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how about drinking?



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2017

    Sandy, your trip was quite interesting. Sorry about the debacle with your finger nails. But you were very resourceful in making new ones. I look forward to pics, sounds so interesting. I have never had jet lag since I have never traveled more than three hours outta mese time zone but imagine it will take time to get back to your regular schedule, not to mention you having to git up so early while away when you are totally a night owl like I am! Enjoy the time with your kitty, I bet Happy is loving the pets love fest! Is he doing alright now? I hope the leakage stopped.

    Genny and Hsant, take lots of pics and share em with us, mese just love pics.

    Jazzy, I hope you are having a well deserved glorious time at the springs. And like Cammy, I too thinking of you as being athletic, especially given how many laps you are able to swim in that super sized swimming pool. I am so glad to hear that you are getting well prepared for the meeting on the 25th and that things are moving along so well for you! Great suggestions for NM in charities that pick up. I always send my donations to the vietnam vets who also pick up at my house and can usually pick up my d onations within 24 hours from when I call. I like that they have all of my info when I dial their number and I only have to select a convenient pick up date and time! Their phone number is 800-775-VETS, I know it by heart. And the website (if NM wants to take that route is prg... I thank you again for your help with my resume. I need to stop procrastinating and get it out. I do worry about my credit since all financial institutions now pull credit for prospective employees. Mine tanked thanks to the gift that never stops giving, breast cancer. I just got my quarterly update on Friday and I am disappointed that one of my scoEres dropped. And that is because I opened up a care credit account after checking the credit analyzer tool I use which did not show that doing so would have a negative effect on my credit. The vet talked me into doing that since it is zero interest and I also used the credit card for the 3k that I've put out for my teeth, ughhhhh! My problem was due to being out of work so much for a period of four years while attemping to obtain pretty foobs. What really really pisses me off is that I am worse off than when I had my implants, ughhhhhhh again!!

    well gonna hit submit now before I lose it again!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited April 2017

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Monkey Day!It got really warm yesterday, napped on the deck in the afternoon. Cooled off a bit again now, rained some overnight.But now just about all the snow is gone, and the wet soggy ground is starting to dry out a bit.Sadie still has a small pond in her yard, but not as big as it was and she's generally only getting mud up to her knees and not all over her legs and belly.I am feeling better, finally, getting a little cabin-feverish.I think I'll be cleared to go back to work when I see my PCP on Thursday, hope to get the pulm consult in this week sometime, waiting for an appointment. Still got the cough and no voice, but definitely not as bad as it was last week. And got to be able to talk on the phone to do the job, that's for sure!

    Goldie--I am, finally, getting better.And this has gone on long enough, I'm ready to be well and to start a new phase of my life.

    Jazzy--I bought myself a kayak when I got my Master's Degree, back in 2006.Used it a lot that first summer, then came the summer of 2007 and bc treatment and complications, had it out several times the summer before recon surgery, and rarely since then.Mostly because of the time/tiredness thing.I don't do white water, either, ponds, lakes, streams, that's my speed.My favorite paddle is through Fields Pond Audubon Sanctuary.Paddle across a pond and then followa stream through a marshy habitat.I've seen juvenile osprey learning to fish, Bald Eagles, all sorts of ducks, cranes, and have even gotten dive bombed by some kind of hawk.I'm not abig bird watcher, but it is fun to see the variety of birds that live on or near the water.It takes me 2 to 3 hours to do that one, depending on how much stopping and watching I do.It's so quiet and peaceful.I'm also going to look for more places like that where I can go.You are so right about the living to work/working to live point of view.I have been in a living to work environment, and am more than ready to make the change to a working to live approach. And now that I've had some time away I can see where a lot of that attitude/pressure is coming from one or two people, not from the company itself. I also probably could have had more control over my schedule if I had asserted myself.BUT, until this illness I haven't been in a place where I could assert myself that way cuz I would have felt that I was not taking care of the patients the way they needed. I can see now that I can do a lot more for my patients when I'm healthy and in balance.And I have also come to the conclusion that "I have come to believe that caring for myself is not self indulgent. Caring for myself is an act of survival." (Audre Lorde).I did not truly feel that way before this go-round.I do feel this way now. Good idea about donations.I'll check into that as well as letting the cleaning company take care of all that.If I can get it gone for a fee, good enough.Some things CAN be fixed by throwing money at them!

    Hsant--waiting for an appointment with the pulmo.Hopefully will get the appointment and it will be this week, would like to get that done and get that info in hand to work with to keep this from happening again.But it will be when it is, and that will be the priority, so I will take that day off work if it comes when I am back to work. It must be hard going through your Dad's things, I'm glad you are taking some breaks and not knocking yourself out.This is a tough time to go through.And to be the last one of the immediate family must be heartbreaking.

    Dara--I can imagine how much you are worrying about Lucy. We don't always realize how deeply our furbabies feel things.Sadie does seem to like having me around, at least that's the vibe I get from her. Wish I had the energy to be peeling off wallpaper, but I'm sure that will come eventually.

    Jazzy--oh, my, look at all the green!

    Dara--If I were you I would play up the cancer card and take as much advantage of the ADA as possible.BC treatment and treatment side effect treatment is horrendous at times, as we both know.Find a way to work that into interviews/conversations without being too obvious if you can!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Little Yellow Chick Cocktail

    2 oz. Coconut Infused Vodka

    ¼ oz. Pineapple Infused Vodka

    2 oz. Club Soda

    Splash of Pineapple Juice

    Pour ingredients in a chilled cocktail pitcher filled with ice. Squeeze of lemon. Mix, strain, and pour into chilled glass. Now, call over your favorite somebunny, sip, and swoon. Enjoy!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2017

    Heidi and Mary, have a great time today. Heidi, Sue and I did take a couple of pictures, but she has them. When are you heading back to CA?

    Wacko, glad you got some Logan time for Easter. The gal that was answering our phones, well I don't think she was answering much. I think she was mostly just returning calls if they left a message. And we were paying her 3% of our sales. So she got paid regardless if she answered the phone or not. She hardly put in any orders, I'm putting in an average of 2 a day. Sounds like you are about done removing the wall paper. Gosh, I would not have thought it to be that difficult!

    Jazzy, that hot springs pool looks so divine and inviting!

    NM, I loved hearing about your kayak and seeing all the wild life. My goodness, this illness you are dealing with just doesn't want to leave you!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    Good morning friends- I hope everyone had a nice weekend, celebrating Easter if that is what you did. It was a stellar 3 days here between Friday to yesterday, and the ride up and back to the springs was lovely. Lots of good soaking in those springs. Ahhh, my body needed that. Sounds like the weather was pretty good in many places?

    NM- sounds like you had a relaxing day at home. When you start feeling cabin fever, it means you are on the mend! I hope you can get your apts in place so you can get any updates from your doctor. I hope your employer will be open to the PT. And I agree with you about it being a few people who often drive the overwork schedule. There are control freak managers in every situation I have worked for, even clients. But I also believe that organizations are happy to get employees to do extra, especially when on salary (vs. hourly). The US is well known for working employees to death and expecting more than 40 hours a week to be considered a "good employee".

    Sadie sounds like she is still having fun in the mud too, even if there is less mud! She probably loves having you home. She sounds like such a great dog.

    Hsant- with your sister and parents gone, it has to be such a hard time for you. Being the last in the family of origin is never easy. i have little family left either, and always get a lot of questions about why I don't spend more time with family during the holidays, etc. when they very well know there are few of us left. I am playing the hand that has been dealt, but it is not always easy.....

    I would also like to offer that grief counseling can really help with big losses, or those that may represent a more complicated grief processes. I did grief counseling or two years after my brother died and although it took years to move through some of that, it really did help me to survive that time. During that same time period, my dad had to go into a nursing home with his Alzheimers six months after my brother passed and he declined very quickly (although he did not pass until 6 years later). But the man I knew was gone. So I essentially lost them both within six months. Complicated grief.

    Goldie- are you having spectacular weather too?

    Cami- did you go to the brunch with Marty's family yesterday?

    Dara- hope your job search gets started and you find something perfect for a good work life balance.

    ChiSandy- hoping you have settled back in after your travels?

    Getting some to dos taken care of today and hitting the pool for more swimming at noon. New water heater tomorrow, whoot whoot!

    Picture of a red claret cactus blooming in my yard


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2017

    Weather in London, while crisp, was distinctly un-British for early spring. When I arrived home in a downpour I didn’t hold out much hope for a nice Easter, but was I ever mistaken! It hit 87 here by the lake on Sat., in the mid-70s for Easter (perfect weather for brunch with a view 95 floors above Lake Michigan), and 65 today before a “pneumonia front” (as one of our local TV meteorologists called it) caused the mercury to plunge to 42 right now! It’ll rebound to 75 tomorrow—but only 62 along the lakefront. Still & all, I’ll take it.

    Still dealing with jet lag—getting up & going to bed a little earlier, but finding I need a nap. One more night & day of Passover, and then it’s b’bye carbs again. (And I can go back to charcuterie, and bacon with my eggs. The guys ate all the regular matzo while I was away, so I’ve been using whole wheat to make "matzo brei:” a lot tougher to cut & chewier, but more fiber). I think dinner tonight’ll be either sauerkraut & beef kielbasa, or insalata Caprese—found some nice Little Gem lettuce and vine-ripened tomatoes at the grocery Sat. As for drink, Bob opened a bottle of Morgon without asking me whether it okay to finish in one night (i.e., a “guzzling wine”); when I said no effing way, he left me half the bottle. So I’ll have a small glass tonight. Time to go down to the basement and bring up some cheap reds. We have lots of Chardonnay up here in the dining room, but though he likes it, he doesn’t like to drink it in “volume.”

    Speaking of Chardonnay, anyone else here notice it, uh, “perfumes” your pee? (Not nearly as disgustingly as asparagus, though).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited April 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Tuesday!I think I've turned the corner, health wise.The coughing has calmed down considerably, I think I'm getting a little bit of my voice back, and starting to get seriously hungry at times.Sleeping at night is getting to be a challenge, though, and not because of coughing. Mind just won't shut off. But I've been through that before, and it will get better after I see my PCP Thursday and find out about going back to work, and subsequently, changing my schedule. Got a text from my mom yesterday, my aunt with ALS had a doc's appointment, has lost a lot of weight, and now has very little use of one leg. Doc recommended a feeding tube and wheelchair,not sure if Auntie will go for either of those. So far as I know, though, she and my cousin are still going on an Alaskan cruise later this year. Sometimes I don't know what to think about her situation, so I just keep praying.

    Goldie--sounds like that gal who has been "answering" the phone has been coasting along.I would think you would be getting at least a couple of orders per day this time of year.Have you let her go? Kayaking is a lot of fun, and does not require a huge amount of strength, except for loading and unloading the 'yak from the vehicle, and even than there are tricks for so I manage by myself pretty well.And I think the virus has finally run its course and the asthma is calming down.Finally making progress!

    Jazzy--Have an appointment with my PCP on Thursday, pretty sure she'll clear me to go back to work, HR will need at least 2 days to process the paperwork, so effectively won't go back to work until Mon the 24th.Planning to talk with the Director Thursday about PT, hand in my 2 week notice on the 24th.I'll admit I'm a bit worried about working full time for 2 full weeks before cutting back, but I can't think of any way around that right now.And you are right, employers are happy to get lots and lots of "extra" work/time out of employees, especially salaried employees. And while it's one Clinical Manager driving the scheduling, the other 2 and the director aren't reigning her in any, that I can see.But that's ok, I can't fix that situation, but I can change my situation to something that works for me and I will be much happier for it.Sadie is a very good dog, even when she is muddy.It was so nice to wake up this ayem with her cuddled up against my side and her head on my shoulder. She is so warm to lie next to. I find it very relaxing to have her in bed with me.Beautiful cactus!

    Chi--Love the "pneumonia front" description!And what a beautiful weekend you had.95 floors above the lake, that must be one fantastic view!Did you get any pics?And I haven't noticed any wine "perfuming" my pee, I'll have to be on the look out for that.Lots of foods do change the smell of urine, so I'm not surprised that some wines can do the same!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Image result for smurf piss drink recipe

    Smurf Piss


    pineapple juice

    1 oz Blue Curacao liqueur

    1 oz Black Haus® blackberry schnapps

    Sprite® soda

    Serve pre-chilled ingredients in a shot glass, and shoot.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2017

    Jazzy, we've been in the 80's here.

    NM, so strange about your auntie. I remember when you had said how another aunt told you how bad she was in and then when you saw her, it wasn't so bad. And now bad again, but still going on a cruise? Yes, we let that gal go, I am answering the phone now.

    Quiet lounge! Smurf Pee is poyfect!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    Good morning friends- will make this short as I have the plumber coming in an hour to replace/upgrade the water heater in the garage and will also have him look at a toilet that does not quite flush right all the time. The last of the bigger home repair/maintenance things. I also need to call the tree guy to schedule a pruning of a large tree out front that requires this every few years. It is time once again for that. Things are shaping up around here and home and gardens are looking better all the time!

    NM- you sound like you are doing ALOT better. I am sure some of the angst has to do with the conversation you need to have with the director about changing your work status. Think about this, put together a list of points you want to discuss with her (even bring it to the meeting) if you need to refer to it. I think I mentioned this with respect to the past and all that was being expected of you. But also think now about the future and put those needs on the table as particular things come up (hours, benefits, etc.) You have to have a place to negotiate from. I hope your appointments go well this week.

    I hope your aunt can make decisions that are best for her. But going on a cruise with a feeding tube? Do people do that? I always thought that was more of a later in life decision?

    Chi- it always takes me a good week to recover from the time change. When day is night and night is day in places is my challenge. I hope you continue to adjust

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2017

    Typing is a bit of a challenge right now—just got home from the ophthalmologist for my 6-mo. post-op checkup and my pupils are still very dilated, so I’m getting “flares” from reflective surfaces. Brutal drive—no alternate routes, due to construction and Cubs traffic. Think I will grill something to have with that Morgon. (If it hasn’t already “turned,” since Bob didn’t want to figure out the Coravin so he simply opened the bottle and drank half of it).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited April 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day!I could not believe it yesterday afternoon when I looked outside and it was snowing.Yes, snowing.Didn't stick, but still.Poor Man's fertilizer is what we call April snow like that.Looking forward to getting out of the house tomorrow to see the PCP, and I have a ticket to a wine tasting/pairing event at a local restaurant.Been debating if I should go or not, but think I will unless I am really tired after seeingthe PCP.Hopefully that will give me motivation to clean out the car this afternoon.Poor Pearl hasn't been run much these last few weeks.

    Goldie--It is a bit strange about Auntie, but I'm also taking all that with a grain or two of salt.The weight loss doesn't surprise me, it's hard for her to eat, but I question if the big weight loss was really in 2 weeks or if it was between Dr visits, which would be 2 months.I also know that the recommendation for a feeding tube is made early in the process of ALS to help maintain nutrition which can help slow down progress, so that's not a huge thing, by itself. The leg not working well has been an issue for a long time, the knee replacement she had needs revision."Almost no use" can mean a lot of things, and I'm not sure if the Dr said that or if the Auntie who took this Auntie to her appointment is saying that.And people with pretty severe disabilities both fly and go on cruises, and she would be with her daughter who could help her if needed, so that's still logical.It will be interesting to see what Mom has to say after she sees Auntie herself and gets more direct information.Sorryyou had to let that girl go, but it sounds like the business will be better off without her.Is the phone ringing a lot right now?I expect this is your busy time of year.

    Jazzy--I am feeling better, and I think the insomnia is partly from anticipation of making the change at work. I will make a list of items to note when I talk with the director.You'd be surprised how common feeding tubes are these days--they are often put in place for people with chronic illnesses that affect nutrition much earlier than they used to since maintaining nutrition helps slow down the progress of many diseases.They are often used temporarily, too, when someone is undergoing cancer treatment or any other serious treatment that affects appetite and nutrition, again so that larger chemo doses can be used.Feeding tubes used to be placed as a last resort, or only when someone had swallowing problems, but now are considered more of a supportive measure and done much earlier, sometimes even before they are needed, if the need can be predicted.I've seen lots of people in wheelchairs or motorized scooters on the cruises I've been on, even service dogs. Cruise ships these days are just as handicapped accessible as any place else. And Auntie has been wanting to take an Alaskan cruise for a very long time.I can picture her denying any progression of the disease or anything else that may interfere with her going on this cruise until after she gets back. I'd probably do the same.

    Chi--hope the Morgon was still good!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Cruiser Cocktail



    Pour all ingredients into a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake well, strain into a highball glass filled with ice cubes, and serve.

    Best served in a Highball Glass.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    Good morning friends- hoping everyone is doing okay here mid week. Been a bit quieter, but expect that may be the case as the spring ramps up and everyone is busy with work, more time outdoors, etc.

    Quite the experience at the house yesterday with the water heater replacement. The guys arrived on time and were great, but then the neighbors; one good and one not so good thing about that. My older neighbor to the south whom I think I have shared has very poor boundaries, came over right as they arrived to see what was going on. She came in to the garage and just mentioned I was having the water heater replaced. But then, she launches into her own thing with the plumber with questions about some other kind of tank, asking questions about how much things cost, etc. I stood there in disbelief while the plumber tried to be polite to her and then just said "listen, they are just getting started on the work here, how about I get you a card so you can give them a call later?" Things had been a bit better with her, but once I am reminded to keep my boundaries up as she has ZERO.

    The heater was installed within a couple hours and then we moved inside to look at a toilet with some issues. Then the plumber's helper came in from the garage and said "your other neighbor (a guy) is here and wants to talk to you." Well, I knew what that was about, he the great neighbor that always keeps an eye on things and probably just checking in things. When I came out, he seemed relieved to see me and we walked over to his place and he said "my mom (who goes to clean his house for him) called me as she saw the truck backed up to your garage and thought you were getting robbed!" Their truck had no logo and that has been a common MO in this town for looking like contractors while they are looting your home, so they were on top of it." I guess the mom called her son and he came home from work to check on things. Now THAT is a good neighbor!

    I got extra biz cards for both neighbors and chatted with him about referrals. He said "please don't send me anyone who is a PITA" and I laughed. I told him the guy neighbor would be a good customer for him, but the other one, he is on his own. He told me he was surprised by the way the other one acted and gets it. Who knew my home activities were so fascinating? LOL! Anyways, good to have this done and the only other thing left is a pruning of a large tree in the front, and have that working for the month of June.

    Got things to do, places to go and people to see and will wish everyone and good day and be back later!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    Good Morning ladies,

    Sorry I've been MIA, but I've been reading, of course I forgot everything now, but it seems like everyone is doing OK--and that's important.

    Sandy I've never had jet lag, but over years heard people talk about it, sounds screwy to me but...I like the way u'r DH does things--didn't cork the win--and u'r so exactly that. It's cute .

    Lori I'm glad u got rid of that girl. Not that I'm such a great judge on working, but no one should short change someone who trusts them with their business, it's an important part and just good u found out.

    Dara Logan looks so grown up, just like that too, he's adorable and I know this is such a fun time with him, but see how fast it goes??? Things sound so good on that family front, and that's how it should be.

    NM sounding so much better and I totally agree with Jazzy, u'r mind is racing til u get all this completed, and taking notes on what u want to see is so true. Even tho it runs in u'r mind, when u talk in person it sometimes slips u'r mind.But really u sound all together with u'r decisions. Especially when it gives u more Sadie time <which is so important>. I'm sorry about u'r aunt, this disease i horrendous, I've watch it devour someone, I just hope she can enjoy this trip in any way possible.

    Jazzy the 25th will be here so soon, and I know it will go "swimmingly well" for u. U always come so prepared, u always dot u'r I's, so u go with what u know. And any job u do get, people have made the right choice.. U put all of u'rself in anything u do, even all u'r time off.I keep going back in my head "40 laps" Jeez.

    Hsant I'm sorry that u have to go thru with all of this. It's so difficult to do, but then not being with u'r DH, to me makes it more difficult. Oh these housewives are starting all over, such a nice distraction---watched the reunion so far, fun stuff. Erica really found her voice this season, makes it funner.

    SusyQ u found face time with Lori--sounds great to me.

    Hsant u did too with Mary, good times for all.

    Jazzy u'r pics are great, EVERYONE knows how I enjoy them.

    Sorry this is so short for all of u, but I am still catching up.

    Hope u all had a nice Easter, Mine was quiet but fine, stayed home my oldest DD came over and Leslie stayed home with me anyway. Weather was perfect. Joey did bring me a leftover plate of breakfast, so he does his bidding well.

    NM I must have missed it, how is the decluttering going???

    Sorry to all I missed, hope u are all doing well.

    OK be back latah


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2017

    Sandy, hope your Morgon didn't go to waste!

    NM, more snow? Oh no! That's not fair. And yes, my phone is ringing a lot. It's weird as the beginning of the week is when we are busiest and it falls off heading into the end of the week. Hoping things aren't as bad for your Auntie, and she can make the cruise.

    Jazzy, how sweet of your neighbor to check on y.ou. Not so sweet of the other one, trying to get some free estimates!

    Cami, that is 3 good friends now that have taken advantage of us and our business. You just can't trust no one anymore. How sweet of Joey to bring you breakfast. He is the sweetest!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2017


    Am back...yippee, nothing like ur own bed. Been trying to post a pic, but can't get it to work but I'll keep trying.

    Don't have time to address each individually...but wanted to poop in. Have read some of the last 2 pages, sounds like all ya'll been doing OK. This makes me very happy.

    Be back soon....lubslubslubs

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2017


    A funny sign at mese cuzn's house, and Lowee n I

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2017


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited April 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Getting up this ayem to a coating of snow on the deck.Yuck.It is already melting off, but still, ready for much warmer weather. And it will come, I know. Got spoiled by the couple of beautiful days last week, I guess.Sadie's personal pond has pretty much dried up, although she can still find quite a bit of mud when she tries.Gotta let her have her fun.

    Jazzy--Wow, what a dichotomy of neighbor experiences!You really do have to keep up the boundaries with people who don't have any.Your poor neighbors, tohave so little life that the goings on at your home are the highlight of their days!

    Cammy--I think you and Jazzy are right about stuff running through my mind, and that's ok. It will settle itself out in time.Planning to stop in the office after the PCP appointment and talk with the Director and start the change over process.I'm beginning to look forward to this summer and getting stuff done around the house and gardens.I hope Auntie can enjoy the cruise, too, and I suspect it will be the last big trip she'll be able to take.I contacted the cleaning company, should be getting an estimate this week.Will go from there.

    Goldie--I bet people are looking at their gardens over the weekend, putting in orders beginning of the next week to have stuff for the following weekend.Or whatever, as long as business is good!

    Mema--Welcome home, and GREAT PIC!!!!!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    dueling banjos

    2 oz High Rye-content Bourbon (Bulleit)

    1/2 oz Carpano Antica Sweet Vermouth (Cocchi)

    1 tsp Green Chartreuse

    1 tsp Luxardo Maraschino

    Stir with ice and strain into a cocktail coupe. Garnish with an orange twist.

    los angeles roger room damian windsor duelling banjos

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    Mornin' Folks--I listened to some country music, I guess. Anyway.

    OK I luuubbed the pic. of both of u SusyQ, such pretty smiles and happy faces, TY. And I noticed u and Jazzy have my sense of humor, funny signs, maybe that's why we all get along, funny stuff.

    NM I'm so glad things will get started today for u, I think once this happens u'r mind will start relaxing a bit so u can really start destressing and know things will be fine. NM u know we're here to hear exactly what's said and wish u all the best in u'r conversation. And u sound good and stronger. This is a big transition for u, but I really think u're up to it--u've always been, just needed a real nudge--I'm really so very happy u, coming to this point in u'r life where u'll really be in control. U're such a giving strong woman and need to enjoy u'r life.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2017

    Sue, welcome home. I'm sure you had a good time with your family. Did your son make it ok?

    NM, MORE snow? I hope everything goes smoothly for you today. I thought you would have heard back from the cleaning peeps by now. Yes business is good. We have just a window to make it big, mainly April, May and June, then it slows down.

    Cami, when does Joey get out of school? I'll bet you're looking forward to that.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    I'm starting all over here, I just lost my paragraphs to Lori and Jazzy, Don't know how.

    Lori I was saying maybe u and u'r DH are to nice, which sounds right to me. Unfortunately there are people out there who take advantage of u and that's so sad. This is u'r business, not theirs, and I just plain feel sorry for u having to put up with people like that. It's just not fair to both of u. I think people like that are scummy anyway but I don't like hearing that u have to deal with them at all.

    Jazzy I don't get why anyone would give u a bad time about anything. U make a great friend, why do people act in any different way towards u??????????? I'm just thankful I get to know u in this way, on boards at least. As I get older, ahem, I still don't get people, oh who does.

    I don't know if I'm making sense, not cuz of meds, but cuz of pain.I can't wait til I see this new Dr. I hope he can help.

    Halo to everyone for sure.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    Good morning friends- another pretty day lining up over here. Got some work to do with my collaborators today to get our presentation done for next Tuesday. The meeting is going to be long too, like 3 hours. I we have a prep call today with the core software group around a couple development questions. I have a late afternoon apt then a prof org event tonight, go jazzy go.....

    Goldie & Mema- great photo and glad you had a chance to see one another. Now waiting to see if Genny & Hsant have met up yet?

    I am going to meet a BCO sister I have become good friends with from the northeast for the first time this summer. We are both pretty excited about it. She is going to be here in town for something else in June. No one from this thread, a sister from another thread.

    Cami- there are always people who will give others a hard time, because of who they are and less so about who you are. I have a few in my family like that, etc. Sometimes it is because they either want something from us we are not willing to give (aka, those friends that want to waste your time with their drama) or may just resent you for some reason. Sometimes it is hard to be me, but I go with it!

    NM- glad you have had some downtime to get rested, more recovered and to think about what you want to do next. We will be in your pocket with all these meetings coming up and wishing for favorable outcomes on the PT request. I think this org still really needs your help, so make it work for you (or you have your Plan B.....)

    Gotta get going and wishing everyone a good day....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    Jazzy I enjoy how u take us with u on u'r meetings. Well u know I don't understand what u do <again, like Chandler> but u r a force to be reckoned with--and I like to hear outcomes.

    OK anyone know that if a business lets u go, then they go out of business they don't have to be held responsible for unemployment. That's really clever. U fire everybody, then just go out of business. I'm learning the seedy part of people like mad lately. Everything has a loophole and it's so sad for so many people, not just us.

    Oh Joey has a month left with school and u know I'm counting down. It's early this year--????? I never understand all the reasons, except there was no weather days this yr. So I know that's a couple of days. He can't wait either actually--not cuz of me, just cuz. He'll be my baby teenager-at least he still hugs and kisses me in front of his friends--see how much longer that lasts.

    Check in latah, hoping to hear from NM and Jazzy. It's like a good novel in here.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    Cami- well that stinks about the going out of business/no unemployment thing. I have heard stories here of people who go out of business and people show up who have paid for things, or work there, etc. only to be left in the lurch. Here today/gone tomorrow are common where I live.

    How unfortunate for Marty. He needs to hit the pavement and looking for new work now........

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    Cami- well that stinks about the going out of business/no unemployment thing. I have heard stories here of people who go out of business and people show up who have paid for things, or work there, etc. only to be left in the lurch. Here today/gone tomorrow are common where I live.

    How unfortunate for Marty. He needs to hit the pavement and looking for new work now........

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2017

    Sue & Lori, great pic! So glad you got to hang out together.

    Cami, that does indeed suck about businesses going under in order to avoid responsibility for UC. Hope Marty can get a new job, and soon.

    Jazzy, love the “Deliverance” meme. One more to add to the arsenal of banjo jokes.

    Kim, glad you’re going full speed ahead with the personal re-org, and hope Auntie has a blast on the cruise. (Even the river-cruise ships have elevators these days).

    I had one glass of the Morgon and let Bob have the rest. In return, I promised not to touch his Beaujolais-Villages. In order to prevent confusion, I reorganized the wine racks in the dining room, to put the stuff he can freely drink on the upper shelves and taking all but a couple of my bottles down to the cellar. That’s gonna be a major project: weeding out the whites in the cellar that are little better than vinegar, unpacking the wines still in boxes, and getting another tall rack or two…or that wine fridge I was supposed to get because I unfortunately won our Election Day bet.

    Had it turned out differently, we’d have had a long weekend up at the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island. Something tells me we still will, since I got to go to London while he had to stay home and work…though he’s saying his “London” will be a long weekend in Vegas this fall (last weekend in Oct., Gordy’s birthday weekend), for which we’d only need to use two timeshare days because HGV is giving us a free 3-day/2-nighter at the Elara, for a seminar on how to use our points so they don’t expire. (They swear it won’t be another “up-sell,” since we don’t want to sell our NYC timeshare). I detest Vegas (I don’t smoke or gamble, we have all the same shops here as they do there, there are no shows there I really want to see, and because of ER+ bc have to cut way back on drinking—so basically it’s restaurants and Red Rock for me).

    Happy (our orange patch tabby) came back from his annual vet visit with a mani-pedi, shots, anti-dandruff moisturizer (!) to be applied daily, and an ultimatum to lose 3 lbs. (out of 15). We now have to start both kitties with 1/2 c. per day of kibble (she has special kidney-diet kibble, he has low-cal) and 1/2 can/day of wet food, tapering off the kibble gradually to where they’re eating only the wet food—1/4 can twice a day. Easier said than done. He goes after her food as well as his, and she—not being a pathological overeater—doesn’t always come when called for food (I can wave her dish of wet food in front of her and if she’s not hungry she will look at me with a “so what?” look). In other words, she eats only when she wants to and he always wants to. This will put a serious crimp in traveling, unless we hire a cat-sitter to come in and feed them on weekends and when the housekeeper is on vacation. Can’t ask the friends who used to do that, as their health is deteriorating and they have their own cats to deal with (and they way they deal is to free-feed kibble, so their kitties are very obese).

    Last night’s DOTD was at Cellars (Bob wanted to go out, it was prix-fixe night, and we needed to pick up the case of wine we bought at the last tasting). Cava with a grilled asparagus salad, and Jovino Pinot Noir with grilled salmon & julienned veggies. Had blackberry flan for dessert, but skipped the wine pairing. (Would’ve been either sparkling muscat or ruby port). Tonight will depend on what we eat—if Gordy hasn’t eaten my leftover salmon and Bob’s leftover steak, I will pan-sear those Arctic Char fillets and probably chill a Graves. Or might try a little elderflower lemonade soda diluted with seltzer and garnished with mint. (Not about to pay $45 for a bottle of St. Germain liqueur, and WF didn’t have the plain elderflower soda I drank in London). For Bob, I’ll add vodka.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    Chi- is elderflower soda good? Glad you like the meme, still laughing about it.....

    Cami- our thread reads like a novel. Sometimes like a soap opera too.

    Had a good call with my partners again today and waiting for the slide deck to review. I told them I will be available until 3 p.m., otherwise, will review tonight when I get home from my prof org dinner. I hope it does not need a lot of work. We are doing the final run through in the morning. I found out the potential client has a culture of innovation which will make things easier on this next one. Oh and the other local firm called and had an opp in KS but not the right skill set for it, but glad they are considering me for some things now.

    So I think I have a problem again with this neighbor. You heard the antics from the other day, and yesterday she came over ringing my doorbell while I was on a biz call and did not answer. She sent me a FB message to say she was going away for the evening. Not sure why I needed to know, but her messages to me have been odd for awhile. My sister things she either has something cognitive going on or may have a drug problem. I don't think this situation will improve, but will keep my distance. We all live so close to each other, it is hard to avoid people in the better weather months.

    Lots of bad things happening in the world today in Venezuela and in Paris.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    Jazzy in a way u'r neighbor sounds sad, there's no reason to bother u for what she's bothering u for. Yep u'd better try to keep u'r distance. OK u'r going for the result of u'r work, can't wait for this. Marty is looking all the time, but now u make app'ts thru u'r computer and he starts every morning and then lines up the jobs that are available. Goes for bunches, never hears back. Well he's over 50 now, so here we go.

    Sandy u'r meals sound great and u really take the time with u'r wine choices. Likin' that too.

    My mind is shot here I was just on the phone for 1/2 hr. and lost all my train of thought.

    See u latah

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2017

    My train of thought often leaves the station without me.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    Cami- is Marty networking too and letting folks know he is looking for a job? On line stuff is okay, but do still believe people hire people they know or via people they know. I saw my nephew who came out of the military just get a job this way, many other people find work this way too. I got most of my FT jobs this way, only one through a recruiter. It is hard to find work over 50, but have seen people get jobs into their 60s. Job fairs are a great way to get in front of people too?

    My neighbor is lonely and isolated and know that is never a good thing for anyone. Some of these same things happened when my mother was living alone back east and would do the same thing to her neighbors there. To me this has been one of those things I remind myself I need to be mindful of as I age. There comes a point that living alone in a house that is not good for a person. have suggested on more than one occasion that she should consider moving closer to her son. She does have siblings who live in town too.

    Jazzy's romantic world is getting very interesting. With that, I will let your imagination run wild and wish you a good night.