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how about drinking?



  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited May 2017

    Good morning, ladies! I hope everyone enjoyed a nice relaxing weekend.

    The hubs and I had a nice, uneventful time on our little getaway. I had a fantastic facial, and a mediocre massage. Otherwise, we basically ate and boozed the rest of the time.

    NM, big congrats on your new job!! The immunization clinic is lucky to have you.

    I'm so sorry about Dick. How is he feeling? How is your mom? You mentioned that she was sick, too. I'm so sorry that Auntie is in the hospital. I'm sorry that you are going thru having two loved ones in the hospital at the same time.

    Genny, How nice that you got to hang with Dara! Love the the pics of you both! Nora is such a little doll (she literally looks like a little doll), and yes, she is obviously very smart. Nice that you had a little getaway with your girlfriends! I think the reason you're having a hard time losing weight is because you're already thin. You don't have the fat to burn. And your DH is naturally going to burn more calories, because he weighs more than you.

    Celia, chambord in a latte sounds fantastic!

    Sue, I hope you're feeling better.

    Cami, I'm so sorry that you're in pain. Can you doc raise the dose of the pain med? How great that you and Dara got to hang out! The two of you must've been cracking each other up. I'm very much looking forward to seeing the pics.

    thank you for introducing me to Second Wives Club. I binge watched the first three episodes, and watched the 4th yesterday. Those "ladies".....Oy vey! So typical LA. Tonight is NY, yay!

    Jazzy, it sounds like you had a great weekend at the hot springs, per usual! BTW, Mumms Rose brut is one of my faves. What's going on with the 2 gents? You're expecting a visit from one soon, I think?

    I am definitely going to seek grief counseling when I can haul myself off the couch.

    Dara, girl, you have been thru so much! I love the pics of you and Genny. You are so pretty, and you have gorgeous eyes! Two beautiful ladies! I wish I could've joined you. I'm sure that we're all jealous that you get to spend so much time with Cami. Have fun today! Looking forward to the pics! I'm sorry that your cousin is in so much pain! Back pain is the worst! Will she see a doctor? Can she get some pain meds?Nick and Kim are a beautiful couple. Congrats to them!

    Goldie, I'm so sorry you're feeling sick. I hope you're feeling better. $275 for a year? My friend was charged $375 for I think for 3 or 4 months, but she really doesn't need it. The "doctor" basically just gives out cards for a steep price. I Would think for you your insurance would cover some of the cost for you.

    Have fun n Laughlin! Oh, almost forgot, I live in Los Angeles.

    Sandy, Wishing you safe travels and a wonderful time in NY. Eastern airlines brings back lots of childhood memories, and I remember those 747s with the circular staircase. We had a lot of connecting flights from Cleveland in O'Hare when I was a kid.

    Peggy, you're a man magnet! You're attitude is great.

    LLL, big congrats on your last chemo treatment! Wishing you the best on your CT/scan results.

    The shrimp looks very tasty. What is the sauce on top of it?

    Welcome to Sandyrella and Meow!

    Wishing everyone a wonderful day!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2017

    Sandy, besides being jelly that you have a house keeper, I can't feel too badly for having to do all of those things yourself, since I am not fortunate enough to have a housekeeper. Just have to do it all myself! Same goes for Jazzy and Sue. Sticking my tongue out at y'all! LOL! You could see about getting a preboard on SW. I do it all the time. Play the cancer card, IF they ask. Cuz usually they don't questionyou, but once in a while they do. Safe travels and enjoy your trip.

    Peggy, how funny that the previous owner wanted to tell you how to decorate YOUR house! I'd take 72 over 92 any day of the week. Good luck with your appt. My husband likes Lambrusco, the only wine he will drink!

    Wacko, how fun that you got to play with Joey. Sounds like you all got together rather late? How far is your hotel from Cami's?

    NM, glad you declined the job because it wasn't what you were interested in, good for you, standing up for YOU yet again! So sorry about Dick and your Auntie, hoping you get answers soon. Oh gosh, I prefer to print my plane ticket instead of using my phone. Always afraid something might happen to the phone and I wouldn't be able to get it for whatever reason. And you used to be able to smoke on a plane as well.

    Cami, they didn't get there until 8 pee em? OMG, I am in bed before that! They are such night owls.Glad you all had a good visit, and get to do it again today. Of course they want pictures with you…duh!

    Hsant, the cards are good for a year. I think it was $175 for the card and the rest for the person that can give it. Insurance doesn't cover any of it. We spent over $5000 last year on MMJ, hoping to recover some on taxes….NOPE!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    OK did I miss something, where is NM this morning??? I always miss when she doesn't post.

    Heidi, I'm glad u got away for a while and yes grief counselling really does sound like a good thing for u, I hope u follow thru. Please remember it's always different for each one of us, but the same is true for all--it takes time, little by little, it takes time and maybe more when u r particularly very close---well that's just me thinking. And yes NY is on tonite I have my record thingy all set. I like to watch these shows in the morning when believe or not my brain is paying more attention. As the day goes on I'm pretty much a 1/2 at a time watcher.

    OK WTF does everyone here do double screening??? I mean u all manage to keep u'r posts saying everything that was written--my mind set is still 1994 and it hasn't moved since.

    Oh and Lori, Wacko wants me to put make-up on for the pics. I haven't really warn that in years and lipstick which I've worn about a dozen times in my life. Altho in my junk stuff I have about 40 glosses, lipsticks and colors--I have no idea why I bought so many, and never wore them. LOL see it's not just let's take a pic. hahaha

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    Image result for google images of recipes with vodka Just in case--DOTD

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2017

    NM's post is at the top of the page Cami. Can Leslie help you with make up? After all, it IS her profession! Also, have Dara show you and Joey how to do a double screen, or have more than one screen open and toggle between the two, by minimizing them.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2017

    LOL Lori I can put make-up on, it's just nothing added to anything hahaha- And I've tried twice to learn this double screen, now maybe when Joey has more time, he can really teach me. U've tried, Dan has tried and Joey very little--but I take a while before these things really click in, but once they do I can actually teach it to others. I was never like this, I used to learn watching once on anything. I know it's funny but to me it has a sadness to it, cuz so much has changed And I still remember what my mom said, if someone else can do it so can u--and that was so true. bet then again my aunt <her sister> told my cousin if anyone ever tells u u'r pretty don't believe them--

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited May 2017

    Good morning friends- getting caught up on a few phone calls with folks, including my sister who just got back from the Galapagos Islands. It soundsl like she had an amazing time, and heard more about it today. Here is an interesting tidbit from her time there.

    There is a post office on the island of Floreana where people will drop off mail (usually post cards) and visitors will pick up the mail if they are from the area where it is going to and hand deliver it! My sister send me a postie and said some day, someone may show up at my door with a postcard that she sent me. I guess this dates back to the time when the whaling ships passed through the area and would pick up mail to take back to New England and other areas.

    I spent yesterday getting caught up on bills, banking, grocery shopping etc. Today I am working on some biz stuff and will swim later......

    Cami & Dara- I just love that you guys are having some time together, and that Joey and Dara are playing duets together. Will you get a video and share with us somehow? And Dara dear, I play flute too! I like that this thread has sisters who see one another when they can. I have a feeling I may see some of you at some point too (Goldie, Hsant, and MemaSue are all in my part of the world.....) Have fun tonight!

    Cami, working on some new work opps and have another call with the CA healthcare group coming up. Praying we can get the funding approvals there soon, they do want us but it is taking forever. Taking some classes in June!

    Hsant- your time away sounded good. One treatment good, the other not that great. Eating and drinking and bonding time is what sounded the best. You just keep taking care of yourself. I know that time on the couch is what you need right now. I think you are just purely exhausted on all levels sister.

    My two men, well, one is supposed to be coming to visit in early July, working to pin down some final details on that. He was an old love from long ago who I dated while in grad school, but went our seperate ways. We reconnected about five years ago on Linked In and know he was married then, but kept it professional and related to our school and work connections. Seems he is no longer married and we are becoming friends again to start. He seems to be interested in more though? The other one is here in town and someone I know through work stuff too, and still seems interested but won't make a move. Spent time with him last week at a conference. Men are curious creatures.......

    Goldie- I know you are jelly of the cleaning company, but only have them come once a month now and keep up with the rest around that. Having them do a complete once over makes it easier for me to keep up with. I had to do it when I got sick in 2012 and had the multiple healthcare issues and surgeries and was not able to do much. My sister got it for me and paid for it weekly until I could do more with time. When I am working, they come 2X a month. The cleaning before the cleaning (pick up) is always the most fun......

    NM- glad to hear you were able to get some good info about the teaching work to know it is not what you want. The benefit of the interview and don't blame you for not wanting to be in the hospital world. I work in it a lot as you know and it is really tough now with all that is going on. The immun. clinic work sounds perfect and love the future travel clinic stuff. I go to a place called Concentra whenever I am going to places with stuff I need to get shots for (Central America, South America, Middle East in the past).

    My sister was one of the first AIDS doctors in New Haven, CT back in the 80s as the disease was emerging. Her healthcare group was partnered with Yale University which is a teaching hospital as you know and they were working to figure out what was going on. I was living with her then and saw what it did to her taking care of patients that were dying daily. She did that work for maybe 10 or more years until she moved back to CA, but has always had a strong interest in infectious disease. I think doing Hospice work some of the tine will be better for you than being inundated with that daily family stress and sadness every day. I have no doubt they are realizing they are understaffed with all that is going on there. Duh.....

    Hoping you get some info on how Dick and others are doing. Hugs there sister.

    That is all my brain can offer for now. Enjoy your wonky Wednesday ladies.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2017

    I actually did all my own housework & laundry from the day after the honeymoon till Gordy was 3 months old. (I was in my 30s then). Still do the light stuff on weekends and when my housekeeper’s out sick, and always do my own cooking. (Barely had time today to go online, between running errands, workout, urgent care (they made me wait 20 min. to find out I don’t need to bandage my leg owie any more—at least I can use the pool at the hotel), cat care, garden (watering, weeding, compost), laundry sorting, sweeping, troubleshooting the printer, router AND my patient portal (system “locked” it for 4 hrs), making brunch for myself (avocado BLT) and Gordy (Denver omelet, toast, sausages), jury-rigging the Keurig so it won’t leak too badly, checking in for the flight (we’re in the A boarding group, so no need to pre-board; don’t care about getting exit row seats because they don’t recline)…and I still have to reserve a car rental and pack. At least I made lists. If Gordy runs out of food he knows how to make, there’s always GrubHub and the hot dog joint and Asian takeout around the corner. Tried to start a Lyft acct (Uber jacks up its fares depending on how nice your neighborhood and destination are) but keep getting the dreaded “system error.” Bob working past midnight, so we will rise with the chickens and hit the road by 9:30 am for a 12:15 flight (Lyft still cheaper than 5 days of airport parking). Gonna treat myself to a light dinner (ahi salad) at Cellars, since we have wines to pick up from the tasting. Maybe Gordy will come with.

    Next week, we might get a cleaning svce. to come in and my housekeeper (who will be able to drive) can supervise them. We paid her in advance for 6 wks. Gordy’s ex-gf promised to come in & do laundry today (and we put her through rehab and have been paying her rent—long story), but she took an overtime shift at the grocery where she works. At least we have enough clean stuff to pack and get us through early next wk.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2017

    And Dara & Cami, so glad you’re having fun! Sending Cheryl some virtual Baclofen.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2017

    Good Morning,Loungettes!Had a good day at the Immunization Clinic yesterday. This is going to be interesting work. Learned a bit about the Yellow Fever vaccine that's not currently available in the US and the one that is going to be temporarily used but isn't FDA approved (is approved in all other countries and has been for 20 years, and is the same vaccine that the US uses but made in a different facility in France). Surprising how much paperwork is required! Very nice people, going to be a fun place to work. Dick is still in the hospital but did start some physical therapy yesterday. I was going to visit but Mom texted that he had just fallen asleep and he hasn't been getting a lot of sleep.I'm still wondering just what, exactly, is going on. I'll find out eventually.

    Cammy--I hope Dara did get at least one pic with you in it, I want to see!Can't wait to hear about the duet.

    Hsant--so glad you had a nice getaway with DH. Dick is very tired according to Mom. Mom was only sick briefly, just before Dick got sick, she is fine now, if a bit tired. She won't leave Dick alone at the hospital for more than an hour or so to run home for a shower and to put in a load of laundry. I'm biding my time until I get more specific info about both Dick and Auntie. My cousin, Auntie's daughter, will be home in a few weeks, I'll be able to get better info then.

    Goldie--I will admit that I also print out a ticket and tuck that in my bag just in case. But I do enjoy the convenience of using phone apps on the rare occasion when I travel.

    Cammy--I'm pretty sure I posted yesterday ayem. Love the Hot Mama!The split screen thing is fun to use and makes lots of things easier, not just BCO thread postings!

    Jazzy--The Galapagos Island mail thingy is a riot! I've always thought job interviews should be two way streets, with the interviewee getting to find out about the company as much as the company getting to know the interviewee.I think I surprised them when I asked about the hospital bit and then told them I wasn't the person they want in that position and explained why. I did get a chance to let them know that I would love working in the skills lab or do classroom teaching.Something may come up along those lines closer to school starting time. If not, no real loss. I remember when AIDS was emerging and all the confusion that surrounded it for so long. Your sister is special for doing that kind of work. Couldn't have been easy then, when HIV infection was a death sentence. I'm looking forward to the Immunization Clinic work, so very different and much lighter.

    Chi-wow, what a list of things to do!

    Princess Leis of Maine's DOTD:

    Image result for Thursday Drink recipe

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2017

    Heading out of here in a few hours and not even packed. I just came in to see if there were any pictures. Heading to Laughlin, will try and check in from there at some point.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2017

    Good morning Ladies.

    Safe and fun travels Sandy---sounds like u do have everthing under control. I think I forgot how long u'll be away, just hope it's great for u and u'r DH.

    Lori now I really know why u call her Wacko, but so nice. Again her cousin is equally nice, bith fun, and the pics she took are awful, awful, awful. Oh they brought a yummy chicken dinner last nite and everyone enjoyed. I hope u rest after packing and relax thruout u'r trip.

    Jazzy Dara actually explained to me more about u'r job, u know I never really got it, Holy chit seems more difficult than I thought. U are so on top of everything, u must really love what u do cuz it ain't easy missy.

    NM I hope u do find out soon what's going on. U'r mom not wanting to leave him sounds scary to me, but so loving. U'r work is actually getting better too. So very happy for u. Finally going at a good and happy pace and place.

    Heidi please just allow u feeling u'r own feelings at u'r pace, personally I think that;s the best thing u can do. And again u'r DH sounds absolute wonderful, so u'r blessed in that way.

    Illimae, Pegg, Celia, meow good morning especially since so much is new to u posting here.

    For some reason I don't seem to get all the posts and I don't know why, that's why I miss so much, just letting u know.

    Dara and Cheryl are not leaving today and I really hope Cherly can get some relief, OMG f u saw her u'd cry. I don't know what they are doing today, always welcome here, but Dara said they might just totally relax and plan on leaving early tomorrow morning. I just want them to be rested for their trip. BTW didn't miss a call or a problem for work,Cheryl can't be up to it, Boy what a trooper.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited June 2017

    Good evening ladies- busy day today and hope everyone had a good day!

    Cami- I like that Dara gave you a debrief on my work so you don't need to feel like I am Chandler anymore. I am glad you have had some good time with Dara. Not totally sure what is going on with her cousin but hope things are better soon. I hope the duets went well?

    Goldie- have fun in Laughlin!

    NM- I agree about interviews being a two way street. When I was younger, I used to go in to them thinking I had to just "sell myself" to get the offer. Boy how that did not take me too many good places. Until I learned it was really an exchange. Now when I hear about contract opps, I go in with what I am told and often find out it is completely different than what I was told. As a self employed person, you really have to ask yourself if you both can and want to do the work. Anyways, you are transitioning from FT to per diem very well friend......

    ChiSandy- you have an early flight tomorrow and hope you and Bob have a great trip!

    Wishing you a good evening and slide into the first weekend of June!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited June 2017

    Many of you will remember this, but never heard such a beautiful arrangement of this peice as I have here. Enjoy!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF! It's a beautiful sunny morning here. I plan to go play in one of the raised garden beds today. Got a call yesterday that I'm up next for a dumpster, was out of cell range sodidn't get to call them back until after they closed, but I left a message and expect they will call today. Not sure if they will deliver today or when, but it'll get worked out. Got caught up on Hospice work e-mails yesterday, saw some interesting ones. One e-mail talked about the expectation being that staff work until 5 pm, THEN drive home, that the expectation is not to be home by 5 pm. Another requested that people make personal appointments for mornings and not for the end of the work day as there have been a lot of instances of late day admissions that the office has had trouble covering because of people off for afternoon appointments, especially on Fridays. I'm glad I was in the car reading those and not in the office, cuz I just sat and giggled the whole time I was reading them. I am such a bad employee! I also heard some gossip about the Clinical Managers going nuts when they realized I wasn't working to do the every other week meeting notes on a whole bunch of patient this last week. They actually thought I would do that over the weekend like I used to. Apparently the Director had to remind them that I am not a case manager anymore, and they need to assign case manager work to me on the days I'm working, and not assume that I will just pick up and do that stuff out of the kindness of my heart. Major giggles for that one! I know it's not very Christian of me to react that way, but I did predict this would happen, and I so love being right!

    Image result for giggle emoji>

    Goldie--have a great trip!

    Image result for good trip>

    Cammy--I hope I find out soon what's going on with Dick, too. Mom not leaving him is just Mom being Mom. I'm not sure if she won't leave him alone because of worry about him or because of her fear of being alone. Mom did say they have tested him for tick-borne diseases. Every day they scan a different body part.Yesterday it was his lungs. They should probably just do a whole body scan and get it all over with!

    Image result for body scanner airport

    Jazzy--I used to think of interviews as a sell myself exercise, too. It is amazing how different a job can be from the way it is described in an advertisement or when talking with someone. With this work schedule I feel like I've done more here at home in the last month that I did all last year! I am really going to enjoy this phase of my life.

    Image result for job interview meme

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Image result for Friday drink recipe

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited June 2017

    Good morning girls!

    Writing from our hotel room, gotta get packing to check out at 11am. Had a most fantastic time with Camille and her family. Joey is everything I expected and more, what a doll. I had a blast playing with him, he really has talent! I think he confirmed what he has been thinking which is starting flute! He was playing my flute and after teaching him a few notes, he went to town on it.

    Leslie and Marty are great, we talked for some time then they quietly left us with Cammy to chat and laugh. We talked and laughed until well over midnight the two nights we were there. We spent yesterday in hibernation mode, slept all day into the night!

    Will post our silly pics from home ladies, we were cracking up so much with making funny faces! I lmao thinking about it.

    Love you gals! Will write more latah.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2017

    Jazzy, I was just giving Sandy a hard time about her cleaning lady.

    Sandy, I was just teasing with you, I hope your cleaning lady is back up and cleaning very soon for you. Hope you are having a great time in NY. If you do preboard, you can't sit in the exit row seats. I do it cuz I like a window seat. Glad your owie is getting better and you can use the pool.

    NM, sorry they don't have any answers for Dick, but glad he's at least able to do rehab. NM, sounds like they are really missing you at work, or should I say really missing ALL YOU DID. I don't think it's bad of you to get a little giggle out it, I do too!

    Cami/Dara, so we don't get any pictures? If nothing else they could be sent in a PM! So glad to hear about the good times and the laffs.

    Wacko, I saw this on FB, thought of Cheryl and my own DD. $40.00, it's some sort of thing to use for stretching. Has good reviews.

    Getting my hair cut today, can't wait, it's has gotten so long. Seafood dinner at the Aquarius Buffet with friends from Lake Havasu and visiting with Basia in between those two!

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited June 2017

    Goldie, it sucks that you couldn't get back some of that cash, but it's money well spent.

    I couldn't retrieve my boarding pass on my phone when I flew back to LA this last trip. It wasn't a big deal. They just asked for my ID. I hope you and DH are having a great time in Laughlin!

    Cami, the last time I wore make up was about 7 years ago, and the only time I wore foundation was when I had my make up professionally done for my wedding. NY is so good this season! I love when these women get together, drink too much and go at each other. Lol!I haven't watched the latest episode of Second Wives, yet. I'll watch it over the weekend.How wonderful that you and Dara could spend two nights together! It sounds like you two had a ball!

    Native, I'm so happy that you're liking your new job! It sounds a lot less stressful than your last gig, but still challenging.

    I hope you can get answers with respect to Dick, soon. Do they have a rehab facility within the hospital? In my experience, they will boot you out of the hospital and you can either get home care or be transferred to a rehab facility. Your mom must be besides herself during this time! How is she holding up? How old is Dick?

    It's great that Auntie's daughter will be coming in to take care of her. That must be a huge relief for you.

    Love, love, love the watermelon Margie!

    Jazzy, wow. The story about your sister when she was in CT is amazing. How could that not take a toll on someone? This was back when there was very little information and I believe no meds to slow down the progress of the disease.

    I LOVE the situation regarding your past beau! I am such a sappy romantic. This is something to look forward to (at least for me:)). Men who won't make a move when they are obviously interested=buh bye. Big red flag.

    Dara, wishing you safe travels back home. I hope Cheryl is finding some relief. Your time with Cami and her family was obviously amazing. Deep dish pizza is the best!

    Sandy, I think you gave a little background on Gordy's ex a while back. You and Bob have been wonderful to her. It's nice that she and Gordy remained friends.

    Not much to report on my end. My thass (an ass that has merged with ones thighs) is still embedded on my couch. I'm giving myself the weekend, but on Monday I've got to get it together. I still have responsibilities with respect to my dad that needs to be addressed.

    Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited June 2017

    Hsant- this is for you. If you have ever been to an EWF concert, you know everyone is up and dancing the entire time.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited June 2017

    Jazzy, THANK YOU for this video!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2017

    good Morning Ladies

    Just reading over making sure everyone is OK--I'll really post later--so tired.

    GREAT videos Jazzy, enjoy so much and u have to remember I didn't grow up with any groups, but I've grown old with them. And appreciate.

    Be bock!!!!!!!


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2017

    Hsant, so glad you and hubby had a nice time and that you are taking some time for yourself to heal/grieve. LOL at the thass, I sort of have one of those too as opposed to an EWWA!

    Ooooooh quiet in here the last 24 hours!Hopefully it's because everyone is having an awesome weekend! Other than maybe Cami. You must have not had a good night?

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Saturday! Gloomy and rainy, here, but since put the tomatoes out in the raised bed yesterday that's a good thing. Need to get some more dirt for the bed, it's settled quite a bit after a year of not being used and after all the dandelions and other stuff got pulled out. Want to get the green peppers in today if I can, and find some basil to put in there, too. And cucumber, I think. Dick got out of the hospital yesterday afternoon. Mom hasn't said what the final verdict was, I'll have to stop in later today and see if I can find out anything. Wine tasting tomorrow, looking forward to that, it's at a local winery. Another excuse to pick out an outfit to wear!

    Dara--so glad you and Cammy and Cheryl had such a good time!Can't wait to see the pics.

    Goldie--I think they are missing all that I used to do at work, too. And I think they are realizing that I wasn't exaggerating about the travel time. I'm going to continue to giggle, I think, but privately. The latest thing is a canned description of the week night on call position that is being posted on Fb:

    "I'd like to tell you more about our overnight on call position. As you may remember, it is from 1700 to 0800 Monday through Thursday. So far this week, if this were your job, you would have slept soundly Monday night, gone out Tuesday to attend a death, and taken one phone call Wednesday night around 2200, sleeping the rest of the night. Today would be your Friday, with a three day weekend your norm. All with a good salary and full time benefits. The salary is a bit less than some jobs, but if you pick up three or four visits a week, on your quiet days (four visits being about a 1/2 day of work)you would make up the difference. This is such a great job. If it's not your cup of tea, please spread the word. I know the right nurse is out there for us. Thanks."

    I find it odd that there isn't any mention of doing an after-hours admission 2 to 3 evenings a week, or if you attend a death at 5 or 6 am you may be at the home until 9 or 10 am until the funeral home folks arrive. I also find it interesting that a half day has been increased from 3 visits to 4 now. Oh, well, not my circus, not my monkeys anymore.

    Hsant--Dick is 81 or 82, maybe 83, mom is 80. She was holding up reasonably well, and will be doing better now that he's home and she can get back in charge of his care. Or as much as he will let her! Eventually I'll get the whole picture from them, but it will take some time. Dick hears everything but doesn't understand it all, Mom understands but only hears a little bit of what's said. Between the two of them I can get a decent picture, will do better if I can get my hands on his discharge paperwork (sometimes I can, sometimes I can't).I'm currently taking his being discharged as a good thing. Auntie's daughter will only be home for a week.She's coming home every other or every third month for a week for now. I'm going to meet up with cousin while she's home this time, didn't last time cuz I was sick and didn't want share anything.

    Cammy--I bet you are tired, hope you had fun!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Green Plantini

    Related image


    • 2 ounces vodka
    • 1-1/2 ounces apple pucker
    • Lime wedge for garnish


    1. Mix all the ingredients (except for the lime wedge) in a chilled martini mixer filled halfway with ice. Shake vigorously.
    2. Strain liquid into a chilled martini mixer and garnish with a fresh lime!
  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2017

    Drinking? Yeah. Had a lovely day yesterday with Bob's buddies: lunching, walking the High Line, going to the Apple Store on 14th St. to buy an Apple Watch (hint: if any neighborhood has a free-standing--i.e., not in a mall--Apple Store, one can't afford to live there), dining at a nice non-chain Times Sq. steakhouse and seeing "School of Rock." Lunch drink was a Dr. Brown's Diet Cream (it was at a deli, so when in Rome...). With dinner, Chandon Brut Rose and Benzinger Cab. Sauvignon.

    But as we were exiting Penn Station and walking across the plaza to meet our friends, some clueless millennial wearing earbuds and looking down at his phone ran over my L foot with his wheelie bag. Have a nice big bruise on my foot this a.m., and the tongue of my sneaks & oxfords hits it and the shoelaces feel like an ankle shackle. There goes the workout--and my trip to the pool, as the skin was breached too.

    Then during the show, my watch buzzed with a notification--my son texted me that one of my best friends (the one who in late 2015 had a severe COPD exacerbation, broke her hip, and spent nearly a year in a rehab & assisted living facility, battling back to celebrate her 70th birthday) is dying. On a vent & dialysis, heart failing rapidly. They will keep her on life support long enough to see if she turns around and if not, long enough for everyone to come say goodbye. We get home very late Mon. night. Glad we got to take her to brunch the weekend after Easter. She was in good spirits but on O2, extremely frail and picked at her food. But I never thought that'd be the last time we'd converse face to face.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2017

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday!Going to a wine tasting this afternoon, looking forward to that. I've had some wines from this winery and like them, looking forward to trying some more of them. Had a nice visit with Mom and Dick and found out that Dick's problem was medication related. He was taking a med (HCTZ, hydrochlorothiazide) for his blood pressure.This medication causes the body to excrete sodium. When he got sick and had diarrhea his body lost a lot of sodium (and potassium). Low sodium levels make a person feel very weak, makes them unsteady on their feet, gives them memory issues, and can cause mental confusion. All those symptoms went away when he was given sodium and potassium replacements. He's been taken off the HCTZ, put on a different medication for his blood pressure, and is feeling much better. Still tired and weak, but improving every day. He's frustrated that he can't do stuff right now, like rototilling the garden. I'm going down to "babysit" him on Friday while Mom goes to the coast to meet the boat and pick up an order of haddock. I'm going to take my little electric rototiller and see if I can turn over her garden for her while she's gone. I also found out that Auntie with ALS is home from the hospital and on Hospice. Apparently she is using a hospital bed now and a wheelchair. She is still refusing the feeding tube. I wonder if she is refusing or going to refuse the things they will want to do when her breathing becomes affected. If she does I doubt she'll live to see the holidays this year. I suspect she wants to die and be done with all this now that she can't really do anything at all for herself. At least I'm in a position to be able to help if help is needed.

    Chi--Cream soda, oh my how yummy! Haven't had that in ages. OUCH! Your foot must feel awful. I'll be glad when someone develops a phone thingy with radar that steers the user around other people. So sorry to hear about your friend, so sad. I hope she is pain free.

    I see the Tenders have Sunday Brunch all laid out for us:

    Image result for Sunday Brunch layout

    Image result for Sunday Brunch drinks layout

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Image result for Sunday Brunch drinks layout

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited June 2017


    Good morning girls, here is a sneak peak of the beautiful Camille. I will post more once my hand feels better. I had a fall on the drive home while pumping gas (I tried hopping the hose while going around the car to clean windows and went down). I am pretty banged and bruised!

    Have a great sunday girls.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited June 2017

    Dara- Cami is so lovely and just as I pictured her! Thank you!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited June 2017

    Started this 2 days ago but never finished so now I'm going to just add to it.
    Good morning girls, work day and DH gone so will be short, one more cup of coffee and then out with the pooches. Big day around Cleveland,, Cavaliers in the playoffs, lots of fans around these parts.We may go out and watch it so we don't spook the dogs too much with our yelling. I golfed on my league last night, we had a pot luck and scramble, I think my team may have had the highest score (not good in golf) we all 3 were equally sucky golfers but it was fun.

    Sandy, I was tired just reading your list, whew! Hope travel goes without a hitch and you have a fabulous time.

    Jazzy, sounds as tho daily life is keeping you busy as always. Hope the new work stuff comes thru you way and that you have a great time with the 2 men and it works out with one if that's what you want.

    NM, oh you sound so nice and relaxed.... I'm sooooo happy for you! Hope Dick's D turns out to be nothing too serious and they get it figured out. How old is he? And Auntie has had a tough road too, ALS, so nasty, she has children, can't remember, I know you've talked about cousins but not sure if they're hers. That hospice company better figure it out soon, sounds like something that could certainly damage the rep of the company if the don't get their chit together soon.

    OK, it's Sunday, drinking my coffee and not leaving until I hit submit…. where was I..

    NM, a wine tasting, how nice, hope you have a fun time. So sorry to hear about Dick but glad to know they found the cause, hopefully he'll bounce back soon. Doesn't take much to throw the older folks electrolytes out of balance and few of them drink enough water. I see it so much with my customers. Can't say I blame your auntie, feeding tube and vent may keep her alive indefinitely but what quality of life is left? Oh, that Sunday brunch looks delicious, thanks! I'm joining you in giggling over hospice job just realizing how valuable you were, so glad you got out of that stressful situation, life is too short! We had this fabulous lady where I work, the activities director, she was loved so much by every resident, was such a lifeline for so many. She taught the exercise class, organized all activities and drove the bus! Well, they worked her to death, she spoke up about some things that she didn't agree with and got fired last week. They've posted 3 positions to replace her! Ugh, she will be missed and management just doesn't care, drives me nuts! I talked to her the other day and she is so relieved but sad about leaving the residents behind.

    hsant, so glad you had a nice time with the hubs, you'll get to the necessary stuff soon, don't beat yourself up. You've had a lot of changes in your life.

    Goldie, Laughlin just for fun or medical chit as well? Your hair has gotten long, show us your new haircut when you get a chance, did you get much cut off? Hope you had a good time at dinner and with friends.

    Cami, sounds like a nice visit with Dara and Cheryl, it is a shame to see Cheryl like that, hope they can figure out what's going on and give her some relief soon. They are quite the nite owls tho, aren't they? Get some rest and come back when you can, the picture of you is beautiful, I like the way you're wearing your hair.

    Dara, sounds like you had a good visit with Cam, oh my, you fell at the gas pump, ugh and bruised up. Better you than Cheryl but still. So gald you got to meet Joey and perform your little "concert". Can't wait to see the pics and I sure hope Cheryl gets to the bottom of what's going on with her back.

    Jazzy, hope you're having a good weekend.

    lll, hope you're getting some rest this weekend, what were the results of your tests? Glad to hear the treatment is working and tumor shrinking. I think your DH is in town and here today? Hope you have a good visit, does he travel, or live somewhere else? I missed that I guess.

    Where's Sue?

    Had a pond party at Molly's Friday night, bonfire, slumber party and hanging out, lots of fun!
    OK, dogs are really starting to pitch a fit, time to get them out for their morning walk, love to all, have a good day!

    imageRaise your glass!

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338
    edited June 2017

    Wow! I do actual work in my yard for 2 days and I'm pages behind.

    NM, Goldie I thought it was pretty bold of the former owner to tell me how to decorate my home but just kept quiet.

    Goldie, nice to know there are other wine plebians out there who like Lambrusco :)

    Heidi, I'm hardly a man-magnet. No man in sight now. Sailboat guy has disappeared and I find that I don't much care.

    Jazzy, Enjoy connecting with your old flame. I can't imagine wanting to move for a man or have one move in with me. I'm quite content with the way things are.

    Sandy, I'm so sorry about your good friend. That really hurts. I hope you get to have a good visit with her when you get back to Chicago. Enjoy the rest of your trip!

    NM, Boy do I understand about sodium imbalance. After DH's heart attack the cardiologist put him on a low sodium, low fluid diet. Well, that might be fine for a lot of people but DH had Parkinson's and that was the worst thing ever for him. I fought with him about it and eventually managed to change to another cardiologist in the practice (that was a battle, too) who was quite content to let me manage not only his sodium and fluids but also his warfarin. He said I did a great job and was amazed that DH lived well beyond the 1 year the cardiologist said was normal (nearly 5 years).

    Cami, love the photo!!

    I put down a zillion bags of mulch in my small shrub/tree bed in my backyard. Next time I'll pay to have it done but it looks nice. I'm not a gardener, DH was. Now to put some natural concoction on the weeds. The Stella d'Oro lilies have said hello to the sun and are blooming. Today is laundry and maybe cleaning house. Maybe.

    Have a wonderful Sunday dear friends!


  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited June 2017

    Cami, you are beautiful! You don't need make up.

    Native, you must be so relieved to know what caused Dick's illness, and that it could be corrected. My dad had issues with low sodium levels, and when he would get wind of it, he worked very hard to get those levels up. There is so much info about the dangers of sodium, but you need a certain amount to survive.

    I'm so sorry about Auntie. It is horrible to watch a loved one suffer. {{{Native}}}

    Have fun today at the wine tasting! I would love to see pics!

    Dara, it sounds like you took a bad spill! I hope you heal quickly!

    Genny, The pond party looks like a lot of fun! Great pic! It must be so exciting in Cleveland, right now.

    Sandy, I'm so sorry about your friend. Prayers out to her and her family.

    LLL, I hope you're feeling well.

    Pegg, your garden sounds lovely.

    Jazzy, Sue, Celia, Goldie, I hope you are enjoying a wonderful weekend.

    I made the watermelon margarita that Native posted a few days ago. I used stevia in place of grenadine. We had 2 large margies (ok, 4). Enjoyed this with pulled pork tacos, and a silly movie called Christmas Office Party.

    Hope everyone has a great Sunday!image