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how about drinking?



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited March 2017

    Dara- you like my home pictures and here is a photo of the new lamp I had installed in the dining room today. I love, Love, LOVE it.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited March 2017

    Cami- I had one of those "come to Jesus" talks with myself tonight. A friend shared with me today how hard I had been working the past month on this pending project opp, and it sort of hit home for me. Maybe pushing a bit too hard on this when the others don't have the same sense of urgency. The other consulting partner was on the call today and really emphasized the importance of moving on this now before we loose the chance of client funding if we get to this too late. Meanwhile, I have been talking to a few people in town today and sowing more seeds.

    Going to take tomorrow away from the work stuff. Time for a breather.......

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2017

    Good call on taking some “me time,” Jazzy—and cool lamp!

    Had some more leftover champagne (kept just fine in the fridge) with dinner tonight. We are currently front-porch-less: the old stairs (ca. 1990) and decking (ca. 1908) are history; the stringers and risers have been cut & stacked. The decking had some rot, as did one of the porch supports, causing the porch to tilt over the years and the stucco to crack; so they installed a new concrete footer and support. Unfortunately, tomorrow promises to be stormy, so they’ll probably have only a 3-4 hr. window to work. (We’ll get lots of rain, but the really dangerous stuff will affect areas further south, esp. south of I-80, aka Tornado Alley: it’s the same system that killed 3 stormchasers overnight in Texas).

    Worried about Happy. He climbed on to my chest for his snuggle-session while I was sitting in my recliner. All of a sudden I noticed a foul (poopy?) odor and an unmistakeable fart sound—he climbed off me to the daybed. I looked at my sleeve (which had been abutting his butt) and noticed some mucus, which definitely smelled like poop. The shirt was brown, but there was no actual poop (I cleaned it off, but still threw it into the hamper). We were supposed to take him to the vet next week for checkup, shots & dental cleaning, but I think we’d better move up that visit.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2017

    oooooh Jazzy, love the light! I am glad you are going to take the day off tomorrow to take care of YOU.

    Sandy, could the discharge and odor be from Happy's anal glands? I did not know that they existed until one of my dogs had her gland open while on a car ride. It smells very foul and the discharge is mucous like.

    I have finally heard back from family and services for my cousin will be Friday night. I am a little bent that I never heard back from my cousin regarding the cemetery plot. I did finally find the deed. And OMG, some of the verbiage on the deed was shocking, it was written in the 1930's and the verbiage that threw me had to due with race. I thank God that our nation has evolved to know that we are all human regardless of race. Pondering whether it is alright to post a screen shot of the deed.....

    Lemme tink about it, don't want to get thrown out of the lounge again (as I did in 2013 from the hospital after five days of being with a morphine pump lol).... gonna grab sumting to eat then return. until then.....


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2017

    Anal glands was one thought—though Happy hasn’t been doing the telltale butt-scoot-across-the-floor I’ve seen dogs do who had that problem. And he does poot oftener than he used to. He does overeat—can a cat have Prader-Willi Syndrome (inability to stop eating)/

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    Good Morning Ladies.

    Oh Sandy I know u'll take care of u'r kitty, I hate to hear when anything irregular with our furbabies happens. Of course we all love them, so u'll watch over her, so u'll do what u have to do earlier than next week. I'm sure we all can't watch that commercial about animal abuse, it's so sad. Once u have u'r own, u totally understand how we feel. We had a big time thunderstorm here around3AM, I face the direction of the lightning and oh wow and rained like mad.

    JAZZY I think u'r hanging light is oh WOW--see even u'r taste is extraordinary, although I would absolutely use that piece. And yes relax a little.See why I like Pics.

    Oh Dara how are you??? I think of you and headache comes into my mind. But I still see your hole in u'r body. Is anything different happening with u'r head? Oh not the usual stuff that I have, but I'm just waiting for u to say it's better somehow. U always act so good, doesn't anyone really complain here like I do. OK I'll take the crown, noooo not Royal Crown.

    My phone rang last nite about midnite and I heard-- are u sleeping> No, I wasn't--well my boss <and u all know how I love him> says, I want to run things by you. Sure Ok---Well 2 1/2 hours later I understood about 15 mins. of the whole conversation--he gets so technical with the computer with me, only to relisten what he's thought about doing and I'm the only one that really tries to listen. <well acts> LOL And then he says, everything that he's doing in the computer, he's trying to make it as easy for me as possible so I don't go battier than I am. Those 15 mins that I understood was totally unwinding him and we just LOLed about work stuff. Then he thanks me cuz he said he loves talking to me. After he goes on vacation and never tells me--He's a nut, but u know.........

    I'm already watching a scary movie, usually this is way to early, but this caught my eye balls.

    I shall be back, I have to slather my body waste down with some pain relief stuff, helps a little, plus my meds and it's better. And this ain't a pretty picture.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    Image result for pictures and recipes for mixed alcoholic drinks Just trying to help NM out--damn these DOTD's are so pretty.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited March 2017

    Good morning friends- another day begins. I am going to the movies today to see the film, Lion, before it leaves the theaters soon. The only time it is playing at the closer theater is right before noon.

    There is also something else I am going to explore for my work in another industry. Even though the healthcare industry has brought a lot of biz, it is getting MUCH harder now. The once non-profit worlds have become very corporate, and have witnessed some behaviors that remind me of why I got out of that scene long ago. I have hopped industries before with my skills and it might be time to do it again. There is an event in town in another 10 days I learned about yesterday where I may be able to go explore this possibility.

    Chi- your kitty that is having problems. I do agree you need an apt sooner to get things checked out. Hopeful it is nothing serious. And yes, cats can have that eating disorder, my sister has had two feral cats that became pets in the past who would gorge themselves to sickness. Most likely as a result of being outside and starving most of the time. They got really huge.

    Cami- ugh, midnight phone calls from your boss, WTH? I think you are therapist to the boss on top of all the rest. Hope your pain is better today.

    Dara- I seem to have missed that you had a cousin that passed. I am so sorry to hear this and hope the services go well.

    Celia- you are in treatment now and you poop in here whenever you want to and we will be here for you. We talk about all kinds of stuff here, but this is a breast cancer support site and we have all been where you are at and here to help you as you finish up and move into recovery.

    Pontiac- are those new shrubs in yet? Anything else blooming?

    Hsant- thinking of you still and hope you are doing as okay as can be expected. So much to process right now. I hope DH is still there with you.

    NM- I know you are having a brutal week and sending you much love and support to get through to tomorrow. I hope the weekend can be work free, but know maybe not......

    Mema, Genny, and everyone else here, wishing you a good day!

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338
    edited March 2017

    Sandy, my kitty loves to eat and would eat 24/7. That's why I don't leave food out for her. She likes the dog's food too - doesn't matter what I'm feeding either of them , she'll eat it. But since this is new for your baby, I'd move up her appointment, too.

    I found I have little clumps of tulips poking green around my front yard. Lovely. Now to see what they look like when they bloom - if they haven't drowned.

    Speaking of drowning, last night I let the dog out and heard a sound. It was FROGS! I do not live near any water. Granted some of the fields across the main road have standing water. But this was right in the subdivision (sound like next door). Really strange. Never heard them last summer.

    Had my good friends and neighbors over for brownies and a Washington State Syrah. That was yummy. My tummy did protest but I told it to shut up. :)

    Everyone have a good day and hope it is smooth.


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited March 2017

    Good Morning DahhhLinKs!

    Finally got my puter bixed. Tech only charged me $40 bucks. He is so sweet, takes his time, and gets it done. Just took pooches in for their summer cuts. We r expecting HI winds today, up to 60mph. I can't complain tho, after all the havoc to those East of me. So sad when I see those homes demolished.

    Cami - The Yellow Belly DOTD sounds and looks delish, but unfortunately, I can't do citrus, major gird. When will DD and Joey be home? Glad ur boss has remote access to your puter. Helps a lot when they are not in-house to bix it.

    Jazzy - praying that ur collaboration comes to fruition and sooner rather than later. I can feel ur frustration with all of it. ((Jazz)) LOL I recall her glasses too, I can't recall when my pic was taken, but based on where it was taken, it had to be late 70s or early 80s. I'm so thin I'm thinking more like the 80's. That's when I was an aerobic-holic. Love the ceiling light. My nail techs dh works with metal and makes things like ur light. He has my order for some things for my DS's bday in Sept.

    Celia - Please please don't push yourself too much while doing treatment, cuz it will come back and bite u in da arse. Sending prayers your way.

    Sandy - hope u can get Happy into see vet soon. I'm betting he needs his anals expressed.

    Dara - am glad u found the plot deed. I don't think the mods would mind if u posted a pic of the deed.

    Heidi - hoping you are doing OK.

    Will yak with you all tomorrow I hope.

    Lubslubslubs and prayers going out to all y'all.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2017

    Happy's been okay today, but we're still moving up his vet appointment. We're a bit nervous about the dental cleaning because it requires general anesthesia—and last year when he had a cleaning & extraction, when he awoke from the anesthesia and Gordy let him out of the carrier, he ran haphazardly around the house zigzagging and bumping into walls. Took three or four days before he finally began to move normally. At this point, we have to feed him & Heidi separately—he tries to eat her kidney-diet and she goes after his weight-control kibble. They both eat the same wet food. Heidi was a feral (she was brought into the foster home after she was found badly wounded from a street fight) but doesn't overeat. Happy was adopted at four weeks from a litter in Petsmart by a misguided but well-meaning young couple who then accidentally overdosed him with flea spray. He fell into a coma, and at the vet hospital emerged just fine a few days later. The couple couldn't afford the vet fees and reluctantly let the vet's nurse foster him. We got him at eight weeks. He'll be ten in June, on our anniversary (we actually have a birth certificate). They're the only cats we've ever had (of six) who have absolutely no desire to go outside. Happy actually howls whenever we put him in the carrier (he sounds like he's saying “NOOOOO!!!" and “HOOOOOME!!!) because he has no memory of anything other than doting human affection, and fears he will never be loved again. (This is taking forever to type because he is cuddling me and climbing around my chest & face while purring. Only one fart, and it wasn't “productive").

    Went to one of those 20/20 wine tastings tonight. What stood out was a Graham Beck (South Africa) NV Brut made from Grüner Veltliner (an Austrian grape normally made into very dry still wines); another Graham Beck, this one a dry but fruity still rosé of pinot noir & chardonnay called “Gorgeous;" a lovely nuanced Graves (sauv. blanc & semillon); a Jovino Pinot Noir from the Willamette Valley; and a balanced Chilean Cabernet Sauvignon. (Of course, there was the Graham Beck Brut Rosé, but we've had that one before).

    Good workout today: lots of arm & leg work, plus rowing machine for cardio. (My trainer isn't a big fan of Nautilus/LifeFitness machines for weight work—he prefers table stretches, bands, adductor-abductor ring, hand weights, medicine balls, kettle bells and light barbell weights—but we did use the pulleys and the hamstring curl machine). And I walked to & from the tasting—I never drive if I'm having more than the equivalent of one glass. I'm probably gonna hurt tomorrow, but will take a juniper-hayflower oil bath tonight.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338
    edited March 2017

    Sandy, glad Happy is better. Nothing like a helpful kitty, walking on you and making typing a challenge. I often have my laptop on my lap (imagine!), sitting in front of the TV. Then Taffy will come and lay on my chest, full length (not crosswise). Well, my arms often can't reach the laptop then since it is pushed down to my knees. But, of course, I wouldn't dream of moving kitty. Our previous kitty was a street gal and the rescue people had tried to catch her for years. Once she came to us, she never ever wanted to go outside and was content to just cuddle with us and our dog. Current kitty - we don't know how she arrived at the rescue but she is loving going outside in our yard - she can't get out since the fence is all the way to the ground and solid. She can't jump worth a damn so it is safe for her. I really don't know why I have a lawn crew mow since she loves to eat grass.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2017

    Good morning girls and happy friedey!

    I just wanted to say hello and let you all know that I've been reading. Not going to write much, head hurts. I wrote a long post a few nights ago, fell asleep and accidentally refreshed the screen the next morning and lost what I'd written.

    Hoping NM is hanging tough this week with work and hope that our Lori is having fun with her DD . Also hope that our girl Hsant is doing alright and well as can be , sending up more prayers for heart.

    Gotta get a few more zzz's before my shower then off to cousin Johnny's viewing tonight. Have a great day girls, muah!


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited March 2017

    Good morning/afternoon friends- hope everyone has made it to Friday in one piece. The morale of my story this week is "the watched pot never boils." Started working on pruning some things in the back yard last night, knowing the trash bin would be empty this morning. Finished one large pampas grass, but of course, because I am waiting for the dumpster to be available to put the cuttings in, wouldn't you know they are late today? The winds are coming up and I am hoping to get things put in the bin before they are all over my yard. So much for planning, everything this week seems off schedule!

    I took a break yesterday and went to the movies to see Lion. Have any of you seen this? So good and one of the best films of the year. Really amazing story about Sarroo Brieley who got separated from his family in India by getting on a train and finding his way to an adoptive family in Australia, and then finding his way back to his home town to reunite with his family. Truly amazing story and some clips of the real people at the end. It is still in the theaters here, but likely leaving soon so watch for it on Neflix or HBO on demand.

    Dara- I hope the services went well for you cousin. Hugs friend. Sorry the headaches are persisting. Have you thought about seeing a migraine specialist?

    Chi- my last trainer showed me a great work out to do with a 20 lb kettle bell when you don't have much time to exercise. She said it is a 20 minute cardio/core/resistance training all rolled in to one. Big fan of the kettle bells and have a 20 pounder here at home. Keep up the good work! I am going to join the community pool this weekend, a supersized Olympic pool. I love this pool and think I will swim more as a result.

    My gym membership is done today, and I did get a note in response to their comment to me about paying "extra to reinitate" if i want to come back and let her know about their lack of follow through on the parking lot issues. The manager responded and apologized for never contacting me and said they take their member safety seriously and offered me a free month to stay on (probably with the hopes i will continue). I have not liked this place for awhile, so onward to better fitness solutions!

    I hope your kitty is doing better soon and the vet visit help.

    Mema- I think the work with the collaboration team will happen, but maybe not for a few more months. My consulting partner as part of this will be in town next week and will get a read from him what he thinks we should be doing at this point. He is anxious to get moving on this too, lead time for consulting work is not half a year, but more like a month or so. Then you have to contract and that can take another month. To be sure the people you need (like me) are available, you need to get to a yes or no pretty quickly. The other partner seems to be looking at a longer sales cycle and that is the problem. You just need to know when you have done enough and to park it.

    I need to get going and wishing you a good weekend one and all!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited March 2017

    good afternoon Loungettes! Getting run into the ground finally caught up with me. Spent Thursday morning in Urgent care with an a acute asthma attack. Now on steroids, nebulizer treatments every 4 hours, xanax to offset the steroid jitters. Trying to get some sleep between coughing jags, chest, back and ribs hurting from coughing so hard, but I feel a bit better than yesterday. Thank God I've got the weekend off, I should be functional again by Monday. I hope so any way. Will try to poop in again tomorrow.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2017

    awe, Kim sorry you are going through this. pls rest and let Sadie love on you and help you to feel better. I had a feeling something was not right with you, prayers that you feel better quickly.

    I've gotta get mese chit together, jest got outta de shower and have to be at funeral home shortly. with the rain, it could take an hour.until next time,,,,

    cheeRs !!

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338
    edited April 2017

    NM, I'm so sorry. I think your body just told you to take care of yourself first. I hope you are able to do that going ahead. Hope you are feeling much better by tomorrow.

    Dara, thinking of you.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2017

    Kim, please take it easy and stay hydrated. Asthma bad enough to land you in urgent care and on 'roids (oral. I presume) is serious stuff. Do you have a neb at home, or do you have to go in for treatments?

    Dara, hugs

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    Image result for pictures and recipes for mixed alcoholic drinksThis looks so good to me and nice and Springy. DOTD

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2017

    Well well well .... came here to ask the million dollar question "WHERE is Camille??"! So happy to see the above post. Bcuz I've been missing (you) here around here. Also missing another daily poster, my goil Lori. And speaking of being MIA, have not seen mese goil Genny in awhile either! For those of you MIA, cept Lori cuz she bese esscused, please report asap, k?

    BRB, gotta git a dwink. Been up all night, a bit disturbed I mighten add.

    dot .... dash ..... dash dash dash .... dot .... dash _

    that ladies, bese mese Morris code for assistance. K, chEars! no big earZ? hehe, have not talked about earZ for toooooo long! ~~

    hiccUP~ br-beeeeee

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2017

    ohh, foygot to menshun that mese hit de big lottery! yep, won a sum that mese can't disklose til mese speak with mese attorney. (only hit four plus de number 10 but still BIG MONEY! who wants to join mese for a vacation at an unspecified tropical destination? ps....I not kidding eihter!!!!!! or either!!!!!


    Image result for hit big lottery

    Tits up, that IS, iffen you got em! Now SHOW me de money!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2017

    I would DWINK!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    Good Morning Ladies,

    NM I really thought u were super busy, but now to hear u were in ER u must really be sick. I hope today finds u feeling better, Please take care of u'rself. U were so overworked and run down u didn't even know it. So glad u can relax now and just worry about u and u have Sadie and that's always a plus. (((KIM)))

    Dara, damn those headaches, I just don't understand what's going on. I wish I could help u--I say prayers everyday for all of u gals, that's all I can do. I what can I possibly say about u'r cousin (((HUGS))) Dara for all of this crap.

    Pegg and Sandy reading 'bout u'r furbabies and it's always so sweet for me to read when they're happy and crawling around u'. I lubs cuddling kitties, that's so fun.

    Sandy u really sound like u'r doing well. Good for u, all of that is not easy stuff and u'r kickin' it.

    SusyQ glaaad u'r puter is all bixed up. We really need them, don't we? 60 mph??? Isn't that a mini something??? Not super windy here, but loads of rain and the grass is so green now and growing fast.

    Jazzy u tire me out just reading. I think u always have to be some kind of busy, right??? I hope things hurry up for u for u'r business so u can get back to doing u'r work. I don't remember are u a strong swimmer, cuz u really sound like it. Never learned how, but just enjoy the water--in a pool--

    Thinking of Lori, know she's enjoying her DD, wherever they are, Heidi, hope u'r doing OK, Mary how are u, hope well. Celia where are u. Tell us how u'r feeling.

    I was getting my coffee, passed Marty in the kitchen he was just going to bed, a few of his friends came over last nite to keep him company--hehehe--so, now he's sleeping for who knows how long. Nicky <cousin> couldn't make it, he's looking for a new car today, his is finally really falling apart. I was hoping he'd come too, haven't seen him for a bit.

    Watched Netflix with Dan Thursday nite til 4am, can't keep up with these young uns', they should know this. 2 nites in a row Dan has been with me til all hours, but he knows I miss Joey. And I did impress him by turning on Netflix by myself, he is happy I have Joey to teach me. And Joey and Leslie are homesick now, I think they're there a little to long. When I hear Joey's voice now, he has a sadness to it. At first it was bubbly.

    Have I told u gals lately how glad I am to have u all, just sayin'......

    Check in later---it's Sat-turd-day.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    OMG DARA, I just read what u posted. Oh u don't have to worry at all!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy for u, so happy, this is wonderful, Now u have to feel really good to enjoy everything u deserve. YYYYYAAAAAAYYYYYY THIS IS SO EXCITING, I never even knew anyone who won, now I know you YYYAAAYYY.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    Image result for happy dance gif HAPPY DANCE

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited April 2017

    Dara- you won the lottery? April fools?

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2017

    now now now, what do you goils tink?

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2017

    Dara Dahhlink....I tink u r April Fooling us....LOL

    I am jes pooping in for a day is getting away from me. Want to take pooches to the park, but we had a lot of rain yest and I kno the park is a mess and I just got them both groomed. I kno I'm being selfish, but I can't stand to have a dirty pooch. Hope you goils have a wonderful 'Fool's Day'.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited April 2017

    Seems like we have winter storms going on everywhere today! It is rainy here in central NM, but snowing all around us and up north into Denver. East coast too. With that thought, I leave you this for now......


  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338
    edited April 2017

    Jazzy HAHAHAHA!!!
