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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited March 2017

    set up on my home computer so I can actually work with it in a way that makes sense to me and that I can track.I'm hoping this is going to get easier over time as we work out a way to manage all this.Never did get out to the fair yesterday, after doing a lot of scheduling work and writing a bunch of notes for Tuesday's meeting I was just too pooped to party.Just didn't want to go out, so I didn't.Put on the TV and zoned out with my tootsie's on Sadie's back.Felt soooo gooood.

    Jazzy--I would ultimately like to be in plays again. I really loved theater when I was in high school.Right now I can't commit to a rehearsal or performance schedule with any confidence that I would be able to keep it.It is a good idea to get a subscription to something and would have that card to play from time to time. I'll have to look around at what is available locally.

    Jazzy--so pretty!

    Chi--I wonder who, exactly, decides what is "fit" and what isn't, and what, if any, real science it's based on? Isn't it good enough to feel good and be able to do things you want to do?I suppose not.Good for you for trying for it!

    Jazzy--I think I hate you. No, that is really good weight loss.Good for you!

    Chi--Life is not fair.Women should be born with all the fat cells they will ever have, just like they are born with all the eggs they will ever have.


    Chi--I've got some ground lamb thawed that I'm trying to think of something ot do with, since I didn't go out yesterday and get boiled dinner stuff.Gotta spend some time perusing the old cookbooks!

    Jazzy--good news about metformin.

    Cammy--NO CANCER is very good news!Sorry the back is worse, though.Do the pain meds have any effect on the D?

    Thanks for the Green Skyy, Cammy!

    Jazzy--tomorrow is the first day of Spring? Doesn't look like it here!

    Goldie--haven't been doing a lot with the oils yet, but do have some plans, if ever I get a weekend that isn't filled up with work.Or even an evening with some energy left over to do something more than eat and sleep.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited March 2017

    NM- ha ha, you hate me for the weight loss. Hardest 10 pounds ever and more to go.

    What will be the most fun is seeing the BS this summer who rags on me all the time about my weight and is not an MO or endocrinologist. She tried to be my MO though, tried to take over that part of my care and told my PCP and she sent me to the current MO who has helped me with the AI management. And then the endocrinologist helped me further. The BS is in a special research group and was trying to control too much and realized it right away. Seems like one would be putting themselves at risk with malpractice with trying to control care outside of your specialty, don't cha think? I am to my five years this fall, although I will see my MO into next year and beyond. My hope is that this summer is my last visit with the BS. She freed me from the 6 month visit in January. She is a good surgeon but oversteps.....

    Off to Home Depot for pansies!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited March 2017

    Good Morning DahhhLinKs!

    The 'P' drink w/the lanyard and shot glass was a big hit. DH had 20 of them and they were all gone in no time. Mr. bagpipes came in with the crowd and played a bit. DH and his helped were slammed, 1 the porters was there and helped them behind the bar. He was very helpful and fast at everything he did.

    Dara - glad u got approved for your botox, jes a big shame u have to wait so long to get it done. (((HUGZ)))

    Hsant - thanks for the kudos on my NED. Being on pins and needles about your dads health…oyvey…not good for you. BIG HUGZ to you too.

    Cami - hooray for getting your taxes done, it is definitely a pain in d arse. Yes I will b traveling again. Just not by road, but by air. Can't handle the 'car' road trips. LOL on ur DOTD for Fri. but I have never heard of those liqueurs. Looks really good tho.

    Sandy - I would have to say that the pollen in will affect your voice so doing 15 mins 3x a week sounds reasonable. Yay for losing a pound and this guy sounds like he knows his chit. Good Luck my friend.

    NM - ur welcome…will continue with the prayers, the Lord knows u need them. So much crap ur going thru. (((NM)))

    Lowee - yes, u kno me better…can't walk too far. Chit, grocery shopping wears mese feet/legs out. But I had a very good time at the bar and didn't get dwunk. Had full bottle (16oz) between each of my 4 dwinks.

    Oh Dara - I just read that u got ur 1st series of botox, sorry it may take 3 mos to kick in. Jes rest easy with ur JD/diet and I kno u can get thru, u one tough lady. By the way….LOVE ur posts, especially the Irish Prayer.

    Cami - u cwack mese up the way u splain things. Hope all went well.

    Gotta end this tome for now, hopefully will be back tamary.

    Lubs lubs to all

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338
    edited March 2017

    Cami, mea culpa. Things have been crazy. I had a great lunch with my DIL's mother Wednesday. We went to Applebee's. I had the chicken caesar salad. Nothing to drink. I have a low tolerance for alcohol :( But we caught up on tons of stuff. Over the 20+ years the kids have been married, I really haven't been with Pat that much since she's lived out West most of the time (as have the kids). But we get on well.

    Finally after 2 months got my new freezer delivered - no it's nothing special but it's nice. Now to fill it up!

    Have 3 (soon to be 4) Dwarf Burning Bushes being delivered and planted, hopefully this week (they need to get the 4th one in). They will replace the rose bushes I gave away last summer. Not a fan of them and they were too fragrant for my allergies. Burning Bushes will require no work and that appeals! And they are so pretty in the fall.

    Time to get back to the NCAA basketball tournament. Gonzaga's my team!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    Hi Ladies,

    My usual time lately, here I am.

    Pegg we have an Applebee's here, I didn't know it was a chain--we used to go there after we went to the show and always liked their food--glad u had a good weekend.

    Oh NM u missed the fair? I'm s sorry, I knew u'd be to busy, but hoped u had time. Well at least u got some good relaxing in with Sadie, glad about that.

    Lori I lubs the pic. of Dara, looks just like she does, her favorite pose--well for different reasons. The pic. of u'r mom , she still looks good and wears a hat well. Believe me I know about that, U'r kids are adorable, oh I can't wait for next Thursday for u. If u have a min. just share some pics with us.If u can. U know I love happy.

    SusyQ sounds like u had a good time and u'r DH too, always like to hear that.

    Jazzy I wonder how u can finish any book, u'r always so busy. Damn u'r good. U've always been so interesting with all u fit in u'r schedule, u know so well how to do so much. I'm sure u plan, but u know how to follow thru. I mean I can plan 5 things to do in one whole day and if I do one, I brag like crazy. Then it's 1/2 assed.

    Hsant <<<HUGS>>> for all u do and go thru every day. Amazing.

    Spring u say?????? Well our celebration is starting with severe thunderstorms, which I'm in right now. I like rain, but I don't like noise or light with it. Really scares me nowadays.

    OK here's the pardon my expression, scoop, I had my D this weekend, it has stopped for now, so I'll call the dentis in the morning and see what can be done and when. I don't know if my pain meds are helping my D some--maybe. I used to take one in the morning and maybe one during the day and one in the evening--but now I take 2 every about 4-5 hours so it might be helping, I have to see. I just started taking that many not to long ago. Not that I like taking that many, but I don't care, when it says if needed I take advantage of that. My Dr. asked me to try and keep it not more than 10 a day. It woke me up so I just took 2, but to me I need them. I feel like the lady who works with a magician and I'm standing with all the balloons around me and when he gets to the bottom half, he misses the balloons and hits my body. So is 2 enough 3 to many? Aha. like prunes, everyone is different in how many u can eat, I love prunes but forgetaboutit.

    OOOHHH this storm is horrible, Sandy are u getting this or does something else happen by u? I know as close as we live (kinda) we do get different weather a bit. Plus I think it's much more open here so wind is not good, over the past couple of years we've lost trees, and they were so neighboring to everyone. This rolling thunder sounds like my stomach but in 3-d--oh u all know what I mean. No one woke up, I remember when I slept that way. Oh well.

    DARA, DARA, DARA---are u gettin any relief yet? Oh to have headaches like that is horrendous. How could the botox take so long to work. Hmmm now winkles ??? It's like a tootsie roll pop--2 in 1. NIICE

    OK I've said enough of nothing much, so I'll close.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited March 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday!Here's to the start of a new week and another opportunity to do good works and generally behelpful to the world.We'll see how it goes. Happy First Day of SPRING!I'm on call tonight so have to be back in phone range by 5 peeyem, so will see how the day goes with that little detail.

    Jazzy--some docs do try to take over all the care of a person, would be ok if they are trained and have the back up necessary.Does your BS do Pap tests?I bet she doesn't.Can't do complete care if she doesn't do a basic procedure necessary for the vast majority of the patient population.

    Mema--Glad the P drink set up was so popular!Bet it was a good time.

    Peggy--I bet the burning bushes will be gorgeous!And now work, even better!

    Cammy--I didn't miss the fair so much as decided at the last minute not to go. I drive so much during the week that getting into the car on weekends is not something I easily do.Sometimes have to force myself to get out of the house on weekends. I can see where severe T storms could be nerve-wracking.I'd be wondering if the storm was hiding a tornado, and probably be a total wreck!

    Princess Leia's DOTD:

    Monday Blues Cocktail

    The Monday Blues Cocktail

    + 1 oz (30ml) Pina Colada

    + 1 oz (30ml) Vodka

    + 1/2 (15ml) Blue Curaçao

    + 2 oz (60ml) Pineapple Juice

    + 1 cup of ice

    + Combine all ingredients and blend

    + Garnish: Blue Sugar Rim

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2017

    NM, all work and no play, that is you girl. You need to stop and enjoy life a little bit, and learn to say NO. What did you make with the ground lamb? Never even knew there was such a thing.

    LOL LDB, glad the "pee" drink went over well. You moosta been floating down the street with all that liquid you were drinking in between libations!

    Peggy, glad you had a nice lunch. Roses too fragrant, wow.

    Cami, my DD comes this Thursday and she always has her iPad, so I'm sure she will post pictures and tag me in them. Provided we have internet service where we go. If the script says "as needed" then it's as needed! As for the prunes, I'm with you…forgetaboutit!

    Need to hit the shower and get orders packed, since hubby is not home. Suppose to be home tomorrow night. Tammy is telling him they can leave tomorrow and drive to Lake Havasu andspend the night at her friends and come home Wednesday. He said HELL NO. I'm going home Tuesday! But he didn't drive!

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited March 2017

    Hello ladies. My dad isn't doing well. Hospice is useless. I left a message for his nurse 1.5 hours ago, and still nothing. The on call nurse during the evening is super nice, but really couldn't offer anything that I had not done already to keep him comfortable. That's the problem. He's uncomfortable the majority of time. I need to know if I should up his morphine, but I need to talk to the nurse or his doctor before I do this. His doc. Will be available in a couple of hours. Sorry....needed to vent.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2017

    Heidi, so sorry to hear about your dad. Too bad you couldn't have NM as your hospice nurse. Hey....she's on call tonight!!!! Huggles my friend.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited March 2017

    Hsant- I am sorry to hear about things are not good with your dad. I hope you can get some help from Hospice and help him to be comfortable. I hope they can do something to adjust his meds.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2017

    Good afternoon and happy first day of Spring girls!

    Hsant, so very sorry to hear your Dad is not doing well. Praying that you can get him the help he needs to feel comfortable. Don't forget to take care of yourself, eat and sleep when you can. Sending lots of prayers and hugs to you. Pls keep us posted.

    Just caught up reading, gonna try to get a nap now then write more later. The ole head is not good today. Took excedrin migraine today, not much relief and now have to wait until 5 pee em to take sumting else. ughhhhhh!

    Have a good week goils, until next time, smile and be happy. And don't forget to tell the ones you love that you love them! With that said, love you ALL!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2017


    Image result for prayer for comfort for a friend

    Image result for prayer for comfort for a friend

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2017

    Heidi, sorry about your dad and hope his care team responds to your calls. Cami, we sure did get that storm last night! I sleep wearing earplugs (a habit I picked up when Bob started snoring but now it really helps even when I’m sleeping alone in a hotel). The thunder was so loud it sounded and felt like a bomb went off, and the earplugs helped only a little bit. No damage, thank goodness.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited March 2017

    Good afternoon friends- been a busy Monday and finally just settled back in to home for awhile.I was out early for some car service, as well as a few errands to places like Walgreens and Sams Club. Back home to have a chit chat with my accountant on some final decisions I needed to make to complete the 2016 tax work together. Then off to yoga class. Back home to do some more biz things and home things. It is another warm day here (shut up about your weather jazzy.....)

    Dara dear- sorry about your head hurting. You got that pesky appeal resolved, maybe the headache issues next?

    Cami- sorry to hear the D was being a pain this weekend. Yes, Applebee's is everywhere, we have them all over my city but rarely go. I like to eat at the non chain restaurants. We have a lot of good privately owned restaurants here. I am all for supporting small business as I am one....

    NM- When I have a hard week, I totally don't want to leave the house on the weekend. I usually try to make one day car free and just focus on being at home to do whatever I need to do and just have some space from the world. I hope you and Sadie had some nice time together. I know you are working tons right now sister. Hope on call goes okay this evening.

    Goldie- you are getting excited for DD's visit. Love the pic you posted over the weekend!

    Pontiac- I am big gardener so I had to check in to your burning bush shrub you mentioned. A variety of the euonymus family, which I have two of in my yard and that do really well here. Hmm, food for thought as I have an area in the front that needs a replacement where I had a large gopher plant that did well for years but croaked at the end of the year.Just pulled that out of the ground recently and that shrub might be perfect for that spot.

    Also, there is a gardening thread here on BCO if you are interested? It has folks from both northern and southern hemispheres, and we northern types are starting to share more as the spring is getting started!

    Mema- sounds like you had a super good time on St Patty's day!

    Wishing everyone a good start to spring!

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited March 2017

    My dad is suffering. I'm attempting to get some morphine in him...

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2017

    Heidi, prayers for your dad’s comfort and yours as well (you’re in my Mi Sheberach list tonight).

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Hsant praying things are going better for u today, like was said, please keep us informed. <<<HUGS>>>

    NM I totally understand u not wanting to leave and just relax. Although my work was never as tension filled as u'rs I did work overtime in busy times with very unhappy customers and I remember Joey being the only one who could safely stay over, and I didn't even want to be on the phone. I think most of us have been there at sometime. But mine never lasted as long as yours has, that's why I feel so for u. U always take so much worry on for u'r patients, sometimes the best thing is just to relax with Sadie, I get it.

    Lori the real countdown has started. 2 more days Yahoo.

    Jazzy I think it's getting to the time where u will be starting work soon. But this was great to have all this time off. And u really filled u'r time with adventure and fun. And pics for us. LOL

    Oh Dara, those damn headaches, I don't get it at all. U've been doing what u need to and u'r not getting any relief. There has to be something useful for u to take to get the pain corrected a little at least. I feel so bad for u.

    My Doc. emailed me last nite and told me she called the pharmacy to refill the steroids, which helped like crazy before, hope it does the same this time..And Joey was incredible last nite <for me> he made my dinner and sat with me while I ate and then we talked and LOLed a bit for about 2 hrs. He's usually to busy for that long of a time, but I enjoyed our conversation so much. I guess he did too cuz we were together til it was his bedtime. OMG he's still such a character, I hope he doesn't change that much growing up. Who knows.

    OK I will be back later.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    Where's NM? U'd think I was her Mother. sorry Kim --I don't mean to nag u all the time. LOL

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    Image result for vodka recipes easyOK just in case had to put a DOTD up sounds easy and pretty.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2017

    Good morning girls,

    NM, hope your week is going well but like Camille, I worry when I do not see you in de lounge, 'specially in de aye em. Pls report asap. Sending huggtles cuz I tink you need them yep gotta feeling tings not going as you'd like. (((Kim)))))

    Hsant, continued prayers being lifted from NJ for you and your Daddy. I hope you are okay. I see that you popped in then deleted a post, please report in when you are able. (((((Heidi))))

    Cam, so glad that you and Joey had quality time last night. And silly you, his love for you can't possibly change as he grows up except to get stronger! imma gonna come and smack your ass for sayiing such a thing. Don't worry your poor head over that. He is a gem, can't say it enough.

    Peggy, hope your burning bush does well, send please send pics when in bloom. A big hello to Iya!

    Jazzy, hope your gardening is going well, pics please. I remember your patio pics from last year and you did such a great job. I used to be big into working in my yard pre=BC days. I was down for so many years from all of my surgeries then once back to work, worked everyday in summer and no time for it. And now the freaking sun bothers my head. I hope to one day get back to it. I used to say that when I had miy hands in God's dirt, I would feel a major spiritual lift then feel so goooood. Gardening was the best dopamine lift for me, more than dwugs and more then JD!

    Damn it, mese fingers are struggling, both hands, with this keyboard. I've typed so fast for so many years and now I have to hit one key at a time and WATCH my fingers and am STILL effing up. I've been 30 minutes here so far. I wish I knew what I was hitting to send my cursor up several lines or words backwards and in the middle of words, ughhhhhhhhhh!!

    Anywho Hoo Hoo said de owl. ......

    gonna hit de bubmit then come back. ton and sut~~I typed gonna hit de button and submit and see what I got? Iwish I could figure out what mese fingers are up to with this, verrrrry annoying!

    Will be back to finish up..... soon God willing ....

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2017

    Busy day for me yesterday, getting the orders all packed. Need to go out and do the ones that came across over night. Then to town to pick up DH around 1 pm.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited March 2017

    Good morning friends- back in the saddle again and it is also birthday week! March is really birthday season though, I usually get together with friends anytime in March into April. Already had one outing a few weeks ago, one this Friday and some more in April. Most of the times these days, it is less about presents than just connecting with people you don't get to see too often. I decided I am going to Santa Fe on my actual b-day this weekend to do some museum time and spend some time in the "city different" as they call it. I have not been to SF since before Xmas and have my favorite places I like to go.

    This week had a busy start and will continue. Focusing on getting the outstanding things done that need to get done for my 2016 tax filing, contracting activities, and home things that need to get finished up. I swear I could spend all my time working on this house, the garden and yard but have to get things in a good enough place to feel I have addressed the accrued items so everything else is just maintenance. Getting a jump start on the yards while I am off has been a plus with the warmer weather.

    Dara- will share more pics as things get planted. I put a few more pansies in the pots yesterday but my allergies have been BAD since Sunday with the big bloom going on.

    Hsant- thinking of you sister. Keeping you and your dad in my thoughts and prayers right now.

    Cami- NM was on all last night so chances are with her long day yesterday, no time to write yet. I know that is true for me when I have heavy work hours, you don't see me here too much. I bet she will poop in again this week.

    I do feel rested and caught up and ready to get back to work. Getting antsy about it actually, but pushing on this team as I told them I need to get my cash flow going and will do so with them or outside of this thing we are working on. They need me so they did respond last week at the meeting, and going to find out when we will be going to meet with the prospects to close the deals. I have some other irons in the pot, you can never assume anything in these situations.

    ChiSandy- how is the personal training going this week?

    Need to get moving to my day. Wishing you a good Tuesday!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2017

    Jazzy, thanks for the laugh, loved the end of your post.

    I just got off the phone with unemployment and got the answers I have been seeking for over seven months now. I found a contact number on a website after googling concerning my issue with not being able to get through on the phone.

    My phone is charging, gonna finish up some things then "talk to text" the rest of my post via my cellphone as my typing is driving me nugging futs!!!!


  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited March 2017

    To all posting here that are having challenges - healing thoughts, prayers and best wishes. Drinking a few glasses of lovely LaMarca Prosecco tonight to celebrate - Radiation done and no burn!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2017

    So sorry I did not make it back, bad headache and went to sleep. I was awoken by my stewpid mail person on her cell phone talking much too loud next to my bedroom window. I still have more to write but have some things around here that need done and also need to take a shower, it's only been three days, oops! I I need to have a JD n a diet to sailabrate my recent "win" and another to sailabrate Celia....

    Welcome to our lounge Celia, a big congrats on finishing the rads and wooo hooooo for no burn! I remember some of the girls here had it really bad with one having her burnt skin stick to a tshirt and when she removed the shirt, she screamed for a week in pain! great job. cheeRs to ya hon!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited March 2017

    Celia- welcome to our thread. And congrats on finishing rads. I hope you are feeling okay (I know it really can fatigue you) and hope you will be able to begin your recovery from treatment!

    Prosecco is a great way to celebrate! Happy

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited March 2017

    Good morning, Loungettes!Apologies for not getting on this ayem, I did not sleep worth beans last night for fear of not hearing the phone. When I finally did get to sleep, the alarm went off and I snoozed both the main alarm AND the back- alarm through all the max snoozes, and then fell asleep AGAIN!Woke up in time to scramble and get out the door and get to work on time, though.Not too bad a day today at work. Long morning meeting, then I was at a nursing home when one of my patient's daughter was there--she lives out of state, visits regularly, but sometimes we don't connect face-to-face.Did today, though, for over an hour I could sit with her and answer her questions and explain how the dementia is progressing, and why certain things are happening now, and what may come in the future.I got to give her an ear as she talked about how hard it is to watch the decline, and how hard staying on top of care from out of state is, and how she feels guilty about going to her son's destination wedding on a remote Bahamian Island with limited outside world connectivity.We figured out a way to maintain contact if something happens, and talked over some of the things that might happen and how she wants them handled, and generally was able to get her to a place where I think she will be able to enjoy the wedding and the time away.I felt like I really made a difference today.This is what I got into nursing for!

    Goldie--I made Shepherds Pie, sort of.Used the ground lamb rather than mutton, since it's almost impossible to get mutton around here, but ground lamb is available from local farms.They make it from the parts of the lamb left over after lamb chops, leg of lamb and lamb ribs are butchered out.If not ground those cuts would be very small and not very easy to work with, but ground together you get a meat that tastes like lamb but you can use likehamburger.I love it!I browned the lamb , added in sautéed onion and garlic, added in cut up tomato, a (big) splash of red wine, some merlot salt, a bit of dried thyme and just a pinch of dried oregano, and simmered it while I steamed carrot chips and boiled potato.The meat was kind of thick so I tossed in some of the potato water and a bit of flour, let it simmer and thicken while I mashed the potato with butter and grated cheddar cheese.Pour the meat into the bottom of a casserole, pour the carrots on top of the meat, spread the potato over the top, sprinkle with a little more cheddar, bake until the potato is browned on top and it's all bubbly.So very yummy.Had some for dinner last night and more tonight.Got one more serving left.

    Hsant--call and talk to someone in management at the hospice. An hour and a half is to long to wait for a call back, something is wrong.Either the nurse isn't working and the call needs to go to someone else or the nurse needs to get her head out of her ash and call you back.Or pm me about the uncomfortableness and what medications he's taking and I'll tell you what the hospice nurse should be doing, so you can call and ask for specifics.Not fair to your Dad. Or you.

    Dara--wonderful prayers.I said them for you, too.I cannot imagine having migraines like you do.

    Chi--thunder loud enough to sound like a bomb through ear plugs?YIKES!

    Jazzy--call went just fine, no calls!Not much sleep, either, but no calls!

    Cammy--Some weekends my only connection with the outside world is this thread and facebook.And some weekends I like it that way!Joey sound so incredible, still.I, too, pray he never changes.

    Love the Ciroc Chic! Looks fabulous!

    Dara--full report on my ayem is above, my apologies, I didn't get a chance to stop for lunch so I didn't get a chance to poop on quickly during the day.Just plain overslept!

    Goldie--don't work too hard!

    Jazzy--sorry the allergens are getting to you. I'll be dealing with that soon enough. Also glad you are getting a head with the yards and gardens.

    CeliaC--Hooray for rads done and no burn!!!!!Let the celebration begin!

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338
    edited March 2017

    Hsant, my warm thoughts going your way.

    Jazzy, I am absolutely not a gardener. Never been my thing (and me growing up in the family floral business - I an am equal opportunity flower killer). This is the one in the front yard the previous owners put in. I loved it last fall.



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2017

    Mazel tov, Celia! We’re celebrating, too: Bob was just dismissed out of a malpractice suit, so we opened a bottle of 2007 Mumm Santana Supernatural Brut. (Had some chevre, brie & strawberries with it for dessert). Had my second training session today—we concentrated on stretching the hamstrings & gastrocs and strengthening my core. I asked about the elliptical, but my trainer isn’t a fan of it, since in order to get the best workout you need to stand fully erect without shifting your weight—which most people do. He thinks I should use the bikes (upright or recumbent), treadmill & Stairmaster. (The latter’s steps are pretty tall and I’m not sure my knees can take it, so he says to climb actual stairs as much as I can). I’ve lost 5 lbs. in the past week & a half—5 more and I can go to my PCP without embarrassment.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited March 2017

    Hi ladies. Well, my dad passed away early yesterday morning. i miss him so much. It's weird not having him here. I just want to give him one last hug. Ahh....what can I do? Such is life. However, I know he's with my mom and my sister.

    Thank you all for your kind words and prayers. I love you gals!!!