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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    Image result for google images of recipes with vodkaThis seems good for a brunch---DOTD anyway

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    Now I'm saying good morning ladies,

    Slept earlier but woke up a while ago--now I hear the birds--no not the musical group--real birds are awake being all chirpy.

    I did do some paper work already, but that's about it. Wanted to wash clothes but my back and legs tell me haha u can't.

    NM how are u doing today. U've got the dr. tomorrow, hopefully u can use u'r voice. If not just write everything down and hand it to him/her. I really know u know what to do, but sometimes when u don't feel well things get muddled a bit. Just so u'r getting better.

    HUMP DAY, What a silly adjective for day.I think some man made it up.

    Didn't see the pink moon here, did anyone see it at all--cloudy, so it was covered.

    Hope everyone has a great day. See u all latah.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    Good morning friends- I crashed early last night and woke up a week bit early, but now moving with my coffee. I have another prof org event this morning that starts at 8 a.m. So you know I do IT related work and there is a meeting with the state auditor and some other key stakeholders here in the city about why so much IT service work is going to out of state firms. Some of the reasons have to do with specialized software companies with expertise elsewhere, but there is also an issue here with people trying to get locals to work for half or a third of their going rates. Seriously! I have had people ask me to do that and surprised when I say no. So I have a few things to share myself on that front. Going to be an interesting conversation!

    Cami- glad Joey has Friday off. Good Friday is a big deal around here, and many take it off from work. I got invited to a get together on Friday at a friends house, but then heard from another friend that they may move it to a bar and go bar hopping. This is the group that likes to drink a lot that I have talked about before, and am interested to stop by my friends house for the patio party set up she talked about, but won't go do the bar thing with them. So we shall see. I have other fun plans this weekend for music and hot springs!

    I think you should go to the brunch if it works for you. If you are not up to it, have them bring you some yummy food?

    ChiSandy- your time in the UK sounds grand so far. The old pub sounds amazing, I would love to just sit there and imagine what life would have been like back in the day that was founded. Love places with such history!

    Gotta get in the shower and to my event. We may get some rain today, but that may just be a hopeful wish......

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited April 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Boy was it a beautiful day here yesterday. Warm, quick little thunder bumper in the ayem, I almost literally spent the whole day napping in the hammock swing or lounging in the swing watching the world go by. And watching Sadie play in the mud puddle.The coughing seems to finally be easing up, even though I am still having hard coughing jags at times.Today is the second to the last day of steroids, last dose tomorrow, see the PCP tomorrow.Still no voice, which is hard when I'm trying to talk on the phone, butgetting by. One day at a time, right?Guy from the cleaning company coming this morning.I'll get through it. No one dies of embarrassment.

    Goldie--Ah, anice float in the pool, what a relaxing way to start the day!So glad the pool is heated!

    Jazzy--I have been mulling over the regular part time versus per diem options, and need to educate myself more on the health insurance part of being per diem. So far I have decided that 3 days/24 hours per week is going to be my max. And "No, thanks" is going to be a much used phrase.Good idea about non-full time work being specified.Sounds like I've got some more details to think over and work out. But that's ok, I'm getting to like this taking control of my life feeling, even if it is scary at times! Thank you so much for sharing your expertise and support.

    Mema--Living with a muddy Sadie is living with a happy and tired Sadie.She sleeps soooooo good and is such a good cuddle when she's been dried off and brushed out at the end of the day!And I think I am actually feeling better.The voice will come back, but I'm kinda hoping the residual cough and lack of voice will buy me one more week out of work. . . .

    Cammy--I am going through with the appointment with the cleaning company this morning.Going to put you in my pocket so you can keep reminding me that I deserve this, they've seenworse, and it will be ok.

    Jazzy--Hooray for getting the car back and running well!And with AC, that's going to be necessary soon, if not already where you are.

    Cammy--I have stopped doing stuff, you should have seen me yesterday snoozing on the porch all day long! Similar plan for today, but since it's cooler and drizzly the snoozing will be inside today. Not changing any of my activity level until I see my PCP tomorrow and hear what she has to say. And, yes, I am a nurse, but we nurses are notoriously poor at taking care of ourselves, and we need people in our lives like you to remind us to take care of ourselves and that it's ok to do that.So you keep right on bossing me around!

    Chi--sounds like a wonderful trip!Keep good notes and fill us in when you have time!

    Ah, a nice healthy citrus juice based DOTD!Thanks, Cammy!

    Jazzy--sounds like that convo about IT work going out of state is going to be pretty lively!Good for you for speaking up!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2017

    NM, don't go beating yourself up just because your home is a bit cluttered. I don't know when you would have time to clean and declutter, you work so darned much. I hope it goes well with new company coming out to help. And once it's done, it will be easier to keep up with it, especially if you go to PT. And glad to hear you are still taking it easy. I too hope you get an additional week off.

    LDB, glad you got that big chunk o moola! How long are you in Phx? I don't remember if I got notice or not, but it didn't take long for me to get approved, just the normal wait, nothing more.

    Jazzy, the solar peeps have not bothered me, and we are not getting any moisture what so ever. We are not going anywhere for Easter, nor anyone coming here, so I will be around as well. Hope your event goes well today and glad you got your wheels back.

    Cami, turettes? You crack me up! I did not see the pink moon, but I didn't look either.

    Just another typical day here for me.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited April 2017

    Well, the man from the cleaning company was here, looked things over, took some pictures, will try to get back to me by the end of the week. Very pleasant, professional. Said he's seen worse. Going to put the Diagnosis Murder marathon back on and take a nap. Thanks for holding my hand, Cammy!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    Hi again- well the talk this morning was certainly eye opening. I learned today the state funded IT contracts go to out of state firms a good 81% of the time. That does not include the private industry places here, which I do most of my work for. I have gone in on RFPs for state work, but sometime all that does it put you into the next ring and then you have to bid on specific projects. For a freelancer like me, it is a lot of hoops to jump through to get to work, so I generally avoid it. But I think the number shared is probably true across the board for private and government work here. This place does zero to help itself some times. Anyways, the information is enlightening and sometime having the awareness can create the path to changing things!

    NM- I am glad the fellow was in today to assess your needs for some reorg help. Like you, I work a lot and juggle a home, etc so things can get pretty messy around here. It is hard to keep up up when you work a lot, and then are just pooped at night. All the weekends can be is time to catch up and prepare for the week ahead. Or the "hamster wheel" as I call it. Like Goldie says, don't beat yourself up over this, you have not been allowed to take care of yourself but that is changing now friend.

    When I did my flooring and painting upgrades in 2015, I was told to take everything out of the rooms and realized I had TMS (too much stuff). I got rid of a lot, but still do purging every year. My contractors told me my house was nothing to compared to a lot of places. The contractors that have worked in my house have shared their hoarder stories, as have friends with parents who do it.

    With respect to benefits, if you need those vs. plan to buy them yourself (like health insurance, etc.), then find out if they will cover them at a PT number. I used to work for a company that would pay benefits for half time or more. Many require 40, but sometimes less. I will share that health insurance is something you can get (at least right now, but ACA is still in the bullseye right now). Things like STD/LTD, dental are harder to get or cannot be easily purchased. So think about if you need those things. Then a FT job where you can work from home might be better?

    Goldie- the car is purring like a kitten since her tune up! Going to the pool shortly! More of us for the Easter pewl this wekend too!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    NM I didn't know about the pic. part. I just thought they walked around and gave u a price. They must bring it back to where they have an office, or a bedroom like my office, and figure it out. U'll be so happy when this is done and of course they've seen worse. Don't worry about a thing it's go so fast for them and Sadie will be all happy. And u can relax knowing u've decluttered. Isn't is nice not to feel so overwhelmed with work and just do what u feel like doing.

    Lori is u'r business busy this time of year, or is it a different time,,,mine is getting busier now, but who knows. U haven't really said how u r feeling. I always pray OK.

    Jazzy u work just as hard to make sure u have the right job as u do with work, except a little time in between. All u have to know boggles my mind and then keeping up with all the new things. Never in my life could I have done what u are doing. Complications is what it sounds like to me.

    I don't remember how long Sandy will be gone, but what fun she must be having.

    Joey watched some of the video of when I was little and with my family, and he said he didn't believe it was me--WTF then he said I don't look like I belong to my family. Well most are olive skinned with dark hair, when I was little my hair was not so dark and not curly like everybody else. And my memory has us in a big room opening up presents, but in reality it was small and most of us were on the floor with no more room. LOL The videos started when I think I was 6 and went till I was about 10, whatever. Oh chit maybe I told u this already.

    I start steroids again tomorrow morning, I hope they do the same thing and I'll call again to the pain Dr. tomorrow--I hope they don't think I'm going to do PT again, which I've been doing for a while, It's way to far for me to even walk now. I have a feeling this is not going to be what I wanted. We'll see.

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited April 2017

    chiSandy - Sounds like you are having a nice time across the pond. Do you remember the name of the "oldest pub"? DH, life long Londoner prior to moving to US thought it might be Prospect of Whitby. Cheers!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    Celia it's good to see u. How are u feeling??? So u'r DH is from London, sounds so wowwy to me.

    Little busy today, people all want things right now <mostly> And they think this is "the office" as they're supposed to, and I probably have different lines or something IDK--and until someone's a customer I really don't give anyone's number out. If they're aggravated I let them take it out on me and then I try to calm people down, which usually works, only cuz I don't sound mad a bout anything and I give them what they need to hear. The men, altho really nice, seem to loose it after they've been working for hours and someone gives them a hard time. I can't blame them so we figured I'd be the buffer and it's fine with me. It makes me think of my dad. One time he was talking to his sister <my aunt> on the phone, and they were talking about religion--Catholic--- and my aunt was religious <my dad an atheist> but he was just agreeing with her and talking about the bible and what it was all about. After they hung up, I asked him why was he uoting the bible and talking like that, he doesn't even believe in that, and he said just tell people what they want to hear and u never argue.

    I just stopped for about 45 mins. my sister called and typically Italian she yells nothing's wrong first, cuz it's after 10PM--boy are we old. We were mostly talking about the video of when we were kids. LOLing and being sad too.

    OK hoping these pain meds kick in, I'll be back.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2017

    MGosh, can't believe I've gotten two complete pages behind. It's been one of those weeks where the time jest flew on by.

    I was down for a bit over a really stewpid ting I did (wese did). My cuz and I spend all of saturdey night out back then thought it would be a great idea to snooze outside...becuz of de most bootiful weather here, yep, thought it was a divine idea. NOPE! My face got so sun burned and to make tings worse, I had my hand across my face so mese face looked like it had an imprint of a hand on a smacked red ass! Oh boy, the tings we do. It was fun thought, lots of laughs and some fun n fun. The weather this week has been glorious. I am wishing that I did not wait (still waiting) to open the pool. It was in the 80's over the weekend and on monkey dey.

    I had mese hair colored todey (well yesturdey sincen it is now de aye em of thirstdey). And that always jacks up mese headache, hadda nudder imitrex day today. I did get the pre-auth approved so now get 16 pills a month, yay.

    And yesturdey, I went dress shopping for mese nephew's wedding in June but struck out. I really like the dresses with the shoulders cut out and found two I liked but neither available in my size, even checked other Macy's stores, booooo hissss! And so de nights of dis week, mese went to bed berryyberry early sincen no nappy but todey, had a long hibernation! And chit, woke up with wammy headache. So so so tired of em.

    So I spend too many hours on monkey dey getting mese taxes done and ended up owing the damn state over 4K. Ouch, have never hadda pay. yep, that's a loct of pizza and ice cream for our governor hehe!


    Image result for chris christie eating pizza

    Well I'll read and try to catch up. I find meseself reading backwards which is anudder stewpid move on my part!

    Cam, I heard ya calling and I came running (another loungette named CHrissyB used to tail me de same ting) but tis true, yep, I heard her!!!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2017

    oh my God, Camille, tourettes??I hope you don't start barking when picking up a bidness call hehe! omg girly, I just spit out mese dwink!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    Dara I knew ye wud hear me.. I'm bery bery loud, as I get older louder. Oh girl I hate these headaches. What does Imetrex do for u??? And how come so few, they must be strong meds, if they count them like that. I was reading about Botox and headaches and what I read said it does take longer than I thought. But maybe after u have the next one <when is it>, it'll help you some. I'm so glad u can get some sleep tho, but still waking up with that is just horrible. U'r a ways from going back to work, Missy--u can not work like this. I was hoping when u got things settled money wise u would feel better, but that didn't work for u. Damn.

    I cheated with my steroids, I couldn't wait any longer <I haven't slept yet> so it reads take 2 before breakfast, so I took 2 now and had something to eat.

    I figured how does it know what time it is, just like aspirin how does that know if u'r taking it for a fever or a headache-- I mean if I was in a different time zone, right--I hope.

    Dara u'r weather has been nicer than here. Oh it's not really bad, but not warm like u have.

    I have CHEERS on TV now, still funny <to me> and still like the theme song.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    Image result for google images of recipes with vodkaThis will wake us up. DOTD

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited April 2017

    Good morning, Loungettes!Looks like it's going to be cloudy here again today.The sun and almost 80 degrees the other day was such a spoiler. I want more!I'm sure we'll get more of that soon.It is only April, after all.I see the PCP this afternoon, then going to the credit union with all the info I have in hand and wiring the money to pay off the mortgage.Then a little grocery shopping.Let you all know what the PCP says.

    Jazzy--that seems like an awfully high percentage of jobs going out of state, but I don't pretend to understand all the ins and outs of that kind of thing. Probably the same thing happens here in Maine."Hamster wheel" is a great description of the go-round. And when I got too tired during the weekends to even make a dent things just kept getting worse. At 58 years old it's time to give up on waiting for Prince Charming to come take care of me and start taking care of myself.As far as health insurance, my company does provide benes for PT employees, that would be the ideal situation.Almost all the health care industry employers around here do. At my age, in Maine, if I can't get employer sponsored STD/LTD it may not be a problem given the way MaineCare (Medicaid) works.I would prefer the total control of per diem status, but probably should go with PT for the insurance coverage affordability, so still need to think and research some.

    Cammy--The man from the cleaning company took notes and pictures, says the pics help him remember the details and I can see how they could help. He asked some questions, too.Do I want just a taking out of the clutter, or a cleaning after the decluttering, (I said yes to the cleaning after). Can I be here to let them know what stuff goes and what stuff stays (yup, will make sure I have that time off).I didn't think to ask how long the process would take, but I imagine that will be in the estimate when it comes.And it will be so nice to be able to do fun things in a clean house--like cooking and sewing and playing with the essential oils, and really spend time on my gardens this summer.I'm going to have the guy who does the mowing also do the trimming and such, it doesn't cost that much more after all.Praying the steroids work for you, you may need to be on a maintenance dose of steroids to keep things under control.Funny how our childhood memories don't always match up with the reality in film and pictures!

    Morning, Celia!

    Cammy--I can remember when we waited until after a certain time to make long distance calls cuz it was a lower rate, but never calling anyone after 9 pm unless it was an emergency--as in someone was dying or something!Kids these days wouldn't have a clue about that!

    Dara--oh, no, what a way to get a sunburn! Don't blame you for snoozing outside, though, that is such a wonderful feeling, except for the sunburn.Hopefully it will fade really quickly. Has getting your hair colored always jacked up the headache?I wonder if one of the chemicals is absorbing through the skin and causing you trouble.Or maybe it's from your head and neck being moved into different positions.I so wish they'd get that figured out and taken care of for you.Spending time doing taxes is bad enough, but to end up owing, just not fair.Just not fair at all.

    YIKES!!!! That is one BIG pizza!!!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2017

    Interesting day yesterday, as in "may you live in interesting times." Started out OK, though.

    Slept in too late for the included "full English breakfast" (again), so had a Continental instead at 8:45. Pleasant bus ride to Runnymede, where we were met with trays of Bellinis. (At 10 am). Boarded the river cruise boat, where the "Reverend Valiant Master" of the Inner Temple Church (you DaVinci Code fans know whereof I speak) gave us a fascinating and funny lecture about the MagnaCarta and his encounters with Dan Brown (who, because Brown asked him what the vicar deemed to be a silly question, depicted him as curmudgeonly in the book). Lunch, however, was served buffet style at 11:45 am...and because I needed one hand on the stair rail to bring my plate back downstairs, I didn't get a drink--not even water. Bathroom lines were long--and you know how it goes (or, doesn't go) when there are two stalls and 15 people waiting.

    We got to Windsor, where our tourguide led us up a hilly cobblestoned walk to the Castle (the Queen was in, but not in the public areas). Very long line to get into the Dollhouse & State Apts., no toilets or water en route, few places to sit. And no photos, so I can't show you the inside. (Will post exterior shots when I get home). At the end of the tour, after leaving the building, I almost thought the entry to the Ladies' room was a mirage...even more so, the seven vacant stalls and no line. Success! Before heading to our buses, instead of hitting the pub I went into a Scottish woolen shop to try to locate Bob's family tartan (grandmother's side). Found out that though her surname was Scots it wasn't associated with a clan, so my tartan options were Aberdeen or Edinburgh. All they had was the latter, so that's the scarf Bob's getting. I also had some ginger gelato. Our guide rode back to London with us--his night job is standup comic, and his commentary was hilarious.

    Got to the townhouse (one of the hotel's four "residences"), to find the lift not working. With my room on the fourth floor, me looking like hell. and a dinner reservation across town in 90 minutes. Got the runaround ("they're working on it"--no, they weren't, it had been out all day and probably would be out all night) until I bargained my way into a park view Tower room and a comp night--plus two ladies to pack me up and shlep everything to the new room. Made it to St. John (casual, "nose-to-tail" fine dining--not an oxymoron) by taxi, only to find my table not ready, so I had a flute of champagne. Then at dinner, their house rosé and with dessert, a botrytised (noble rot, super sweet) Grenache from Rivesaltes in the s. of France.

    Hit the loo before leaving--and when I went to wash my hands discovered the soap bottle was a projectile one, aimed at my blouse. Tried to rinse as best I could, but left soap and TP lint on it. Zipped my jacket and headed out (bought the cookbook, so I had shopping bag in hand). Feeling a bit adventurous (that's what 3 glasses of wine will do) and needing to burn off all those calories, I walked 1/4 mi. to the tube, changed lines, and then another 1/4 mile back to the hotel. At least I got my 10,000 steps--12,434, to be exact. Plus it was a power walk--the book weighs >3 lbs.

    Got to my room and...broken R middle nail. Again. No time for a mani and I have one scheduled for Sat. at home anyway. So I made a patch of TP & nail glue, and got bits of glue all over my left hand--had to soak and file it off. Ready for bed, decided to have a decaf espresso...and the machine in the room was on the fritz. They came and fixed it. Got to bed 1 am (7 am alarm), only to awaken at 2 with an achy hip & heartburn. So after some Voltaren gel on the hip and a couple of Pepcid Complete, I finally fell asleep. Next I knew the sun was hitting me--and it was nearly 8 am. So hurriedly washed, downed an espresso, and cabbed it back across town to my morning class which, but for the coffee & pastries at the break, I nearly nodded off.

    Back in my room now, free till 5 (formal dinner & concert at 6 tonight). Broken nail (yet again). Thought I'd get my hair done--nope, no salon in the spa. Facial? All booked. At least emergency nail repair? Nope, they do polish only. So about to take a nap, hit the sauna & whirlpool, then come back up to shower, do my hair and get dressed.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    Good morning ladies- lots of news here today! It is cool morning out and getting ready to head to the yoga mat on the patio. Today is going to be an "at home" day focused on getting some final things done with home org, closets, etc. Also working on our presentation for the big meeting on the 25th. Meeting a friend tonight for a rescheduled birthday outing, the last of this season. Pizza and wine bar, yum.

    The holiday weekend is now upon us. I got invited to a get together at someone's house on Good Friday, but then heard earlier in the week that it may be changing to go to a bar. Then I got confirmation from that person who was having the gathering that they were in fact going to do that instead. These are the friends that drink A LOT and not into that scene, so I opted out and said I would see them another time. Instead, after I am done with everything I need to do tomorrow, I am going to head to either the zoo or the botanical gardens. Really looking forward to some soaking in the hot springs on Sunday......

    NM- I am so excited to hear you are paying off your mortgage! I have been working my way down and had a goal to pay it off this year, but given my work is getting started a bit later than expected, I am not sure I will be able to do that. However, next year is also a possibility. I told myself I wanted to have it paid off within 15 years (it's a 30 year note), and this is year 13. Not having that to deal with will reduce how much money you need to make each month and PT or per diem will be easier. We can have an on line mortgage burning par-tay for you! Congrats on reaching this milestone sister!

    One of the challenges with clutter is having some sort of good process for managing paper work and other things that we have to deal with. I have extra paper work due to my business, so I have both a personal and business file. A business coach I worked with said in order to keep up with things, you have to find a time once a week to deal with that and make sure you are doing something interesting while you do it. She recommended listening to music and enjoying some wine, knowing I like both. It does help!

    I hope the doctor's apt goes well today and let us know anything you want to from that?

    And yes about Prince Charming, I am not waiting for him either! But I have a funny story about a guy friend who I think is interested in me for another time......

    Dara- oh the sunburn girlfriend. And the hand across your face! I got a wee bit sunburned at the truck food event last week, I had my hat on and face slathered up with sunscreen, but got some burn around my neck and chest. Keep putting lots of creme on your face. But next will be the peeling.

    I never can find a good dress when I am looking for one. If you want to do on line shopping, check out Dillards. A friend of mine who lives back east needed a nice dress for her nephews wedding and found it that way. Dillards is one of our big box stores here out west. Can you get in to the city to look for something?

    Chris Christie, lol. Didn't he get the bariatric surgery?

    Cami- my parents always said never talk about religions or politics, as you are surely headed for an argument. Never more true than this particular time, although I will discuss with people I feel are safe. I have a long time friend who likes to bait me on e-mail about our differences on both religion and politics. We are long time buds (over 30 years) and one of those gone-through-everything-with-me friends. I remind her we can agree to disagree and had to shut her down on a couple of occasions when it got to be too much (aka< keep it up and we won't be talking anymore). Anyways, we are okay for the time being. Your dad knew it was a fight not worth fighting.

    Celia- good to see you here again and hope you are doing okay?

    Wishing all my sisters here a good day and slide in to the weekend

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    Good morning Ladies.

    Sandy wow are u busy, jees when u'r head hits the pillow u must be out like a light. How interesting tho and great to have a comic doing u'r discussions. Those lines for the bathroom would not go well with me, but when u have to go what else can u do, Good thing u started u'r exercising, cuz u'r walking a lot, especially yesterday. STAIRS another can't do that for me. It sounds like u'll be home soon, so u'r getting a lot in. Just enjoy, <sorry bout the nails>

    NM HOLY CHIT today is the day for the mortgage pay off. Congrats, it will be a happy day for u. And yes tel us about the Dr. I hope u'r voice is better, or maybe not--depending on how it affects the Dr. thing. And I think u will so enjoy u'r home when all of the work gets done and it will be ALL YOURS to enjoy with Sadie.

    Jazzy u have a lot to pick from for what u'r weekend will be like, so I know u'll have a good one. U know yrs ago, I'd go out with my sister , cousin and our GF's and it didn;t matter were we'd go. Now we look for a quiet place so we can hear each other. Bars were easy on us then, now a quiet table is what we want. It's raining here today and will be for a while, they say--so not sunny here but temps are fine.

    I slept 3 hrs. during the night. still tired tho, so I know I'll be napping.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    Cami- I am more about quiet get togethers with friends. My drinking days are over, and most of my friends know that but don't always understand why. These folks are not young folks either, around my age, they just like to par-tay. A couple of my friends who had issues with me not being able to drink much have moved on. I remind them they can still drink as much as they want. But in the end, sometimes people want "drinking buddies". Just not that girl.

    The friend I am seeing tonight was one of my supporters during treatment and knows more about my health issues these days. She is very health conscious and a super duper athelete. This is where I am going tonight, looks interesting and never been there before

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    A little springy hello from Jazzy's back yard today.....


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    Jazzy those flowers look perfect, how pretty. What a nice restaurant, and good menu--of course I had to look at everything The first thing on the app. menu was <OK now I forgot the name> but it's a rice ball, stuffed and remember it being soso good. I'm sure u've had it before, but they actually don't serve it often here anymore, don't know why.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2017

    Damn it, nearly finished a long post but had to leave to speak with my DD whose car broke down. I then accidentally refreshed the page and lost it all. When de ef will I learn to save my work? ugh! I am wearing a dunce cap for the time being ....

    chEErs all!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2017

    Terrific evening--reception at the Inner Temple Inn of Court, where a chamber trio from the Chicago Bar Assn. Symphony Orchestra (there is also a 75-member CBA Chorus, the Barristers' Big Band, and the 65-member cast of the Bar Show--the latter of which I've been in since 2002) played a wonderful classical concert. All are or have been professional symphony orchestra musicians--the violinist, Sara Su Jones, has soloed with the CSO besides having graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law. Then came dinner in the Inner Temple main hall (home of the Knights Templar), where we had a Sauv. Blanc Vin de Pays d'Oc (light & fresh) with our tuna carpaccio (with dried apple "petals" and micro-grains) and a Chilean Cab. Sauv. from the Maipo Valley (meh) with an "airline' chicken breast (also meh, rather dry and saved only by the sauce, mushrooms, and bacon lardons. (Veg was ok, though). Dessert was strawberry gelato with rhubarb jelly and strawberry compote, with oat crumble.

    We then walked across to the famous Inner Temple Church, built by the Knights to shelter those going to the Crusades. (Built in the 12th century, IIRC). Henry III is buried in its crypt. Its rotunda at one end was designed to mimic the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem. The Master of the church gave a brief speech (also a nonsectarian invocation at dinner) and the violinist performed the "Meditation" from Massenet's opera Thaïs. Acoustics were phenomenal. The evening ended with the Master autographing his books about the Magna Carta and the Da Vinci Code.

    Chilling tonight--mostly packed. Not setting an alarm. Breakfast is served till 11am. Checkout is noon, then a cab to Heathrow. Bag drop doesn't open till 1:30, so i might have some farting around to do in the pre-security area unless I check out at breakfast, take my time and leave the bags with the valet. (They refunded me $500 for my misadventures with the dead elevator--still dead--and having to move to the main bldg). Take off at 4:05 (unless I get bumped...bad-taste current events joke, especially since I'm on BA, not "Untied").

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    Chi- sounds like a grand time but also a quick trip. Safe travels tomorrow!

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited April 2017

    Hello to all and thanks for the greetings on my "return". Feeling much better this week, even with starting AIs and have managed to put in 8 hours at the office each day. Maybe it's the gorgeous spring weather? Flowers popping out all over the place. Lovely pic, Jazzy.

    Camille - Yes, that Brit accent is still pretty wowwy, even after 27 years. DH's Brit calm certainly balances my more high strung nature and he has been my rock during this journey.

    Wishing everyone a happy upcoming weekend!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    I'm awake, but did sleep for a few hours, just took some pain meds, so I'll be tired again--my pain is now hurt, so it's so much better. I love steroids, even tho I'm a bigger nut on them. U know sometimes u feel like a nut, sometimes u don't.

    Sandy u've done so much in such a short time and it all sounds amazing, except the the chicken, meh, that says it all. Happy trip back and I hope we get to see some pics. Oh come on, u all know how I am.

    Celia how wonderful that u'r DH has been so good. He's u'r ying to u'r yang--that's how it should be. And so glad u'r feeling better. Tell us where u are in treatment--still chemo or rads??? Isn't it funny working 8 hrs and it's an accomplishment, when it was just everyday stuff before.

    I have call backs to do today, I did none yesterday. I don't know why but it's easy for me to answer the phone and I can just talk, but when I have to call people and start the conversations nothing comes to me and I know what I need to say, I was always like that--I hate to bother people--maybe cuz I still remember when I was young and I talked a lot and I was always happy, and when my mom had a headache or something was going on <she had been deboobed and hyst. too, in her 40's, but I didn't get it in those days> and I was always talking, she would ask me not to talk cuz my voice gave her a headache. Personally now I think it was just me giving her the headache, but anyway back to my stupid point, when I was a teenager I read that Lauren Bacall went to a voice coach to lower her octave in speaking, so I did it on my own and ended up with a deeper voice and my mom never said I gave her a headache again or maybe she just got used to it. IDK cuz I never stopped talking and LOLing and yet no one was ever talking to me, OMG I'm still the same way, but maybe that's why I don't get bored, or I am just a nut all the time.

    Watching CHEERS now, one of my favorites words.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    OK NM I checked back just to see if I missed someone, what happened with the Dr.???

    And Lori I don't see anything from u, I hope I didn't miss anyone.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    Well this is a big un" happy DOTD of the Friday.Image result for google images of recipes with vodka

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    Image result for google images happy dance

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    Image result for google images happy dance gifs Friday's happy dance.