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how about drinking?



  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited April 2017

    Hi girls, home alone tonight and thought it'd be a good time to catch up... again. I have been on here and reading every few days just didn't take the time to post. Nothing much different here, oh what an exciting life I lead. I've been downloading from Netflix onto my cellphone and then watching here and there whenever I can, when setting my deaf clients hair, got my little earbud in and phone sitting on my station. Hell, I can sling curlers blindfolded so I might as well ketchup on some tv shows. So I finished all 4 seasons of Orange is the New Black... Love it! Oh it was good but over now till June so I started on Mad Men. DH and I are taking a vacay to Tampa the end of April, straight thru flight, looking forward to it. Had little miss ANorable last weekend, there is an indoor amusement park for 1 month every spring near here and that was last weekend so we took her, it was fun, she loves all the rides, no fear at all. And my biggest news, in case you've seen any pigs flying ……I've given up wine for 2 weeks now! I am however dwinkin licker so don't think I've totally lost my mind. It's all part of my super low carb diet, not drinking wine till I go on vacay. Right now I'm having a dirty martini, I've lost 5 pounds, DH 10 (of course) and that includes him cheating with ice cream. My knees are still the bain of my existence, had a steroid shot in the left one yesterday but they are tolerable for now. so now I'm on martini #2, then i better quit and go to the softer stuff like vodka and soda. Got to get up early and get to my 6:30 spinning class walk pooches and get to work. So I need to start getting back here more, I miss you girls.

    Dara, big congrats on the lottery win, woohoo!!!! And I think I read that you got disability with backpay?
    suu-weeet! So darn happy for you, long overdue my friend! Now if we could just do some tin about those fu**ing headaches! Okay, so hardy-har-har…. April fools on me but chit, I was happy for you for a minute! Sorry I've been away so long, I too wish I could get myself back to posting everyday, I get behind and then I don't post and it's toopid cause I know I can just pop in anytime. So how is little Lucy doing?

    Cami, So sorry to hear about Marty losing his job, ugh, hope he finds another soon. How is Leslie doing with the esthetician stuff? Joey is such an old soul. Hope the steroids do their job, as I've said before, I love the way I feel on them, no aches, no pains, too bad they have so many side effects, but they are great for some!

    Sue, are you still having trouble with disability? WTF? I thought stage 4 automatically qualified you, what's the problem with it?

    NM, oh my goodness, you have been thru the ringer and back again. The job is certainly taking way too much from you. I read all your points for your director, I think you've included everything, no one can be expected to handle such an insanely large territory, it's not fair to you or your patients. I hope your breathing is getting easier, your company would be well served to provide enough worker bees, you certainly cannot be productive when you are overworked to the point of illness. Hugs to you friend, I hope things are looking up for you soon.

    I'm going to post this now before I lose it, getting sleepy, will come back for the rest of you. Love you girls!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    Genny- good to hear from you friend! Glad you are doing okay.

    Amusement park with Anorable sounds like so much fun. No fear, that is what kids are all about!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    Mary it's good to see u and glad things are going well with fun with Anorable. Oh when u said u gave up wine, whoosh I dropped my cigarette , glad to hear u'r doing something else LOL

    Thank you Sandy, Ok now I understand this whole thing. And I know my oldest DD will get me on it sooner or later, she's all set for me.

    Jazzy what a pool, jeez u swim in there??? I looked at the pic. and thought I was drowning. U ARE a great swimmer. U do 40 of those laps, do u ever stop??? U tire me so, that's probably why my legs hurt so badly, IT'S U...

    NM must really be down, oh I know she's not working so them those horrible people eat cake, no that's way to good for them. Kim I hope u'r just relaxing and starting to mend and then enjoying some u and sadie time.

    Well the SAGA of the ZIGGY house is on going. Leslie and Marty's bank account was hacked and any money in there has been taken and any check written on that account has bounced AND it comes to more than was in there. LOL So they go to the bank and the main branch just let everything thru and this branch saw that it was a fictional place in CA that took it ---right away. Now his last check being deposited is going in there at midnite and yep, it will be taken for fees. Someone got the debit card numbers. No one could help them but they were told to get any info on this fictional place and come back with it???????? This is insane, they came home bewildered and REALLY MAD, Anyway Joey got on the puter and tracked it back to India so they printed it out and went back to the bank and no manager was there at all today so nothing could really be done--this is a big huge kind of bank too. I can't believe that no one could help them, Oh they did say "don't worry it will be put back in" but when only certain people know and we are not them. No Manager?????? No help???? Now I figured if he gets in a car accident and gets killed all of the banks secrets will go with him. Sounds that way to me. Poor Marty, we were talking and he said seriously to me what horrible things have I done in my life for always having these problems, poor guy I told him this is life and the Gods of coin have cursed us, so be it. What am I gonna say??????? The truth, that we all made bad choices with our lives when we were young and now it shows.....I believe our lives are a series of choices being made thruout, I know my Dr. looked at me strange when I gave my opinion before.

    Well I'm thankful my pain has lessened a lot so I can't complain really.

    OK I'm sweating here and it's not really warm out--Oh wait maybe it's the pills OK, I feel better now. Oh the minutia of my life and u all put up with me too.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    Image result for pictures and recipes for mixed alcoholic drinks

    DOTD--Don't let the name fool u, at my age it just means u'r on the floor.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2017

    Hey goilies, I'm home! Have not read since page 1737. So I need to get caught up. I will most likely just read and not respond to past posts. I also have a ton of stuff to do here to get caught up business wise and of course house cleaning! I had the most fantastic time with my daughter. And it even seemed like it was longer than 10 days. When does THAT ever happen????

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited April 2017

    Good morning, Loungettes. Was feeling a bit better yesterday, but the hard coughing has started up again this morning. Seeing my PCP tomorrow pm. Have pretty much decided I can't work full time any more, at least not at this job. Plan to talk to the Director about the possibility of a part time position, if that's not an option I'll start looking for something else. Don't want to leave this job, don't see how I can stay.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    Good Morning Ladies,

    OMG Kim still isn't here--Kim I'm praying u'r resting and just feel like staying in bed with Sadie and getting better.

    Where is everyone?????

    Lori how are u doing?-I know Jennifer left and maybe u need the rest, but missing you. Your pics are amazing and u went to Utah, which threw me--isn't Utah far from u, hmm maybe not. Please let us know how you are doing. BTW u and Jennifer look absolutely beautiful every time, cuz you 2 are beautiful.

    Jazzy I know u'r working up to get business going, but u seem to have things under control, so I know things are good for u and swimming like u do is oh wow, is all I can say. STILL!!! BTW I could see someone is in the pool and saw reference to how huge it is.

    I think there's a party Sat. nite, I say I think cuz my family plans things and it gets screwed up easily, so if there is one I hope it's happening--we'll see.

    Sandy I heard rain today with snow later and big winds tomorrow--I think flowers might suffer or us. I'm trying so hard to do my PT exercises and just can't do them, u gals are inspiring me but my body is fighting me for now.

    (((HSANT))) thinking of u and big (HUGS)))

    Pegg how are u doing--weather good.

    Celia let us know how u'r feeling.

    This is taking forever, my phone has started, way to early for me, well today anyway so I've been back and forth.

    See you latah


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    I've been drying off from Kim pushing me in the pewl, but that's all right. I'm just glad to hear from u. I'm glad u'r really giving u'rself options Kim, but please right now just feel better and don't stress about any job now. U'll figure out what u need to do when u feel better, but I sure don't blame u, You are truly overworked and things have to be figured out for u'r benefit now.

    (((BIG HUGS )))

    OOOHHH Lori too--I figured u had lots to do, so come back whenever u can and share u' time with u'r darling DD. And get some rest between times.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited April 2017

    Been on the phone closing out an old investment account, will have money in the bank by the beginning of next week. Got a close out quote on the mortgage ordered, will be "mailed within the next 7 business days" which makes me laugh since they can process a payment in nanoseconds, but needs whole days to cope with getting ALL their money and let the world know I paid. There will be enough left over to come very close to paying off Pearl, too. All that will be left will be the school loan, and I can work part-time and have a life and manage that one. Being sick is miserable but it finally got me some time to take care of my own stuff and given me a chance to think, reconnect with some local friends, and realize how much more I want, and deserve, out of life.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    Hi ladies- getting ready for a few apts and errands but checking in this morning before I head out in a bit.

    The biz dinner last night went well and think we got some clearance from the client we both worked for to move forward with references with the next prospects. We still have some discombobulation on the teaming front, but that may improve now that we have a green light on a more few fronts. There is a meeting in a few weeks where it will be clear how ready and organized we are to do this. I was more of an observer last night and gained some more insights that way. Jazzy the sleuth.

    Cami- so I am a pretty strong swimmer and love a good lap pool. I plan to go again tomorrow at noon. Will see what works today for exercise, kind of chilly here but may warm up this afternoon. A walk or bike ride later today.

    The story you shared sounds off to me about the bank. Most banks have agencies to monitor debit cards for unusual activity. I have had my debit card stolen and got a call pretty early on when erroneous charges started showing up in the Midwest. They shut it town, did an investigation and I got my money back, which was close to $1000. Fortunately no checks bounced. They should not be paying those fees if the bank did not do their job. If the local branch does not help them, someone needs to call Corporate to get them involved. Something sounds fishy here.....

    NM- I feel you are going to find your way through this. No job is worth ruining your health over. If your employer did not expect you to do the job of 2-3 people, you might be able to do FT, but no one can sustain long hours like that. I hope your Director will be open to a PT arrangement (a work schedule of 30 hours a week has always been my ideal and had it a few times). But if not, you are ready to find something else now. Don't forget to look in to that case management work I mentioned to you awhile back, I know a number of people that do that as nurses and can work from home. I bet any number of hospices could be interested in you. I bet you would love that arrangement too.

    Goldie- how wonderful your visit felt like much longer than 10 days. I notice now when I do anything for a weekend, a week's vaca, or the like, it always feels longer. I feel that comes with being more present these days and embracing and enjoying each moment. Get caught up with all you need to do and will see you here again soon!

    Time to get going to my first apt du jour and wishing you all a good day!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    LOL Jazzy---

    Oh NM I'm so glad u really got everything together for u'rself. Wow when u do decide u work fast and good for u. It's about time u are really putting u'rself first. This has worn u down so much, now u can start to really enjoy u'r work and leave all the stress stuff behind that is so unreasonable for anyone to do. I'm sorry it took this attack to really make it happen, but as long as u really feel better, then maybe it's all worth it.

    Oh Jazzy this has gotten crazier, now this branch is saying anywhere from 15 to 30 days. This is our money for 2 weeks, so my DD did call corporate and they all agree that this was overlooked somehow. So again she sent them everything, Now she's supposed to call tomorrow and see what they say. No one had even looked into it yet. And corporate did call the number and it was phony. They did say we won't have to wait 15 days-30 but, still can't give a time. Our landlord was good about it, so that really helps.

    BTW I fell asleep for almost 2 hrs. towards evening, that means I'll be babbling here tonite, so just ignore my post, it will be endless, I'm sure. With no interest.

    OK see u latah.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    Cami- glad you got some resolution by calling corporate. It took a couple weeks to get my money back, I remember that. I use my debit card a lot less these days, the scanners are a big problem here where I live. That is what I am sure happened, as a friend I was with that weekend and I stopped at a gas station on an outing and both used our cards and got hacked. They are supposedly all over the ATMs now too. Rotten thieves. I am not a fan of banks either.

    Fingers crossed this is all resolved quickly. In this day and age off social media and people rating everything on line, a business that drops the ball is smart to work with people quickly to resolve things before it goes viral. Look what happened to Wells Fargo, they are still trying to recover from the fake accounts. They took out a full page apology letter in our paper this week. Tells me a lot of people here have dumped them.

    NM- hoping your breathing is getting better and you are able to get some rest.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2017

    I never use my debit card at the pump. I never use a freestanding ATM in a private establishment. And before I swipe my credit card through at a gas station, I give the slot a little wiggle to see if someone’s installed their own “swiper” over the real one. At this point, I find myself doing it even at bank ATMs.

    I also learned five years ago NEVER to use a debit card to pay for a hotel room—no matter how little the room costs, how short the stay or how few (if any) incidental charges you rack up, a ridiculously huge hold (several times the price of your stay) can be placed on your underlying bank account for up to several days.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2017

    Hi ladies!

    Happy thirst-dey! It's been awhile sincen I've posted, sorry abodut that. I've been somewhat down over these headaches. I managed to save enough imitrex to make it through today and I can refill it on Sunday. But I got more this month than I can usually get. My doc writes for 16 pills but Aetna will only pay for nine per month. I paid cash to get seven more pills at a cost of 230.00 and some change. I had an appointment early Wed morning with #2 neurologist and told him that I called his office twice twice this week to see if they can call Aetna to get a preauth to pay for all 16 pills but never received a call back. He sent a message to the girl that handles insurance to make the call and told me to call back on Monday if I do not hear anything this week. Damn doctors get so much money and drop the ball over and over again, I can't stand it, I am pissed off. I also asked this dr about possibly applying for social disability and he stated that SSI dwill very rarely approve for headaches despite that fact that my headache issue *is a chronic condition (newest neurologist calls is New daily persistent headache {NDPH)}). I am just so fed up with this. It is starting to look like living with headache is my new normal since it is now been ten months!! Keep up the prayers girls. Well that is my rant of de day.

    NM, I am so happy and relieved that you are making firm plans to change your current situation with the job. I love how you roll. I am guessing that your employer will not be expecting this and hope they learn something here. Any good employer should know that for an employee can only take so much abusive behavior band there is a need for work/life balance! Your employer has been running a sort of sweat shop with all of the demands that have been put on you without a care for your mental AND physical health. And how long will it to drive someone to their death from the stress of being overworked? Geez, it just angers me so. I am so proud to call you a friend as I have the utmost amount of respect for the job you do and the passion that you deliver, every time without fail, to your patients and their families AND in the worst of times. Okay, getting off this soapbox now!

    Sandy, thanks for the info on the medical MJ (Willie, named after Willie Nelson lol). And Jazzy makes a great point on the revenue that legalizing it bring for the government. I have a good friend who is very active with the group NORML (I tink it means National Org for Reform of Marijuana Laws). This friend once asked me if I'd like to join her for a walk for the center city Philadelphia chaper of NORML. Of course I had to decline as I would never publicly admit that I smoka de willie, Uhhhhh that is IF I did). And for our government to say it is a gateway drug is just ludicrous and makes me nuts. Of the people I know that indulge in de Willie, not one has moved to other drugs. And I have never seen or heard of a pot head who has committed a felony when using MJ without it being accompanied by another drug. I mean has anyone ever known anyone that crashed their cars, robbed a bank etc when high on pot? Really!! oops, hopped on that soap box again, my bad! I just wanted to tell you that I thought you made some great points on the subject. I hope to see it nationally legalized during my lifetime and the sooner the better!

    Okay then, I am going to hit submit before I lose this then continue writing until my water boils - I use it to get the fu**ing wallpaper off (I have been working feverishly over the past few weeks in scraping off wallpaper in my bathroom). Never ever again will I chose wallpaper (unless they find a way to make it easily removable!!). I'm using very hot water with some added fabric softener. Should anyone know of a better way, please share!!

    Be back soon! cHeErS my lovelies, dwink up!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited April 2017

    Good morning girls, a short pop-in as it is a work day for me. I'm taking the pooches to doggie day care, or "schoolies" as known by Junior. DH has been traveling all week an we had a monsoon thru the night so I'm taking a break from walking them and I'm super busy at work today and won't have to deal with hyper pups when I get home. Oh and BTW, had TM's redone and all were normal. yay!!!! Spoke with hsant last night, she is doing ok all things considered and we are going to try and get together next week before she heads home for good. Getting thru it a day at a time.

    Cami, what a mess at the bank for Leslie and Marty, such a shame. My account got compromised a few years ago, someone across the county bought stuff on it somehow. The bank put the money back into my account while they investigated it, seems that's the way it should be done, hopefully they'll get to speak to the right manager to help them out, what a clusterfu** it sounds like. Is Marty looking for new employment yet, hope he finds something soon. Fingers crossed for the whole situation. Steroids helping? Leg spreader is quite a name for a drink!

    Jazzy, that is a beautiful lap pool, I belonged to a place a couple of years ago with a pool like that, when my current membership expires the end of the year I'm going to have to decide if I want to go back. It's twice as much but has a ton of things to offer that are not at my current gym. Sounds like your work year is falling into place, you definitely seem to have balance between fun and work and that is not easy to do. I have that as well but only because of my DH.

    NM, glad to hear you are slowly coming back to the land of the living, no job is worth getting that run down. Sounds like you have a good plan, now to get your director on board, and then to keep them from piling to much on you that it can't be done with part time hours. I guess the small silver lining of this nasty sickness was giving you time for perspective, oh and cuddle time with Sadie, I know my furbabies love it when I'm home sick.

    Sandy, lots of legal mumbo jumbo with the MJ. I know they legalized it for medical use only in OH last year, but not allowed to be smoked but sadi it will be a few years before there will be any place to buy it, makes no sense to me at all. I personally think it should be treated a s alcohol, prohibition didn't work and they'll never get rid of MJ, might as well regulate it's sale, tax it and make money off it. I am completely against selling it in candy for tho, too much chance of kids getting hold of it, expecting parents to be responsible is a pipe dream.

    Lori, so glad you had such a nice time with your DD. I'll bet it was super hard to say goodbye. Hope you're all caught up in no time.

    Dara, wish they could find something to help you permanently instead of treating with pills, I guess some things just have no known cause, ugh it sucks and I didn't know imitrex was so expensive! It's been around for ions, don't know why it still cost so much!

    I have to hit submit as well, time to get in the shower and get ready for my day. I have a couple of cute Nora stories and a few pics to share when I get some extra time. Anyway love to all, have a good day girls, hope problems get resolved today. Hi to anyone I missed!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2017


    1. Jazzy, love the joke you posted about lateness and Wednesday, made me laugh out loud and I also showed my cousin who has issues with getting to work, or anywhere for that matter, on time! Yay that your bidness meeting went so well. I jest know you will soon have ink on an awesome new project and that it will happen at the perfect time! And WOW ladie, you are a great swimmer ... 40 laps in that ginormous pool is quite impressive! And Cammy is right, the pic of the pool with the person swimming definitely puts the size of that pool in perspective, it looks very large even for a YMCA pool. Do you happen to know the length of the pool? I thought I was a great swimmer with being up to 12 laps as of summer 2016. And my pool is large, at 36 ft long, but you girl, you take the cake. Oh, it took me nearly seven years post BMX to even get up to12 laps!
    2. Toopew system is now numerizing my post instead of displaying in paragraphs, wtf, mese fingers are still quite suckety!
    3. Mary!! Yay, thanks for stopping into de lounge. And whoa, I thought I saw some pigs flying! Good for you in losing the weight, keep up the great work. Don't let your hubby's success get you down either, he prolly is cheating on the weight too, maybe carrying weights in his pockets?? ha, jest kidding ya, proudda ya Mary my dear. The amusement part with naNORAble sounds like great fun. I know great it is to see our grand babies. I had a great visit with my grand son on Sunday. He was such a delight. Both of my sisters met me at my DD"s house to sailabrate mese cousin Cheryl's (my room mate and BFF) birthday! Logan was initially quite shy around all of us but warmed up quickly and was great entertainment which left us all with very warm hearts. We decided last Thirst-dey to all get together over the weekend sincen did not get to see each other at the viewing for my cousin last Friday night due to Cheryl's work schedule. (We did not pull up to the funeral home until five minutes before the viewing was over and I had to speed to get there then, (ooopSIES!).
    4. Suz, did you ever get in contact with SSI? If you have issues getting the answer(s) you need, try to google to find a good contact. I was not able to get a live rep on the oufor OVER seven months when I thought to google"how to contact NJ unemployment office for info on (whatever subject)". That is what I did when it was impossible for me to get a rep from my unemployment office on the phone for so long and I tried at least several times a day to no avail. I hope if you do this, you find a very kind and helpful as I did. I really needed to get an answer as to if my benefits would be affected by pulling money out of my 401k and not rolling all of it over to an IRA. The verbiage on the state's website was very confusing. Not only did the rep answer my question, she told me that my benefit amount would be reduced by the amount of money I had to pull out but told me, in few words and AFTER a long pause, that the state would not know if I liquid dated the funds unless I told them so! God bless this lady, she put my mind to rest. I had gotten a live person on the phone one time back in approx October, to ask this question and was told that I would need to speak with an "examiner" for an answer and that appointment does not happen until after benefits were approved. I politely objected and told the rep that I needed T an answer sooner since it might be months before I was approved for benefits (IF I was approved) and that I was close to depleting all liquid assets AND needed money to pay mortgage, car payment, utilities and to eat and keep the heat from being shut off for non payment. The bitch hung up on me when I calmly asked her for her name. I was livid, my BF was here with me and just could not believe the attitude of the rep, a well paid state worker who was supposed to help me! My blood boils. oops, got off subject. Hope you are doing well and having a great week so far. And iffin you want me to portend to be your attorney and conference call the SS office, I'd be glad to help. Remember when I pretended to be Wahine's attorney when she had an issue with a tennant? I did good, I speak better than I write and do not go on and on and on as I have done here lol. Hugs to ya sista!
    5. Oops, mese boiling water got cold on me and now it is time to get Cheryl up for a 12 hour work day, poor kid! Will finish
    6. up shortly! and will also stay off that dern soapbox! ** can't make de below numbers go away, tewpid fingers!! Until then, more thirst-dey cheers.
    PS Cammy will report shortly with your DOTD!
  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2017

    image unselectable="on">

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2017

    So frustrating, we used to be able to just copy/paste pictures from FB. My DD put a lot of pics up, so I know most of you saw them. Here are a few.




    I'm a bit squinty eyed here, FU pills have FU'd my eyes. Can't stand to be in the sunlight.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited April 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Still feeling very tired, have now lost my voice, still coughing all the time but not quite so hard. See my PCP this afternoon, going to ask to be off work until next week and going to ask for half days for a week , then going to go in and talk with the director about a part time position,and see what info I get and what kind of response I feel. I had a wonderful phone call with a high school friend yesterday afternoon. She's planning a get together for us in May, we are all so looking forward to catching up with each other and hearing what we've all been doing since high school. Speaking of catching up, I have been scanning posts, but not really following, but I'm sure you'll all forgive me.Now that I have the energy to sit at the desk top computer and am able to type responses with a real keyboard and do my split screentrick I'm ready to jump back in, at the least the shallow end.Still liking my naps too much to pass on them.Poor Sadie, not getting much attention, but watches every move I make. Drove her out of the bed for a while last night with the tossing and turning and coughing, she slept in the dirty clothes basket on the floor of the closet for a while.Woke up and couldn't feel her, had to sit up and turn on the light and find her!Poor baby.She was cuddled right in next to me when I woke up this morning, though.

    Cammy--Don't let the phone run your life, it's a tool, it works for you, remember that!Sorry to push you into the pool, glad it's heated!

    Jazzy--I have kept the case management option in the front of my mind after you mentioned it. There is a company locally that places case manager nurses in various doc's offices and other locations, there are always a bunch of openings listed.I don't have the exact experience they are looking for, but I suspect that can be worked around, and I know they have very few case managers with any practical hospice knowledge. That's my back up plan if I can't work something out with the company I'm with now. I would truly prefer part time, max 3 days/24 hrs per week but will keep an open mind. It will be so easy to pick up extra work any time I wanted more money for something that it's ludicrous, but I now know I need to maintain a muchhigher level of control over my work time. There are a number of hospices in the area, but working for one of them would be jumping from the pan into the fire, if not worse.I'm also going to quietly put out the word to a few friends that I'm looking for something new.A funny little side note--one of the nurses that I work with, one who has been there longer than me, is also planning to ask to go part time very soon, and if PT doesn't work outshe plans to retire, and for the same reasons!

    Cammy--it's not so much that I work fast when I decide something, it's that when God puts something in front of me it usually works right out.I just needed Him to smack me down hard enough to actually take the time to make a couple of e-mails and phone calls and find out how it works. Another funny thing I just noticed--I've been paying extra on Pearl since I got her, and the credit union takes each payment and does it's thing and calculates when the next "regular" payment is due.Right now my next "regular" payment on Pearl is due in 2018!Whatever is going on with your bank is crazy, did they get caught up in a scam and are trying to blame it on you????So not right!!!!

    Jazzy--It's getting scarier and scarier to use anything but cash these days.So hard to stay safe.And scammers are so creative. Traveler's Cheques used to be the way to go when traveling, do they still exist anymore?Are they safe?What's a gal to do who would like to do some traveling from time to time?

    Dara--I do not think the director will be expecting my little talk today, but I also do not think he is really the one behind the situation. I'm really hoping he will see that the problem is the conflicting/overlapping expectations of the clinical managers, and the effect of the "hidden" work in the system and be willing to do something about it.If not, well, I do have options.And knowing he's going to hear essentially the same thing from another nurse very soon gives me more hope.I so wish I could fix your headache for you.You do not deserve that, there just has to be some answer somewhere.Maybe disability is the answer, I don't know. Taking wallpaper off the bathroom walls?What a job!I've only ever heard of steaming wallpaper off.Keep on keeping on, you will be victorious eventually!

    Genny--HOORAY FOR NORMAL TMS!!!Yup, time to admit that I am not supernurse and cannot do everything. Here's to moving forward and maybe even getting the kayak into the water a few times this summer.Poor thing hasn't gotten wet in a couple of years, I've been working so many hours. Looking forward to the aNorable stories and pics!Been following on FB.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited April 2017

    Goldie--those are GREAT pictures!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2017

    NM, praying for you girl, your health and on the work front.

    Mary, I told you not to worry about your TM's. Doing a happy dance for you and hope you and Heidi can get together before she leaves.

    Wacko, did you get your money's, no not from the lottery either! Are you scoring the wall paper? I saw on line about mixing 1:1 hot water with fabric softener, score the paper and spray it.

    Cami, I hope things go ok in your home and that you can get your MMJ card, Marty can get unemployment. And I can't believe you stay up until 4 am!

    LDB, glad you called to check on NM and cheers to you and your momma.

    Sandy, glad your Happy is doing ok.

    Jazzy, looks like all is pretty well with you and your busy life/schedule.

    Welcome to the new goils.

    We had such a wonderful time. Lost a tire on the toy hauler on the way home, and didn't know it! Could have had a horrible accident with that or hurt someone else, so thankful neither happened. I know I am missing many of you, but it's too much to try and ketchup.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    Good morning friends- sounds like everyone here has been busy this week. The weather is warming up here again and may be up to 70 again today. I am heading back to the pool for the noon swimming, then doing some volunteer help with one of the local music non for profits for something they need help with for a few hours this afternoon. Then a music friend is having an art show tonight that I am going to as well. Lots of good things from exercise to music to art today!

    I called my MO's office to make an apt for July and heard in the process they had lost three of their oncologists. This practice group got assimilated by a larger healthcare system here and moved next to their hospital over a year ago, but then in the newspaper, they talked about the sale being completed now and that only two oncologists remain with the group. My MO had a massive heart attack a couple years ago and only has been back working for them a little over a year now. I hope they don't overwhelm him and loose him too, I really like him. I have about another year of seeing him 2X a year and then go annual after that. I think of all those patients who were in the middle of care and lost their MOs, not good......

    Dara- I cannot believe it has been so long with the headaches and no real answers. I think you have had scans to rule out more serious issues in the brain, and this has to be from something else that is just not obvious. Have you done any research on any medications you are taking to see if headaches are a possible SE? I wonder even if there are conflicts between meds that could be causing this? Are you still taking the AIs? I have a friend who has a history of migraines, but it has been made much worse by having to take the anti-hormone meds. They incapacitate her as well but are also not daily like you are having.

    You might also think about doing a consultation with a disability atty to see if they think you should go for it. The doc may be right, but the atty may have another opinion on it? I know it is harder to get these days, I have a friend who went through it three times and finally got an atty involved and finally got it in the end. But it was related to another health issue. Wishing you better days sister.

    Oh and that picture cracked me up, especially when I have worked long hours for employers and have literally had to drag my butt to work. I am sure NM can relate to that to.

    Cami- I know things are difficult for your family right now. I hope that the bank gets the money back in the accounts and Marty can get some help to be able to collect unemployment while he looks for another job. Really stressful time for your family. Hugs sister.

    Genny- congrats on the good TM results! Give Hsant our love when you see her. I think of her every day and hope she is getting through this okay. I am sure it will be good for her to head home and be with DH and back in her own space again.

    Chi- I learned that trick too about never using a debit card for hotel for charges as it ties up your money in big chunks for too long.

    NM- hoping you are continuing to feel better every day friend. Resting, doing your breathing treatments, cuddles with Sadie, etc. I wish I lived near you to bring you some soup or something else that would help.

    Goldie- can't see the pictures I think you posted? Can anyone else?

    Got to get some things done this am before I am out the rest of the day and tonight. Hope everyone has a good Thursday!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2017

    Morning DahhhLinks,

    DH left me a list of honey-dos so not a lot of time. Plus still struggling with Soc Sec about my disability.

    Dara - I googled it and the same 866 toll free number comes up. Did call Disability Advocates and they said it could take 6-8 months and the 866 numb is all they have for contact. Another F'n deadend.

    NM - you sound better and have solid ideas to discuss with the director. Hope all gets straightened out soon (((NM)))

    Jazz - Lowwee and DD pics are there, I had to scroll up quite a bit to see them.

    Lowwee - glad you are home and doing the happy dance that you had such a good time while she was here. Love the pics, I can't tell that you are having trouble seeing, so no worry bout that in the pics. U and DD very pretty and I am soooo glad that you were able to spend some precious time with her.

    Hi Cami, Mary, Sandy and the others I missed.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    Goldie- I see them now, they were slow to load on my laptop I guess.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2017

    Hey girls,

    This has to be quick, I need to lay down for several hours I've spent the last three hours working on mese resume as mortgage jobs ar.

    e rapidly picking up. I am torn over applying for disability, talking to an attorney is a great idea.

    Girls, feel free to skip over my earlier rants de jour.

    Genny, glad that the TM's are good, wooo hooo, now your getaway will be all the sweeter. Pls give Hsant a hug from me and have some dwinkies. I wish I could join in.

    Lori, Wacko lubs your pics; you and your DD are jest so bootiful. Whew, glad nothing happened when losing that tire, could have been a terrible accident. Welcome home and take it easy as much as you can.

    Suz, that sucks, I hate what you are going through, not fair is right,

    Cam, any word on getting the money back? The perp out shot, uno bullet to de head for putting your family through this. Hugs doll!

    Hello to anyone I missed and sorry. Gotta run after I get sumting to eat. I know, shouldn't eat then sleep but oh well ....

    chEErs, no fEArz !

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2017

    ps I like your plans NM, you tell that director what is going on... now go take that nappy and give Sadie a kiss from me and one from Lucy (who is still not eatiing much :(

    uhh, head hu rts )

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2017

    Jazzy, glad you were able to finally see the pictures. And good advice for Dara as to check other things that can cause a headache.

    LDB, I can't believe it's taking you so long and so many problems getting the disability. At leastyou should get retroactive pay from it. I went directly to the office when I applied, do you know where yours is? Maybe time for a visit? No trouble seeing, I am squinting from the sun.

    Wacko, glad ye liked my pics. Wishing you all the best on the job front. Any recent pics of Logan?

    NM, I see things have been rough for you on the work front. Hoping too for better things for you.

    Need to get to town early today, business is picking up and we want to be home to get last minute orders out.

    Cami, I know you are glad to have Joey home.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    Image result for pictures and recipes for mixed alcoholic drinksSounds a little strong, but some of us need it.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    Good Morning Ladies,--WHERE THE HELL HAVE I BEEN???????

    I always think I'm here, then I see me MIA, but I'm here now. So much has been going on here.

    Mary please give Heidi a great big hug, and I do hope u get to see her before she goes back to CA. And I'm sure she really needs to now. She has come thru like a super trooper for her dad. and all is good with u, so great.

    NM u sound so so much better and so glad. U really had us so concerned, but u'r head sounds clear and u'r decisions are wonderful. It's time now and u have really prepared. Wonderful business woman. So proud of all u do. And of course take u'r time with this thing and I had to LOL at Sadie, she is so cute with you.

    Dara I LUBS u'r soap boxes, never stop, I so agree, but u say everything exactly like it is, I just ramble, But as I've said I just hate these headaches and no one can really find out why. I pray everyday, but maybe I should do it louder.

    Jazzy, just like others, are so grounded and balanced I know things will fall into place for u--u know exactly what u'r doing. WOW

    SusyQ I like how u take u'r furbabies out. We just let ours in the yard and do forget about him sometimes til he barks. Oh we're good to him, he's just lazy. Now that Leslie's home he rarely leaves her side.

    Lori I saw the pics here too, oh so beautiful, especially u and u'r DD. What a time u had, and I'm sure u'r still enjoying just by the pics. But Utah, how far is seems so far away to me, u are one adventurous woman--I bet u'r DD misses u like crazy too.

    Well I actually made it to my MRI, and BTW they told me they got perfect pics, I didn't move one bit for the 45 mins, but I didn't tell them in the morning I took 2 pain pills and 2 Xanax, it the place was on fire I couldn't move. They just thought I was a great patient. Oh let them/ and I liked the scrubs they put me in and told them, and they said we don't really care how people walk out of here, so guess who walked out of there under my clothes. Yes I did it.

    I've been pretty glued to TV, which of course it's all confusing to me, but I watch it anyway and oh how horrible this whole thing is. That's all I'll say.

    But suffice it to say I am using deodorant like 3x a day, these roids must be the problem, I guess.

    Oh and the bank is trying <the head office> is involved trying to expedite this whole thing from less than 30 days, now we'll see. My boss did come over to give us grocery and misc. money so he really came thru. He called it my bonus HA like I really deserve that. He brought his son and dog--the dogs were playing and his son sat on my lap for a while then he just smiled and walked around then Joey got home and Joey took over and he loved it in his room. So I really enjoyed that.

    OK I'll be back latah---Sandy HI, and anyone one else I didn't get to.