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how about drinking?



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited May 2017


  • meow13
    meow13 Member Posts: 1,363
    edited May 2017

    Now, that is funny.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited May 2017

    Welcome to the thread Meow- that made me laugh all day today!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    Oh Jazzy that is hysterical, u know I love cats and I miss mine so much. And that's the way they are too. I notice our Dog, puts his head down when he knows he does something he shouldn't have, but cats seem to look u right in the eye and say SO???

    Sandy I hope u'r owie does heal quickly, u know u give us so many tips on "what to do" for so many things that we experience. Like I never thought about surran wrapping anything for showering.

    Oh NM it's so good to read how u sound and what a difference from before. Unfortunately u had to be so sick to get here, but it certainly was for a reason--and a good one.

    I'll be back soon.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    I told u I'd be back, but I started posting and it flew right outta here. Damn

    NM I was singing the other nite, but the lyricist got some words wrong. Then I see u posting it, tho I made reference to it--usually not caught by other ones cuz of age. hahaha, tho u'r not that old.

    Lori <Goldy> well I totally forgot what I was going to ask u now, I know it was about u'r Onc. but I just don't remember. Damn I was looking for my post--Oh jeez.

    SusyQ oh I hope all things work out for u for u'r stepmom. Wow what a time u had and how heartbreaking for u to see u'r aunts and then fr them to ask u to stay. U could never think of that, u know that tho. But it's sad to hear and see that going on, I know.

    Meow I too had chemo before my deboobing, but then I had chemo after too for another yr, then finishing with herceptin and rads--the 31 one too. They said they shrunk mine enough to be able to handle it in taking it out and the other shrunk also so that was their thinking also. I did work during the first months with chemo, missing some days but after no. So I see the process u'r going thru. Some of these lumps I guess are just to big for them to deal with and that's fine, let them shrink it. But we will all celebrate when u finish chemo, and every step after.

    I had my shot today and as usual talked all goofy to everyone, so I lay in wait--but my blood pressure was get this low so they kept me for a while and kept on taking it til the bottom # got to 50, so of course I said I've been in the hospital for more than this. See I thought it was funny after I said it and that's when the Dr. said OK I think I really get u now. So that was my aha moment. But it's funny to me it's all in my back a bunch of discs are all screwed up herniated, decomposing and something else and my back really doesn't hurt hahaha it's all in my legs, so then I can't walk--oh oh again I point everything at me--jeez why do I keep doing that. OK enuff.

    DARA WHERE ARE U, Inquisitive minds want to know WTF is going on? and Hsant I'm watching Hof NYC now. LOL and all these women are so skinny and they're always in restaurants.

    Everyone is up and leaving for now, well Leslie isn't going anywhere yet. and Joey will be home, they'll be trading places.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited May 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! Had a small disappointment yesterday, the pain education session I thought I was leading tonight is going to be done by one of the Clinical Managers instead.Not sure exactly how that came about, but I'm not really surprised, either. No matter how often I tell them I am most interested in teaching I never get those assignments, unless it's also with a full patient visit load. Ah, well, no great loss, many other opportunities are coming my way with employers who do value my education and expertise. Sadie and I had a lovely day yesterday, enjoyed the warmth and the almost sunny day. Cooler today, so will do more inside stuff today. Getting anxious to get the dumpster, I'm ready to start on the bigger projects but need someplace to put the junk that isn't just piling it up outside. Ah, well, it will work out.

    Illi--so glad the chemo has worked for you. Rads to the breast after lumpectomy is standard. I had a horrible time with rads before I found out that I would have done as well without them and just going with hormonal therapy, but I was in a very different place than where you are. Some of the threads do move pretty fast, and it can be hard to keep up.It's good there are so many threads on the site here, everyone can find what they need.

    Goldie--I think I'm mastering the art of baby steps and mini projects. And I'm still going strong!

    Memaw--So sorry to hear about your Aunties and Step Mom. Hard to see our families aging. Glad you are home, take care of that cold!

    Illi--sounds like things look good for you, that's wonderful to hear!

    Chi--Sticking my nose in where I probably shouldn't, but you probably weren't given more iodoform gauze because the iodine interferes with healing.It's good for clearing out any germs before they can gain a foothold and cause and infection so it's often used briefly and then left off. OK, looks like you just got the same info from the ER.Exercising improved blood flow and should help healing.


    Cammy--I'm not that old but I routinely work with people of the generation where those songs are popular, so I hear them, more than I hear contemporary music.Which is fine, I like that music better than the current stuff!I simply cannot stand rap or most country or rock. Glad you were able to get the shot, hope it provides lots of relief for a long time.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:


    How to Make It

    1. Chill an old-fashioned glass by filling it with ice and letting it sit while preparing the rest of the drink.
    2. In a mixing glass, soak the sugar cube with Peychaud's Bitters and muddle to crush the cube.
    3. Add the rye whiskey and stir.
    4. Discard the ice in the chilled glass and rinse it with absinthe by pouring a small amount into the glass, swirling it around and discarding the liquid.
    5. Pour the whiskey mixture into the absinthe-rinsed glass.
    6. Garnish with a lemon twist.
  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2017

    LDB, so sorry about your step mom and aunties, but I'm sure they are probably getting up there in age. Glad to have you back.

    Sandy, glad all seems to be ok.

    Jazzy gots some naughty kitties!

    Cami, my BP was running low too, bottom number 60, but YOURS was below 50???

    Quiet day up in here! My MO canceled, family emergency, so no doc for a couple more weeks. They wanted to know if I could come in at 8:40, I said NOOOOOOO, I would have to get up at 3 am to make that. I know I get up early, but hey!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited May 2017

    Morning, Gooldie! Join me for a swim?

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2017

    Of course NM!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    Hey wait a minute, NM aren't u working today either, I thought it was just Wednesdays, Holy chit no wonder why u'r hanging around LOL BTW I don't even know 1/2 of the things in that drink, but that's what makes it interesting. And we all know u willend up with all u want job wise. These are all good signs.

    Lori 3AM?????? Are they nuts, ok now how long do u have to wait., u know I ask ev erything and again ncn't type--I'm so tired of correcting cuz u guys are so good, so get back to the reading of my lousy typing. Oh when I started my lower # was in the 50's then they said it might go up after for whatever reason so it was 37 and that's why I said what I said. It finally went up so it's all over the place. I see my MO next week or PCP whatever it's called Jeez I don't even know that. I could I been a patient all these years and just know a gist or reg. F*ck

    I was going to have Joey put his tape that he made with his clarinet and a piano, hahaha don't worry I wont', but we did have a nice talk about his Bd party in 2 weeks about 10 kids and what they're going to do and I told him he has to think with boys and girls what is right and what is wrong. And again the brat mouth said "Now mamaw my brain isn't fully developed yet and so the impulse of consequences hasn't fully formed" I did raise my voice and said well u have to know the differnce between right and stupid by now. Jeez they teach these kids to many things to sling at their elders.

    All right I had to correct most, I looked up and saw all red lines, didn't get them all.

    Be bock latah

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2017

    Thanks for the explanation, Kim. They want me to change the band-aid twice a day till the doc can check it next Wed—the day before I fly to NY for Bob’s 50th HS reunion. No chance I’ll get to go into the hotel pool unless by some miracle the wound has not only scabbed over but the scab & glue have fallen off. (Bob says it’s safe for me to put a Tegaderm over it, but Suffolk County ordinances say it’s not safe for others using the pool. Oh, well, I can still use the hotel gym—and 10 min in the sauna if wearing my sleeve--but not the whirlpool, for the same reason as the swimming pool’s off-limits). This also means no Aqua-Fit classes till perhaps mid-June or later.

    DODT will be samples of the 20 wines Cellars will be pouring tonight for its Taste of Italy (with buffet to match). $5 from each $25 ticket will go to defray the expenses of its owner Geri and pastry chef/bartender Josie’s Avon Walk For Breast Cancer team. So gonna wear pink tonight.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited May 2017

    Good morning friends- good to see a few more folks pooping in. I was at an all day tech conference yesterday and it was a great experience. One of my colleagues did part of the presentation and did a great job too. There was outstanding food for lunch and a happy hour after, and I call the whole day a success.

    Mema- good to see you here and so sorry about the family challenges. The comment about you staying for six months kind of broke my heart a little bit too. I am sure they need some help longer term. I am glad you were able to go and spend time with them. Sending you big hugs today.

    Goldie- ha ha, you think the kitties are being naughty, but I usually interpret that pin down as part of a fight. But hey, when in Rome.....

    Cami- have you thought about getting another kitty kat? If not a kitten, maybe an older kitty cat? I know the shelters are so full this time of the year, especially with cats young and old. I have a good friend here who fosters kittens and is currently bottle feeding some babies. I met some of them and she kept one from the second litter she helped this year. I could see you with a nice calico.......

    Chi- have any of your doctors talked to you about the plus side of metformin with BC? My PCP put me on a low dose (500 mg) during my pre-diabetic time (as you are now, similar A1C when I was first getting tested). I just got my latest bloodwork done and my A1C is holding steady (5.8 this time, 5.7 in Feb). Anyways, you can decide what is best for you with the help of your providers and your husband too. I hope your injury is better friend?

    LLL- my sister had the same dx and treatment approach as you. They shrunk her tumor and when they went in to do the MS, they could not find anything left! I hope what remains for you is gone or minimal and for clear margins. Hopefully you will have the chance to recover a bit between the end of chemo and the start of rads. I know they like you to have a bit of a break in between treatment cycles to heal and get stronger. Wishing you the best as you move to the next step on the path.

    Hsant- hoping you are settling in.

    Dara- hoping the job stuff is going well

    Hoping everyone else here is doing okay and has some nice plans for the holiday weekend!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2017

    Jazzy, my MO will not even discuss metformin or statins with me—she says those are the province of my PCP. Bob really wants me to start metformin, but my PCP wants to wait to see what my numbers are 4 weeks hence. Jazzy, that photo could have been our cats, except our orange tabby is partly white and our black kitty is all-black. Cami, there is a service called Petraits ( that sends out photos of pets being fostered by and up for adoption from the Precious Pets/Almost Home Chicago network. That’s how I found Happy (our orange patch tabby); I got on the Petraits e-mail list after I adopted a Precious Pets kitty (our black cat Heidi) that was at the Lincoln Park Petsmart shelter run by Precious Pets. Happy, 10 next month, loves to play—whether with people, toys, small dogs or cats--and be petted; Heidi, 12, doesn’t like to engage with cats, and thinks that Happy is attacking her when he tries to play-fight, so she can get very aggressive in reaction to him. She is a lap-cat on her own terms, hates to be held, will turn & bite if petted too long—but will climb on my chest and head-butt me to sleep at night. Oddly, she is calm and well-behaved traveling to the vet (even on the bus); but as soon as Happy is put in his carrier, he starts howling “NOOOO! HOOOOME NOW!"

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited May 2017

    Chi- yes, the metformin was originally scribed by the PCP but now doing something else with metformin via the endocrin. But the PCP happened to know that there are findings about metformin helping to keep bc reoccurrence down. My endocrin says it is all about the insulin resistance relationship. Keeping that in check helps us too. I felt I was insulin resistant in my 40s, has all the signs and talked to my PCP about it but nothing happened.

    How funny that photo looks like your kitties......

    From the garden today.....


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2017

    Oooh, those cactus flowers are gorgeous!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    Those flowers are so pretty. Wow---And ladies I don't know a thing about any drugs u are talking about, I've never taken them I think or maybe I haveLOL

    Sandy I forgot to tell u I've been watching TCM in cable and they have a wine of the month club from all over and 3 extra bottles that celebrities liked, If I was a wine drinker I think I would investigate it, it really looked interesting. Thank you for the tip for a cat. OK now here I sound so selfish, I have always had cats that Jodie picked out for me <my oldest DD> but I lived alone so the cat was all min. And when I moved in with my kids well she loved my SIL and I was glad but she spent time with the others and always ended up with me thruout the day and at nite. If I was gone she would sleep in my room and wait for me to get home <usually from the hospital> and then stay with me almost like she had to take care of me. Now I feel like a new cat would belong to everyone, how can I alone bond with one. cuz like I said I'm selfish of my love for cats that like to cuddle with me- Cuz my cats slept with me and I always enjoyed it and I swear I was much more relaxed with one in my arms. Help me figure this out, cuz I can so be ignored by any pet cuz there's more than just 2 people here. My DD has had cats almost all of her adult life so she's really into them, that's why so far she has picked great ones for me. I know this all sounds terribly stupid, but that's how I feel. I can't take care of a litter box anymore for the cat to think I'm taking care of her/him, maybe just feed them. HELP ME

    I'm into my 2nd day of my shot and things are kicking in, yep my anxiety, hunger and sleeping--this only lasts a couple of days for me <I hope> but I'm a blabbering idiot on my phone, I'm glad people are LOLing, but it's really not funny--I sound like I'm trying out for a comedy club that no one goes to so they take anyone. Oy vey.

    I told u my GF called to get together this weekend, so I hope that works out with my other 3 friends for lunch at one's house. Fingers crossed.

    OK check in latah

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited May 2017

    Cami- I am glad the pain meds are kicking in. I want you to have a good weekend.....

    And this is for you friend. Maybe a few others here too.....


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2017

    Hi gals! Sorry I have been MIA, spending much time trying to prepare for this stewpid Wonderlik Assesment that I have to take for my interview tomorrow. I have been doing practice tests and am scoring just a hair above average which is jest not good enough! It is getting on my last nerve.

    Just read all of your adventures and will try to comment to each of you goils over de weekend. The shower was beautiful, here is a pic of my and his beautiful bride to be, Nick and Kim:


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2017

    *my nephew and his bride-to-be (correction to above)


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited May 2017
    • image
  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited May 2017

    Hello to all, and welcome to the newbies! Have been catching up on all the postings. Great stuff on these pages, as always. Cammi - thanks for asking about me - doing good - took a road trip last weekend to see friends & family. Sauvignon Blanc one night & Riesling the next, along with some wonderful food. Looking forward to some Chambord laced cafe mocha this Saturday AM & the long weekend. Best wishes to all for the upcoming Memorial Day holiday!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited May 2017

    Good evening- do you ladies know about Daryl's House? Daryl from Daryl Hall and John Oates. He invites guest musicians in to jam with him. Tons of things on YouTub on this but tonight a friend posted something with the O'Jays. This was the best of the entire session. Enjoy!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    Jazzy that was great, I enjoy videos where u basically just watch the performers sing and they always look like they're having a good time. I know the over the top ones are so popular but just like hangin' out with friends and singing a song is great to me.

    Well Celia u've got lots going on, great that u'r up to all of it. Weekend will be lots of fun.

    Jazzy are those real live cats??? It's a confusing pic to me. Well I overdid a little sine all major pain sibsided I was doing some exercising on Joey bed--I haven't laid down in about 2 yrs. so he was so excited and I was moving lots, all of a sudden he says Excuse me but don't overdo it at all. Well when I got and and started to walk, he was right. I'm so stupid sometimes. Why o Why do I do this.

    My GF called me today and planning on Sat. going out. Now I'm getting weather reports of rain, and some sites aren't so I don't know. Hoping people who are planing stuff have nice weather.

    OK I'l go for now anyway.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2017

    Jazzy, This Old House once did a segment on Daryl Hall’s renovation of his vintage home that included a recording studio & performance space. That’s how I found out about Daryl’s House but haven’t watched it yet.

    Cami, a cuddly cat will usually be an equal-opportunity cuddler. All the cats we’ve ever had (since 1978) would sleep with or on anyone in the house—even houseguests who allowed them to. They may have favorites, but they’ll bond with anyone who loves, pets, plays with and most of all feeds them.

    Tonight’s wine tasting at Cellars was great. Many familiar Italian wines, some esoteric, two even from outside (barely outside) Italy. Some nice proseccos (including a rosato of pinot noir), still rosatos, two Sardinian vermentinos, a Greco di Tufo, chardonnays, and loads of reds (couple of Chiantis, super-Tuscans, Sicilian syrah, proprietary blends and two montepulcianos). Ordered 2 bottles each of Slovenian (!) pinot grigio & chardonnay and montepulciano d’Abruzzo. Food was wonderful too: green salads, antipasti, insalata Caprese, cavatappi all’Amatriciana, 2 kinds of pizza, eggplant Parm, and tilapia piccata (I normally don’t care for tilapia because it’s so bland, but this was seasoned beautifully and perfectly done). Dessert was sfogliatelle & cannolli. (And limoncello). In the raffle, I won one bottle each of a Haut-Medoc (Bordeaux red) and Vernaccia di San Gimignano (white). The latter was ironic, because when we were in Tuscany, the concierge at our condo resort urged us to visit San Gimignano because it was the quintessential ancient Tuscan hill town: surrounded by walls, no cars except delivery vehicles and ambulances allowed inside. We were prepared to park outside & hike up the hill, but every garage & parking lot surrounding the town was full. So we never got to see the town (except from outside the walls, in the car) but at least we’ll get to “drink it.” And I was the high bidder in the silent auction for two Rick Bayless cookbooks and dinner for two at Frontera Grill (where we’ve never been able to get in—no reservations, long and sometimes fruitless waits—but we have eaten at his higher-end Topolobampo). But best of all? Geri & Josie got enough contributions to pay for their entry into next week’s Avon Walk for Breast Cancer. (Geri’s sister Barb is a 5-yr. survivor of tubular, and Josie gave a shout-out to me as a survivor of IDC and “special friend” of the restaurant).

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Sandy How wonderful that they met their goal and everyone had so much to enjoy on top of that. Oh the food sounds scrumptious and wines WOW. And u won on top of that. Great nite for u. OK so I do understand a cuddly cat will lay on anyone but <mine was> and she did but I was her priority and when I would just say where's my baby she'd just come to me always, see that's what I want and my last 2 cats always loved Marty when he came over they knew exactly when they heard the elevator it was him and wait for him <no one else> so I figure it would end up being his cat GRRRR see how bad I am,=. All pets just love him. Damn Marty--I told u he was nice. Sandy before I had cats I was so afraid of them <my DD always had them> Iwould plead with her to put them in another room and she would but was always trying to get me to not be afraid so she's let them out a little at a time. When she surprised me with my first one I made her stay a couple of days with me and I was really upset with her for getting me one. And in a short time my cat was so nice, I thought that was so unusual, but then again my DD's cats were actually always nice to me, I just had to much fear. Then I used to bring her by my dad's and bring a little litter box and treats and she would sit with my dad and he just enjoyed her so much, my mom wouldn't like it, but my dad loved all animals he just always thought there was such beauty in them along with nature--my dad was blind then but when he'd be holding mine he would have such a smile on his face and she always stayed with him and purred like crazy and of course didn't believe I would have one--my cat never went by my mom, but she'd go by my sister with ease. And when Joey was born after 2 weeks he lived with me for months and I still thought OMG my cat might hurt him but instead she laid by his crib and came to get me when he started to wake up and when he's cry for a while and I would walk with him she'd walk with me back and forth--soI so loved my cat. ThenI cried for 2 weeks when I lost her and vowed I'd never have another one--then my DD brought me another and we bonded right away so I figure that would not happen here. I told u I was selfish in that way. Oh now that I wrote this down I'm thinking maybe a cat would know how I feel and bond with me--Hmmm thinking now about it. Thanks Sandy for my therapy session. LOL Oh and BTW my Katie Kat found my cancer and annoyed the hell out of me every day before I ever knew I had it and acted differently going where my lumps were and bothering my breasts and putting her nose in my breast all the time in the same spots, so I thought after she saved my life hahaha.

    OK my story for the day. OK weekend plans everyone.

    Hsant I taped one of the wives things so I'll watch it soon. How are u doing???

    OK when I come back, well something will be about me, but I for the most part it won't.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    Wait one more thing, bare with me. I was talking to my cousin about how kids are now, to us it's so so different. And how our parents were not like parents of today at all. And what was just one thing our parents ever said for encouragement--we really had to think and what we came up with--well my mom would tell me If anyone else can do something so can you. But my aunt told her if someone ever tells u u r pretty, don't believe them. Mine was better LOL

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited May 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes! I was going to say I got caught up on the computer and didn't get much done yesterday, but then I realized that getting the paperwork in to possibly get my school loan forgiven was no small job, and I did get another basket full of clothing sorted and put away properly, and a sink full of dishes washed, and a bunch of stuff ready for running errands after lunch today. So not a wasted day after all!I do have one big problem for today, though, and that is picking out an outfit to wear to the lunch! I may have mentioned I have a subscription to Dia Box, a personal shopping company that sends a box of 5 items of clothes and accessories that I've gotten some really nice clothing from, I also got a box yesterday from Stich Fix with some lovely items, including a fantastic lightweight faux suede jacket that is just what I need for this time of year, so I have lots of choices to play with! Being a woman of size I have trouble finding nice looking, quality clothes, and this approach has been great since I don't have to go to a store and try things on, I can do it right at home. Much more fun, and can see for sure if something works with something I already have cuz I can grab it out of the closet and check! So now I have the wonderful problem of choosing only 1 outfit to wear today!But, I get to choose an outfit for the interview next Tuesday, a day at the Immunization Clinic doing paperwork, starting orientation, and attending a couple of education sessions on Wednesday. Life is good!And here I am babbling on again about my life. I hope everyone knows they can skip all this boring stuff if they want, and it won't hurt my feelings at all.

    Cammy--Nope, I only worked 2 days at the old job this week.Probably only 1 day next week. I think God may be weaning be away from that job entirely, but I'm not sure yet. I'm taking it week by week, and after I get started at the Immunization Clinic I'll know more about what my time will look like. It's been really nice being at home these last few days. I picked that DOTD yesterday cuz I like Absenthe, have a couple of bottles in the alcohol collection. LOL at Joey pulling the "brain isn't fully developed" line out! He does have a point, that is why such gatherings do need to be chaperoned by someone with a (hopefully) fully developed brain who understands consequences!

    Chi--Probably a good idea to take special care of that leg until that spot seals over completely. Wow, a 20 wine tasting session, sounds like fun, especially with the buffet! And a good cause, too.Enjoy!

    Jazzy--nothing like a really good day from start to finish, is there?

    Chi--LOL at the different cat personalities! Beautiful blossoms!

    Cammy--I wish I knew an answer for the kitty bonding thing. I pray something works out for you soon.

    LOL at the fresh catnip!

    Dara--Nice looking couple!I have faith that you will do well on the test, not sure what it is, but if it's related to your work I'm sure you will do fine.

    Jazzy--I thought every day was wine day, too!

    Celia--Chambord laced cofe mocha?Sounds decadent!

    Jazzy--I didn't know about Daryl's House, but the clip is a lot of fun.

    Cammy--it is fun watching them, isn't it? And Joey is right, need to be careful not to overdo once you are feeling pain free!

    Chi--Wow, what a great evening you had at Cellars!Good for you!So glad they hit their target.

    Cammy--I think a good cat would bond with you primarily, and know that youneed to be the primary, I think cats are as smart as dogs that way. Funny how you used to be scared of cats!My weekend plans? Probably go to a wine tasting on Sunday. Maybe visit Mom and Dick on Monday, depending on what they're doing.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Pick one to try:

    Image result for kitty drink recipes

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited May 2017
  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited May 2017

    ChiSandy- I was in Tuscany in 2009 on a yoga retreat. We were at a villa located between Sienna and Florence and San G was one of the first places we visited. Did some fun shopping there, had the BEST gelato there of the trip (and perhaps my entire life). Here is a photo of the center. Do visit if you ever go again! I love this place!


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2017

    Cami, they scheduled me for June 8th. I'm dying here with his response to you, as it sounds so grown and intelligent! "Now mamaw my brain isn't fully developed yet and so the impulse of consequences hasn't fully formed" Out of the mouths of babes! Oh gosh, I have no suggestions for you getting another kitty. Maybe discuss it with your DD and let her know that you would like it to sort of be "your" cat. Cuz you miss your Katy cuddles so much. I think things should be ok for lunch with friends this weekend. I wish you would get pictures!

    Sandy, can't your husband get or prescribe anything you need, since he is a phycisian? LOL, head butting cat. Congrats on your auction bids.

    Jazzy, guess I have a doity mind. Not ever having cats, I didn't know that wasa position of fighting.

    Wacko, what a cute couple. I think you have an interview today, good luck girl!

    Celia, glad you got out and were able to enjoy some vino.

    NM, I'm enjoying reading about YOU, instead of how much work you've had to do, and how exhausted you are, things that you can't get done, etc. Please don't stop! And I love the fact that your biggest issue is finding something to wear…LOL! Ha ha, Hello Kitty wines.

    Staying home today, town tomorrow. A little more work in the garden, final touches basically.