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how about drinking?



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2017

    HI chi ka's!

    Sorry I have not totally caught up, have stuff going on here. Cheryl is having the most horrible time with severe pain. Her doctor is saying it is sciatica but she thinks she has another issue since she has had the sciatica before. The poor girl cried when she tried to move so I am on duty for her around the clock. She is also upset that her boss at work is being nasty to her. the bitch boss is the biggest narcissist on earth and has zero compassion. She had the nerve to tell Cheryl if she is not back to work on Monday she will need a doctor's note else be terminated for job abandonment. My dear cousin is a pharm tech and has been at her job for over 25 years, WTF, she knows this shit. I wanna hurt her so bad and think I know how. It has to do with HIPAA laws but cuz won't do what i did and get a bitch !! I am so sad for her.

    I have not been sleeping well and uh, dwank til 5am again, ooopsies. I hope mese breath does not smell like Jack D because today is my future niece-in-law's bridal shower! Oh mese oh mise!!

    So I read but soooo much going on it itakes time to comment on everything, not to mention my fn jacked up ty!ping fingers which piss me de hail off constantly.

    Jazzy, glad you had a great time at the music jam and also prouda ya for getting dwunk! As Cam says, I do not know how you do all you do it one way. I'm always wishing you well and thank you too for the kind words on future employment for mese!

    Cam, I can't imagine you'd be honestly mad at Dan, he is such the sweetie and I can't go there. And goil, you better give yourself some credit for all you do each day. It aint easy dealing with the pubic's (that is what i call 'em) hehe. But really, you do him a great service. And lady, did you have a recent birthday? DO tail!

    NM, sorry about the moment of stress this morning but I've gotta say that since I have been hanging at dis bar, I've never ever EVER in a million years would have thought that I'd see you so relaxed and content with life and mainly, work dealings. I could not be more proud of ya. Matter of fact, I thought of you the other day and did something small but have to get off my EWWA and finish up what mese did. Funcused yet? hehe!

    I've gotta pee madly so I will be back in a few. Tanks for understanding, losing posts stinks and that is my dumb luck when i write so much.

    Ill be bock!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2017

    chit, I gotta git moving and am tired and just whipped. I have to be at Washington's Crossing in three hours and a minute and have not done crap to get ready and still need to buy a card and wrap the gifts. darn me, sumtimes I just dont know about me.

    Lori, good for you in not concerning yourdamnselfover those tewpid tumor markers. You got this girl! We have had wild weather here as well. It is currently 52 degrees here and I just put my heat back on after running the AC for three days, wild eh? I've reprogrammed my thermostat finally to bring the temps in range for comfort during normal work hours. It is tiring adjusting the thermostat every few hours during the day whille I should be at work! Plus, I do not mind staying cooler or warmer since I am saving a lot with my solar panels! I feel like you in a way with living off of sunshine for energy! Yeah, it feels good too to help our great planet. Speaking of, what planet am I on these days Happy!

    Illimae, is your screen name IIImae as in three I's or does it start with I L L ? oops, did not mean this to sound like I am saying ill, ya know. I am jest curious. Good for you for partaying the night away, my kind a gal. How is treatment going? Thinking of you and furcited for the iay we all partay to sailabrate your completion of same!

    Where is Mary? And Sue? And I hope Heidi has adjusted to a little normalcy and enjying being home!

    Pontiac, well you little h .... I mean lucky gal! Kudos to you for being a man magnet, I should be so lucky! lol. But really!

    Sandy,keep up the great work with taking care of yourself and keep on keeping on as being our resident senior lounge lizard boss of edumacating us on fine wine and such. Enjoy your gig!

    Cam,, I did get the TP with vocab words and studied them hehe. Funny ting, my first love was in grad school when I started dating him,studying to be a phychologist. He used to MAKE me learn three new vocab words per day. I foyget most but did remember to tail him that I loathed him when I ditched his phycho-analyzing is sorry ass cuz the word loathe was one of the first words he thought I needed to own. I felt likes his mental patient instead of his girl so latah dude it was!

    Thanks to those who said nice tings about my Logan, he is a great lil guy. He is so sensitive, I was telling a him not to run in the yard and he cried. He melts me so. I held him and told him that I did not want him to get hurt on the concrete or worse, fall into the pool. He does not cry unless he thinks someone is mad at him, too cute. He is funny too. His vocab is picking up so fast. He says many three word phrases now. And he finally calls a candle a candle instead of a doo-dah! I will miss that faux pas. He loves candles a little too much, he walks around with mine while ignoring his fun toys!

    WELL, TIME TO get mese EWWA in gear, have a great day goils. And I hope too that there is top shelf likker at this event today, some hair of de dog, ya know?


  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,704
    edited May 2017

    it's illimae (the capital i and lower case L are identical in this font), my real name is ilona (it's Hungarian and reached its height of popularity in the US in the 1940's, family name. Treatment is going well, the largest tumor shrunk to about 1/4 of its original size, the others (2nd in breast and lymph nodes) have disappeared. I may lose a couple finger/toe nails and if I do it's going to be painful and gross and I'll totally lose my shit. Also, I've lost 15lbs since the taste of food often ranges from uncooked, unseasoned tofu to straight up ass sweat. But only two weeks left, yay! Then off to lumpectomy and rads but I feel good and I'm generally healthier than many of my non-cancerous friends, lol

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited May 2017

    Hi ladies and happy Sunday. I hope everyone is enjoying a great weekend.

    I'm back home, and while it feels good, it's also weird. I adjusted to being in my uncle's home after my dad passed, and now I'm adjusting to being home with out communicating with him. The last time I was home was two years ago. I Was only supposed to be here for a month, but I got the dreaded BC diagnosis, and that changed to four months. During that time my dad and I would text and talk all the time. I was also in constant communication with his various care givers (they all hated me). My first thought when my flight landed in LA was I need to text my dad and let him know that I arrived safely. Anyway, lots to do over the next few weeks. I'm a little overwhelmed, but I know I need to take it one day at a time.

    lllima, welcome to this thread! Congrats on finishing chemo soon, and as Goldie said, we will all be there celebrating with you! I have a strong family history of bc (mom, sister, paternal grandmother and recently found out a cousin), so for me it was never an if but a when.

    Houston is a great city! DH went to Rice, and my MIL and SIL (notice I didn't put "D") live in Houston. Glad to hear you are feeling well during this time!

    Jazzy, thank you for posting that EWF video. It's one of my all time favorites. I'm a HUGE EWF fan, and Reasons and After The Love is Gone are my faves.

    I'm also a big Bloody Mary fan, lol. Few things are better than a good Bloody Mary.

    Good luck with your 70 lap goal today, but even if it doesn't happen today, you are phenomenal with your regime, consistency and variety, which are key.

    Goldie, big, fucking phew to your DH's clear X-ray! Yay to you for not letting the change in TM's bother you. I don't have mets, and I can't possibly know what this is like for you, but you have a wonderful hubs, daughter, family and friends. Plus, all of us here. I hope I can meet you in person one day, now that I'm back on the west coast.

    Cami, I have not seen the Second Wives Club, but you can be assured that I will catch up on this. Shit, the title alone is intriguing. Lol! NY does not disappoint. I'm curious about why Dorinda really hates Sonja. I think Bethany got so much back lash last season for being a c u next Tuesday, so she's reined it back a bit.

    Nice that your cousin is getting married. I'm sure you're looking forward to the wedding. You are beautiful (I've seen the pics), and whatever you choose to wear I know you will look lovely.

    I hope Marty is feeling better. I thought I read that Leslie started a new job, but is getting paid for training? Congrats to her!

    Native, your soup sounds dee-vine. You are the real deal when it comes to cooking, and I always love when you share what's cookin' up in your kitchen. Fingers crossed that you get the immunization Clinic position. They would be lucky to have you! As far as the teaching position goes, you just never know, and it's great that you applied! They would also be lucky to have you.

    Sadie must LOVE getting more time with her mama!

    Dara, Logan is just too, too precious! That handsome, little face! Is Cheryl your daughter? I'm sorry that she's in pain. Prayers out to her that she gets relief from her pain soon. Ok, just gonna say it. I would never want to get on the wrong side of Dara. I have no doubt that you know exactly where to kick the c**t where it counts! You go Dara! Her boss is an awful person!

    Have fun at the bridal shower! I'm sure a shower and toothpaste will take care of any residual booze aroma (been there, done it).

    Codi, welcome!

    Sue, I think you may be in Burbank now. I hope you're having a lovely time with your peeps.

    Ok, gotta jump. Lots of stuff to do this morning. Love You All

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2017

    Welcome, Illimae!

    Cami, you would not recognize the Loop these days—it is thriving, even at night. The CTA (at least n. of Roosevelt) is much, much safer than you think (and for those of us w/in the city limits, cheaper & more convenient than Metra commuter trains). Along Madison St. between Wells and Wacker, they even built a sheltered bus platform with electronic schedule signs just like on the CTA L platforms. (Funny, in NYC we spelled elevated lines the “El” but we called the whole rapid transit system the “subway.” Here, we spell it the “L” and that’s what we call our whole CTA rapid transit—even the portions that are underground, on grade level--yes, there are a few grade crossings!--or in the freeway medians).

    Kim, Russian cuisine is basically like most Eastern European cuisine, fairly heavy (lots of sour cream in both hot & cold dishes) but with less pork and more cold smoked fish; fish roe (salmon, sturgeon, whitefish) plays a bigger role than in other E. Eur. cuisines. Dishes fairly unique to Russian cuisine are borscht (beet soup, hot or cold), beef Stroganoff, blini (little buckwheat pancakes to top with caviar or smoked fish) and strong black tea—served in glasses with silver holders, usually with a dollop of berry jam and sipped through a sugar cube held between the teeth. And vodka, of course! (Always chilled, in iced glasses).

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338
    edited May 2017

    Good Evening, Ladies!!! I'm worn out just reading about everything you all are doing. Keep it up!! Finally a sunny, 80° day! Glorious. Poor doggie. She had been out and I pulled screen across the slider opening to keep the bugs out. Apparently she couldn't see the silver duct tape on the screen to let her know it was there. She rushed at it and bounced off. I bought white duct tape today. Her name is Patch. Kitty is Taffy. This picture is before I actually put up curtains (about time - took me 10 months to figure out what I wanted).


    So with our warm weather, I decided it was time for hot dogs, potato chips (low sodium) and New Belgium Fat Tire beer (brewed and bottled in Fort Collins, Colorado).

    Since I had no hot dogs or buns, I ran down to the store. Also picked up a bottle of Five Mile wine. I live on Five Mile Prairie here in Spokane. I don't know if the wine will be good or not - I wanted the bottle. Perhaps you can read the label that I am posting. That house is about a half mile from my home. My home is NOT a historic home (been there, done that, don't need to repeat).




  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2017

    We went to the Signature Room on the 95th fl. of the Hancock for brunch—DOTD was Domaine Chandon Brut Rosé Napa Valley Sparkler.

    Bob brought home chilaquiles verdes for dinner—so with it I drank some LaCroix cherry-lime seltzer. (He’s drinking Bohemia dark).

    Peggy, coming up empty on web searches about that wine—nada on “5 Mile Washington Premium Red;" St. Hilaire Cellars, for which it was “vinted and bottled" acc. to the label, basically sources wines and sells them as private-label wines to shops, restaurants, corporations (incl. the Seattle Seahawks), events and personalized labels for individuals. Their website doesn't list any particular wines, so it's a mystery as to what grapes are in it. Guess you'll have to taste it and report back.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited May 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettees!Just a quick poop in, overslept this ayem, need to leave for work in 15 minutes. Was lounging in bed with Sadie, hit the snooze button too many times. It was a lovely day yesterday, going to be showery today. But at least it's warmer, 64 this morning.

    Jazzy--I was able to get signed up for a health plan, and will actually have better prescription coverage than I have now! The out of pocket maximum is a little better, too, not that I expect to reach it. And I can still use my Health Savings Account.

    Dara--Poor Cheryl! I pray she gets relief very quickly, and that it is just sciatica and not something worse.Have you got me funcused? Yep! What did you do??????? Logan sounds like a little bit of joy and fun, I giggled at him calling a candle a doo -dah. Hope the shower was a success.

    Ilona--neat name! Sounds so pretty. Hang in there, things get better.

    Hsant--in my experience people with actively involved family members get better care than those whose family is not as involved. Doesn't matter if the caregivers hate you or not, that's their problem. The Immunization Clinic manager is going to call today to discuss details. I think that sounds like a very good sign!

    Chi--I love beef Stroganoff, didn't realize it was Russian in origin.

    Pontiac--Poor patch!I use one of those hanging magnetic screens to keep the bugs out since Sadie will just go through a regular screen door. Neat label, don't blame you for grabbing it.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    I love the promises this drink makes, and am adding 2 shots of Blueberry Vodka, for the antioxidants from the blueberries, of course:

    Image result for Work drink recipe

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2017

    I can't seem to get caught up! Mondays with work are always crazy busy and we have 2 trucks coming today. So DH will have to leave, as they go to our property in town, 30 minutes away. Plus I have appt. to get my MMJ card renewed, that's an hour away. I will try and ketchup tomorrow wif me breasties.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338
    edited May 2017

    Jazzy, yes, current guy is the one with the sailboat. It's several hours away which makes it challenging if he does want to take me sailing - what to do with the poor furbabies? Wish he had it moored much closer.

    Sandy, You're so knowledgeable about wines. I don't know enough to figure out which grapes might be in my Five Mile wine. I bought it primarily for the bottle.


    This was me last night. I have a friend in Pontiac, MI, (and he's my financial adviser to boot) who takes pictures of his bottle of beer, sandaled foot resting against his front porch railing nearly every day that it is warm enough to be out (he started in March this year). So this is my take on it. Don't have a front porch railing but I do have a patio and table :)


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited May 2017

    Good morning friends- another beautiful day on tap. I have the cleaning company here doing their thang and then going to decide if I will swim today or wait until tomorrow. I am thinking more along the lines of getting some errands done to be ready to go out of town this weekend. I plan to do my 70 lap goal this week. Oh and the scales say I have dropped another pound and will perhaps be closer to my first goal with weight loss when I see her. Three more weeks to go before my apt now, blood work tomorrow.....

    Peg- your pets are cute and hope your puppy recovers from banging in to the screen. The distance would make for some driving, so perhaps better to be around your neck of the woods. Or maybe you can find someone to check in on the pets? I know you have family in the area, but also could find a pet sitter type? Glad things are going well for you. I have something cooking for July with one of my prospects......

    NM- in to week #2 in your new world! I like that the immunization clinic is calling you with more info. Sounds like things continue to open up for you? It is amazing how things flow to us when we are truly ready. And that drink looks like a great idea, but where is the vodka?

    Hsant- good to hear from you and that you made it back safe and sound. I am sure it feels weird. I remember when I was going back and forth between here and back east the year my mother was sick. When I was here, I felt like I should be there and when I was there, I felt like I should be here. Anyways, when I finally settled back in, it felt good but strange. And even after five plus years, every once and awhile, my brain still says "you should call your mother." The feeling of not being able to check in with them after travel, I know that well friend. Hoping things ease day to day for you.

    Chi- sparkling rose brut makes my mouth water even here at 10 am in the morning. I have been saving a special bottle of Charles Krug Five Generations for something special and was thinking about drinking it with a special visitor who is coming in July, but then said "but wait, I told myself I was going to have that when I reached my five year milestone (later this year) and told a good friend who helped me through that time we would drink it together. Not sure the July visitor will appreciate it as much as my local bestie, so he will get something else to drink! I have lots of good wine here (ssshh, don't tell anyone.....)

    Goldie- you take care of business and see you tomorrow for ketchup?

    DARA, DARA, DARA- you were a party girl this weekend, when are the next interviews?

    Cami- I hope you are doing okay today friend. Older DD's party on the horizon and POOL TIME?

    Where is Genny? And Mema Sue? And our newbees?

    Okay, gotta go and will check in later gators!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2017

    Well, I went and did something extremely stupid today. Yesterday, I went bra-shopping (my size has changed to something a bit more approaching normal) and late this aft. had to take out the ones with bands too small & cups too big to make room for the new ones. Opened up the footlocker by my bed (aka the Tomb of Misfit Undies I am Afraid to Throw Away) to stuff the old bras in, and as I tried to jam the lid closed…left shin, meet sharp footlocker corner. Nice little divot resulted. At first, I thought the dark blotch was a bruise forming, but as I saw the blood beginning to drip I knew it was a bit more serious. So I washed off the dried blood, elevated my leg and applied direct pressure with a paper towel for about 5 minutes. Looked like a scab was about to form, so I sprayed on some antiseptic and covered it with a band-aid. Pulled on my gym shorts to get ready for my training session and saw the band-aid was soaked, so I pressed some more and applied two band-aids. Had a decent workout but when I got to my locker to get my earbuds for the cardio machines, my curiosity got the better of me and I gingerly lifted one corner of the band-aid: the lower one was soaked and the wound was oozing blood. So I gathered my stuff and off I went to the immediate care center down the block (didn't even change out of my gym clothes). Fortunately, I didn't need stitches—the doctor applied surgical glue and a compression bandage (the latter because it's a lower limb and I'm on aspirin therapy). He asked if I'm diabetic, and when I replied “not yet, but getting there," he said to watch and make sure a scab forms—if not, I need to call him (and maybe also my PCP to tell him it's Metformin time).

    I went to Target afterwards and treated myself to a couple of new tights-and-workout tee sets—getting tired of sweating up my favorite t-shirts. Tonight I'll wrap my shin up with Glad Wrap so I can shower.

    I need a drink, but since I had wine yesterday (and a breast-cancer-benefit wine tasting coming up Thurs—the restaurant's owner & pastry chef are trying to raise money for their Avon walk team), tonight's DOTD was Dasani unsweetened Blood Orange seltzer. Pretty tasty, if a bit subtle. And a decaf cappuccino chaser.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited May 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Very good day yesterday. Short day at work, no stress, no fuss. Got a call about the Immunization Clinic position, and I got that. Will start orientation in a couple of weeks, when the currently oriented nurse moves on from orienting to the clinics to orienting to the Travel Medicine piece.Got an e-mail and set up an interview next week for an Adjunct Instructor position at one of the local Schools of Nursing. If that works out that will give me a part time job with regular pay through the school year and 2 places for "extra" per diem work to draw on. Needless to say last night was a celebratory 2 glass of wine night! AND, I worked, went grocery shopping, and shopped for a new broom,got home before 6 peeyem, and played tug with Sadie for almost half an hour after putting away the groceries. Life is good!

    Goldie--Hope your busy day went smoothly. We're all still here, so hope you can ketchup today.

    Pontiac--Love the sandaled foot on the patio with a drink pic!

    Jazzy--how many pounds to go to hit your goal? It sounds like you are likely to get there, good for you!The vodka was my addition to the DOTD, to make it more appropriate to the HTL. I was just struck by the promises made and wanted to use that pic.

    Chi--OUCH! Boo Boos like that can be a real pain in the tuckus. Glad you got it seen, and I'm sure you'll keep an eye on it. New workout gear sounds like a real incentive to keep going.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Image result for Drink Recipes

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2017

    NM, you're doing really good girl. Like I said, baby steps. But sorry you panicked there for a bit, thinking you were late for work. That DOTD looks so refreshing, would be good with raspberries too.

    Hsant, glad you made it home safely and got to check in with us. Remind me where in CA you are? We don't get out that way but about once a year, and then it's only forabout 3 days, as my DH can't hardly stand to be around the grands.

    Jazzy, I know you will get those 70 laps in!

    Dara dear, sorry your cousin is not feeling well. How is your lil Lucy doing? And I did not know you had solar.

    Ilona, what a pretty name. Do you get a break in between your chemo and rads?

    Peg, your Patch is a beauty. Beautiful historic home too.

    Sandy, sorry about banging your shin….Owwwwwwie!

    Cami, Joey should be getting out of school soon?

    Someone asked about who Cheryl was to Dara, it's her cousin who lives with her. I have onc appt. on Thursday, so I prolly won't be here on that day.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited May 2017

    Will be here soon, but until then, how about this for a camping idea? Teardrop trailer with a full bar......


  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,704
    edited May 2017

    NM-Congrats on the new position!

    Goldie-Chemo ends next Monday 5/29, then lumpectomy on 6/27, them 4-6 weeks later rads will be scheduled (daily for 6 weeks).

    Jazzy-That is my kind of camping!

    Also, thanks for the warm welcome everyin

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    Trying to ketchup, so whatever I say I might have all mixed up.

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Whoa Sandy what a bleed episode u had, sounds like a watch and see type of thing. Hope it heals well.

    Peg I'm like u, if I'd buy wine first of all I'd ask Sandy and Jazzy, if I was bringing it somewhere--they have helped me before, but for me I think I would buy like u did--interesting bottle to read. And u'r poor furbaby, the pic was great of them.

    Ilona sounds like u'r doing great thru this, and u'r getting thru this, hope this continues for you.

    Jazzy u will do u'r laps, we all know that and great for u'r weight loss.

    NM wow u'r now in demand all over. Isn't this exciting for u??? In just a short time working and being so very stressed out to picking what u want to do is awesome and I know Sadie can tell already.

    Heidi so understand the feeling u have, all mixed up and I still want to call my mom and every so often my hand does go to the phone cuz I think of something to tell her, my sister does the same thing. But I do have my sister and cousin that we share all the same memories and can sit and LOL so hard at our parents, it was like an Italian sit-com with all of them, but we really didn't know all of that at the time--they were characters--Even my SIL tells stories about them to other people still cuz they just got to him like crazy, his family was dysfunctional ours was just fun. Oh u have to get started on this Wives thing, they are always at each other even in public. LOL

    Lori again u have app'ts right, or am I getting mixed up again--and yes Monday are GRRR to me too. Leslie starts her job June 4th, but Joey is out of school the week before--next week and I love it. He got an award for the most improved wind player <well not those exact words> last nite and he was surprised and couldn't wait to show it to me--OK this shows u how weird I am--everyone was telling him how proud they were of him and I asked him if he was proud of himself??? He started beaming and said yep, then I said I was proud of him cuz he is first to be proud of himself always. Oh well

    Dara u've got stuff going on and I sure hope u'r cousin feels better quickly, pain if awful u should know that for sure.

    Well my pain has come back full force, I get a shot tomoree and can't wait, BUT so has my diarrhea WTF, I'd better not have it tomorree I had it since yesterday so eating is out Well I know I'll eat my cheese anyway LOL my eyeballs even hurt, the pain shoots right up to them, my affect is like brain damage so now my new Dr. will really think I'mm of the wall.

    OK got my phones that I have to change my moaning voice and not say I have Tourettes syndrome again, have to think of something else, oh I'll blame it on the dog, he won't care.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited May 2017

    And then the Love Boat reunion on the Today know I am a fan

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited May 2017

    Hi friends- had an early start to the day with blood work at the nearby lab. Got that done so I will be ready for my rescheduled apt on 6/12. Then a call with the collaboration team partner (the one I like, lol) and off to swim. Yes ladies, I did it, 70 laps today, my record I did in 2011. Big milestone for me, tells me I have gotten so much stronger and going back to this pool showed me that. That is basically swimming 1 mile. Now I am ready for the English Channel.....ha ha, just kidding!

    ChiSandy- oh dear about you hurting yourself friend. Concerned for you about the blood sugar too, especially if you are not forming scabs. My PCP put me on metformin back in 2013 when my A1C was on the rise. Probably worth having your PCP start checking your sugars or giving you the equipment to do so. You might need to get with an endocrinologist too. Mine has helped me SO MUCH around the blood sugar stuff when all the other providers could do was lecture about weight loss and all the rest. It is well documented in the clinical research that cancer treatments can really impact your blood chemistry.

    NM- congrats on getting the new work with the Immunization Clinic and LOVE the idea of you teaching adjunct. So many good things happening for you!

    My first goal is to get down another 7 pounds from where I am right now. My next goal would be to get down an additional 20. My endocrinologist and I talked about what was a good weight to focus on. She had told me that in midlife, we don't want to go too low because sometimes we need that extra weight in case anything happens to us. I think I shared this here before, but she told me that there is research to suggest there may be a reason people put on a few pounds in midlife, because this is when other things strike; we are going to loose weight when we have surgeries, other treatments, etc. I lost 40 pounds with my surgeries and the rest, but gained back like 30. Now I am almost back down the 30 again and going for 20 more. I have lost around 15 lbs since I started working with her last Sept. She is my new favorite provider, although I like my MO a lot too.......

    Cami- I am sorry you are in pain again and the D is back. I hope the shot tomorrow helps and wishing everything to be easier for you so you can enjoy the party. Being busy with calls is no help.

    Goldie- let us know how things go on thursday with the MO? Are you still loosing weight or has that stabilized?

    LLL- I had lumpectomy too and will suggest that you need to be planning to sleep on your back with pillows on each side. If you have a recliner in the house, even better. I had internal rads which was more experimental at the time, but do recommend you check out the rads threads here for things to help you with some of the red that will come with external beam. All kinds of great help from these threads for this stuff. I am glad you are finishing the primary chemo soon, although I do realize you will be doing herceptin for awhile yet. My sister told me those infusions were not bad by themself, it is the other stuff that was tough. I only had surgery and rads.

    The part that bothered me the most with surgery was the sentinal node biopsy because it cuts through the pectoral muscle. Let us know how else we can help you?

    A music friend wants me to go to a swing dance event tonight. I have a conference tomorrow though. Be back here on Thursday......

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited May 2017

    Your music video of the day. Not jazz but one of my favorite James Taylor songs and just watch his eyes as he sings.....

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2017

    Well, my most recent random glucose is 113 and a1c is 6.1—not diabetic yet, acc. to both my PCP and Bob, but they acknowledge that statins can raise glucose and a1c, often pushing “normal" into “pre-diabetes" and the latter into Type 2 (especially if one has the other two prongs of the metabolic syndrome triad—dyslipidemia and hypertension, even well-controlled). My PCP says wait the 6 weeks to see how well the statin has worked; but Bob would put me on metformin now. He considers it almost a miracle drug, calming inflammation and possibly preventing or forestalling dementia even in people with normal glucose. He says he will likely start taking it himself. Not time yet to do home glucose monitoring, according to both of them. But we shall see come late June.

    Bob made another point, though. A heart attack or stroke from a friable plaque breaking off an arterial wall is likelier if dyslipidemia is untreated in an at-risk patient, and can kill one younger and faster than can a “senile-onset” (“senile,” in the no-connotation medical sense, meaning >65) case of Type 2 diabetes. The older one is when Type 2 appears, the less likely one is to suffer its devastating effects like retinopathy, kidney damage, or amputation—especially if treatment is begun right away—unless one lives long past 85 or 90. My mom was first diagnosed with it at 66, and at the time smoking-related heart failure & COPD killed her at 85, she had no diabetic sequelae symptoms. She took metformin and needed no insulin.

    Cherry-lime seltzer tonight. Trying not to drink on the “off days" during a week when I have a wine tasting, wine dinner or high-end restaurant meal coming up.

    Jazzy, I never got to see JT in concert (just on TV). The night in 1971 Bob & I were supposed to go see him (Carnegie Hall, IIRC), I came down with a nasty flu. Thanks for the video. Sometimes if I can't fall asleep or I get bored waiting for a bus or train (and don't want to burn cell data using iTunes) I play the entire Sweet Baby James album in my head (others are Joni Mitchell's first, and Brahms' Ein Deutsches Requiem).

  • meow13
    meow13 Member Posts: 1,363
    edited May 2017

    Just had some rum from Barbados.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    Jazzy I knew u would do the swim, u really worked at it and did it quickly. I hope u have a good conference too. Again I hope it goes exactly the way u want. Going out again Missy---well actually u'd better cuz u'll start a job soon so enjoy. OK who doesn't like James Taylor--every song is marrrvelus and what a soothing voice. I've only seen him on PBS and with Carol King who is another that I really enjoy.

    Sandy I'm glad u'r keeping such a close eye on u'r sugar levels. It will pay off. My oldest DD has type 1 <so did her father> she watches closely and so far she's been doing all right, she does enjoy her drinks tho and watches what she does drink. Mostly. But if u have a handle on it, u should catch it and control it much better. Good Luck

    Welcome Meow --good choice home u come back with more ideas.

    Ilona was yesterday u'r last day or this coming week??? I hope u let us know.

    NM no more real Hump Day for u, u seem great and now it doesn't matter what day it is for u. It's all coming together so fast--such a good thing.

    Oh Jazzy I figured I can be in an induced coma for at least 6 weeks and I'll be fine.

    My pain is going crazy, it's like someone is chopping away with an ax on my legs. Hmmm what number would that be, maybe 208. My back is fine unless I stand more than a minute or 2 but it sure is causing everything else to go wild. Now that's good for a party but not for my legs.

    Oh these commercials, I can't stand food that talks or worse eats each other--Why would anyone buy that it even scares kids. I think I'll start sending in my own commercials for an idea.for them. Hmm is this the pain talking--oops another type of commercial I can't stand.Oh and my neighbor is doing well. I woke up early SURPRISE at quarter to three, no one in the place--oh oh ♪ ♫ ♪--any reason to use that.OMG a week from today Joey is out of school, I'm so looking forward to that. Leslie will be starting her job the Monday after, so good around here.It's about time I'm not the only one working. LOL Like the only way of life in what I'm making would qualify me for a cardboard box. Oh well

    OK I'll be bock latah.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited May 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Ah, the simple joy of a leisurely ayem with a fresh cup of coffee, listening to the birds singing and swatting mosquitos. The trees are leafing out nicely and the world is looking so green and pretty. Got done work yesterday and still had time and energy enough to clean out the clothes in the dresser. Got a day at home today, doing a pain management education tomorrow evening, meeting the new co-workers at a lunch on Friday. Couple of wine tastings on the calendar over the next couple of weeks if I want to do that. Life is GOOD!

    Goldie--Baby steps, indeed. They do add up over time. Good luck with the Onc appointment.

    Jazzy--now THAT's my idea of camping, too!

    Illi--thanks! Forgive me if you've already said and I missed it, but has chemo helped? And a nosy question, if you are doing chemo why are you also doing rads?Chemo is systemic and will cover the area treated by rads.Does the rads give you a big boost in disease free time? Feel free not to answer if I'm getting too personal. When I had the lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy I found wearing a bra was way too painful, and pressure on the biopsy site was uncomfortable. A friend made a heart shaped pillow for me that fit under my arm and was a life saver! I strongly recommend getting a small, approximately 12 x 12, soft pillow for this, and also taking a small pillow or bed pillowwith you to put under the seatbelt.I had left booby work, used the little pillow under the seat belt when I was driving for a couple of months after that surgery to stop the rubbing and pressure.

    Cammy--it is awfully flattering to be so much in demand. I'm afraid I'm going to get a big head if I'm not careful! I think it's great you asked Joey if he was proud of himself. Children need to learn that it's OK to take pride in themselves and their accomplishments so they don't end up depending on other's opinions of them for their self-esteem. Argh, so sorry the pain is back, so praying the shot takes it away again.

    Jazzy--oh my goodness, look at the Love Boat crew! Look at all the gray hair. That is a great segment, thanks for sharing!Love Boat was a big part of my life in it's day, I watched it mostly when I was babysitting cuz it was on too late to watch otherwise and my Mom wasn't sure it was an appropriate show for a teenager. Boy, things were different in those days! HOORAY FOR HITTING THE 1 MILE SWIMMING MARK! So glad you have found a great support team for your medical care and good for you with the weight loss. I lost 10 pounds while I was sick, and have only put back on about 5, and have kept off the rest. Now I need to go to work on losing some more, meaning I need to get walking again. I have noticed that I can walk further before getting winded and before my back starts aching, so I am making some itty bitty bits of progress with the little everyday choices like parking further away from the office and facilities and stores and the physical work of decluttering and cleaning. It may be 5 minutes at a time, but I'm getting more and more movement time in each week.

    Chi--Interesting info about the statins and diabetes. I took lipitor for a while, until my muscles hurt so bad I could hardly move. Told my PCP I'd rather die of a heart attack next week than live without being able to move cuz of the muscle pain for a year. I still associate the statins with muscle pain and cringe whenever anyone talks about them. I hope they do for you what they need to and you don't end up with the muscle pain and liver damage we see so much of in Hospice care.

    Meow--Welcome! And good taste in rum!

    Cammy--that's right, this would normally be hump day, wouldn't it? So nice to not be tracking that kind of thing!

    It's quarter to three,
    There's no-one in the place,
    'Cept Joe and me.
    So set 'em up Joe,
    I've got a little story
    I think you should know
    We're drinking my friend,
    To the end of a brief episode.
    Make it one for my baby, and one more
    For the road.
    I've got the routine,
    Put another nickel in the machine.
    I'm feeling so bad,
    Won't you make the music easy and sad.
    I could tell you a lot, but it's not
    In a gentleman's code.
    So make it one for my baby, and one more
    For the road.
    You'd never know it, but buddy I'm a kind of poet,
    And I got a lot of things I like to say
    So when I'm gloomy, won't you listen to me,
    'Til it's talked away.
    Well, that's how it goes,
    And Joe I know you're getting anxious to close
    And thanks for the cheer
    I hope you didn't mind my bending your ear.
    But this touch that I've found
    Must be drowned or it soon might explode...
    Make it one for my baby
    And one more for the road...
    The long
    It's so long
    The long and winding road.

    From <>

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Smokey Joe


    1 oz. Vodka

    1 oz. White Rum

    1 oz. Tequila

    1/2 oz. Lime Juice

    Orange Juice fresh

    splash(es) Grenadine


    Pour vodka, white rum, tequila and lime juice over ice into a shaker. Mix and pour into a highball glass. Top up with fresh orange juice and colour with grenadine. Decorate with a slice of lime.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,704
    edited May 2017

    NativeMainer, yes chemo has helped, it shrunk the largest tumor to 1/4 or its original size and a couple small ones are no longer visible on US. I have body scans again on 5/30, the day after my last chemo and am hopeful for no further progression than the single hip bone met. Radiation will be to the breast which I think is standard but also to the a left collarbone and hip bone where small tumors were confirmed via biopsy but are not being surgically removed, I've been told the rads will handle those. I appreciate all the tips, I tried asking on the lumpectomy lounge but the thread was moving too fast and I got buried, lol, it happens.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2017

    Ilona, we will celebrate with you on Monday. Funny how docs do things differently. I had lumpectomy first, then chemo and then radiation. Not sure I would do radiation on the hip, does it give you pain? I have mets to my r hip and groin area, skull and spine. I've been told once an area has had radiation, you can't do it again. Also the radiation after time will cause fatigue and it's accumulative, so rest when you need to or it will just get worse. We are a pretty small group here, maybe a dozen gals?

    Cami yes, I have onc appt. tomorrow. I saw where Joey got his reward and how proud he is of himself, that's great. So sorry your pain and D is back. Just not fare for you. Hoping that shot today helps. Do they know what is causing this horrible pain in your legs? LOL at the talking food and food eating food!

    Jazzy, we knew you would do it! Congrats on 70 laps! Congrats on the weight loss and no, I am stable, even gained a couple back.

    Image result for 70 laps

    Sandy, hoping you are able to keep that sugar at bay. How's your boo boo?

    Welcome Meow.

    NM, I can't believe how relaxed you sound. Enjoy your day off! Good for you on walking and parking further away. More baby steps! So proud of you.

    Missing our gals that haven't posted lately.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2017

    Good Morning DahhhLinKs!

    I am back from Tarzana, and with a cold too. But it was nice visiting my aunties. Aunt P had radiation recently for her stage1 bc. She was really burned, got better while I was there. She is an angel, waiting on Aunt S and I hand and foot even tho she was in pain. Aunt S is worse now….really really shaking and her steps are shaky and slow. She still won't tell me what her dx is. She's also showing some dementia. Asked me every 10 mins…was my drink ok, was I hungry, can I just stay for 6 mos with them…it was breaking my heart. But it is what it is.

    My StepMom, in Ontario, OR is still in a PT home. I talked to her couple of times, but she was really out of it. Spoke to her son yesterday…They want to send her home but he is scared to death and doesn't think he can handle her care. Don't have any details as to what her dx is. Hope she hangs on til July 6 and later as I am flying in to see her then.

    OK - enuf of my bad news.

    Wish I had time to address everyone, but not today, will welcome the new ladies on the thread.

    Hang in there all….lubslubslubs

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,704
    edited May 2017

    Goldie, chemo was first because my breast tumor was so large, they really wanted to shrink it to leave me something after surgery, which is still currently the plan. I have no pain in my hip, the bone met was a total surprise but I'm considered oligometastic and the radiation to that spot would be considered somewhat curative. Local control with surgery and rads being especially beneficial I'm told I call myself stage IV lite, at least until something changes.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2017

    Thanks, Lori. My “owie” seems to be okay—I sort of freaked when I took off the compression gauze and saw a damp spot, but realized it was iodine from the iodoform tape over the wound. Saran-wrapped my leg to shower, then reapplied the compression gauze. But it stopped adhering to itself and bunched up as I slept, so this morning I replaced it with a giant band-aid big enough to cover the tape without sticking to any part of it. Hard to tell if it's stayed “glued” shut beneath the iodoform tape—which does seem to have a blood splotch beneath that I can’t tell if it’s a scab. Not sure if I need to change the dressing (was given a vial of surgical glue in case it reopens, but no extra iodoform tape) or even should—the doc didn’t give me printed discharge instructions, just said to call him (except on Tues. or Thurs.) if there’s a problem. So I just called—and he’s not in today. The receptionist is trying to get in touch with him or at least the nurse on duty. Doesn’t make sense for me to return there if nothing needs to be done or it’s something I could do myself.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2017

    So the nurse called back. I am to remove the iodoform tape and just change a non-stick Band-Aid twice daily till the surgical glue falls off by itself. The doctor says I should come back in a week to 10 days to check on healing, unless it starts to bleed again. He didn’t say anything about not exercising, so it’s back to the gym tomorrow.