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Join us for a Special Meetup: The Benefits of Exercise for Anyone With Breast Cancer, Oct. 16, 2024 at 2pm ET. Learn more and register here.

how about drinking?



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2017

    Pretty sore today but nowhere nearly as bad as was the aftermath when I first began training. Kim, SilverSneakers© is a 20-minute low-impact workout program for seniors and the disabled. (It is highly structured, with dedicated equipment owned by the company, and instructors are not allowed to deviate from prescribed exercises except for “hacks” designed for people who demonstrate an inability—e.g., poor flexion—to perform them in the standard manner). Many if not most Medicare managed-care (HMO based Medigap, or Advantage) plans pay 100% for this class, which enables those covered to attend regardless of whether they belong to the facility or gym chain where it’s held. My Medigap plan (a point-of-service open plan) doesn’t offer it, but does offer a discount on memberships in a couple of gym chains, including L.A. Fitness, which I joined.

    Regardless of insurance coverage, any member of the facility or chain at which the class is conducted is welcome to attend, regardless of age or disability (so long as they consider themselves old or disabled enough). It’s low-impact, but deceptively strenuous (some young gym staffers occasionally try it and are surprised by both their heart rates and the delayed-onset muscle soreness). It’s designed to improve endurance, flexibility, coordination and especially balance (my weakest attribute)—the latter deteriorates with aging and is usually the cause of the falls that result in fractures and soft tissue injuries; the fractures are especially serious in people with osteopenia and possibly ultimately fatal for those with advanced osteoporosis, especially with CV or pulmonary disease. It isn’t performed in rhythm to any playlist or soundtrack—in fact, sometimes the club’s own piped-in music seemed a bit out-of-step and disconcerting. If you were to peer through the door at a class in progress, you might think you were watching an OT session at a nursing or rehab facility.

    The instructors are usually seniors themselves, and distressingly fit and flexible (most also teach yoga or Pilates). They encourage you to do the exercises at home (and attend at least one class a week—most gyms that offer it have it at least twice a week) with equipment you already have or can buy in the toys, swim & sporting goods depts. at most large stores such as Target or Wal-Mart. (I’m going to get one of those rubber balls, slightly smaller than soccer balls, used for ab exercises; I already have a collection of rubber bands from my various post-op courses of PT, as well as a large sitting-fitness ball which I need to reinflate).

  • TriciabJourney
    TriciabJourney Member Posts: 2
    edited May 2017

    Hi! I'm Tricia and I love to drink and laugh. Just wanted to jump in :D I hate the idea of quitting because of bc. I'm aiming to cut back. Please don't throw stones at me :D lol Plus I don't want to bring anyone down! (I have no jokes for you at the moment, lol). Cheers.

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited May 2017

    Just popping in to say hello to all. Have been reading all the news. Back to full time hours at office. Sister from CT & Daughter from NYC flew in on 4/23 & out on 4/30. New Frontier Airlines (low cost carrier) flights from LGA to CVG started 4/21, so hope to see one another more often. Had some celebratory La Marca Prosecco, wonderful meals & too many fun times to fully recount here. Went to Krohn Conservatory (in Cincinnati, OH) for annual butterfly show (when both lived here, we went every year). Gorgeous butterflies all over the place. A beautiful Blue Morpho landed on my BC boob for a visit!

    Hi to newbie, TriciabJourney. Please share where you are from in Ohio.

    Cheers, indeed, to all!

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited May 2017

    Tricia, welcome to this thread! You don't have to be a booze hound to partake.:) I live in CA, but I'm from Cleveland, born and raised in Shaker Heights.

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited May 2017

    hsant - How interesting, I was a Clevelander from 1976 to 1990, lived for a brief time in Shaker Heights, born & raised in NE Ohio. That was before the long strange journey across the pond to live in London & then back again to settle in the greater Cincinnati, OH area. Am still a Clevelander at heart - miss Lake Erie & living/sailing on the northern OH coast.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited May 2017

    Welcome Tricia and Hi CeliaC!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2017

    Welcome, Tricia and welcome back, CeliaC.

    Tonight's DOTD was a glass of cava with a late dinner, chased with a decaf espresso.

    I did something today I haven't done in nearly three years: I swam! I realized the last time I stuffed myself into a swimsuit and hit the pool was in Vail, CO in July 2014! (Of course, it was a considerably smaller swimsuit back then—a cheap Speedo from Costco, sans underwires). Monday I trained, yesterday I did Silver Sneakers, and I wanted to do something today. There were no Aqua Fit classes offered today at the right time at any of the gyms in the chain. Then I remembered I had a bc support group meeting this evening in Evanston…and while the Evanston branch of L.A. Fitness doesn't offer Aqua Fit, it does have a pool & spa. So off I went.

    Pool & spa notwithstanding, the Evanston branch makes my neighborhood Edgewater branch look like a third world park district gym (but one with the usual complement of preening millennials pounding away on treadmills to the beat of bad piped-in dance-pop music). Evanston has three times as many weight machines, cardio stuff, and instead of a roped-off personal training area, an entire glassed-in room (besides the one dedicated to classes). The locker room here in Edgewater is just as nice—but Evanston's is twice the size, with bigger benches and wider lockers. Evanston's is an "infinity pool," Olympic length but only 5 ft. at the deep end. No diving or even jumping in. I was able to do only two laps—backstroke, as I forgot my nose clips & goggles—stopping often to catch my breath and let my quads stop burning (and let the serious lap-swimmers pass by me unimpeded). I did 15 min. in the spa, including doing some curls with water-weights. My LE didn't flare up despite not wearing compression. (Can one even wear compression while in the water)? And I've been told the Ravenswood branch (where I'm going to haul my sleepy keister for 9am Sat. morning AquaFit) is even nicer.

    There's Silver Sneakers again tomorrow, but I have a training session in the evening. Best not to work out every day, or at least do something different.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    Hi Celia it's so good to hear from u. How are u feeling??? U really sound good and back in the swing of things.

    And Welcome Trish, don't worry say what u want and do what u want--no judgement here. U'll notice we have a drink of the day DOTD so u might learn this kind of stuff here. Plus lots of other stuff too. I hope u come back and tell us about u'rself.

    I just got done talking with my boss for an hour, damn I love that man--he always makes me feel better. Oh I did get my pain meds today, helping alot.

    Sandy the program u go to wow sounds great. I've never heard of that before, but it really makes sense. I do very low movement, just to get my body moving, right now I'm more at a halt, but I know I have to start again when I'm able to have some mobility. I'm getting better at walking so I'm just glad of that. I actually don't always need a cane in the house right now. Whew--But I am having a problem being hungry. There's a period of time during the day that I'm starving and I wasn't like that before---that just started a couple of days ago. This is all I need, that's why I have to start moving.

    Well that's about it for now.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    Good early Morning Ladies,

    Sandy U pushed me right into the pool in the middle of the night. LOL I just read about u going swimming. Sounds wonderful, the whole experience actually. But being in the water alone feels so good. Now this is a must, I think. I just go in when it's warm and my DD has her pool open, it's not deep but how relaxing and so easy to move all these old body parts--and whenever I go the next day even tho I'm sore it still feels good. My fav. way to exercise--I hope I'll be able to go this year and maneuver my bones to get in.

    My SIL starts working Monday morning--whoot whoot <or did I tell u> we're all just so happy and relieved, then he gets a call later for another one, but that one really was for a couple of months with nothing else so no choice. Maybe our cloud is starting to lift, I pray everyday. It's only about 1/2 hr. from here so that's great and the big sell was not only that he could do all the jobs but he was a family man--which he is 100%, so going into this I pray is going to be all good.

    Dan , my boss, knows someone who grows Willie for the state and he also knows all about hemp and the properties in it. So he's doing my investigation for me--cuz I'm having a time finding hemp, with just CBD, or whatever those letters are--cuz that's all I really want. Altho Dan has never been an addict, he has always helped people after rehab--with jobs and stuff--his dad was and maybe still is so he does what he can for his dad and others. He knows a lot about this stuff and now we're really talking about it cuz of me. TMI right--u know how I am. BUT cuz of all the pain meds, I don't have my D--so again this is crazy--this is the only thing that's worked for so long since 10 yrs. Right now I need a bunch of personal items that I use so he will drop off some $$$ for me to get the things I need. I know I go on and on about him, but he is such a wonderful man and I want him to be the success he should be, he deserves it. Ok enuff. LOL

    It's Friday eve right? Into May yet, still a little chilly, but I think the rain has stopped for a while. We got loads, but people all around got more than us. Oh the grass is green and mowed too.

    Lori when r u going? Or have u left??? I'm always in some kind of haze.

    And DARA didn't hear us, so I hope things are going well. Her grandbaby is getting so big and is so cute, I hope she's really enjoying him.

    NM this week of new things is coming to an end, u must feel relief and u did really well--if I remember correctly. ooohazyoooo.

    I'll check in latah

    LUBS TO ALL < this doesn't look right to me.>

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    Image result for google images of recipes with vodkaRelax this morning NM, here's the DOTD, sounded kinda good to me.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited May 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!If I needed any indicator that moving to part time is the right thing to do I have it.I am so tired this ayem, getting out of bed was a struggle. I know it's partly cuz I didn't sleep well last night, but I didn't sleep well cuz I was thinking about something Clinical Manager 2 said yesterday.She said that she knew I wasn't going to be case managing, but my name was going to be on the charts as the case manager, and I am going to be expected to do some of the notes for the big meeting every other week.This is work that usually has to be done on the weekend (the computer work makes the notes available to be filled in on Thursday peeyem, need to be done by end of the day Monday, Thursdays and Fridays are usually very busy with admissions, Mondays with weekend catch up stuff, leaving only Sat and Sun).I flat out said that I will need to be paid for the time spent doing that, and that I am not going to do that on the weekend.In other words, they are going to have to schedule time for that in one of the days I am working, CM 2 said something about me needing to work it into a working day. I have a feeling this is going to be a point of contention before too long. I am sticking to my guns, not going to do this on my time, or as extra time, it will have to be factored into my work day or I won't do it. CM 2 is trying to guilt trip me telling me how hard it is for her and CM 3 to write them without knowing the patients, and how much it adds to their workload. Not my circus, not my monkeys. Not after the 12th, anyway. And I found out yesterday that I made a big mistake on Tuesday.I admitted a patient that lives in a nursing home, but she was still considered a skilled care patient (nursing homes get paid more for skilled care patients cuz they are getting intensive physical and occupational therapy to get back strength and recover from illness or surgery).This is something that is supposed to be checked on way before the nurse does the admission, but somehow it's my fault that I missedthis fact, being the last person who could have stopped the admission.So the company has to write off 2 days of care, cuz a person cannot use skilled care and hospice at the same time. I am so ready for it to be 5 peeyem on the 12th!!!!

    Jazzy--what a pain in the butt with the window screen! Why do the simple things need to get so complicated? I am hanging on to get through today and tomorrow, will rest up for next week and just plow through next week and then take control.It's a very different behavior for me to be putting limits on work rather than just accepting what's sent my way. I'm seeing a different, rather unhappy side of some of the management people. I keep chanting my new mantra--not my circus, not my monkeys--to remind myself that this is ok to do and not just ok but necessary. Beautiful planter! I love succulents, and can't wait to redo my fairy garden. Most of the plants are still alive, thanks to being neglect resistant, but some aren't looking very good.And I need to figure out a new fairy house and a few other little things for it. That's going to be one of my reward projects. I'm going to make sure to do some fun things in between decluttering and cleaning. No more putting fun stuff off until all the housework is done, housework never gets completely done and I need to have some fun, too!

    Cammy--yes, a kayak goes in the water.It's a bit smaller than a canoe. Easier for one person,IMO. I wear a live vest and am a strong swimmer, and generally stay pretty close to shore, so you don't need to worry about me. Doesn't a shower and shampoo feel really good?Sorry you are hurting after, that's a bummer, hope you are resting now.

    Hsant--now that you say it I think management IS afraid to lose me entirely!Wow, never thought I had that much power. I think I could get to like this idea!I'm so glad you had good friends to help you with things after your Dad died.That is so important, especially at a time like that. And I'm glad you are getting to spend some time with family and friends before you go home to DH. Good for you for standing up to your family when your Uncle needed care.Caring for one person is hard enough, for two is major work! You have given more than your fair share, definitely time for the cousins to step up and be family.

    Mema--there can be surprising number of calories in a good dwinky, cutting back probably will help a lot. Sorry you aren't feeling well, jaw issues can upset the working of the inner ear and cause dizziness and such, not fun at all.

    Chi--thanks for the Silver Sneakers info.In the past I have had a big problem with fitness classes, even beginner classes, with not being able to keep up or come close to doing the moves, and have been thinking that I need to start with asmaller baby step and something like this could be more in line with my current ability.I'll see where I am come winter after restarting the walking program and doing some yoga.I like yoga, I only compete with myself, just try to get deeper stretches over time, or hold poses longer, and can do it on the back deck in nice weather. Love doing the Sun Salutation in the morning on the deck watching the sunrise in the summer.

    Welcome, Tricia. No one will throw stones at you for not drinking here in the Lounge.We believe in living life and that includes a glass of vino or a drink sometimes. What's your favorite drink?

    Celia--what a wonderful thing to have the butterfly land on the bc boob! I hope that's an omen of good things to come for you!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD: thanks to Cammy!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    Kim I'm thinking u'r relief has started and instead all this turmoil. I'm just so glad u'r rising above it and please don't loose any sleep over it. U've given enough all this time. They want to guilt u cuz u'r so compassionate. U know u can't let them, just know u'r almost done and u do have power over them and keep it. But ignore them. U need to rest still u don't want to get sick over this.

    And SusyQ I'm so sorry I didn't address u'r issue with u' jaw. I read things then later I come on and well u know. How aggravating for u. I know u deal with pain alot, and it's horrible for u and yet u always keep going. (((HUGS)))

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2017

    Jazzy yes, I have talked to my DD, she is doing fine. I think she is gonna try again to work on getting that divorce. I find it surprising that it's been such a hassle to get a screen repaired, or redone. Can you just take to a hardware store, like ACE? Your succulents, look……well, succulent! Ha ha, you swimming behind NM in her kayak, love it!

    Sandy, you normally go to bed after 1 am?

    Cami, so very nice that your pcp wants to help you, and it's good that you are not on so many pain meds. Can you ask her about your diaper supplies? What is it that is helping you with the D? Have you started the Hemp? Hemp oil is what you want to look for. I hope you get to play in your DD's pool lots this summer, I know how much you like that. I leave Monday.

    NM, I can't believe how much different you sound. I'm so excited and happy for you and Sadie. LOL working on call for July 4th, you sneakybugger you! And you got that right about the monkeys and the circus. Proud of you for standing your ground. And now reading about CM2 trying to guilt you into working…..nope, no way, nadda. What part of NO don't you understand???

    Image result for not my circus not my monkeys

    Image result for not my circus not my monkeys

    Hsant, thanks for checking in on Mary. Gosh, taking off and not letting us know, how dare she! Glad she is having a good time. I remember you telling us something about your uncle and how his own kids wouldn't step up to the plate and yours was full, for sure. Your uncle is still alive,yes?

    LDB, I too love brussel sprouts, and pretty much every other veggie. Not a fan of okra or egg plant though, I think those are the only two I won't eat. Sawry about your ear/headache and jaw probs. I would take a hug anytime, but sometimes it jes don't work out. That's ok, I got to see you a couple of weeks ago, and I am so grateful for that.

    Tricia, hi and welcome. No stone throwin here. But you might get some drinks slung atcha!

    Celia, sounds like you had a great time with your sister and DD. I just love spending time with my family, it just doesn't happen enough.

    Had company yesterday, our hygienist friend and another friend of hers, he is going to help us try and sell our business.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    OK Lori u have some splainin' to do--what do u mean sell u'r business or is it advertising it--I didn't quite unnerstan'. And I have barely used Depends lately, I don't want to get jinxed here, but I think it's the pain meds. and I do talk to my PCP to make sure I don't overdo.

    I told u Dan also tried to teach me how to double screen like u did, but it doesn't connect in my head, u all make it look so easy, Joey kinda gave up on me. And Chase Bank think we scammed the bank, if they only knew how little we all know.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338
    edited May 2017

    Good Morning Everyone! Sorry I've been AWOL. I've had successful cataract surgery on both eyes. I had toric lenses implanted in both so the checking account is much lighter. Still doing drops in the eyes. I go in on the 17th to get a prescription for glasses. Right now I'm using dollar store glasses for reading and for the computer. Works okay but it is annoying to keep swapping out glasses. At least I can read etc.

    Had one of my outside faucets freeze and crack over the winter. Turns out the builder improperly installed it 8 years ago (long before I bought the house). So $600 later and I have a new faucet. Also had 4 burning bushes planted in the backyard to replace the rose bushes I got rid of last summer.

    Today we will have our first 80°F day since September 29th. We haven't even had a 70° day yet! And it's been over 200 days. I actually shaved my legs so I can wear shorts today :)

    Hope all is well with you all. Please keep a dear friend in SoCal in your prayers today. She is a 5 year ovarian cancer survivor and just had a double prophylactic mastectomy yesterday. She test for the BRCA genes - both her mother AND her father had BC.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited May 2017

    Good afternoon friends- lots of updates here today and from some folks we have not heard from for awhile. I just got back from the pool and have become friendly with a young lifeguard who I learned does swimming lessons. She is going to teach me how to do the flip turns so I can get working faster with my laps. She told me today she is studying to be an EMT. Another guy joined our conversation who is a regular there like me and I think I am finding some "pool friends!" This is the kind of place that is for those who LOVE swimming. I hope to make an apt with her for next week.

    Pontiac- good to hear from you and glad you are through your surgery. Sorry to hear about the faucet freezing, I had that happen too even with a cover on it a few years back. They had to replace it and I had to have the area re-stuccoed with the water damage. I am glad you got your bushes in too, you had talked about that. Will keep your friend in my thoughts with her surgery, and hope she recovers well.

    Hsant- I know only too well about family who try to push eldercare on to others. My sister's partner is in poor health and is an only child and has three elders who look to them for support. They are unable to ever work out any plans for anything nor do they want to be dealing with it anyways. Talk about not my circus not my monkeys!!! I will not share with them when I travel to the locations where these elders are because of expectations on my part. Sometimes you have to just say NO and reinforce it with boundaries. You will be gone soon and his kids will have to step up. I often remind myself I am only one person and cannot do what everyone wants me to do. I hope the last of your time there is productive and comforting.

    Cami- so glad to hear Marty has a job! Yay for the family. And pain meds for you too. Your boss sounds like he really cares for you. Lots to be grateful for, yes?

    NM- I have yet to work for a bad situation where they were not freaked when I was leaving. Can be either via FT or contract work. They know good people are not easily replaced. What I have come to realize through the years is every organization/office has it's own culture. And that sets how employees, contractors/vendors, and others are treated, for better or for worse. It is good you had time away to be able to detach so you can more easily see the way they are.

    And I am sorry you are tired too, hard to go back FT after all that. Your mission is to get through until next Friday. The rest is not your bulls/not your BS as Goldie says! Better days are a comin' sister.....

    Goldie- I started with the Pella people, not being sure if they did it or would refer me elsewhere. Never had to rescreen anything, but learned quickly about who does it or not. The screen is now with a place that specializes in screen and glass repair and will have it by next Monday. The new place told me Pella does not do re-screening, and said I was told they did and that they would get it done, but told the guy, obviously you are right that they don't do it! Again, not impressed with the Pella office here.

    I think divorce is never an easy decision, but hope your DD can find a way to settle things as easily as possible.

    Chi-yay you are in the pool! I hope you can continue to swim and enjoy it! I find it a lot easier in the post bc world with the joint stiffness on the AIs. I have gone three times this week and call it good. I also found with my gym I used to go to, some locations were better than others.

    DARA, DARA, DARA.......

    That is all I can think of for right now friends. Until we meet again, have a good rest of your day!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2017

    Hi girls,

    Sorry I have been MIA, been busy with trying to find a job. I have an interview next Thursday with AnnieMac Mortgage. I am excited and hope this is just the beginning of good things to come!

    Will try to catch up more over the weekend but wanted to pop in and answer Cammy and Jazzy's pager requests hehe!

    Hello and welcome Tricia!

    cheerS ladies!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    Pegg so glad to hear from you. Both eyes, yeoy but it all sounds good. Glad that's over for you. More bushes, they are so pretty, I know u'll enjoy them and we will too if u share some pics. Ok I don't know what toric lenses are, splain please.

    Jazzy leave it to u to start a whole circle of friends at the pool. Hey u'll do those laps faster with the turnaround. See u'r not happy just doing them, u've got to get it all down. U'r something. love it.

    Dan was here tonite and he knows I order my monthly crap over the counter stuff so I can get a gift cert. and order my stuff with a little extra. He's so good to me. And the Bank is reopening the thing about that stupid scam that they think we did, so waiting to hear from them. It's funny cuz my kids do know more about a computer than I do and Joey too, but no one has the ability to scam anyone. They could put a camera in here order popcorn and have a comedy show. And Aha I found the hemp oil I wanted, I'll see if I can get that too. It's oil u put under u'r tongue. Sound about right???

    NM TGIf for u and I'm sure u'r glad a bout that. Actually just a few more days and u'll be doing and feeling alot better about all of the decisions u made. And Sadie will be happier for it.

    D A R A so glad u pooped in and can't wait to hear more about what's going on. U must be feeling better, which we've been all waiting for and prayers for u'r job hunting, I think u do have the luxury for really picking what u want and where u'll be happiest. So get back here and tell us what's happening.

    Took a real shower again tonite, I know silly but I enjoy it so--cane and all.

    Sandy u seem like u'r doing well with the exercise and swimming now, even better I think, isn't the water relaxing???

    Hsant I know when u leave (soon) I do hope u will keep contact with us too, but really understand just being home for u and back to u'r life with u'r DH. He' got to be so happy too.

    Lori for some strange reason I did think u'r DD followed up with her divorce. I know that there is all kind of hold up for it, but wow it's been a while for her--I hope she's doing all right with all of that. Seems so complicated for her, I hate that she has to go thru crap.

    OK I'll close for now, be back in a few hrs--looks like.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    Image result for tgif gifTGIF

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2017

    ohhhhh you smell so fine Camille!

    I just ordered a third dress to try my nephew's wedding next month, got this one from Dillards as someone suggested, was it you Jazzy?

    Now to find shoes, not easy finding size 6 in a wide


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2017

    Actually, I may have dislocated my knee implant, or sprained my MCL, swimming: that scissor-kick for the backstroke, coupled with the fact that I haven't been in a pool since 2014 nor swimming since before my knees were replaced, might have been my undoing. Knee more stable and not painful as I climbed up to bed in the wee hours; but will still talk to my orthopod in the see if I need x-rays or CT. (Yes, you can also get MRIs with metal knee implants, so long as they're titanium). I might just need a few days in a soft brace and then resume training, but as P.T. (Same exercises I had after my knee surgeries--arthroscopic and replacements).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited May 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes! TGIF!I have to admit that I am looking forward to a nice sleep in tomorrow ayem. Got a call from Clinical Manger 1 yesterday peeyem, she's leaving me with a light day today cuz she doesn't want to wear me out my first week back.I told her I am kind of tired and a light day would be really welcome.I'm not going to totally believe this until it actually happens, I'm betting that I'll get an admission before the day is over. We'll see. I slept pretty well last night so I feel pretty good this ayem, but it was still a bit of struggle to get out of bed. Still, I'm doing so much better than a month ago!

    I'm listening to the news while I ketchup here and the newest big issue over Narcan, a drug used to reverse narcotic overdoses.The Governor wants to charge people who are rescued with Narcan (usually by police) to be charged for the Narcan after the first time.A dose of Narcan costs $37.50. If the person doesn't pay up, the agency giving the medication will be fined $1000.Needless to say there is a lot of controversy around this.Some are upset that Narcan is made available to agencies and some individuals at no cost because it is a life saving medication, but insulin, chemotherapy, anti-seizure medications are charged for despite being life saving.Or that an EpiPen cost still costs more than $300 and some people with children with life-threatening allergies cannot afford one. My big issue is that most drug users that repeatedly overdose are not working and not paying medical bills, they aren't likely to pay for the Narcan, and then the agency giving it gets fined.That part is just wrong, IMO.

    Cammy--I know they are trying to guilt trip me to make things easier for themselves. I keep repeating the new mantraand reminding myself that I am not responsible for staffing.Things got taken care of while I was out sick, they'll get done with me working normal days, too.And onlyone more week of the full time grind, then freedom!

    Goldie--ooh, I like the Bull one, too!Now I have 2 mantras!

    Cammy--the bank thinks you are scamming them?REALLY?Crazy world we live in.

    Peggy--Hooray for successful cataract surgery!And an 80 degree day?WOW!I'm thrilled with 60 degrees!Bummer about the faucet freezing and cracking. The joys of homeownership abound.Said a prayer for your SoCal friend.

    Jazzy--It is easier to see what is going on in the office more clearly after being out for so long. Talk about silver linings!6 more full time work days, counting today.

    Dara--Hooray for the interview!


    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Image result for friday drink recipe

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    Good Morning Ladies,

    NM I enjoy u'r flare fr the DOTD. See stepping back and seeing what's going on at work is a lot differenet than being in the mix. And u'r right they will figure somethings out when u'r not there so no worries my dear, just go one with all u'r plans and it's time for u to have an outside life with good nite sleeps. Of course I love the idea of u teaching, but whatever u do u't even do it with more gusto and love.

    Sandy I'm thinking oh what a great swim u had and now this??? I'm sure this must hurt loads and now u have to find out how to help it. Jeez I'm so sorry, I thought with the backstroke, the only one I can do right, it would be more of a low impact, but maybe not. well I hope u get this all fixed up right away.

    OK Dara can't wait to hear exactly what's going on in the job department. and Yay for getting a dress and I never, ever want to hear about u'r dainty size 6 shoe again, I wear a 12--even if they are pretty they are still clown shoes. I wore a 10 in 6th grad and my dad said I'd grow into my feet, and I did but now I shrunk a lot but my feet didn't. So size 6 sounds like pretty shoes are coming u'r way. And a size 12 is I can put my foot on a man's neck and kill him.I'm so romantic.

    I love ordering from Walgreens, 2 days delivery and no shipping if u spend over 35.00, which is so easy and no one has to pick out what i'm looking for. I need to buy open back slippers and sneakers, but I'll get them when I get my money in the middle of the month--Just hope the sale is still on--it did say May so they better have what I want. Not Walgreens BTW.

    And Dara I smell like a bouquet of finely picked flowers and a little medicinal since I have a skin infection. And need stuff on it. LOL My perfection is marred.

    Oh Joey told me they have 1/2 prices at Starbucks between 4-6 for a few days. so we're going to see what we can go. I know bad me the kid drinks coffee and makes it better than his parents. See I taught him things he'll use in life, school teaches him things he'll use in the world. Even balance.

    Be back latah


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited May 2017

    Good morning friends- happy Cinqo de Mayo friends. I am up early and moving to a busy day ahead. I am heading to see my stylist for my summer highlights this morning, then coming back to do my call with the potential client on the big project they need help with. I expect to have my convertible back today too. Tonight I am going to a free concert of latin american music at a national monument amphitheater across the street. Personal things, work things, car things, music things.

    NM- I am glad you will have an easy day today and have the weekend to recover. They are being smart with you about not overtaxing you today. You were tired yesterday. Do they get it yet that you are done next Friday? I hope you and Miss Sadie have some nice time together this week. Did she go with you each day or just the one day you mentioned? Do something nice for yourself to celebrate making it through this first (and next to last) week back!

    Don't get my started on big pharma.....

    Chi- sorry the swimming caused you problems. My left knee talks to me sometimes with my work in the pool. You use so many muscles with swimming, maybe ease in to it a bit more. Hope you are feeling better today.

    Dara- good to hear from you and congrats on having an interview scheduled next. I hope you get a few of them and land something really perfect for you. Time for the new chapter to begin, and k now you are more than ready!

    Cami- did someone say half price at Starbucks? I don't go for the fancy drinks, but like their coffee. I have learned to create a lower calorie frappacino with sugar free syrups. And the bank things you guys created the scam? Big eye roll. Tell them their cybersecurity is the likely problem. Banks are something else. And size 12? You must have a hard time with shoes. My mom wore and 11 narrow and always had to special order shoes. I am a 9 1/2 and my sister a 10 1/2. Big foot family......

    Gotta get going and will let you know how the interview turns out and what happens next!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    Hallmark eCards dance mexico stop motion spanish GIFOops I forgot. Happy Cinco de Mayo

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2017

    My sports medicine doc’s (whom I saw for bursitis and a torn glute back in Feb. 2015) trainer/P.A. messaged me back that “anterior knee pain is common after exercise,” probably due to patellar tendon strain or patellar mistracking. I have an artificial inner surface on my patella as part of the knee prosthesis; and back in 1996 when I was outpatient-rehabbing after open-reduction/internal fixation for a tibial plateau fracture (caused by being hit by a car while crossing a street), patellar mistracking was an issue requiring taping for a couple of months. Maybe it’s time to see a PT for a refresher on how to kinesio-tape before exercise?

    The knee has behaved itself since last night. The P.A. says to resume my personal training but carefully—and stay out of the pool for now. If it acts up again, I should be seen at the ortho walk-in clinic.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited May 2017

    Good afternoon ladies- I had a good phone call on the local opp here in town. Sounds like they really need someone in the trenches with them working M-F, some weekends. I won't be able to commit to that with the upcoming assessment work we are working to get the final funding on to get started shortly. The person who talked about it said it was more half time to start, but they need ALOT more. I am not the "in the trenches" person anymore.

    But better than that is something else they are doing I really want to do. More high level strategic work and would be PT and can be done around the other. They are going to try to get some consulting funding for that but are not sure yet. This is the work I want to do along with the other one.

    Jazzy the consultant......

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2017

    Hello mese bresties!!

    Today is TGIF….yay!!! It is 100o on my shaded patio…was 88 when I took pooches to the park. Supposed to cool off by 20o'by next week. Not ready for it to be 100 yet. But yes, I am thankful as I kno some of you are still dealing with 'cold'. I've had a word with Mother Nature, she assures me it won't last long.

    Tricia - welcome, welcome to our HTL. Well jes to make sure u come back, I'll b waiting for a joke or 2 from you.

    Celia - Ohh sounds like a wonderful visit from your Dsista and DD. Hmmm, Blue Morph on ur bc boop, I'll take that as a positive sign.

    Sandy - I envy you….I never learn to swim properly. My dh does laps at the gym whenever he goes. I did the water aerobics, but not more than 3 mos. Too cold in the building, I was more sore and tense in my neck and shoulder area from the chill in the building, than the water. Idk about wearin compression in the water.

    Cami - u kno that pain pills will cause constipation right? So am sure that is reason ur big D is gone. Am so glad for you tho. U've got a gr8 boss and Joey too…am envious. Love all your posts tho. If you found CBD Tincture….yay yay. U just have to be sure and check how much THC is in it. I have used a tincture for months now, plus the 'nasty tasting' RSO (rick simpson oil) etal. Rarely do I smoke it. CAUTION on taking either of these. Start out with a very small dose. If ur tincture has an eyedropper for putting the med under your tongue, only fill dropper to ¼…see how you respond. And ALWAYs remember that it might take up to 2 hours to affect you. No jinx on ur SIL's job…I have forbid it, therefore it will be…LOL. Well, I'm praying anyway.

    Don't worry about me n my jaw. We are getting along. Cept DH says I still snore crazy even with the mouth guard. O well.

    Lowee - speaking of mmj. I called the doc at an MMJ Clinic in Vegas…$150 for her to sign the paperwork. Today I called directly to the State of NV Health and Resource. Don't need the Doc signature anymore, and I guess DMV is outta the pict too. I just typed up a letter requesting renewal, made copies of my DL and MMJ card. They will review and email me for my $75 to the state. ½ of the docs fee. When the state gets my money they will mail my new card. Woohoo. And to echo Cami, what's with ur business?

    NM - hang in there….jes 1 more week til the 12th. R u going on a trip or jes cuz it'll be a weekend, or mayb time off to declutter? Love the mantras…u go girl. Calories, calories….hard to live without em. I hear Rum (as far as liquor is concerned) is supposed to be the lowest in calorie, I just haven't found a good 'gowith'. Guess I shud try it jes on the rocks eh?

    Peg - Whooo, cataract surgery and u didn't tell us? Jes being a smartarse. Real bummer bout the pipes freezing, glad u got bixed up tho. Had to LOL on shaving your legs. Welcome to my club…I rarely shave, but even when I do, there seems to be a lot less to shave off. No hair regrowth in the underarm or So of the belly area. But hey, OK with it, less for me to think about. Will keep SoCal gal in my prayers. Keep us posted, I lost my niece last year to the ovarion ratbast. (HUGZ)

    Dara Dahhhling - WHOO HOO N HAPPY DANCES for you. The interview will go swimmingly, of this I am sure. You got it 'going on' girlfriend!!! ((HUGZ)) When is the nephews wedding and where. U will b most beautimus I am sure. I have wide feet too, size 11W. My DD is a 12N. My son is size 14. My dd was terrorized and picked on all thru school and even at her job site (hostessing), some idiot customer would make a big hoorah about it. Jerks!

    Well it's CINCO DE MAYO and DH will be home soon, feedbag. Tomorrow is Kentucky Derby…I stand to win $200+ if ALWAYS DREAMING wins.

    Lubslubslubslubs - Sharing my killa with ya'll.

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited May 2017

    Camille - Love your Cinco de Mayo dancing cactus. Now if I only had some tequila for a margarita! Yes, am feeling pretty good, inspite of being 1 month into the AIs. Seeing daughter & sister last week was a big spirit lifter. Glad they visited last week. Last Fri it was 85 & today it was 46 & rain all day.

    Can't imagine what the Derby will be like tomorrow - poor horses, jockies & spectators. Ah, but slug down enough mint juleps and who cares?

    Peg - Good that your surgery is all done. In May 2016, had cataract surgery on both eyes & so pleased with the results. Only need cheapie readers!

    Jazzy, the consultant - sounds like a great career move.

    Sandy - Hope your knee continues to get better. I though swimming was supposed to be gentle exercise , , , who knew?

    Dara - Hope your Dillards dress works out. Our Dillards always seems to have the nicest dresses - even better than Nordstrom or Saks. Maybe online shoe places (Zappo's?) is the way to go for your shoes?

    NM - I am with you on the sleeping in tomorrow. Be good to yourself this weekend.

    Happy weekend to all!

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited May 2017

    Mema - Will be cheering for your Derby horse tomorrow. Not there in person, even though it is only about 1 hour away - Will watch from the warmth & comfort of my Northern KY home.