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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited April 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!My PCP has put me out of work until at least next Thursday.The company is putting me on Leave of Absence, which startled me at first but once I got on line this ayem and took care of that bit of work I realized it's just FMLA, with an outside company managing things.May even qualify for short term disability.Got enough PTO time to get full pay for 2 more weeks.So now I've done one more big dose of steroids, tomorrow starts the taper.Changed to a different rescue inhaler (to the tune of $312 per inhaler, but if it works, I'll go with it).On scheduled duonebs alternating with albuterol nebulizer treatments for a few days, then as needed.Was told to let go of the work stuff/changing to part time/whatever until I've recovered from this bout of asthma.Plenty of time to have a talk with the director/HR people when I'm fit for work.Plenty of time to give notice then, too, without getting caught up in the drama and stress and undoing the recovery I'm working on right now. My PCP kept saying I look exhausted, I kept thinking that I know I'm tired but I've been getting some sleep, then after the appointment yesterday I sat down to watch the news and fell dead asleep until a coughing jag woke me up and realized I really am exhausted.It's been over a week since I've slept through the night, I'm short of breath walking around the house.How did I let myself get so far run down and worn out?I am depending on you ladies to keep me to the new track of following the PCP orders, resting and taking care of myself.Taking care of myself has truly become anissue of survival. Sorry to go on and on so much about myself but I thank God you ladies are willing to listen to me and tell me when I'm being selfish and when I'm doing what I need to.

    Goldie--Lost a tire on the toy hauler?So glad no one got hurt, and praying it's not an expensive problem to fix. And that you had such a good time!

    Jazzy--weather has warmed up here, getting wind and rain, most of the snow is melting.I am looking forward to Taking Sadie for walks out side soon. Mud season is arriving in grand style, so it's mostly slipping and sliding rather than walking right now, but it will dry, eventually.It must be so hard to have to change docs in the middle of treatment, I can't imagine how all those people did and are doing now.

    Mema--I think I do feel better just not having to think about work for a bit. Makes it easier to accept that it's ok to rest.Got to find some movies to watch to zone out to now.

    Dara--sounds like the work front is looking better for you?I hope so.Pretty sure I can count on you being in my pocket when I do go talk to the director when I go back to work?Your confidence just amazes me and sometimes I need that!Sadie says "hi" and sends snuggles to Lucy.

    Cammy--the purple rain does look strong, and I am staying away from alcohol just now, but building a list of dwinkies to have when I'm all better! So glad you got the scan done, no matter how you had to drug yourself to do it!And good that the bank is finally standing up and doing what they are supposed to be doing.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    Good morning ladies- I was up early to get my little convertible in for some service and hope they don't find any surprises! She is my high end car and even the tune up is pricey, but also had them look at her last summer when she was in for a new fuel pump. I do know I have an AC issue so they are doing extra for that. My little money pit.....

    I had a fun day yesterday working for one of my fav music not for profits with some of their annual pledge drive. Stuffing and labeling envelopes, oh boy! Got to see some folks I rarely see and also met some new people. Lots of great conversations sitting around that table. I love putting myself in groups where one can meet new people and mix it up. Then I went to an art show a music friend had last night too and it was so well attended and some of my music peeps were there too. Just a fun all around day with my music community, filled me up! I needed that! Today I will just be home taking care of some calls and house things. It is beautiful and warm here and think I will get a bike ride in later today.

    NM- I am glad your PCP has helped you to get away from this job for awhile to get better. I have no doubt you look exhausted, hearing all you were doing was all just too much. We knew your were struggling, but having been in that place myself, I know it is hard to look for another job when they have you overworked and exhausted. Leveraging your FMLA/short term disability is the way to go. And yes, once you are better, you will be in a better place to make decisions about whether you want to remain with this group or go work for a better run organization. They don't seem to be able to manage their work against their resources and that should not be your problem. We can help you to keep honest about your wellness going forward. Rest up sister and know you are on the path to recovery and so glad to hear this.

    Cami- glad you got to your MRI and you cracked me up with your comments about being so drugged up and not being able to move even if the building is on fire. Here is to being considered the perfect patient. And your boss seems to have your back and giving you some advances to help you out to ensure you have food. You are loved sister.

    Got some things to tend to and will poop in later to see who else is here today! Happy Friday!


  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338
    edited April 2017

    Cami, DH and I had our Chase checking account wiped out Memorial Day weekend a few years ago. He was in rehab at the hospital and we were closing on a re-fi. We believe that the company handling it compromised our information. What was worse was I went right to the bank branch and they closed the account and opened a new one. I had a check from a friend to deposit and by afternoon it was gone too. Chase was very helpful. Then another bank sent us info that a credit card was being opened in our name but a different address. They had a tape of the guy using our info. That was turned over to the FBI. What was funny is, while he was roughly DH's age, he was black and DH is white. BTW, the State did not give a damn that a driver's license was fraudulently obtained by the bad guy in DH's name. It was several months before things got back to normal. I could not use online banking for anything. I did not write a check. I got money orders. Only *I* could access the account. DH was removed from it. Luckily (?) that was all. Everything was clamped down that first weekend so our credit wasn't affected.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    Cami- oh and my identity was hacked a couple years ago too and had someone try to open credit cards in my name using a different address. The first one was with Capital One, which is always sending those things in the mail to get you to do balance transfers. Someone called me from there to ask if it was me applying and said "nope." I put a watch on, later put a freeze on. I have passwords on all my accounts these days too.

    Oh not good news from the car repair place. Got a bunch to do and agreed to do part today, and will bring it back later to do the rest. Never a dull moment.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    NM we are all on u'r side. U do work to hard, u always give t 150% and now u have to just close that part of u'r mind and RELAX all u can and follow instructions to the teeee. No nurses influence on this. And Sadie is u'r biggest advocate-or so just enjoy her, reading and TV and sleep whenever u feel like it--day or night. If u have places u can order from, order for 2 nites, so u don't have to prepare if u'r low on prepared foods. OK not the best idea, but it's something. Now u are the 150% for everything u do for u'rself.

    Jazzy u'r car!!! What could it possibly be, I mean u only use it a certain time of the year. But u'r day sounds fabulous yesterday, see I told u u always have something to do and u find more, on top of it. LOL

    Pegg this was Chase bank too. And this is the 3rd time it happened from India, but this one got more complicated for some reason. They think it might be Marty, yes he travels to India all the time. Oh my stars, what else hahaha He's been vigilantly looking for a job. But nowadays it takes forever. You have to schedule a urine test, then they do a background test <which is all fine> but it takes weeks for each one to complete. And Leslie is finding out u don't get paid when u'r at the salons, u just get paid commision on a customer, if u have any.... I used to think that was against the law not getting paid for being at a work place. But who knows--I'm so confused all the time. So there is no more u can start on Monday kind of thing. But my sweet boss gave me that " bonus" cuz I'll still get paid. See how I get so mad at him, then we hug and I love him in a nano second.

    OK check in latah


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2017

    We got our identity stolen to file a false tax return (for a much smaller refund than we had coming) a couple of years ago. Took 10 months to get the anti-fraud PIN from the IRS to have our accountant e-file, but we did eventually get our full refund. The IRS should have noticed, and been suspicious, that after a decade of e-filing complex returns, the person purporting to be us filed a 1040-EZ with just the std. deduction, no W-2s or 1099s. But it only goes to show you just how understaffed the Fed. gov’t is. The friend who was our best man 46 yrs ago is an intake office-auditor for the IRS and he says you would be shocked as to how little time & scrutiny the average return gets! (My sister got hacked the same way that same year—as did millions of other people).

    Last night, had a split of Chandon Brut with tuna poke and veggies at pre-theater dinner. The restaurant had the tallest, skinniest flute I’d ever seen—held an entire split. I was terrified of knocking it over (but had no trouble knocking it back).

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    Chi- after the fraudulent cards, I gave my accountant the heads up on the identity theft, and he got a pin from the IRS in advance. So far so good with filing, but I hold my breathe every year. Glad you got through that okay. You are one of a few I know had that happen.

    I have many IT colleagues who work in cyber security and they said for all the stuff we have on line, the US is 10 years behind with having the right security protection. That is why you have seen the change from the swiping to the chips on the cards, because that was a 30 plus year old technology. He said it is better to assume your info is out there and to just be ready to react.

    The new thing in healthcare is called ransoming data. Cyber criminals hack and steal patient data and then hold it for ransom. What a crazy world we live in

    Cami- see, we all have had stuff happen. Your family is not alone, but how upsetting just the same!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    Jazzy my computer has been hacked 2x, but my stuff is all stupid stuff, never put any info on it for my SS, or bank stuff, I always use gift cards for shopping on line. But I would imagine my entry into my bosses stuff has much more info, so he's really locked me up here, but that doesn't mean it won't happen again--but he has imprt. info I would imagine, I never looked actually. Not my business--It just amazes me how many people can do this and I can't get into my own accounts some days. But then again my knowing things is way in the past for techy stuff. I mean even Joey found out exactly who did it in no time. And I don't mean cuz he's that smart, he just know puters like all these kids do now. I was raised with a pen and pencil, then graduated with a mild knowledge of a typewriter. LOL And a microphone at school u thought u were really funny if u could get in and out using it. Oh well as we say chit happens, more than ever these days. It's funny cuz I fought direct deposit for years, I just didn't trust it like everyone did, then it was this is what we are doing now--So I did it. Sheep that's what I am--My dad used to say <oh, he said a lot> someday we'll all be like sheep and just do what everyone wants. And I thought he was silly. Oh my soap box is getting weaker,

    Oh I got my test results back I guess my back is a mess, up to the middle of my back and that hurts the least. She did say she doesn't recommend an operation on me, but she has to send me to another Dr. <of course> to see if I can be helped--but she did fill my pain meds for 250 pills, first time ever. So now another Dr. I always want a one stop shop, but doesn't happen. I guess I'm not as dramatic as I thought this time. Oh well.

    OOOHHH the sun is out here. Forgot what that looked like---the kids are happy, all I see is my window needs to be clean, so another job for my assistant. It's a little out of my reach actually and I wouldn't do it anyway. I don't do windows.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    Cami- so what is the story with your back. Is it mets or something else? No wonder you have such pain. I hope the new doc can help you. So many women who have gone through BC treatment have major back issues. Don't ask me about my lower back right now, but that is my own fault from all the lifting and moving around of stuff here at the house. I am my own worst enemy.

    I did not hear from the car dealer yet and know the window for the shuttle has passed so my guess is they need to keep her to finish the AC job. I can go get her on Monday. Meanwhile, I am now working on getting some quotes from some HVAC contractors for a hot water heater replacement (due and overdue) and also a few other minor repairs here. Getting things fixed all over the place.

    The weather is back up to 80 today and just lovely! Tomorrow I am going to a truck food show. I love truck food!

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338
    edited April 2017

    No drinking tonight :( My tummy is very unhappy so that's off the menu. Pork tenderloin, boughten mashed potatoes, green beans and garlic bread.

    Happy Weekend!


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2017

    Grecchetto bianco from Umbria tonight, with branzino steamed in parchment with fresh herbs & tomato slices, zucchini latkes, and stir-fried snap peas.

    Last night’s Chicago Med (which featured my voice teacher’s kid—who also plays Matteo on APB—as a little boy with Valley fever) was about ransomware striking an entire hospital’s computer system.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    Having a glass of pinot noir rose tonight (Starmont). It is an okay rose. Got two more this week at Whole Foods, one is a cab rose and the other a french bordeaux rose. Will let you know how these are as they get opened and tasted.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2017

    The WF near me had a Languedoc rose on end-cap display—clear bottle, white label? Haven’t seen it lately.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    The cab rose is called Mulderbosch and the french bordeaux rose is called Blue French. Both on sale this week at WF in my store!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2017

    Is the cab rose S. African? The name sure sounds like it. I think I did see a “Blue French” label on a display but I’m racking my brain as to what the bottle looked like. Bob brought several different French roses home from WF but I never managed to get a drop. We are picking up tomorrow at brunch some of the wines we bought at the last “20 for $20” tasting at Cellars—including at least one S. African one by Graham Beck called “Gorgeous.” (Beck’s sparkling Brut Rose was served at the first Obama Inaugural dinner).

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    What great wines, damn I wish I could enjoy them like I used to, but at least my sister still does. She does stay with the same wine tho, she's just used to it, I guess. I always liked a very dry wine, can't remember what, but they did call it dry.

    I fell asleep early and woke up about 1am, and still up--I went on facebook and I enjoy coping funny things. I don't say much there anymore just enjoy LOLing some and catching up with pics. of people I care about. U all know how I love pics.

    Kim I hope u'r feeling better and u seem so determined finally, this time. So sorry this had to do it, but it's time.

    Partay tonite, I hope. There are lots of wide stairs to get in the house, I tried the yard once in the back but it really was steep. So I'm so slow I have to get there earlier than most. Jazzy this is not mets, Thank God, just more crap and right I never had any type of back problem before, actually that was never a problem in our family--if it's genetic in any way. No one had one. Oh well.

    Well u'll be getting u car soon, so u can enjoy it with u'r weather. I heard it was nice today, I had my heater on and my SIL told me how it was out there, so I turned it off and still cold tho. hahaha

    Oh Oh, Joey had a new friend over today, just gorgeous long blonde hair, but had blue stripey things in it. Her mom is a beautician and does it. Leslie told me all these young girls are starting to do this already!!! I thought it was young, but that's the thing going around, but her name was one I haven't heard in a long time--Violet--al these names are coming back too. All right I have a silly question. I asked Marty if he has had "the talk" with Joey, and he said oh no, he's to young--haha not with these girls he brings around <I think> he'll be a teenager in just a couple of months, and I do talk to him alot and I think he's ready, buuut oh chit I might just go ahead with it myself, he doesn't get embarrassed with me like he does with his parents. I'm bad, I know.

    I'm watching Cheers right now, still a funny show to me.

    Lori when I was looking at u'r pics. it dawned on m where u were sitting and I thought did u actually climb to these places, and if they were height or hard to climb. I couldn't get the feeling of exactly where u were sitting in them, But they were all so beautiful. I had to be just wonderful for u and Jennifer. Did u cook campfire style too. Not a camper, can u tell???

    Dara I was watching a commercial for Botox for headaches--I actually paid attention-- and somewhere in there it did say u have to do it more than once, which I guess I thought once should be enough. I just hope that this 2nd one will get it started, cuz in a lot of things in life once is not enough. So don't give up at all. Plus does it help with wrinkles or is something else added to this. I just wonder. But anything that helps with some good SE sounds better.

    OK I should wash my hair and do something with it, I suppose--have to plan anyway.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    I'm having a hard time with pics. this morning B U T

    Roast marshmallows and hollow out.

    Pour Kahlua in center and enjoy the whole thing.

    Sounded good to me---DOTD

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    Cami- I hear these days, kid get "the talk" pretty early because the info is so out in the world and accessible with social media, etc. I learned from the neighborhood kids back in the day. I don't even remember my mother talking to me about it, just remember her making me watch the movie in Girl Scouts about "the joy of becoming a woman" to prepare for the monthly. Joy? What were those people drinking?

    Joey's friend sounds cute. I love the name Violet.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited April 2017

    Good morning, Loungettes! Happy Saturday!Gray and gloomy here, more rain predicted. Trying to rest as much as possible, and discovered that rest is going to require xanax until the steroid taper is further along.Kept trying to nap yesterday, just could not settle until I finally took a xanax.Napped a bit in the pm, then in the evening, then took another one and slept pretty well last night, once I finally admitted I needed the chemical help. Crazy thing is, I already know this about how steroids and I get along. So taking a half tab this ayem, going to work on taxes, make a run to the store, then come home and take awhole pill and chill for the peeyem. Now if only my voice will start coming back so I can communicate by phone and not just by text and e-mail!And guess what I saw on Fb yesterday--one of the clinical managers posted that the office is looking to hire a full time RN!

    Jazzy--sounds like you had a really fun time with the envelope stuffing and conversation. I am greateful to my PCP, too, and definitely going to pay attention to her instructions going forwards.

    Peggy--boy, what a scare that must have been, I'd have been a wreck. Glad your bank could help.

    Jazzy--oh, dear, sorry about the not so good news from the car place. But, you deserve a toy, or hobby or indulgence or whatever you want to call it, and it's your money to spend, so go for if that's what you want!

    Cammy--actually, I have some meals thawing in the fridge from the last batch of Meal Box meals I ordered. It's actually not bad food, and I have a bunch of easy to fix stuff on hand too.I'm lucky that the local grocery stores have good supplies of prepared but relatively healthy foods that just need to be heated up--soups, pot pies, various pasta dishes and the like, made in the store. Also salads and sandwiches, and cut up fruit and fruit salads.I know I can buy the ingredients and make my own a lot more cheaply, but this is quick and easy and not so unhealthy, so I do it anyway. At least I'm not eating mac and cheese from a box!I don't understand how Leslie can work for a salon but not be paid.Somehow that just does not sound right. But, like you, I don't understand all the laws and regulations surrounding that kind of thing.

    Chi--love the line about being afraid to knock over but not afraid to knock back the flute!

    Jazzy--I've heard about the cyber-ransoming.Health care is being forced into using electronic records, and has no clue how to go about it rationally. This is one place where we probably do need a universal system.The problems in getting timely info about patients across different systems is incredible. You would not believe how often I spend time chasing down basic info like correct PCP names, patient home addresses and phone numbers and diagnosis lists when I do an admission.I can't get a current medication list from our sister home care agency, part of the same company, in the same building, using the same electronic system due just because the home health patient is coded HH and HH med lists cannot be shared with hospice coded patients!

    Cammy--so sorry tohear about your back. I hope the new doc has something up his/her sleeve that will help, and am glad you've got enough pain meds to get by for a little while. One stop shopping is always nice, isn't it?I saw the sun for a few minutes yesterday, hoping to see it again soon.I know it will come back eventually.

    Jazzy--a truck food show?WOW!Sounds like fun!

    Peggy--sorry your tummy is unhappy. Hope it settles soon.

    Cammy--I can just see you having "the talk" with Joey, only to have HIM updating YOU on all the latest!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2017

    Cami, it takes us about 7 hours to get to Moab, so not too bad. It's about the same to get to Vegas from here. You took the scrubs from the hospital? Put your own clothes over the top of them??? Too funny! What is making your back a mess? Is it the rat basTURD? Yippee skippee, it's not mets! Violet is a cute name. I have a cousin whose kids names are Scarlet and Juliet. We did not cook over the campfire and the spot where we were sitting, we drove up to, but it was high up and we were sitting on a ledge.

    NM, you got so darned worn out because of your dedication to your patients. I'm glad you have some time off. And do take this time to REST, and not do too many chores. You need to take care of YOU.

    Jazzy, sounds like you had a most wonderful and needed day on Thursday. I hope yesterday was restful as well. Warm here and now come the winds! Sorry your sweet ride is going to cost more than expected. Truck food show, how fun. Can't wait to hear about it. We like the show on tv, Food Truck Race.

    Peggy, it is a shame that these banks don't prosecute. Our business account was taken advantage of several years ago, in the tune of $10K. Bank could see who did it, but did nothing. We got our money back within days.

    Sandy, glade you only knocked the flute back and not over!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2017

    Sitting on the EDGE!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    Good Morning again ladies,

    Oh the order of things written has come back. First NM, then Lori--the way it usually is. I'm so orderless, but now here.

    Kim I'm glad u have urself all set up, now don't rush things, PLEEEEZE. Wait on FB, what was it under, her own name. That's strange to me to put something like that on there, unless most of her "friends" are nurses, maybe. Now that would be a big help for u and I see how much they miss u too. I knew they would.

    Lori all I could see was high and thought OMG did she climb that, it just was a lot to me. Have u caught up with things now. She certainly looks beautiful and I hope she's doing well at home. What a place to live---WOW I can't remember but I'm sure u have visited her too, by now.

    Pegg I hope u wake up feeling much better so u can partake in u'r wine supply. Can't have that.

    I miss Julie here.

    Oh and I'm sure Joey knows more than we think, but Jazzy thinking back my mom never told me anything and going to Catholic school we were just told never hold a boys hand cuz it will do something to him. Well we didn't know what something was, I think we thought it was like 2 personalities and we didn't want to find out. But my BFF <the one I talk to now> we did kiss boys when we were 12 and we were loose girls then. But we did go to confession about it. Oh and we were also taught never, ever touch a priest. Well in time we did find out what that meant with one of them at least. LOL

    Lori my back started with <as usual> 2 disx decomposing now it's up to 6 or 7 with different things with each one, somehow surrounded by severe arthritis in there somewhere, but it's funny cuz my back itself is just sore, my legs are what is so painful so I guess it's all connected. It's down to my ankles and up to my hips and it's all really sharp, constant, Pain meds dull it, but never take it away. But I have now heard of many women after a lot of crazy chemo getting back problems, and I'm sure it's worse than mine. And I shrunk 3 ins. in no time, which really gets my ire up, for sure. LOL I'm pulling pants up to where my boobs used to be, with nothing now holding them up that high.

    I think Marty has a couple of side jobs this coming week, plus a few interviews too. Fingers crossed as usual.Leslie is giving a facial on a perspective job this week and this one she'd get paid minimum and a % of it if she does anyone. So she would like that one, plus it's the next town over. Again fingers crossed. But she doesn't have to go thru all the testing Marty does so......that's what society thinks of men, maybe.

    DARA, DARA, DARA see how she's doing.

    Sandy u another one that's so disciplined, I always admire that with u women. Maybe it comes easily for u or u work at it, IDK but it's always to be commended.

    NM I hope u'r getting up for the DOTD, u find really good ones, I just take what I can find and don't know how u find them, I have a hellofa time with it for some reason. So I'll watch for it, but if u dn't feel like it, don't give it a thought really.

    Have a wonderful Sa=turd=day ladies.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    Good morning friends- I was up middle o the night so I was back down to rest around 5 am, and then up by 8 a.m. Insomnia made a little return, but I had a glass of rose last night and know sometimes that creates a problem with sleep. Anyways, I got up and going to get some laundry going, watering outside, etc. Now I am inside for a bit and preparing to head out shortly. Beyond the food truck show, I have some errands to do over in that part of town. Weather is going to be great today for the food truck show!

    Chi- that is a south African wine. I am not sure I noticed that when I bought it, and don't think I may have had a wine from that area before? Will let you know how it is! Still nursing the pinot noir rose for right now......

    NM- so good to hear that you are feeling stronger. And interesting that your org has posted for a FT RN. I wonder what that means? Are they finally cluing in they need extra resources or planning something else? Well, you are armed with good info there in any case. Is Sadie keeping you good company?

    Goldie- that is the best picture of the bunch. What a beautiful location, where is that? I love Moab too, have not been up there in awhile but have been talking about doing a trip there with a friend from the east coast who loves the area too. Arches is one of my fav national parks.

    Cami- the best "talk" I ever had about things was around age 16 with my paternal grandmother. She would come spend a month with us every summer after my grandfather passed, and before she had to go into a home. We shared a bedroom when she stayed with us, and would often talk late at night. Probably not unlike you and Joey. Anyways, one day she asked me "so what do young girls like you do about making sure you don't have a baby too soon?" I said I was not totally sure, but knew some girls were on the pill (and mind you this was mid 1970s). Then she went on to tell me how when she got married in the early 1920's, she used the rhythm method the first year of her marriage but that she was pregnant within a few months after tying the knot and with my father. So she wrapped that up with "so if you are ever thinking of using that method, don't!" This part of my family came from a poor rural area where teenage pregnancy was the norm. I think she wanted to be sure I got through my teens without having a baby (and yes, I did). She was so special. So grandma, don't be surprised if you are the one to have the talk with Joey.......

    I need to get dressed and going to my day. Wishing everyone here a springy Saturday.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2017

    Re “the talk:" I never got it either. First I learned was just before my 10th birthday was when my mom gave me a booklet from Modess called “How Shall I Tell My Daughter?" I had never noticed any feminine hygiene stuff in our apt. bathroom, so I was pretty clueless. I read the booklet and was really excited—every day I kept checking my underpants for the first blood. We had a box of pads and an elastic belt with plastic tabs at the ready, which my mom showed me how to use (pads weren't even self-adhesive yet, and many women were still using safety pins—as the pads from ladies' room dispensers had in the little box; and they were called “sanitary napkins" back then). There were no commercials for feminine hygiene stuff—and even magazine ads were very brief and circumspect (“beating around the bush" is just too easy…): a typical one was a full-page photo of model in a long slinky white evening gown ascending a grand staircase and looking over her shoulder, with the caption “Modess…because." Anyway, a year after I got the booklet I got my first period, I was so thrilled…until Day 4, when I suddenly started getting intense cramps & nausea. The booklet never mentioned pain or even nicknames such as “the curse:" the first I saw the latter in print was two years later in my 7th grade hygiene textbook, which also explained the birds & the bees. My friends and I were horrified—surely our parents didn't do that—and how could anyone enjoy it?

    When I was much older and realized that I had matured much earlier than my classmates (who were a year older than me because I was cruelly yanked out of fun-filled kindergarten and dropped into the middle of serious first grade), most of whom didn’t get to meet Aunt Flo till at least 12, I asked my mom why she’d given me “the booklet” so early, and she replied she was just nine when she started. (And, like me, she didn’t hit menopause till 55).

  • kimburke
    kimburke Member Posts: 3
    edited April 2017

    Hi ladies,

    Checking back in again. I have done two Treatments so far. The side effect haven't been too bad. I have been able to work, sometimes I go into office, and sometimes I log in remotely and work. I find that I get tired more easily and have to have daily naps. The first few days after both sessions I was a bit off. Loss of appetite and no taste buds , miserable as hell , and very tired and cranky.

    I have been having red wine , most evenings , just try not to have excess of two glasses. There are days I try not to have any at all.

    Didnt realize its been a month since I posted last , i have lots of reading up to do and catch up on what i missed here.

    You all seem like a fun group of ladies, thanks for the warm welcome.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    Hi friends- checking back in. The food trucks show was good, met a friend there I have not seen in months and good visit. I indulged in some delicious sweet plantains from an African food truck and my friend got something else from a nearby truck. Then we went a checked out some of the vendors selling fun things (came away with a lemon quartz silver ring) and then went back for the best treat of the time there. A delicious friend avocado taco. YUMMY!

    Then I hit my favorite nursery on the way home for a few plants and saw this incredible cactus blooming there. I was so wanting to get it for a spot in my front yard when something died and needs something new (and been thinking cactus), but the nursery said this is a low desert cactus which means it won't winter well here. I have one like that already in a pot I already bring in so I passed on this. One of the prettiest cacti blooms I have seen.


    Hi Kimburke- good to hear from you and that you are doing well. It is good to pace yourself through treatment with work and all the rest, naps are super helpful although it does not always take away the fatigue. I hope you are getting some good downtime this weekend? And we do think of ourselves as fun, but also like to be helpful too. So let us know how we can help you as you go along. We are a safe place to rant, as questions, and drink with......

    ChiSandy- I matured early, got my period at 9 and was freaked out as I was told it would come when I was 12-14. And remember just horrible cramps too. Then it stopped for a good year or so, and came back when I was in 12th grade. I was one of the first to sprout boobs and get my period. And I remember the description as "the most wonderful time when you become a woman." WHAT? I was glad to be able to wear white again with no worries after I had my hysterectomy at age 52.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2017

    At 10, I got sent home with a note for my mom from the school nurse, urging her to buy me a training bra. 28 A, blinding white with knitted cups (Exquisite Form—do they even make those any more?). The boys in my class would tease me mercilessly, snapping the back band of the bra.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    Good Morning ladies,

    I'm really LOLing now with "u'r time of the month" they didn't even say periods then. hahaha I had an older sister so she was supposed to help me, but all she did was laugh and say it's u;r turn with that stupid belt. Sandy I think my mom gave me the same pamphlet, never talked about this thing that was happening. Jazzy u'r grandmother story is just beautiful, how lucky u were to share u'r room with her. Nice memories. It's funny tho, the 3 of us all started really early, I wasn't 10 yet, of course now everyone knows everything, I guess. Sandy I remember those straps, ugh, horrible.

    Kim good to see u here, Great that u r still working, but it does get tiring and nap whenever u can. One thing I think, don't know for sure, but I used plastic utensils during the whole time, sounds silly, but it did help a bit, when u feel like eating. And plenty of water, I know all of us are different so do what u need to do for u'rself. And whenever u can please join in, we'd love to help u and talk some crazy talk too. How often and how long, if u know, will this be going on....

    Jazzy that plant is boootiful, I really never thought they were. All u gals have shown and taught me so much, u'd think I lived in a closet all my life.

    Well I made the partay, it's always so nice and the weather was great, some were actually sitting outside. A first for the year, I didn't know all that were there, cuz they were Michelle's "church" people, thank God she doesn't act like them--really--- and my filter went off Oy someone gave her this stupid looking present and said I didn't know what to get u and I said, "obviously" oohh Dan and Kat <his wife> LOLed and my cousin but I just looked befuddled, some people don't get me especially these kind of people. And believe me they are different. And talk about loving animals they bring their dogs and they all get along and are so friendly, it's just fun that way. <my family does this> So all in all it was great for me.

    Catch up latah.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    Image result for google images of recipes with vodkaDOTD, SOUNDS KINDA GOOD, MAYBE

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited April 2017

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday!Sun is out, temps warming up, yard is half puddle, just waiting for Sadie to discover her own personal swimming pool in the yard. Got my taxes filed yesterday, not getting much back, but don't owe, either, so good enough. Only 2 chores on the list for today, hanging out some laundry and catching up on the dishes needing washing.I was amazed how quickly I got winded just walking around the grocery stores yesterday.I went to Walmart to get some stuff that I knew was cheapest there, then to the locally owned grocery store for groceries.That's where I got the in house made salad, cut up fresh fruit, and a couple of pork pies made and sold by a Maine farm . And ran across some sparkling Limoncello that is wicked good---not alcoholic, more like a soda, but given that I'm still running a bit dehydrated I feel like I can splurge a bit on a fancy soda.Will be glad when the voice starts to come back, though. Makes it hard to do anything on the phone.Thank goodness most people can text or e-mail these days!

    Goldie--I am being careful to rest, and keeping a strict limit on chores and such.Have a call out to a company to come in give an estimate on a clutter cleaning.This is a local company that advertises disaster cleaning, but also does what they call "restoration" cleaning.Then the plan is to find a local company to come in at least weekly for routine cleaning and keep me in line.

    What an amazing picture!

    Cammy--I am not going to rush things.I promise.The clinical manager posted on FB about the new position under her own name, this is not new or unusual, and there has been talk about hiring another full time RN since the last full time RN left, so this isn't anything to do with me, specifically.And I'm sure as H E double hockey sticks not applying!I'm thinking my being out and them having to cover what they were asking me to do may have open some eyes and got them re-thinking work load issues.Not going to change my changing to part time though. So ready to give over all the responsibility of case management and just take care of patients again.

    Jazzy--Sadie's keeping me very good company.That they have posted a full time RN position means that regional management finally gave in to pressure from local management to fill a full time position that was vacated a few months ago, that wound up with me managing a double territory.Of course, most of the staff have been out sick for several days at a time over the last couple of months with this virus, too,

    Chi--I remember those belts and "sanitary napkins" and the hassle of having to keep everything hidden in my room and smuggle pads into the bathroom under my clothes to change them.I assumed it all had to be hidden cuz I'd never seen any of that kind of thing before my mom introduced the subject.It was years before I realized that Mom wasn't hiding anything, there was a lot of damage done when I was born and she had to have a hysterectomy shortly after, so she didn't need such supplies!Amazing the assumptions we make, isn't it? I remember self adhesive pads being introduced, and making quite the buzz of excitement.And Tampons? Only girls who weren't virgins could use tampons. I can't imagine what it must have been like for your Mom to start all that at only nine.

    Morning, kimburke!Time can get away from us pretty easily during treatment with all the balancing that has to be done with work, treatment, life, family, and fatigue. Glad it's going well for you.Don't worry too much about ketchuping, jump in where you are and say hi!

    Jazzy--That is a beautiful cactus bloom!It's good the nursery could clue you it that it wouldn't do well where you are, although it's too bad you had to pass.The food truck thing sounds like a huge amount of fun!Glad you found some yummies.

    Cammy--so glad you made the party and had a good time.Family parties can be a great way to ketchup with everyone and everything.

    I wonder if a fruit cocktail flavored cocktail is as good for us a real fruit cocktail?Probably not.I'll stick to my cut up watermelon for this ayem.