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how about drinking?



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited May 2017

    One of my other favorite photos from Italy, if you know what I mean. Taken in Volterra.


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2017

    Good Morning DahhhLinKs!

    UGH, this cold is something. I can't remember when I last had a cold, but it has been years. Taking all my meds and resting a lot. This too shall pass.

    Thanks to all for the kind words about mese aunties and mese step mom.

    Jazz - still cwacking up over the kitty pic. Needed a laugh, thanks!

    Sandy - glad your booboo is healing. Sounds like what I did to my shin in Nassau, FL. Thank goodness my roommate was a nurse. Thanks again Julie.

    Illimae - I like that 'stageIVlite. Sounds like you have the right 'tude' to get thru your treatment. Will add you to my prayer list. (((Illie)))

    Hello Meow - welcome to our thread.

    Cami - Thank you and u r right. I kno I cannot move in with mese aunties. I mean, what wud I do about my hubs and my pooches. Wish I cud go stay with mese step mom, but that impossible too.

    NM - don't de bosses kno u are da smartest of the group??? Makes me mad that they didn't even offer you a reason for the change. But then I smile and realize your 'tude is happier and that's the most important thing.

    Lowee - YIKES that is early….have ur temps been in triple digits yet? Has been here…OMG…went from spring to summer in 1 week, or so it seems. The WIND is still howling and had been for days…can't stand it!!! Supposed to cool off in next couple days down to the 80's n low 90's.

    Gotta get my ewwa in gear…don't feel like it, but will do what I can.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2017

    Jazzy, from the clothes the pedestrians in San G were wearing, I take it you didn't visit in high tourist season. Because July was the only time in Bob's schedule we could reserve our 3 timeshare days in Selvatelle (actually, up the hill smack dab between Selvatelle and Terracioli, where we had a delightful walking tour, winery afternoon at “La Spinetta" and returned to a tiny restaurant behind a wine shop for an amazing meal of wild boar ragu served by the owner, a “nonna" who exhorted us to eat, eat and drink limoncello with her) we figured that blazingly hot (100F+) mid-summer wouldn't be a popular tourist season. We figured wrong. But we did get to Volterra. I would love to go back, perhaps in early spring or late fall, when it's chilly but not snowy. (I hate winter driving on flat roads; and even though I used to do it with impunity—in a little rear-wheel-drive Datsun 1200--to XC-ski in the Cascades when we lived in Seattle, winter driving on mountain roads now scares the crap out of me).

    Sue, I wouldn't mind an ewwa, provided I could learn to twerk without throwing out my back. It's my ewwb that is my bane—and the reason why, should I ever require a BMX, I would either endure DIEP reconstruction despite the pain & risks, or refuse to leave the house without removable foobs (albeit smaller than the natural ones I have now). I used to have an hourglass figure, but now it's more like a cylinder. If I went flat, I'd look like Winnie the Pooh. “Flat & fabulous" is “fabulous" only for the already-slender.

    Lori, of course Bob can prescribe anything for me—except he doesn't want to. He doesn't believe it's ethical to treat family members (except for the time he insisted on taking me to the ER when I had a temporary arrhythmia episode 6 yrs ago). He does prescribe for himself, and for Gordy (whose deductible is so high that he refuses to see our PCP—who was Bob’s Chief Resident at U of I--because it would cost us out-of-pocket). He prescribes for me only when my other docs say, “hey, you don't have to come in—Bob can write you a script" or I find myself out of a med. and my insurance won't authorize an interim refill, so he writes me a script for just enough to go out of pocket and tide me over till it's “official" refill time. Last time he wrote me a script it was when my insurance (then United PPO) refused to allow my MO's script for brand name Femara, so he said “let's try Canada" and faxed in a script to for 3 months of Femara at 1/4 the price it would have cost at any Chicago-area pharmacy. And when I find that Gordy has used up my asthma inhalers after exhausting his own (he has no drug coverage), Bob will write me for one at a time, out of pocket. (Of course, in the EU Ventolin inhalers are $7 each and OTC—just like Celebrex, Flector patches and Voltaren gel, so guess what our most popular souvenirs are)? He says that if a patient my age with my heart risks, glucose & a1c and a history of early-stage bc were to come into his office, he'd write a script for Metformin in a heartbeat. (He's considering taking it himself, because it's also protective against the onset of dementia). But because I have only 4 wks. to go before my PCP will be drawing followup labs, he is deferring to him. (The PCP thinks Jardiance & Invokana give superior control and better CV survival, but I haven't asked about the bc benefits of metformin…not to mention that my cheap-ass Part D carrier would insist I “fail" a 90-day trial of metformin before they spring for the fancy new brand-name stuff).

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited May 2017

    Chi- we were there the last two weeks of October. It is a great time to travel, but can be rainy (as you saw). We had a few days of rain there, but many sunny days too. Very much like fall here in the southwest and probably where you live. I highly recommend it for a time of the year to visit!

    I may be doing a trip to Ireland as I think I talked about here (need to commit soon either way) and it will also be late October to early November.

    Wishing everyone a good holiday weekend and be back on Tuesday friends!


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2017

    Ooooh—Ireland! Wish Bob would take more time off. No Europe in the cards for us till our mega-cruise next April. (I have given up traveling alone, such as on the Bar Assn. trips, unless with a friend. Just too lonely).

  • everymoment
    everymoment Member Posts: 6,656
    edited May 2017

    Whatever the science, I'm all for drinking after diagnosis and I sure am not alone based on the 1761 pages to date on the drinking thread. Cheers everyone!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2017

    sooooo.....seriously pondering a trip to Chicago and soon! might need some advise on the area Cammy. Or Sandy?

    Is Aurora a nice area?

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2017

    Depends on where you go in Aurora. The north part, bordering on Batavia, isn’t bad (and has a cool outlet mall), but there are pockets of crime and gang activity. It’s now the second largest city in the state, passing Rockford.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2017

    How about St Charles? We are looking at Choice Hotels.

    (thanks Sandy!) All we need is a dog sitter and off we go!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2017

    St. Charles is fine—parts of it are semi-rural. Any reason you’re looking to stay all the way out in Kane County? It’s a long, long way from the city. (But do visit Geneva—cute little suburb with nice shops & restaurants and the Fox River running through it, and Island Park in the middle of the river is right downtown. Every Labor Day weekend they have a folk music festival there, and I perform one day and emcee the other).

    The Fox Valley from North Aurora all the way up to the Elgin city line is quite safe. And gas prices there are the lowest in Chicagoland.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2017

    Sandy, it is because Cook County has too many silly laws...funny you mentioned St Charles being rural. Cheryl and I took a "cyber drive", via google maps, from the hotel and up the Main St and the scenery turned into barns and farms. We even saw a hot and likely toothless hot (NOT) country bumpkin for us to share hehehehehe!!!

    Do you know how to get any deals on the river cruises? We like the fireworks and the sunset cruises (not the Spirit of Chicago) but they are too pricey. Just thought you might know since you know about everything about everything!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited May 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes! How is everyone this Memorial Day weekend? I had a lovely lunch with the crew that works at the Immunization Clinic yesterday. I'm really looking forward to starting there next week. Going to be a lot of fun to learn something new and work with healthy patients. Only going to work one day for Hospice. Apparently I'm missing some office politics/drama there, and I'm not even sorry! I'll kechup on the gossip eventually. Had to turn on the heat yesterday, it was only 62 degrees INSIDE the house. Only 50 outside this ayem, so still have the heat on. Crazy for this late in May. And now I'm hearing that the weather guessers are predicting a very hot summer.Wish it would get here so I can complain about the heat!

    Jazzy--what a beautiful place for a yoga retreat! That is a great pic of the bikers. Have you ever submitted it to any contests? Bet you could win a prize with it.

    Goldie--OK, if you want to keep hearing about me, I'll keep yammering on about me! I must havepicked a good outfit, when I went into the Hospice office to take care of a couple of details the response was "You look like a real person!"Gotta admit I liked that.

    Mema--Take care of yourself while you have this cold. There is a nasty respiratory virus circulating that is really taking people down for the count.Maybe you are safe from it, being on the west coast.Don't know what the Hospice bosses are thinking, and don't really care anymore. Last minute changes are a form of control, and if one of them needs to feel more in control, so be it. I know I'm in control of my own life now.

    Chi--the decrease in the cost of meds in Canada has created a small industry here in Maine. Prescription Fill Bus trips from Maine points to Canada are regularly scheduled and dirt cheap, and almost always full. Most Maine docs get licensed in Canada, too, cuz so many people get their meds in Canada. A couple of Canadian pharmacies even opened stores very close to the border to take advantage of the business. Hmmm, now that I have time I should look into getting some of my asthma meds from Canada. And don't I hate the way insurance companies force people to take certain medications for extended periods to document failure of that treatment. Nothing like leaving a condition untreated or incompletely treated for months just to save some prescription bene $$.

    Jazzy--have a great holiday weekend, and keep up with the work out regimen!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:


    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Star-Spangled Spritzer

    1 part Pinnacle® Whipped® Vodka

    1 part DeKuyper® Blue Curacao Liqueur

    1 part Grenadine

    Splash Club Soda

    Carefully pour ingredients separately into rocks glass. Add ice and a fruit garnish.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2017

    LDB, no triple digits here yet, but we have gotten into the 90's and yes we got we got the wind too. Sorry your sick though, hope it passes quickly.

    Sandy, kind of funny your DH doesn't do scripts for family. But he really does.

    Love the holiday exercising Jazzy.

    Wacko, you and your cousin planning to go to Chi town? When? and for how long? How did the interview go?

    NM, interesting about the gossip at the hospice place! Many years ago, we used to drive down to southern AZ and walk into Mexico for drugs, because they were cheaper.

    Wishing everyone a great weekend. Town day for us.

    I was looking for some hot memorial day hunks and came across this one, thought it was good enough!!!

    Image result for memorial day hunks

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2017

    Ok girls, we all know I've been gone way too long so I'm gonna jump right in! I have no real excuses for my absence, I haven't been on FB and barely check my email. I'm happy and doing well and the other than Candy Crush on my Kindle and making an occasional phone call I've been checked out. DH is playing golf, it's a holiday weekend, I slept in, am drinking my coffee and it's time to check in with my besties. I've not read a word yet cause everytime I try I get distracted to the point that I never post so for right now it will be all about me... trust me it will be short..Nora is great, so funny and smart. Last week she said as if she were a teacher... "Yaya.... did you know that it is not necessary to wear socks with flipflops?" And then I was flossing and she told me when she does it she puts the floss in like this and takes it right to the "gumline". Ha! such a smarty pants. Louie, Junior and Moose are good, Moose has spent 5 months trying to be able to snuggle a bit with Louie and he has finally broken him, I will post pics, louie got tired of having to keep moving around the room and treating him as tho he has cooties and he sits and allows the love. Moose puffs up and purrs and circles and eventually lays down. I've cut waaaay back on my beloved wine, got myself down to a glass or 2 a couple of times/week. Now before you ladies that know me call the psyche services to get me committed... I've switched to tequila or vodka. Less carbs and I'm finding that I'm drinking less. DH and I started it together and are eating very low carb. I have stuck with it for over 3 months with no cheating, less than 20 carbs/day. DH does pretty well but cheats here and there, pizza, ice cream, etc.... he has lost 15 lbs, pants are loose, down a belt notch, (I'm so f-ing happy for him!). I tell him all the time, really.... honestly... I have gained 2 pounds and the fat clothes I bought last summer are too tight ............... Honestly, I'm so happy for him! I am! We both have fitbits, sit side by side at spinning class, sweat our asses off, heartrates in the 130's..... his fitbit says he burns 450 calories in a 1 hour class, mine 175. Ah well that's all I have to say about that except that I'm really happy for him!

    OK, what else, just got back from Kelleys Island with the girls yesterday, we just went overnight but it was fun. Work is bizzy as ever, my kness are shitty but I had a gel injection in the right ($2000) and a steroid injection in the left, it's really helped me tremendously so I guess I'll keep on slinging the curlers for awhile, hoping to work 3 more years. Had to put MIL's 200 year old pekingese down yesterday. She was blind, deaf, toothless, incontinent and slept about 20 hours/day. It was really tough for her but so glad she finally did it. Her name was China and she adopted her from Petco 11 years ago, they said she was 13 at that time... She was having to pick her up to take her outside and MIL is 88 now, was just too much.

    Miss you breasties, I won't stay away so long anymore!


    Gonna make another cup of coffee, post some pics and then I'll start some reading and see if I can catch up a bit.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2017

    imageahhhh, he loves his GSD's

  • sandyrella
    sandyrella Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2017

    Dara_Diverse, I like in SC.....that hotel is pretty far from downtown SC are you driving? Otherwise its in a great area, there is a nice shopping mall (Geneva Commons) by there. Also as ChiSandy said (I'm a SANDY also :) you are pretty far out from the actual "city of Chicago" about an hour out. Geneva shops are wonderful and it is a lovely area, your hotel will know where to send you. If you like "nightlife" then SC will work for you, tons of bars/restaurants in their downtown, it's called "Rush STreet West" lol. Also next wkend (sat/sun) is the Kane County flea market, one of the largest in the US and it is walking distance from your hotel

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited May 2017

    Dara - Look into Chicago City Pass or Chicago Explorer Pass for discounts on popular Chi-town attractions. We used the City Pass two years ago when visiting DD who lived in E. Rogers Park at the time. Am hoping to plan a visit to Chicago area in the early fall.

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited May 2017

    genny5775 - Beautiful photo - are they your pets? Was in Cleveland area last weekend. Grew up in NE Ohio and lived in Cleveland from 1976 to 1989. Miss my city on the NE Shore of Ohio.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2017

    Oops, editing to add the reason I am posted these pics...Cam made me do it. She feels it is important for all of the newer girls to know what I went through with recon. The below pics are just a teeny tiny piece of my recon journey. Prior to having the DIEP flap, I had over 20 (TwENty), yes 20 breast surgeries in an attempt to have those purdy set of titties which I pictured mysel f with after viewing before and after pics in my PS office. Gawd, I was soooo naive then! uh.

    So yes, I talked to Camille and I am taking a road trip to see her. Will write more in a few minutes, gotta get mese Home Depot delivery off the porch, like Cam, mese lubs lubs lubs online shopping!

    More of Dara to come. Ain't I jest phucking sexy? Ugh. Oh well. cheErs mese dears!


    Just after release from hospital, one week post surgery (above)




    NOTE on below - left arrow shows were infection was "tunneling" deeper into my body. I credit my life to NM who insisted that I get back to the hospital to address this. It was compared to a flesh eating bacteria and was very painful. Right arrow show my relocated naval (UGH)!!



    Now meet "Zach the Vac" ... a wound vac (below)


    Nov 13 ...I finally begin seeing a less furious wound,: thanks Zach!

    and here I am just before Christmas 2013, dressed while toting mese wound vac and having a little zippy cinnamon likker (not much stopped me)!


    Me and my dearly departed Bella, loved that doggy, she followed me EVERYwhere back then!


    SORRY so big btw, my pics just do what they want!

    More healing photos:


    Above is Dec 13


    above is Feb 2014, six months post DIEP Flap. Would I do it again? HAIL NO!

    and finally, below is last year on this day!


    So lots of questions to meseself: Would I like to git this mess bixed up? HAIL YES! Do I tink I can do so successfully? Hail NO! Many of my family members think that I should try another revision to mese breasts and also have my pointy hip bixled up and also need some skin grafting. AS IF I would risk the chance of infection to a clean (donor) area of my body. oy vey is all mese can say.

    ChEeRs and titties up, if u got em!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2017

    oops. hit send without adding my dissertation ! will edit to add!

    chEErs ladies!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2017

    SandyRella, you live in SC? Thanks for the info. kk, be right back.

    (nice to meet you Sandy R and welcome!!!).

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited May 2017

    Hi girls! It's been a difficult week. I've pretty much been lying on my couch watching various reality shows on Bravo or LMN movies. It's so unlike me. I have so much to do with respect to my dad, and also with our house, but I just can't get motivated. I know I'm depressed, and I'm trying not to beat myself up over my behavior.

    The hubs and I are going to a Four Season's resort for a couple of nights to celebrate our 16 year wedding anniversary. It's only about a hour north of where we live, but it has an amazing spa and pool area. I've scheduled a massage and facial for Sunday. The plan is to sit by the pool and drink Bloody Mary's, and pretty much do nothing. I picked up a bottle of Veuve Cliquot , GH Mumms for the champagne and a bottle of Klinkerbrick Zin for our room. The prices on hotel booze is astronomical.

    We're leaving when he comes back from cycling in a couple of hours, and I need to hop in the shower and pack. I'll catch up after the weekend. I hope everyone has a fantastic holiday weekend!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2017

    Dara, just curious--what laws in Cook County bother you? The only ones of which I'm aware that differ from the collar counties are the ones against open-carry and firearm discharge, more metered on-street parking, and higher sales taxes. (All of which you'd encounter sightseeing in the city anyway). There isn't anything else we can't do lawfully in Cook County as well as in the burbs. Heck, we can even keep goats and chickens in our yards in the city! Traffic out to Kane County & back is sometimes awful

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,705
    edited May 2017

    Potato chip fried shrimp, crab cakes, grilled squash/zucchini and a sweet red. Happy Saturday ladies!


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2017

    Good morning girls, hope everyone is having a good Memorial weekend. DH is golfing. pooches are letting me ease into the morning so far, it's just beautiful out. Looks like I'll be getting to meet up with our Dara and her cousin tomorrow, looking forward to that! Pics to follow of course.

    Heidi, so sorry about your sadness, don't beat yourself up about it, mourning takes as long as it takes, you'll have good days and bad days but eventually you'll notice the good outweighing the bad. In the meantime we are here for you. Hope your getaway with hubs is good, sounds like just what the doctor ordered.

    Celia, yes that is my cat Moose and my dog Louie, I also have another dog, Junior. Well, shoot, next time you make it to Cleveland we should try and meet up for lunch or something. I do like living here, wouldn't mind leaving for 3 months of the winter but other than that no place else I'd want to be. I've been away from here too long and now I have to get to know all you newer ladies. What part of Cleveland did you live?

    NM, wahoo!! Do I see that you have a new job???? Congrats, I'm so happy for you and hope you get to have a real life now with reasonable work hours that don't kill you! I'll bet Sadie will be thrilled to have you home more too!

    Lori, Cami, Dara, Sue, Sandy, Jazzy, and all the new girls and anyone I'm forgetting.... I'm going to post this now and get my dogs out and I'll be back later... hugs and kisses, love you all!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2017

    Little miss ANorable, (my granddaughter for those that don't know me).


    imageAnd with Papa.



    And Junior

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2017


    Oh and our girls night out at Kelleys Island

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2017

    Well Ms Mary, I think at the very least you need a spanking! Nora is so funny, you must just crack up constantly at her. Not fare about DH losing the weight, and not you, dang AI's. And you MIL's dog, wow, I wonder if she really was 13 when she got her and then to live another 11….WOWSA!

    Whaaaaaat? You and Wacko are meeting up?

    Hello and welcome Sandyrella…cute name.

    Those pictures Wacko are just horrific. How does it not give you nightmares. I like the fact that you are at least smiling in the last picture, or is that because you have some fireball in your hands??? You will be in Ohio today? Are you driving or flying? I'm so essited to hear more, and you will see Cami?

    Heidi, good to see you pop in and glad you and DH are getting away for a bit. You deserve to just lounge for a bit and grieve. It's ok girl!

    Ilona, chip fried shrimp? How was it?

    Since my MMJ card expired and I'm out of my hemp oil, last night I have horrible cramps, D and threw up once. Oh how I hate these FU pills! Today is my last day before my week break, think I will skip myevening dose. Cramping a bit this morning too.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited May 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Been an interesting morning, here.I was just sitting down to check e-mail and come here and the power went off!Was out for about half an hour. On a bright sunny day. Be curious to find out what caused that. Mom's partner Dick is in the hospital, was dehydrated, with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Mom had the same thing the day before but not as bad. They're going to keep him in the hospital until they do an echocardiogram cuz he has a pacemaker. Going to stop in for a minute later, then take the flowers out of Mom's car down to Dad and Grammy's graves. Be abeautiful day for a drive, and I bet I can find a lobstah roll somewhere for lunch.

    Goldie--I've heard drugs are cheaper in Mexico, too. Something about how the governments of those countries either negotiate drug costs or control drug costs, something the US doesn't do. Love the Hunk Line Up!I'm just going to sit here and drool for a bit. . . .

    Genny--No problem with being checked out of the bc world! Glad you are doing so well. So not fair the way men get higher metabolisms and more weight loss with less work.Just not fair!aNorable sounds, well, aNorable! LOL at Moose finally breaking down Louie. If you've cut back on the wine I hope you are drinking good quality wines!So sad about China, but sounds like it was time to release her from the physical body. Hugs to your MIL.

    Welcome, Sandtrella!

    Morning, Celia!

    Dara--I remember the hell you went through all during recon. For years. It was so not fair to you. Your first PS was a total dork and deserves to be shut down, IMHO, but time is past when anything can be done about that. Just so not fair.So glad you survived, and I prefer to picture you the way you looked on the cruise!

    image alt="">

    Illi--If I like shrimp that would be a wonderful meal! If you don't mind I'm going to replace the shrimp with crab or lobstah.

    Genny--new job, whole new life!I'm now per diem at Hospice, will be starting per diem at the Immunization Clinic next week, looking at a part time adjunct teaching position. All on my own terms, so the house is getting cleaned up and decluttered, I'm getting enough rest for a change, and no more being sick for a month ever again!And Sadie LOVES having me home more.

    Princess Leia of Maine's


    1¾ oz. SVEDKA Stars & Stripes
    ¾ oz. lemonade
    ½ oz. triple sec
    1 oz. cranberry juice
    6 limes, juiced
    12 c. ice
    Garnish: blueberries and strawberries

    Combine all ingredients in a large pitcher filled with ice. Garnish with blueberries and strawberries.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,705
    edited May 2017

    The shrimp was great, you crush ruffles and use it like breadcrumbs. DH and plan to go on a food tour before we retire to our mountain. Mostly NE and Midwest, White Castle burgers, NY white pizza, Hungarian at the Budapest and I really wanna go all Daryl Hanna in Splash on a huge Maine lobster.

    That drink looks awesome!