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how about drinking?



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2017

    Oh, Heidi, I am so sorry. He is at peace now. May his memory be for a blessing, and may the memories come to conquer the sorrows.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited March 2017
    Good Morning, Loungettes!Slow moving out of bed this ayem. Slept much better last night than the night before, but still tired.Got plenty of time to get caffeinated on the way to the distant facility I'm visiting today.Hopefully Pearl's autopilot will get me there without any trouble and I can get a bit more sleep!Just kidding, wouldn't do that. The sun will be up soon and I'll wake up a lot more then.

    Peggy--beautiful bush!

    Chi--Congrats for the DH being dismissed from the lawsuit!Good job with the trainer and on the weight loss!

    Hsant--oh my dear, I am so sorry.{{{{{hsant}}}}}}

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Angel's Halo

    Ingredients Directions

    Mix pineapple juice and sloe gin. Fill glass with crushed ice and enjoy

    Best served in a Red Wine Glass.
  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited March 2017

    Hsant (Heidi)- I am so sorry about the loss of your father. Sending you much love during this difficult time.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2017

    Jazzy, good to hear that work is coming along and that you even have more irons in the pot.

    Wacko, I was wondering what that odor was!

    NM, how wonderful you were able to help that daughter. You are the best nurse around girl! We always used the hamburger! I'm sorry you lost sleep over worrying about the phone ringing and then it never did. Not fair! Or is it not fare? I think the latter? Allergies for me a!re about done. I missed a lot while in Michigan too! Never even got the turkey baster out.

    Oh Heidi, we know how you are feeling. I'm so sorry. Of course we know these days come, but I don't think we are ever prepared. You were amost loving, caring daughter. And your father was so blessed to be able to have you to care for him. It's time to go home to your hubs girl, and live YOUR life. Sending much love, hugs and prayers.

    Tomorrow I get my girl! I can't wait! But she doesn't get in until the evening!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Hsant I'm so sorry about u'r dad, u gave him so much happiness and like u said he's with u'r mom and sister---but I know it's still hard to let him go.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    image alt="Image result for sympathy messages"> Heidi

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    Image result for sympathy messages

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    I'm back.

    Sandy Congrats on u'r great weight loss. U'r really doing well. And 2 good reasons to celebrate.

    NM that's exactly why u have to stay in nursing. U are so caring and of course that made u feel good, cuz u actually acted like a nurse, not a machine, like u'r forced to do. And I can justimagine u being up cuz u were listening for the phone, that's so u.

    Jazzy it doesn't really feel like a year that we saw u'r garden, but it's coming up. And it sounds like it will be a success. And I know it's time for u t get back to work, cuz u can't go to long being away.

    Peg I don't know if I ever saw a burning bush, but that is beautiful--no wonder why u like them so.

    Celia Welcome and great that u'r done with rads. It's a crazy road, not a journey as far as I'm concerned- and always remember wine helps everything.

    Dara OK what questions did u ask and what did they answer??? U know I have to know. Any <even a little> relief yet. Oh how horrible for u, I can't understand why u'r getting them so bad. I don't know why cuz everything u've been thru has been on the odd side--totally. I'm so glad u got u'r OK, cuz maybe u don't have to hurry back to work. U have to feel good to go back and u'r just not there yet.

    OK I started my steroids this morning. Now I hope they work like they did before. I was up all nite, but I couldn't even manage to get to my computer much--I just hurt so bad. I can't make it to the dr. today, as usual, I so wanted to get this one over with, Oh well. I can't take a shower anyway. and trust me I need one. So I don't want a dr. in my air zone.

    Lori about 34 more hrs. and the time will be here. I know u'r excited--take plenty of pics for us too.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited March 2017

    Good morning friends- already Wednesday and going to stay put today at home today to finish getting a few things done. I had a great lunch outing yesterday with my friends at this place in town and may have had once of the best lunches EVER in this podunk city. She had not been there either, but loved it! They had these sauteed brussell sprouts as a side option (not your usual side for a sandwich), but OMG, what a taste sensation! Sauteed in a butter and maple syrup, along with some bacon. Dang was that good! Adding that to my list of favorite lunch places from now on. YUM!

    Got my presentation in to my group yesterday morning and some updates from the insurance company on something we are adjusting for the new contract for required biz coverage. Next step is to go meet with my attorney on the subcontract agreement tomorrow, so I can get those comments over to the consulting group and finish getting the subcontract finished. Lots of detailed work around all this right now, but important to do carefully. We live and breathe by our contracts and as my atty says, they will be the first go to if anything runs amok. I love my biz atty, he is a litigation atty too and like a little grizzly bear. He helped me through a serious problem that happened six years ago. Nothing bad came of it fortunately, due to his help. I have a few biz calls to take care of today as well.

    NM- it always feels so good when you can come from a place of service and feel like you are helping a situation. I deal with so many politics in my work that often those moments are fleeting, but when I find myself there feeling like I am REALLY helping a client, I am reminded why I do what I do. As a consultant, you have to come from a place of service. Some consultants really don't work that way, and don't make it too long. I am glad your week is going better friend.

    Pontiac-that bush is so lovely! It is so nice to have trees and shrubs that change color in the fall. I am going to explore a few more ideas for my space in the front that needs a replacement, but will put this one on my list to check out. Your yard is getting a face lift this spring, and hope you are enjoying the unfolding of spring.

    Chi- wow, 5 pounds in 10 days? You go girl. Something is working here. Keep it going!

    Cami- I hope the steroids work and help to calm things down. Do you get puffy from them? My brother used to be on steroids forever for his asthma and he suffered from a lot of swelling. Sounds like you are using them as needed and hope you are not dealing with too many SEs from them.

    Hsant- thinking of you today sister and know you have a few things ahead of you with possible services, the house, etc. If you can get outside for a walk or break today, please do it. I am not sure why, but walking has always helped me so much after a loss. Becomes a walking meditation sometimes, but just helps me to be be present with my thoughts while moving my body. Not sure if this is helpful, but do encourage you to take care of you during all this.

    You an outstanding job of taking care of your dad all this time. One will never regret spending time with a parent at the end of their time with us. I know you really miss him. May the comfort of your mother and sister being there to greet him on the other side bring you comfort.

    Got some things to get to and will poop back in later to check in on a couple more of you!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited March 2017

    Heidi - can't find the words to say how sorry I am. I am glad you were with him thru the good and not so good. BIG HUGZ AND LOTS OF LOVE!


  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338
    edited March 2017

    Heidi, I'm so sorry. I'm glad you have so many great memories to sustain you. Even after decades, I find myself wanting to tell my dad or mother something. I "talk" to DH regularly, too.

    Sandy, boy you and Bob hit the Daily Double with no more malpractice suit for him and you dropping that much weight. Much backslapping and "atta-girls" to you.

    Jazzy and Cami, I didn't realize what that bush did in the fall until it turned red. I don't recall ever seeing one but I must have. I just have to sit there and look at its pretty green leaves all spring and summer and be amazed at its glorious reds in the fall. My backyard will now be allergy friendly. I really did want a lilac bush. Spokane is the Lilac City. But they would just be too close to where I sit. At my old house they were over 100 feet away from me and that worked.

    Happy Hump Day!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2017

    Hsant, Thoughts of deep sympathy are with you and yours at this very difficult time. I am so sorry and know it hurts. I wish there were words to comfort you, dear friend. ((((( Heidi ))))) I will keep you close in prayer.

    xoxo ~Dorothy

    Related image

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2017

    That weight loss is the usual initial one from starting on low-carb. It’ll eventually level out to 1/2-1 lb./week. A lot of it is from water retention, which people sometimes dismiss as temporary—but proper eating (for one’s own metabolism) and sufficient water intake causes excretion without dehydration; increasing water intake doesn’t replace the water weight because you are better able to absorb what you need and pee out the rest.

    DOTD will probably be half a glass of whatever they’re pouring at the hospital dinner at which Bob’s getting his 25-yr award. It’s at a SW side country club which is known more for its golf course than its food. Will arrive as close to the end of cocktail hr. as I can (realizing I will get a lousy parking space) and drink seltzer until dinner.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    Image result for recipe for vodka drinksJust thought I'd help out--DOTD

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    Morning Ladies,

    Oh chit I read everything about 1 hr. ago and now I realize I totally forgot.

    OK revvin' up here---Jazzy u are on the move--big time. I like when u'r getting ready for a job too, u sound so excited and so positive. I do know u put so much work into picking the right project, YI u'r good. Do u give any seminars for women especially for what u do. I would think so many would benefit by how u go about doing all u do and u'r a success. Ah maybe when u retire u can do that. There are lots of colleges that would take u up on that.

    Sandy u retired from how I understand, with a great career, haha u too can do the circuit--Right in our state--Well u've pretty much took on a lot anyway, so u'r busy enough. Jeez I could evan do some about retiring and not doing anything without guilt <such a wasted emotion> Oh well U all know I'm on steroids and I get all these ideas in my already screwed up brain.

    I think maybe NM is busy, so I threw up ,and if I drank enough of the DOTD I would> the DOTD so she could have a break.. As long as she's all right it's fine. I just hope it's not crazy work.

    Lori the count down is officially really starting. I do understand that feeling of a DD coming to visit, so I get it. So exciting.

    I think I told u about my BFF meeting up again on FB, well we've talked and I swear it was her same voice and thinking like we did forever ago. But we do tend to go off subjest on FB and LOL about when we were kids. we made each other so happy, and now she still does. I used to talk to her every week when I was going thru all my chit and then she moved and whatever, but we're back on track now--and when we did talk every week we'd LOL so much about my week, we saw so much humor in it--so some things never change.

    I told u FF drives for Lyft, and Leslie and I are trying to figure out when he's sober to do it, we think it's between the time he gets up and breakfast which would be a bottle of beer. I know he drives to the airport, so I pray for anyone getting into his car. That's all I can do about that.

    Well Leslie and Joey are leaving for FL on Monday for the spring break, oh how I'll miss Joey, I'm terrible I'm so selfish I don't like that they're going. They'll be staying by her GF so they both saved and I didn't think it would really happen but it is now. Oh well Marty will miss her like crazy and I might have told u this before. I don't member, as usual.

    Oh Dara, I know this is not any priority but did u think of taking before pics. of Botox??? Silly I know but just thinking out loud, well actually not out loud, just thinking. I don't speak to my voices, only in my head--and they're really talking today.

    Pegg I'm glad u'r in a good place now.

    Hsant Prayers for u at this difficult time.

    I'll check back latah.

    LUBS U ALL---Hey SusyQ

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited March 2017

    Good morning friends- up and showered and heading to multiple appointments today, two business related and one personal. The weather is going to be changing from this warm, sunny thing we have had going on the past few weeks, to a cooler rainier scene. That is okay really, we really need the moisture, especially with all the blooms going on. I took a late walk at dusk last night and was observing all the wild flowers starting to pop up here. Trees are going gangbusters with their blooms too. They have forecasted some snow in NM, but further north. Give me the rain please!

    Cami- how nice that you reconnected with an old BFF from long ago. I do think we naturally regress to talking to one another the way we did when we were younger, just sort of what we know? But I have found it hard to relate to some of my long ago friends as adults as sometimes there is a bit less in common many years later. I am glad you are enjoying catching up on old times together, how fun!

    I am pushing on my team right now for us to get to these next client meetings so I can get some paid work going. I did not see much effort or sense of urgency in Jan or Feb, but pretty much drew the line in the sand to say we need to either do this or I need to get something else. Not only is it making money, but there are some things I need to be able to commit to (like the deposit for the Ireland trip this fall) and cannot wait much longer. But also, I talked to someone else yesterday who may need my help, and now working on a Plan B to move to if this client site they say is ready is not ready yet. Fingers crossed something good is about to happen either way!

    Goldie- today is the day your daughter arrives, tonight if I remember correctly. I know you are going to have a great visit and have lots to catch up on. Nothing like an in person visit with people you love. Phone calls, e-mails, etc. are only good for so much. Have a fabulous time.

    Will poop in later to see what people are up to! Have a good Thursday!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited March 2017

    Hey hey ladies,

    jes pooping in to tell ya a story about my Baxter boy. He is a horn-dog...even tho he has been neutered. Everyday when I get up and hit the Master Jon, he follows me, then puts his paws on mese legs, gives me lots n lots of kisses while I scratch his tummy. Didn't realize I was arousing him. But every time he goes from me to the bathmat and does his humpa-humpa burning love dance. He makes me laugh everyday, crazy dog.

    Jazz - sending you positive energy that something does break so can make some moola for your trip. Plus get the excitement of the new gig.

    Lowee - tomorrow evening is your start to a GR8 time with ur DD...hope you feel well enuf to really relax and enjoy your time with her.

    Cami - we will miss Joey too.

    Wow - winds just came up here, I can hear the whistling out my ofc window...rain too...clouds look so ominous. But we need the rain, not the wind, but rain definitely. Our cherry blossom tree is losing it's flowers now, more sinus trouble for DH and I.

    Gotta go button down the hatches else mese laminate floors will get wet as I have front and back doors open. Hope those I missed are OK...


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2017

    At the hospital banquet last night, I had an ounce (gave the rest to Bob) of a Sauv. Blanc called “90+" from New Zealand; with dinner I had a couple ounces of an OK but forgettable Pinot Noir (I forget the label), probably generic California. Tonight will probably drink some of that leftover Santana Supernatural Brut with the fish (branzino) I'm planning to cook.

    Yesterday I was a bit sore from Tuesday's workout (mostly upper body plus a cooldown on the recumbent bike). By last night, my triceps and lats were so sore I could hardly turn over in bed. By 8:30 am I had to double up on my morning 200mg Celebrex and I took a Lyrica (leftover from the bizarre neuropathy I had for a couple nights after Zometa). BAAAD idea—rolled over and went to sleep. Woke up at nearly noon, groggy as hell, sinuses going nuts, and so sore I couldn't even lift my arms! Slathered myself with Traumeel (homeopathic arnica) gel, IcyHot and finally some of my Voltaren gel. By the time I had to dress and go to the gym, I was feeling a bit better but drove instead—couldn't bear to schlep my gym bag.

    Told my trainer, and he said I was one of those people whose “DOMS" (delayed-onset muscle soreness after strength training) peaks at 48 hrs. So what we did today was core and lower-body stuff (hamstrings, quads, abductors, hip flexors, and iliopsoas), and then 20 minutes of cardio (I did 8 minutes on the upright bike and the rest on the treadmill). I was supposed to get my heart rate up to 130, but I didn't get past 114. (The machines had TVs built-in, and I was able to play along on “Jeopardy" without panting—but I was working out hard enough that I couldn't sing. The people on the surrounding machines were quite grateful).

    I decided to try the sauna, but while still wearing compression and my undies. Heat is good for sore muscles. I did about 5 minutes at 140 degrees—sat there breathing in that wonderful cedar smell, felt sort of Zen-like. Afterwards, stripped and went to the shower—which took awhile to heat up, so it was like the cold plunge or snowdrift-dive that's the traditional post-sauna ritual.

    After I got dressed, I remembered my trainer told me I should always have a mostly-protein-plus-a-little-complex-carb snack. So I went to a fro-yo place up the road in Evanston—their no-sugar-added “Euro-Tart" was delicious—especially with almonds, walnuts and fresh raspberries. The place had tables & chairs but also leather recliner-rockers! What a treat!

    Tonight I’m gonna take a juniper-oil bath. By Saturday my arms will be fine, so we’ll do upper body work. And we talked and decided that I need to have at least two days off between sessions and alternate exercises.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    Oh Sandy u are doing fantastic, that's wonderful. U must have really been sore tho with all the stuff u did, but u went back for more--good going.

    SusyQ I didn't know dogs did that after they got fixed, Holy chit, I'd be LOLing all day about that. Everyone is getting rain I think. That's fine, I just don't like storms.

    Jazzy I know u always have more than one plan in place, so either one will be fine. U know what u need to do and u do it. Wonderful!!!

    I'm thinking about Lori tonite and so happy for her and her DD.

    Jazzy u'r right about really old friends, but with Pat it is always different. Our lives were so similar even having husbands, their nationality, having 2 girls, one being bi polar--when we talk we can talk about what we're like now and it hasn't changed, I have gone out with my GFs from HS and it's great, but it's not the same as Pat and me. I don't know why that is. I know our humor hasn't changed but just loving each other all these years is the same.

    Oh what a goofy day, I think I had roid rage, if possible. A customer called and she wanted to send the requirements of her inspection report and I was giving her the wrong email--oy vey--so I called the guy I usually call and he gave me his personal one and kept on repeating it <it was simple> so I yelled I GOT IT, DAMMIT--SHUT UP. I heard a very silenced OK, So as I was calling the maybe customer back , of course I didn't write it down, it was simple, so I hung up. Well I had to call him back and sheepishly said repeat u'r email to me, Well all I got then was laughter called me a couple of names while he was LOLing and I yelled again JUST TELL ME. Well he did, but this time I wrote it down. I fixed that situation that I caused and called the customer, apologized like crazy. I hate when that happens. I just don't tell u all the time.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited March 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Had to get an early start yesterday, had a late day admit on Wed.I am just so tired today, it was so hard to drag myself out of bed this ayem.TGIF, and I am praying I don't get another late day admission, or, GOD Forbid, two admissions today, cuz I have a "light" day.Oy, vey, the weather guesser is talking about another 1 to 3 inches of snow today.

    Goldie--I think I was an adult before I ever heard that shepherd's pie was supposed to be made with mutton, I always had it with hamburger, too.But it's good food, no matter what meat or veggies are used!Better to no sleep well listening for the phone than to actually have to get up and go out in the night.Get more rest even if it isn't deep sleep.

    Cammy--praying the steroids help, very soon!

    Jazzy--those brussell sprouts recipe sounds fantastic! Bacon really does make everything better, and I am also a big fan of maple syrup in foods, too.I can see where taking time and care with the contracts would be a critical step. Like the lawyer said, it's the first go to.

    Morning, Peggy, Dara!

    Chi--Congrats to Bob's 25th year!

    Cammy--ooh, a DOTD with Kahlua, I love Kahlua! Yup, was crazy work again.Got to find something better soon.I know you will miss Joey and Leslie while they are gone. Good for them to have some time together away, and the time will fly by.

    Jazzy--I hope the push gets everything moving for the new project.

    Mema--the winds can really come up in a hurry, can't they? We're still getting enough wind at times to have to deal with wind chills here.LOL a the humpa-humpa burning love dance!

    Chi--my goodness, what a saga! The sauna sounds heavenly. Not so sure about the cold plunge afterward, but that's probably what makes it all work so well.Sounds like the trainer is well educated and able to adapt the program to meet your situation.

    Cammy--not only do male dogs continue to hump after being fixed, female dogs will do it too!From what I've read that behavior is as much about dominance and pack position as it is about humpa humpa burning love! You have the weirdest form of roid rage I've ever heard of! Glad you can smooth things over and get some laughs at the same time!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Burning Love


    2 oz. Mekhong Thai Spirit

    1/2 oz. Drambuie Liqueur

    1 oz. Simple Syrup

    1/2 oz. Lemon Juice

    1/2 oz. Lime Juice

    Peychaud Bitters

    Fee Brothers Aztec Chocolate Bitters


    Combine all ingredients in a tall mixing tin, including the bitters, excluding the Drambuie, shake vigorously and set aside. Pour 1/2 oz Drambuie in a doubled mini tin and ignite with a match or lighter. (A match is preferable to avoid gas expose. A doubled mini tin is important to protect the hands against heat.) Pour ignited Drambuie directly from the mini tins into a coup or cocktail glass. The spirit should remain aflame inside the glass. Briefly re-shake and Hawthorn strain cold mixture on top of flaming Drambuie, dousing the flames. Garnish with a saddled red tulip bulb or lime slice.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    Good Morning Ladies,

    NM I'm so sorry u had a bad day and just hoping today goes smoothly for u. And I don't think u'r on any call this weekend so u and Sadie just relax and enjoy each other. U work so damn hard, but I really don't think it's all physical, it's very emotional for u, and even tho driving could be goofy or circumstances throws everything off, u always end up feeling for the families u care for, I don't think u can teach that to anyone. I think that 's what bothers me the most, I feel that for u. I remember my one GF going to school for nursing when she was in her late 30's, it was something she always wanted but kids started coming so she put it off. And when she started she loved taking care of people, she ended up on the OB floor so she basically took care of birthing and things like hysterectomies, but they weren't hiring enough nurses, so if u weren't busy u had to fill in on other floors as an aide--well after a couple of years (she was getting older her back couldn't take it, and her Dr. said she was about a couple inches from being paralyzed and her job now was to do a lot of aidy stuff.Well anyway she was a stellar nurse she did have that personality, and when I was on her floor she was doing birthing but I was taken care of like a celebrity and everyone would say oh u'r Marilyns' GF, there was always a nurse by me --including my GF when she had a chance--It broke her heart to retire early although she was 62 then, she went into making sure homes and restaurants were all up to shape, and she was strict tho. Anyway I've met a few nurses and u remind me of her, I think I always feel for u, cuz I know what she was like when she worked. I'm sorry this is so long, but I always think of her frustration and wanting more help for people, so I feel like I relate to her. She's a very loving person.

    Oh boy I really went into a story, OK sue me, not like SusyQ's dog, tho.

    OK I'll be back later, I feel like chit right now, come on pills and do u'r work.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited March 2017

    Good morning ladies- super busy day yesterday, but got lots done. I started my morning with a fab haircut with my stylist, and we had some good conversations about the self employment world. She went out on her own six months ago. We talked about how to deal with (or fire) difficult clients, the importance of networking, etc. She eagerly listens to my advice.

    Then lunch with a colleague I had worked with on a big program for my healthcare client here six years ago (she was a FT employee then). Ran in to her at a local networking event after not seeing each other for a few years. Great conversation and she treated me to some delicious thai food! Final stop to meet with my biz atty who I love. Got through his contract comments and going to update the doc today, read it over one more time and send it to them by tomorrow for their review early next week. Almost there!

    Oh but then this- we had a haboob here yesterday. I know some who live out west know what this is, it is a rolling bank of wind, sand and sometimes rain too that occurs in desert environments. It hit as I came out from an errand to Kohls between lunch and seeing my atty, and then had to drive in it from the north to central part of the city (maybe 7 miles). But then when I got home, I found a complete disaster at the house. Today is trash pick up day so I put all my recycling in the bin and pulled it out by the side of the driveway to pull to the curb last night. The top was off the bin and it was like a little tornado sucked all the stuff out of it. Newspaper, bottles, cardboard, etc. EVERYWHERE. In my front yard, back yard, along the street. So I got my little cart and picked everything up and put rocks on the dumpsters last night to keep things in tact. I just pulled the dumpsters to the curb and hope the trucks come soon. I left a rock on the recycling dumpster as the winds are still blowing around this am. We are getting a blast of winter again, but no hard freeze.

    Cami- you had phone rage, not road rage friend. LOL. I hate when people give e-mails over the phone. Most people don't remember the spelling of their e-mails correctly or we cannot hear it well enough to get it right. I love that whenever I talk to anyone with my address, I have to spell out Albuquerque EVERY SINGLE TIME. Sounds like you survived friend.

    And your friendship sounds really nice with the friend from the past. The nice thing about old friends is they know us at our very core because of our similar growing up experiences. Less 'splaining to do, people get us better. I met up with some old friends the last time I was back east in my home town for a family event, and had such a good time. Friends from my grammar school and junior high days. We are all on FB together and we met for happy hour and had a great time. Enjoy your connection!

    FF has a drinking problem and drives for Lyft? I have never used Uber or Lyft yet, but have come close. I love the concept, but always concerned about safety.

    NM- you sound so tired friend. I am wishing you an easy day today and good wrap up to the week. More snow coming to you too. I hope you have an easy weekend. No on call, right? You and Miss Sadie need some time together. Do you have a fireplace? I think you need a good glass of wine tonight. Early to bed too!

    ChiSandy- I love your work out routine with your trainer. Pumping that iron, but then doing some therapy with the sauna and a hot bath after.

    Mema- sounds like you got that wind we had move through here around 2 p.m. yesterday. I found the remaining weeping cherry blossoms from my tree everywhere too, along with the fab recycling spill.

    Oh and the dog story, tell your pup you are not his type! I used to babysit for a family as a teenager and their schnauzer would regularly hop on my leg and hump it while I was doing my homework. You can imagine my horror as a 16 year old girl with this behavior. It was hard to isolate him too, locking him up resulted in barking and closing doors kept me from being able to hear the sleeping kid if she needed something. Boy was I glad to be done with that gig!

    Dara- I hope you are doing better at the end of the week. Did you get your lump sum check yet?

    Goldie- hope you are having a wonderful time with your DD

    Hsant- keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers during this time Heart

    Got a business call coming up I need to prepare for. Wishing everyone a good day. Got a b-day happy hour tonight!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    Jazzy u bumped in the the pewl, but it's because I was to long. I never heard of a thing u said, OMG to come home to a mess is awful. U have so much energy, u just don't stop. Great for u girl--luv it. And now u'r officially in the job getting going, See how u surround u'rself with caring people, I knew u would but glad u did. Back to weather, that sounded like a micro burst that we had a while ago, never heard of that before but was in it. Horrible. And I like u'r hair style it does look so nice on u. U'r just great. Oh I meant roid rage cuz I'm on steroids, just an excuse actually for my normal personality. But I'm just like that with the men, cuz that's the way we all talk, and mean nothing by it.

    I'm going one by one here, wtf???

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2017

    Gorgeous day today—sunny, nearly 80 degrees. Went outside in just a gauzy peasant top, jeans & sandals and enjoyed my cappuccino while sitting on the deck watching the planes come in towards O’Hare, and realized I had perhaps 2 or 3 portions of regular espresso beans left. Metropolis Coffee is a bit more than 1/4 mi. from me, and I figured it was such a lovely day (and its parking lot, when it has spaces, is so tight that only a Smart car can back out of a space without hitting anything) that I ought to walk.

    I got only 2 blocks before the wind suddenly came at me from the north. It felt like someone had socked me with a bag of ice cubes while turning a fan on full-blast. Some people were prepared for it with jackets or sweaters, but I saw people in T-shirts and bike shorts shivering as they came off the L or in from the lakefront. I ducked inside and decided to get a logo T-shirt or hoodie. Unfortunately, the XL size hoodie was so small it seemed like it was for supermodels who’d overindulged and eaten one dessert. But the XL Ts were perfect, even a bit roomy over my blouse. I bought one that had pictures of latte art and another featuring its “Red Line” espresso blend flowing out of an espresso machine portafilter. I had my free cup of coffee that came with my bag of beans (which was free because it was my 12th pound), and after finishing put one of the Ts on over my blouse, swapped my glasses for sunglasses, and headed out the door. My arms & feet were still freezing (and I wished I’d brought at least some lightweight gloves) but my core was nice & toasty. When I got home, my heart rate was in the “fat burn” zone on my Fitbit (not yet “cardio”—I have trouble getting it that high) and I was beginning to sweat.

    Less than an hour after my lovely warm kick-back on my deck, I flipped on the local news: 51 degrees. Welcome to Chicago in the “shoulder seasons” (in spring & fall, it’s as if winter & summer duke it out until one wins, rather than letting us have seasonable weather). It’s supposed to rain tonight, and since it may get down below 40 there’s a chance of sleet. Ugh.

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited March 2017

    Hi, Sandy. We are in the greater Cincinnati, OH area & had 75 degrees, sun & windy today. Lots of lawn mowing going on in suburbia. Tomorrow and for several days it's rain, but still staying pretty warm. Good for you that you persevered on your walk! Our weather was much colder earlier this week with freeze warnings, so we have been bouncing back & forth also. All the early blooming plants & bushes, like daffodils & forsythia, have met an early demise.

    DOTD - Trying to finish off the La Marca Prosecco from 3/21, with a splash or so of Chambord. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2017

    oh mi gosh, it sure is quiet in here. jest a real quick pop in, gotta get to the pharmacy and pick up imitrex, should be ready in the next 15 min, I will get a text when the RX is done.

    So Jazzy, you asked about my unemployment income, a big wooo hooooo, it hit my bank at about 2 aye em, 24 weeks of pay. Yippee, first pay sincen Aug.

    NM, hope things are better.

    Lori, I jest know you and DD are loving your time together.

    Cam, I foyget, is Joey gone this weekend? Hope you start to feel better with the roids and that the D and the rage both hit the phucking road.

    Jazz, sounds like you are very close to going under contract.

    Sue, hiya, how boutta a breakfast toast dis morning? yep, once I get back from running errands, gonna have one to sailabrate receipt of some moooooola la laa! Join me pls.

    Hsant, hope things are going smooth in planning things, hugs and more love coming atcha from NJ.

    Chi, good job on shedding the lbs.

    Hi Celia and Peggy~

    I am sad today. We got bad family news yesterday, my cousin Johnny, passed away. He had colon RB. FURB. He is the first of many first cousins to both me and Cheryl to pass and for that, I am grateful that I did not lose any earlier in life. I am working on locating a deed for a cemetery plot that my Dad owned as we want to gift it to the family. Johnny has had so many health issues in his short 57 years, born a deaf/mute and has a terrible clef palette and has had issues with alcohol, he got caught drunken cycling years ago and created an accident. But he is a doll baby, so sweet. I used to communicate with him in sign language, learned it in 8th grade to cheat on quizzes/tests but it came in handy in life. Anyway, both of Johnny's parents have passed and his remaining siblings are in a bad way financially after the death of my uncle as the home they lived in was taken by medicaid. Sad and reminds me to count my blessings each and every day.

    Here is Johnny, on the left. Prayers for his siblings would be appreciated girls. Thanks in advance!


    kk, text received, time for some uh, how do you spell RELIEF??

    I M I T R E X indeed !!!

    Love n hugs, hugs n love to all~ and some chEErs my ladies!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    Image result for recipe for vodka drinksDOTD KINDA LOOKS REFRESHING.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2017

    Good Morning Ladies,

    I hope NM is sleeping in late and cuddling with Sadie--they need to relax this weekend.

    Sandy I heard the wind wasn't exactly warming yesterday, probably worse for u, but the sun felt good. Good for u doing the walk in it. U'r really working at this,,,,GREAT

    Celia, I think our weather is a little alike and we have all fooled nature here, but it's March so there's nothing we can do, cuz in the long run nature will get us, I'm sure. How are u feeling?

    Nothing really new--I had my D all day yesterday, guess the steroids don't always work, stopped about midnite and I was exhausted so I did get some sleep. I really don't like that kind of sleep, it's like a haze. Anyway Leslie and Joey are both sick with an infection still, so it better leave soon. They're leaving Monday for FL. and right now they're both in bed. Joey and I were planning on digging into cleaning my room today, but that's not happening so I'll wait, Oh well.

    DARA, DARA, DARA,.............

    Be back.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited March 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday!Got today's computer work finished and sent off.Got a bit more paperwork--need to put the ID# on every page of the admission paperwork from yesterday afternoon and a couple other things, but those won't be processed until Monday, so no rush.Got a brisket on simmering and the makings of a New England Boiled Dinner for tonight, and am going to tackle picking up the living room and kitchen floors and getting them swept and washed.And got the work clothes washed and hung out.So far, so good!Monday at work is going to be interesting, I'm assigned an admission that is 65 miles from the office, and have 4 visits that cannot be moved to another day that are almost as far from the admission.Mapquest is telling me the total office to office drive time is 4 hours for an 8 unit (160% productivity) day.Definitely time to make some work changes.

    Cammy--Not on call this weekend--YEAH-- not on call again until April 6th.I wish I knew your GF, she sounds like a kindred spirit.Feel better quick!

    Jazzy--wow, that haboob thing sounds scary!And all that recycling stuff everywhere, what a mess.We got another 3 inches or so of snow last night, but it's melting off quickly today.No fireplace, but Sadie and I manage pretty well anyway.She curls up on the ottoman, I plunk in the rocker recliner and put my feet on, or under, her.Toss a blanket over both of us and we are very happy campers for the afternoon!

    Cammy--going one by one is fine, why wouldn't it be?

    Chi--I hear you about the seasons duking it out this time of year!

    CeliaC--Welcome!Chambord, YUM!Love that stuff!

    Dara--24 weeks of pay?WHOOPEE!!! I bet that makes a difference in the ol bank account! So sorry to hear about Johnny.My prayers are with you and your family.

    Cammy--that DOES look refreshing.Sadie and I slept till almost 8 am, it was delicious!

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338
    edited March 2017

    Dara, I'm so sorry about your cousin. I hope you find that deed so you can help out his family. Tragic all the way around.

    Weather here is cold. No rain so far today but we had tons yesterday. Rivers are well above flood stage and low-lying areas are flooded. Fields are flooded. Basements and crawlspaces aren't doing well either in a lot of areas. Nothing happening here like the 80 you had Sandy or the 75 you had Celia. I'd be happy with 60. It appears I have 2 tulips poking up. No other spring flowers apparently. My Stella d'Oro lilies are greening a tiny bit.

    Good Weekend All!
