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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    Wow it's so nice to see our ladies in here today.

    Celia u live that close to the Derby. That is such an exciting race, always enjoyed on TV. Nice to have the cataract over isn't it. Altho I've not had one yet, it just doesn't seem pleasant to me anyway.

    SusyQ oh I have to reread u'r post again, so I hope to get it straight. U really know what u'r talking about, my sister wants me to try this first so she can see what it does to me before she tries it, Has anyone explained, or do u know why is there so much bone pain with walking and movement after the fact. I mean my sister and I are also NED but this is crazy--I've never asked about this actually. And woot woot for u'r pony winning, makes it more exciting to watch it. Oh and I to think my D has stopped cuz of pain meds. It's worth it to me tho.

    Oh here's a tidbit of info. my sister's GS who is 24 has been spending alot of time alone lately, <HMMM> well he wrote a book about apps for the computer and got it published and we're floored. I keep on reminding everyone that I read a scientific thing that children get their brains from their mother's genes, especially now, these men don't want to hear this, but........anyway my sister was asking him if this means he'll go with this for a while instead of going into the Navy Seals, but he's still going Umph, sorry but we still don't want him to. I know people have to but it is different when it's our own.

    Jazzy sounds like u'r really getting things wrapping up now with great choices. So happy.

    Sandy how r u tonite??? Or is this something that will work it's way quietly into the nite, I hope so. I always think of water as being the best for all our joints and bones, it's always so soothing on them.

    Lori if I missed this I'm sorry, but what's going on with u'r business, are u regrouping or selling???

    NM I'm sure u'll be having a great morning soon, just relaxing getting up and being with Sadie.

    OK DARA, more info than that--not enough for me.

    Trish I hope u come back and tell us about u'r self.

    Joey has a sleep over tonite, jeez I never knew boys had them too, but he always has a good time but falls asleep early--Wimp.

    OK watching TV now--as usual, did get quite a few calls today, always happy about that and some phoney calls about getting money sent to me--they keep trying, getting tired of that so I've been blocking more and more calls lately.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited May 2017

    Hi ladies- lovely evening of outdoor music tonight for Cinqo de Mayo. It was a perfect weather with temps in the 80s (hit 88 here today) and saw hawks or some kind bird of pray soaring over us above the mesa. One of those moments you look up to see big sky, nature, while listening to lovely music and say to yourself, it is good to be alive. Now I am home and enjoying a little bit of Riesling from a cat bottle. Got it at Cost Plus last year and told myself it was time to get in to it.

    Celia- glad you had some good family time. Take it easy as you start the AIs, within three months, the SEs really set in for me. Oh and been a consultant and working for myself for 10 years now.

    Cami- wow, your GS wrote a tech book and had it published? Yay!

    Dara- I forgot to answer the dress questions, yes, check Dillards on line. They have a lot of great special events dresses. Check your local consignment shops too, they can often have great dresses for things at a fraction of the cost for special events too!

    Wishing everyone a good start to the weekend......


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2017

    Love the kitty Mosel Riesling! (A riff on Zeller Schwarze Katz)? With chicken mole, elotes, and a tamale verde I had some Maryhill Grenache. Then Bob came home and asked for Margaritas. So I made a couple basically by the seat of my pants: for two of them, the juice of half a lime, 2-1/2 oz. reposado Tequila (cheapest brand WF had), 1/2 oz. Cointreau (so long since I'd last used it I could barely open the bottle), and a few squirts of Skinnygirl Agave/Stevia. Shook it up (had to dump all the pens, pencils & bar tools out of the shaker & glass). Barely able to get the kosher salt to stick to the glass rims. No 'rita glasses so I used martini glasses.

    Feeling better—knee has behaved itself since last night. Sportsmedicine P.A. read my chart from 2015 (when I had to get a shot for hip bursitis & torn glute) and noted that patellar drift was a known issue for me—he says my trainer should have me work on hamstring flexibility and hip stabilization. Maybe I'll bring some kinesio tape left over from my LE PT sessions and see if my trainer knows how to use it. But if my patella or its tendon acts up again, I'll have to be seen at the clinic.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    Good Saturday Morning Ladies.

    Sandy I like the way u "throw" a drink together, I'm sure it tasted great but the description was so funny. Good u'r doing better hope no clinic is in u'r future.

    Jazzy I thought u were kidding about the cat bottle, I never saw anything like that, well I really don't shop for much anymore. That is so cute. U'r night sounds so relaxing and enjoyable. U always know where to celebrate events.

    SusyQ I just remember u said it was 100 degrees there????????? Oh my stars that's hot, way to hot, but I guess it's that time of year to start.

    Dara u can find so many shoes that are hard to find in stores on line--when u know u'r exact size--Miss 6-- so keep u'r eyes open.

    I hope NM sleeps in today and enjoys Sadie with cuddling. I'll do the DOTD so she can just relax. I know never as good as hers, but better than nothing.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    Image result for google images of recipes with vodkaAll right not a drink, but looks great to serve at a party or watching a movie alone.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2017

    Cami yes, we are looking to sell out business so DH and I can retire and enjoy life. Wow, hardly no depends, that is great. I can't believe the trouble that the bank is giving your family. And Marty got a job! Cracking up over you putting your foot on a man's neck and killing him…you are a hoot!

    PP, sending prayers your way for your friend.

    Jazzy, my DD is having a horrific time trying to get this darned divorce. We have no clue as where he is, we think CA. Both of them (asshole husband and his gf) have pretty much been disowned by both families, they both deleted their FB accounts. I just wish she would go with the abandonment.

    Dara, praying for good things for you goilie. Can we see the dress?

    Sandy, that knee sounds painful.

    NM, I hope you DID get that light day. One more week! I've seen that about that Narcan, not right!

    Jazzy, seems like you ALWAYS have something going on, you are always on the go.

    Sue, I got me some tonic water. Pissed off when I got home to see the 2nd ingredient is high fructose corn syrup! Gonna have to see if I can find some w/o that chit. I think Cami is getting Hemp, which doesn't have THC in it. I need doctor's signature for my MMJ card.

    Celia, don't drink too many Juleps!

    Expecting lots of wind here starting today, and temps dropping here as well. Could even get down to freezing for a couple of nights. Need to get more planting done today and get ready to leave early Monday morning. You might not hear much from me while gone, but we'll see.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    Lori, I'm so happy that u'r getting ready to retire and just enjoy each other and everything about it. I don't remember that u said anything before, but I like this idea for the both of u. Will u plan on staying where u live now???, cuz it does sound like a quiet nice place to live. Oh u'r poor DD has been going for this divorce for so long-She should just do the abandonment if that's possible, wow he's put her thru enough chit. I remember when I separated from my 2nd husband and after a while, I thought OK divorce time, the very next week I see his name in the Parish paper to be married in 3 weeks. He could care less that it was all over the place. We were still married, some people really have no respect for anyone or anything. A church yet and it was my church too. Talk about schmucks. All I thought about was the poor woman that was walking into his world. I quickly got a divorce, <thanks to my brother> U'r DD's "husband" is that same type of person, so nonsouled and she's the one who has to go thru this. I feel bad for her.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited May 2017

    Good morning, Loungettes!Only one week of full time work left to get through.Got to admit I was pretty darned tired when I got home yesterday peeyem. God was looking out for me, though.Got a call in the ayem from Clinical Manager 1 about a meeting at 1 peeyem in the nursing home 63 miles away from the office, she wanted me to go after I did some visits in the ayem. Say goodbye to getting done early, right?Got a call just as I was starting out that way that the meeting was cancelled. So I stopped at the hospital where one of my patients was admitted in the wee hours of the morning, had a great visit, got everyone on the same page and got solid plans in place for patient to go back home, was able to get all the ducks in a row, and make a really big difference.THIS is what I love about this work, making a difference.Couldn't have done that at a meeting in the boonies!Still was able to get done a bit early.But once I sat down in the recliner to read for a bit I fell right asleep, and Sadie had to wake me up to go to bed! Slept pretty darn well, and loved lounging around before getting up, even if we did get up around 6. Going to rainy here today, sometimes heavily, so no working outside today. Probably not going to do much inside either, gonna rest up to get through next week.Got to think about what I want to do about working after that--do I want to work set days, or go week to week.There are pros and cons for each. I went through my calendar yesterday and took out all the On Call reminders that I'm not going to need anymore.Felt SOOOOOO good!I've also started a list of Reward Projects--mostly little projects that I like to do, going to plan regular reward projects as well as the decluttering and cleaning. One of the mistakes I have made in the past is falling for the "work first, get it done, play later, you'll have more fun" myth. Some work, like housework, is never truly "done" so I never got to do the fun stuff, leading the housework feeling more and more overwhelming and feeling more and more abused by life. My own fault, I now know. Live and learn.

    Cammy--I love online shopping, too!Never thought about checking places like Walgreens.The only problem I have with that is all the cardboard boxes that have to be recycled.Making coffee is an essential life skill, good for you for making sure Joey has that one!

    Jazzy--I don't think they get it yet that I am almost done with FT work. I suspect there will be a number of conversations revolving around the word "No" for the first few weeks until they figure out that I am serious about not case managing, and not giving away any of my time, and not working on weekends AT ALL.Not even "just a few notes".Ended up not taking Sadie with me this week, wasn't sure what I would be doing and didn't want her sitting in the car in a parking lot for hours on end if I was stuck in the office. Plus it gave me another reason to not work long days--had to get home to let her out. If other people can use that excuse, then so can I. I have been able to leave the kitchen door open so she could go in and out as she pleases to monitor neighborhood activity. I will have to think of something to do to celebrate getting through this week.

    Chi--patellar issues can be pretty limiting, from what I've heard.Glad you know how to deal with it!

    Jazzy--Hooray for YOU!Jazzy the Consultant is in the Lounge!

    Mema--so glad you have a good relationship with Mother Nature. And good to hear that warm is coming. Now if the sunshine comes with the warm I will be a very happy person! No trips in the plans just yet.I'm thinking that by winter I will have a pretty good idea how the cash flow will work and maybe plan something then, probably another cruise. Or maybe a trip to Disney World. The major plans are decluttering/cleaning and kayaking/swimming.

    Celiac--Going to be rather lazy this weekend, need a little recovery time from the first week back. I did pretty well with AI. I had hot flashes and needed to take gabapentin to calm them down so I could sleep, and had the usual joint pain that got better with loratadine (OTC allergy med).

    Cammy--Makes since that the D is stopped by the pain meds.There is a very old medicine, DTO (deoderized tincture of opium), that used to be used for all sorts of bowel/digestive issues in babies, children and adults. It's still available but very hard to find and probably expensive. Also known as Laudenum in the old days. It's essentially morphine that has been treated to make it smell and tastes better. Worked really well but addictive.

    Jazzy--so cool to see the hawks, I saw a couple yesterday, too!Unusual to see birds of prey along the roads here in Maine, but from time to time it happens. Must have been wonderful to sit under the big sky, see the birds and listen to the music.

    Chi--Glad the knee is behaving, hope it stays that way!

    Cammy--Wow, LOVE the DOTD!!!You do a great job with that and I appreciate it!And there is no rule the DOTD must be a drink, it just must have alcamahol!

    Goldie--I did get an easy day, but it was God's work, not managements!I'm jealous of you who can be planting already.Not good to do that here until the middle of May or early June.There's always that one last frost that has to sneak in.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited May 2017

    Good morning ladies- hope everyone is having a good start to the weekend. I don't have anything big going on this weekend, but am taking the last of my consignment items in this afternoon to drop off and call the spring and summer closet purge DONE! Got some things for donations too. Good to have more space in the closets to find the things I do wear, pass along the others to those who can benefit from them somehow or another. I am going to take a break tomorrow and go to Santa Fe for the day, not been there in awhile.

    Goldie- I heard the winds are coming, chance of shower later along with a cool down. I will always welcome moisture when it comes. More rain this coming week too. And yes, I am always doing something, enjoying some of the space I have right now as when I am working, it is harder to do all I want to. Comes with self employment. I know you understand that as a business owner. And congrats on being ready to sell your biz! I hope your DD can file for abandonment. That guy and his GF sound like something else. Don't worry though, karma has its way with people through time.......

    NM- one week down, one to go! Not your problem if they don't get it you are going to be gone next week. Glad you got a reprieve and did not have to go back for a late meeting. On a Friday afternoon too? WTH? I was thinking of you yesterday when I was talking to the org here in town that was looking for someone for a lot of hours for this first project I heard about. They want someone with a lot of experience but want to work them like a dog. My other client is like that, no thanks! Find someone younger who wants that. By saying I could help them with something else PT, a better opp came up. Sometimes you have to just decide what YOU want and offer what you have in a way that works for you. And P.S. I saw you on the de-cluttering thread this morning too......

    I think I shared this with you once, my motto these days is work to live, not live to work. I try to be sure I get out with friends during the week, take time for things I enjoy like my music, exercise, etc. How much of that I can do is really dependent on the projects I am doing, but I make it a priority and don't let others interfere with it. Create a wellness plan for yourself with things you want to do and keep yourself accountable to them. I have no doubt your new PT schedule is going to give you time to enjoy life more. And what a perfect time to do this, summer in Maine is so lovely! Kayaking here you come, more time for the wine tasting group, etc. Maybe you need to think about a vacation somewhere too, even for a long weekend?

    Chi- I never had the reisling before but bought it because of the bottle. Mine is a lime green, I love to take fun bottles and stick candles in them later on when they are done. Very 70's, it is how we used to decorate when we had our first apartments! LOL. I am glad you knee is better. I wear a knee brace sometimes for things when it feels wonky. Ankle brace too. Dang, I have for just about every joint I think?

    Cami- wow about your second husband announcing his marriage to someone else before your divorce is final. Well, I know you know some people don't know how to be alone and just keep moving to the next. I know men who have been married 3, 4, 5 times and just keep doing the same old thing over and over. Women I know are done after 1-2 marriages. Me, I avoided it all together.

    Mema- I hope you are continuing to enjoy the warm weather this week. Been stellar here all week after the cold snap and snow last week. Good luck winning today!

    Celia- enjoy the derby. I hope the track is not too wet. I always worry about that with the horses and jockey's and mud. Seen too many accidents that way. May everyone do well with no injuries.

    Gotta get going to my errands. Wishing everyone a good day!

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited May 2017

    Yay, Mema - your horse won the Derby!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    Image result for horses

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2017

    Jazzy, Bob & I bonded in college over Zeller Schwarze Katz and Liebfraumilch. Remember Joni Mitchell had a thing for it too, in “Don’t Interrupt the Sorrow:”

    "Seventeen glasses, Rhine wine. Milk of the Madonna, clandestine.”

    DOTD—alas, plural. After a good and therapeutic workout (who knew my trainer was about to get his Masters in PT/OT?), walked over to Cellars. The pastry chef (who is such a great bartender that she makes all their infused vodkas and “shrubs”) made us killer mint juleps, as we watched the Derby (we didn’t have any bets, but were rooting for poor one-eyed Patch). Also had cava for a Caesar salad and the “surf” part of the “Mar y Tierra” special—deep-fried soft-shell crab. With the “Tierra,” to-wit, a ribeye/pesto roulade, some of that Chilean malbec-syrah blend I bought at last week’s tasting. No dessert, just the rest of my julep.

    Ergo, crosseyed and painless right now, so will chill till I collect my (half)wits.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    Sandy, everything sounds so good and u did work out too. Good Job...U know I never remember having a mint Julip, sounds so good tho. But everytime I hear about it, it just sounds so refreshing. OK One of these days, it's on my list.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2017

    Hello mese bresties!!

    Doing the HAPPY DANCE cuz mese horse won. My bestest bartender (retired now) Doug made a bet for me 6 wks ago (12-1 odds) on Always Dreaming. Apparently he did same for about 8 of the Stateline crew. We r all winners. Doug's $10 bet gets me about $230. Woohooo!!!

    Celia - The track was a horrible mess. But my horse still won. Hope you can get in a few more visits from friends/family…having them near can usually make a huge diff in your over-all attitude.

    Cami - LOL about ur sister wanted YOU to use it first. Just remember….start with a minute(very small) amount. As your tolerance grows, u'll kno when u can increase the dosage. I am still somewhat crippled from the bone pain. Especially last 4-5 days, both my legs from knee down ache horribly, no position helps. Have a PCP appt next week, they will do a Bone Density test as well. I'm seriously thinking it is just Arthur-itis. I'll kno more next week. OMG, ur sista's GS got an apps book published. Happy Dance…woohoo. We have cooler weather heading our way too. So 100+o won't last until next mo, then I'll turn into sumping I don't wanna splain….LOL.

    Sandy - keep us posted. I am having trouble with my legs too.

    It is windy, windy here. HATE IT!!!

    Lowwweee - I didn't kno u were going to retire and sell the business. Did you not kno when I saw u last month? No worries, am glad to hear that you can sell and retire. Plus, mayb u'll find a plot of land around here. Mesquite is where it's at…at least for dh and I. Did ur DD file a complaint with the 'Family Law' courts. Most states have them, they will keep checking his IRS taxes and find out where he is. IDK, just a thought. Going on another trip? I musta missed where u going?

    Dara - Yes, we insist on a pic of u in ur dress.

    NM - U R AMAZING. Heading for some shorter hours and yet you r out taking care of people. Glad you can fall asleep in ur recliner. Wish I could, but being a side-sleeper, gotta have a bed. Am thrilled tho that you had this time to reflect and realize that 'work first' is not always the way to go. Like I sed…you amaze me.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited May 2017

    Mema- congrats on your horsey winning the Derby!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    SusyQ nice win. It was awfully muddy tho, didn't realize it til I saw it. I will certainly take u'r advice about how I handle the new stuff. I haven't gotten it yet tho. My sister has both knees a mess, really bad, but they still can't operate cuz of the C-Diff business. She's the type that has to keep busy, so she cooks on a chair. And her big love of actually shopping is now on-line and of course she has to call me and ask her questions, finally she has to come to me. Bwahahaha. I did advise her to buy gift cards to order so none of her actual info was on the puter, she thought I was brilliant. hahaha Altho my pain has lessened considerably below my knees are still bad, like yours, for me it is Arthur-itis, I never knew that that could be so painful--It was always aggravating but not like this. One of the times I used a heating pad thinking maybe that would help, but I had it on so high that I blistered like crazy and yet I really didn't feel the blistering cuz the pain was so bad. My burns had to be treated and my Dr. had a fit. LOL So u see I have the rare combination of brilliance and stupidity, but the stupidity always wins out.

    I hope NM rests this Sunday morning so.... I'll do the DOTD so she can relax completely with Sadie.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    Image result for mint julep recipe Here's one recipe I found for the DOTD--sounds good to me.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited May 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Sunday Funday! Still rainy and gloomy, but warmer. Having a lovely lazy weekend, Sadie and I are. Getting anxious to get this work week going so it will be over with. I have an interview on Wednesday at the state Immunization Clinic for a per diem position, this will be something totallynew and different as it also includes travel immunization and health education. Also have my first education session scheduled, through where I work now.So there are good things on the horizon, just got to get through this one week. I know God will take care of me, and it's going to be interesting to see the reactions of the management folks as they really begin to realize how this change is going to impact the work flow.

    Jazzy--I am changing to a work to live mentality, too.Work just enough to put food on the table, pay the bills and put a bit in savings. Then I can choose to pick up more hours to make money for particular projects around the house, or for a vacation (I'm thinking of a weekend at Disney World in the fall, or maybe a 4 day cruise). I am going to set up a plan for decluttering and for getting in better condition, and for enjoyment of life. My Cozi calendar is going to be roadmap to life.It's a great organizational tool and it even has a FlyLady version, which I love! The decluttering thread is very interesting and is going to be hugely helpful.

    Chi--nothing wrong with plural DOTD!Nothing like choices and options. Sounds like you had a wonderful afternoon.

    Cammy--having a real mint julep is on my list of things to do, too!

    Mema--HOORAY for your horse winning!Nice return on the bet! I may be slow, but I do learn, and God dropping a brick wall on my last month did get my attention. Having time to think was a real gift.

    Great DOTD! Thanks, Cammy!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited May 2017

    Good morning friends- hoping everyone is having a good start to Sunday funday, as my friend NM say! I was pleased to see I dropped another pound this week, bringing it to a whopping 2 lbs for the week. Whoot whoot. I was loosing about a pound a week for a few months then have been sort of stuck for a few months. I think the swimming is helping with the weight loss as well as my overall fitness I see my endocrinologist in another three weeks and wanted to be to my first goal and may not be to it, but could be close if I am back to loosing 1-2 pounds a week. I am down around 12 pounds all together since I started working with her last Sept, 22 pounds since I really starting trying to loose weight again last year.

    Got some more stuff to consignment yesterday then went down to a little shopping area I love and have not been to for awhile. I was in my fav local bookstore right around the time they had a speaker in and stayed to listen to her talk about her book. She traveled from Guatemala to Argentina through a traveling fellowship for a year on her own. She is no more than 30 lives in Santa Fe now, and told us how nervous she was to do the talk, her first time doing a book tour. Anyways, I bought her book for my sister for the trip to the Gallapagos soon and going to South America for the first time ever. Funny, she called me in the middle of the transaction as I was buying the book. She was excited to be getting a trip present.

    I am heading out to Santa Fe today and plan to visit one of the museums and do some other things. I have not been up there for awhile and today is the day to go. Wishing everyone a good day!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2017

    Cami yes, we are looking to sell out business so DH and I can retire and enjoy life. Wow, hardly no depends, that is great. I can't believe the trouble that the bank is giving your family. And Marty got a job! Cracking up over you putting your foot on a man's neck and killing him…you are a hoot!

    PP, sending prayers your way for your friend.

    Jazzy, my DD is having a horrific time trying to get this darned divorce. We have no clue as where he is, we think CA. Both of them (asshole husband and his gf) have pretty much been disowned by both families, they both deleted their FB accounts. I just wish she would go with the abandonment.

    Dara, praying for good things for you goilie. Can we see the dress?

    Sandy, that knee sounds painful.

    NM, I hope you DID get that light day. One more week! I've seen that about that Narcan, not right!

    Jazzy, seems like you ALWAYS have something going on, you are always on the go.

    Sue, I got me some tonic water. Pissed off when I got home to see the 2nd ingredient is high fructose corn syrup! Gonna have to see if I can find some w/o that chit. I think Cami is getting Hemp, which doesn't have THC in it. I need doctor's signature for my MMJ card.

    Celia, don't drink too many Juleps!

    Expecting lots of wind here starting today, and temps dropping here as well. Could even get down to freezing for a couple of nights. Need to get more planting done today and get ready to leave early Monday morning. You might not hear much from me while gone, but we'll see.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2017

    Loweee...sorry I forgot to mention I drink DIET tonic water. I admit I didn't even look at the ingredients.


    Just a quick poop-in going to go to breakfast soon. The wind is really howling outside...I don't even want to go out. But I will. I have to cash in my winning ticket for ALWAYS DREAMING...woohoo...$260 big ones. For those who didn't watch the race, I was really concerned cuz of all the rain...the track was really sloppy, but it all turned out good.

    OK - I'm off. Hope all have a GR8 Sunday


  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338
    edited May 2017

    Camiillegal, Toric lenses are used to correct astigmatisms. I have them in both eyes. If I hadn't have gotten them then I would definitely need prescription glasses. They are expensive and Medicare does not cover them. But I'm very happy with them. I'm using readers of 2 different strengths for reading and computer stuff. But it is very nice to pick up cute sunglasses anywhere.

    My SoCal friend is home from her prophylactic mastectomies and is quite sore (understandable). She'll do well. I don't know if she went the implant route or not, though I think she will or has.

    Weather turned back cool and wet.

    Had a date yesterday with a guy I've seen a couple times. No real chemistry but he is nice. And today I have a 5PM coffee date with a new guy.

    Celebrated my SMILe's birthday (Son's Mother-In-Law) Friday. She and I are good friends and it is nice to finally be in the same city with her after more than 20 years. We are getting to know each other quite well.

    While it's not warm today, at least now the sun is out.

    Hope everyone has a good day!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    Peggy ok got the eye thing. Sounds good to me. Holy Chit 2 men in one weekend. Liken that. Good thing u moved there, u'r really getting around now. All right, another question, what is a prophylactic mast.??? I don't know where I've been all this time, I know so little.

    Have fun today on u'r winnings SusyQ, windy or not, u'r always ready to go. YYYAAAYYY

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2017

    Peggy, I was shown a variety of lens-implant options, but single-vision was the only kind Medicare would cover. I didn’t need torics because almost all of my astigmatism was due to the lens itself, rather than the eyeball, being misshapen. (I can tell now, because even though I still have a slight astigmatism correction in my refracted Rx, when I put on drugstore readers everything looks perfectly rectilinear—before the surgery, squares and grids looked like rhombuses in one eye and trapezoids in the other). I could have gotten multifocals (toric or not), but I’d have been 100% out of pocket and the concentric rings on the multifocals tend to cause night glare—and glare was one reason I wanted those cataracts gone. My current implanted lenses correct the R more for distance & the L for reading, resulting in acuity that is not just legal for driving (as it just about was before—in Jan. 2016 the DMV tested my vision and removed the “corrective lenses” restriction) but much improved; but when I finally got my first pair of prescription glasses since the second of the surgeries and wore them home from LensCrafters I was shocked by how much sharper everything looked. I can get along fine without glasses, but because concealer doesn’t work as well to hide my undereye circles as it did before, I think I look, not just see, better with glasses.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited May 2017

    In case any of you need to give your kids a hint about something for Mothers Dayimage

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    I love it.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited May 2017

    Good evening, lovely ladies! I hope everyone had a great weekend. I'm leaving for home on the 17th, and pretty much have all my ducks in a row (whatever that means). I have A LOT to do once I'm back home, but it will get done.

    I'm meeting Mary/Genny tomorrow for lunch. I'm so happy we can get together before I take off.

    She had a wonderful time in Tampa, and I'm sure she'll report the detes when she has a chance to post.

    Celia, how cool that you lived in Cleveland! Downtown has changed quite a bit since 1990. I've been here for the better part of five years with my dad. He passed in March, and now it's time to go home. I have friends in Cincinnati. I hope you enjoyed many mint Julips on Derby Day. I hope you're feeling well.

    Native, it sounds like you are sticking to your guns. Yay, Native! It also sounds like you are feeling significantly better.

    Just a quick pop in, because I'm sooooo tired from pretty much everything involving getting out of Cleveland. Unexpected shit just keeps on popping up... but I'll check back in the next few days.

    Jazzy, Cami, Peggy (yay to a successful cataract surgery!), Goldie (fun and safe travels to LV)

    Sandy, Dara, sueand anyone else I missed wishing you a wonderful week!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2017

    hicccup ~~~

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2017

    Whoa mese made a new page, dern !! And Suz zest horse won, YIPPWEEEE! cHEErs!!!!

    Hicc meae been drinkin sinc n 4 pee Em and uhhhh it bows err I mean NOWS bese 4.33 aye em hehehe 😂!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited May 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes! It's Monday. I've dragged my butt out of bed. Not particularly tired, but I think my body has been in the habit of tired for so long that it just pulls that feeling up when the alarm goes off.Probably time to change the alarm sound and change the association. And so begins my last week of full time work, I go into this with mixed feelings, but mostly excited and happy.

    Jazzy--congrats on losing another pound! You've done really well since September. Keep up the good work! Hope the museum trip was fun.

    Goldie--I'm all for the retiring and enjoying life plan! Hope you find a good buyer and get a good price for the business.Your DD has been handed such an unfair situation. It seems like there must be something that can be done somehow, but I wouldn't know where to begin. Can she report him as missing and eventually declared dead? Or is that just a TV thing? I did get the light day Friday, but it was a gift from God, not anything to do with management. I'm a bit worried about how this week will go, but I will get through it.Have a good trip!

    Mema--Congrats on the Derby win!What are you going to do with the winnings?

    Peggy--wow, 2 dates, good for you! Happy Birthday to Son's Mother-in-Law!

    Chi--it's amazing what they can do with implanted lenses these days!

    Like the Bracelet flask!

    Hsant--You must be getting excited to be going home. It's amazing how much stuff can pop up when you have a major change in place, isn't it? I know there is a lot to do once you get home, but take your time, you've been through a lot. It will all come together.

    Dara--You are such a funny!

    Cammy--what's on for today? Are you keeping your guys busy?

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Image result for rain drink recipe


    Fill a chilled highball glass with ice cubes.


    4 parts Absolut Vanilla


    1 part lime juice.

    Top up with lemon-lime soda.

    Garnish with lime.