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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited May 2017

    Good morning friends- I am hoping to escape this afternoon for a "Thelma and Louise" adventure to an old mining town between here & Santa Fe with a good friend. Want to go pick her up in the convertible, but there are rumors of potential rain and snow up in the area this afternoon. Wyoming is getting dumped with snow right now, maybe all of the Rockies. Up in northern NM right now too, and coming down here. Snow? In mid May? Ugh. And then I heard some of you telling me it is so hot in the Midwest and further east. WTH? Well, wish us luck. If nothing else, we will bundle up and/or I will take the other car......

    Cami- I had some friends marry about 16 years ago that did the same thing. Before the Go Fun me days of social media, but sometimes when couples that marry these days have been out on their own for awhile and have homes to combine, etc. So they don't really need anything, but usually will offer to friends to donate to one or two charities of their choice. In those days (around 2001), it was writing a check to an org vs. the on line donation business. You can do that too. It is a nice thing to do when you don't want gifts and gives people the opportunity to do something nice for others?

    Chi- wow, how cool is that. I would have LOVED to have been at that graduation. EWF is one of my forever favorite bands. They lost their co-founder, Maurice White, a couple years ago but he had not been performing for awhile (my guess is that he was not at the 2008 show either). I have seen them here and other places at least 5-6 times. They swing through here every few years, they put on a show like no other! Everyone up and dancing the whole time! What an amazing time to have them at your son's graduation!

    NM- I love the stories about Sadie in the mud. Dogs love to go into watery things on their own, but resistant when others are suggesting it? She had a muddy good time! You sound very happy and that tells you the decisions you are making are good ones for you! So happy for you sister. And de-cluttering coming next too! Change is good.....

    Dara- any news on that first job you interviewed for? And anything on that test you took? Keep going sister!

    Okay, gotta run. Found some new work opps in Seattle I am going to explore that are half time remote......


  • codilaine
    codilaine Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2017

    Who would have thought this would be a thing? Daily wine here - and the weekly visits to one of the many breweries in our area. Quality of life matters, and drinking is a part of that for me. Glad to see I am not some fringe element that has lost her mind because she didn't quit drinking the second she heard "cancer".

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2017

    wAckO here reporting in to de lounge, good afternoon ladies!

    I will jest jump right in here, got behind a few pages and did from a friend. It is the same friend who set me up on the interview that I had back in December for the job that I found out was only part-time. This time there is a full time opening for a mortgage processor and another for an underwriter. I am applying for both, wish me luck goils!

    a big welcome to our newest loungettes, Illimae and to Ms look quite young Codi and I must say berry purdy. Grab yerselves a couple of bar stools and edge up the bar and stay awhile! we are a great group of gals, some dwink and others don't, it's a berry personal choice. I dwink daily mydernself, I do.

    gotta get back to me project, doing some cleaning around dis dump today. mese cousin/room mate might have to go on disability again. her back is jacked up so bad, she can barely move. she looks like Igor when she walks. funny but awful and so sad to witness.

    gotta fly ladies


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    WTF it's so quiet in here.

    Welcome Codi and no judgment about anything in here, just hope u'r doing OK. It's quiet in here today, for some reason.

    DARA ok some news from u, u know better than to keep us in suspense, Missy, I have to know things word for word always.

    Jazzy u'r a hoot, can u ever find things not to do??? And snow, this is strange weather around everywhere. But everything u plan sounds like so much fun, it amazes me.

    I've been so busy with work all week, mostly A/C cuz everyone is using them now and they're not working, I just hung up from Dan a few minutes ago and damn he's so sweet. I really love that guy.

    I talked to my sister a few times today, now she really cracks me up--Our conversation--Lu: I talked to Nick (our brother) today and he told me he was going somewhere to see Nicky (his grandson) accept an award.--Me: for what???--Lu: I don't remember did he tell u??? Me: well I talked to him but we had a bad connection and he said he'll call me back tomorrow, Lu: well what did he say about Nicky-Me: I didn't hear, I figured I'd ask you. Lu: but I forgot, try to remember-Me: how can I remember something I didn't hear-:lu well think:me think about what Lu: wait what are we talking about-Me something important u can't remember Lu: well how am I supposed to remember when I forgot--OK this went on for a few minutes. I did see it on FB so I hope she did, so she doesn't have to ask again. These are my usual conversations with my sister and cousin--see why we LOL so much--I always blame chemo brain, cuz now I read it can go on and on and since we got stuck with all this crap I don't blame it on age, it's CHEMO for all of us.

    I fell asleep early and of course I woke up having to take some pain chit. So now I'm awake. Leslie gave me a really cute maxi dress, but it's to long, so I thought I'd get that gluey stuff for hems--I've shrink so much, OK not age LOL my back did this to me. I used to use tat on Joey's pants when they were to long and it was great and so easy, of course.Going back to my nickname of years ago.

    OK I'll see u in the morning. ♪ ♫ ♪ <oh how I love doing that>

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2017

    Cam, you knooo mese too dwunk most of de time to tail ya werd par werd! tehehehehehe!

    So, mese and me cousin been up all night, don't oh boy ax. cept dat

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2017

    so compelling, mese can't speaketh .....

    READ and hailp me spread de werd and .. (dididafalalalalala) ...

    It BESE TOO late.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2017

    barMEN ha!

    remember? mese was widdle den ..

    beddy bye. chEerZs!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    Good Morning Ladies,

    OK first thing this morning I'm LOLing, Dara can do that to me, and sooner or later she'll come forth and splain' WTF she's talking about. hmmm Maybe this is why someone calls her WACKO, chit I LOL when I type it, Lori.

    Well slept a couple more hours so nothing has happened <Thank God> except I took some pain meds, oh I know that's old stuff. Oh BTW I know someone that has delivery of Willie Nelson to the door, but I'm ordering the hemp this week--wish me luck--I get my next shot next week with that stupid xray thingy they put over you. Oh maybe that's why it's hurting more.--the AHA moment.

    OK getting ready for phones, probably won't be to busy today, the temps went way down, now it's kinda chilly willy.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited May 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Well, we broke some high temp records around here yesterday, 91 degrees in Bangor, it was reading 93 degrees on my car thermometer, and was still 88 degrees on my back deck when I got home from work and picking up the buying club order. I now have lamb and fiddleheads and am going to make my springtime soup today.It doesn't have a name but it has lamb and fiddleheads (obviously), corn and peas in a cream base. Sometimes I put in potato, too. The seasonings vary from batch to batch but thyme and mint are favorites. There was lots of lightning and a bit of thunder last night, fun to watch after Sadie and I went to bed. Didn't come close enough to get any rain, but that's ok. Had a lovely sleep in this ayem.Got an e-mail about the position I interviewed for, asking if I'm still interested and wanting to discuss details, which I taking as a positive sign. Another great thing, I expected Sadie to be mud from her toes to her belly when I got home, and she wasn't!A little bit of mud on her paws was all she had. Amazing, cuz the big puddle is still out there for her to play in!

    The charge nurse at the facility I visited yesterday just about drove me nuts. She was going on and on and on about how she was with her daughter in the ER thenight before (she tore some ligaments in her ankle playing soccer), how she got a call at the last minute to come work a 12 hour shift (she hates 12 hours shifts), how she felt like a failure as a mother for putting her daughter on crutches on the school bus rather than driving her to school, how unfair it was that so much paperwork from an admission the day before got left for her to do, how stupid the doctor was for prescribing a certain antibiotic that was making a couple of the residents sick, and on and on and on. If she spent a quarter of the energy she used complaining on getting the work done she'd have been much better off.

    Cammy--You'd think I'd know enough to put sunscreen on, wouldn't you? I've got the ingredients to mix up a batch of sunscreen, need to do that this weekend. But it was oh, so wonderful to be out in the warmth and the sun the other afternoon! And I am enjoying life so much more now. If I were younger, didn't own a house and wasn't owned by a dog I would look into travel nursing. Fun to see the world, make good money, have your housing and travel taken care of. I think it's sad when family members cut off other family members over things like being gay. Cutting someone whose been violent or abusive out of your life is one thing, the other is judgmental and hurtful.

    Goldie--the sunburn isn't too bad. Just enough to remind me to use sunscreen when I sit out. It's been a long time since I've had to worry about sitting out in the sun long enough to need sunscreen!

    Jazzy--The decluttering is moving ahead, slowly and with little projects just now, but the projects are getting a bit bigger each time. Hoping I can get a dumpster before I get into the really big projects like the sewing room and sun porch. I'm keeping focused on the progress and not what is left and making sure I get one fun project a day, too, and it seems to be working well. Overall, a very, very good change! The joy of just parking on the back deck in the warm breeze last night after working and picking up food and putting it all away (most of it in the freezer, need to add defrosting and organizing the big freezer to the project list) was immense.

    Welcome, codilaine! No, you are not a fringe element, you are normal, at least to us! Welcome to the Hot Tattie Lounge! Quality of life matters, cuz quantity isn't a sure thing, in my book.

    Dara--good luck, indeed, what will you do if you are offered both positions?What a problem that would be to have! Sorry about your cousin/roommate, hope the back heals up quick!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Image result for Sunny Drink recipe

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2017

    Jazzy, business opp in Seatle? Does that mean some trips there?

    Hi Codi, and welcome to our lounge. Pull up a barstool and have one of our hot Tenders get you your favorite libation!

    Oh Wacko, wishing you all the best on the job front. How was your Mother's with that adorable grandbaby of yours?

    Cami, we can tell how much you love Dan. Does he know how much you love him? Chemo brain indeed. I can forget what I'm talking about mid sentence! What is this nickname from long ago? It sure doesn't take much to make you laff. You are too funny, can't even type WACKO! Troubles now will be furnaces sincen it got cold! Mine just seem to slow down towards the end of the week.

    NM, wishing you all the best on that other position, that is if YOU want it. Don't you wish you could have just told that gal to STFU??? What do you use to make your own sunscreen? Oh man, cleaning the big upright freezer is pretty much an all day job!

    Town day today and dentist appointments to get my pearly whites cleaned. Altho they really aren't pearly!

    Wishing all of my lounge lizards a fabulous weekend!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited May 2017

    Good morning friends- waking up to COLD here again and it has been snowing around parts of the state since yesterday. Winter is not quite done with us. I was going to sign up for a kayaking/raft float this weekend and glad I didn't. One of my friends is doing a float up north and bought a wet suit and still worried it will be too cold in the water. EEEK!

    My friend and I had a great time up in the little artist community yesterday. I asked her what she wanted to do first and she said "lets go get a drink!" LOL. So we went to the local drinking establishment there and had the most delicious blood mary's! I had something to eat too, then we went through a few places in town and both ended up with a few take aways. We had such a great time at this one boutique where my friend found a must have top, and I tried on a few things but was not enthused by anything. Until the woman grabbed this onr top, which fit perfectly and had so many fun things about it. A true "shopping experience". And yes, I bought it; something fun for summer and a pending July visit from someone special. Then we went back to her house in the mountains for a bit of pinot grigio, light snacks and I headed home down from the mountains but could see up top it was likely snowing......

    I am slow mo today with a "fun hangover" or maybe just a hangover? Lol. I wanted to do my next and top milestone of 70 laps today but no way that is going to happen. But I may go swim tonight during the evening lap hours and get some laps in. I signed up for a conference next Wed all day and a 2 day class in early June.

    Goldie- yes, if I get any out of state work, I will have to spend time on their sites at least every other week. Some gigs require 100% travel which I cannot handle, but many require being on site half to quarter time. The gig in CA would have me there for meetings and such but was planning to be mostly remote. I applied for one that is half time on site in MN, but Seattle would be better with flights. They have a bunch of roles I can go for and will see if I hear from them. I applied for the MN one on Wed, nothing there yet.

    Did you get snow? The Rockies are getting hammered. Feet in Wyoming on down to northern NM!

    Dara- not sure what you were trying to tell us, but think you are having some fun somehow?

    NM- glad to hear you have your plans for getting started on the decluttering. I am going to work on a bit more of that today and want to finished putting the last of the summer where it needs to be. I really want to get in to the garage next.....otherwise known as the final frontier.....

    Cami- no doubt you are busy with the early AC needs in the midwest. Congrats on Nicky's award! You have a solid relationship with Dan and your sweet Joey. They watch out for you and both care for you a lot! I love that. You are blessed sister.

    Okay, gotta run for now but will poop back in later gators!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2017

    80 yesterday, running the A/Cs indoors for the second day in a row. By the time I got to the gym last night it had dipped into the 50s. Ugh. Awoke to 45—threw on long PJs and a jean jacket, and turned the heat back on. Another pneumonia front. I think my tomato plants will be okay, though. NM, I love fiddleheads—they have such a short season—tossed in a skillet with a little butter, balsamic & salt.

    With some post-workout grilled hanger steak last night, had a couple oz. of that Maryhill Grenache. Going to see My Fair Lady tonight at the Lyric Opera House—7 pm curtain, Bob will probably have to meet me there because he slept in too late for us to take an Uber or the CTA down together. Dinner will probably be whatever we can wolf down once we get there. We’re planning on post-theater nosh & drinks (chilled vodka for him, champagne for me, smoked fish platter to share) at Russian Tea Time afterward. But until I have some dinner in my tummy, not gonna put booze in the tank.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2017

    cheeRS for Friedey!pool party today at my crib. Be back latah

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited May 2017

    Jazz of the day. This gal was just on the Lincoln Center Live page on Facebook. Just wow. A voice for the ages. Enjoy!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2017

    Jazz of the day

    Good early morning girls!

    Ok, to 'splain some of the things I posted and what I wuz trying to say--

    I am so looking forward to the trial of Bill Cosby. He is despicable, shocking, appalling, terrible, awful, horrendous, rightful, atrosious, abominable, abhorrent, outrageous; monstrous, heinous, dire, unspeakable, shameful, unforgivable pig. This is huge locally and wackO loves a good trial. I so wish it would be televised as the OJ trial and the Rabbi Neulander trial which was also local. Damn I miss Court TV! Anyway, my daughter lived in the same town as Cosby while she was at college over in PA. And she has friends who personally have dealt whim in local bidness dealings who say that he is very pompous. And my oldest sister once met him through her husbands employer and said that he put her

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2017


    ... he put her down when he asked her what her occupation was and she stated housewife and mother to three boys. ugh, hate him and very much look forward to (hopefully) seeing him go down. Either way, he IS going to hellll. Oh, will I join him iffen I try to "get in on it"? tehehehe. Yup, he drugged me, gave me my first lude (Quaalude).

    kk, to read and essplain more...stay tuned for as ,y world turns.

    so about me, got a call yesterday from the company that I had the phone interview with and took the test, I passed and will have an in person interview on Friday! Yay. I did call and email the other company yesterday with no response, bitches they bese.

    I had a wonderful week with record high temps. my pool was up to 80 degrees, a first for this time of year. I had Jennica and my grandson over yesterday and it was awesomeness through and through.

    kk, carry on. I'll be Bach!to

    time to hit de coffee but have to make a run to WaWa for some good stuff. Oh, I could go for a lude hehe.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2017




  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Whoa Dara, did u get the roll of toilet paper that teaches u a word a day??? People come across with movies and TV as one person, but who really knows what they are really like, I always heard he was very arrogant, but the rest was all ickness. <I got the cheap toilet paper> Oh Dara u'r GS has the perfect face and getting so big so fast. So glad u had a wonderful day with them. And now u'r getting ready for the workforce--Things are falling into place--WOOT WOOT-BTW that video was something like a pied pipers of cows, they looked like a great audience.

    Jazzy u'r video was great, fun to listen to---More snow u'r way--Somehow u always make everything that u do turn into fun times--and I know u'r now getting really serious about jobs in u'r future. U are a true business woman with a side of big time fun. And seems like MORE is coming soon. Ahem

    NM U'r accomplishing so much in such a short time, meaning u love u'r new life--so good to hear. And I too wonder why people just complain all the time, it's such a waste of energy to me anyway, just accept and go on. <All right I know I'm always complaining here, but that's just me>

    Lori u sound good, but then again u never complain.--Oh Oh my old nickname was 'EASY' <kidding>, I wish.

    Hsant I hope things are settling in for you. Oh I've started watching Second wives club--Oy vey they argue good. Lotsa drama. Strange pairings too.

    Peggy where are u??? And all the new gals, we love to get to know you.

    Busy week, but glad for the guys.

    I'm getting all mixed up here--going back and forth with calls and posting the jobs, they start early--so I''ll close for now.

    Oh Leslie got a new job, but this one she gets paid for training--(which usually costs money for the class) putting on eye lashes which is a big thing around here and since I lost mine never really coming back, looking forward to this one.

    OK I'll be bock!!!!!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    Image result for google images of recipes with vodkaSimple enough but sounds good...BTW Sandy it's puring here right now, but no storms. DOTD

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2017

    Jazzy, no snow here. Love that you got a fun drunk on. Not so much for a fun hanghover! And fun top to boot. So def. a FUN day for you. Hope you get some fun travels in with your new gigs. And your sister is in CA, isn't she?

    Sandy WOW! AC and then waking up to 45 degrees. Big change in temps there.

    Sounds like someone opened up their pewl! LMAO, getting a "lude" from Cosby. Now that's a cute lifeguard! Wishing and praying for all good things on Friday for you.

    Cami, how fun if Leslie can practice eye lashes on you.

    As for me, I am doing good. Did labs yesterday, checked them this morning and the TM's are back up again, up into the 140's and 150's. Not going to let it bother me, like it has in the past. As it doesn't change things and I guess it's bound to happen.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited May 2017

    Good morning ladies- cool morning outside but really nice just the same. The temps will be coming up today somewhat but may still reside in the 60s for a high; 15-20 degrees lower than the norm! I am heading to the yoga mat shortly, then to play music this morning with the sat jazz jam, and then to get groceries. I think I am going to go swim tomorrow instead of today. I hope to go bike riding later today instead, have not been lately. Enough for one day? I think so, Cami will have something to say about all this too!

    Dara- good to hear you have another interview. If those people you did interview with won't respond, they either a) have not made a decision yet as they said they would b) are negotiating their offer with a candidate or c) may not have chosen you, but hopefully will let you know? I find these days it is hard to find out if they don't choose you (true of consulting gigs too). Keep moving forward to getting to YES!

    I have never been a huge fan of Bill Cosby, but also believe people in positions of fame, money have the opportunity to do good or use their power to take advantage of others. I have witnessed things in corporate America on this front, but we have also all seen it with the celebrity crowd. don't think things will be good for him, too many women have come forward on this front. May justice be served.....

    Cami- how wonderful that Leslie got a paid position, and with Marty working now too. Your family is back on track! When does Joey get out of school? I think this week was the last week of school for the kiddos here.

    Time to get going. Here is a hysterical link about summer bathingsuit season I think any woman can relate to (if even in the past....)

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited May 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Chilly Saturday!30 degree difference in temp from yesterday ayem. 44 degrees when I got up. Up to 48 now. The sun feels good but the breeze doesn't! Just as well it's cooler, after researching and setting up health insurance yesterday I didn't do anything else of consequence. I figure I'm allowed one lazy day every so often. It will be easier to do stuff today, not being so hot and muggy. I ran across an Adjunct Instructor position in one of the local university Schools of Nursing and put in an application.I don't have a doctorate, so this probably won't go anywhere, but I figure it's worth a try. Part time, no holidays, no on call, might work out for a few $ during the school year. I've done my part, the rest is up to God. If He wants me there, I'll be there. If not, I won't. I do hope to get the per diem Immunization Clinic position, sounds like a load of fun, not hard work, no holidays, no on call, $22.88 per hour. The only traveling is during flu clinic season and school immunization days. I don't think they go very far even then. We'll see.

    Goldie--The active ingredient in sunscreen is zinc oxide powder. You add that to any lotion recipe and it makes it a sunscreen, too. I've got to look up how much zinc is needed to give an SPF of 30, which is pretty much the max you can get from zinc oxide. The sunscreens with SPF of more than 30 generally depend on chemical that can be toxic that I don't like to use. And there is some research showing not much difference in protection between the different SPF levels anyway, at least not enough for me to justify paying so much more for them. I've bought some unscented goat milk lotion from a local farm, going to use that as a base to save time and then I can add whatever essential oils I want for scent.I'm thinking of using eucalyptus, geranium and peppermint in one to make it a bug repellent as well as a sun screen. Yup, cleaning out and defrosting the upright freezer will be an all day job. But at the same time I can get an inventory of what is there and figure out what I need to be stocking up on when the prices are right.

    Jazzy--what a fun shopping experience! Those don't happen often, glad you could take advantage of this one. My garage is also my final frontier, unless I get so sick of it that I do it earlier. But that one MUST wait for the dumpster, as most of the clutter is trash or recycling that has never gotten put out, and for which I do not want to buy the special bags. One big problem I have is that recycling cannot be put out in plastic bags, and almost all my trash and recyclingboth is in plastic bags. I do have one big recycling container, but it fills up so fast, and recycling is only picked up every other week. I know I need to get into some kind of routine for handling recycling, but that will come.

    Chi--I'm still hardening off my tomatoes and green peppers. Probably won't actually plant them for another week or so, just because of the frequent swings to very chilly weather right now. Hope the show and dinner were as good as they sounded!

    Dara--Pool Partay!Yay!

    Jazzy--she has a wonderful voice!

    Dara--I never realized how bad Bill Crosby was. A personal interview, great!I envy you your pool right now, even if it is too cold today to swim.58 degrees on the deck a few minutes ago. Love the flloaty!

    Cammy--I am loving the new life, I must admit.And I do enjoy a good complaint session from time to time. But I try to not let it go on for more than few minutes, just enough to let off some steam, and then try to get to work fixing the problem, if I can. Sometimes I do better than others. Hooray for Leslie's new job!I'll have to come so she can give me a makeover someday!

    Yummy DOTD, thanks Cammy!

    Goldie--Glad the TM numbers aren't bothering you. Especially since it doesn't change the treatment.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338
    edited May 2017

    Codi, Welcome! I'm another who sees no reason to give up drinking because of BC. What I *did* do was add 400mcg of Folic Acid - as recommended by Dr Susan Love in her Breast Book.

    I've been having a very nice time with my new date. I like how laid back and un-pretentious he is. Will it go anywhere? Who knows. One day at a time. Looks like Mother Nature is going to take pity on Spokane and send us a few days of sunny and 80°!! Waking up to temperatures in the 30s is for the birds. And the constant rain is depressing. I still haven't bothered to turn on my sprinkler system. Here in the usually dry Eastern Washington it seems to be imperative to have a GREEN lawn, it's stupid. Let Mother Nature take care of it. Sadly, the HOA in my neighborhood requires pretty, well-kept green grass (at least in the front yard).

    My poor 14 year old rat terrier mix is now rather hard of hearing. I did have her checked to make sure nothing else was going on and nothing was. Now I have to raise my voice, clap my hands to get her attention. But her nose works just fine - that would be even worse for her.

    Today is going to be doing some cleaning and reading. Nothing strenuous. Maybe if I feel ambitious I'll vacuum the minivan which looks like I lived in it - UGH.

    Perhaps some Fat Tire beer or wine with whatever I come up with for dinner.

    Envying all of you who have had lots of summer weather!


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2017

    Hmm…Peggy, I read that folic acid (beyond what's in a multivite) was contradicted in ER+ bc, maybe it's contraindicated only with letrozole—will look it up.

    Wild swings in plans yesterday—first Bob was gonna come straight home and we'd eat at the Opera House—but all their pre-show reservations were full; so then he was gonna drive to the theater from the hospital; then was gonna come home; because he ran late at work, he ended up driving to the garage closest to Russian Tea Time and had a couple of drinks and an octopus salad at a nearby pub before cabbing it (a long & rainy walk otherwise) to the Opera House. Meanwhile, I ate a little tuna & half a tomato around 3:30; left the house and walked to the train a bit after 5 (so windy and rainy I needed to put the hood up on my leather parka & wear gloves). Still sprinkling when I had to stand on the platform at Fullerton to change trains. Got downtown a bit before 6, and planned to stop off at a "natural fast food" joint along the way, but reasoned if I walked quickly enough I could get to the Opera House in time for the pre-show lecture. When I got there, I asked if the lecture had started, and the ticket-scanner replied that the lectures were only for operas, not musicals. “Will you be dining with us?" she asked. I replied “I wish—I couldn't get a reservation" and she replied that the bistro upstairs might have walk-in seating at the bar. Sure enough, I saw the last two open seats and grabbed them. Called Bob, who was already in the cab, so I pre-ordered him a martini. I had a light meal and a flute of Aria Pinot Noir brut Cava.

    We were still full at intermission, and we reasoned that waiting in line for the restrooms made more sense than waiting in line for coffee. Besides, those balcony seats have less legroom than a puddle-jumper on a bargain-basement airline, so we needed to walk around to soothe our aching quads & knees. The show ran a few minutes longer than 3 hrs! (Carmen was shorter). I know it was terrible etiquette, but the moment curtain calls began, we got up and made our way as quickly as we could to the taxi line. We were 10 min. late for our dinner res. at Russian Tea Time, but there were plenty of tables due to the lateness of the hour (the place closes at 11) and probably the diminished popularity these days of all things Russian. (It's my heritage, though—my grandma was from Belarus and made more Russian dishes than she did Jewish ones). The maitre d' was a bit snippy, but we were by no means the last to arrive nor the last to leave. Bob reasoned that since he hadn't been able to take me out for Mothers' Day I could order real champagne (a split of Möet Brut Imperial) and caviar. He had a vodka flight & borscht and we shared the seafood (salmon roe, smoked fish and the trimmings) platter—took most of it home. Parking was $42! (An Uber up & back for the both of us would have been cheaper)! Glad I was able to keep the cost of my ride from home down to the $2.50 train fare. Easy drive home.

    Jazzy, I'm always surprised why so few songs from Finian's Rainbow get covered by other artists. That performance was delightful. Her phrasing was idiosyncratic but always within the beat despite syncopation—sort of like taking Bille Holliday (or Keith Moon's drum style) a step further.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited May 2017

    Good afternoon friends- been enjoying a stellar day over here. I had such a great time at music jam this morning. Saw some friends I had not seen in awhile, held my own with playing, made plans to go again in a few weeks and then do lunch with some of the gals after. A few groceries and a stop at the consignment store (where I picked up some super cute yellow shoes for $16 on credit I had there). Going to take a few more summer dresses there to pass along later next week.

    Now I am settled in to doing some laundry and plan to ride my bike tonight. The day is beautiful here, it has warmed up considerably!

    Chi- glad you liked that last jazz clip I watched her whole performance at the Lincoln Center last night.

    And wow, I found this clip today of the show I was at in Vegas with Diana Ross. One of the best shows I have ever seen, the crowd went crazy......

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,704
    edited May 2017

    Happy Saturday night all! I started my day with a walk in a beautiful park, spent the afternoon with friends and now I'm enjoying some chillable red (no judgement, I like it cheap and sweet) and the movie Bad Mom's, which I'm finding pretty funny actually.

    How's everyone else tonight?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    Good Morning Ladies.

    I didn't get back here yesterday like I planned. In my head I was swearing at my boss all day and then when he called at nite, I said it to him on the phone. I was on the phone all day and doing my call backs for satisfaction <I do 2x a week> everythin finally stopped about 7PM, and why do I get so tired, I'm really not doing anything, I don't get it.

    Great tape Jazzy, I always loved that song. And yes I will say something. I think most of my tiredness comes from reading u'r and NM posts. I just picture what u 2 do and I think how can anyone have all this energy and Lori is right up with u. But let's face it, u do more in less than 24hrs then anyone I know--I counted sleep in there--but I enjoy all that u do, it energizes me in some ways tho.

    Illimae, I like u'r idea of a Sat. nite. Hey if u enjoy the wine it makes no difference what it is. It sounds like u had a good day tho, and I hope u'r feeling OK.

    Peggy u'r doing good girl. If he's held u'r interest for a couple of weeks that's all good and weather wise it's been crazy here too. Like Sandy said one day it's hot, the next we need the heat on. But I do love rainy days, so I can't complain about that.

    NM Wow u've got lots going on for work and actually any of it sounds good.U'r so knowledgeable about u'r profession, I'm sure even tho u don't have a "doctorate" u know more than most. What always just amazes me is u'r compassion for everyone u care for, and I'm sure all the lives u've touched know that. U always seem so even tempered with others, and in this day and age not so easy. Oh and I did read clove and peppermint mixed is good for ants in the house and safe for furbabys, I like that smell too.

    Lori I know u'r TM have been up before and I do pray u will not let this upset u, and go down as quickly as possible, I do no not a thing about this, cuz again I don't listen much to Drs. <u all know this> but u'r always in my prayers.

    Sandy what a nite u had and it was raining while all this was going on. But it was light out when u took the train, right??? I know I tend to worry about those things, but that's just me. I have never been to an opera, but just listened to them when my dad was alive, he loved them. Actually I don't even know where the Opera House is and I don't live that far from you. And lived where we could walk downtown. But u'r nite was really filled with unexpected things going on. But so nice of u'r DH to treat u to a Mothers Day celebration. He really sounds great in so many ways.

    I can't wait for Wed. I get my shot for this damn pain, so by next weekend I should feel well enough to go to my oldest DD's party. She's got her pool open but who knows how the weather will be so I'm not counting on that, just hoping. Joey's in the parade so I don't know about them going, but I can get a ride anyway.

    Oh my latest big thing on TV is Netflix so many great shows and movies. Our cable has more channels for selling things than actually watching programs. I counted LOL we pay so much for so little. Thieves I tell you.

    Well I hope everyone has a great Sunday-Funday and maybe relaxes some. Ahem.

    And saying hello to everyone.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited May 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday! I had a moment of anxiety this ayem, thinking it was Monday and not Sunday, had to look at my Cozi Calendar to make sure of the day of the week! Oh but how nice lounging in bed was this ayem. I can't believe how relaxed I feel, and how much less stress I have when I look at my mess of a house. I know that it won't be that way much longer, and I can see the progress being made. Made arrangements with the young man from across the street who mows my lawn to also do the trim work this year, it's only $20 more a week and makes such a difference is how the yard looks. I kept thinking I would do that part myself (ha ha).He and his wife have a toddler, a little boy, and are expecting a new baby any time now, so he was apologizing in advanced for not being able to always mow on the same day of the week (like I care what day of the week he mows!). So nice to see a young man working hard to make a life for himself and his family, and starting his own business. This will be the 3rd year he's mowed for me, and I have no complaints at all.

    Peggy--a new date, what fun! I hope you do get some sun. We here in Maine are getting sun after a 3 week run of rain and gloom and it is GLORIOUS! We're doing better than you are with ayem temps, it was 41 this ayem, and is getting almost up to 60 during the day. Coming right after a couple days of 80's to 90 it feels cold again. Ah, well, warmer is coming. Poor terrier, glad her nose is still working so she can find food and find you. What's her name?My yellow lab is Silly Sadie. Fat Tire beer?Never heard of it, maybe it's a west coast thing?

    Chi--What is Russian cuisine like? I've got to admit I know nothing about it. It must be wonderful to have so many places to eat and drink within such a short drive or ride or even walk from home.

    Jazzy--I can see why the crowd went crazy at that show, she is marvelous!

    Lll--no judgement here, ever, no matter what your tipple is! I like sweet wines, too, and often chill all the wines I drink when the weather is hot. As far as I'm concerned, it's all about what I like and how I like it! But I do like learning more about wines and such. I may go to a wine pairing at a winery about an hour away this afternoon. I plan to visit a whole list of Maine wineries this summer.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    The Sunny Mexico cocktail blends a sweet herbal liqueur with tequila for a delicious, complex taste. It's a refreshing little cocktail with just two ingredients, which makes it easy to pour and enjoy.

    Sunny Mexico Drink Recipe

    • 1 part Galliano
    • 1 part silver tequila

    Pour the tequila into a shot glass and then add the Galliano.

    Have I used this one recently? Can't remember but it sounds way yummy anyway!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited May 2017

    Good morning friends- not much news to report this morning. I have a few things to do today, including getting my final laps in for the week. May try to do the 70 milestone I have been reaching for this week, but will see how busy the pool is and if I can get that much time in during time time there. Weekends are busier.

    NM- I hate when that happens! More often when I am in the middle of a project, I wake up on a Thursday feeling so tired and thinking it is Friday but ugh, not so! You will get used to your new routines, takes a bit to shift from being full timer to a more self employed type. Were you able to get signed up for a health plan? I hope so! I like your goal of visiting lots of wineries this summer. Work to live! Yay!

    Cami- you sounded busy with work yesterday. I too hope that you can get the shot and have some of the pain eased. The pool is opening, yay! I see you sitting on the steps drinking something cool with an umbrella in it....

    Peg- the new fellow sounds really nice and it sounds like you both enjoy each other's company. I like it! May it continue to go well and be enjoyable for you. This is the guy with the boat, right? If yes, I see a trip on that at some point in the future.....

    Okay, that is it for now. Time to get some breakfast going......