anything. And there was a little grass in that area. But on the way, Lucy shocked both of us and stopped q wquicklyin the middle of the very shiny casino floor and dropped two turds LOL. And since I only carry my little coach wristlet while away, I did not have any tissues for cleanup. So next to me was a gentleman playing a slot machine to my right and he had two empty drinks with napkins underneath of them. So I asked him if I could take the napkins and stated it was an emergency. He did not even look back and nodded that it was OK. Fortunately we are very close to the exit so I held the hot turds in the napkins and threw them away in the trashcan outside the casino doors. The irony of the whole thing is that when Cheryl asked me if she thinks anybody noticed, I told her that one of the guys at the craps table glanced over and down and saw the action. Well she laughed her ass off and telling me that Lucy knows how to read and saw that it said craps hence taking a shit there. I can't stop laughing and also beaming with pride-- well NOT on the pride part! I just can't figure out what gave her the balls to do that as she is very secret pooper and has never had would drop a turd by the door quicker than I could shovel a path for her. I have a few photos of our stay but most of them are of Lucy. We got so many compliments on her cuteness, she sure was quite the show off!

    Sandy, let us know your ordered DOTD to celebrate Saint patties day. Remember, we are all Irish today. Hope you're not too sore from your workouts.

    Hsant, hoping today is a good one for you and your daddy. give into him correction give him a hug and a kiss from me. Oh how I miss my dad. I was looking at old photos on my phone while we were in the hotel room watching the snn ow which made me miss him more than ever.

    Cam, here is hoping that the diarrhea stays away despite no longer having steroids and anti-biotics in your blood. That would be a true gift, my fingers are crossed for you. Funny that Joey will just eat a hamburger for dinner but I can't say I blame him. I wanted to comment about F face driving for Uber, let me know how he makes out if anyone shares any information on the subject. I am curious. Enjoy your dinner, will keep praying for no D!!! Love ya!

    Suz, don't overdo it if you are doing the pub crawl today. I sure wish I was there and every year on this day I wish I was there with you in Mesquite. Why would we have a blast and lots of laughs again. I love you and again so happy for your Ned news. 💋 Muah!

    The Botox injections were not horrible but not pleasant. The first few were the hardest for me. There was a total of 31 needles to my head, neck and forehead. I've noticed that I no longer have wrinkles on my forehead which I've had since I was a teen. I got that beautiful trait from my father. The doctor said it might take two sessions, each session being three months before the botox will take effect. She did say some people get immediate relief. Well I have a whopper of a headache today and have already consumed 18 hours worth of ibuprofen and fiorinal since I woke upat 7 AM.

    Well forgive typos and missing words, my cursor continues to go backwards and pick up typing in the middle of words or sentences and I catch it as best I can with a little patience that I have to deal with the editing.

    Gotta run and try to get myself cleaned up before my guest and roommate arrive and hope to have a little time to unpack some more things. I still can't find my mouthguard and hoping and praying that I did not leave it at the hotel. It was in a white case and the last time I saw it it was on the white sheets on the hotel room bed. I have to search for it tonight and make a call if I don't have it. That would suck big time. Hello to anyone I missed and all who are reading and not posting, hope all is well. Hugs and love to all of my girls and have a fabulous night.


    Image result for st patty's day

    Image result for st patty's day

    Image result for st patty's day drink upmy shirt!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2017

    Oops, sorry I bumped you ladies (Jazzy and ChiSandy)! Hope it was a good dip in de warm pool.

    Sandy, omg, what a bitch that you did all that driving and in city traffic to get to your ophthalmologist appointment and be told you are not on the book s and CAN'Tbe seen, WTF! I would be heard screaming and perhaps been locked up when all was said and done. It is honorable that your hubby wants to continue to work. My Dad was a lot like your FIL when it came to technology and diversity, can't tell the stories here! Like you, not a morning person here either, at least lately. I make all of my appts at pee em time, avoid aye em appts as much as possible. Enjoy your dinner.

    Jazzy, thanks essplaining more in detail, ad I get it, finally. And girl, I do predict that you will soon be a part of the C suite soon if keeping working as hard as you have been since i have known you. My consolenses to your friend who lost her dog, you know I get it. It hurts bad. Hugs to you and give some of them to her from me when you see her next. For your friend:

    Image result for hugs over the loss of dog

    More cheeRs girls. and more love too! and to all,

    Image result for irish love

    Gotta move my ass now for real!! Talk latah goils, enjoy your weekends, 'specially Kim/NM ou ou for y!

    Image result for irish love quotes

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited March 2017

    Lori- when I had my ruptured appendix and went through surgery, I lost like 40 pounds. Despite the fact I was in the hospital and almost died, I was amazed by the comments several people made about me loosing a lot of weight.

    How about "are you okay?" They knew my situation too. I like your comeback too.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2017

    My DOTD is gonna be either an O’Doul’s Amber or a Kaliber (which is an NA from Guinness), whichever one the restaurant has. Sorry, but there is no such thing as a wine that goes with corned beef & cabbage—I’ve tried several, but the concept is so wrong. It’s a Hobson’s choice: non-alc. beers are as carby as regular ones, but light beers have nearly the same amount of alcohol as regular ones. Carbs vs. alcohol…I’m gonna go with the NA--because despite the carbs, that won’t cut into my weekly wine allowance.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    Sandy on St. Patrick's Day everything goes with corn beef and cabbage according to the Irish. I think it's so wise of u to have a trainer they have the knowledge of where to draw the line, no one wants to hurt themselves doing this and sometimes u can. So good for u.

    Jazzy I so lub how u meet people, and sometimes when u least expect it, this has been happening to u for as long as I know u. U are a charmer and a very intelligent woman, u can roar. But I still don't understand exactly what u do, but whatever it is u r a success. I'm sure Dara knows now, but all I think of is Chandler. And u are always so very busy, and good ideas for NM.

    NM Jazzy gave u the best ideas, I hope u use any or all of them--I guess only Wacko <or me> would make up getting married, I'd even wear a ring, well one of them anyway. I don't ever want to hear about u leaving nursing, it really needs u.

    Dara wait a minute, how many needles??? and how many time???? I don't get it, I thought it was just an injection of some kind WTF and taking so long to work. Oh chit. But u do sound like u had a great time away, and taking Lucy was brilliant, Pics anyone, u said so. U know I live vicariously thru everyone pics. If I take pics of where I go all u would see is floors, so mine aren't as exciting. But we did get new floors.

    I have another dentist app't this morning and now my stomach is starting to make the locomotive sound, dammit, I forgot to tell them I have this problem, so now he's going to think I'm asceerd, well I am, but that won't be the reason. This frustrates me so. I have my card. app't Wed. hoping I can get there this time to get that over with. He's another one that's adorable to look at, so I stare and nod.Like my surgeon who left me breastless, this one leaves me breathless. These good looking people that I see, I really wonder how they got thru school without fooling around with everyone. Did they really learn anything? They seem to know the right words but.....Oh well.

    It's weekend time so, I hope everyone uses it wisely. I have to try to sleep now. Ugh.


  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited March 2017

    Good morning, kitty cats! Not much to report on my end. My dad is hanging in there, and I'm hanging by a thread. What can I say? Such is life.

    Sandy, it's great that you have started an exercise regime, and smart that you are doing this with a personal trainer.

    NM, how was the play? How cool that you went to HS with one of the actor's. Hilarious that a bar opens early in the a.m. and gets a lot of Pepsi drinkers on St. Patty's Day. Pepsi contains caffeine, so......heck, I don't have much to say on this one.:)

    Goldie, I was called spider in grade school, because I was all skinny arms and legs, and got voted person most resembling a pretzel stick in HS. The only time I was truly offended is when my dad's first hospice nurse would make comments, like "Heidi, I'm worried about you because you're so skinny". don't know me. If you did, you would realize that I have an extra ten healthy pounds on me as opposed to two years ago when I was below 100 lbs at 5'7". Oh, and please save all your "worrying" for my dad.

    Cami, I can't remember if I mentioned this, so forgive me if I'm repeating myself. BH=BORING!

    I mean, seriously. The cat fight between Dorit and joke, I fell asleep. NY starts next month. Those hags know how to bring the crazy.

    Jazzy, nice that you made a contact with someone in your town. You know what you're doing!

    I hope you had a lovely vicariously thru you!

    Dara, hope you and your ex (how fab that you two are friends!) had a lovely night that included copious amounts of JD and a little bit of coke (cola). Dara, my heart beaks when you mention your dad.i know you were close and you were his little pumpkin taking care of him (HATE the term caregiver). He's with you. So is your mom. I know this. I have had some really freaky experiences with my sis (who was my best friend), and I'm a huge believer that your loved ones who have passed are looking out for you.

    Wishing everyone a happy, happy weekend! Time to get my dad his prednisone.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2017

    I'll be back by tomorrow morning. Have to take hubby and drop him off with our accountant and her BF, going to trade show in Vegas. I'm staying back, but going to town after I drop him.

    Yes my DD in in St. John VI and no nothing on the divorce.

    Happy Saturday!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited March 2017

    Good Morning, Loungetttes!Had a lovely sleep in with cuddly Sadie, didn't get up until the sun was up!Good thing, cuz I got home late, went to a play last night, a little community theater production of Agatha Christie's And Then There Were None.Even knowing the story line they were able to make me jump a couple times!Makes me wish I could join a community theater group, but I can make the time commitment, so that will have to wait until the far distant day when I can retire and be in control of my time.Sadie was not so happy with me be out late, but she forgave me after about half an hour of belly rubbing and tummy tickling.And the special treats I picked up for her.Got scheduling and lots and lots of meeting notes to write up this weekend, need to get a start on that pretty soon, but want to get out to a Healing Arts Spring Equinox fair and see sights.There's going to be jewelry, beads, crystals, Reiki infused sprays and crystals, psychics, tarot card readers, mediums, an animal communicator, reflexology, a vendor selling velvet and silk pouches, anda Naturopathic doctor will be talking about Naturopathic and herbal medicine. He's at the end of the day, so I'll probably go out later to catch that part.

    Goldie--Friday went reasonably well for a 197 mile day.I was able to get all of Friday's computer work done before the play started by skipping lunch and working through dinner.Pretty Irish Flag drink!Had to look up Licor 43, that sounds like a really interesting liquor to try.Right after I try out the kilted cameraman!

    Cammy--I imagine it wouldn't take them long to figure out that I'm not actually married if I tried topull that off.But it's a nice fantasy to fool around with.And it's not really so much cuz I'm single as cuz I don't say "No" in the beginning, so the expectation get set up that I will work and work and work and work.I think I get irritated at being held to a different standard and then get more irritated cuz it's probably my own fault, and then get even more irritated cuz I see that the patients are the ones that are going to suffer if I don't step up, and I can't live with myself being responsible for that.I haven't heard about St. Joseph Day, how is that celebrated? Besides wearing red?I've got to do some grocery shopping, going to look for some corned beef on sale and make a New England Boiled dinner tomorrow.Then corned beef hash for later in the week.Haven't done that in ages!


    Mema--love the Irish blessing!I also like this one:


    Image result for may your troubles be less

    Jazzy--What early start to summer?We're still dealing with wind chill issues!Hmm, I never thought about the elder care angle.They do know my mom is still alive and aging, as is her partner. And with an aunt with ALSand me being her POA (second on the list, but no one needs to know that detail) that might just work.Going to have to think about this, make sure I keep my story straight.

    Dara--I've thought about using Sadie as my excuse to get done work on time, but since it's been so long I've been doing this with Sadie at home I doubt it will fly, unless Sadie comes down with some doggy aging related problems. Hmm, actually, that could work!Praying the botox works for the headaches.

    Chi--As one of those people getting clothes in my size sent to me I can vouch for that being a luxury!I just wish I had more opportunities to WEAR the clothes!

    Dara--my goodness, what a little princess Lucy is!And dropping turds next to the craps table?Too funny!

    Cammy--I don't really want to leave nursing, but I'm also getting too old to keep up with the physical requirements of 12 hour days on my feet or all the driving and extra stuff.To go to work and know that when 5 peeyem comes I can leave without causing major catastrophes to happen would be such a luxury.There don't seem to be any sane jobs in nursing anymore.

    Hsant--the play was great fun!I had a grand time, for 2 and a half hours I completely disconnected from the work world. Felt so good!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    St. Patrick's Day



    Stir all ingredients with ice, strain into a cocktail glass, and serve.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited March 2017

    Good morning friends- I hope all you St Patty's day party gals are waking up from your hangovers from too much corn beef and cabbage and green beer! I love ChiSandy's comment about no wine working with corn beef and cabbage, lol!

    It is gong to be another warm one here today (okay Jazzy, shut up about your weather already) but taking advantage of the warmer temps and no wind to get some yard and garden clean up done. I finished pruning one of my big rosemary bushes and cleaning out all the leaves in the front rock garden this am. Man, where did all those leaves come from? The front yard looks really nice now and thinking I am heading to Home Depot later today to get some pansies for the pots. Usually I don't plant anything until April, but think pansies will be safe. We can get a hard freeze here well into late April so one must not get overly zealous with the gardens with a warm spell. I had the bug and weed people out this am too, so the yard is getting a lot of attention today.

    NM- so glad you were able to get out and enjoy the play last night. Are you saying you want to get a subscription to the local play series or actually be in a play? If you got the subscription, you can leverage that for more "not available, have tickets to an event tonight."

    It is really tricky with FT employment when they start treating you like you are a 24/7 employee. That stupid "other duties as assigned". Well, most places want slaves, not employees in my experience. We single people have to have the boundaries as I have found others really don't have any where we are concerned. And definitely don't fake the marriage thing, too easy for them to probe in to that to find out it is not true. Elder care stuff can be vague enough.

    Here is the article on about early start to summer. It is for sure happening out here in the southwest. Going up to the low 80s today and tomorrow.

    Goldie- wishing you guys a good experience at the trade show this weekend.

    Hsant- you are hanging on by a thread sister. Worried to hear that. Is there any way for you to do some exercise in the house when your dad is sleeping? Do you do yoga?

    Cami- you are going to the dentist today? On a Saturday? I hope the D kept quiet so you could make it.

    Dara- wow about the botox injections. That was a lot of needles and then you still got a headache. When is the next treatment? I hope your head is better today.

    Pontiac, Mema, Genny, Queenie, and all the rest, wishing you a good start to the weekend!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited March 2017


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2017

    Walked to Cellars, only to find out they’d run out of corned beef & cabbage half an hour earlier. Started back home, no places along the way offered it (except one had a special on a Reuben sandwich, which does me no good since I’d have to leave the bread over—somehow, a plate of melted Swiss over sauerkraut-topped deli-sliced corned beef doesn’t exactly fit the holiday). But Whole Foods had some at its hot bar, so I loaded up a container and brought it home. In the fridge was a Clausthaler Amber NA, so I had half a bottle (which I could barely finish—not a big beer drinker regardless of alcohol content). Dessert was a sugar-free chocolate pudding.

    Slept in way too long (10 hrs.!)—having sinus issues again, with a tender spot on my left lower jawbone next to a salivary gland. Ugh. No fever, though. (Of course, my mind jumped first to ONJ and then bone mets; but had full dental x-rays three weeks ago and any deterioration or tumor would have shown up on them, and ONJ doesn’t come on this soon after a Prolia shot—and the only other bone treatment I’ve had was one Zometa infusion 8 months ago). Muscles sorer than they were yesterday—so I guess I can expect to be sore for two days after every workout, and have to rely on aerobic activity in between. I signed up for 6 months of training, but at this rate I can expect it to take much longer to lose enough fat to be anywhere close to “fit."

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited March 2017

    ChiSandy- my MO who referred me to the endocrinologist said it would take me a few year to loose the weight I was trying to get to. That is with the consideration of the AIs that make it hard to loose. Right now I am loosing about a pound a week since the doctor changed my meds around the blood sugar. It is working, so I continue on.

    I am down 10 pounds in 2.5 months.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2017

    I’m going to ask my PCP about both statins (which I grudgingly admit I need, now that AIs have sent my LDL soaring) and metformin (which Bob says mainstream internists are beginning to consider a "magic bullet” even for non-diabetics). My MO (who is slender) says that’s not her department so long as I have a PCP, and that I should address my weight, blood lipids and slowly rising a1c by lifestyle measures alone.

    My fasting blood glucose—except in the few weeks immediately following knee replacement surgeries, when it soared to 200+—had always been in the high 80s-low 90s. But my most recent tests done about 1/2 hr. before my Prolia shot (albeit about 90 min. postprandial—nobody told me to fast) had my glucose at 125, which even though postprandial is still too high for me, given that I am nearly in metabolic-syndrome territory regarding the other two components (cholesterol, & BP absent the meds I take for it)…and may already be there, considering that the bulk (no pun intended) of my obesity is now “central,” i.e. I’m no longer a “pear” but an “apple.” (My twerk don’t work but my belly is jelly). A lot of that began after my C-section, which sliced across my lower abs (especially the rectus abdominus), and led to my lower abdomen gradually dilating--an injury which cannot be corrected any way but surgically; but filling the fat cells therein (and probably having grown new ones—which women can do) didn’t help matters any.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2017

    Hi girls, quick pop in to share some wonderful effing news, hoping this is the beginning of things going freaking better for me ~

    I did not grab my mail until after dark when I went outside to check out my new porch light. I wanted to see if the sensors and motion detectors were working properly and they are. I noticed my mail in my box, actually forgot about it today. Well don't ya know THE offticial letter from the NJ StateBoard of Unemployment was in my mailbox. I said another prayer as I brought it inside to open. I WON the appeal, I will finally be getting paid benefits. I think it might be a lump sum. I am hoping to be able to some of the funds back into an IRA.

    Wow, this is exciting, have not felt this good over anything for a long long time.

    Off to buy a big ass bottle of JD before the liquor store closes at 10pm. I have spend the day removing wall paper from my master bath, what a hard job!

    CHEERS! (Happy cheers for a change)!

    WOOOOooooooofuc**************ING Hooooooooooooooooooooooooooo~

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2017


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2017

    YAY, Dara!!! JD? More like champagne!

    Staying in tonight, nuking leftovers. With my salad (field greens, tomato, red onion & blackberry-ginger-lime vinaigrette), seltzer with lime. With the chicken & veggies, more of that W-S Pinot Noir.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited March 2017

    Dara- OMG what great news is that! Finally, some justice to your situation. A lump sum too. Girlfriend, things are starting to turn around for you. So glad to hear it! May your good fortune continue!

    Chi- I have insulin resistance and my weight is all around the middle. My endocrinologist said that getting that turned around is the key to lowering any re-occurrence risk. My BS has been on my case about loosing weight (she is like a minus zero) and got tired of that lecture, and talked to the MO about it a couple times. How does one loose weight on these AI drugs? I gained like 30 pounds after being on them a year. I took a month vacation on them once and lost 10 lbs in one month.

    The MO said that I would likely need some help getting things turned around, and suggested the endocrinologist to help me. She has been my lifesaver. She said between the insulin resistance and AIs, there was no way I would loose weight unless we changed some things. So I take something called Xigduo which is a combo drug for the blood sugar issues and BP/kidneys, and a once a week shot of Trulicity. That is majorly turning things around for me and causing me to loose about a pound a week now. And all my blood work (cholesterol, fasting gluose, triglycerides) are stellar now too. My fasting blood sugar was still over 100 on 1000 of metformin. Now it is in the low 80s with the Trulicity. We had to do a lot of trial and error so keep pushing on these docs. I believe these cancer drugs (chemo, AIs, etc.) really change everything in your system.

    My PCP also said metformin is looking more and more like a plus to take for those who have had cancer.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    Hi ladies,

    OMG---DARA---WOOT WOOT FOR U'R CHANGING OF EVERYTHING FROM NOW ON. This is absolutely WONDERFUL, so happy for u, finally somethings are starting to turn it round. It's time for u. This has to be a huge relief and yes u should get all back pay, u can breath again. Well of course u never stopped, but again u know what I mean. I will do a happy dance at the finish. Cuz if I could really do it, I'd be goin' for it.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    I'm back--Sandy I give u so much credit for how hard u'r working, U and Jazzy have so much discipline, I am jealous with all u'r doing. It's so hard as u get older, I still remember losing 10 lbs. in no time, now even when I'm dehydrated and haven't eaten, I don't loose anything. So this is going well for u. And so glad u'r doing this for u'rself. As long as u don't give up wine.

    NM here's hoping u have a super Sunday u deserve and need it so. Our weather has been ok here, not really warm yet, but hardly any snow left.

    Hsant I think u have about the same weather and hopefully u can enjoy some walks so u can getout for a while, that seems to do u good.

    Lori I can't explain this to u but I know ow I would feel..I just can't wait for Thursday for u, I'm just so furcited about u'r DD.

    Joey slept over by my other DD's home last nite, so I miss my coffee with Joey Sunday, but I do like that he goes there and her DD is still happy to see him, cuz she's 16 now and misses him when he doesn't come over. They're both only children, but when they're together it's really like they bond so well, and for that I'm very happy. I wanted to go, but of course my D came in a violent way, so here I stayed.

    I think I told u my tests came back, and NO CANCER where my dr. thought there might be. I didn't, but u know drs. but she did tell me (which I knew) my back is much worse, so maybe an MRI and if I want I can go on steroids for a while since that relieved it quite a bit. She said it was up to me and to take my pain meds as needed all the time, so maybe I can keep ahead of it a little. <See why I like her> I always think I create things in my mind so in a way it's good to hear I was not imagining it, so now that I know it's real--so what, right?

    Oh big announcement--I'm trying a new deodorant again, so we shall see how this works. I knew this would be of interest.

    OK I'll be boock


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    Image result for recipes for vodkaRelax NM , just let us know how u are.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    DaraImage result for happy dance gif

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited March 2017

    God morning friends- well, dang I started a post and then accidentally hit something on this laptop that caused it to disappear! Anyways, here we go again. Happy Funday Sunday everyone!

    I will say I am glad to see some good news here on this thread, first Dara with her appeal award and then our friend Cami who has been told NO CANCER. Lets keep up the good news here!

    I finally finished a book I have been reading since Labor Day weekend. As much as I love to read, I also find it harder to finish a novel these days. Just too many other things to do most of the time. I started a shorter book last night that I bought in NYC last fall and already moving through that faster. Shorter books and short stories are probably a good thing for me to read because I can get through them!

    Cami- good to hear Joey is connecting with his "sort of sibling." When you don't have siblings around, cousins and even friends in similar situations feel more like sibs than the other. I grew up with older sibs and there was one family of cousins closer to my age as well as two friends who also were later in life children and we all were so bonded in our youth. I hope they had fun and your guy is home soon!

    And such good news on your results. Did you get to the dentist too?

    NM- how was that festival you were going to get to? Anything interesting from that? I would have gone with you if I were there, love that kind of gathering. Hoping you found some new oils for your collection. I bought something from a soap shop we visited when I went to the mountains last Monday with my colleague called Patience. It had a little write up in the shop, but nothing on the bottle or on their web site about this oil. I can tell it has some lemongrass in it though......

    Got to get to more home stuff today. Going to do some morning yoga on the patio and also get to a bike ride this morning too!

    Wishing everyone a good day! Tomorrow is the official first day of Spring!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2017

    Wacko, it takes A LOT for someone to offend me, so I'm ok with being told how skinny I am. I guess they could say it in a nicer way. Like "oh you've lost weight, you look really good". But then you couldn't say something similar to a heavy person, right? To me, weight is like race. I don't care if you are heavy, thin or just right. You are human, you have feelings, I like you for you. Oh fo shizzle, you lost your mouth guard?

    Jazzy, that's a lot of weight to lose over a hospital stay, wow. And especially when they knew you were hospitalized. Now my mom does not know, so I can't say about her, but she did not comment on it this time. I used to get pansy's in the spring, but it gets warm so fast, they just droop, so I don't get them anymore. Quite toasty here to, I love it! Beautiful picture of the blossoms, wow! Yay for losing 10 pounds, no matter how long it takes.

    Cami, how sweet of you to tell NM she can't leave nursing, cuz it needs you. So true tho. Did you make it to your dentist appt? Breastless and breathless, how do you come up with this chit? I am super stoked at my DD's visit. Even more than I was with my trip to Michigan. And I can't wait to take her to Moab UT. Needless to say, I probably won't be here much, once she arrives. NED, happy dance for you too girl! Oh, that picture of my momma is an oldie. I'm gonna say she was probably 40-45 in that picture. Here is one I took last summer at the zoo with my kids!


    Heidi, is it ok to call you by your name? Oh my, a pretzel stick! That's horrible! I have always been thin, started gaining weight when I went through menopause, and then the RB (rat basTURD) which caused the biggest weight gain. I'm staying steady around 130ish at 5'9". But yeah, they should be more worried about your dad. I'm so sorry this is weighing so heavy on you, but we know how much you love and care for your dad. Is your mom deceased? And you lost a sister too?

    NM, glad you enjoyed the play and I hope you had an awesome time at the fair. What kinds of mixing are you doing with your oils? I need to get mine out today and use something. And yessiree, you should let them know at work about elder care of your mom. Its all true, so no need to try and keep a "story" straight. Glad you enjoyed the play and disconnected from work.

    Sandy, glad you found some corned beef. None for this chicky. Ha ha, good one (My twerk don't work but my belly is jelly).

    WOOOOooooooofuc**************ING Hooooooooooooooooooooooooooo is right! I see over there in the corner wif your giant bottle of JD!

    Image result for giant bottle of jd