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how about drinking?



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited May 2017

    Oh and I think this bee is TOTALLY drunk on pollen.....


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    Image result for google images of recipes with vodka I might have done this before, but it still looks good. DOTD.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited May 2017

    Another funny for you.....


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Jeez Jazzy's early and I'm late and I hope NM is so relaxing. Anxious to hear about her almost real last day tho.

    OK Jazzy Do u mean Herb festival or herb festival, either it's a Jazz man or plants that we eat, I'm never sure. U always do so much. I hope u get the rest u need before u go. See sometimes when I wake at odd hours I just come hear and talk, kinda makes me feel like someone's here. I know I'm goofy, but when I was young I hung around with Pluto.

    I washed my hair last nite hoping to go today, I always have to prepare. I remember when I'd wash my hair, set it and just run my fingers thru it when dry and it looked great. I never really looks good anymore. I handles differently with empty spots thru it and I always had so much hair, I know it's age, but pure bald spots wasn't in the contract. LOL Oh well it's really nothing.

    Less than 2 weeks I get another shot, OK not complaining, I just hope this one makes it better but I might have reached the area of this is as good as it gets. If so I'll take that too. I don't know what to expect. And when I do get the shot after I will start making app't with all the Drs, I have ignored lately and some new ones I'm supposed to see. But I wonder if I should still go to the one about my D. Since it hasn't bothered me cuz of all this <no doubt the pain meds and maybe steroids> I don't want to poke the bear, I'm getting upset stomachs and a lot of gas, I'll take that over the D any day.Good thing I'm not around people a lot. And they should be thankful too.

    So what on the agenda for Mother's day. Like I said hopefully I'm going to Dan's house with my cousins and I figured out what I'm bringing. It's on a good sale at Jewels Grocery store, plus I have meds there so it won't be a 2 trip thing for my kids. Everything is so close in this area--most stores and even a shopping mall--just a couple of minutes. So nothing is really that inconvenient. Plus the curt house, hoping we don't need it.

    Joey came home last nite and told me what they did at the party. I had a lot of fun. Now that they are older, the kids like their BD parties at home, with a bonfire <we're allowed to have them here> and games or scary movies. Much nicer than all the hubaloo of going to a restaurant and costing so much more. They have pizza or subs and cake--that's it. No video games or puters of any type are being used. Finally they have to really interact. I asked him if they play any kissing games <boy am I old> he looked at me and just said oh no, we;re not crazy. I guess I was crazy when I was that age and going to a Catholic school. But it was fun. But I do so enjoy when he comes home and tells me how his nite went.The actual games they do play I've never heard of, but again no techy stuff involved.

    It was nice last nite my kids sat out with some neighbors for a while said the weather was good for that, then it got colder so they came in. So nites are still cool, days are getting warmer.

    I was thinking of next time we all get together we could have it here. We have plenty of room and a nice deck and even the garage if it rains that's all fixed up for company--bar, furniture, TV..etc. And a big kitchen--I just don't like putting Leslie thru things if she's not in the mood, so I have to judge that one out.

    I'm more limited on what I wear since I don't wear a bra <hurts to bad> and I do have V neck tops and now they are to low--but I have to dig for more comfortable clothing. The winter is easier for me cuz I have plenty of higher tops, well I do have lots of bottoms but I can't wear anything like capris--my legs look disgustingly swollen so I don't go there anymore. I think that's why I'm looking for maxi dresses alot--just don't have many. Oh I'll have Joey help me.

    My work has already started--but we are closed on Sunday so I never have to answer the phone. So lazy, I know

    I hope Dara check in and actually everyone else too, I like seeing a lot of posts and hearing what's going on. Or is it that I'm nosy--OK both, but everyone interests me so. Our lives are so different with one common thread, then we discover there is so much more than that. See we should rule the world and we'd have peace. I mean put a lot of people together and we're never snarky, we just care and help when we can. Good combination I think. Really quite simple. I guess it's time to write to the President, I haven't been banned from this one yet. Oh it will come to that again.

    Well I hope everyone has a great day and weekend, the weather here looks good, hope it does all over the place--And again I'm waiting for NM to splain" why she's working on Monday--I don't understand business anymore. I know among other things. Like what Jazzy and Sandy are talking about. That's why I didn't say anything about their posts.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2017

    I'm just going to jump in. We had a good show, found some new stuff that has possibilities. Then yesterday we were slammed with orders, after being gone. Met with the guy that is helping to sell the business, he said had 2 interested parties. Not getting my hopes up though. I have read everything, sounds like all is going well with everyone.

    NM, I almost spit my coffee out when I read your comment about my DD's husband, to declare him missing and then maybe dead! Sorry to have read about the decline in your aunt. You had your last day! I'm so excited for you. And proud of your little bits of getting organized. Baby steps.

    Wacko, that dress is very pretty, I love it. And still no H/A, that is so great.

    Sue, I am so sorry about your stepmom, I hope she can hold on too. Not fare to have to go through this chit at such an age.

    Cami, I hope you can make it out to Dan's tomorrow. What are you taking?

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited May 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Beautiful sunny Saturday ayem, here. Had a lovely sleep in with Sadie, after she tried to get me up at 5:30 ayem. Poor baby, she is just getting back into the getting up every morning work schedule, and I'm going to go and change it on her. Not that she'll mind very much since she'll get lots more time with me, and get taken swimming more often and get to do other things with me more.Yesterday turned out to not be a long day after all, had a cancellation that cut out a good hour of driving time. Got a bunch of the notes written for the Tuesday morning meeting. I noticed that Clinical Manager 2 and 3 are going to write the notes for the admissions, recertifications and deaths, which makes me laugh cuz those are just copying and pasting the note written by the nurse that did the admission or recertification or attended the death. In other words, the really easy, no thought needed notes. Ah, well, I suppose the two of them divvying up the notes for 30 some odd patients would be too much for them, with everything else they have to do. Planning to clean off the deck today, so I can be outside in the nice weather. Also I ordered seedlings to be delivered at planting time as a short cut for my gardens this year, and they were delivered last night, so I get to play in the dirt, too!The practice of having fun reward projects regularly instead of waiting until all the work is done is working great to help keep the motivation and momentum going. Every little bit done is a step forward, even if only a baby step, enough baby steps still gets you to the end of the marathon!

    I'd like to ask for prayers for a friend of mine.She's had a lot of issues in her life from mental health issues to miscarriages to just plain bad luck.This week she found out her husband has been cheating on her since she was pregnant with their now 2 year old little one. Yesterday he disappeared with a handful of pain pills.He did show up at home last night, sick from taking all the pills, and now she is feeling a lot of mixed feelings and trying to decide what to do. To add to the confusion one of her husband's family members is practically attacking her on Facebook and flat out saying the husband would be better off if they separated. I've been watching all this unfold on Facebook.When I was in bc treatment and had recon surgery a couple years later she was a huge help to me, from praying for me to helping me take my first shower at home with 4 drains in place to giving me rides to church while I couldn't drive even though it was out of her way. I want to help her, am not going to get involved on the Facebook thing, trying to figure out what I can do, if anything.

    Dara--I'm so glad the interview went well!Praying for you, too. Still shaking my head at the credit rating thing.Apparently if you are not in debt you are considered a credit risk.Maybe that's part of what is wrong with the world these days. Love the Dr. Suess!

    Cammy--I am going to work 2 days a week at the current place, maybe 3 if I want to any given week.I'm not ready to retire entirely (and can't afford to, yet), but I am now going to be working to live rather than living to work. Still need a bit of income to pay taxes, groceries, internet, etc. But now I can pick and choose what days I will work, and how long I will work each day. And absolutely NO work on weekends.It may be an bit of an uphill climb at first, 2 other per diem nurses are working as case managers, meaning they are doing computer work on their days off and working really long days on the days they work. I'm going to be bucking the trend cuz I will not case manage, even if they keep assigning the every-other-week-big-meeting notes to me. If I work Mondays, Tuesdays and the occasional Thursday I won't really be working when the notes need to be written, unless they decide that it's worthwhile for me to sit in the office every other Monday and do that rather than doing visits. Which I don't think will happen. But we'll see. Hope the neighbor is feeling much better!

    Jazzy--Patio season has begun, indeed!What fun! Yes, work Monday is for the same company, but as a Per Diem.Funny thing is, being in the middle of the 2 week pay cycle, HR can't change my status from FT to PT until the end of the week.I am "limited" to 8 hours of work per day, but must work the "full" 8 hours any day I work next week, and they have some way of handling it on the payroll end.The following week I will be fully hourly pay and will have total control of my work time. I love the work I'm doing and the people I'm working with and the patients and families I work for, but hated the never ending grind of long days and always more to do that was usually computer oriented and not patient care oriented. Being able to do this work, still see "my" patients, and control my work schedule seems just perfect. I am preparing myself to be a bit bitchy if I have to, once I say "no" to something I will not change my mind, and I have made very clear that I am not accepting responsibility for any case management, even if they are leaving my name in that slot. My change in, what, attitude, If that's the right word, has already gotten me some not so happy looks, and I'm feeling a little bit of negativity from the CMs.I'm attributing that to the fact that they are going to have to pick up the pieces until more nurses are hired (2 full time openings right now) and trained (3 months). And they are just now realizing just how much time the driving takes, even though they don't take full days in the field. The Wednesday interview went really well, I thought.By the end the director was talking as if it was already decided that I would be hired. She did, of course, correct herself a few times and added the "if the references check out" caveat.Interesting job, too.All Per Diem staff.Immunization and travel health work.Walk in clinic Monday and Wednesday 9 to noon, Every 4th Thursday from 4 to 7 pm.Travel medicine by appointment.Community flu shot clinics at other locations in the fall, school immunization days during the school year.Walk in clinics are for childhood immunizations (takes commercial insurance, state covered immunizations, will give free care at need), adult immunizations (flu shot, tetanus, boosters), some STD testing and treatment, PPD planting and readings. I'd be oriented to the walk in clinic work first, which is the easier part, then can work on getting up to speed on the travel medicine bit, which sounds fascinating! None of it is dependably steady, however.If you sign up for a day there may or may not be appointments scheduled, so you may or may not have any work.But I figure if they are hiring up to 5 more per diems there must be some level of work on a relatively regular basis. In the beginning I'll be working with the other nurses, and they like to have orientees working once or twice a week until they are up to speed.Which is perfect, cuz I can tell the current job "no" to a third day a week cuz I'm already booked somewhere else! I cannot believe that a company actually asked you to cancel a vacation! That takes some nerve, to my way of thinking! Glad you stood your ground.You are my role model right now, and I greatly appreciate all the help and support you have given and keep giving me during the time of transition.Thank you very much. I love to swim, and for a while in college I was swimming a mile a day or so, but never learned the flip turn. Good for you for learning it now!

    WHOOO--a Downy Woodpecker just flew into and out of the house!Ah, I see why, the suet cage is empty.Gotta go take care of that!

    Chi--Glad you saw your PCP.A fib is not something to fool around with. It is important to try to do things that have precipitated an episode in the past when you are on a Holter monitor. If the monitor can catch and episode the info is invaluable for determining what is going on and the best treatment.

    Jazzy--bad to lose a good doc, not so bad if you get a choice of replacement and it is someone you know and like. LOL at the spring robins making too much early ayem noise!Two hours before sunrise is TOO EARLY, even for the early birds!

    Cammy--my last day as full time was easy, and again through the grace of God, not my managers!Still came home very tired last night, went to bed early, had a lovely sleep in, a nap in the hammock swing is definitely in order today.

    Goldie--didn't mean to make you spit coffee on your computer!

    Thanks for the DOTD, Cammy!Looks good enough to repeat, if it is a repeat.I don't remember very far back anymore.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    Lori I'm glad u'r back, I missed you. Wow u got a lot of calls for business while u were gone??? And does that influence u'r selling of the business, or there's no turning back.U know anything u do is always my hope that it works out exactly the way u want it to.

    OK NM I'm getting a better understanding of what u r doing. I guess I thought once u uit u were completely gone. But this sounds good for you as long as they keep u'r standards. You do sound happy and I'm sure Sadie will reap the rewards.And I'm sure she's been waiting.And it's finally happening. I too find it funny about credit scores---the less u owe the worse u'r score is. Seems backwards to me, but this is how it works. So I guess u'r a bad risk LOL

    Lori I'm planning on bringing really good cinnamon rolls tonite. So just dessert, everything else is covered, Oh I might bring some olives too..never have enough of those, and sometimes we forget about them and I always think of them for the young ones, Sam <dan's son> putting them on fingers like we used to. Silly thing to do, but fin to watch.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2017

    Nice & warm today, even by the lake. Can finally walk to the gym! First, going over to the local "edible plant sale" to score some tomato & herb plants, now that the frost danger has passed. What a difference a week makes!

    PCP is waiting on my lipid & glucose numbers before calling in any new Rx. And the heart stuff is almost certainly genetic. Getting in shape will slow its progress

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited May 2017

    Discovered this jazz artist very recently and yay, she is coming in September! Getting a ticket!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2017

    Nice warm voice without any superfluous pop or r&b affectations. Should be a good show.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    Jazzy thank for the video, super nice and u know it's nice to see one without my eyes darting all over the placeat lots of things going on--U should enjoy this concert.

    Sandy I'm sure u'll hear soon about u'r tests and I hope they turn out better than u think, lrt us know.

    Weather was great tonite by Dan's house. He has an enclosed porch and then beautiful deck--no mosquitoes, altho some felt them and he sprayed, but I didn't feel any--Food was great from Portillos--I brought dessert and we had a couple of other things too. And Sam was so cute. Of course we LOLed so much about nothing--And then another great <haha> political discussion, which a few of us just stay out of. Good thing when it's over no one really cares. It was great getting out and sitting out with great family--Oh u all know how I am about my family. And Dan's garage <our shop> is so organized in aisles, of everything needed. Sure doesn't look like my office. Oy vey.

    So that was my evening a before Mother's day party. Now I'll be resting on Mothers day for sure. I always get overtired and hurt a lot more-but that's fine.

    OK see u all latah.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited May 2017

    Good morning ladies- happy Mother's Day to all you moms and all you women in general. Because in many ways, we are all mothers to something in this life (pets, aging parents, gardens, etc.) Make today a special celebration of your loving and nurturing spirit!

    Cami- so glad you had a great time at Dan's. Lots of LOLing is a good thing, we all need some (lots) of humor to get through this crazy thing called life, yes? Glad to hear you got out and had a good time! I hope you and Leslie have a nice Mother's Day. How was Marty's first week on the new job?

    Chi- sounds like you and I were both at a similar type of event yesterday with herbs? What did you get? I found some sage, rosemary, lavender, mint and basal for my mini culinary herb garden. I liked your comments to on the jazz vocalist. There is also another young artist with her, a fellow named Vincent Ingala that will be at this show too. I think it will be good as well.

    NM- hope you are enjoying your weekend and glad you will be moving to the per diem work now. Just remember if they keep trying to add things to your plate, you just need to remind them they have X hours of your time, what would they like you to focus on? I have to do this with some of my clients who sometimes tries to treat me as an other duties as assigned person. I have a statement of work in my contract that says what I am doing and not doing, but it's the little things that come up that turn out to be BIG THINGS! By making them prioritize things for you, if something does not get done, then there will be another day to do that. I don't think many orgs are good at managing work loads, but most do know what must get done every day.

    Also sorry about your friends challenges and will include her in my morning mediation for healing. FB is certainly not the place to air personal things like that, what is wrong with people? I have learned some people just need an audience in life and they will get it any way they can. You are smart to stay out of the FB drama, that situation will help no one, including you or your friend.

    Goldie- good to hear from you and hope that you can sell your business easily and go enjoy life. Wishing better days for your DD too friend.

    Going to the pool to swim long laps today after the swim meet is done and continue on with some purging. Have a lovely day all!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited May 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday!Got the back deck herb seedlings planted yesterday, got the deck cleaned off, and spend a nice afternoon lounging in the hammock swing andwatching the world go by and soaking up sun. Good thing I did, the sun is gone again today and it's raining again. Got some laundry done yesterday, but not work clothes, so will have to hang them up inside tonight.Never gave them a thought yesterday. Ah, well.Going to go visit my Mom today and take Sadie to visit with Dick.

    Cammy--It is confusing, I have quit my job, but will still be working there. Just with no benefits, and I get to say when and where I work, not management. Watching kids play with food is always entertaining!

    Chi--my next reward project will be getting the rectangular raised bed topped off and planted with veggies.Still deciding what I want to plant, and will go find seedlings for this, too, this year.Next year I will start stuff from seed.Getting in shape is a good thing, no matter why you are doing it.

    Jazzy--Wow, what a wonderful voice!

    Cammy--Glad you had a good time at Dan's, sounds like a wonderful party!

    Jazzy--I am enjoying the weekend, especially the sleeping in part! I am going to go into this week fully armed and prepared to be a broken record of "No, thanks, that's more than I can do in 8 hours." It will help that the HR turnover thing REQUIRES me to work EXACTLY 8 hours each day I work this week. And the idea of going out to start visits knowing that nothing big will be added on late in the day will take so much of the tension out of the day! Thank you for including my friend in your meditation. I agree that Fb isn't the place for that kind of thing, and have a personal policy of reading but not responding to very personal things like that. I've got to admit I get caught up in the drama and do watch for new posts, I guess I'm human that way. But NO participation. Enjoy your laps, swimming can feel sooooooo good.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Image result for mother's day drink recipe

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited May 2017

    Just a quick pop in to wish all you amazing Moms (and mommies to fur kiddies) a happy Mother's Day!!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2017

    Good morning girls and happy Sundey Fundey!

    I spent yesterday sleeping, laid down at 4 pee em and slept through the night. I guess that interviewing whipped my ewwa! I have to take a test today and am anxious about doing so. It is called The Predictive Index Survey. I was going to do it this morning but decided to wait until after my noon lunch with my daughter and grandson. I can't wait since I have not seen Logan in a few weeks.

    I had a phone interview friday morning with another company and I feel it went well. This is the one I had to test ffor the job.

    NM, you sound so and I could not happier for you. Keep standing your ground and kee p up the great work. Sending prayers for your friend, such a sad story but think she will get through this difficult time and end up on top!

    Jazzy, I really liked the musical videos you posted. It is music to relax the brain for sure. More house work today, geez if I could be more like you. I sit and visualize the things I'd love to do and that is as far as I get. Great points on Mother's day, there should be a caretakers day too, eh?

    Lori, welcome back. I sure missed you. Don't overwork yourself with catching up on bidness work, k?

    Cammy, so happy you were able to get out and have a great time a t the partay. Just wish you did not feel so whipped after. Try to rest up lady.

    Hsant, nice to see you too. Thanks for the mom's day greeting too. Hope things are going well as you prepare to go home (sweet home).

    Chi, sending up prayers for your heart health. Hope all tests come back with positive results. Good for you in walking instead of driving, it is so good for the mind, body and soul.

    My dern fingers are still making the type skip all over the place. I have to type soooo slow and still end up having to move my cursor back to the text I am writing after just a few words. It is just soooooooo annoying to me. I should practice I guess. I can't figure out what I am hitting to move my cursor all over the place.

    Gotta run and get showered (while cleaning the environment). Hello to anyone I missed. Have a great day chickas!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2017

    Jazzy, Lindsay Webster reminds me of Nora Jones. It was driving me nuts trying to figure out who she reminded me of. Both have very sweet voices,

    chEErs (more)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    Official Good Morning ladies,


    Dara so excited u'r seeing Logan today, that always sounds like fun, the best part.

    NM sounds good again today and going forward too. U know FB has changed to me anyway. When I got started it was just plain regular talk and fun stuff. Now I see all kinds of blabbing about problems and politics. Only once I got involved in th political thing, and never again for sure and mostly I just react to most things now, don't say much.Some complain constantly about every single ache they have and other complain constantly about politics and I just go along sharing fun things--that's about it now. Well let's face it I think Sadie has u all grounded and u can enjoy Mom's day with her.

    Hsant just a few more days, and I'm happy for you.

    I hope Lori is catching up on some resting, but knowing her she's probably trying for organization of things.

    Hoping all have a great day whatever u do.-My oldest DD is coming over today and I picked out some shoes she can order for me--she told me to, so it''s fine with me.


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2017

    Mother's Day Spending 2015 – Fortiviti

    Had to tell all my bresties....Happy Mother's Day. Dinner Friday with DD and SIL, another couple (friends of SIL and Hubs n I. Today my DS will b coming out around noon to take me to lunch. I want sushi and ds knows how to order to my liking. Should b interesting.

    Leaving for Burbank on Weds. Still have laundry and packing to do...ugh

    Hope EVERYONE has a beautiful day....LUBSLUBSLUBSLUBS

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338
    edited May 2017

    Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers here! Everyone is so busy that I feel like a sluggard doing not much at all. But I do enjoy being retired. Having dinner with #2DS and DIL this afternoon. How lovely to be with one of my sons on Mother's Day!

    Had a very nice date last night. R is very relaxed in his own skin and laughs a lot and so did I. He hugged me good night and he's the first of my dates that I haven't just "suffered" the hug. We went to dinner at a Thai restaurant (no drinks) and the saw "The Lost City of Z." R had read the book and said the movie just didn't do it justice, he was quite disappointed. It was interesting but, like a lot in life, just didn't have a real ending.

    Too bad the weather is so yucky. Cold and rainy and no hope in sight for warmer, sunny weather. I'm so ready for hot weather!


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited May 2017

    Pontiac- things sound good with this fellow. I know those suffering hugs (where you don't want to get too close and just do a little pat on the back too, lol). He sounds like someone you will enjoy getting to know better!

    Dara- good luck on the test today!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2017

    Well, I did drive—no time to buy the plants, haul them home, and then turn around to walk to the gym w/o being late for my session. Drove to the empty bank building where last week’s (aborted-by-weather) plant sale had taken place; but though there were a few plants still inside, the lights were off and their were neither staff nor shoppers. So, on to Plan B—Whole Foods’ outdoor plant display. Picked five different tomato varieties (alas, no Early Girl, though I might return and buy a hanging basket of cherry tomatoes already beginning to flower—if I can hang them on the deck out of the reach of squirrels), a strawberry plant, holy basil (the regular varieties—Italian, Thai, opal—are coming later this week), broadleaf rosemary, regular & lemon thyme. Drove the flat home, put it out on the deck and gave the plants a much-needed drink, as the soil was dry due to the predicted rain not materializing. By then I had a scant 10 min. to get to the gym and change, so I drove. Good workout, though, plus cardio. No syncope, though. (whew).

    Called my sis today to wish her a happy Mother’s Day, and learned that she’s had the same syncopal episodes—including twice while onstage singing in her choir (her doc said it was probably asthma-related). Both our parents had arrhythmia (it and not ischemia might have been what caused our dad’s final and fatal heart attack), so it’s likely we inherited that tendency.

    Happy Mother’s Day to everyone here who is, has or had a Mom!

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited May 2017

    Helloooooo ladies! Once again, happy Mother's Day to all you amazing Moms! I had a great lunch with a HS friend, and am having dinner with my uncle and cousins.

    The car is getting picked up tomorrow and I take off on Wednesday. I visited my family's grave sites yesterday, and it was especially emotional, because since my mom's passing in 2005, I ALWAYS went with my dad. It felt weird putting flowers on everyone's grave with out him present. Plus, I put flowers on his grave. Too weird.

    Goldie, so glad that the trade show went well! How nice that your DH is ready to retire, and that you have potential buyers of your business. You both will be able to (hopefully) relax and enjoy. I'm sorry your DD is still struggling with her divorce. Ugh! What's this a$ holes problem? One would think he would want the divorce, since he has a girlfriend.

    Pegg, sounds like a very nice date. It's important to make him earn your heart. That is not something you just give away.

    Cami, I'm having mixed emotions with respect to leaving. The feeling of finality is hard. Loving NY! Lol! Those ladies know how to bring it! What do you think of the whole Sonja/Tinsley situation?

    Dara, I knew I would get cancer. For me it was never an if, but a when. And I knew I would opt for a BMX with out recon. My BS strongly encouraged meeting with a PS to discuss recon options, but I said (emphatically) no. I have no regrets.

    Ok, time to leave, but I'll check back in later.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited May 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!What a gloomy day here, this ayem. 1.32 inches of rain in the last 24 hours. At least the temp is up a bit at 50 degrees. Barely got out of the 40's yesterday. Had a lovely visit with Mom and Dick. It's obvious both are aging and beginning to decline a bit. I'm enjoying a more leisurely feel to the morning. I've been in the habit of getting to the office around 7:30, but my time starts at 8:00 now. No point getting to the office any sooner. Just today and tomorrow and then a day off! I've already programmed the alarm on the Kindle to only go off today and tomorrow. Will need to remember to turn it on if I decide to work Thursday. The next adaptation is to plan meals on the weekends that include bag lunches on work days. And just to prove that God loves me, I got an e-mail over the weekend to join a 60 day Live Brave challenge that I signed up for. Did the first reading today. First assignment is to do something to affirm my commitment to the program, like make a public announcement. Since you ladies are my best audience, I'm announcing to you all! Live Brave is about moving out of your comfort zone and living life to the fullest. Perfect timing for me, my goal for the 60 days is to get comfortable with standing up for myself with management at work and taking control of my work schedule and improving my work/life balance. As if I needed any more signs that what I am doing is the right thing to do!

    Dara--so glad the interviews went so well.You may end of up with achoice of positions, wouldn't that be a hoot? That test sounds scary, I have no idea what it's about. I suppose you do, though. Seeing Logan will be nice, have fun and give him a cuddle for me. I think my friend will be ok, to, after a while. Not sure if the marriage will hold up, I think they both want it to. She's not posting any more on Fb about it, which I take as a good sign. Thanks for your prayers. Are youtyping on a laptop or tablet or desktop computer? I work on a tablet and have found that if I touch the screen anywhere except the letter on the virtual keyboard it will make the cursor jump. I get around that by using a Bluetooth keyboard. I got one off Amazon that is almost the size of a normal keyboard but folds up to make it portable.

    Cammy--Facebook has changed over the years, hasn't it? I get so much stuff from people I don't recognize, trying to figure out how that works so I can set up some blocks or whatever. I really just want to see my friends' and family members' posts, not the friends of friends that I don't know. I just skip the political stuff. Sadie and I had a nice mother's day. Hope you did, too.

    Mema--enjoy your sushi lunch!

    Peggy--Nice date, glad you had a good time. What's the Lost City of Z about? I'm thinking zombies. I've never been able to get into the zombie thing, not sure why. I can get into vampire stories, and there really isn't much difference, really. No accounting for taste, I suppose.

    Chi--You must have a BIG garden! I put in 1 type each of oregano, chives, savory, thyme, rosemary, sweet marjoarm. The chives and rosemary are in separate pots that I will try taking inside this fall and see if I can keep them going over the winter. Sounds like the heart thing could indeed be hereditary, but many of those can be treatedvery successfully these days. Still scary, though.

    Hsant--the first few times you visit a parent's grave are emotional and weird. WE have a family plot where I can visit my paternal grandparents, maternal grandmother, my Day, several aunts and uncles and a couple of cousins all in one place. Sometimes it's a bit surreal. I can imagine the mixed feelings about leaving and heading back to California. You are starting a new phase of your life, too.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

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  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2017

    Cami, the business calls have nothing to do with the sale of the business. Just customers calling in with questions or they want to place an order.

    Jazzy, scoring some concert tickets for summer, woo hoo. Nice music, thank you for sharing.

    NM, first week on your PT position. I think you should just relax and soak it all up! And absolutely you are doing what's right for you. Sending prayers up for your friend. I'll never understand why people put some of that stuff out on FB.

    Wacko, I told you before, that I think the cursor skipping all over is the result of somehow touching the the mouse pad on your laptop whilst typing. I do it all the time too, but not if I have a key board plugged in. Ok, and NM has the same problem. So that must be it. I hope you had a wonderful day with Logan and Jess.

    LDB, sounds like you had a nice Mother's Day. You sure are getting around! But I should talk,right?

    Woo Hoo Peggy, sounds like your date went well.

    Sandy, I have some lemon thyme in my garden, it goes nuts! In fact, I think I need to thin it, along with the oregano and sage. Garlic chives and parsley that will pop up everywhere!

    Heidi, it's not the asshole's fault that my DD can't get the divorce. He signed papers while he was in prison, but I guess there was something wrong. Maybe it was a copy and not the original. Plus the courts keep giving her the run around, and she really doesn't want to get a lawyer, not needed. And now, we have no idea where he is. I know leaving is going to be hard, hugs to you my friend.

    Ended up going to town yesterday and seeing a movie. Saw Snatched with Goldie Hawn, it was just ok. It was funny, but I only give it about a 3 star! DH has doctor appt. today and wants me to go with. He has had the cough for like 4 months now and just can't shake it. So need to leave here around 11 am.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited May 2017

    Good morning friends- I hope the moms here had a good day yesterday and know some of you were missing moms too, or sometimes missing the relationship you wished you had had with a parent. My mother and I were never close, adversaries at times during my life, but things changed after I moved away a second time and with changes to her health. The last eight years of our relationship before she passed were good, and I was grateful for that. We do the best we can with what life gives us.....

    NM- yay for the start with your new schedule this week. I hope it goes well and thanks for sharing about the new group you joined. Getting out of your comfort zone is key to creating something different for yourself. And don't be surprised if you get a lot of naysaying from those around you. I have always been a risk taker, and got a lot of flack from my family when I moved here to do contracting work and later started up my own business. I only had one relative that was self employed/business owner, the rest of my family always has gone for the forever jobs that run you in to the ground but give you a steady paycheck. I drive them crazy, while simultaneously amazing them with all I have been able to do. Well, it is not about what everyone else needs, it is what is best for you! We are here to support you, and you GO GIRL!

    Goldie- were you able to get tix to see Lindsey Webster?

    I hope your DD can find a way to get this marraige ended. There is nothing worse than being with someone who no longer wants you, but to be stuck in a marriage with someone long gone is not good. I hope he is not off running up debt or doing any number of other bad things that could come back and hurt her.

    Hsant- are a hard place for me. When I went through grief counseling when my brother died, my counselor used to tell me it helped to visit the cemetery. But there are multiple people there for me too. I rarely go where I don't shed more than a few tears. Because we will always miss these people and being there makes it more so. That being said, I hope these last few days will be peaceful for you as you prepare to leave and go back home sister. Feel good about all you have done and know your dad wants you to continue on and be happy.

    Chi- interesting to find out your sister has had the same problems you have had. For sure does sound familial. I hope you had a nice Mother's Day yesterday!

    Cami- I am putting myself on a social media and drama diet this week. Checking FB and BCO in the mornings and that is it for me for the day. That is pretty typical for BCO, but I can spend too much time on FB and also exhausted by the news right now too. So I am turning that off too. And then my sister has had a lot of drama in her life I have been listening to for too long and tired of that as well. She is going on her vacation this week so I will have a good break from some of that, I hope. Her partner is very high demand and think not happy she is going away for 10 days solo. I call all this drama management!

    Peg- so you do have your next date set up with Mr. Man?

    Dara- I hope you did well on the test. Since it is a work related thing, my guess is you don't get the results, but they do? Did they say when they are looking to fill the position? I know you hope to hear about the first one this week. Fingers crossed! Keep going!

    Mema- sounds like you were having a delicious mothers day weekend! I hope you travels to the west coast go well.

    Nothing exciting went on here yesterday, just finishing cleaning out some closets to take the last of the summer items I wish to purge to consignment or donations. I have my swim lesson today, the client call on the new work we are finalizing tomorrow and a full week ahead of other to dos. Wishing everyone a good day and see you again tomorrow!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    Good Morning Ladies,

    I keep on coming here and the damn phone rings with work Go figure.

    Now I've forgotten everything so just bare with me. Ugh to my brain.

    I do hope everyone had a great day yesterday no matter what u did, the weather here was bootiful, good temps and I see that everyone is catching up to planting and will reap the rewards soon.

    Sandy if u buy one of those upside down tomatoe plants please let us know how u like it and how it works for you. Wow both u and u'r sister really have the same problem, but of course now adays there are so many things to do for hearts. Well u know, but to me it's still scary.

    Hsant, I hope the transition for u comes easily for u knowing u'r Dad would want u to have u'r life and be happy. My sister and I never go to the grave site, my BIL always goes to visit everyone. For some reason I just prefer to remember all the fun we had, not the pain. I'm bad I know. But minutes before my mom died I told her how thankful I was to have her for a mom and she gave me a wonderful life and said good bye and I remember just keeping her in my heart and my dad too. NY oh wow, Tinsley is getting tired of the other one, hahaha so sparks will fly again as they do with the others. They're just fun how much they fight, u know I'm sure they are not friends when the show is not on. LOL

    Dara I still don't understand what this test was about, but u know I'm not even with everyone else.

    Jazzy everything seems like it's going along pretty good for u, but let us know exactly.

    NM u better keep to this new way for working, u'r heart is pure and u need to take care of u'rself first. And then comes Sadie for sure.

    SusyQ u had a wonderful Mom's day and u deserve every bit of it. And now u'r leaving again. Good for you.

    And FB I rarely talk on there, just "share" things I think are cute or funny and sometimes I make a remark, but not as often as I did.

    Oh my phone again, I'd better send this before I lose it.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    Back for a minute.

    Peggy sounds all good for Sat. nite. Maybe some sparks going on here. Keep us informed on everything.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited May 2017

    Good afternoon- well I am keeping my commitment to stay off FB except once a day in the morning, but harder to stay away from you ladies! Did 60 laps today, but no swim lesson.

    The young lifeguard gal called this morning to tell me she got called in to the pool to cover again for someone. I am picking up that she has to go when they call or maybe it is more money than she would make from me, but now twice in the past week. I did see her today and decided I would just tell her what days I plan to swim if she could make it but she is life-guarding all week and leaving for the other pool next week so not sure now is the right time to do this. I talked to her for a bit and she seems very overwhelmed with the spring and multiple things going on with pool duties. So maybe another time. But with YouTube, I might just be able to teach myself instead. Always a couple ways to skin this cat.

    And yes I am okay Cami. We are working with the CA client to help them finish their biz case for funding for our project so we can get going. Another call tomorrow on that. Hopefully will know soon, contracts done and we can get going. But if they cannot get the funding, I am just moving on from this collaboration thing.

    I am not a fan of cemeteries either. Since I live far away from my family of origin, I only go when I am back east. One of my BFFs always goes to see her relatives and puts flowers on my parents grave. Can't ask for a better friend. She is a peach.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338
    edited May 2017

    NE, No, Lost City of Z is not a zombie movie. It's about a British explorer at the turn of the century trying to find a "lost" city in the Amazon.

    Don't have another date yet with Mr. Man. But I hope to. It's nice. Very nice.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited May 2017

    More jazz for you....