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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Oh Kim this is the last week of mixed feelings and maybe confusion. I do hope u week goes well and remember don't get discouraged in any way--THIS IS THE LAST WEEK. All this time u have come home exhausted, upset at circumstances that were beyond u'r control and most importantly it just wore you down. Now u can pick and choose what u really want to do and throw in some some to more enjoy life. It's a wonderful time for you so soak it up.

    Jazzy u r really doing well for your health, losing weight, exercising and getting the job done. U'r Dr. will be so happy with you. And now the job front is opening up and all will come together for you--It's always so good to hear.

    Sandy u'r working on this too with all good results. It has to really feel good to have this control and succeeding.

    Lori everything is looking up for your selling the business and I know u'r both to smart to not get what u want and deserve. I just pray for u'r DD so she can finally put her ex way behind her.

    Dara a COMPLAINT. We all want to see u'r dress, on or off doesn't matter--so we can help pick out the shoes with you. This is an all event thing for us <OK me> Drinking or not it's u'r obligation LOL

    Peggy need to hear a little more about these men in u'r life--sounds like fun.

    SusyQ have any $$$ left, I know I wouldn't by now. So exciting to win money. I shoulda bet on that race, I coulda been a contenda.

    I was so tired last nite I fell asleep with a piece of orange in my hand for like a minute then I thought I'd better go to sleep. I slept well. OK revised sentence, it wasn't an orange it was a Cheeto <which is orange> and I did eat it first before putting my feet up to sleep.

    My sweet Joey went to Starbuck's yesterday and brought me home a Frappicino, he made some money working and treated me cuz he knows how much I like that. Oh he made sure they put enough coffee in it for me too. They were 1/2 priced so he got one too with plenty of coffee, boy have I spoiled this kid. But I don't even care.

    OK Monday not Funday, but Marty starts his new job today and I pray it goes well for him so we can all get back to some normalcy. He's such a good guy and want him to be happy working so everyone is balanced again. One more silly thing, the bank is going over everything again, but this is the stupid part--We have 2 accounts and the one that was hacked keeps the lowest amount in it, so I was thinking IF we wanted to hack something and get money for it, why in the world would we go for the account that has 1/2 the money in it. This is jus another goofy thing in how I think.

    OK I'l be bock. And Celia how ARE u feeling now.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited May 2017

    Good morning friends- sorry I was MIA yesterday, I had some things to get done yesterday before I went up to Santa Fe. Then I got back and was POOPED!

    I had a nice afternoon in the City Different, as they call it. I stopped at a few of my favorite haunts and spent some time at the fine arts museum too. While I was in the special exhibit gallery, I could hear a classical music concert somewhere around me and found later there is an attached area that was hosting a free concert. Dang, I would have gone to that too had I known; never been aware of that space when I have been there before. I will have to look on the web site next time I go there for a visit.

    Then, another fun thing, while I was in the square, these two spanish cowboys came riding through on horses; gaucho's or caballero's of sorts. I was on the phone with a friend who was driving to CO yesterday and got a flat so I stayed with her on the phone until AAA came so she felt a bit more secure. Anyways, had I not been on the phone (but that was the right thing to do to stay with her), I could have snapped a pic. Very cool! Love those times this still feels like the wild west. After a visit to Whole Foods for some dinner at the hot food bar, I was on my way home. I will start going to SF more now as this is the time of the year there are more things going on there.

    Pontiac- I hope your dating continues to go well. Seems like spring is a time for these things. I have two suitors that I have been interested in & think vice versa; both men I already know. Then met a nice guy at the pool last week too. Chemistry is important, as is just feeling comfortable with someone during the conversations. I hope you are enjoying yourself and the the nice male attention.

    Cami- I hope that Marty's job goes well today and he can settle in to his new routines quickly. I love that Joey got you a frappacino yesterday too. He surely does love you! I hope your pain is better and that your work is not too crazy this week! Thanks for the kind words too about things coming together for me. Feeling better about a few things here in the month of May.

    NM- I have no doubt you have a mix of feelings as you go in to this week. I have felt that way about any major work change I have gone through. Consider this a leap of faith that your mind, body and spirit know you need. You already have some tangible options in the works and this place will just represent a valuable lesson to you for the longer term. They may try to coerce, manipulate or any number of other things to try to get you to change your mind and stay on. Remember you can offer them some PRN work, if not now, in the future once you have had some time to detach from this experience. I wish you the best this week and remember a week from now, you will be outta there!

    Dara- what are you doing up middle of the night dear? I think you have your interview this week, hope you get a few more. Things are coming together for you too friend, and good to see.

    Will check in later on a few more of you, wishing you a good start to the week!

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338
    edited May 2017

    Cami, my friend has already had ovarian cancer (caught early) and has been NED for 5 years. But after testing for the BRCA genes and coming back positive she decided she would do what Angelina Jolie did and have her breasts removed before BC showed up - prophylactic.

    My dates went well. Saturday guy is nice but no chemistry. Sunday's was also nice - have to see about the chemistry. My DS2 here in Spokane is pulling for Sunday guy since he has a (sail)boat which my son thinks is a key criteria (not so much for me though). I have never dated two guys at the same time so this is strange for me.

    Went looking for new wines today to serve to my friends and found this one:


    I've never had any of their wines. That's Latah (LAY-taw) Creek and it's local. Also got a 100% raspberry wine that sounds interesting.


    Should be sweet if nothing else :) I'll let you know.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited May 2017

    Pontiac- dating two men at once can be tricky and also fun! I remember in grad school dating three guys at once and it was ALOT fun, but also some work to keep my plans straight with all of them. Until you meet someone you enjoy spending more time with on a more regular basis, just enjoy the whole process. And things like boating, skiing, etc. can be a big focus for some, so good to find out how much time is spent doing that? Because if it is not important to you and if he is big in to boating, important to know. I find so much of things now dating here in midlife is lifestyle- our work, family obligations or how we like to spend time with family, how we spend our free time, etc. Just remember the world is your oyster and enjoy getting to know these men!

    The wines you bought sound interesting, let us know how you like them? Always good to support the regional wine growers. We have a bunch of wineries here in NM too, some good and some well, let's not go there.....

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338
    edited May 2017

    Jazzy, thanks for the tips. You're so right about the change in what is important in a partner as we age. I'm not much of an outdoorsy camping person (and every guy in Washington seems to think camping is the greatest thing ever - give me a hotel!). I'm more into family and friends and just enjoying being social. So far, no one has quite ignited the spark that makes me anxious to see them again. And I don't want to marry or live with someone. I'm very content like I am. I would find it very difficult to juggle 3 men like you did!

    I'll let you know on the wines.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    Well Well Well the 2, how should I say it, ahem ladies of the dating scene--there were so many ways I could have said that, but I kept it in. Ok this is a fun time for both of u enjoy the places u go and things u do--Oh u'll find out soon enough who fits into u'r life and who u can just slip out without even noticing. So keep up the good work an keep us posted, some fun going on here. And Peggy let us know how the wines were and don't let them cloud u'r judgment. LOL

    DARA, OK how are u feeling????? Hope u'r doing well and we still want to see the dress. Does Lori have to get u to come here. Cuz she will ya know. Yea she will. So get u'r Arse in here. Do I sound scary, hope so.

    Little busy today but it's all right, nothing goofy. Watched Netflix scary movies tho. I mean our cable only has about 500 channels and barely anything to watch, 250 are infomercials, 150 are sports, 50 are reruns and 50 are shows I don't like. So there u have it.

    OK took my meds, now 'll see.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited May 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Had a nice day at work yesterday, but it's going to be a long one today. Going to the nursing home that is 63 miles from the office, that makes it 80 some miles from home.Going to see six people, not usually an issue, but 4 of them need recertification paperwork done, so my 6 visits will equal 10 units, or 2 day's worth of work. Ah, well, last time I ever need to do this. I found out about renting a dumpster, surprisingly inexpensive, $34 a month with one pickup, $19 for an extra pick up.They've got a 2 week waiting list right now, I've asked to be put on the list. $34 a month is very reasonable for the convenience of having a dumpster in the yard, and $19 for an extra pick up is very workable. Much better than the cleaning company estimates! And I am very proud of myself, I have completed one little decluttering job every day off except one in the last 2 weeks. When I say "little" project, I mean little.Sunday's project was a set of shelves in the bathroom (very small shelves, about 4 x 6 inches each, 6 of them) and cleaned out a surprising amount of stuff.I'm doing one tiny project like that every few days and it's generating a surprising amount of momentum. The official announcement of my going per diem was made at the morning meeting yesterday.And I'm not the only one, ANOTHER full time RN is going per diem as of Friday as well.And one new full time RN started yesterday. She's going to be working in the area where she lives, so she won't have the huge long drives some of the rest of us have. She seems really nice, I hope to get to help orient her this summer.

    Cammy--I am keeping the fact that this is the last week of full time firmly in front of me. Still have mixed feelings but tending more and more toward excitement.Especially when I think about things that I want to do and realize that, if I want, I can make sure I'm not working that day and DO it! Love the confusing a Cheeto for an Orange!Praying that Marty's first day went well.First days are hard.And I am with you, if you are going to scam the bank, do it for all you can, not the least you can. But that is just logical and I'm not sure logic applies much anymore.

    Jazzy--Wow, what a trip you had! Finding a new space in the museum, seeing the cowboys, being able to support a friend, no wonder you were pooped! I am surprised how detached I feel from the current work situation this week. Things I normally would worry about and try to figure out a way to cover myself I am not worrying about. When Clinical Manager #1 goes on and on about how she can do all sorts of visits with all the documentation in less than 8 hours I just remind myself that her notes are so incomplete that she wouldn't accept them from me, and she didn't do the driving that I do regularly, except for 1 day. If she asks me about it, I'll just say that I know she can do that, but I can't, we are two different people. I would think that having now 3 full time nurse go per diem and one finally setting a retirement date would send a message, but apparently not. But, not my circus, not my monkeys.

    Peggy--the winery near where I live makes a great raspberry wine, it is sweet but I love it!I'm betting you'll like the local raspberry wine, too. Dating two men at the same time, wow! Good for you! I bet it does feel strange, but I say go for it. Enjoy yourself, you deserve it!

    Cammy--Isn't the cable thing crazy?I wish they would come out with a totally al cart system, pay a fee and pick the channels. So much of what I get is sports and infomercials. So boring.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:


    Ramos Gin Fizz


    • 2 oz. gin
    • 1 oz. heavy cream
    • 1 egg white
    • ½ oz. lemon juice
    • ½ oz. lime juice
    • 2 tsp. superfine sugar
    • 2-3 drops orange flower water
    • Club soda
    • Glass Type: Collins glass


    1. Add all ingredients except club soda into your shaker with ice.
    2. Shake for a minute.
    3. Shake for one more minute.
    4. Strain into your Collins glass.
    5. Top with club soda.
    6. Enjoy Mardi Gras festivities.
    7. Eat a King Cake.
  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited May 2017

    Good morning friends- got a bunch of errands to do today, swimming to get to and convertible coming back from the dealer. Going to get on the yoga mat for a bit of meditation and stretching shortly and before I get to my day.

    NM- I am glad the news is out about you moving to per diem work, and not surprising another nurse is doing the same. Last week was re-entry week, this week is "let it go" week. Exciting and scary goes with all this. Putting our well being first has never proven me wrong though. As your quality of life improves, this transition will be easier for you. I saw an interesting nursing article on FB today and sent that to you via PM.

    Great news about the dumpster and starting to chip away at the clutter. It is always a good feeling to get rid of a pile, clean off a surface, etc. Glad you found a way to do this for you that is both time and cost effective.

    Cami- I hope those pain meds are working? I don't have a lot of channels, but agree even if I did, not much to watch. I like scary movies too!

    Pontiac- I have met a lot of men here who are super athletes and looking for a woman to be that along side them. I do enjoy my exercise, swimming, biking, some walking and hiking, but am not in to doing the all day/hard core work outs anymore. I remember meeting a guy years ago who said his idea of a perfect date was a 100 mile bike ride! No, we never went out......

    ChiSandy, Dara, Genny, Mema, Hsant, Celia, Kimburke, and everyone else here, have a good day!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    Good morning Ladies,

    Wow NM they really have u hopping today BUT knowing that this is it has to life a big rock from you, cuz when u know it's not forever it's always a better feeling and u can just go with it and feel tired but not mentally exhausted. All this time u have worked so very hard with issues that u know u couldn't change, now u are changing every aspect of what you are doing and will be doing. Kim look for all the good stuff that will be happening and you deserve all good stuff. I totally believe that and I think you know that by now. And the price of the dumpsters is great. I thought it would be much more and u will do things at u'r own pace, which is what u should always do. AND u'r home is paid for--E njoy this time of u'r life where u can work and still have a life. It's so important. Funny thing I was thinking yesterday that I haven't heard of a slow gin fizz in forever, and then I see something similar When I was bartending that was a super popular drink and it "fizzled" out.

    OK Jazzy I wish u could mail me a small amount of u'r energy, cuz u can sure share some and still go like crazy. OK in all fairness to ME <again> when I was u'r age I did so much more than I do now and I never thought about it as doing things, just part of my daily stuff. So never stop, but u do more in a week than I ever did in a month. LOL And I get to enjoy all of it with you.

    Lori is gone for a while, and I always miss her so, she's my staple of all observations that I miss and she answers everything too that I don't understand. Just hope she's doing well. And another thing is she's another pic. taker, way to happy for me.

    I must have slept like a pretzel last nite, cuz my one leg is so hurting this morning, so of course pain meds right away. I'm no martyr.

    Thanks Peggy for splainen" things to me, all I ever said was I was deboobed and hoping u'r friend is doing well.--OK u'r doing well--good for you.

    Now DARA is going to get a piece of my mind,,,,oh maybe not I can't give her the piece that I'm actually using so, so I'll just wait for her to tell us what's going on and show us her dress. Tap Tap Tap--waiting Dara.

    Well Marty had a silly first day, but it was fine. He didn't take lunch, cuz no one told him to they were very busy and he just followed directions, when they realized it--he said they felt bad but he did well, we LOLed about it. And Joey is leaving early now 2 days a week for band practice for the parade and Joey is not going into the gifted math class this coming year. Even tho he got an A, he's not really into math that much, like he is with his other classes.He feels a little bad, but u know me I told him forgetaboutit do what he loves and he'll love what he's doing. He thought I was brilliant cuz I told him I made that up. I don't think I'm pulling this off like I used to.

    My boss called me last nite and he told me how great I am at what I do for him and how people remark about me, I was LOLing cuz it all from the old school of work, actually talking to people like they're people, but it was nice that he said that and then he said no one can do what I do as well--boy do I have him fooled and then he asked if he can do anything for me to help me feel better. He's such a great guy in so many ways, I can't help but love him the way I do.

    OK be back latah.


  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited May 2017

    Good morning, ladies! I had a nice lunch with Mary yesterday. I'm so happy we could get together before I take off next week. She really is a class act.

    Seeing other friends this week, and finishing up what needs to be done. I'm shipping my dad's car back to LA (completely loaded with boxes), so I can sell it with out feeling rushed. Anyway, will spare y'all the boring details.

    I did a little summer shopping at Free People. I bought a couple of cute dresses and a funky summer sweater.

    Native, a little goes a long way. You have so much on your plate, so no need to overwhelm yourself with the big picture. 80 miles???? Yikes! Happy to hear that this will be the last time for you doing this. How are The aunties? How is Auntie doing with ALS?

    Jazzy, I admire people who meditate and benefit from it. For me, it gives me anxiety. Lol.

    The hubs is a serious amateur cyclist. He rides over a hundred mikes a weekend with the same group of guys for the the past 20 plus years. Does century rides, etc. Um.... I don't, and while he has tried to get me involved, I'm like no thanks. Not my thing.

    Cami, I get it! With all those cable channels there is nothing to watch in the middle of the night.

    Mr. Joey obviously loves his grandma. Love that he brought you home a frap! I hope Martyhad a good first day on his new job.

    Sue, congrats on your big win! Woo hoo! You know what you're doing!

    Dara, you crack me the eff up! I hope you are feeling well, and the migraines have sailed away. I'm also waving my hand for a pic of your dress

    Peggy, good for you dating a couple of gents. You are not in an exclusive relationship, and it makes sense that you would want to keep your options open at this point.

    Goldie, hope you and the hubs are enjoying your time in LV.

    Sandy, it's great that you're swimming and working out with a trainer. It sucks that some physical ailments have now, temporarily prohibited you from swimming. It's such a great form of exercise, because it typically doesn't impact your body. Anyway, 30 minutes a day of low impact exercise, six days a weekand 2-3 days of light weights, and you will see results. Consistency with respect to diet and and exercise is key.

    Wishing everyone a happy Tuesday!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    Heidi it's always good to read u. So glad u got to see Mary again, we all miss her. That was a smart idea about shipping u'r dad's car back and with the boxes. This way u can take u'r time with selling it and not feel rushed. U'll no doubt have some adjustment back to u'r homelife after all this time. I'm sure u'r DH is really looking forward to being with you. Wow u'll be home before u know it and back to a whole different time and weather regime. This is so good for you now. You are a very special person and u'r dad would want u home and happy.

    See DARA we all want to see u'r dress, u ragamuffin--whatever that means. LOL

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    OK since I finally learned how to use Netflix all by myself, yea after a considerable amount of time.....I'm watching a load of my scary movies with a plethora of blood and guts, which doesn't bother me, people getting killed all over the place--but every so often a pet gets it and I fall apart. Holy Chit what does that say about me??????? Not good stuff here. LOL

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited May 2017

    Okay Miss Cami, what are you doing scaring yourself with all those movies. BOO! I watch scary stuff on HBO sometimes. Then I hear weird sounds at night. Is that the serial killer trying to get in the window?

    New Mexico is having some severe weather today. Hail storms around, some tornadoes out on the eastern plains. I heard Denver got walloped yesterday with a bad hail storm and golf ball or larger hail that trashed cars, windows, etc. The news is now saying some softball size hail down to the SE? Eeek!

    Busy day. Got the convertible back. Also got 60 laps in today at the pool. I am a maniac.....

    Hsant- I am glad to hear you and Mary connected and had a final visit before you head back. Good idea to ship the car so you can sell it when you are ready (or maybe you will keep it.) I think you may sleep a lot when you get home. Hard to really come down from all this until you are back in your own home. I hope this final week goes smoothly for you and you can feel some peace as you head home. The grief will take awhile still, as you know.....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    Image result for song maniac on the floor Remember, SHE'S A MANIAC ♪ ♫

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited May 2017

    Cami- ha ha, that is so me!

    So I bought a book last weekend called "Coast to Coast Ghosts" and was reading tonight that my FAVORITE New Mexican restaurant here in town is HAUNTED! I knew of a few of the other spots they talked about here, but not that place! I take everyone there who visits for New Mexican cuisine. Now I will have more stories to share with them when I do!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited May 2017

    Good morning, Loungettes!I was right, it was a long day yesterday, and I still have one note left to write. It better be a lighter day today. Actually, it has to be, I have an interview at 4 peeyem. I just told the clinical manager that I have an appointment, let her make her own assumptions. But that's ok, there's the Wednesday Wine and Women meeting this evening, too. Going to be an eventful day!

    Jazzy--thanks for the article, it was great! I was surprised how many coworkers came up to me and told me that they thought I was doing the right thing after Monday's meeting. Apparently they noticed how much and how hard I was working. And I find I'm actually looking forward to getting going on the bigger decluttering projects.Keeping the bathroom looking nice has been an inspiration.

    Cammy--it was easier getting through yesterday knowing that this is the last time I will be doing double duty days. I can't wait to see the look on the Clinical Manager's face when I start saying "No" to anything more than a normal day. I am getting more and more excited as this week winds down. What a first day Marty had! I hope that was the only glitch, though. And you are so right to tell Joey not to worry about not doing the advanced math class again if that isn't where his interests lie.He did it once, he knows what it's about, showed he can do it, so he's making a well-informed choice. Not a thing wrong with that! And I think your boss is right, you are very good at what you do.Treating people like people is a lost art these days, and people appreciate it when they come across it.

    Hsant--yup, 83 miles to be precise.For which I will get about $20 mileage under the new system where I used to get $37.35. At least it's something, don't anything at all for the first 50 miles any more. Not going to be a big issues after this week when I will be starting from the office every day. The bulk of the mileage is from the office to the distant areas. The Auntie with ALS is not doing very well, one of her granddaughters has moved in with her to help her with the housekeeping and such, and she needs help getting up from a chair or the couch now. She's lost quite a bit of weight and her doctor has recommended a feeding tube. I'm wondering if she really is going to be able to go on the cruise this summer. Great idea to ship your Dad's car home and sell it at your leisure. And to fill it with boxes!It's going to be a big change for you.

    Cammy--I'm the same way about movies.I've even had to stop looking at the videos on facebook of rescued pets, cuz the beginning just breaks my heart.How can people do things like that to an animal that doesn't understand and just loves them and just wants some loving back?I wish I could save them all, but realistically, I can't.So I focus on giving Sadie a good life. At least I hope it's a good life for her. And congrats on learning to use Netflix!

    Jazzy--Yikes, crazy weather!Not near you, I hope? 60 pool laps, great! You are on a roll!Your favorite restaurant is haunted?Wow!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Image result for sloe gin fizz

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Whew I'm a little late this morning--slept OK but just movin' slow.

    NM this is it, Almost thru with this week and on to better things for u and Sadie. Yesterday was quite a day for you, but knowing it won't last is the best part--it's always easier to handle then. And even better is the fact that all this is happening at a nicer time of year when u can gt out more and relax with the weather being nicer for u both to enjoy with the daylight lasting longer you won't be driving all over, unless u want to. This is the chapter in your life that everyone wants and u've worked hard to prepare for this and it certainly is well deserved. I know I go one and on about this but I can't help but feel this for you.

    Jazzy u play like you work-without exhaustion. Another thing I envy. But nicely. All those laps, Oh my body hurts thinking about it. It's like whatever you set out to do u just do it. What is it with all of you??? I mean this with total respect and caring but u are all so determined to do what u need and what's good for you. I'm so pleased to have a relationship with every one of you. And Jazzy u should teach or do lectures on how to be successful in you life--I think you would be a sensational inspirational teacher.. I think I'm jumping around here all over the place--I'm writing like I talk. LOL And Sandy is doing all the right things too. IMHO--OK I'm not humble, IMO hahaha

    Oh NM I really don't think of myself as being that nice, I was relaying what my boss thought--Oh youth can be so naive. It bodes me well. Just like Joey thinks I'm a "wonderful woman" It's thier thought, not mine. I know how I am. Oh yesterday we <yes me> went to the store--first time in a long time. Well Joey always goes with me to help me but I do most of my own shopping anyway Leslie said she could hear me every time I reached for something, Groaning. I honestly didn't realize I was that bad. Of course we laughed but I've got to watch myself in public--I'm so used to being alone and really no one hears me in my room so I've picked up this awful trait of the Moaner now. Of course Joey said it was all right cuz he understood--but come on I sound like a walrus trying to attack something. No wonder why people got out of my way.

    The neighbor right next door <so nice> she has BC and she just got one breast taken and she was operated on in the morning home by 3PM. Wow to me that's way to fast but who am I to judge. Leslie will be going over later to see her. Her DD lives with her <she's single> and her husband, so she has good support with help. She's in her mid 70's and very active. I did talk with her DH yesterday and he said she just takes her pain pills and is doing well. I feel bad cuz I did tell her that this type of operation had no pain to it and now she's having it. Of course everyone is different and every operation is different, I really didn't consider that part. I should have said nothing really, but my mouth never knows when to stop. Nor my fingers.

    OK OK I'll stop for now, but I'll be bock!!!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2017

    Good morning admiring fans, here I am with pics of the dress and shoes.


    Nothing fancy for shoes, they are by Calvin Klein and the dress is made by Leslie Fay. I got a great deal online for the shoes at JC Penney.


    and the back (shown in navy but I bought in black, still need to find the bling to match)...


    I hope the shoes go alright with the dress, the shade of black does look different when I copied it here. Some of the pics shoe a black dress with taupe or beige colored shoes. I got such a good deal on the shoes that if the shade is off, I will buy in the lighter shade.

    Thanks all for your patience, my fingers STILL suck at typing, it is irritating as hail.

    Time to brush up on interview skills, I wan't this job I am interviewing for tomorrow.


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2017

    Morning DahhLinks

    Dara the dress is BOO-T-FUL. Am doing the happy dance that you ACE the interview. I kno you will but am saying a wittle prayer anyway.

    Cami - always love reading your posts. LOL on sounding like a walrus...u cwack me up.

    NM - wish I cud b a fly on the wall when u tell the director 'NO'. Makes me feel so elated that you are finally going in the right direction with your work. BIG HUGZ!!!

    I need prayers. My stepmom had a stroke and has stage 3 lung cancer. She is at a hospice center in Ontario, OR. Been in contact with her son, Steve, so he is keeping me apprised on her progress. She just turned 88 in March. My cousin Lorri sent me an email with more info on it. I told her and Steve that I already have plane reservations for July praying she hangs on til then.

    Lubslubslubs and thanks in advance for the prayers. SM's name is Ilene.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited May 2017

    Good morning friends- woke up middle of the night (not been happening for awhile) so I went back to sleep and got up later than expected. Fortunately, all the crazy weather yesterday was in other parts of the state including FIVE spotted tornadoes, but no damage anywhere. Some big hail in other areas too. The news said we would have rain today but it is sunny and cool outside, at least for now?

    Got my convertible back and hope I have the last of the things I need to get done finished. I told my girl she needed to behave and stay solid for awhile. She is all up to snuff, except for the AC which will get fixed some day if I get some extra cash to do so. No swimming today, this body needs some rest!

    Cami- I bet you are very cool, calm and collected with the people you help. I think you have a really good arrangement with this work and your boss really values you. Plus I hear he has really helped you on more than a few occaisons? I hope Marty's new job is going well and good to let Joey know he has choices with the classes. Does Joey have any particular interest in his studies?

    I think I have a bit more energy right now having had some lead time in to my next gig. I was really busy the first three months just recovering from the last contract, catching up on a lot at home, then a lot of biz development time in March. April into May has felt more about focusing on my wellness with returning to the pool and other things. I feel better with some weight loss, more exercise and just space to decide what is best for me to do now. I won't be able to do everything like I am now when I get back to work, especially if I have two projects/clients to work for, so packing in everything I can. I do work hard and play equally as hard!

    NM- I always have found fellow co-workers and friends are a good barometer of things as they watch what happens to us. I had friends during some of my projects tell me when employers or clients were clearly running me in to the ground and that I was not looking well. Signs of exhaustion show up before many other more serious problems. I am sure they are happy for you, may be thinking of their own escape plan. Good luck with the interview today and glad you are feeling more excited as the week continues. Into the next chapter you go!

    Dara- that dress is so pretty as are the pumps. Don't forget the accessories, some nice sparkly earrings to go with? Something you can wear again too, I find buying dresses for weddings to be tricky because sometimes they are a one time only thing, depending on the event. I have a couple core summer dresses I use for special events. You will be stunning!

    Good luck tomorrow during the interview!

    Jazzy has a phone call with the CA client we are working to get started with, and may be heading to meet one of her collaboration partners this afternoon. Later gators!

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited May 2017

    Sue, prayers out to your step mother, Ilene for peace and comfort. {{{{Sue}}}

    Dara, love the dress! I'm a huge fan of black, and if I wear a black dress and my black shoes don't match exactly, it doesn't bother me.

    Cami, I had pretty much no pain when I had my BMX. Sore? Yes, but I didnt even feel a need for ibuprofen. Also, I was up and moving the day after surgery. Everyone responds differently, and you can only give your experience.

    Native, I'm so sorry about your auntie. It's great that her granddaughter has moved in to take care of her. I know this must be so difficult for you. {{{{{Native}}}

    Jazzy, it's good to take a day off from exercising. It allows your muscles to rest and heal

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    SusyQ prayers going right over to you and u'r family, so unsettling.

    Jazzy taking a rest day??? Holy Chit my fingers are shaking with how many hours this will last. Yes hours.

    Well the day is almost over for NM, hope it's going OK, If it's not she just has 2 days to go so the hell with them.

    Heidi u'll be heading home in one week, I bet u can't wait.

    Well, Well Well DARA has entered the building with what I think about the dress. It is so in style and it will look bootiful <as was said> The shoes will be great, the dress has so much personality, some pretty earrings and a pretty bracelet is really all u need. IMO, the neckline has the lace to set it off by itself. But let's face it, I'm not any type of designer so I'm sure the others will have better ideas. Anyhow The dress is great and u'll look great, stealing the show.

    Okey Dokey I've been busy with all kinds of chit--2 people wanted to stop by the "office" today, I was freakin' out and making up all stories to prevent this from happening, so far so good. My bedroom is his office and his shop is his garage hahaha. Of course u can't put anything else in his garage, it's filled with all this kind of stuff. No overhead....

    See ya latah.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    Dara, wishing u much luck and good feelings for u'r interview, I know u'll do great.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited May 2017

    Mema- I think I bumped in to you in the pool today. I am so sorry about your stepmom, two very serious conditions. I am glad she is receiving care with hospice and hope you can see her. I am sure the family will keep you aprised in case you need to go earlier. Always so hard to know exactly when to get on a plane.......

    Cami- so only rest from swimming! I had a biz call this am with the client in CA and then went to meet my collaboration partners this afternoon for a late lunch. Really like this part of the team and had some good conversations. They were so funny, they were leaving to go drive by the Walter White house from the Breaking Bad series this place is infamous for. I reminded them to remember to take a selfie! LOL.

    NM- I missed the part about your aunt needing more care and the feeding tube. Maybe the cruise company should be consulted to find out what types of resources are available on the ship for her at this point with all that is going on? May help everyone to know what to do? Cruises are very accomodating these days.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2017

    Prayers for your stepmom, Sue—hope you get some quality time with her.

    Dara—nice dress! But oh, for the days when I could wear pointy toes and anything higher than a kitten heel! Nail that interview—land that job!

    Storming like crazy here. Of course, it would rain on my pedi day when I had to wear Fit-Flops. And then tonight the heavens opened up, so I had to drive to the gym. Had planned to hit WF for dinner-and-basics-shopping, but no way was I doing anything after getting out of the car other than dash to my back door to get warm & dry inside.

    Had a sorta scary episode while training tonight. Hadn't eaten till 4 pm (late for mani-pedi, had other stuff to do), when I had an egg and sourdough toast; and then a Krispy Kreme at 5:30. Nothing else all day but 2 c. ea. coffee & green tea, plus a small decaf skim cappuccino. Definitely not enough water, so I thought I'd catch up on hydration between exercises. Did pretty well on the traction, stretches, lifts, etc. Well, the combination of dehydration and probable hypoglycemia, followed by slamming back too much water too fast, led—after 3 sets of light medicine-ball squats—to my heart racing, “twinkly" feeling, and slight nausea. Trainer took my pulse (the Fitbit said it was only 89), and it was 134—already in my cardio target zone. So he had me lie down and he pumped my legs to get circulation to my abdomen, chest & head. After that, we had to call it a night—no cardio for me (just as well, all the machines were full), and instructions to stretch at home, which I did.

    This is reinforcing my misgivings about my trip next week to NC for a music conference. Just me this time—my singing partner can't afford either the trip or the time off from his temp job. Two very full days of driving, followed by three days of panels, meals and informal showcasing. I had an epiphany: I think I've had it with traveling alone. (And paradoxically, having a roommate at conferences). I no longer have an HC placard, so when I get to the conference center I'll have to drop off all my gear (hauling it up a small set of stairs to the motor lobby), then park at the bottom of a hill and hike back up. Then there are a few stairs from the main lobby up to the rooms on the first floor, so a baggage cart would do me no good. Everything is in the same building (except the first night BBQ way down the hill and a trip into Asheville Thurs. to join others playing for the after-school program at a grade school), so there isn't the amount of walking-with-instruments as at other conferences.

    But I worry—what if I get another attack of the “nauseated twinklies" while walking the hill? At least in the gym, my trainer knows what to do; but outdoors at a mountain retreat? Not so much. I’m also a good 10 lbs. heavier than last year, and it makes a difference. And then there's all that driving—alone this time. Last year I flew and rented a car (about the same price as two motel nights, gas & meals), but there's still the logistical problems once I arrive. (I never get stage fright—what freaks me out about gigging is driving in bad weather, flying with instruments, and how far away I'd have to park and schlep my stuff). Then there's the staying up late (the informal showcases are between 11 and 2am) and getting up early for breakfast. Not just that—my housekeeper has her surgery two days after I get back, and Bob & I fly to NYC for his high school reunion a few days later.

    I see my PCP on Fri. (tomorrow is my derm) and will ask him if it's a good idea to skip the conference. Yes, I've paid, it's non-refundable, but nobody really is depending on me. The informal showcases are just that—unpaid and informal. Half the time I'm playing to an empty room, the other half to my fellow musicians competing for the same gigs as I am. When I was younger, it was worth it—there were connections to be made, and some hope of climbing a little higher up the folk-music ladder. But now? The kind of gigs to which I aspired (and some of which I'd actually played) are being taken by the almost-famous and formerly-famous—especially the house concerts.

    I still love to travel. But with the love of my life, not alone.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited May 2017

    Chi- my hope is that maybe the combination of not enough food and the exercise just was bad for you and this was an isolated episode. I get very shaky if I don't keep up with my eating and with exertion. Watch your eating carefully this week and see if you have any more problems. I think asking your PCP to check things out is a good idea too. I am not up for a big road trip if I feel I may be compromised. You will make a good decision for yourself.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2017

    Hello ladies,

    I apologize for being so distant. I am happy to tell you all that I am still headache free, it is surreal after so long. Thanks for your feedback on the dress for my nephews wedding. I am still not sure if that is THE one, I have two others. Oh voy, weddings and other big events are stressful with finding the right things to wear, I make it a huge deal when really, no one else cares what I am wearing lol.

    Thanks too all for the good wishes and prayers for my interview tomorrow. It is at 4:30 so I will have plenty of time to brush up on the things I want to say.

    I went bonkers today finding a half slip that I need for my dress tomorrow. I finally found them in a crate under my bed which has also housed my old ginormous bras from pre-mx day s. I tink it is time to donate them to charity.

    Ladies, do you all think that it is appropriate to wear an all black dress for the interview? I will try to take pics of all of the "contenders" to see what you gals think.

    Sue, sending prayers up for Ilene. It is good to see you pop into de lounge, time to partay?! Hail yes!

    Cam,I too love how well you connect with your boss. LOL on someone wanting to come to your "bedroom" office, that is funny stuff. I love when you speak of Joey, saw him on facebook cutting the grass, what an awesome kid.

    Jazzy, wow wow wow, that is a lot of laps in de pool,you sure know how to work out. Glad you have your convertible back and up to par, I'll come for a ride with you some day, yes? I glanced at the book you are reading, sounds like a great read. If you want a great ghost story, check this link out, it is a story of the General Wayne Inn which is not far from me in the Phila PA area. It is totally spooky reading about it! AND one of the former co-owners shot his BFF/fellow co-owner to death back in 1996. There are some wild and crazy ghost tales about the building going back to the 1700's when George Washington and his troops were in the area!

    NM, I am so happy for you, jest two days to go. I hope you did not work too many hours today. Good for you in securing a dumpster and getting started on the decluttering.

    Peggy, wishing you all the best with dating, great tips from Jazzy but sounds like you got this! Lovely wine pics, sounds yummy.

    Heidi, glad you did not have pain with the mx, good for you. Knowing what I do now, I would not have opted for the immediately recon which was "sold" to me on the basis that it would be so much easier seeing myself after with the expanders in place. Those em-effers hurt like hell. And with what I have now, I may as well have nothing. Hindsight sure is 20/20! I am happy for you in that you will soon be home soon. What a great idea to pack the car with boxes. I assume you will be flying back home right? Hugs to ya, hang in there as I know it will also be a little sad leaving.

    To all of my other fella loungettes, lots of love and peaceful thoughts...goes for ALL of you onederfoil ladies.

    chEErS mi deARs!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited May 2017

    Dara- such good news that the headaches are gone!

    I am not sure about all black for an interview, especially because it is spring. If you are wearing a black skirt or pants, pair it with a plain colored shirt of some sort. Maybe throw a scarf in for a pop of color? I personally like to stick with really plain outfits for interviews so the person is paying attention to me and not what I am wearing. Be sure it is comfortable though, you don't want to be tugging on your skirt, etc. You want them focused on you and not what you are wearing.

    Good luck!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2017

    oops, bumped ya's Jazzy and Sandy. hidi ho ladies! cheeRs!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2017


    This is the interview dress I've decided on, that is iffen none of you girls object. The dress is just above the knee. And I will be def wearing a pair of comfy black open toed shoes (with kitten size heals, Sandy)...maybe I'll take a selfie for fun once I am decked out tomorrow.

    Good night ladies!