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how about drinking?



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2017

    okay then, an objection, had a feeling. going to plan B, stay tuned.s

    I am glad that you are ok Sandy, scary stuff. Take Jazzy's advise and don't go so long without nourishment since you are hypoglycemic.

    chit, plan B is a little of a skimpy dress. Perhaps slacks? But have to find the only ones that fit since I uhhh, i tink I gained some weight these past few months. ughhhh.

    thanks Jazzy, back to my pursuit of the right outfit.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2017

    Actually, I’m not usually hypoglycemic. This was an isolated incident.

    Dara, I’m with Jazzy—either a bright scarf or one smart “statement” piece will take the “little black dress” connotation away from a black dress. I love to wear black (it’s slimming)—have worn a black blazer (closed) and skirt or pants to court, with pearls.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Wow I slept thru everything last nite and there's so much going on here.

    Sandy I would definitely talk to u'r dr. about this. It's u'r body reminding u to eat and drink properly <chit I should talk> It probably was a one time thing, but it's just good to talk about it. That almost sounds like my anxiety attacks actually, but that's just me. And I so enjoyed u'r last sentence. LOL

    Oh Dara u need some decisions here. Listen to Jazzy and Sandy they really know that world of interviews and what to wear. BTW that dress is adorable and wedding worthy if u think about it, with the right jewelry it would work great. <I'm all about jewelry stuff> Anyway it's kinda sexy, and u don't want to give that impression at first, that comes with the 2nd meeting or when u start work--then u lay it all down. And I'm jealous of all who can wear any type of heals, Chit my girls threw my clogs out and I liked those shoes, falling to much has a way of terminating different types of shoes. OK now next pic. of what u'r planning on wearing--U're going to nail that job anyway u go.

    NM this is the final countdown being Friday eve. Must feel a little crazy inside but a good crazy, I'm sure. And just in time for some good weather coming. It is right??? This is so exciting for all of us.

    Well we know what Peggy is doing with all of her men standing in line, so she's busy. Again I'm jealous, oh not of the men, just anyone standing in line to see me.

    Sandy I didn't hear the storm at all, I've gotten the luxury of sleeping again. That's my excitement. Sandy just take it a little easy for now.

    Jazzy u've got some meetings to do and places to go and this is where more Adrenalin seeps in--like u need more... Oy vey.

    Heidi I'm watching NY Housewives now <taped it> here they go hahaha


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    Image result for google images of recipes with vodka Just in case--here's a DOTD

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2017

    Good morning gals!

    Well it looks like I will be wearing a pair of black slacks with a black and white blouse. I still have not found the pants I want to wear but have another pair that will work.

    I just heard back from a recruiter who found me on LinkedIn and I have a tele-interview tomorrow morning. It is with yet another very local mortgage company. There are not that many around here; many are located in PA about an hour away and I am trying to stay away from them. The one I am going to today is only five minutes away. I contacted a former coworker via text yesterday, his name is Eric, to advise him that he may get a call for a reference. Eric is the friend who referred me to the job that I interviewed for back in Dec which turned out to be a part time job. Turns out that he used to work with the person who is interviewing me today and he told me to tell her that he and I go way back. I am happy about that since Eric is a great guy, a great worker AND it helps to have a connection to talk about! I can tell her that he just had a beautiful baby girl! Stay tuned as that is enough about me, eh?

    I am missing Lori and NM this morning.

    Cam, glad you got some good sleep last night and also slept through some bad weather. And yes, I am glad to have the advise of Jazzy and Sandy (thanks Ladies, you gals are de best)!

    Well gonna lay down and grab a few hours of sleep, did not go to bed last night until 4 aye em and up at 7:30 aye em.

    Enjoy the day mese lovelies!


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited May 2017

    Good morning friends- got a busy day ahead, more on the personal front. Swim lesson at noon, going to call my nephew to chat with him about his work stuff, a final belated birthday get together on a rooftop bar in town. Martini's on the rooftop!

    Dara- hoping you knock em dead today in the interview! Let us know you think it went when you are ready? But also don't stop, you may need a few of these under your belt before the right job comes along. I know you are going to find the perfect thing! Things are getting better for you now......

    NM- hoping your interview yesterday went well and that your slide to the end of things with this place is easy. I saw this meme below today and thought of you. Onward to the new chapter awaiting you sister! I hope you will go do something nice for yourself this weekend to celebrate!

    Cami- it is always nice to be the center of anyone's attention, yes? I saw a guy at the post office smiling at me while I was doing a transaction the other day. Then we were parked next to each other in the parking lot and he was admiring my convertible. Peggy has em lining up too, and think something happens to people in the spring?

    Oh I love martini's but think a cake martini would be too sweet? I have had a chocolate martini though.......

    Gotta run but back later gators


  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338
    edited May 2017

    Dara, I like the dress for the wedding. It's so pretty. I also wouldn't wear a little black dress for an interview either. Skirt and blouse or slacks and blouse get my vote. Fingers crossed.

    Mema, I'm so sorry about your stepmom. I suspect you shouldn't wait until July to see her if at all possible.

    My wines were both good. My friend and I tried them both. The raspberry was very berry :) but I liked it. The rose was good too.

    Guy #2 and I are going out for dinner (don't know if it is Mickey D's or what) and a movie Saturday night. He is the first guy I've had who called just to chat and say good night. Quite a surprise. We'll see what happens. #2DS thinks he's a keeper since he has a boat (my son's only criteria!). I have more criteria than that.

    Sandy, I think you are probably wise to not travel alone anymore. Especially when you don't really have people expecting you on the other end. Sometimes we have to adjust our lives to a new reality. Not always easy.

    Today's the last warm day for quite some time. Storms later today and then tomorrow 20°F colder than today. Swell.

    Happy Thursday everyone.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2017

    Peggy, this wasn’t the first time this happened over the past few years. Several times after gigs, while packing up and loading the car; once on New Year’s Eve after arriving home from a brisk walk and going to the cellar to fetch some bubbly; when I had a 5th fl. dressing room for the Bar Show one year; and also after an evening Bar Show performance when I rushed to get cleaned up, dressed, and back to my car before the parking garage closed (that one was the scariest, because it set in while I was behind the wheel).

    After the New Year’s Eve incident, Bob insisted I go see our PCP. He did an EKG that showed nothing abnormal, but ordered a bunch of heart tests (nuclear imaging, treadmill stress, and echo) that also turned out negative. So on a hunch, he had me hold my breath (a “Valsalva maneuver,” for the nurses reading this) while he listened to my heart and then told me—while he was still holding the stethoscope to my chest—to breathe again. He repeated this and then told me I have “intermittent mitral valve prolapse:” he heard a murmur after I released my breath each time. He said it happens to me not during but after physical stress. I asked what I should do about it (other than avoiding stress) and he said “Make sure you have something soft nearby to plop down on.” He also said I was “de-conditioned.” That episode was also the impetus to start a low-carb diet (and have my other knee replaced), but four years later my weight is nearly back where it started.

    So you see why I so dread the loading-and-unloading, schlepping, hill-climbing, yada yada—especially with no comfy couch or gym massage table on which to safely fall down. I was okay flying to & from London alone, as I had plenty of chances to rest—but every time I saw something awesome, I kept turning around to say “Look, Bob!” but he wasn’t there. A cushy hotel room can sometimes be okay when alone, but it gets really lonely. (And at a conference, I’m at the mercy of my roomie’s sleep habits—and last year, we stayed up very late drinking good red wine and gossiping. I’ll miss the wine and gossip, of course, but not the impaired sleep schedule). Still waiting to run this past my PCP (especially since I’m almost certainly going to start taking a statin) and hope he agrees with me that I shouldn’t push myself beyond my body’s and emotional limits. Besides, Bob & I have a nice getaway to NYC coming up in less than 3 weeks.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    I'm back---

    Jazzy why would u take a swim lesson, it seems to me you should be teaching and BTW the DOTD was a quick choice since I didn't see NM on here today and I wonder why now. LOL for the DOTD

    Peggy I like your sons criteria for a good man for you. Good thing u have more sense, but he does sound good. Have a great time Sat.

    Sandy I actually understood some of what u were saying about your heart and u really need not to go with all the physical stuff u have to do. Besides u'r trip with u'r DH sounds more rewarding and romantic for you and it's something u should really enjoy. You want to be in top form that NYC.

    Been busy today, on the phone way to much and again we're back to 24/7 on the web iste, which I just found out about--yea like they're going to get up during the nite and do a job and I tld him if I'm relaxing right forget the phone--I'll get it in voicemail--Oh such a bad employee and I don't feel guilty either. LOL

    OK I hope we hear from DARA AND NM.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited May 2017

    Good evening, Loungettes!Made and early start at work this ayem, trying to get caught up on some backloggedpaperwork. Then wound up with a long visit and a long drive. All-in-all another very long day. And it's looking like tomorrow will be another very long day. But it will be the very last one!Clinical Manager 2 sent an email, I am expected to write at least 9 notes for the big Tuesday meeting. These need to be done by end of the day Monday.My plan is to go in Monday, and work on those and only then go make visits. It will be the first real push back from me.I'm not surehow it will go over, but that is case manager work and I told them very plainly that I am not going to case manage anymore. I have flat out told CM 2 that I am NOT working this weekend. Her response was "well, maybe you can find some time during the evenings. It won't take very long, and we CMs can't do it all."Not my circus, not my monkeys. I'll do it during paid time or not at all. Management needs to see that writing those notes are part of the workload, not an extra they get for free.The interview yesterday went really well, I think. I'm pretty sure I'll be taken on, but they do have to go through the references check and license verification and such. And the Wednesday, Women and Wine get-together was a lot of fun!Only 4 of us, one I hadn't met before, but we had a blast gabbing and gossiping. The venue was disappointing, service was very slow, manyitems on the menu were not available (both food and wine), I really wanted to try a glass of Dragonfly's Raspberry Riot (Dragonfly is a local winery) but they didn't have any.I did get a glass of Dragonfly Cherry wine, that was so good I had a second!Usually I try a couple different wines.Another local winery, Cellar Door, is having a free tasting and pairings on Sunday, I'mpretty sure I'm going to go.Life is looking fun!

    Cammy--You can go on and on all you want, I love reading what you write! I am enjoying the longer daylight, but do wish for less rain. I'm sure sunny weather is coming, I just wish it would get here.Needing to run the furnace for heat into May is not my idea of fun. But it is what it is, right? Oh my goodness, you're a moaner?Well, that should get you some sympathy when you are out in public! A walrus attacking something? What a sound THAT must be! Surely Joey is exaggerating just a tad? Praying your neighbor recovers quickly and completely.

    Dara--Lovely dress and shoes!I bet you will look wonderful in that outfit! Good luck with the interview.

    Mema--Thanks for the hugz!Oh, my, I am so sorry to hear about your stepmom. I hope you get to see her one more time.

    Jazzy--I think it's great that you've had this time to focus on yourself and are feeling better. I hope you can carry some of that through when you get back to working on projects. Apparently signs of exhaustion do show, and people do see them.I wonder how many others are thinking of escape plans, I know there are fewer full timers to cover all the on call time.The Director announced a $2,500 bonus for the weeknight on call position. And I saw an e-mail making a case for increasing the on call pay considering how much on call time there is now. That will be interesting to follow. I've already told them that I am not interested in call coverage cuz the pay isn't enough. I'm wondering if I'm seeing the beginnings of a serious crisis in the office.

    Hsant--It is hard to think about Auntie declining. Thanks for the hugs.

    Jazzy--cruise ships are very accommodating.People in wheelchairs and on scooters get around them just fine. I'm not sure Auntie will use anything like that or not, she's been resistant to using any sort of adaptive devices so far. She and her daughter will work that out, I'm sure.

    Chi--drinking too much water too fast will give you all kinds of problems!Glad you were with the trainer who knew what to do. I hearyou about traveling alone. I prefer to travel with someone, but since that's not possible most of the time I have learned to enjoy traveling alone. I do worry about things like getting stuck somewhere or getting hurt or sick, so part of my travel planning is figuring out how to get help in those situations, making sure I have my insurance info, and so far I've never had a real problem. All that schlepping around sounds stressful, would take a lot of the fun out of a trip for me. Good idea to talk to the PCP.

    Dara--I am so glad you are still headache free!I think the black dress might look a tiny bit too dressy. Do you have a brightly colored vest or jacket or sweater you could wear with it?

    Cammy--I HOPE good weather is coming!Next predicted sunny day is next Wed. Sigh. But that's ok, it'll come and I WILL get to enjoy it!

    Great drink!Thanks, Cammy!

    Jazzy--I LOVE the "Day 4 of the hostage situation",it is soooooo true!

    Peggy--your son sounds easy to please!

    Chi--I think that you are probably right to skip the gig, and I don't think you need your PCP's ok to skip it. Although it is a good idea to talk to your PCP about the whole thing. And you do have this nice NYC getaway coming up!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2017

    Winemaker dinner tonight, “Flavors of France.” Aperitif and with pate, Domaine Schlumberger Pinot Blanc (Alsace); with a seared tuna Lyonnaise salad, Domaine Schlumberger Riesling (Alsace, bone-dry); with roast chicken breast & leg confit on panzanella waffle, Regnard Cotes de Beaune (Burgundy, Pinot Noir); with ribeye filet, Brussels sprouts and crouton, Carpe Diem Cabernet Sauvignon (Napa Valley—very soft & approachable); and with bananas Foster profiterole & salted caramel gelato, Scharffenberger Brut (Anderson Valley, Mendocino County).

    As recently as a year before my diagnosis, I felt fine with doing long drives by car alone; I still had an HC placard from my knee replacement surgery and bursitis, so no long schleps up the hill; and I had my singing partner to perform with and solicit gigs in the Southeast & mid-South. I wasn’t old enough for Medicare yet. But who am I kidding—I’m not about to drive to the Southern states to perform solo, and venues can’t get an idea of what we sound like just by hearing me. I’m not on any panels or doing mentoring, either. Moreover, I haven’t written anything new in over a year. And the buffets at the conference, while full of salads and proteins, are a landmine of Southern desserts (mmmm…coconut cake…pecan pie) and country cooking, with little-to-no fruit. My sleep is screwed up enough as it is, too. I will run it by my PCP tomorrow, and then break the news to the powers-that-be. (My roomie should be happy to have a room to herself that is all paid for, though we’ll both miss dishing & drinking). Local 1000 will have to find someone else to facilitate my hourlong Sat. night song circle (“facilitate” is a very loose definition, considering that everyone is willing to sing), and Musicians United to Protect Bristol Bay (AK) already has my salmon song on its website. There are so many new attendees who were unable to find showcase slots that mine won’t go to waste.

    The difference between this year and last year (besides the brutally long drives and the “weak-and-dizzies” attack)? A whole year on letrozole, plus 10 extra lbs., and no singing partner to share the performing load. (If you’re used to opening your mouth and hearing harmony come out, as well as swapping joke lines and guitar riffs, their absence is stark). And I’m a whole year older.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited May 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Dragging my butt out of bed, and SO happy this is the last Friday I will be doing this! I just pray this is not going to end up being a long day.Not much chance of that, but I can hope, and keep reminding myself that it's the last time. Ever. Got some disappointing news this ayem. After closing out the mortgage my credit score went DOWN! The credit monitoring site says I don't have enough open loans and credit cards.In short, my credit went down cuz I don't owe enough money!What a crazy system THAT is! Glad I don't really care too much about that score.

    Chi--That was some meal!I hope it was as good as it sounds. A year can make a lot of difference, can't it? Don't blame you for not going, although the desserts sound very yummy. Long drives can wear you out, it's surprising how tiring just driving is.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Image result for friday drink recipes

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2017

    Good morning girls,

    I got up bright and early and composed a thank you note for the girl that conducted my interview. I do think it went well but there is more competition than I'd like :( They are hiring just two employees and there were at least ten people on the list of people to be interviewed. AND two of those ten were former coworkers of mine who left shortly before I did and both went to which is an internet mortgage company.

    I would love to secure this job but refuse to get my hopes up too high. I spend a number of hours researching the company, along with others I may pursue. What I found on the company I interviewed with yesterday is great stuff. The company has many awards for being a great place to work including Phila Magazine, the Phila Biz Journal, a number of

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2017

    Trying again ...

    Good morning girls,

    I got up bright and early and composed a thank you note for the girl that conducted my interview. I do think it went well but there is more competitio.n than I'd like :( They are hiring just two employees and there were at least ten people on the list of people to be interviewed. AND two of those ten were former coworkers of mine who left shortly before I did and both went to which is an internet mortgage company.

    The person that interviewed me was overweight yet she had on a dress that was prolly ten inches above her very ugly knees! She was nice enough though. So, I would love to secure this job but refuse to get my hopes up too high. I spend a number of hours researching the company, along with others I may pursue. What I found on the company I interviewed with yesterday is great stuff. The company has many awards for being a great place to work including Phila Magazine, the Phila Biz Journal, a number of "Kansas" publications and Forbes! I was very impressed with the personnel that I saw and the building was really nice. I will pray for God's will be be done and fulfill my employment needs with His will, not mind! I am recalling a sermon I heard in church many years ago when my daughter was young and in Catholic school ... a sermon that stuck. It talked about expectations and disappointment and how to avoid disappointment by not having high expectations. Another sermon I recall is a story about two mean atheist and a believer were arguing whether or not there is a God. The two men got into a huge debate when the believer finally stated "Hey, what do you have to lose if you are wrong? Then the asked "and what do I have to lose if I am wrong". Loved that one. I do miss t he peace that I felt in going to church on Sundays.

    KK, gonna continue so I dont lose this but have to leave in 20 minutes to wake up my roomie and have coffee and time with her.

    For Kim: Congrats on the semi-sorta-retirement*

    (oh and credit reporting is seriously broken, makes no sense for your score to decline, uhhhhhh) !!

    *Image result for congrats semi retirement

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2017

    quickly (me again) ... I want to send my thank you email today preferably this morning sincen a decision will be made by next Wed. I am going to post the verbiage and ask for all and any critique.

    always appreciate your thoughts girls.

    Hello Danielle,

    I am writing to thank you for your time yesterday. It was great to meet you and learn more about the processor position.

    The interview heightened my enthusiasm for working for you. And my extensive experience in processing mortgages make me a great fit for the job; I am certain I would be a great addition to AnnieMac. I am very much motivated by challenges and I know I have the ability to effectively and efficiently meet each challenge head-on in a fast changing and fast paced environment.

    I've read and heard many great things about AnnieMac and am very impressed with the many accolades that show AnnieMac as a great place to work. With this said, I am very much interested in the position discussed.

    Please feel free to contact me with any questions at XXX-9XXX-9962.

    Thanks again for your time and consideration. Have a great weekend.


    DwunkeN darA

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Dara I can critique any part of u'r email. First when I feel the care about you that I do anything u say, do or write is wonderful to me--<member I only know jewelry> And see I didn't even know about a follow up email after an interview. But it sounds great to me. (((PRAYERS))) for this job, it does sound great and u would be mahvalus doing it.

    NM glad to see you this morning with the excitement coming right off the page.No matter how this day goes, it done and that can give u relief. Now explain to me about u going back Monday, of course I don't understand all of it. U'r going back??? Splain' to me.

    Lori is still gone, when is she coming back--I miss her.

    Sandy u'r evening sounds like it was filled with good wine and food and I'm sure company. I do know every year changes things, but u'r still doing a lot and that's a good thing, always. Tell us what u'r PCP says cuz u know I have to know.

    I slept pretty good last nite, and my phone has already started ringing so many people need so many things---it's funny cuz when I had my home my dad fixed everything and all I had to give him was wine. The only thing he couldn't fix were cars and he never tried. And now Marty can do this too, cuz when I had my condo he was always on call and always came thru--he IS a great guy but doesn't even know it. He didn't spend a lot of time with his mom, but did with his Grandma and it really shows, his mom treats him and Joey like acquatinces <sp> and it never bothered him until now when he sees how Joey is treated compared to her other grandchildren. And believe me Joey is the most caring, but he sees it to now. See I never had to tell them, I knew sooner or later this would happen. But sorry I was right on this one. Oh well.

    Peggy had a date Saturday!!!!!!!!

    Jazzy what's going on, I know u'r starting to be busy with work, but keep us informed always.

    Our neighbor next door is coming over for a haircut this morning, so she must be feeling better and I hope to get some info on her without me butting in on what I think.

    Check in latah


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited May 2017

    Good morning friends- lots of news here today! I was out last night with a friend to a great patio spot she suggested to have a belated 'Aries birthday girls' outing. We went to one of the best patio spots in town, a rooftop location down near downtown but arrived to find out they were closed for a special party. ARRGH! It was a perfect evening, so a disappointment to not be able to sit outside. But we sat inside and enjoyed a couple nice cocktails (some sparkling rose and then a pear martini). My friend suggested we go have dinner somewhere else at a great Greek restaurant and that was a big hit. All in all, the evening was nice and now know if I were to go to this rooftop spot again, I would call first. Patio season has begun!

    I am heading this morning to see my dermatologist for an annual check up. No new do-dads on my skin to worry me, but did have a basal cell on my scalp a few years ago that was removed so we watch carefully now.

    Dara- the interview sounded like it went well, although there was some BAD FASHION on the other side of the table. I think there is always a lot of competition for any work, so it is good apply for other opps too. In the self employment world, we say for every 10 opportunities, we may get 2-3 inquiries and maybe one real offer to do work for someone. Sometimes it is more or less than that too, depending on the industry. You did your thank you note and know they will decide soon. I treat everything as a possibility until it becomes a reality. Keeping going sister!

    NM- I had a feeling these people would try to get you to stay longer. Is the work Monday related to ending your FT work or will it be per diem? If it is around the FT gig, they are showing their true colors again, and hope you can finish up on Monday. If they try to add more work to your closure process, just tell them you will be out of town as of Tuesday and unavailable. Create a hard stop/will be outta town/gotta go if you need to get away. I have done this when in similar situations when having given notice. I actually had a vacation planned one time with one employer who asked me to cancel it to stay longer. Sorry, bubbye now! I realize you want to leave on good terms so just say you will do what you can by Monday, and then walk away unless you are shifting to the other arrangement now.

    How did the phone interview go on Wednesday?

    Chi- if the unloading is the challenge for you, is there any way you can call this conference and find out if they have resource to help you unpack the equipment and reload it at the end? Maybe even a resource who is working for them you can slip a little cash to for the help? I agree with Peg if this type of travel is too hard for you, then maybe this is not the best for you right now and in the future.

    Peg- well that is nice someone checked in with you to chat and say goodnight. Men who know how to ask you how your day was are both rare and worth considering? Your son and that boat though, lol. Anything YOU like about this man? Dinner and a movie sound nice to me. And it BETTER NOT be McDonalds! Relax and enjoy.......

    Cami- my swim lesson is to learn how to do flip turns to speed up my laps. I have never learned how to do this, more for competitive swimming but since I want to do Senior Olympics competition next year, I need to learn this! My swimming coach had to reschedule our lesson to Monday, but here is what I am trying to learn to do.

    I did go to swim yesterday since the lesson was postponed. My swim gal was there and also told me about another outdoor pool here on the west side that has weekend lap swimming. Going to check that one out too, love outdoor pools. She is a wealth of information!

    Gotta get going to my day and wishing everyone a good slide into da weekend......

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    Jazzy ok I understand, but knowing u it will take 1 lesson for that. And I guess u didn't relax to long cuz u really had a good time last nite. And I didn't think about patio time for restaurants, but it will be starting here soon too. Always liked that part of the dining experience when the weather is good it just feels nice to enjoy the outdoors. Once I saw the video it really splained' it to me too. Thanks and what perfect form.

    I talked to my cousin this afternoon and we're supposed to go to Dan's late afternoon for Mother's day tomorrow. And she called me to find out the nearest Portillo's she can pick up what she wants to order. I said What are you thinking, that I would know that, and sure enough she LOLed and said her brain was screwed up again. I have no idea where one is around here anyway. I really only know for sure where the Walgreens is and that's on the corner of happy and healthy--see I know things.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2017

    It’s not so much the unloading that’s the problem (there are some gallant individuals who helped me schlep stuff up & down stairs), but rather having to re-park at the base of the hill & hike back up. Three years ago I had an HC permit and was able to park right by the main building (still had those stairs, though), but as I am no longer legally disabled, I had to let the permit expire and not reapply. Also, the long solo drives (Chi-Cincy, and especially Cincy-Asheville) and the crazy-short sleep schedules would certainly do me in—I was utterly exahusted when I got home last year. I actually enjoy the Zen of driving (especially with that beautiful mt. scenery), but not the possibility of having an episode behind the wheel out in the middle of nowhere. And though I am naturally a night-owl, not being able to sleep in is pretty rough on my body.

    Saw my PCP today and was shocked to hear from him that my symptoms, plus the wide discrepancy between my FitBit heart rate (89) and my pulse according to the trainer (134) is a symptom of atrial fibrillation. Uh-oh. He listened to my heart and heard the post-stress murmur & “click” though no arrhythmia. Nonetheless, he wants me to stay close to home for the next week and monitor my activities and any symptoms (writing down the time & what I was doing); I might have to go get a Holter monitor on Mon. or Tues. I asked him if this gets me out of personal training and cardio. “No way,” he said, “keep exercising.” He didn’t lecture me about my weight—in fact he was mildly surprised that my gain on letrozole was only 9 lbs. But he did put me on a low-dose of Crestor. And depending on what my glucose & a1c are, he says he might also put me on Jardiance or Invokana—both of which are more cardioprotective than metformin. My age & symptoms plus awful family heart history means that intervention (however conservative) is finally necessary.

    And Dara, please don’t confuse lowering your expectations with lowering your aspirations. Keep aiming high. As the lotto commercials say, you can’t win if you don’t play.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited May 2017

    Jazzy had a good visit to the dermatologist today. No new areas of concern, also checked my basal spot from three years ago that was removed. I had her also look at the spots on my face I have been unable to get rid of with laser and anything else, so she put some liquid nitrogen on them to try to freeze them off. I hope it works.

    I also learned today my derm is retiring next month. Happy for her, sad to loose one of my fav providers but also told myself a lot of my docs are of retirement age. I saw one of her colleagues in the past, and she asked me if I wanted to move to her for the future and said yes please! I liked her as well.

    Hope everyone has a nice evening and good day tomorrow. I will be out and about tomorrow and will check in again by Sunday am.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2017

    Had a good day at the derm yesterday too. No new moles, no changes in the ones I’ve had, no keratoses or any bumps other than an enlarged oil gland or two. She asked me what I use on my face, because obviously it’s working—but then said that my good skin is mostly genetic. I’m on a 6-month skin-exam schedule.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited May 2017

    Chi- good to hear your skin is good too. Did you see your PCP today?

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2017

    Yup—he was the one who brought up the possibility I might have a-fib and ordered me not to drive to NC next week.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited May 2017

    Chi- glad you got some advice to make your decision. Sorry this won't work out for you to go. I know you must be disappointed. But better safe than sorry may be the right way to go here.......

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    Oh u gals,

    Sandy I know u didn't expect that from u'r PCP but good thing u went when u did. I figured the trip was not going to happen, but didn't expect this. OK so now u write down things that u do and then what--u see him again right away or just monitor u'rself.

    And goo results from the Derm. for both of you. Until I read this I forgot a few yrs. back I had some kind of skin cancer, but it was removed and nothing else about it. But mine was on my face, LOL like I needed more crap on my face. And now I also remember I have to see card. cuz I have some sort of problem with my heart---Jeez u gals are going to kill me remembering all this stuff.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2017

    My PCP basically wants me to do my regular workouts and notice if Wed. night’s episode repeats itself (or I feel any flutter or skipped beats), and either note it in a journal or in the Notes app of my phone, along with the date/time/specific activity & symptoms. Monday, when my lab results come in, we’ll discuss whether to order the Holter monitor. He hasn’t called in my Crestor script yet—maybe he’s waiting to see my lipid #s, though I can’t imagine any improvement since last Aug. If anything, the LDL is probably even higher. He also warned me not to be complacent about my relatively mild SEs on letrozole—he’s observed that the effects are often cumulative and many of his patients report intensified symptoms towards the end of the 5-yr period. But with my family heart history & advancing age, he says switching to Tamoxifen is an absolute no-no due to the possibility of blood clots and having to stop taking Wellbutrin.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited May 2017

    Chi- I worry about the impacts from the SEs to the heart, mostly due to the lack of estrogen which is known to protect the heart. I agree to not ignore the SEs, so many women have huge issues with them and my MO said they are cumulative. I will be on them 10 more months and cannot wait to be done with them. Heart disease is a biggie in my family, strokes too (no tamoxifen for me). A lot of women just cannot finish them sometimes because the problems outweigh the risk.

    Do you know your % decrease in reoccurrence on them? Mine is around 15% based on my Oncotype score.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2017

    Don’t have my ODX report handy, but according to, treatment with an AI would increase my lifespan by 6 months, and overall 15-yr survival by 32%, over no anti-hormonal therapy. What was your ODX score?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    OK ladies now u lost me, I was surprised I knew as much as I did know. Which is next to nil of course. The only thing I really remember cuz she showed me was my colon was climbing up my side pushing my liver into my ribs. LOL and I watched it. That stuck out to me--everything else was just a blurb in my head but I do know all was linked to chemo, herceptin and rads. So what was the choice as I thought. I do know the heart is a common SE of what we all got and in different forms. So I hope u'r SE is relatively mild and very doable for u and the Dr.'s. Sandy I don't like to hear anything like that, I always think just having cancer was enough, then after all these goofy things happen. And it always reminds you of so many things. Now u and Jazzy always seem so determined to overcome all that u need to, so I'm sure u will all figure this out. Am I making sense?? My brain feels like I am, but somehow I don't think so. But u gals always seem to understand what I'm saying. Even when I have a problem. Oh another SE, I forgot.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited May 2017

    Good morning ladies- up too early with very chirpy robins out side that are making a lot of happy spring noise two hours before sunrise. Shut up already!

    Chi- I had bilateral and my IDC was 23, and my DCIS on the other side was 12. Both were ER positive as well. The used the IDC score and treated my case and my last visit, the MO called my bc luminal A and said the research indicated only 5 years is beneficial for this type of cancer. My cancer was early and slow growing, but the bilateral baffles them all. Those SEs were so bad for me the first six months, I was not sure I could get through five years. I begged my MO for a break in them, went back on them a month later, and it was better.

    Looks like you are three years behind me with the dx so I know you have awhile more to go here. I remember when I had to think about the five years of follow ups and AIs, I thought "oh god that is forever" and now here I am in the last year of it already.

    Cami- I think having cancer is way more than enough. All the SEs from the treatments are hard to live with longer term. That is why I get bugged when people do the "oh you are all done with that now". Really? I am?

    Okay, I am going back to lay down for a bit. The coffee is brewing so my day is starting. My friend is coming to meet me and go to the herb festival with me this morning. Convertible time here we come!