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how about drinking?



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2017

    The pub was Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese, which sounds like something straight out of Epcot's faux-England but actually dates back to the days of Samuel Johnson, who was a barfly (albeit witty and erudite) there. His nickname was "the Cheese." (Imagine everyone sitting around the bar greeting him in unison with a shout of "Cheeeeese!" as he entered, a la Norm in Cheers). I think just about every pub in central London claims to be the oldest.

    Had the included English Breakfast just now--obscene amount of food, only got through a third of it--and am about to shower, zip my suitcases and hit the road for Heathrow. See you from the home side of the pond.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited April 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Saw my PCP yesterday, things are a little better (no wheezes, lots of rhonchi, too much coughing and shortness of breath for the medically minded), so she changed up the inhaler regimen, put in an urgent referral for pulmonary consult, and out of work on leave until the end of the month.FMLA and short term disability paperwork is filed. Went to the credit union, wired the money to pay off the mortgage.Picked up some groceries, and as soon as I put them away I sat down to watch the local news and practically passed out in the recliner and slept like a rock for a couple ofhours.How did Iget to the point of being exhausted by a couple of appointments and a very short shopping trip?Nobody needs to answer that, I know I did it to myself.If I EVER talk about working full time again someone please quote this back to me!!!

    Chi--what is the difference between a "Full English Breakfast" and a Continental Breakfast?I probably sound stupid for asking, but I'm really curious and really don't know!So laugh with me and then educate me!Wow, lots of walking, lots to see. Plus a power up with the book, good for you!Hope the classes are as interesting as the sightseeing.

    Jazzy--ah, soaking in the hot springs, what luxury!The zoo or botanical garden will be a wonderful decompression/escape for you.So your 30 year note is only 13 years old.You haven't missed your goal yet, and I am going to have a bit of a chat with God about doing something for you like He did for me regarding getting that done this year for you, too.I know paper clutter is a problem for me, and this cleaning is going to involve lots of throwing away of paper stuff.My biggest challenge is going to be overcoming the Puritan New England mind set of NEVER throw anything away you or someone else might need.Never throw away anything that still works, or could still work with a little fiddling.I have boxes of stuff never unpacked from when I bought the house in 1993.Obviously I do no need that stuff.Hopefully it will be easier with someone else physically tossing the item and all I will have to do is look and decide.

    Cammy--still have no voice, haven't for over a week now.Too much coughing.Makes it very hard to do things on the phone. I keep going to the mortgage site to see if the payoff has shown up yet, even though I know it will take a few days.I just want to see that balance of $0.00!

    Jazzy--that place looks cool!

    Dara--the posting gremlin really has it in for you, doesn't he?Is your DD all set car-wise now?

    Chi--I can just imagine the acoustics in a place like that.Wish you could have recorded a bit to share.Can't wait to see your pics, and praying for an uneventful trip home.

    Celia--glad work and treatment are getting along well for you.Pay attention to your body, though, and give extra rest if it needs it!

    Cammy--I had heard the story about Lauren Bacall going to a voice coach.It must take an immense amount of work to change your speaking voice like that.

    WOW, what a DOTD.Honeysuckle vodka, I have GOT to find some of that.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    Good morning friends- another beautiful day ramping up and getting ready to hop on a call with my collaboration partners to work on our presentation together for the 25th. Going to get a little yoga practice on the patio before the call too.

    Had a lovely time with my friend last night. Received a cute succulent plant, and fab bottle of DRNK pinot noir. Sounds like it comes highly rated and will let you know how it is. My drink of the evening was a navarro sparkling rose which was delish. We shared some warm olives with bread, a caprese salad and some wonderful spinach lasagna. Enough for us to each take home so I have something for lunch today too! I really like this place and it is a great place to meet friends for food and drink. It was warm enough to sit on the patio too. Yay!

    Going to the pool to swim at noon and need to see how much time I have this afternoon to get a good visit in to either the botanical garden or zoo. I don't like to be rushed at either place. However there is an opal exhibit at the natural history museum and have an errand to that area too and may be better to do today!

    Cami- I am so glad your pain is better. The steroids seem to help you more than anything friend. Hoping your day is not too busy with work. Hope you and Joey get some time together.

    NM- I am glad you are getting a referral to a pulm. You may need some better management around the asthma for the future. A specialist will be able to help you better with that, as you know. And no doubt you got winded, it sounds like you are still on the mend. Congrats for being able to wire the money to get the mortgage paid off. I hope to be right behind you getting er done! I hope you can continue to rest and have a peaceful weekend.

    Is Sadie still a mud queen? Oh and here is the meme I have for you regarding dogs and mud.


    Gotta go ladies. Will poop in later today!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited April 2017

    Oh, yes, Sadie is still being a mud Queen, fortunately she is good about lying down in her crate or on a towel until she dried off and I can vacuum the dirt and dust off. Actually, I only vacuum her off at the end of the day, no point in doing it over and over again during the day.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2017

    hi girls! Quick pop in from the waiting room of doc office, here for a blood draw for levels of norpriptoline or sum thing of the sort.

    Cam, love your stories, always!

    NM, glad your STD is through the end of month so you can rest til you kick the breathing issue. Congrats on the payoff - be sure to have a note burning party when you get a copy of the recorded release.

    Gotta run cHEErs

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited April 2017


    Your mortgage has been paid in full. Thank you for your business! For all your future home purchase and refinancing needs, trust CitiMortgage!

    I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    Image result for google images happy dance gifs More Happy dance, this one for NM and paying off the mortgage and more help for u'r asthma AND more time off to be with Sadie and feel good again.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    Someone remind me if we know where Lori is????????????

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    Cami- I think you mean Goldie, right? She said she is around. Probably just busy!

    Day is going well. Great call with my collaboration partners this am. I think we are going to be ready for this big meeting on the 25th. Few more meetings next week to tie things up!

    Took my fat ars to the gym for some laps (36). Hardly anyone there today on Good Friday. I am home for a bit and then heading to the Nat History Museum.

    NM- super yay on the mortgage pay off. Oh happy day!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    Yes Athlete Jazzy, I mean Goldie, OK as long as she's all right. I get MIA sometimes, so I know how days go, then other times I'm checking in thruout the day and nite. Good to hear u are getting u'r ducks in a row-->>>>>>>>>>> there's u'r ducks. Now charge onto business.

    Oh Oh the Chase bank said they bare no responsibility for any monies missing, cuz this so called business emailed them. Leslie questioned can u see if I answered the email--No they couldn't but to them they surmised these people were answered and were told to get an attorney. Which was funny cuz they would charge more money than what was involved.. So I went on my search for a good email source and any email I was given was not being used. Which of course made me more upset. The money they took, was just Marty's last paycheck, but to us it would pay some bills and groceries. But to a bank it was insignificant well yes it was like pennies in a jar to them. Chit I told u this was the Ziggy house. Marty and Leslie have had several interviews the last couple of weeks--keeping fingers crossed and toes, yes I can still do that. Joey still figures everything will be fine. I really have to teach him how to be a pessimist, he'll never be disappointed in life then.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2017

    Cami, call the IL Atty. Gen. Consumer Protection Division (and perhaps they have a Consumer Finance Div. as well—been decades since I worked for the A.G.). Also ABC7’s Jason Knowles and the consumer reporters on NBC5 and WBBM Ch. 2 (Pam Zekman does the big scam and fraud stuff, I forget who does the consumer advocacy).

    At the Athenaeum, an “English breakfast” is 2 eggs, 3 each pork sausages and thick strips of bacon, “black pudding” (a kind of blood sausage), a broiled tomato and a portobello cap. (Bread was all you can eat from the buffet). The “Continental” was the standard buffet of charcuterie, cheeses, fruit, yogurt, cereal, breads and croissants plus beverages. (At most hotels it’s just a coffee, a juice, and a plate of breadstuffs—English muffins, croissants, Danish, muffins, or toast).

    I will try to post pics tomorrow—I’m home, exhausted and trying to catch up on mail, phone messages (the guys don’t answer them), and cat-feeding-and-remedial-petting (they missed their mama and want their “comp time”). Bob & Gordy are working late.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    Holy Chit Sandy that trip seemed so fast, it must have flown by for you. Glad all is well and u'r home. Thank u for the advice Sandy, appreciate it.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    Image result for google images of recipes with vodka

    Sounds good to me---DOTD

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited April 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday!I keep going to the mortgage web site and looking at the"paid in full" statement and LOVING it!I am so proud of myself, there was a time there during bc treatment when I thought I would lose everything financially, and have been working reallyhard to come back from that place for the last 7 years.Now one major goal is accomplished, others are within reach, and I did it all myself!So I shall sit here and gloat, and poor Sadie has been "listening" to me jabber away about this since yesterday ayem.Good thing she reads my mind, cuz I still have no voice and have to "talk" to her telepathically!

    Cammy--I think Goldie is on one of her short trips.Thanks for the Happy Dance!

    Jazzy--36 laps in the pool--good for you!And so good that the collaboration is coming together!

    Cammy--The bank has no responsibility cuz of an e-mail they can't show you?Something doesn't sound right with that.Please don't teach Joey to be a pessimist, he's perfect just the way he is!

    Chi--Glad you are home safely, and that you had such a good time.Get some rest and kitty comp time and post some pics when you have time. The English Breakfast sounds like it would keep a person going for a long time!

    Yummy Orange Creamsicle DOTDT!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    Good Morning Ladies,

    NM I don't blame u one bit--I'd be smiling all over the place and maybe even a Happy Dance too. U should be very proud of u'rself--U've worked very hard <very> and now it has brought u to this place of being mortgage free and yes Sadie can read u'r mind and she's happy too. So u have every right to enjoy this and be so proud of u'rself. YYYAAAYYY.

    The sun is out today and NM still doesn't have her voice--holy chit that's along time---but it will be back strong and clear. Anyway it's warmish out and I have my overhead fan on so it feels good. No one is up yet, kinda late for here, but that's all right--I've been up for everbody. I talked to my BIL at 3am for about an hr.--he saw me on FB so we decided to talk--which we've always done a lot of, cuz we are BF's which no one understands cuz we always argue about things, just our way. I always tell my sister she is a saint cuz she lives with him, no one else could <especially for 57 yrs.> oh I tel him that too, but he's always been super to me and we really love each other. That's why whenever we've gone out my sister puts me next to him and she sits somewhere else, well usually next to me and he took me to every Dr's app't, every test, and every chemo--by the chemo I could just be dropped off then, I didn't want anyone with me--it was so boring to them. Oh plus my operations always and the first one I talked to after and he was always holding my hand when I woke up. Oh well. BTW I used to not visit anyone in the hospitals, cuz I would literally faint sometimes, so he felt like he had to go with--well now I don't faint I just get aggravated and he can't get over it. I can go by myself. See I go on and on about nothing--I shoulda been a writer on Seinfeld. Maybe this is why my oldest DD gets called from the offices of the President and Governor to stop writing to them.

    OK I'll shut up for now.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    Good morning friends- looks like another beautiful day lining up over here. I am going to get out for some yoga on the patio and a bit of gardening stuff, then going to play some music with my jazz friends today. Got a few other errands to do today since tomorrow is my day to take off to the mountains, and do some soaking in the springs. Weather looks like it is going to be perfect up there.

    Chi- welcome back to the states and hope you are getting settled in and rested. I always have a hard time with the time change when going that far, more so coming back than going. Love to see pics whenever you have the chance!

    NM- I too was very worried I might loose everything when I got my dx. I was already on a break from my contract work after a long run of steady work from 2008-2011, but took some time to go be with my mother end of 2011 and into 2012 with her failing health. She stabilized, but then suddenly passed in early 2012 and then needed more time to finalize the estate work. That year was filled with many other not good surprises, and after I finally got offered a new contract, my health tanked. Anyways, I just had to start later on the contract I was offered was able to get back to work PT after my surgeries, then to FT after a few months. I look back on that time and wonder how I got through it all? It took me awhile to stabilize financially as well. Despite whether you are single, married, or what kind of insurance you have, people are still financially at risk with cancer treatment.

    So all I can say sister is looking back, you should feel proud not only did you keep it together during all that, but now you are at a point where you can get this behind you. I do feel without the mortgage, PT work is going to be way easier for you to do! More time to take care of you, have time with Sadie, etc. I hope your voice returns soon.

    Cami- I like that you refer to me as an athlete, lol! More so in times gone by, but I am working my way up to swimming 3X a week now for 40 laps each time. Been doing 2X a week as I resumed at the city pool, and anywhere between 30-40 laps depending on the day. It will be good for more weight loss and to improve overall fitness. I had been loosing weight but been "stuck" at my current weight for a good month now. So I have to do something else to get over this plateau. I am going to see my endocrinologist at the end of May and had a particular goal (another 10 pounds) to get to before then. My guess is if I get back on track with what was happening, I can get down another 5-6 lbs. She did not set that goal, I did. But we also talked about an overall goal to get down to a weight she said will be good for me. Today I will do yoga and then bike ride later today. Jazzy is on a mission.

    I love everything creamsicle and happen to have everything to do that martini. I might try that one!

    Dara- hoping you are feeling better sister with the headaches! What are you up to this wekeend?

    What happened to PontiacPeg?

    Thinking of Mema, Genny, HSant, Kimburke, Celia, and all our other sisters here. Wishing you a good weekend and a good holiday if you are celebrating!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2017

    Cami, I'm feeling just fine. Like I said earlier, my TM's were down 30%-40%, so happy as well! Our busy time is garden season, so yes, this is our busy time. Old videos, how fun! I can't believe your kids are having such a hard time getting their money back. It was no problem at all when our business was compromised, no questions even asked! Love your relationship with your BIL.

    OMG Wacko, falling asleep in de sun wif you hand ober your face…oy vey!

    NM, having all the extrastuff done in the house is a good idea. Especially since you have the extra moolah now. Can hear the excitement in your voice. I think it's wonderful that you are out of work until the end of the month. And you don't have to toss everything, especially if it's in good condition. Take to a local church or thrift shop, and that might help you to not feel so bad about getting rid of it.

    Sandy, sounds like you are having a grand time. Sorry about the soap squirting on your blouse, glad you had a jacket to cover it up.

    Jazzy, I'm with you on the politics and religion. Not discussing them. The tulips look bootiful, will you plant them somewhere in your garden? Farinaalto looks nice too. Zoo, swimming, botanical gardens, sounds like a win win situation, whatever you decided to do.

    I was MIA for good reason. I had to reschedule my onc appt, as I had to cancel cuz my DD was here. Well, I called on Wednesday and they happened to have an opening for Thursday at 1:00. Well, know LDB was in Phoenix, I jumped on that appt. then hooked up with her and her cousin and spent the night with her! Good times!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    Goldie- good to hear from you and glad your TMs are down. You have been busy with family visiting, and spring gardening. I am heading out shortly for more of that too before I head out for some other to dos today.

    Yes, I will plant the tulips in the garden after they have come and gone, so they come back next year. They were not open when I bought them and marked purple, but are a lovely pink and love that too. I hope you are enjoying the gardens, the weekend here is going to be perfect weather wise!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2017

    OK balance has returned here. It's nice to see u Lori AND great that u had time with SusyQ and a very very good reason to not post. But u'r all caught up now and I am so glad things are going well for u.

    Jazzy u are having the perfect weather and u really use it for u'r benefit--which is great, that's what it's for. U really are an athlete, u do so much, u have to be in good condition to swim that pool like u do. It's so wonderful that u recovered and took hold of u'r life again so u didn't loose anything. I like hearing that all the time.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2017

    …knew there was a reason to eat the ears first!

    Still jet-lagged, had errands to run today—have to be up early tomorrow to get ready to host a brunch at the Hancock. (Debating about whether to wear compression for the elevator ride to the 95th fl.). So much catching up to do—posting pics, writing thank-you notes (old-school: pen, ink, stationery), filling prescriptions, calling the landscape svce. to find out when (& if) they'll start—backyard looks like a mess, with tufts of wild grasses and old leaves smothering the perennial herbs). My black raspberry canes are sprouting and the magnolia's blooming—1/3 of the buds in flower, 1/3 not open yet, 1/3 were blown off during last week's storms.

  • Kiki57
    Kiki57 Member Posts: 2
    edited April 2017

    Hello Goldie 0827,

    Nice to hear thta you are doing well after so many years, can you tell me how long time you was on Arimidex, , was it use to block the estrogens?.. Happy Easter!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    Good morning ladies- just wanted to wish those celebrating the Easter holiday a blessed and peaceful day!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited April 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!A bit gray and drizzly here, but that's ok.Most of the snow is gone now, and boy does my yard need work.Both the front yard and Sadie's yard.Still too wet to do anything along those lines though, so adding that project to the list of things to find someone to pay to do for me.Going on 3 weeks with no voice, still coughing quite a bit but very slowly getting better.Hoping I can get the house clean out done this coming week (haven't heard from them yet, should get an e-mail tomorrow) and can get a pulmonology consult in next week, and find out exactly where things are with that.

    Cammy--it's great you have someone like your BIL that you can yak with at 3 ayem and have fun with.Sounds like he has been very supportive, and that's a good thing.

    Jazzy-- Actually starting to get a little anxious to get better so I can get back to work and make the FT to PT change over happen.To be in control of my life again will be such a wonderful feeling. To be able to enjoy my home and kayaking and walking the dog and taking pictures and meeting with friends seems like a dream, and I can't wait to start actually living it.

    Goldie--Good idea about donating stuff. There are a couple of thrift shops nearby that I can lug stuff too.I've already taken some clothes to one of them.So glad you got to meet up with LDB!And that the TM's are DOWN!!!ANOTHER HAPPY DANCE!!

    Cammy--yes, balance is returning, and this is a good thing.


    Chi--Welcome back to the day to day world of living!Take your time getting the pics up, that way you'll have a little mini second vacay when you go through them.

    Morning, Kiki, welcome to the HTL!

    Happy Easter!

    Easter Sunrise

    Image result for easter sunrise drink recipe


    • 1 oz. MIDORI® Melon Liqueur
    • 2 oz. Dry Ginger Ale
    • Juice from 2 Lime Wedges

    Directions: Pour over ice and serve in a low ball glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2017

    Jazzy, I'm loving the weather! What cute bunny drinks!

    Cami, glad you have "balance" going on!

    Wow Sandy, you had a bizzy day!

    Hi Kiki and welcome the The Hot Tatties Lounge. I did 5 years on Arimidex.

    NM, this has gone on long enough, my goodness. But like I said, you do sound a bit better.

    Happy Easter goils…cheerZ!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    NM- I did not know you kayaked! Never heard you speak of it, but that may also tell me you have not had time for it in some time now. I did some river kayaking back east when I lived there and loved it. We don't have a whole lotta water here in the desert as you know, and most here do the white water type. Thanks but no thanks.

    There is a motto I like to remind myself of that helps me to keep better balance in my life when it runs amok. And yes, there have always been those times. A lot of people live to work, especially when you are younger and trying to make your mark it the world. To me, I want to work to live and fun all the other things that matter to me like having a nice home, taking vacations, money for hobbies, etc. And organizations who have a culture of "live to work" often force others to do the same until they quit. Although all of this has been super hard on you friend, I think it is going to lead you to where you really need to be to enjoy your life more. Work life balance.....

    A couple other things about donations, find places who will come pick stuff up to make it easier for you. One such place I donate to her and know is national is Big Brothers/Sisters. But there may be others in your area too so search out who does pick up. That way, all you need to do is get it to the curb. This is going to be good for larger volumes and big stuff. Ask the people doing your house purge for you too. And if they can help you to get it gone for a fee?

    Goldie- the weather here has been outstanding. Two perfect days and another on tap. Getting some housework and laundry done before I get in the car to park my butt in the hot springs......

    ChiSandy- welcome home!

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited April 2017

    Happy Easter to everyone who celebrates!

    Still plugging away with my dad's things, and attempting to cope. I had drinks with a high school friend yesterday, and got together with a group of friends last weekend, so I'm attempting to get out of the house for some much needed distraction.

    Very much looking forward to seeing Mary tomorrow and meeting her friend for cocktails.

    Sue, too funny about your Catholic girl school stories. When I first got my period, I went into denial and refused to wear a pad. Let's just say my sheets were beyond repair that first night. I remember my mom giving me a big hug and telling me that I was now a woman. Ugh. I wasn't hearing any of it. Lol. I hope your and DH's allergies are better. How great that you and Goldie had some face time in Phoenix! Any pics?

    Jazzy, I lost my sister to breast cancer when she was 43. We were best friends and business partners. Losing her was like losing an arm. I also lost my mom to BC 1.5 years after my sis. My family was really, really close. And now I feel like I'm the cheese who stands alone. I know that I have a good man in the hubs, a wonderful group of friends, but I was so, so fortunate to have parents who lived and breathed for their children, and a big sis who had my back and was my protector since we were kids.

    It's great that you're exercising consistently. I used to belong to a gym that offered yoga classes on the beach. I took two classes. I admire people who do yoga. I just could never get into it. I'm more into hiking and walking, or spinning. Swimming is a great form of exercise, because you work all your muscles with out the impact.

    Drinks and dinner with your friend sounds yummy!

    Native, big, big congrats on paying off your mortgage!!! What a huge accomplishment! I would frame that letter and hang it on my wall.

    I'm glad that you're feeling better, but will be happy when you feel 100%. This bout of asthma really kicked your ass. When do you have your consultation with the pulmonary specialist?

    Cami, your dad sounds like he was a very wise man, who didn't have an ego. He's right. Just tell people what they want to hear. I wish I could do that, but I'm way too opinionated. Lol. I hope you're not experiencing pain and that the steroids have kicked in.

    The BH reunion is dull. I can't believe there's a part 2. Nothing really happened during the season except for Rinna sticking her foot in her mouth. I'm getting into NY. I sense the crazy and drama coming on...

    Goldie, congrats on lower TMs!!! Big woo hoo!! How great that you could see sue! No pics?

    I'm still taking care of things for my dad, and I'm hoping to head back home by early To mid May.

    Dara, too funny about the hand prints! It'll fade. Yikes to the money that goes to the IRS! Oy. That always sucks. How are the headaches? When are you scheduled for Botox?

    Sandy, what?? No salon in the spa? What kind of crap hotel were you staying? Just kidding! Your vacay sounds divine. Did Bob go with you?

    Welcome to the newbies on this thread. Please come back.

    Hope everyone enjoyed a lovely holiday weekend. Thank you all for your kind thoughts. Love you ladies!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2017

    Hi girls,

    Wishing you all a very happy Easter Sunday. I sailabrated yesterday with my DD and my grandson, it was a great day. I will be sailabrating with mese sisters in two weeks as they are away on a tropical cruise, lucky them. It is untypically hot here today, I turned on the AC around four pee em when the house temp went to 79. I think it went into the upper 80's today and is still mild at 83 now. I chose to stay outta de sun today. My burn has faded but I have some funky lines, mainly on my legs as I had on capri's when I snoozed outside. I have to now get some sun wearing knee highs to even out my color!Cami that SOB effing bank has me pissed off for you and your fam. I did not think they could play that game in saying they can't help. Les should take Sandy's advise and make some calls! If she wants help, I would gladly be her spokesperson if she was on the line. I love to play attorney! Is the D still under control? ANd how long will you be on the roids? Hope you had or are HAVING a great Easter, that goes for all of mese goils that sailabrate!

    Lori, sweeeeet that you got facetime with Mema Sue and sweeeeeter on the news on the TM's going down so much, so happy for you. And was there an issue with the gal who was helping with your business or did you just want to take the reigns back again? I sure miss your face when you are not on here daily! Muah!

    And what is Mema up to? Missy u too Suz!

    NM, so happy that you are starting to feel better and hoping the voice returns asap. LOL on chatting with Sadie without straining your vocal chords. I bet she is in heavenly bliss having you around so much! I worry

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2017

    oops, effing hand is still hitting wrong keys and thought I'd lost what I wrote, tank de good God that it posted instead of nessappearing! As I was saying....

    I worry about my little Lucy and how she will cope when I return to work. The girl is still having issues with eating. I hand fed her tonight after a few days of her not eating anything including beef! She is struggling still over the loss of her furry sister. And speaking of loss...

    Hsant, so very sorry that you are struggling. Don't beat yourself up though, it takes a lot of time to get over such a huge loss. And hit breaks my heart knowing that you are the only one remaining in your immediate family. I can't imagine that pain as I am blessed with three dear siblings which help me cope with the loss of my parents so close together in time. I am feeling a little lonely today as my cousin/roommate/BFF is home visiting her girls today. She should be back soon. And my DD is with her daddy and her paternal Grammy. So jest me here most of the day. I managed to keep busy pealing more wall paper off my bathroom wall. What a job! I only have the small area above the bath and shower to finish up then prep for paint. I had new woodwork and a half wall with sheets of pale gray swirley pattern so have to decide on color. And omg, the color under the paper is mafugly as it gets, I call it titty/nipple pink! Oh and Lori, to answer your question from weeks ago, I tried the tool to uh, can't tink of de word (to put little holes in the paper) but it gouged mese walls so I did not get far with it. Anyway, I have diverted off topic Hsant, sending you lots of love, hugs and more prayers that your heart will heal sooner rather than slowly. It know that your Dad was a huge presence in your life and it will take time, much time to heal to the point when coping is not so hard (((((Heidi)))).

    Gonna hit submit cuz mese dont trust mese stewpid fother mucking fingers! brb!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    The day in the mountains and at the hot springs was so wonderful!

