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how about drinking?



  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited March 2017

    Good Morning DahhhLinKs!

    It's Sa-turd-day, hope everyone is enjoying.

    Dara - doing da happy dance that you got a nice check in da mail. I am still waiting about my disability. I was told on March 3rd that I was approved and my info was now in the hands of a Mrs someone who has been assigned as my case worker. Well, after at least 6 calls to her extension and leaving voice mails I'd had it yest and called to speak to a supervisor (her super), was told I would have to come in to see the super….after I said "I'm in Mesquite" the guy said he would forward my concerns to the super. Still waiting, of course it's the weekend now. Will wait until Tues, if no call back from my c/worker or super….I am calling the State. Takes a lot to get my ire up and this has done it. WTF!!!

    Sandy - weather here has gone from very pleasant 80's to 50's and rain. Won't take pooches to park today as it was sooo muddy yest from Thurs rain, it's got to be a bigger mess today.

    Jazz - I have heard about the rolling wind but have only seen it on the news. It did not look good and I can imagine the kinda damage it can do. Sorry that it hit ur area and created such a mess for you.

    Cami - crap…I was hoping the anti-bs would keep working for you. (((Cami))) ROTF LOLing about your roid rage and then forgetting the email addy and have to call back. U cwack me up, but I loves ya.

    NM - Thanks for the Burning Love DOTD, I'm still laughing about mese Baxter too. UGH, more snow ur way, not fair of Mother Nature. If you have to go out in it, please be careful…chit, I kno u will be.

    Heidi - how are you doing?

    Gonna hit submit and get to my monthly bills.

    Lubslubslubs and lots of prayers.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2017

    Cammy, Cammy CAMMY! I posted, looks like mese bumped you into de pool. Hope you feeling better dear heart??

    Suz, omg, don't git me started, don't even get me started on the BS that these people who are paid well to represent us have the balls and also get away with not even returning a call to answer a question which the call could not take more than three minutes!!!!! That pisses me off more than you know. Just dealing with the state of NJ for the past eight months has been hell. And WTF, what kind of employees in a business would or could get away with not returning voice messages? And for these aholes to be Federal or State employees urks me beyond belief. In fact, I might have ticked off my claims examiner (along with the bitch that handled my appeal with the tribunal) so much that they intentionally botched tings up for me. And for them to get away with it just makes mese blood boil. Sending prayers that things get resolved very quickly.

    NM, happy to hear that you and Sadie had a nice sleep in this morning! Here is to you, a toast with the DOTD ...chEErs to ya!

    Gotta git back to my Dad's safe, seems I am looking for a needle in a haystack, Dad has so much paper in there!

    Love you all and wishing all mese goils a mighty fine day!


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2017

    Sancerre & oysters (and a seafood Louis--lobster, shrimp, king crab) last night at Oyster Bah. Went to bed around 3:30, pain in left triceps so bad I couldn't sleep. Had to put on a Flector pad and take two Celebrex + a half-tab of Xanax to fall asleep around 7:30. (Also a slice ea. of copa, Serrano ham, truffle cheddar and--bad Sandy!--1/2 c. Cheerios & 2%. The protein for the tryptophans, the cereal for comfort).Woke up at noon; Bob went to brunch and brought me quiche & salad (left the crust, half the salad and all but a tsp. of dressing). Headed out to the gym for my torture session.

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited March 2017

    Camillegal - Thanks for asking how I am doing. Very energetic today.

    Out this AM with DH for organic fruit &veg, rotisserie chicken and fresh focaccia. After chicken & focaccia "feast" - headed across the river to my favorite mall for a long wander & then to Whole Foods for a few more organic goodies. Got home around 6 pm! Longest I have been out and about on a Saturday since before surgery. Weather was close to 80 degrees today.

    ChiSandy - Your Oyster Bah experience sounds wonderful. Ouch! about your triceps.

    Just polishing off the last of that bottle of Prosecco w/Chambord splash - Sure takes a long time to finish when you are drinking in moderation.

    Watching NCAA Basketball March Madness - Gonzaga beating the pants off of Xavier (which is "local"). Glad that UK made it into Elite 8 last night.

    Cheers and happy weekend to all!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2017

    Flector patch worked like a charm. Trainer was off today so I just did cardio. Finally got Bob to buy himself some new sneakers and a pair of dress shoes that don't hurt; I got some new summer sandals. Dunno why men are so stingy about their own clothes and shoes--he even wears long-sleeved button down shirts & dress pants on his days off. (At least he doesn't wear a tie for leisure). He tried to tell me that his black leather sneakers were fine for any business or dress wear other than black tie--and he said he'd wear his too-tight dress shoes for the latter, even thought they hurt his feet (and he is not shy about complaining every few minutes about that), because "it's only for a few hours." I told him if I could give up pointy toes and high heels for the sake of my feet, he can buy comfortable dress shoes that don't look it. Gordy is even worse--he makes me buy his shoes online when the old ones fall apart. (And now he won't wear his perfectly good New Balance sneakers because of this stupid urban legend, started by an alt-right neo-Nazi blog, that they have adopted NBs as a symbol of white supremacism. New Balance officially and emphatically denied that anddenounced them. I told him if both Bob and his Black patients can wear them, so can he--otherwise, he should haul his butt to the store and buy his own damn running shoes).

    After shopping we went to Cellars to pick up some wines we ordered at the last winemaker dinner and have a light supper at the bar, watching basketball. I had cava with a salad and mussels

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited March 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday!The boiled dinner came out just like I remembered it, so pleased with myself, since this is the first time I've cooked it myself.Got enough for lunch today, too, and will still have leftovers for hash.Going to try to stay off the work computer today, after a timed 30 minutes session re-setting the visit schedule for the week to incorporate the scheduled admission that's way out in the boonies.Ah, well, not going to dwell on that today.Beautiful sunny day, need to get some more laundry hung out, some more dishes washed, and some more floor cleaning done today.

    Peggy--Tulips, already?Not fair, I say!I want tulips!Actually I bought some tulips and irises at the grocery store Friday, so pretty!

    Mema--So not right that it takes so many phone calls and such to get a simple answer or to make a process move forward.Just not right!I'll be careful in the snow, I promise.Still have the studded tires on.Hmm, that reminds me I need to put aside some $$ for summer tires that will need to go on soon.

    Dara--I hope when I die I will finally have gotten organized enough that whoever is cleaning up after me can find everything easily.Not a fun task, looking through papers like that.

    Chi--I saw some King Crab legs in the grocery store Friday, talk about BIG!Not like what I'm used to.I've never actually had King Crab before, Given that the local crabs are better smaller than bigger, I have trouble wrapping myhead around the idea that crab legs THAT big can be any good at all! Bob is a good husband to bring you lunch like that.

    Celia--The Proscecco with Chambord still sounds very, very yummy!My current open bottle of wine is a blueberry from a local winery called You nity Winery, a plan on the town name of Unity, not far from where I live.I suppose it's a local thing, but I do love blueberry wine.

    Chi--the whole symbolic meaning of logos is crazy. Do a quick search and you can find some nasty, evil, conspiracy ridden, frightening or just stupid "meaning" for every product logo on the planet!Some are downright funny in the stretch to make them seem evil.

    Blueberry Martini



    Pour the gin, Chambord raspberry liqueur and blue curacao into a chilled cocktail glass. Stir, and serve.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

    Obviously the Blueberry part refers to the color and nothing else!

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited March 2017

    ChiSandy - Funny observations about men & clothes. My DH is a Brit - has never owned a pair of jeans or trainers (Brit-speak for athletic shoes) & never will. However, owns a tux and is definitely into nice dress shoes.

    NativeMainer - Blueberry wine & that cocktail recipe sound great. If you ever travel to Homer, Alaska & it still exists, a winery there makes all sorts of fruit wines - you can have tasters and chocolate to go with - talk about a delicious combo!

    Our tulips are also starting to emerge - Love them, but they don't last long once they bloom.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited March 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monkey day!Got some snow overnight with a crust of sleet/freezing rain. Very crunchy.Probably going to be very pretty when the sun comes up.

    Celia--Never been to Alaska, but want to go someday.I'll have to add Homer with a note to look for a local winery to my list!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Dark Indulgence



    Blend all ingredients. Pour into poco grande glass.

    Best served in a Coffee Mug.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited March 2017

    Good morning, ladies! My dad had a beautiful funeral. Shiva is finished. It was really nice to hear how amazing my dad was as a person and a physician.

    The hubs is here until Friday. He has been my rock. I couldn't get through this with out him. Also, my cousin's wife has been amazing. We sat Shiva at their home. My uncle is having a tough time too after losing his brother.

    I haven't read any posts. Just wanted to pop in and say hello

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Oops I missed yesterday and Dara's post too. No wonder I was all wet.

    Dara so happy this is all straightened out with u'r money. I know how difficult it is working with Any office that has to do with government agencies. If u talk to 3 different people about the same thing, chances r u will get 3 different things u have to do or not ever do. And I am truly sorry for u'r loss, way to early and how Dara of u to want to help so much--u'r so generous of heart with all the crap u've been thru and u always think of others. Such cute memories about cheating in sign language.

    Celia wow u had a great day and that's a great thing. So happy that cloud has passed. Did u tell us what "after med" u'r on, if u did I'm sorry my memory--notso good anymore.

    Pegg RAIN u say??? I bet, but that's way to much. Can u do pics. on here, would love to see some tulips, oh wait u did the burning bush--I'm a pic. person, well I can't do them, but enjoy seeing them.

    Sandy the men in u'r life sound so menish about shoes, of all things, jeez they need to be comfortable. But on the other hand u'r DH sounds sweet and I so enjoy hearing about u'r choices of what u always choose to pair u'r wines with. Sorry about THAT MUCH PAIN, whoa u must feel better by now I hope, sounds like alot of work out for u and yet u keep on going oy vey good for u.

    NM still snow? It has to end soon and I know how careful u are. I think u are the only one that I know that who can use the tires u have for the winter, that alone tells us how bad they can be. I sounds like a busy day for u today I, of course, hope it goes smoothly and u'r home at a reasonable time without so much on u'r shoulders

    SusyQ another SS wait for. So difficult to work with. U'd think I would be an advocate of all State and Federal employees, living the work for so many years, but I'm really not, all I know is what I did and I would always get back to people even when my cooperation with the state was never that good. I remember the times when they'd get so upset with me and I had to actually remind them we're working for the same boss, why can't we work together on this. Blah--so I wish u luck quickly.

    I think Lori and her DD are camping now, which is not what I would do, but they must both enjoy it so I'm so happy they're together.

    Jazzy did I miss something here? Are u just busy now, more than usual I should say.

    I'll check back latah, just hanging out.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    Hsant so good to hear from u. We all know right now is u'r family time and U'r DH WOW, take it as easy as u can.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited March 2017

    Hi friends- took the weekend off from all things social media, and getting caught up this morning on things. I have a busy week ahead on the professional and home front and the cleaning company coming in first thing this morning so I will make this a shorty. I hope everyone had a nice weekend.

    Hsant- I am so glad to hear the services went well for your dad, and that your DH was right by your side. I did not realize your father was a retired physician either, and it sounds like the community recognized him for all he contributed. I am sorry your uncle has been having a tough time, & understand the grief that goes with loosing a sibling and know you do too. I hope you are taking care of yourself with rest, some comfort foods and a bit of movement. Thinking of you this morning sister.

    Dara- really glad to hear you got your accrued benefits due. Did you decide to apply for that job with the builder you had talked about?

    Cami- sorry to hear about the D this weekend. I hope DD and Joey are better and were able to leave on their trip!

    Chi- you are a woman on a mission with her work outs. I got a notification from my gym today about the termination of my membership the end of this week per my request, and that if I decide to come back in less than two years, I would now have to pay a new activation fee. I am still miffed about their lack of response to my car break in right in front of the door in early February, no follow up to discuss, etc. Just confirms moving on is the right thing to do. I plan to get to one more yoga class there this week before I wrap up on 3/31. I am going to the community pool this week to get my annual pass to join that and looking forward to getting back to that pool. Change is good.

    Celia- welcome to our thread. Sounds like you have spring going on your way. Same here in the southwest. I love tulips and agree they don't last too long.

    NM- sounds like you had a good weekend at home with time to clean, catch up and also relax with Miss Sadie. The driving schedule you described sounds awful, on top of the patient load. It is good to realize when things have changed and sometimes it can be temporary, but from all you have described, this sounds more like the new normal. I actually had to have that conversations with myself about working at the healthcare org here after my last two big projects between 2012 to last year. There is too much push back on contractors by one area on those brought in by others to deliver on a scope of work. Staying out of there. I encourage you to go where you are celebrated and valued!

    I need to get going to my day and will check in again when I can. Have a good week friends!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2017

    Made a post yesterday, but I must not have hit the submit button. Not going to try and recreate.

    Dara, sorry to hear about your cousin, but beery happy to hear about the moolah.

    Heidi, of course services for your dad went well. You say that your DH is there until Friday. You are not going back home with him? Perhaps you have lots of affairs to take care of for your dad?

    Cami, we leave Wednesday for camping, home Sunday and then Monday she leaves....waaaaaaaaaa! But not until late night.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338
    edited March 2017

    Good Morning! NM, I just have a bit of green popping up that I can identify as likely tulips. Nothing even close to blooming. I'm sure they will drown before they can show color.

    Celia, I have good friends from Cardiff who now live in Portugal. He NEVER wears jeans. Ever. His wife does on occasion but not like I do. I'd be naked if jeans were removed from my wardrobe!

    Heidi, how lovely that the funeral for your father was so heartwarming. I'm glad. Never easy to lose a parent. Ever.

    Dara, money is good! Glad you finally got yours!

    Sandy, sorry you were in such pain. Dang. I think my DH would have been a shoe-aholic if more shoes were available in his size - 14. Hit Gordy upside the head. NB is not alt-right.

    Everyone else have a smooth week. More rain and not even "normal" temperatures. So can't retire the winter wear yet.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2017

    The conventional wisdom is that women are drawn to the “bad boys." Not I. Bob is the sweetest, gentlest guy I've ever known. In all the 46 yrs. we've been together, I can count on fewer than the fingers of one hand the times he's ever gotten physical when angry—and the victims were the top of a dashboard, a pole holding hanging houseplants, and a restaurant tabletop (banged his fist, causing a fork to fall to the floor and some ice water to slop out of a glass). And he apologized profusely after each time.

    My arms are fine today, just in time to put them through the mill again early this evening at the gym. Gonna head to Merz' Apotheke (old-fashioned German homeopathic pharmacy in Lincoln Sq.) afterward for some Kneips juniper bath oil. The little teeny bottle of essential oil I got at the natural food/ayurvedic store in Evanston (where I get my low-carb bagels) didn't do the trick. I will go to the other branch of LA Fitness tomorrow to swim and use the whirlpool—assuming the one swimsuit I have that can keep Thelma (L boob) inside doesn't poke me in the eye with its center underwire when I try to put it on. (For the whole sordid story, look at the Lumpectomy Lounge thread where I intend to post it). If I'm up to it (and up in time) I might check out the Silver Sneakers class at my own branch tomorrow a.m.

    I don't know what the near future holds for my training. Josh, my trainer (who looks like a cross between John Stamos & Jackson Browne with shorter hair) is going in next week for a meniscectomy—yup, even young athletes in top condition can blow out their knees. Dunno whom they'll substitute next week; and for the week after that, I'm in London, where the hotel gym has only cardio equipment and free weights. Will have to pack resistance bands in my suitcase. My own meniscectomy back in 2010 required at least 3 wks of twice-weekly PT, after a week of being so sore & stiff that I needed crutches, not just a cane; and I needed a cane for at least a week after finishing PT.

    Speaking of PT, I wish LA Fitness centers—or any regular gyms for that matter—had recumbent ellipticals, which I like much better than recumbent bikes. My rehab centers (post knee-replacements) and Athletico have them, but even ATI didn't. Can't see forking over big bucks to Athletico for PT I don't necessarily need (and therefore, for which Medicare won't pay) just to be able to use that machine. (Maybe my PCP would prescribe “back school"…). I checked out the price to buy one: $4K, and it would take up as much room as our non-folding treadmill. Tried the standing elliptical on Sat., and it's really tricky. The Life Fitness line of bikes & ellipticals (except for the home-model bike I have) doesn't really have a zero-resistance mode for warmup. We have a Precor treadmill in the bedroom, but not enough grounded outlets so that I can safely plug it in. To replace the faulty in-floor outlet I'd been using (for it & the humidifier) would be >$1K, because it would involve moving a heavy piece of furniture (the solid oak bookshelf hutch atop sliding door cabinet my mom gave me when she couldn't take it to her FL condo) which I'd first need to spend hours emptying. So the treadmill is a clothing rack. The upright bike, OTOH, is self-powered: my pedaling it charges the battery. It sees some occasional action (from me--Bob & Gordy don't like it), so it is a clothing rack only at bedtime or when I'm laying out an outfit or stuff to pack for travel.

    Last night’s DODT was a flute of Nicholas Feuillatte NV champagne when we went to the Palm for dinner. Tonight, probably seltzer with lime and a chunk of ginger.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited March 2017

    Evening, Loungettes! 8:23 peeyem and I am just leaving the office. Had a late day admission. Got to come in early and get this one finished tomorrow ayem, and the patient lives 77 miles from the office and will need to be seen tomorrow as well as a bunch of other patients. No, there is no help. I was told I need to manage the scheduling better. DUH. Almost 2 hour drive from the admission back to the office in sleet, freezing rain, snow, rain, and back again. So don't worry if you don't se much from me this week, it's lookin to be a pissah and I can see needing to be in early and working late to compensate for all the driving time.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited March 2017

    NM - I am sorry you are being treated so badly by your employer. Hugs sister.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2017

    NM, that sucks. Wonder if there’s such a thing as a “freelance concierge hospice RN?” If only you could be your own boss...

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2017

    Good morning ladies~ and happy "it's not MonkeyDey" anymore, it;s almost TwosDay!

    Hsant, I am happy to hear that everything went well with the funeral and Shiva. Sorry that your uncle is also having a hard time with the loss. Jump right in when you are ready and just vent, talk or partay. Hugs to ya.

    NM, so sorry you have so much travel and an added late day admission. It is so unfair. Then to tell you that you need to do better at scheduling the visits? Really. I tink I need to send my people, just say the word. What a jack ass your employer is, SMH!

    Lori, yippee you showed up even with your DD there, wtg. Have a great time camping with your girl, hope the weather is good for you!

    Cam, I hope that you are feeling alright today, praying for a no D day for ya. I miss your face i n here.

    Jazzy, sounds like great things are about to take off for you, I know that whatever project you take on will have great results, hope thing go smooth with the newest gig.

    Sandy, your trainer sounds like a cutie, hope the replacement is a good match for you.

    Suz, hope you get the answers you need from SSD.

    Peggy, hope your weather has gotten better and more Springlike. We are having a stormy day, was awoken early by thunder and it is thundering now.

    Hello to Celia and anyone else I missed. Have a great day!

    DOTD: The JackAss

    1/2 oz Jack Daniel's® Tennessee whiskey
    1/2 oz 151 proof rum

    Pour the Jack Daniel's Tennessee whiskey into a shot glass. Top with 151 proof rum, and serve.

    Image result for jack and rum

    Read more: Jack Ass recipe

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited March 2017

    Good morning friends- waking up to a rainy day here, which is always welcome here in the desert. Looks like we will have rain through the night tonight. Nice soaking rain which helps the blooming things and also keeps the dust and fire risk down. Yay for rain! Skies are clearing for a bit and the trees and flowers look happy!

    Super busy day yesterday starting with the cleaning company here early to do their monthly deep cleaning. Always nice to start out a week with a freshly cleaned home! Busy getting contract stuff in, some info to another group in town who may need my help, and then saw a nice email to our big client we are hoping to nail down a contract with. Momentum is building!

    Got my tax review done with my accountants output and finalizing the 2016 biz and personal return now. Will be good to have this behind me. Onward and upward! Going to head to some errands and the store next.

    Dara dear- what are you up to this week?

    NM- Chi makes a good point about working for yourself. Some of what you are experiencing is what I have known my whole life. It is called the "you are single so you can do way more" mentality. Been there so many times in my life and it is ultimately what drove me to go out on my own to have more control over my schedule in my late 40s. Next month marks 10 years of self employment! More than happy to discuss more off line on a PM if it would help to think through if you want to consider this?

    Goldie- sounds like you have had a good visit with DD and know you will miss her when she heads back.

    Gotta get going to my errands and wishing everyone a good Tuesday!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited March 2017

    Good Evening DahhhLinKs!

    Sorry I haven't been posting last 2 days. I got caught up in an on-line scam. OMG, was trying to log in to my Paypal when this red screen pops up telling me I have a major virus and to call the number. It took me 30mins talking to this foreigner to realize I'd been had. Had my IT guy over this morning, he fixed everything, and told me I was lucky that I paid attention to my intuition. Guy wanted to sell me protection. He talked so fast and I kept saying no no no then just hung up on him. Talk about a pressure salesman…he was IT! Called my puter guy (George) immediately, he told me to shut down my computer NOW. I did, thank goodness, as that Zeus bug didn't get me.

    I felt like Cami yest…had D whenever I stood up, so on with the diaper…ugh. Today I am good. Oh n my DD sent a pic of me when I was in my 20's and working in Metro dispatch/911. I will try and post it. No laughing…I kno I look totally 70's era, but that's the way it was back in the day. The gal next to me was my trainee. I still communicate with her.

    Loweee - I suppose you and DD will be having a fantastic time camping thru the end of the week…Are you camping in Moab? I think you will have pretty good time. Pics when u can…MUAH!!

    Dara - ChEErs mese dear, yes I did embibe, was soooo happy to hear about your moola. OMG, so mad at the FURB taking your cousin Johnny. Sending prayers for you and his siblings. I did call State of NV today. Still no real ans, but the Lady I spoke with was very helpful. She told me that Mr. K I spoke to on the 21st DID NOT send a notice of my concerns to my case manager. WTF…got my ire up again, but cudn't take it out on this nice, helpful lady in Carson City. I could hear her hitting the keys as she kept me on the phone, with a message to my caseworker. And come to find out…I was approved on Jan 26. She doesn't understand why either, but she tried to help as much as she could…oyvey.. I need some of your Jack and 151 rum…that wud surely have me falling into da pewl and draggin u wif me…LOL.

    Sandy - oh my Bob sounds like a wonderful DH. Now ur trainer has to go for knee surgery, hope he recovers quickly so you don't lose your momentum. You are amazing and u funny too…naming LB Thelma…LOL. I hope the suit fits and Thelma doesn't run amok.

    NM - am so distressed for you and what you been going thru….the bosses jes don't seem to get it. I'm with Sandy…for u to try to go private. (((NM)))

    Peg - I am envious of ur tulips….I was taking my orchid plant outside, did everyday for bout a week. The leaves turned whitish/yellow. While at the store the other day, I stopped and read the care instructions and realized I had f'd up. OH well, never had a green thumb and hopefully the orchids will bloom again.

    I'm going thru same thing with my clothes. Cool, then warm, then cool again. But I kno scorching heat will be on us in no time, so not moving anything around until then.

    Heidi - hope you are feeling better. I recall all the paperwork I went thru when my mom passed, and all the calls to diff insurances she had, the banks too, etc. then all her clothes in the closet and dresser drawers. There is still one drawer I have not gone thru and it'll be 6 yrs next month. It is not easy, best advice I can give, is just take ur time with it all…BIG HUGZ my friend!

    I think I'm missing a few of my gals…but jes kno I am having a brandy/coffee drink to honor all of ya'll. Ok…I am just finishing mese 2nd dwink…Tits up and dwink up!!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited March 2017


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2017

    Sue, which one is you?

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited March 2017

    Sandy - I'm in the foreground with my tinted glasses...LOL. And that is not a flower in my hair, it's a scrunchi. Those were the days, yep!

    This was sent to me my a gf in MT. And it has nothing to do with sports. LOL

    NBA versus NFL - u gotta love this.......................... ..

    Even if you aren't a sports fan this is very interesting!

    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

    36 have been accused of spousal abuse

    7 have been arrested for fraud

    19 have been accused of writing bad checks

    117 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses

    3 have done time for assault

    71 repeat 71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit
    14 have been arrested on drug-related charges
    8 have been arrested for shoplifting

    currently are defendants in lawsuits,
    84 have been arrested for drunk driving
    in the last year

    you guess which organization this is?
    NBA Or NFL

    Give up yet?
    Scroll down,

    it's the 535 members of the
    United States Congress

    The same group of Idiots that crank out
    hundreds of new laws each year
    designed to keep the rest of us in line.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    Image result for pictures and recipes for mixed alcoholic drinksDOTD FOR TODAY LADIES KINDA LATE

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    Mornin' Ladies,

    MIA a little.

    SusyQ the exact same thing happened to me yesterday with my computer, it must have been National Sucker Day and we missed the memo. I called my boss and from home (somehow he hooked us together he went thru the whole thing and cleared it up for me. So I just watched the arrow going all over the place and it was fine after. I asked him if he could teach me, well his answer was NO, that it took me a year to get into Netflix so forgetaboutit. It's just funny how both of us got it.

    Sandy it is so nice to hear how wonderful u'r DH is after all these years. It warms my heart to know so many happy people with their marriages. And I'm sure things will go well for u'r training, u are determined and that makes a difference.

    NM WTF. How can u do all this and keep sane??? Sandy and Jazzy have a wonderful idea, I certainly don't know anything about that, but I would think this would be an open market for nurses and especially good ones like u are. Jazzy is a wonderful source of information, she's not only intelligent, she's done all of it and so giving.--I really like this idea.

    Heidi I'm wishing u good thoughts and memories.

    OK Jazzy this is u'r time to shine, again.

    Where's Celia??? No not Waldo.

    Pegg, don't worry we're going to probably have a super hot summer with hardly any spring--UGH, so u'll see u'r flowers yet.

    Dara I'm still reeling from the good news for u "Show me the Money thing", I'm sure this has lifted stress for u. Now how are u'r headaches? And difference yet. Damn I hope so, again they have to be horrible. And u just keep on going.

    My BFF caled a couple of times and so far she's planning on coming here at the end of April or beg. of May--we both hope this happens for us. We've talked a few times now and it's great, now I would love to be with her.

    Everyhting is this house is so f***ed up again, it's hard to esssplain"--I just pray like crazy and I'm tired. LOL OK I'm always tired anyway.

    Talk to u latah,


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited March 2017

    Good afternoon friends- been a busy week and trying to figure out how much is really getting done! The good news is that I had a new electrician in today who found the problem with a chirping smoke detector and confirmed what I was concerned about, time to replace them. They only have a certain life to them and I know have exceeded mine. So they did that, replaced a light in my dining room with something I found last year with something much better that I like, and also put in a good motion detector light out front. We talked about a few other lighting project things I need help with, but this got me through the "must dos."

    Well, I am feeling totally between a rock and a hard place on this collaboration work. This meeting they wanted to do is now planned for a month from now and that means we would not be likely be starting the project until June or July with the contracting process. Sigh. I have let these companies know I need to get back to work and am looking for something short term so I can be available for this when it comes. Got one thing still in the cooker, the other thing I found that looks perfect in some ways I did not have one key set of experience they are looking for. So I put out more feelers today to my community. And going to chat with my guys in a few.

    Cami- my guess is that you are in that house this week with FF and not too happy about it. Your DD and Joey are off to FL from what I remember. Are they back in a few days? I know the situation there is not great. Hoping you are able to hold your own for a few more days.

    MemaSue- love that pic and the glasses. Was that circa 1980s? Remember the big red Sally Jessie Raphael glasses from that time? I had those too. LOL.

    Sorry you got caught up in a scam. It is sometimes hard to know what is real and what is not. My neighbor got a threatening phone call about owing some money to one of the local utility bills or her electricity would be shut off and she got scared and gave them a card. Then she realized they don't do that, they send you a notice before they shut off any utilities. She got the card stopped before they got too far.

    Remember back in the day when we just to just have to dodge door to door sales people and people doing phone sales? Now we have to avoid all the scammers looking to steal from us every way they can. Ugh.

    The big thing going on here again are the credit card skimmers. The last time I had that problem was about 5-6 years ago when I went up to the hot springs with a friend and we stopped at a gas station and bought food and used our debit cards. Within a day, I got a call someone was using it at CVS to the tune of hundreds of dollars and got that stopped. Turns out my friend had the same thing. The new chip technology seems to help but now they are doing it to the ATMs. ARRRGH!

    Dara- I hope you are feeling better this week. Enjoy that cash!

    Goldie- thinking of you with your ongoing visit with DD. I think you said she was camping for a few days. Have you ever been to visit her in the VI?

    I have to hop on a call and hope everyone else is having a good day!

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited March 2017

    Hi ladies, Celia here. Post Rad fatigue/lack of appetite hitting hard this week. Trying to power through shortened work days until the weekend. Too tired now to write much, but enjoying reading the posts. MemaSue - great pic & "same group of idiots".

    Hope everyone continues lifting their spirits!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    Celia, u'r getting thru this actually good, cuz u are still working, so that really has to be hard on u. U rest as much as u can and soon u'll be feeling better and better.

    Jazzy u've got some thinking to do, but somehow I always know u'll catch up with things, so I'm not worried. Oh I'm home but it's a little strange without my 2 babies, but my SIL is very good to me so I can't complain about that. Leslie is in FL SICK, jeez, of course she was going to catch what Joey had, and she really misses Marty, I told u those 2 are goofy. And our dog is sad cuz she's not here and yes so is Marty, plus some other things are going on. Hell I wouldn't stay at my other DD's house, she's working and he's not Oy vey that's a recipe for death and destruction. And I'd get away with it.It's not just called self defense it's also called mental deficiency <his>, Why do I get off subject so easily???

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2017

    Hi girls, Popping my head in the lounge to say hello.

    I see you Cam, do you see me? will poop in again soon.
