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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    Image result for google images for mondays

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    Jazzy I'm concerned about Kim cuz I'm thinking of the ER, she really never rushes to one so I know she has to be sick and I'm wondering if she's in the hospital, Oh I hope not, I just want her to be home and resting well. That's why I feel concerned. I think we all know what I mean.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338
    edited April 2017

    Jazzy, dang. I'm so envious you are going to Ruth's Chris Steakhouse. Don't have one here and it's one of my faves. But we DO have Churchill's which is superb. Have a bite and drink or two for me!

    Thinking of all of you!


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited April 2017

    Cami- I too am worried she could have ended up in the hospital. As someone with life long asthma, I know the risk is there (never been hospitalized for it, but have been close). She sounded very scared in her message this weekend. Breathing problems are terrifying.

    I think some of the ladies here went on a cruise together including her. Anyone have her phone number to call her?

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited April 2017

    Pontiac- you will be sad to hear I don't eat steak. Not a red meat eater since 1983 (cannot digest it). So I end up doing fish, but that is delicious too. The client we are meeting with is a big steak lover so you go where they want to eat. The Ruth Chris steakhouse is relatively new here, been less than a year and always packed.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2017

    Kim has me worried, too. I only had one ER admit for asthma, but it was a doozy—on vacay in Lake Geneva, WI. The one EMS in the county was otherwise occupied, so Bob drove me the 10 miles to the hospital in the predawn darkness, feeding me sips of black coffee (caffeine helps keep the lungs open) from the hotel’s front desk. Took three nebs in a row—discharged me with a bagful of inhalers & pills. And it turned into pneumonia. Gordy’s had four ER visits and a four-day stay (brought by EMS) for his asthma. We watch him like a hawk to make sure he’s using his Symbicort twice a day as prescribed; he won’t take montelukast for prevention like I do, but he’s the primary user of my recurring Ventolin ‘scrip—I get three inhalers every two months and he uses two of them (as well as his own Rx). Refuses to see a pulmonologist, hates to go to the family PCP whom he finds “judgmental” about his lax adherence to proper treatment. Going to London next week, but it’s the one EU country where I can’t buy Ventolin OTC. (It’s our usual souvenir gift for him whenever we go to Europe—half a dozen Ventolin inhalers. If Customs were ever to inspect my suitcase I’d be writing this from Club Fed).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited April 2017

    quick update, feeling worse going to the ed.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited April 2017

    Native- sorry to hear things are worsening. Sending you much love and healing energy.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    Holy Chit!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2017

    Oh, Kim, hope the ER can nip this in the bud!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    I actually hope she stays in at least overnite, cuz I would think she's be well taken care of, but now what about Sadie, that poor Furbaby but then again I;'m sure she made all provisions for her. OOOHHHH

    DARA, DARA, DARA, do u have Kim's #??????? U'r always on top of these things.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2017

    Hope there's a neighbor or dog-walker to look in on Sadie—who walks her when Kim’s at work?

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited April 2017

    still in the ED, will be here a bit longer, but feeling a little better. Ongoing acute asthma triggered by a viral infection. Dehydration, currently getting IV fluids. Going to start another course of steroids. Being changed to stronger nebulizer medication. Plan to call my PCP and make an appointment about all this crap.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited April 2017

    NM- glad they are helping you. Hospital is sometimes the best place to get this stuff worked out. Hope you will be home and better soon!

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited April 2017

    NM - Echoing what others have expressed and hoping you are well on the mend soon. Hugs!

    ChiSandy - Your statements about this blog were spot on. Thanks for the info on wine storage - may have to look into this.

    I am one of the vicarious sporadic drinkers, but thoroughly enjoy the postings. Overindulged many times through college and up until marriage & motherhood. Did a lot of sailing along with requisite rum drinks and some stupid stuff, but managed to avoid harming anyone but myself. The occasional glass of champers, prosecco, wine or splash of Chambord is as far as things go these days. Nowadays, it is "everything in moderation, nothing to excess."

    Re: cannabis - If was available legally & would be helpful for BC or other issues, I would go for it.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2017

    I am all for legalization of not just medical but recreational marijuana use, and find it outrageous that the new DOJ—headed by someone who believed in “states' rights" when it came to integration back in the day--now insists on federally pre-empting state laws in order to prosecute those who lawfully possess and use weed within the borders and under the laws of their own states. I don't think it's improper and political to point out that someone who has merely hearsay prejudiced “moral" opinions rather than any medical background has no business making, influencing (i.e., Congress) or enforcing drug policy. And even if I wanted to smoke pot and could get my MO to sign a permit application, the application in IL contains language that the applicant acknowledges that any use or possession of marijuana is a felony under Federal law and that no agency of the IL state gov't will come to the applicant's aid in any way should the applicant get federally busted (which is not improbable given the retaliatory bent of the current administration should said applicant publicly criticize it). And by so acknowledging, I am implicitly admitting intent to commit a federal felony…so if the state marijuana and attorney registration systems ever cross-communicate, I could get disbarred. (It's one thing to retire from practicing law; it's quite another to be disbarred). I could even be placed on the no-fly list.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited April 2017

    Home again. Tucked up with Sadie, smoking a dose of the new, stronger nebulizer med, waiting for a dose of xanax to kick in. I had been trying really hard not to get dehydrated and managed to anyway. So also have a glass of soda going. No caffeine, lemon and ginger ale. Very tired but struggling to breathe, so much happier. Be back tomorrow.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2017

    Take it easy, Kim, and give Sadie an extra cuddle (she will doubtless reciprocate). Glad you’re home.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited April 2017

    NM- so glad you are home and better. I know Sadie will be there to comfort you. We are here for you sister if you need us!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    Kim so glad to hear u'r home and with stronger stuff to help you. U've really had a crazy time with this, JUST GET BETTER, that's my bossy attitude.

    Sandy why do u confuse me so??? OK we both live in the same state, IS IT LEGAL for a script for pot---I thought it was--altho I have to say I never did have anything against it, I smoked it one time and just didn't care for it, the 2nd time was out of that long thing with water, again didn't care for it, but I would like the candy or whatever it is--my one cousin has lymphoma and he does use it regularly and it has helped him, but he smokes it and tries to teach me how, silly I know but I just don't care to and as u know I smoke. But now reading this I'm not sure if it's legal but my oldest DD said there is a dispensary near my home--of course she would know--ahem, or is it. So confusion reigns with me. Could I ask my Dr., without sounding like an old hippie--LOL I remember when my kids were young and drank and then DROVE, I would be furious, Thank God they don't do that any more, well for a lot of yrs now. So I think pot and alcohol is fine as long as u don't overuse or put anyone's life in danger--now they make arrangements or just stay where they are. And there have been nites here where I'm surprised to see people for breakfast, but I'm fine with all of that too. OMG I ask one question and I go on and on. sorry.

    I'll be back on steroids today, I'm so happy, hope they work like before. Anyone know how long u can take steroids, another question, which I will just ask.

    I think Lori's DD is leaving today, I'm sure it's going to be a hard day for her and I'm also sure they had a wonderful time together.

    My kids are home. There was some delay, cuz of the storms all over, but they're here. Of course Marty told them he doesn't have a job anymore--Joey comes in my room to tell me everything will be fine, we always get thru bad times together. He's such a brat. It's great to be that age. Oh today I'll hear the song that Joey and Laura's DH wrote and recorded. He's in the music business and plays piano and keyboards--not really well known, but has been on movie sound tracks like Lethal Weapon with whoever does the music, so he's in the background and Leslie says he's a great DH and a very nice guy. So they did spend some time on that--He told Joey to bring his clarinet so they could have a day together with music. He really kept his word.

    OK I'll check back latah.

    Hello everyone I hope u'r day goes grrrreat.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    Image result for recipes for whiskey drinksDOTD--another breakfast drink.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited April 2017

    Good morning friends- it's a rainy Tuesday here and some snow in the surrounding parts of the state. Winter is still around and we have warnings of a hard frost tonight so I need to be planning to do some covering up of some things in the gardens. The moisture is good, but wish it were not so cold again. I hear there are bad storms to the east doing a lot of damage and hope anyone in the SE is okay.

    Made some pro-active calls yesterday around work stuff and got some good feedback on one and waiting to hear on another by end of week. Business dinner tonight and lots to do before then to be ready!

    NM- thinking of you and hoping you are at home resting well and getting through this asthma scare.

    Cami- good to hear DD and Joey are home safely. I think Joey is a wise one to try to tell you everything will be okay. I hope Marty gets out to find new work so the family won't be stressing about money.

    Chi- they are trying to legalize it here, which I may have shared before. The state is in the tank for revenue due to a down cycle in oil and gas industry. It is projected it would bring $60M annually in much needed revenue, and being discussed in the current legislative session, but our governor won't sign it. She likes things to stay poor here, we have spiraled here since the 2008 crash and under her zero leadership. Fortunately she is done end of 2018 and we have new folks starting their campaigns for next year's election. We are known for having a lot of not good things here, including the worst run state government in the nation.

    Gotta get my day moving better. Going to the pool to swim at noon. Wishing everyone a good day!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2017

    I see that NM has visited the thread. I just spoke to her on the phone and she does sound like she has trouble breathing. But she is home now and on stronger meds, so hopefully they will do the trick. Of course I told her we were all worried and praying for her. Let's keep the prayers going plus send some positive energy her way.


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2017

    Jazz - thanks for the kind words about my mom. And I will have toast of her beefeaters on the 20th.

    Cami - Yes, both my diagnosis and my moms passing happened on 4-20. It was truly the worst thing that has happened in my 62 years. But I am OK, I still miss her as most of you do your family and friends that have passed.

    I have to get on the phone to the disability ofc. I sure hope I can get some answers. Will keep you all posted.

    NM - I pray you will take ALL the time you need to kick the asthma to the curb. (((NM)))

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2017

    Hi girls,

    Well I broke a sleep record, went to bed at ten aye em on Monday and did not get up until seven aye em this morning so 21 hours sleep! And I feel good, not much of a headache right now.

    Suz, thanks for checking on NM for us. I too have her phone number and was going to call later today after starting to read the thread. You da woman, chicka. Hope your day is going well.

    NM, I will continue praying that you get well quickly. Did the doctor instruct you to stay home from work and if so, when did he/she say you can return? I hope you are able to rest as long as you need to so you don;t have a relapse. I know from my prior job that it is often very difficult to call out sick when we should. During my work life BC (before cancer), I ha,d never missed a day of work without the day being pre-scheduled off for my first 10 years of my most recent job. The first time I called out was because I had my DD in the emergency room the night before as she had had diarrhea for over three days and become dehydrated.

    Cammy, glad Joey is back home, I know that you missed him. Great advise he gave you, what a great kid he is! I hope his new song goes viral then no more worries over never know! Sending prayers for your family that everything is okay financially. Oh do I know the fear and pain, hope you do not go there ever!! Love you. Yep, de Willie aka marijuana is not legal federally. I guess that would mean that when someone has a medical card, they can't get popped for it if they are in their own state indulging de Willie. It is very expensive here in NJ. My friend Stella smokes it and tails me that it is "only" 300.00 for an ounce when obtaining illegally opposed to the 500.00 to get it for medical use!

    Image result for marijuana card nj

    I am missing Lori since she posts daily. Hope to hear about her visit and trip soonliest.

    I also am missing my roomie and partner in crime, Genny around here. Pls report Mary!

    Sandy, I jest love Love LOVED the way you got on the soapbox to defend those of us that dwink after BC, and to remind a few peeps of the fact thaIt our thread is in the games and fun forum of BCO way to go girl.ThumbsUpHow is Happy, have you seen the vet yet to make sure he is alright?

    Jazzy, glad you have come to terms with being patient while awaiting the perfect employment opportunity. And I'm proudda ya for doing activities that please YOU! I know you will land the perfect job in God's time.

    Speaking of jobs, I had a dream that a local radio station was giving away a job and I showed up at the Wawa store (a convenience store here on the east coast) and I was first in line. The DJ first asked me my name then asked me the date of the last time I worked. He then told me that I'd been out of work too long to qualify for the so called contest. So I drove away but could not go far since traffic was at a standstill due to the radio stations contest. Crazy how life's events find their way into our dreams!

    Hello to Hsant and Peggy and to anyone else I missed. Have a super fantastic week!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2017

    Mema, I bumped ya into the pool, hope it was invigorating! Hugs to ya!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2017

    Cami, here in IL medical marijuana is legal. You can download & print the application for a med-mar card, but a physician (preferably a treating one) needs to sign the app saying you need it. (They can’t write a “prescription” per se because marijuana is still a federal Schedule I controlled substance—along with heroin & opium, and Schedule I drugs can’t be prescribed. Would you believe that cocaine is “only a Schedule II?!”). You then go to a dispensary—you must go in person—show your med-mar card & photo ID, and buy the weed (or edibles) of your choice…IN CASH. (Banks are federally regulated, so if a dispensary tries to open a bank account it’s considered" money-laundering”). PM me if you are looking to discuss this in greater detail, not holding back your opinion.

    I know in other states with legal med-mar the dispensaries can put you in touch with doctors willing to sign your application. Maybe dispensaries here (there are TWO within a couple of miles of me) also can. But because I have a law license to consider and still need & want to travel by air and across borders, I don’t dare apply for a card until Congress de-criminalizes marijuana possession—the previous A.G. announced that his DOJ wasn’t interested in wasting precious resources (not to mention ruining lives) prosecuting marijuana users in states that had legalized it w/in their own borders.

    You can buy CBD oil lawfully online (even a health food store in Evanston carries it). But I am not sure its potency matches that of the stuff at dispensaries, nor whether it will alleviate pain. And others on these boards report that it tastes horrible.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2017

    Dara, it is true that if you have a med-mar card or your state allows recreational weed use, you cannot be busted by state or local police agencies if you are indulging within the borders of your state (or visiting a recreational-weed state like CA, WA, OR, or AK even without a permit). BUT—and this is a very big exception—the DEA or any federal cops (including local or state police officers deputized by the DOJ) can bust and prosecute you! The previous administration's AG made it clear he wasn't interested in doing that, but that is "prosecutorial discretion," giving him the power to enforce or not. The federal statute making marijuana possession a felony is still on the books, and regardless of how cool the AG is, only Congress can change that. (With the party affiliation of most in the House & Senate, that ain't gonna happen—and even if it does, there's no telling whether you-know-who would sign or veto it, and if the latter, if enough Senators would override the veto). And our new AG is very vocal about his opinion that pot is a dangerous gateway drug ("Lady Gaga said she's addicted to it" is his actual reasoning) and that he intends to allow his DOJ to enforce federal marijuana laws in all states. Three guesses against whom it will and won't be enforced. More deets than that I can't discuss in this thread.

    Happy is OK. He did “poot” last night but it was just gas. (Everybody farts). Gordy’s taking him in this week for his annual vet visit.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited April 2017

    Jazzy went to do lap swimming at noon today. What a perfect time to do this work out, and had tons of lanes and not busy. Need to work in this into my schedule to get there twice a week at lunch time when I am working from home.

    I did 40 laps today, but my left creaky shoulder is talking to me.....


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2017

    Wow—great pool! L.A. Fitness has only a lap pool.

    Yesterday's DsOTD were a cappuccino, and then an ounce of Hess Shirttail Vineyard un-oaked Chardonnay. (Screw-cap bottle already open in the fridge, not via Coravin).