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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2017

    Cami yes, I have visited my DD one time, and Stella went with me. There are a bunch of pictures on my FB page if you go look at my albums. You loose hussy, at the ripe ole age of 12, kissing boys and then telling it in confession! I'm glad you don't have more mets, but Mr. Arthur and herniated discs are no fun either. I wonder if your sciatic nerve is pinched. When do you get your MRI results, or is that it? Praying for good things for your family on the job front. Glad you made the party AND had a good time to boot!

    Jazzy, that is up in the La Sal mountains in Moab. There are also dinosaur tracks up there. So so very pretty. I think about 8000'. Oh gosh, Cami having the "talk" with Joey! I would love to be a fly on the wall for that one!!! Pretty cactus bloom. Period at 9, then it stops and doesn't come back until your senior year in HS? Wow!

    Sandy, I too remember being horrified at learning how babies were made. Grossed out too, and thinking that I would NEVER do such a thing.

    Hi KimB, sounds like you are handling things pretty good. Be sure to rest when you feel like you need a nap. How many more rounds do you have? Radiation next?

    NM, so glad you are resting and just doing minimal things.

    Working outside and inside today. Gonna plant a few things in the garden, hummingbirds are here and my TM's went down about 30%. Mese a happy camper over that!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    Jazzy is busy in the gardens today......


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2017

    Sitting in the business class lounge (bought a pass) waiting to board my flight to London. Outlets here very finicky & loose--can't move much lest I lose charging. Hope there's a better power port at my seat on the plane.

    DOTD: double cappuccino, and Nicolas Feuillatte champagne, with some Brie

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    Good afternoon friends- it is another warm day here in NM, and the breezes are up too. Been busy working outside and in the garage today to get some things organized, stored, etc. The yard and gardens are coming along nicely!

    NM- it makes sense they are finally getting it at your job that they need more help. It sounds like they have run others in to the ground too, given you mentioned everyone is sick. I find that often true in my work situations, I am usually not the only one. Being away from them gives you perspective and helps you to know what you need to do going forward. I hope they will offer you something reasonable when you return. Glad you were able to get out for some food and errands and that Sadie is being good company for you. Thank god for pets!

    Great idea to hire someone to help you declutter. I know someone here who does that here, I think a restoration company should be able to help you or refer you to someone who does that work. There is a decluttering thread too if you are interested, lots of helpful tips and how to keep up with it on a regular basis once you do the big purge.

    Goldie- will have to look for those dino tracks next time I am up there. I have a friend from grad school who teaches geology and takes her students to Utah every summer for a dino dig.

    Oh and I may have 'splained it wrong. I was in 4th grade (around nine) when I got my period, then it stopped I think until I was in 6th grade a couple years later. My brain misfired! Once it came back, it was here to stay and suffered from the worst cramps for years. I finally put myself on the pill in my 20s to help with that. My mother took me to her gyn when I was 18, who said some women just have problems with it and some don't.

    My mother used to say these trite cliches about how cramps and childbirth pain are just what we have to endure as women. Big eye roll.....image

    Cami- good to her you got out to the party! Sounds like you had a good time!

    Gotta get back to the house chores due jour after this little break. Enjoy the rest of your sunday. Hope for those of you that celebrate Palm Sunday that it was a nice day for you too.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    HOLD ON!!!!!!! Sandy u said u were going to London-------Now???????????? I thought it was a while away. Oh how wonderful --safe and happy travels <pics please> I'm so happy for u. YYYAAAYYY.

    Jazzy is that u'r garden, if it is u don't have much to do. Good thing u like that stuff, I don't. I forgot to tell u, I listened to the tape Leslie's GF's husband made with Joey--He told Joey just play whatever he wanted <any notes> and he would just follow. well the piano was absolutely beautiful and he made Joey sound professional the way he played for him. Joey actually sounded like he'd been playing for a while, it was very pretty and soothing. Of course I'm his grandma, but GF's DH really did a great job. Oh I had to LOL when u'r mom would say that, all I got was a couple of shots of blackberry brandy and I felt OK then. She would have been jailed now a days.

    Weather is great here, windows open, nice breeze.

    NM u sound so much better, whew this was a bad one. Remember it.

    Next week is EASTER, already--never can believe how this time just goes.

    Catch u latah

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    ChiSandy- have a great time over the pond!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    Image result for google images of recipes with vodkaDOTD Another Good Morning Monday drink.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    Good Morning Ladies,

    I've been up a couple of hours, looking up the Drs. my PCP gave me for my back ????????? Who knows really, I like to read where they did residency and how long they've been practicing. As if that would really help me, I try to stay away from schools in Guatemala, and yet again who knows.

    Monday morning and I think of Kim, but now I feel like u'r home and trying to relax and taking care of u'rself. Right????????????? I hope u'r weather is good, Rain here but warmish, and I heard thunder too. Oh I just looked out and the sky is actually black right now.

    I'm done with my steroids, and I could tell first thing this morning. GRRRRR so here we go again.

    Lori, I was thinking about u'r camping trip nd thought that is the greatest way to really spend time with u'r DD, even tho I don't care for camping, that would be such a close time for the 2 of u. No distractions just scenery to share and time.

    Jazzy u'r car comes back today or tomorrow, well mostly done so that's good.

    DARA where are u. Good thing her hearing is good, she seems to respond to calling her.

    U know u gals would whip this post out in no time, I on the other hand look at it and see bunches of pink lines I have to correct, oh some I don't bother.

    Birthdays are today, I actually called my sister last nite, cuz I know her girls <4> are taking her out for lunch, then I forget about time and Marty is right here so it's easy for that one. His mom is taking them out for dinner tonight so that's nice. Wherever he wants to go. I did say don't pick Italian, that so in this house all the time. There are so many good restaurants around so he might as well pick something he doesn't usually have but likes.

    Well I'll close up for now, but check in today. Everyone try to have a great Monday.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited April 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Another beautiful morning starting here. Still being a very lazy lady, all I did yesterday was a load of laundry, the dishes are still unwashed, and I snoozed most of the day in the recliner.Not sure if I'm feeling any better yet or not, trying not to think about it until Thursday. This constant coughing is getting very, very old. One day at a time, right?

    Goldie--Ah, hummingbirds!Going to be another month before I see them here. But that's ok.

    Jazzy--What a beautiful garden!

    Chi--so what is a Business Class Lounge like?Is this something I should indulge innext time I travel anywhere?

    Jazzy--I'll check out the decluttering thread, thanks for the info!Some help and accountability will probably go a long way helping me keep up, as well as keeping focused.

    Cammy--thinking I am getting a bit better, finally, but still feeling very tired. Which may be my cue to not stop the plan now, and keep it up until I see the PCP Thursday. This has been a bad one. And definitely one to remember.

    Yes, Kaluha and expresso, that will even get my energy level up a notch this ayem!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2017

    Sandy, enjoy London and safe travels.

    Jazzy, you go into Castle Valley, from the river road, they also call it the La Salle Loop. You come to a point where the Loop goes to the right or you can go straight. You go straight. Other than that, that's all I know!

    How sweet that Joey got to play with a piano person, and he made him sound good! I really did have an awesome time with my DD.

    NM, I'm sorry you don't feel like you are getting any better. Just continue to rest girl.

    Well, it's Monday, so will be a busy day for Moi, always is on Monday's. And I am answering the phone now. Got rid of the gal that was doing it for me.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    Good morning friends- waking up slow with some coffee. I checked my blood sugar today and it was the lowest I have seen, 78! The meds my endocrinologist are really turning a lot around for me, and my sugars were in the 80s, but then were up in to the 90s the past week (too many carbs I suspect). I will be going end of May for another check up with her and going to have some blood work done to check all my numbers. I had been loosing weight but seem stuck since mid March and going to get more swimming in which will push that number down. I want to loose another 10 pounds before I see her next month, but think I will lucky if I get can get another 5 by then.....

    Made a lot of progress at home this weekend, this week I have a lot of professional things to do and some social outings too. I have meetings with local orgs between tonight through Wed. I also expect to hear from my collaboration team on some things too. We have the big meeting coming up with the group in CA and have a presentation to finish.

    Going to get one more quote for the hot water heater replacement and decide on that for next week. The last of the bigger home things to do. I am heading out this morning to the Pella window place to inquire about new screens, one has a hole in it and will get that replaced now and price the rest for the future. Going to be a busy week!

    Cami- sorry the steroids are wearing off and sounds like the pain is back. I hope you can find a doctor you like. I like to research their background too. Out of country doctors and dentists do have different training. I remember finding an RO here for a second opinion on something and he was trained out of Harvard and had one of the worst bedside manners I have ever seen. I ended up with a different RO out in AZ who had one of the best. I hope you can get an apt quickly and a better solution going friend.

    I probably won't get the car back today. The service guy called me around 5:30 p.m. on Friday when they finally figured out the problem with the AC and and they had to order a part. He said the cut off date is usually around 4 p.m. so it was more likely I will have it by later tomorrow. That works better for me actually, as I have something I am going to tonight related to my work at 6 p.m. and will make less hassle later today.

    NM- glad you are still taking it easy. The dishes can wait and will be there for you when you are up to it. Resting is what you need to do. I hope you can just continue to focus on getting better and see where you are at end of the week. Take advantage of the short term disability all you need to so you get really well from this and don't go back to soon. Let those managers at your company do their job to manage things better.

    Dara- sent you a response to your note yesterday and hope it helps!

    I have to get moving and may not be here quite as much this week but will poop in when I can. Wishing everyone a good week.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited April 2017

    Good morning, ladies! I'm behind on your posts, so I'm only going back a couple of pages. If I missed something important, I apologize.

    It's really hard for me right now. The hubs ended up staying an extra two days, which was great, but I'm having a difficult time with my dad's passing. My world has revolved around my dad for the last five years, and now I don't know what to do with myself. I really miss him. The one thing I did a few months ago was pack up all the photos, cards, etc., because I knew I wouldn't be able to do this after the fact.

    Tonight is the first night of Passover, and I'm going to my cousin's. I can't tell you how much I'm dreading this. In Passover pasts, my dad would go to my cousin's and I would use the excuse that I get an evening off and take myself to dinner. It feels weird to attend a Seder when I didn't do this when my dad was alive. #Jewishguilt.

    Jazzy, that is one gorgeous pool! It's great that you are exercising consistently. Congrats on your weight loss!

    Genny, another big woo hoo to the weight loss. Congrats! It's true. Vodka doesn't have the same effect on the body that wine has. How nice that you and your DH are going to FL! I'm sure you both need the vacation. I hope your knee isn't bothering you too much. Very much looking forward to seeing you next Monday.

    Cami, wow! What happened to Leslie and Marty is horrible! And the fact that they have to go thru all the bull shit red tape makes it worse. The bank is at fault. I hope this gets cleared up soon, and the bank reimburse's their money.

    Your family really sticks by each other, which is so nice. How are you feeling? My dad didn't experience any SEs on 20 mg of Prednisone. Which steroid are you taking?

    BH is (finally) over. Rinna dug herself into the proverbial hole. Erika lost it. WTF?? Although, I can understand her POV. Her husband is a well respected, powerful attorney and she wouldn't want to embarrass him on national TV. I'm already loving NY. Lol!

    Dara, your April Fools joke was pure genius! I totally believed you. You didn't say that you won the main jackpot, but that you got four out of five numbers, including the sixth. Lol!!!

    Dara, you are in my prayers that your (incompetent) doc will be able to up the quantity of meds, so that your insurance will cover it. $230 is a lot of cash. At least for me. How are you feeling? {{{Dara}}}. I'm so sorry about the loss of your cousin. Sending you a gentle hug!

    Native, it sounds like you're feeling better. I'm so happy you took a significant amount of time off work. Very smart! You needed it, even if you didn't experience your scary and horrific health problems from asthma. I hope you and Sadie get some good snuggle time.

    Goldie, love the pics of you and your DD! You two look like sisters! Two gorgeous gals. And the scenery is beautiful!

    Kim, hope you're feeling well and welcome!

    Sue, I hope you have some resolution with respect to your disability $. I hate the red tape bull shit that goes with dealing with the government.

    Peggy, I'm Jewish, but I love pork!

    Sandy, wishing you safe travels and a wonderful vacation.

    Wishing everyone a happy, happy Monday!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2017

    Good Morning DahhhLinKs!

    Ugly Monday to those of u who have to work. I hav been really busy last few days, but finally have a few minutes before I take pooches to the park. They give me the 'look' every time I go in for coffee. DH off practicing ball with the Mesquite Geezer's, then he will be off to one of our banks to talk about re-fi the house. We have both been suffering from allergies due to all the pollen in the air. The high winds we had the last several days hasn't helped us either.

    You lasses posting about ur 1st periods and what u learned or didn't know before it all started. I was in 7th grade think I was 8 or 9 yoa. Most of us Catholic girls wore shorts under our uniforms so we could shed them for the heat of the walk home. My sister and some friends were in the girls lav when I pulled by uniform off. My shorts (jean shorts) were saturated and I did not kno it. My mom had talked to us both about it so it wasn't a surprise, except that I didn't feel anything. Never suffered from the cramping either. So next day I'm wearing a 'big' pad and that silly belt to secure it. My BF noticed right away, by the way I walked. LOL, like I had a bottom full of poo. My sister was jealous, being older, she thought she'd sart 1st. I had a boyfriend, he was an altar boy. We'd go hide around the church and just hug over and over. Was afraid to kiss him cuz of the teachings of the church. First boy I kissed, lips locked, was my neighbor, John Darling. Yes, for real and he was a cutie. He tried the French on me but I thot I'd get pg. Am kinda glad about those lies they'd tell us. Kept me in line for a few more years. Oh, and at 13 I went to tend my cousins in No Hollywood. My aunt got me on the tampons. My mom had a fit, thot they wud end my virginity. Enuf of my blabber.

    Lowwee - glad u are home and had a really good time with your DD.

    NM - glad you are feeling a bit better, sounds like you still have a ways to go, so glad u are taking it easy.

    Sorry u still don't have your voice, but u kno it will return eventually. I also hope your bosses see now how much they abused and used you. Praying for a Ptime position for you.

    Jazz - you do have a green thumb, flowers are beautiful. Hope u get your car back soon. Hooray about ur weight loss, but as u kno, it takes time.

    Sandy - Gr8, 1st class, the only way to go. Hope u have a FANtastic time in London. We'll be expecting pics soon after u return.

    Cami - Good news about ur MRI. Sad that u are out of the 'roids as they seemed to help.

    Heidi - My heart aches for you and what you've been going thru since ur dads passing. Don't let the guilt get you down. I still fight w/my catholic guilt, but have learned to let it go most of the time.

    About my disability, still waiting. Did contact the state, they now have my packet, said it could up to a month before I get it. Then I did a CAMI and typed a letter to the Director of the state office. Hope it helps.

    I been gabbin so I'll quit now…sorry if I missed some of you lovely lasses…Hope everyone is doing ok.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    Hsant- sending you much love on this Monday afternoon. I did not realize you had been taking care of your dad for 5 years. I think I only joined this thread less than two years ago, and know you have been with him since we met here. And course you feel a bit lost, when you devote yourself to care giving another, it is a huge void when they are gone.

    I really felt lost after my mother passed in 2012. Probably not in the same way as you do as I was a bit part of the support system, but not there day in and day out. But I was very involved for the eight years before when everything changed so I had some of the duration you speak of with elder care. It is hard to explain, but there was a lot of purpose with making sure our parents are well cared for in their final years. It is time well spent and time you will never regret.

    And now here you are with the first holiday since your dad passed, and so soon too. That is super hard too. Easter was a few short weeks after our mom passed, and I just stayed to myself that year during that time. Maybe just honor what you need to do for yourself now. No Jewish guilt! Sometimes being with family is comforting, sometimes we need to just be with our grief. I think you should give yourself permission to not go to something if it will be too much for you right now. You are entitled to have your time to yourself, the family can see you another time. Everyone expects us to get on with it, but it is just not like that......

    The best advice I ever got about grief was during a couple years with a grief counselor counselor when my brother died. He was only 40, we were very close, and it just broke me wide open when he finally left us after two years with a serious illness. The counselor said that loss is like an injury, just an internal one no one can always see. In order to begin the healing process, you just need to take super good care of yourself like you would if you had a physical injury. Extra sleep, healthy food, bit of exercise. Time with people who don't stress you too.

    Please be patient and kind with yourself. Wishing you peace this week friend Heart

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    Hi again.

    SusyQ hope u hear very soon, wow it takes forever for it to go thru channels.

    Heidi So glad u pooped in, we've all been thinking about u, and how difficult this time is for u. U have been a wonderful daughter and should never have any guilt, not many would really do what u did for u'r dad. He was so special to you, and you to him. This is such a hard time and I know u have a lot to do to close up his home and it's very surreal. I remember after we sold my parents condo, <I lived upstairs> the new lady asked me if I wanted to see the changes she made and I respectfully declined, I could not walk into their home again. It's all just rough. We're here if u need us, for sure and respect whatever private time u need.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    Cami- we sold our parents home in 2005 and been past it several times when I have been back east in 2012 and 2014. The new owner has done such a wonderful job re-landscaping and the house looks so well taken care of. I often wondered what the inside might look like now, but think I prefer the memories.......

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2017

    Actually, I was in Premium Economy--nearly the same food as business class, free wine & champagne, plenty of legroom (the lie-flat beds in biz class aren't comfy enough for a "woman of substance" to get to sleep). The lounge at O'Hare Terminal 5 is $40/day for anyone with a ticket on any of its network of airlines (free if you're in biz or first class), and all the drinks--alcohol, soda, coffees--and food (wraps, sandwiches, cheeses, apples & junk food) are free. Power outlets sort of iffy, though.

    Brisk breezy day here in London. Seder was an absolute delight--turns out the host family and I share preferences in food, wine, music & politics. Most fun I've ever had at a Seder (despite most of the readings & all the songs being in Hebrew). DOTD? Oy: sacramental wine, of course; plus champagne, a NZ Sauv. Blanc, a Bordeaux-style blend (with a bit of Syrah to make it interesting) from the Judean Hills and...a 1937 Ramos Pinto port! I now have friends in London.

    Up with the chickens tomorrow for shower, breakfast, and a 9 am session watching the Royal Courts of Justice in action. Sorry this is the only thread on which I'll be posting for awhile. Too tightly scheduled to keep up.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    Sandy pop in any time u have a chance and just tell us what u'r doing and how u'r doing. This will be so much fun.

    Jazzy yep memories are always there, and I don't like to see changes anyway, . I was lucky tho, I'm probably retelling this, but my parents stayed in the same home I grew up in for yrs. after and when I got divorced with 2 kids I moved back into that home. Well it wasn't easy so they left me there and retired to another town, about 1/2 hr away and come back once a week to fix anything and mow the lawn. I told u I was spoiled from my dad--he put up a swing set for my girls <which I never had> and a patio so we could sit outside with the neighbors, some of them the same people I grew up with. So my kids basically grew up in the same house I did and I loved it, with loads of kids in the same neighborhood--their kids---the kicker was I didn't have to pay rent--they really spoiled me for the world. We were so happy there for years. But when they were getting older we had to sell the house and they moved back to buy a condo and I moved to a 2 bedroom apt.--Again they paid most of my rent. OMG was I spoiled. Then when my kids were grown I bought the condo, with my parents putting the money down. Talk about a spoiled brat---ME....but I did pay my mortgage at least this time.But if I needed extra money my dad always had money where I could just take it and he would replenish anything I took and we never said a word about it, cuz he still worked til he was in his mid eighties. When he went blind, he still kept money for me in the same place always and never asked me what I needed it for. I think that's why I felt so lost, it wasn't the money it was the idea they were always there for me in so many ways, especially when Leslie got so sick. So we all have our quiet memories about our parents and just figured they'd always be our force behind us.

    OK enuff memory lane for me and boring for u.

    Gonna try to relax now, I was really tired all night, now I'm waking up---chit.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    Related imageSeems like a little work goes into this, but sounds good to me---DOTD

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    Good Morning Ladies,

    I hope everyone is doing OK and NM I hope u'r doing much better and getting good rest and Sadie and u are cuddling up a storm.

    Jazzy seems like u had a pretty productive time lately, hope I'm right.

    Rain has stopped for now, I'm sure we'll be getting more soon. The grass is super green right now, but I also think it will be getting much cooler now??????? Never know now.

    Lor how are the calls doing now. Answering must keep u pretty much not going any where,maybe. IDK everyone has those phone things now in their ear, <mine broke> . I really don't mind the phone taking calls, but now I call back when jobs are over to make sure people are happy and I falls over words then, never liked talking to peeps on phones.

    OK I'll check back latah.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    Good morning friends- got a good start to the week yesterday, and busy day on tap today too. Got some home repair and improvement stuff pushed along with some screen repair now in progress, and also got some remaining quotes for my hot water heater finished. One of my other contractors who has directed me to some very good people gave me a name late yesterday and think it is who I will use. He also gave me a tip on another problem with my AC unit I may be able to fix myself with a simple tool. Gotta love that. I just need to get a few more things resolved today with getting my car back and figuring out a meeting I am trying to have with a prospective client, then will be getting it done by next week.

    I got invited to an event last night I decided to not go to in the end. It is with a solar company, and I have some interest to work in the renewables industry here, but the closer this got and the more I was hearing, it was clear this was one of those "convert your home to solar and become a sales rep for us" type of events. No thanks! There are some better ways for me to connect with that industry without putting myself in that situation. I have some more important meetings to do this week.

    Cami- your parents sounded like they were able to help you quite a bit. That is a nice thing. I think one will always miss their childhood home, as long as it was a happy place and one associated with love. Your family sounds like they have always been there for you, then and also now with Leslie helping you by having you live there. You are blessed friend.

    Mema- wow, you did not even know your first period came. Well, say what you will, cramps at least give you a warning. I am also suffering from bad allergies, aah choo!

    ChiSandy- glad you made it safely to London and enjoy your time there. We love to hear from you but also understand you are having a holiday away, and so you need to enjoy that! Hope you have a great time, sounds like you already have a great start to your vaca.

    NM- thinking of you and hoping you are continuing to feel better.

    Hsant- sending you much love as this holiday week continues. Please keep taking one day at a time friend and take care of yourself.

    Hoping Dara, Genny, Pontiac, Kimburke and all the rest here are doing well this week

    I have things to do, places to go and people to see today. Wishing you all a good Tuesday friends!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited April 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!It got to almost 80 degrees on my back deck yesterday peeyem, guess where I spent my afternoon.Getting very little done around the house, but that's ok, the only thing on the list today is to get the garbage taken to the road for pick up.Some part of me must be getting better, though, cuz I was hungry all day yesterday. Ate my soup, and salad, and grapes and cheese, and even some tapioca pudding, yummy!So maybe the health issue is turning around, finally.And Sadie is happy as a clam at high tide with her great big muddy puddle to play in.I can hear her splashing while I'm here on the computer!Still no voice, so can't yell at her to get out of the mud, so I guess I'll just have to learn to live with muddy doggy!

    Jazzy--Hooray for good numbers!I am trying very hard to keep up with the resting thing.Got an e-mail today that the leave paperwork has been filled out and received and is in review. I simply cannot believe how quickly I get winded when I try to do anything right now. I have decided that when I do go back to work the full time part will be a maximum of 3 weeks.I'll talk with the director and/or HR about part time, give them a week to work on in and if that isn't an option I'll give my 2 week notice and go per diem. No more getting run into the ground for this chicky.There were notices in my e-mail this ayem for half a dozen per diem and part time positions that I could practically walk into and claim if I wanted, so I will be able to find work and pay bills.Sorry you didn't get the car back yesterday, hopefully you'll get it today.

    Hsant--Hugs, my dear, hugs.This is a really hard time for a family.Glad the hubs was able to stay a couple extra days. Be as kind to yourself as you can.Your whole life has revolved around taking care of your Dad for a long time and this is a HUGE change for you. I think I am finally starting to feel better, kind of hoping my PCP will keep me out of work another week or so, but let that fall as it falls at the appointment on Thursday. If she oks me for work Thursday it will still take 2 days for HR to process the paperwork so I would not really start until the next Monday.Going to take as much advantage of FMLA and short term disability as possible, heaven knows I've paid enough into them for all these years.

    Mema--I appreciate the prayers, keep 'em coming!Crazy the stuff adults had us believing when we were kids, isn't it?Praying your disability goes through ASAP.

    Jazzy--Excellent advice and info from the grief counselor!

    Chi--sounds like a great trip so far, good for you!

    Cammy--I drive by the house I grew up in pretty often, it's changed a lot and I wonder what it looks like inside now, but would never stop and ask.Like you, prefer the memories.

    Ooh, yum!!Choco anything is yum, but this sounds GREAT!

    Cammy--besides getting winded just walking to the bathroom things seem a little better.I still have coughing jags that make me pee myself, so still wearing the "slip/shorts" and pads under a night shirt.The slip/shorts are like very lightweight biker shorts meant to be worn under dresses for coverage and to prevent chafing, but also hold incontinence pads nicely, rinse out and dry fast, and are comfortable.I will be so glad when the coughing jags stop. Well, it will come in time.

    OK, just got a call from the cleaning/restoration company.They're coming out tomorrow at 1100 to do the look things/give an estimate thing. I am sitting here with tears in my eyes from embarrassment and shame at how awful everything looks and is right now, my head telling me that I simply need the help and have the money to get the help I need, and my gut telling me that it will be ok, these are people who provide just the service I need right now and aren't going to judge me and that it will all be worth it in the end. I'm not sure how much of this sudden emotional reaction is steroid effect, lingering illness and fatigue effect, or just not being used to taking care of myself.At any rate, going to finish this post and then grab a nap.Naps fix lots of things.

    Related image

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2017

    Jazzy, hoping you get your car back today and woo hoo on low sugar numbers. Sounds like a smart idea to pass on the "solar event". I think you are right about them wanting to make a sales person out of you.

    Heidi, so glad you and Mary will get to meet up again. But I am so sorry about the struggles you are having with your dads passing. When do you head home to be with your hubs?

    LDB, getting preggo from kissing….I thought that too! I got retroactive pay from my disability, starting from when I became eligible. I hope you do too.

    Cami, nothing wrong with being spoiled.

    Almost bumped you in the pewl to go and read your post!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    NM- you sound like you are getting better and also now have a plan for when you return. Although a lot of people don't like the contract/consulting/gig/per diem world, you will find you have more control over it. Most orgs have you sign some sort of an employment agreement around it outside of a FT arrangement that states the rate you will be paid, etc. What I love about this is being able to include the limits to how much you will work. So keep that in mind and be sure to include that in your agreement. I have done this in both contract agreements with other consulting firms and through my own business. When you work on an hourly basis, other duties as assigned usually no longer applies.......

    Anything less than 40 hours a week can be considered PT, so decide what you think you want to do in the future world. Three days a week? Half days? Up to 25 hours, or 30? When I do contracts with my clients, I note what days I will be available for them, how often I will agree to be on site, and always put a max of 40 hours a week as my boundary with an "unless agreed to by both parties." You need to talk this through with them and they may have what they want in mind, but you need to decide what you want. Everything is a negotiation in life.

    The limits around non FT work have saved me more than a few times. One year during a holiday go live for a client, some of the program management was trying to get me to work 7 days a week, 12 hours a day. I was already working 5 days a week 12 hours a day running a go live command center by myself. I was able to handle that just fine, but then they asked me to go work Xmas weekend at the hospital. I said "I am sorry, but my contract says 40 hours a week or more, if agreed to and I am not agreeing to this." My client was not in the room, and you should have seen the faces when I said no to that. I have leveraged my contract more than a few times in these situations. I suggested we needed more go live support and how to go about it, and they made it happen. The whole project team was revolting from overwork at that point so they had to do something. I am always amazed how leaders in orgs seem to think the solution to getting things done is to work people to death. Not all managers know how to manage the work for either projects or operations.

    Goldie- ha ha, me thinks the solar people have been after you! I had a solar sales guy try to connect with me on Linked In about a month ago and know he was looking to pirate my contacts for his own agenda. Sorry dude, move along.

    We are expecting some possible moisture, hope you are getting some first!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2017

    Morning DahhhhLinks

    Lowee - Was trying to get bills and stuff done b4 I leave for Phx. And wala, there was a big hunk a money that had been added to my checking account. A BIG surprise to me, no email, no's just there. Did you get a letter or a card or anything when u got urs?

    Jazz - X C lent idea for NM.

    NM - sounds like you are feeling better. Living with a muddy Sadie isn't all bad. Wish u had your voice back, I suppose that will come after a little more rest. ((HUGZ))

    Want to address everyone, but no time. We will be leaving tamari for LV (sons house), plane to PHX leaves next day. Hope everyone has a wonderful Easter. Heidi, I think it might be difficult for you, but hope u can find some smiles and laughter along the way


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    Hi ladies,

    SusyQ that's a bout what happened to me with a letter a couple of days later with an explanation. So now u'r all set, right????? seems that way finally--good for u and just in time for u'r trip. Be safe.

    NM still no voice===jeez, that's a while now. I guess u just have to wait. But don't u dare feel bad about what u think u'r house is looking like. No matter how it looks when would u actually have time to do it. They've seen everything anyway, u'r job is to take care of u'r self first and foremost. <and of course Sadie>. That's why they're in business so just relax and let them do their job, u'r not part of that.

    Jazzy u really know u'r stuff and I know NM will take in all she needs from u. I'm so glad u share u'r experience and knowledge. Again u tire me out. I just think oh, I'm much older LOL

    Hsant, thinking of u and yes how long will u stay there? I hope u have some good support while u'r there.

    Where is everyone else, come on in and visit. We miss everyone.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    Good afternoon friends- I had a day of pushing through a few things today. Got my car back this afternoon (she is purring like a kitten AND the AC is working) and got my water heater replacement scheduled for next Tuesday.

    Also had a spontaneous call with my collaborating partners today. A debrief from the lessons learned with the client last week and how we will be positioning ourselves with the meeting on the 25th. Got some work to do on a presentation, but hoping we will get to a yes after that discussion and get going on this work finally! Fingers crossed.

    I talked to my other connection on the local work who was going to talk to the CEO one more time, and call me back. If I don't hear anything back this week, I will park it as I feel I am at the line between persistent and pest. With the other thing now looking more possible, may not need that work. Ha ha, it will all come at once, you watch!

    Mema- wishing you a good trip and holiday weekend! Look forward to hearing about your time away.

    NM- I love the image of Sadie in her muddy puddle. I have a funny meme somewhere on this I have to find for you about water dogs and mud.

    Cami- everyone is going on vacation but think you, me, NM will be here to chat through the holiday weekend!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    I'm back.

    Oh Joey told me he has Friday off cuz of good Friday, I really thought only Catholics do that, where have I been all these yrs.

    Jazzy I knew u'd be getting all set now, but I think u'r right, u'll have a couple of things happening--it like Feast or famine, but knowing u I know u'll make the right choice. And then everything starts all over, what patience u have and <oops I can't think of the other word I want> but u have that too. It's a nice word tho. And yes I'll be here and NM better be home too.

    Kim u still have healing to do so just stop doing things, I know u'r getting itchy to, just stop. Remember this is all u'r time for healing. And getting out of breath just shows u how u still have a ways to go. Oh chit I'm telling a nurse this--LOL

    Dara better be all right, that girl worries me when she stays away to long.

    Oh did I screw up today. Well I think sometimes when u'r in pain u automatically make some type of loud sigh when it gets really sharp, without meaning to. I did it 2X with one customer and they heard me, I apologized and then I said I have Taurrette's Syndrome, OMG why would I say that, it just came out, like I really have it. The man was extremely nice about it and it didn't hurt the job part, but still I felt bad, then I couldn't take it back. I thought that would be worse---so......

    oh oh my SIL bought me licorice jelly beans <my fav> and u can't always find them.

    I was just thinking we have 2 Kims now I'd better go completely back to NM so it gets all straight when I give my sage advice.

    My kids are going to Marty's mom's for brunch Sunday and Joey wants me to go with. Yea right, I don't think so. but I told him maybe I will.

    OK see if I can sleep now.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2017

    Busy day yesterday, touring the Inns of Court, Royal Courts of Justice (didn't see any trials) and then having dinner in the oldest pub in London, established in 1650 and rebuilt in 1667). Pre-dinner party at the Lindon office of ChicGo's largest law firm, with 360-degree views of the skyline. Had an English champagne (!) there, which was very good, a so-so Cabernet with dinner and a very good port with cheese for dessert. Late for my bus & river cruise to Windsor & Runnymede, so will catch you later

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    Sandy that's right I forgot about the huge time difference. And the oldest PUB--how interesting that must have been. Hundreds of years. Doesn't seem possible. WOW--- Hope u'r feeling well.