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how about drinking?



  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2017

    oooppps....made a typo. Yes I mean cramps. They are so severe I get woken up and have to jump up and try to flatten my foot and then the cramp eases up. I drink at least 8oz of tonic water per day, most of it at night. It has helped as the cramps are not as intense nor as often as they had been.

    Below freezing WTF...that is cooold for sure. Hope your plants survive the freeze. And what a good idea to try renewing directly with the state. I think they'll still want a signature from the doc. IDK, but it's worth a try.

    Sandy - LOL on the crabs...not! I hope the landscapers get back soon and remove all the debris. Hope they aren't charging you more.

    gotta get pooches to the park...will try and check in later.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    Good morning friends- we have a last gasp of winter moving through here right now. Yesterday was cold rain and overnight, many areas got snow! I woke up to snow flurries this morning, nothing that is sticking but definitely cold out there! My neighborhood association is doing the annual spring clean up today where we pick up trash along the road and bike trails, but decided to opt out. Not the day for that in the end.

    I had a good friend over for dinner last night for "halibut night." We had some fresh halibut served with a mango salsa, some spinach salad, fresh olive oil/rosemary bread, olives and other tapas, strawberry cheesecake ice creme for desert. I served some Sam's Club brand label chardonnay I had (Members Mark) and found that to be a tasty wine for both tapas and dinner. My friend brought me another bottle of rose, she knows I am totally into that right now.

    Goldie- did you get any of this winter storm where you are?

    Chi- I am glad you found out what happened. Sounds like they are going to make things right for you. And I am like you, I only buy when I know I don't have something. I have lots of red wine, people often give me that for gifts so I never buy reds anymore. I really liked the So. African rose, have not tried the other yet? I love a good dry reisling too, harder to find?

    And who has crabs?

    I have plans to visit the spa today for my once a month massage/work on my feet. Will sit in the hot tub first on this rainy cold day. Outside of that, plan to be indoors today.

    Wishing everyone a good final weekend of April. May is coming up quickly!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    Hey, where did spring go?


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2017

    It traded places with February, at least around these parts.

    Whatever I drink with my salmon tonight, I will raise a virtual glass to a friend of mine—a guitar forum member from KY whom I met in real life several times—who passed away unexpectedly (at least to those of us on the forum) Tuesday. We’re still not sure about the cause of death—he hadn’t posted from 2010-16 and surfaced briefly in March 2016 to mention that he was celebrating the fact of his continued existence, considering he'd been “brought back from the dead” earlier. (He did say he didn’t “see the light,” but had some" scary dreams”). He looked pretty good in the accompanying photo, maybe a tad more wrinkled and blond than I remembered him. Back in 2004, he was considerably heavier but not what any of us would have termed seriously obese, and so his announcement a couple of months later that he was undergoing gastric bypass surgery came as a surprise to many of us. He posted six months later that he had lost nearly 100 lbs., and he looked fantastic. Unfortunately, when I last met with him in 2006, he mentioned he was still having problems with being able to eat normal-sized portions and foods, and his doctors were urging him to try to not lose any more weight.

    From his history, to his 2016 post, I suspect he passed from something heart-related. It could also explain why he had gastric bypass with a borderline BMI. His obituary mentioned only his name, date of death, and that he was cremated.

    As to that virtual glass of wine, he loved Pinot Noir, so that’s what it’ll be.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    Chi- I am sorry to hear about your friend's passing.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited April 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Apologies for going MIA yesterday, woke up with a horrible headache, spend the morning working on getting rid of it and the afternoon not doing much of anything to make sure it didn't come back. Still have a crick in my neck, not sure what I've done to trigger all this, but it's all muscular so I know it's not serious, just annoying. Day before yesterday I spend the day getting car stuff taken care of--new summer tires, got the studded tires off, state inspection sticker done, spent a lot of time sitting in waiting rooms reading and waiting, probably over used my right arm holding the Kindle and sitting in odd positions in uncomfortable chairs. Did take myself out to lunch and did get some plants for the terrarium (this afternoon's project).Probably some tension involved, too, given I go back to work tomorrow and will be taking my resignation with me, so the big change has gotten very real.And I have been contacted for an interview for another per diem job with the city Immunization Clinic. I want to have a few options going so when thing are slow at the Hospice company (which happens periodically) I will have other options.Plus I get to do some different stuff, too. So things are moving forward for me, and I'm excited and a bit nervous and so ready for all this.

    Cammy--Wow, I thought I was geographically challenged, you've got me beat!I can at least find my way around my house and my workplace! I am doing well, thank you, and feeling like I have energy to do things, now I just need to get a plan in place so I don't get overwhelmed with all there is to do to declutter the house and never start. That's my big failing, when I get overwhelmed looking at a project I just turn my back and ignore it. At some point I know I will need some help, but I keep reminding myself that I have friends that will help me if I ask, I've just got to get past my pride and make the phone calls.I do remember when docs used Latin, and most medical abbreviations are based on Latin, that's why I took a couple semesters of Latin in college.I got lousy grades, never caught on to the grammar, but I did remember much of the vocabulary and that has made my life easier.Nowadays there is a movement away from using abbreviations and writing everything out in English, so it's getting less useful.

    Ooh, can I keep him??????

    Goldie--I think the dumpster route is going to be the best way to go. I just need to get more info about prices and such.Several people on my road have dumpsters from the same place, I'm going to stop and get the name and number off one of them and check that company out.And I will have the time and energy now, just need to come up with a plan of attack, set some goals and rewards for myself, and get started.

    Jazzy--nice music clip!

    Mema--a dumpster is going to be a necessity for me. Much of the clutter is trash or recycling that I just never think to get taken to the curb.This is a routine I need to get established, unless the dumpster thing can be an ongoing thing, so I can get the trash out of the house at the time I change the trash bags in the trash cans.And we have a "pay as you throw" system, so I have to buy special trash bags at $1 or $1.50 each depending on the size, which is ridiculous to my mind. Yes, I know, renting a dumpster is probably going to cost more than the bags, but if it makes it easier for me, it'll be worth it. HOORAY for NED!Tonic water is a very old remedy for muscle cramps and many other things, and works pretty quickly.

    Chi--Yikes, with the landscaping.I don't know about the rhubarb.

    Hsant--Yes. I am going to give a 2 week notice, and then work per diem for the same company.The workload is such that I can regularly work as much as I want. (I am going to strictly limit working to 24 hours per week) I am also looking at a couple other per diem jobs--one with the city immunization clinic that I've had a request to interview for--as back up.Hospice work can be cyclical, with slow times when using per diem workers isn't appropriate, and I want to have a few other options for those times, and also so I can try some other types of nursing work out for variety. And I am going to take care of myself going forward, cuz if I don't I'll end up seriously sick again and, even worse, my sisters here in the HTL will jump all over me and beat me senseless if I don't!

    Jazzy--spring likes to play hide and seek!

    Chi--so sorry to hear about your friend.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Related image

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited April 2017

    Hi friends- well, winter has started moving out and woke up to a chilly morning (back down into the 30s) and clear skies. Supposed to get up to 60 by this afternoon. Lots of moisture from the past week, but all good, we needed it. I covered a lot of my pots out back, the front ones were on their own. But everything did fine overnight. I hope that is the last bit of winter. That was a big winter storm for so late! I have also seen it snow here around Memorial Day (eek!)

    Went to the first growers market this morning and got some mixed greens, kale, spinach, carrots, onions, beets and radishes. Usual April fare and more will be available May in to June. I usually go once a month sometimes more in the better weather months. Met my friend there for some conversation time too. Love seeing some of the spring/summer rituals return once again!

    NM- sorry to hear about the headache. No doubt being sick and the pressure of returning to work tomorrow to give your notice, plus the way you will be working from now on is a lot for your body, mind and spirit to handle at once? I hope you are feeling better today and good to hear you found some places for per diem work. You will love being able to pick your gigs and remember to try to find balance. Hard to do at first, but your body will show you the way. Sadie will miss having you around, but hopefully see you more again when you get past the next two weeks.

    Mema and Goldie- did you get the big storm that came through here? Seems like it socked the Rockies. I heard from friends all the way up to Wyoming and NM got snow all the way from top to bottom. I think that storm is moving west and heard there are tornadoes in TX now too.

    DARA, DARA, DARA.......

    Hoping everyone is enjoying the last of April.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2017

    We got drenched yesterday and especially last night. The northern end of Lake Shore Drive was flooded—only the center lane was safe, and at its end the intersection of Sheridan & Hollywood looked like a mini-lake. At least they were able to keep a lane open. Dunno how Bob made it through in that low-slung Fusion (the new speed-bump strips in the alley are bad enough—sometimes he gets stuck on them). Our basement made it through, whew, and we didn't lose power or tree limbs. Good thing I hadn't planted tomatoes yet, and that their pots of soil were covered with plastic. By tomorrow night it should be over. Windy, raw (43) here by the lake right now—not a day to walk to & from public transit, not to mention wait on wet & windy platforms to change trains, so we're driving to our friend's birthday party in Evanston and hope we can find a metered space rather than spring for the valet.

    Had brutal reflux last night that woke me up (needed 2 Pepcid Complete on top of the Dexilant I take at bedtime); the acid was horrible—my throat and esophagus were on fire. Didn't get back to sleep till after 6 am, and got up at 11:30. So no alcohol for me today, for both reasons. And no more chips or donuts. (And nothing but my meds w/in 2 hrs of lying down—adios, bedtime snacking of any kind). I hope I won't need hiatal hernia surgery.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited May 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Today is the day the big life change becomes formally made and committed to. Back to work this ayem, have my resignation letter signed and ready to go. Did not sleep very well last night, feeling nervous. Chilly and rainy this ayem, going to be rainy all day, so I can take Sadie to work with me.That will give me an excuse to take a couple of breaks. I expect to spend the morning on the phone with the IT folks, haven't turned on my work tablet for a month, I'm sure I'm locked out by now. Getting caught up with everything is going to take some time and work, too. But that's ok. It will be good to catch up with coworkers and patients.

    Jazzy--I think the headache is partly from nerves and partly from spending so much time on the computer for a couple of days.The muscle cramping is on the right side, the same side I use for the mouse, and my home set up isn't the most ergonomic in the world. Anyway, it's under control now, and I expect will go away once I get into the office and get working on stuff.

    Chi--I know that kind of heartburn attack, NOT fun! I have discovered that a glass of wine in the evening really increases the chances of having heartburn during the night, so am thinking I need to have my glass of wine with dinner and not after. Got to find a way have my wine and uninterrupted sleep.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Image result for rain drink recipe

    Emerald Rain Drink Recipe

    Shake all the ingredients together thoroughly in a shaker with ice. Serve this drink in a chilled cocktail glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2017

    Heidi, I didn't know your dad lived with his brother. So you stayed there with both of them? We will be going to Vegas next Monday, National Hardware Show. My mom is doing the same.

    LDB, gonna get me some tonic water and try it. My plants are fine. Well, you need to have doctors signature on the application for MMJ card. And my onc won't do it. And I think you have to pay that way too.

    Jazzy, we did get a little extra taste of winter, but nothing too bad.

    Sandy, sorry to hear of the loss of your friend. We can all raise a glass. Hoping for no surgery foryou as well.

    NM, hoping today goes smoothly for you. Perhaps starting your decluttering should wait until you know what's going on on the work front, and then get going on it. Perhaps you could just start with one room at a time? And YES, we will beat you senseless iffin you don't take care of YOU!

    Will be a busy day here, Monday's always are!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Happy May--hoping weather is good.

    Sandy I'm very sorry about u'r friend. Oh and heartburn is horrible so I hope any meds help and that's what u need.

    Well NM today is the day, I hope u come back later and tell us what's happening. BTW how long can u keep a dumpster in u'r yard. Cuz it would be terible to have to hurry thru this. It needs time and patience. Hope all goes well with u'r plans--ABSOLUTELY all of u'r plans.

    Heidi well it sounds like u'r really ready to get home and I'm sure u'r DH is waiting. What a wonderful man u have. And I truly hope u can really relax and enjoy every minute of it. And yes NY is a blast for TV.

    SusyQ--Tonic??? I never thought of that, wow this forum has ideas all the time and I'm so glad u mentioned how much and how often, maybe it will help me too. I found on line that hemp has that cd or whatever in it for pain only and it's legal all over the place so I'm going to try that, It's much cheaper than trying to get the whole thing. Something about a license thingy. Happy Happy Happy NED in the house. Always happy to hear that.

    Jazzy u'r dinner sound yummy, u r a great host to company. And u know I hope all goes well with u'r work projects.

    Lori u'r tripping again, good for u. I like to hear when u go somewhere, even a convention. Come to think of it, what do u do with the phones, or have u hired someone new.

    Ugh I'm behind on so many Drs. now, cuz of my D. or now my back chit. I am better at least I can relax more but it's still chitty. I don';t know what to expect anymore. I'm thankful that I can walk more now.

    My phone has been ringing like crazy this morning since 6AM so I've got to get going. See u gals latah,


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited May 2017

    Good morning ladies- been a busy morning over here with the convertible back in to the dealer and some work things. The good news is the collaboration call went better today and moving to get more to the prospect on costs to help them with the assessment for their business case. I also heard from the VP of the local opp and my info is going to the hiring group for review and consideration.

    The not so good news (but something I can deal with) is that the AC system is kapoot on the convertible. The replacement cost for the compressor, lines, etc. was just not feasible so I will live without it. Don't use it that much given the convertible style and the heater runs okay too (important for the winter). They are fixing an oil leak they found last time I did not go for at that time, and then think this car will be where it can be for the summer.

    NM- thinking of you today and hoping your return to work and give notice too goes well. I have never been comfortable giving notice, but sometimes with unreasonable people, a bit more apprehensive. I am glad you have Miss Sadie with you along for the ride, she will love it, you will take the breaks for yourself and with her needs too. Making changes to how you work is scary, but know the leap of faith often has a pay off. You have the solid skills in nursing and ability to do the work. Too bad you don't live here, they are desperate for nurses. NM is having a hard time keeping providers and other clinicians here, especially the rural docs.

    Hsant- I think I had missed your dad was living with his brother. I am sure he misses his brother and will miss you too when you head back to Cali. Does he have kids in the area? You are now in the month of May when you will be going home soon. I am glad you don't have to clean out an entire house.

    Cami- also known as Jazzy's romantic advisor (she does a really good job too ladies), I hope you can get back on track with the apts. I had a break the past couple months and go see the dermatologist in a few weeks, my endocrinologist end of the month. I hope the cortisone shots are helping your back and the steroids everything else? How much time we loose on things when we don't feel well. Sounds like you have a busy Monday with the phones.

    ChiSandy- I have to really watch what I eat and drink after 6 p.m. For the first reason, it leads to me not being able to loose weight and secondly, I often get GERD if I eat or drink too late. I like NM's suggestion of wine with dinner too. That works the best for me as well. My GI tract is not what it used to be. Hoping you feel better.

    Goldie- hope your busy Monday is starting out well. We are sunny and warming up here after the blast of winter. The storm crippled a few areas of the state from SF on up to the Raton Pass into CO and also from here to the TX border. Both areas often get hard hit and freeways close during big storms. I will say seeing snow into late April is not uncommon but that was a much bigger storm than I have ever witnessed.

    Genny, Mema, Pontiac, Dara, KimBurke and everyone else, wishing everyone a good start to May!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2017

    Party was fun, albeit noisy—voice a bit scratchy between talking over the din and Sat. night’s heartburn. Okay pizza (small slices), meatballs, bruschetta with greens (half of each one, ate mostly the greens on the bruschetta). Decent OR Pinot Noir—had one glass between 4-6 pm. Nibbles for dinner at home (matzo w/tuna salad, then a bowl of Cheerios & skim milk). Slept 10+ hrs.! No heartburn, despite not taking an antacid. Only diff. was that I didn’t have wine with dinner, any fried stuff, and nothing w/in 2 hrs. of bedtime; plus I wore my glasses with blue-light blocking lenses while catching up on stuff I’d DVR’ed.

    Gym (ugh) tonight. Sore back & R glute already, so glad my next workout’s not till Thurs. Not gonna step on the scale—hadn’t weighed myself since before the London trip. Don’t wanna know until my clothes start feeling looser again.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited May 2017

    DARA, DARA, DARA.....

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2017

    ….where are you, Dara? How goes the job hunt?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    It's quiet in here.

    OK Sandy u cracked me up again, but u did avoid heartburn, which I never could. One of my favorite things is cheerios and bananas--OK heartburn, but I still like it.

    The call is out for DARA, she'd better come.

    And of course I want to hear everything word for word about NM and work today. This was a big day and I need to know. The New chapter in NM's life--so exciting.

    Oh was I busy today. More people than ever had water problems needing to be bailed out and new sump pumps. I felt so bad for them and I did get the guys out at 6PM to go to a house to see if they could help them tonite. I'm so bossy, I don't mean to be, but I feel bad. And for some unknown reason they listen to me. Why weren't the men in my life like that, I screwed up somewhere. BUT I do know it means money for them so I guess it's kind of double sworded. <sp>. Anyway I ran my battery out, which is usually not a problem, so my ear is ringing on it's own now. As usual. We really have been having a lot of rain, saw the sun for a bit this morning then it went back in and rain came around again. Not windy here tho just rain.

    OK waiting to hear about NM, hope it all went well.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    Good Morning Ladies,

    I know this is silly but I slept a total of almost 6hrs combined last nite, OMG my pain is localized to mostly one side now in one leg, with no super sharp pains constantly--I always really hate to say much <jinx>--I still need pain meds but not just sitting in one position all the time all propped up. And I can walk without stopping and sitting along the way I have been really concentrating on Hemp with CBD trying to find out all about it and getting it. I found out this is the part of pot that's the pain reliever, but since this is all legal I can order it or try to find it but now my problem is finding hemp with CBD. I think this is correct but if anyone knows anymore please let me know cuz I'm out of my element here <OK I know> Altho my pain meds do really help now-this Dr. for whatever reason doesn't believe in them much--I told you he's pushing for an operation--and after my track record for ops. and anesthesia, I'm not going for that. Another thing is he's not attainable for things unless u'r in his office to personally get anything. And as u do talk about it he just gives u a condosending look-someone please tell me what to do. OK my big question for the day.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited May 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!First day back to work went pretty well. They tried to get me to take the weeknight on call position (on call from 5 peeyem to 8 ayem Mon through Thurs).Full time with benefits).You all would be proud of me, I said No. The few social things I have going on are in the evenings, and I saw how Clinical Manager #1 gave the overnight nurse late day admissions several evenings a week, then would be up all night writing it up. Apparently they are having trouble filling the position, so it will still be there if I decide a month from now that I do want to do that kind of work. I also told them I was not going to take call on a regular basis, $30 for 8 hours isn't worth it once taxes are taken out.Overall I feel pretty good about how yesterday went.Was some tired by the time I got home, though. I was surprised how many people came up to me to welcome me back AND to tell me to not let myself be overworked!

    Goldie--the major decluttering is going to start after my last full time day, the 12th.I do plan to work on one room at a time.Several people on my road have dumpsters, I got the name off one on the way home yesterday, this company has a residential program with amonthly pickup, I've contacted them to find out what the cost is. I'm thinking this will be perfect, can take the trash out as soon as it's bagged, can toss in bigger items than the curbside pick up allows, won't have to buy special bags.

    Cammy--I think I've found a way to have a dumpster permanently, and have it emptied once a month. Other places generally rent by the week, which would have been a bit of a rush unless I paid more for a longer time. Which I am willing to do, but having a permanent dumpster would help me keep up with stuff once I get the major decluttering done. A big part of my problem is not putting the trash and recycling out on the appropriate mornings cuz I forget.So glad you can walk better now!

    Jazzy--sorry to hear about the convertible AC being kaput. Some things just aren't worth the $ to fix. Giving my notice went well since it wasn't a surprise to anyone in management.I did put my foot down about not going into home of smokers, and made it a permanent restriction. That does mean I can't see one patient I've gotten very fond of, and is going to create some scheduling issues, but they are doing the same thing for one of the nurses who is very allergic to dogs, so I refuse to feel guilty.

    Chi--Sounds like a good party, and no heartburn is good, too and sleeping through the night is even better!Don't blame you about not looking forward to the next workout.

    Cammy--so many people needing new sump pumps, you must be getting a LOT of rain.I think you are sweet to bully the guys into going out at night to help people. I'm glad the meds are helping with the pain. I'm thinking Dara can help you with the CBD/hemp questions.Your doc sounds like an egotistical PIA.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Image result for marijuana drink recipes

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    NM waiting for u'r post. Yesterday sounds really good for u. And I knew everyone would be so glad to see u out and feeling good again. AND u held u'r ground, which I really knew u would, but I think u are so compassionate u might have faltered. But this is great now. And u can look forward to a better life now. It's good u have the dumpster for anytime so u don't feel any rush on doing u'r cleaning. It's a much better feeling I'm just so happy for u;

    OK I'll be back.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2017

    Cami yes, I'm trippin again. I really don't even want to go. As for our phones, I am answering them. I'm glad you are getting around better. What has done that for you? I still can't believe they can't figure out why you have the "D" all the dern time. There is a difference in cannabis and hemp, different plants. Hemp doesn't have THC in it, which is what gets you high.

    Jazzy, things are sounding good on the work front for you. Sorry about the AC on your sweet ride. You got way more weather than we did, it was pretty mild to say the least.

    Sandy, nice that you got a good nights sleep and no heartburn!

    NM, so glad things went well at work and you said NO to the night time on call. I can see where they would take advantage of someone there. Love the liquid MJcocktail.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited May 2017

    Good morning friends- good to hear from a few since I checked in yesterday.

    The good news to share is that gig I put in for locally is moving fast. I have a call with the CIO on Friday, whoot whoot. Hopefully that will lead to an in person meeting to follow. This one is moving fast and I like it. The local one may be PT as well as the one out on the west coast so I may have two at once. My thought on the collaboration work is I may do that first project with them due to wanting a foot in the door with this org, but am giving myself permission to opt out for the longer term. That is the good thing about being a freelancer, picking and choosing my work as I go along. Feast for famine sometimes too?

    Today is going to be an at home day with some house things to do. It is possible I will also get my car back later today and going to talk with her about behaving for awhile with all the repair stuff. She is 17 years old and things are just wearing out (like my 57 year old body does too, lol). With the car out of the garage, going to tackle more garage stuff today.

    Oh and my plans for Cinqo de Mayo seem to be falling through as my friend I was going to see lost his gig on Friday at a local brewery. ABQ is doing an infrastructure project that has torn up a major business artery in the city and the businesses are really suffering as a result. So they are cancelling the summer music at a number of venues for the spring and summer. Looking for an alternative to get together with folks, but seeing from some of the folks I invited that this may not happen. I may try to catch up with some other folks I have not seen in awhile instead. Jazzy will have her night out!

    NM- sounds like things went well yesterday, but it also sounds like these guys continue to offer you unappealing situations. Maybe just good to see that for what it is. And $30 for 8 hours of on call? Wouldn't that make it less than minimum wage if you had to work the whole time? I know on call goes with some types of jobs (never been interested in doing systems support just for that very reason). And good job about creating the boundaries around the smokers, that would be a killer for me too. And no doubt you were tired, just pace yourself this week as best you can.

    Goldie- have you talked to your DD since her visit? Hope she is doing well.

    Cami- what operation does your doc want to have? I totally am surgery adverse, although after having a couple life saving ones, do realize there are times you need it. I don't do well with the anesthesia either. Sounds like work is super busy. I like that they listen to you. My collaboration guys don't to start, but always end up taking my advice. I am the only woman on the team.

    Gotta get going to my day, will check in later since the call is out for a few folks! I think Dara is busy looking for work now that she is feeling better. Which I am so glad to hear. I like seeing my sisters here doing well.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2017

    Not much sleep last night, due to going to bed at 1 instead of later (had slept in yesterday morning) and getting strange toe pains in my R foot (the L one is the problem child). Tossed and turned for a couple of hrs. before getting up, watching some archived TV, and eating a couple pieces of cheese (after spending quite a bit of time cutting off the moldy parts and re-wrapping in fresh “cheese paper”) and jamon Serrano. Problem, too, was that I’d set my alarm so I could take Gordy to the airport (he’s going to NOLA for Jazzfest) and then do a Silver Sneakers class. I always have trouble getting good sleep if I know I have to be up early or even know I have an alarm set. Woke up only to find he’d already taken an Uber—guess he forgot I’d offered to take him,

    Speaking of Silver Sneakers, I’m trying it today because I’m up, and not yet sore from last night’s workout. Surprised I hadn’t gained weight, what with Passover, Easter and my carb holiday (including evaluating two of the luxury donut chains in town). It was my trainer’s first day back, too; had I known he didn’t have his meniscus surgery till last week, I’d have booked sessions for the week before that.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    Good Morning Ladies.

    Where is everyone?????????

    Sandy sorry about the sleeping, isn't it funny how when we all were younger that never cam in play for how our day went. U were going to go to the airport for u'r DH, so nice in my book. Never drove there it's like an insane asylum for drivers. I can't even stand going there. I think u'r busy enough not to gain weight, which is a plus.

    Jazzy u sound like things are coming together for u'r job. Like to hear that. I'm sure u'r mind is going a mile a minute thru all this and u always pull thru and of course I hope this one is not only profitable, but not to hard on u also.

    My PCP <reg.> Dr. emailed me last nite to see how I was and she is going to fill my script for pain meds. I thought once I was with another Dr. for this shewould let him do it, but she says she knows what I'm going thru. And also she wants the names of the surgeons this new Dr. recommended so she could possible help me thru this. I guess all these drs. do this but I am so grateful to her to reach out and help me more. I don't take as many pain meds as before, but I still need them to help me. Oh decisions, I don't like them.

    OK DARA is not here, I just hope she's doing OK at least and busy with life--that's what she should be doing.

    Oh talk about Vintage TV, I'm watching Sundance and every early morning they have old shows on. This morning is All in the Family--so that's fun for me. It's funny, but now I think how could anyone be married to this character, ever.

    OK check back later.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited May 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Another decent day at work yesterday, if all days were like this I could keep working full time and still have a life. NO, I am NOT considering going back to full time, I know this careful treatment wouldn't last. And I am so looking forward to having days off during the week for me and Sadie to do what we want. I've been jotting down various projects I want to do around the house as I see them, many will be done during decluttering, some will be projects for after that, but I'm excited tobe seeing a way to get the house back in decent shape and being able to keep it that way. And taking the kayak out. And starting a walking program. Life looks good!

    Cammy--I must have bumped you into the pool yesterday!It feels really good to put myself first instead of the job.I thought it would be a lot harder, I was brought up with a very strong work ethic. But I'm getting so much positive feedback about the change that I'm more and more glad I am doing this. I did agree to stay on call for July 4th, but that's as much so I don't have to go to Mom & Dick's and spend the day with their neighbors like they do. Very nice people, the neighbors, but I have so little in common with any of them that it's kind of boring for me. This way I get out of a boring day without hurting anyone's feelings, and if there isn't much going on I can go get a free lunch and visit for a little bit.

    Goldie--I was amused yesterday when an e-mail went out saying that certain on call shifts need to be covered because I am no longer taking call, but my resignation hasn't been officially announced by management yet!Not that it's any secret, of course, but every other resignation or change has been announced via e-mail by the Director.I've gotten the feeling that my leaving case management work is creating a bit of a staffing problem, and I've heard that some people are refusing/resisting going to the more distant parts of mysoon to be former territory. A month ago that wouldhave made me feel very guilty. Now I am just shrugging and moving on. Not my circus, not my monkeys.

    Jazzy--Hooray for having 2 projects working out for you! And I can see how the freelance work world can be feast or famine. But you have so much control, and working hard and long hours when you choose to is very different from having to just to keep up with expectations.The $30 for 8 hours of call is for being available by phone, per labor laws the company doesn't have to pay us for that at all, which is how they get away with paying $30 for 15 hours of on call (5 peeyem to 8 ayem)If we get called in we get a per visit pay and mileage for travel. I look at as the equivalent of $2 per hour.When we got $5 per hour of call I got around $50 after taxes for a 15 hour overnight call, and that at least was somethingthat I could see. I will continue to pace myself.

    Chi--What is Silver Sneakers?It sounds like an exercise program for seniors.I'm thinking of looking for something like that next winter. I'm going back to my walking program May 13th, but I don't always do as well with that in the winter, also looking for more social activities now that I will have time for living a life. I hear you about not sleeping well when you have to get up earlier than usual. I'm the same way.

    Cammy--good to hear you aren't needing as many pain pills, and really good to hear that your PCP is going to reach out to the surgeons and help make that move along. Not all doctors will do that. I remember All in the Family.Funny show.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Big Wednesday Cocktail


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited May 2017

    Good morning friends- Looks like it is going to be another beautiful day here! Early May is stellar in New Mexico but more weather coming this weekend. I hope it is just rain and no snow?

    Today, I am going to head out this morning to pick up a screen from Pella windows I took in for repair, and take it to another place to re-screen. They told me they would get it done in a week or 10 days, but after three weeks, I was pretty much told the techs were busy and did not have time to do it. Although I love the windows, this is my second experience with their people that has left me unimpressed. Found another place that can get it done in two days and bringing it to them this morning. I may need to get the other screens done with time, so I need a good resource for this. I am always amazed how the simple things with house stuff turn out to be a big hassle; the joy of home ownership.

    Cami- I don't have the Sundance channel, but do watch the old shows on MeTV. I love all the 70s stuff they have, I watch the Love Boat there a lot, but also other shows. Reminds me of happy times. I loved the 70s.

    And any doctors that help us around anything are to be appreciated! I feel that way about my endocrinologist. My PCP is less involved with me these days, but do know PCPs have tabs on us through the electronic health records. I am glad you don't have to take a lot of pain meds, but know you need help to manage that too?

    My guess too is Dara is busy getting back to work, I hope she is getting some interviews and bet she will surface soon!

    NM- I LOVE that you are creating some new routines for yourself. A walking program, the kayak coming out, list of projects to do in the future all sound good to me. Very interesting that they have not announced your resignation yet. That is likely for "damage control". I am hearing a similar story from my sister at her job with a bunch of people leaving her healthcare group. Well, you did your part and they can figure out what to do for the future. And I think you are right they will be nice for a bit, but the SOS will return. You are going to create a better work model for yourself that will give you more control of your schedule and allow you to take care of YOU!

    I had to laugh too about taking call for July 4th to avoid a party you don't want to go to. I use work excuses all the time for things like that. Sorry, have a deadline, nope, got a go live, etc. You and Sadie might have a nicer time hanging out at home and doing what you please. I am not good at being at parties and making small talk anymore with people I don't know well and have nothing in common with.

    Sandy- glad you took a bit of a break from your work out routine. I am swimming 40-50 lengths every other day right now. Yesterday, I had no mojo to do anything either so it was my day off. Today I am going for 50 and made a joke about being ready for senior Olympics to my FB community, but now people are encouraging me to sign up! It is in July, and not enough time to train and won't be the right time with projects starting soon, but maybe next year? I am working my way up to doing 70 at some point, which I did years ago and it represents a mile of swimming. I am building endurance and speed as I go along.

    Attached is a photo of a new planter with some succulents I planted yesterday and put on my patio table. Wishing everyone a good day!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    Oh I love these posts.

    NM u seem really great with only good thoughts and organizing what u'r time will be like. Hmm didn't mention u'r resignation, well we probably know why--and don't fall their all the kindness, it the old don't throw roses at me, cuz there are thorns on them. But u already know that. Kayak, that's in water right--I'm such an athlete. Now that's kind of scary to me, but WTF if u love it then go for it. All sounds good to me.

    Jazzy 7 laps, I honestly think u can do it without much more work involved. But as u start u'r jobs I know u don't have that type of workout schedule--but again u will do it. Pretty pic. so nice to have a yard to display what u enjoy.

    See u gals latah

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    OK I actually took a full shower and washed my hair and doing clothes, well I hurt some but I'm glad I did all that at least. Now I've got on Jersey devil on TV--see how my moods change. LOL

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited May 2017

    Cami- can't you see NM kayaking down the river and me swimming beside her?

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited May 2017

    Good morning, ladies. Not much going on here. Just finishing up everything I need to do, and seeing friends before I take off in a couple of weeks. Speaking of friends, I texted Mary a few days ago, and she's in Florida with her DH, having a blast.

    Sue, I hope the tonic is still helping your leg cramps.

    Jazzy, the dinner that you prepared for your friend sounds delish! Rose is super trendy right now. I love a nice, crisp Pinot rose during the summer.

    My uncle has a daughter and son (who's married, with an 8 year old daughter) who live in the area. My uncle and cousins have been amazing since my dad passed away. My cousin's wife took care of pretty much everything with respect to sitting Shiva, when I wasn't in an emotional position to do anything.

    I'm sorry about the AC on your convertible, but I would think that you keep the top down when it's warm, and maybe crank the heat (with the top down) when it's cold?

    Congrats on your new work opportunity!

    Native, good for you for saying NO to being the night time on call nurse! It's important to have your time with friends and other social activities. It sounds like your co-workers know how hard you've worked, and are supportive of you. It also sounds like your supervisors are walking on egg shells around you, terrified of losing you for good! You, Ms. Native appear to be calling the shots!

    Now, that has to feel good. Yes, life looks great!

    Cami, it's great that you have a doc who truly knows your history, looks out for you and has your best interest at heart. There are so many crappy doctors out there, who take the path of least resistance, and don't look at medical history. Very scary.

    The doc who's condescending? Get rid of him/her. What's his/her's specialty. Is he/she a surgeon? Just gonna say that my dad would always say that surgery is the last option, not the first. Unless there's nothing that will cure the disease/ ailment,/ pain, etc. and/or your life is truly at risk, then you opt for surgery. Given your history with anesthesia and surgery, one would think that doctor would take that into consideration.

    Goldie, yep, lived with the 80 plus crowd for 5 years. It's a bone of contention for me, because I was cooking, cleaning for the "boys", and while it was a pleasure doing this for my dad, I resented that his kids never stepped up to the plate for their dad. My uncle still works and is completely independent, but he's 84. Anyway, my uncle had his 4th heart attack last September, around the same time that my dad was hospitalized and ultimately put into hospice. I had to make very, very clear that I had my hands full with my dad, and would not be able to care for my uncle in any way. I mean, shit! I live almost 3000 miles from home, gave up a career and compromised my marriage for my dad (all worth it), so why can't his children, who live within a five mile radius take care of their father?

    Nice that your heading out to Vegas next week. Hopefully, you and your DH will have time to play, and it won't be all work!

    Dara, hope all is well on your end.

    Wishing everyone a happy Hump day!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2017

    Hello mese bresties!!

    It's been close and above the 90's last few days. Still too much wind, but I'll deal with it.

    NM - so friggin happy for you. Hope you have a great 'return to work day'.

    Jazz - did not get the ugly weather, am thankful for that…heck, I'm happy and thankful that I open my eyes every morn n say 'Yes, thank you Lord, for my continued breathing.' My dh is a huge veggie fan. I, on the other hand, am very picky. For instance, he loves brussel sprouts…not me, uhuh, nada, nothing to do with them.

    Sandy - glad the storms spared your basement. OMG, I kno about the horrible acid reflux. I take a nexium in the morning. Nurse said it needs 1 hour to do it's PPI stuff, then I eat and take the rest of my day pills. Yest I had a horrible day. Dizzy, off kilter, head/ear ache. My jaw has been locking up on me last sev days, think it may b the cause of my 'out of sorts' feeling. Feel better today tho.

    Am really liking those DOTDs ya'll been posting. Have put on a few pounds so gotta cut my drinking down. I been drinking 3-4 per day. Cutting back to 2 a day and see if it helps.

    Loweee - oh how I wish I could make to LV to gibs ya a hug, but…guess u'll hafta get ur DH to gibs u 1 for me.

    I know I'm missing several of you…but dh jes got back from his Geezer games…got laundry going, it's going to be a busy day for me.

    Happy HUMP day….lubslubslubslubs