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how about drinking?



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited April 2017

    Good afternoon friends- been having a lazy day here on this rainy saturday. We had a big storm move in to New Mexico late yesterday and bringing soaking rains to my part of town and also snow to the surrounding area. We are behind on moisture with the warmer and drier winter, but that often means the moisture comes later in March and April. Feels like a bit of winter has returned and fleece weather this weekend. Hard to believe a week or so ago, we were in the 80s. Highs today are low 40s. That being said, moisture is always good! I also heard from friends and family back east and also sisters here on BCO that the northeast is getting snow so I am thinking of NM and others here who may be getting another dose of the white stuff.

    I am having a lazy day today, ha ha, when do you ever hear me say that? Went to breakfast with an old friend and had a good time, great food and left to come home and spend time reading today. Feels good to just have a slow day. You know jazzy keeps moving a lot most of the time.

    NM- I am sorry to hear about your asthma and ending up needing care. Sometimes what bothers me most about the healthcare industry in the US is the way there is not enough care within the jobs for those delivering the care. I have seen it a lot in my work too with people being overworked. And clients also trying to make me their slave. I hope you are able to rest and feel better this weekend. Sadie snuggles to help you on through. Hugs sister.

    Dara- did you fess up yet that you are a total April prankster? If you really won, then you can send the check to......

    Pontiac- I think it is interesting you have frogs where you live without a water source. Maybe toads? I have discovered toad in both my front and back yard in the past. Found one last spring hanging out under an outdoor spigot. Sort of surprising in a dry area, but think there are varieties of these things that don't live near water? I lived in Puerto Rico at one point and the frogs there (coquille) would lure you to sleep with their songs.

    Cami- it sounds like DD and Joey are ready to come home. Always nice to go away and equally nice to come home. I bet they arrive today to settle in before Mr. Joey goes back to school. You will have lots to talk about when he gets home. I am sure he misses you bunches!

    Celia- how are you doing this weekend? Are you able to get some rest post rads?

    ChiSandy, Genny, Mema, Hsant, and everyone else, be well friends!

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited April 2017

    Hello, all. Having a restful weekend - but really want a dwink. May have to resort to the ever faithful Chambord, but in my cafe mocha. Otherwise, I would just nod off & not enjoy the minor buzz. Feeling better today since no work.

    NM - Hope your recuperation from that nasty asthma is coming along.

    Dara - Ok, if you won the lotto, does that mean you will be paying for the tropical trip? (ha, ha, ha) Thinking of rum drinks on the beach, looking out into the lovely blue ocean!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited April 2017

    Good afternoon, Loungettes. I need you help and prayers. First, the asthma is calming down with the steroid, nebulizer, and xanax , I've even been able to get some sleep in between coughing jags. What I really need help with is my decision to have a talk with the office director. I love this job, but I feel like I have to choose between staying here and getting stretched further and further until I die from stress induced asthma or falling asleep behind the wheel between visits which almost happened twice last week. This current asthma attack is totally stress related, not triggered by an infection.

    I need to write down the list that's running through my head of changes that have been made that are adding to the workload to take with me. It's probably going to be an epic meltdown meeting, but it has to have a different ending--not a temporary "we hear you, we'll change this or that just as soon as x or y happens, just hold one on a little longer" line that I get when I have talked with the Clinical Managers.

    That has proven unreliable. So this talk will be with the Director, alone.

    So here's what's come to my mind for my list, please remind me of anything I've complained about before or that you've noticed that I've not mentioned, or anything thing anything else I should include.

    Having me take over an entire county, doubling the driving distance,

    At tree he same time time adding a facility in another county, with the promise that there would be no further extension into that county

    New patient admitted 10miles north of that facility in the new county

    CM1 promises help whenever asked. 2 weeks ago on We'd I had a full day in the new county (77 miles from the office) was assigned an admission (I was given 3 different towns the person lived in and had to figure it out myself when where she lived) did a late day admission in a snow storm. No help available that day, except to move a couple of those visits to the next day which would overload the next day even without accounting for the time needed to finish the admission. Th next day I'm working on getting the admission paperwork done I get told by CM 2 that I need to spread out the 15 day supervisory visits. This will require making extra visits to patients by me at time as when CM 1 wants me available for admissions.

    CM2 is saying that nurses aren't being efficient because visits are being started before 9 -10am. I can't drive from the office to where my patients live. No mention made about seeing patients after 5 several times a week.

    I was given a new, per diem nurse to finish her orientation and help manage the doubled territory. I have had no time to work with her on orientation, except for 1hour to teach her the recertification process and I failed her by missing one key step, ending up with her being embarrassed during a major meeting. Also, being per diem, she is in control of what days and hours she works and being paid hourly she has to get permission to work more than 40 hours a week. . Her husband is not pleased with this amount of work she has to do at home and the lack of orientation she's getting and pressuring her to look for a different job.

    I was also given an LPN to help. She as also has a family and has limitations on what she can do. This last week she could only see "local" patients, meaning patients near the office, meaning she could see only 3 of the team's patients. Additionally, CM1 regularly adds visits to the LPN schedule in other nurse's territories so they can get to their kids events or have some time to work on admissions or whatever, since those areas are closer to the office the LPN can do a couple of team visits the fill up her day with some other visits and still get done in 8 hours.

    Then there are the notes that have to be written on every patient every other week, and which there is almost no time to do except on weekends. I have bee forced to set aside from 2to6 hours every other weekend, thinking that at least there was a record of the time spent, but I found out recently that the system does not record the time spent writing those notes.

    Then there's all the time I'm out of cell phone range and no one backing me up on all the calls coming through. There's already been one incident when a patient's family called in the morning asking for a visit, I didn't get the message until after office hours, didn't see the patient instil the next day. Patient had a big change, put him on daily visits and he died the next morning. After the family went a whole day without a response from me (or the agency) when it was probably most important.

    Well. That's what I've got for a start. Any additions welcome, as is any advice and all prayers.

  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited April 2017

    Dara: April-Fools dreaming of taking the "how about drinking" board in its entirety on the vacation of our dreams. i'll take Italy and France. thankyouverymuch. Four Seasons hotels/resorts the entire way, of course.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited April 2017

    NM- I sent you a PM. I have been through a similar situation and sent you some suggestions. Take care of you sister!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    Oh Kim, u write beautifully, everything u said is perfect and it's all true. Jazzy I'm so glad u popped in for NM, especially since u've been thru a lot of this stuff, maybe in a different way tho. Kim I can be of no help, first my memory is shot and second I'm used to talking to crazy men, so my vocabulary is not what u want involved. This is to important for u and I think a lot of the gals can really help u, cuz we know what type of nurse u are and all u give to every day u work. But I would like to suggest u take Monday off too, cuz u do tend to go back to early and u don't need that now. After u figure out what to say, please rest, I mean really rest u'r mind, or u will keep u'rself in a constant state of all that's going on. I know u will have u'r say, but now it's u'r time--PLEASE.

    Jazzy u'r so thoughtful, I knew u would help NM oh and u rest, yea right, tell me tomorrow or later exactly what u did today and I'll be the judge of that.

    DARA, DARA, DARA-----am I the only one who believed her?????????????? I was so excited for her and her family, as I said before Dara usomeinabitch. U did it to me again. First I wasn't thinking about the FOOL that I am cuz I forgot the date anyway.U goofyball.

    Jazzy my kids will be home Monday nite and what a homecoming they'll get. Marty got fired last Friday, in fact everyone got fired, they sold the company and let everyone go at one time. No one knew. He didn't want to tell Leslie before she left cuz he didn't want to ruin her vacation, but he told me and it took me everything not to say I told u so. He's been out looking and asked <emailed> workman's comp. about unemployment since they officially closed the business <we don' know>. U can't call them like u used to, it's all emailing now-Jeez but if no one answers there should be a number--I have to check it out. Hell I only wrote to this President one time so I have more coming and I'm sure I'm not on his list yet, maybe. My other DD will kill me if she gets another phone call. They'll turn off my puter--haha but I have a computer nut on my side--this time. They threaten a lot, but they never do anything---but I bet I can't get a passport.

    Dara, I'm still mad at u---LOL

    U know what's great about having a horrible memory, I can watch the same movie like 3x's and then I start thinking maybe I saw this. My DD notices what I record, she members but I guess I don't.

    My pain is so bad, I think I'll finally ask for a script for pot. but the food kind. Of course my oldest DD knows where the thing is, I have no idea--but I figure it can't hoit. I don't even know if it will help. I do notice I smoke more tho, I can only be in like one position and it's sitting up at the end of the loveseat, with my feet on the floor. so here I am, most of the day trying not to move so I smoke more. Dammit--no one judge me about this now.

    OK for now. Kim take care of u'r self.

    Hi everybody, wish u all well.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2017

    Shoot…it’s after midnight. Apr. 2 already. Guess BCO’s "Swimsuit Edition” will have to wait till next year...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    Damn Sandy, I had the right swimsuit this year.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    Image result for silly swimsuits

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    Image result for pictures and recipes for mixed alcoholic drinksDOTD, rest Kim.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Sunday--Funday--April Fool is done, Thank you very much Dara.

    Hoping u'r feeling a little bit better Kim, keep on resting and listen to Jazzy and whoever can help u. AND RELAX.

    Jazzy don't forget to tell us what u did yesterday.

    LOGO <the channel> is putting more "old" shows on now, so during the nite there's more for me to watch, I forgot about some of them. I have no idea what cable network carries this channel but for what it's worth when u can't sleep, it's better than nothing. Only since they're so old, it's like u never saw them to begin with. I don't know how I did it when I think about it. Those days I worked 2 jobs, watched TV and was out with my family a lot. Jeez I guess I did have energy once. Oh well.

    It's getting light now, but supposed to rain, with big rain tomorrow, Now it's officially April Showers--OMG my sister and Marty's birthday is April 10th, I just remembered--Chit my sister was easier to shop for when she worked, jewelry was a big thing for her, now it's leisure wear--she sometimes doesn't even get out of her robe, so I have to search for different things.

    I was busy yesterday for work, with a couple of RIGHT NOW jobs and Dan managed to get everything done, with phone calls back and forth. He worked til about 10PM, a couple of men are on vacation, so he plugged along with just 2 guys. He's so funny when he has a bad day he calls me and vents out so he gets it over with before he goes home. I'm fine with that, that's why when we talk it's for a long time. I tell him don't go home to u'r pregnant wife and child all frustrated--he's really funny tho.

    Again a whole post about NOTHING.

    OK check in latah.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited April 2017

    Good morning friends- the rain has come and gone and skies began clearing last night. So much good moisture yesterday, more coming on Tuesday! The thirsty desert loves it! Got some outdoor work to do this morning, then heading to the pool later.

    I have not been sleeping well for the past month, which sometimes happens for any number of reasons. I go through these insomnia cycles that I think can be related to the AIs, and/or life in general. March was a stressful month in some respects and think it took it's toll on my sleep cycles. Since I have taken my foot off the accelerator on the collaboration work and am focusing elsewhere for my work for now, I think it is helping. As a business owner, you have to know when to push to close on something, and when to back off when something is clearly not happening yet. I realized it was time to just shift gears for my overall well being and think it has helped my sleep. Yay for better rest and sleeping through the night!

    NM- I agree with Cami you should at least take tomorrow off to have more time to get better. Maybe Tuesday too. Get yourself stabilized friend. I hope you are feeling better as the weekend goes on. Let us know how you are doing? Glad you have Miss Sadie for comfort.

    Cami- ha ha, you don't believe I slowed down! So okay, what I did yesterday was to meet a friend for breakfast, then came home to spend time on the couch watching HBO movies and reading my book (getting through this one faster.) I also made some roasted chicken with potatoes, yum! I wanted to take a walk as the skies cleared but got dinner going too late to squeeze that in.

    Wow, so DD's husband lost his job before they went away? If they closed up shop, he may be able to collect unemployment. No surprise that the owners are not answering, selling and dumping everyone with no word is pretty sleezy. He should call the state unemployment dept and tell them the situation and get their input on how to file in this situation. He may need to go down and bring pay stubs, etc. to verify his employment there and weekly wages. I am sure the state has seen this before and can advise him. But how stressful for your family. That was good of him to not ruin the vacation, but know it will be hard for them to come home to that news. I hope DD and Joey arrive home tomorrow with ease and you have a good visit hearing about all they did. I know you are missing them!

    And sorry about your pain. Is it legal in your state now or you need a medical card? Do it girlfriend, I know many cancer patients that it has helped. You can do the non smoking kind now too, that I like.

    Dara- so are you off spending that big lottery ticket?

    Goldie- hoping that you had a final last visit with your DD. Are you feeling okay?

    Hsant- hoping you are taking care of yourself during this difficult time. Hugs sister. Thinking of you.

    Celia- good to hear you are feeling better. So hard to work through and after this stuff, I did too, at least the rads part (I was off contract during the dx and surgery). I was tired for awhile after everything so just pace yourself. Takes longer to feel better than you realize. Others around you sometimes think you will bounce right back but it does not work that way. Keeping take it one day at a time.

    Mema, Genny, Pontiac, Queen, and all the rest, time to get to the yoga mat and wishing all to have a lovely Sunday all!

  • jenco60
    jenco60 Member Posts: 7
    edited April 2017

    I would suggest you live your life. Alcohol attacks the immune system. If you are going to have a drink, you must hydrate before and after. Don't over do it. Your immune system may never be as strong as it was. I had a Pina Colada one night with a shot of rum on top. I was down for a day until I rehydrated.

    I have decided to avoid alcohol and avoid sugar!!

    Best wishes.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2017

    Good Morning DahhhLinKs!

    It's SundayFunday! I hope you all can take time today to rest and relax.

    Still no word on my disability. Will call again on Tues as Mondays I can never get thru.

    Jazz - am glad you took ur foot off the accelerator, and that you finally had a more restful night. (((Hugz))) LOLLLLL, love the post of the angry bunny.

    NM - I think ur list is pretty much complete, I can't think of anything to add. When do you see the director, is it tomorrow? Da sooner da bettah, praying for you sister!

    Cami - I love those 'old' shows, I've even been watching old western series. Good luck shopping for your sister and Marty. Please please look into the medical marijuana. I am sure it has helped me. I don't smoke it but every once in awhile. I mostly take Rick Simpson Oil (I just put a rice size amount in my mouth. It takes nasty but goes away soon. And I take CBD Tincture, comes in a bottle with a dropper. I put one squeeze under my tongue. (((HUGZ)))

    Celia - so nice to hear u are feeling better, wish u didn't have to work tho.

    Hi Peg, Queenmom, Sandy & Jen.


  • Chicka1806
    Chicka1806 Member Posts: 2
    edited April 2017

    I was under the impression that you couldn't drink why under treatment. Did I go through all this sober for nothing? If so I am going to start catching up!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited April 2017

    Chicka- welcome to our thread. You may find here we talk about drinking more than some of us do it. Everyone here is different about this. You should discuss whether drinking or not is recommended for your particular situation now and after treatment with your MO.

    I did not drink during treatment because of pain medications and was told by my MO to not overdue it on the cocktails when I was past treatment (suggested a couple a week at the most) when I did resume. I pretty much have a couple of glasses a wine on occasion, usually during business dinners. I have blood sugar issues so too much works against that. I still have challenges with people in my life (family and friends) who drink a lot and have a problem with me not doing alcoholo. We never know how people will react to the changes in our lives.

    Jen- welcome to our thread too. Sounds like you are not drinking at all anymore, which I respect too. Many women here on BCO do not drink anymore.

    Mema- I hope you can get some answers on the disability.

    No one has heard from Genny?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    OK Jazzy, u still did more yesterday than I did, but u also did less than u usually do, Got it?????

    SusyQ how long has it all been now??? I thought u were OK'd, am I confused--OK again. See in my mind u were waiting for back pay. Splain, Susy.

    Chica welcome, personally I rarely drink, but before I started with this thread, I would be lurking and reading and just enjoyed the whole people thing and now I'm so glad I'm here. Not only have I gotten close to so many, I enjoy so much from them. They are wonderful women and I LOLed at how u entered. Haha I did know lots of people on chemo that did still drink and the nurses would say "could u please hold off a day" they wouldn't, They did go thru it at a much quicker time than I did, so IDK, but if u feel comfortable here, just join in and u will feel better in no time. And we do have a <drink of the day> DOTD.

    Hi Jen, it's nice meeting u. hope u can come back, as I said this is a great group, if u drink or not.

    OK I "judged" Jazzy, LOL and I will admit we don't judge, but u know I had to,

    NM I hope u'r feeling better, I'm sure u'r not working tomorrow--u need lots of Sadie time.

    I'll check back.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    SusyQ I have to write down exactly what u wrote so I know what to ask about, Thank you, I'm really ready to try this now I'm sure she won't do anything til I get my MRI, this week, but I'll know what to ask for anyway. I always think I'll be the only one that ever asked about it, why does that bother me LOL--Nothing else does. Oh and I still enjoy Maverick, Wild Wild West and a few others.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited April 2017

    Cami- ha ha, you crack me up. You sounded busier than me yesterday with work?

    My challenge around the drinking thing is with old friends who drink WAY more than I do and are not used to me being more on the wagon-ish. I will admit I used to par-tay more than I do these days, but that was tapering off through the years anyways. I remember in my early 40's, hard liquor really made me feel awful so all I would drink is wine (and still do mostly). But you know I like my occasional martini or margarita, right? Most of these folks don't know about my bc or other health issues, I just don't go there with that subject with most people these days. I just enjoy what I want and then switch to mineral water (or leave) if the drinking is going to go on too long. I find I also don't care to be around drunk people anymore either. I must be getting OLD! LOL!

    Meanwhile, jazzy is revamping her fitness program. I joined a women's cycling group via Meet Up and going to try to get to an event soon. I also joined the city pool near me today and did my first lap swim today. I SO love this pool and was able to get a senior rate upon going back (it starts at 55). Sixty bucks for the whole year and they have lap swim hours three times a day Mon-Fri, and for four hours each sat and sun. Way more than they used to have.

    Cami- you asked if I am a fast swimmer and I do about a lap a min, which is not super fast. But I have stamina and when I used to swim there, I was up to 70 laps which was a mile! Today I did 30 but thought about doing the 70 and decided I will work my way up and see where I land. I plan to start swimming three times a week again. I love swimming and have been able to get super fit in the past with swimming.

    NM- I have not seen you here today and hope that means you are resting and taking care of yourself.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338
    edited April 2017

    Cami, I'm sure not judging you. I hope the MJ helps. Give it a try!

    I drink my one glass of wine with dinner most nights and that's it. I didn't have chemo so never felt the need to stop my nightly ritual. I think each of us has to decide what's right for us. BTW, if I have 2 glasses of wine - I am on the floor. I have a very low tolerance for alcohol :)

    NM, It sounds like you need to set limits on your job description which defies all logic. You cannot continue stressing out over a job that is impossible for one person or even 2. Your body is telling you this. Please listen to it and see if you are able to make changes or change jobs (both are such scary options).

    Jazzy, happy drinking!

    Sandy, what's on for tonight.

    To everyone, have a nice evening!


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2017

    Many here drink vicariously. Others have had to cut way back for various reasons. And still others continue to indulge freely—whether to celebrate, reduce stress, because they like the taste or want a buzz. Me, I'm an oenophile (a wino with a credit card). Wine (especially in relation to food and fine dining) has been a passion of mine since I graduated from law school and went to my first real tastings. (Day trips in college up the Hudson to Brotherhood Winery and later to the Napa Valley—we lived in Seattle and the drive down the Pacific Coast was a favorite vacation--in the summers between years in law school were more for the tourism than the wine). But one thing I never did was drink for the buzz. On the rare occasions when I did get tipsy, I hated the feeling—I am a control freak and detest even uncertainty. I never really enjoyed smoking pot and was almost relieved to have developed asthma—it gave me an excuse to refrain without sounding uncool or judgmental.

    I didn't drink every day, and if I did it was no more than a glass or two with dinner—the rare exceptions being wine-pairing dinners when there was a glass per course, and I rarely finished any of those glasses. As for tastings, I learned long ago that there was no dishonor in pouring out the contents of one's glass, nor even in spitting. (It's about the only way to be able to tell one wine from another over the course of a tasting: I've spat out some of the finest wines at some of the most prestigious wineries in the US and Europe—except for Chateau d'Yquem, where three of us, including the winemaker, split a half-bottle as we toured the grounds. I may be eccentric but I'm neither crazy nor rude). Before I got my diagnosis, I felt free to have a glass or two when the food was appropriate, and none at all when it wasn't. I averaged about 7-10 glasses (6-8 oz.) per week. I have amassed a considerable collection of wines (almost all different ones) in my basement.

    But having been diagnosed with an ER+ bc, I was told by my surgeon that up to 3 five-oz. glasses a week were okay. My MO said two. My shrink said eventually the consensus would be that for ER+ bc, no amount of alcohol would be considered truly safe (but then said there was no reason to give up my pleasures). My surgeon's NP said “moderation in all things." My PCP, a fellow Pinot Noir enthusiast (who grew up in Sonoma), said a glass of red wine a day was heart-healthy. I mentioned my ER+ diagnosis, and he said instead of three 5-oz. glasses a week, five 3-oz. glasses was a good way to split the difference.

    My solution was to buy a device called a Coravin. It pierces the foil and cork of the bottle (no need to open the bottle), dispenses an ounce or two at a time, and shoots argon gas into the bottle, preserving its contents indefinitely. (It's been in existence three years, and no reviewers have ever encountered a bottle treated with it that ever went bad. I made a bottle of Pinot Noir last over a year, with the last couple of ounces tasting as good as the first). For the first time I am able to taste the best wines in my collection without worrying that I'd have to finish them within a couple of days or a week—or worse, that my best bottles would have to outlive me without being at least tasted. And if I am cooking something that pairs beautifully with a wine, I can have an ounce or two a day and stay under my weekly limit. Because I consider wine a food, more often than not I won't imbibe. (I don't drink beer other than non-alcoholic—and maybe a couple of bottles of that a year at that; and I have not had hard alcohol since my diagnosis). At wine pairing dinners, I ask them to pour me no more than an ounce or two per course, and when I’m done with a dish I’m done with that wine—Bob gets my leftovers.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2017

    Let me clear something up here, without referring to any individual here (all are welcome): sometimes the title of a particular thread can be misinterpreted. “How About Drinking?" is a case in point.

    This thread (and, apparently, its predecessor—long-timers, please clue me in here) was not started as a request for medical advice about the advisability or even safety of consuming alcohol while a breast cancer survivor—whether in active or maintenance treatment, having finished treatment, or having progressed to Stage IV. Its purpose was and continues to be a lighthearted “Whatcha Drinkin'?" thread, the liquid equivalent of the “What's for Dinner?" thread, as well as general discussions of things—cancer-and non-cancer, medical and non-medical—happening in our lives. Stick around and you will see that while most of the potables discussed here are, in the words of Jeopardy's writers, “potent," not all of them are. You will see “DOTD" (“Drink of the Day") posts—various creative cocktails. They are not instructions, nor even suggestions, as to what we should all be drinking that day. Some of us list our own “DOTD," or the beverage other than water or black coffee or tea, that we have featured in our own meals or schedules that day—you'll see me posting as often as not about cappuccinos, chocolate egg creams and DIY flavored seltzer water.

    We don't preach, lecture or judge on BCO. For someone new to these boards, when posting on a particular thread for the first time, it would be wise to read the original post in the thread—so as not to take the title of the thread to mean something other than its original intent. And though many, many threads might sound interesting and even in the pertinent forum, the fact that the “unread posts" counts listed may be in the hundreds or even thousands can seem quite daunting. Who the heck has that much time on her hands? But reading the most recent two or three pages might avoid misinterpreting the thread's intent and certainly prevent hard feelings and embarrassment.

    To quote Jackson Browne & the late Glenn Frey of the Eagles (who co-wrote “Take it Easy"): “Lighten up…while you still can." After all, isn't that why we're on the Humor and Games forum?

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2017

    As to what I’m drinking, a mini-flute (3 oz) of the last of the Mumm Napa Santana Supernatural Brut in the fridge, to go with some terrific whitefish.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2017

    It's past my bedtime..but wanted to chime in about the drinking. I was told by my PS to limit my drinking to 1 glass of wine a day. Well I can't drink wine, too much GIRD afterwards. So I have continued with my pre-dx habits. I have 2 or 3, usually 3 drinks every day. Then I take my RSO and cbd tincture, my night pills which include melatonin. Oh, and I still smoke Carlton cigs...I kno none of u will judge me, so I don't mind sharing that info. I am still NED (no evidence of new disease) and will partay hard on my cancerversary on the 20th. I may even have a shot of Beefeaters gin, which I hate, but it was my moms favorite and the 20th is the 6th anniversary of her passing. Twas an unbelievable day. Anyway, I truly believe that most of my health issues have improved with the medical marijuana. But that is me...we all have to find out own way...May God bless you all and bring you positive energy.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited April 2017

    Chi- your point is a good one about the intent of this thread. Thanks for sharing that.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    See why I lubs this thread,we can really be totally ourselves. Every one of us. And this is how we met--Still unbelievable to me----total strangers a few years ago and now everything we want to and need to say, like we know each other for years. And it's such a nice feeling.

    SusyQ did u mean u'r mom passed away on u'r cancerversary or when u were DX??? Wow I'm thankful that my parents lived to an older age and they never saw what we went thru, my sister didn't have chemo, they chose to treat her differently, but my parents would have cried every day for us. So this way I got to pray to them. And we all know my dad's reason for living til 96 wine every single day. Never missed hehehe. When he was really sick in a hospital, after he was better we'd smuggle it in. Oh parents, when I was a teenager I saw them as my enemy, as an adult I saw them as my own cheerleaders and they never let me down. I do miss them even now.

    OK no NM today, so very unusual, I hope she's just resting and that's it. She must really be sick, she usually checks in sometime. KIM where are u???

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    Image result for recipes for whiskey drinksDOTD sounds like a nice breakfast drink--Holy Chit

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2017

    here to cornfess nothing uhhhh sumting! ... mese was making a funny!

    Image result for april fools

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    Confess--Shamess, u r a silly-willy, Missy.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited April 2017

    Good morning friends- another good night of sleep, ahh. Got some business things to do today, along with a few other apts to get going. I am feeling better about a lot of things, more focused on things I need to do vs. the I cannot control. Jazzy is getting her groove back.

    Weather sounds like it will be good today, rainy tomorrow so need to address a few outdoor things before more weather comes again! These rounds of rain are a good thing. The trees are all almost out now!

    Mema- thinking of you this month during the anniversary of your mom's passing. My mom passed five years ago last month. My sister and I both got a bc dx within six months of our mom's passing. We are so grateful it happened after vs. before, because she depended on us for everything. My sister was primary, I was back up. But more than that, it would have broken her heart. Hope you can enjoy a cocktail in her memory.

    Cami- I wonder if that drink really tastes like french toast? And Leslie and Joey come home today, yay!

    I sent NM a couple of PMs over the weekend and no response yet. Worried about her too. I am sure we will hear from her when she is feeling better and through this crisis. We are here NM if you want to talk some more!

    Chi- I am like you, a great wine lover. I am already eyeing the wine list at Ruth Chris Steakhouse for tomorrow night.

    Genny, Hsant, Pontiac, Dara, and everyone else, wishing you a good start to this first full week of April.