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how about drinking?



  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,705
    edited June 2017

    Just wanted to report that I had the strawberry daiquiri I was craving last night, it was delicious!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2017

    In the middle of the niiite ♪♫♪ Whatever.

    Ijust awoke to Rosanne on TV, wow I have taste in my shows.

    Ill ah u made a wise choice and I'm sure it was delish. How could u go wrong picking that drink.

    Oh Lori I think I expected a miracle and it really hasn't worked like that for me. It helps relaxing me, but my pain just dulls out a little it's always there like a knife in a wound. It's so painful to walk I have as much things that I need right in my room, I have no rinse hair shampoo, no rinse soap, as much as I can do in my room. Anyway I'm in a pickle here. Oh well

    Nothing much going on here, so I'll check back llatah.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited June 2017

    Hi girls,e

    Sorry I have been MIA, been obsessed with working on my yard, pool and bar. It is shaping up beautifully. Also spending some time on job hunting, have a second interview on Monekyday. Doing some painting too

    I'm steaming right now ... won a "cheers" neon bar sign on ebay, won fair and square. Then yesterday, the seller messaged me to say that he/she does not have it to sell. wtf? I told them imma telling on them!! take that!

    Cam, hate all the pain you have and how difficult mobility is for you. Lori hope you are feeling better too.

    Hello to everyone else. Hope to report back into de lounge soonlist, cheers!

    and lots o love to mese goils!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited June 2017

    Good afternoon friends!

    Been a bit on thee go the last few days but pooping in to to say hi to everyone. The heat wave here in NM seems to be disappating with highs today only 91 F vs. into the 100s like we have had all week. Some chance of t-storms and rain tonight. The chance of rain may continue into mid week next week. I hope this may signal the start of monsoon season.

    Went out to salsa night last night and had the BEST time! I was out on the dance floor being swung around by a handsome man and held my own on the dance floor. Have not done that in a long time. Jazzy seems to be getting out to do things this year she has not done in a long, LONG time!

    Today I am home working on some cleaning and doing some food prep. My BCO sister/friend and her friend are coming later tomorrow afternoon for a southwestern meal here. I have to make my peach crisp by this evening. We are also going to meet down at the local museum for a bit and to walk around Old Town before the come here for dinner. Enjoying my home time today.

    Cami- ha ha, I watch Roseann too. I always liked the show and felt that family was more realistic to the way many family's truly are vs. the perfect family TV shows that were so common for years. I love that Melissa Gilbert and Johnney Gareke ended up later being on the Bing Bang theory together too.

    I am concerned about your pain sister. Did you get the hemp yet?

    My project in CA is still pending but moving very slowly to funding approval. I have some other things in the cooker and need to follow up this week on the opps for the M&A work I talked to a group here in town about a few months ago. And someone from my big client site here contacted me about some FT positions open with that healthcare org I do work for, but won't work FT for them.

    Dara- sounds like you are busy with home things, interviews, etc. Keep that going sister!

    Chi- I think you must be on your trip now and hope you are doing okay and that the services for your friend and your performance all go well. Let us know how it all went when you are back!

    Goldie- the BCO friend who is here is with a church conference, but had asked me if I would be around in June as she was making the plans. She wanted to be able to connect with me and told her when she was planning this earlier in the year that I had no vacation plans and if I was traveling for work, would be home on the weekends. So we made the plan for tomorrow, but then with me being around, decided to meet up first for breakfast. They are up in Santa Fe today with some recommendations from me of museums to visit and my favorite place for lunch. Looking forward to more time together tomorrow.

    Did the item that was stuck in transit show up?

    NM- thinking of you and know there is much going on with the family right now and hope everyone is doing okay. Difficult decisions to be made on several fronts. You are a jewel to that family of yours (and everyone else too!)

    LLL- strawb daquiri sister. YUM. How is Austin?

    I accomplished another goal this week with my swimming. I swam a total of 3 miles this week. Whoot whoot! Just have to keep this new routine going now.

    Enjoy your evening ladies and hope there are refreshing summer beverages involved!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,705
    edited June 2017

    Jazzy, I was in town for work and brought my DH and DD (dear doggie), so I didn't go out much. I like Austin in general but sometimes it's weird for the sake of being weird. There are some great swimming holes in the area and I love the water.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited June 2017

    LLL- Austin is totally weird! I used to love it the best back in the early to mid 1980s. I went to grad school in the DFW area and would go down there sometimes during my time living in TX, also again on business there later on in the 1980s. It is a very electic, and also very different than any other city in TX. My last time there was in 2012 for the SXSW music festival and oh what fun! I would like to do Austin City Limits sometime too. The city has really grown so much since my earlier days there.

    And yes the swimming holes down that way are pretty awesome too.

    I think I need a glass of rose before bed.....

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited June 2017


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2017

    No drink tonight—got home too late, and if I drink too close to bedtime, it’ll be GERD-Fest for sure.

    Last night went to the “supper club” next to my hotel for the fish fry special. Basically, it was just a nice restaurant. None of the northern WI “supper club” traditions like relish trays, old-school cocktails, etc. But I did have a lovely Kunde Sauvignon Blanc with the haddock. I was surprised, though, that in a small town, they knew to bring the wine in a small carafe with a large crystal stem glass on the side, in order to pour, swirl & sniff. A pet peeve of mine is when wine is served in a small, thick-rimmed glass poured almost to the top. Best you can do is not spill it on yourself.

    I put close to 1000 miles on my car in 2 days. Considering that I’ve had it only 3 years and it isn’t even at 25K, this was the longest solo 2-day trip I’ve taken (I think not even Asheville is that far). The festival was fun to play—we even had a soundman. We did take a bit of a break for the ice-cream-bar-eating contest. My partner had planned for us to play the entire 3 hrs. for which we were booked in one fell swoop—the only breaks being for each of us to take a couple of 15-min. solo sets to facilitate pit stops (and for my partner, “feeding the demon,” aka grabbing a smoke). But I pointed out that when, an hour or so in, the soundman asks “do you want to take a break?” it means that the soundman wants to take a break (and perhaps it’s a good idea for festivalgoers to be able to reboot their eardrums or hear some familiar recorded music). The organizers liked us, and they paid us right away. The weather mostly held up—sort of chilly & gray for awhile, but it didn’t pour till we hit the road.

    Speaking of rain, just about sunset a rainbow came out over the Culver’s parking lot in Milton, WI. And it was a double one—pretty cool, considering it’s Pride Weekend. Will post a pic soon.

    As long as I’m standing, walking, or sitting still (such as while driving) I don’t really hurt. I hurt a bit when I bend. I’m okay getting out of bed, a chair, or the driver’s seat. But getting into the car or the bed? Yee-OWCH!

    Gonna hit the sack after I’ve posted a few here.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2017

    Cami, does your MMJ at least help you sleep any? We all hate the pain you have to endure.

    Good luck tomorrow on the job front Wacko.

    Wow Jazzy, tearin the d ance floor up! Ha ha, yes we got the package the next day. Went from AK to KY to AZ! Sounds like a nice time with the BCO sister.

    Ilona, shall we fill your IV bag with some strawberry Daq's tomorrow? We will be there with you girl.

    Glad things went well for the gig Sandy. Did ya have to do much schlepping?

    Cleaning for company this week. Well, I would be cleaning anyways. But the good thing is that I feel like it! FINALLY!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2017

    Good Morning Ladies,

    OMG /Sandy u did it. Of course I would have bailed but good for you, u are a reall performer and sounds like u did enjoy it. I'm glad u'r pain was minimal for u'r comfort, but that's quite a trek shleppen everything around. Couldn't have been easy for you. Getting home is relaxing time for u, remember that.

    Jazzy what a time u'r having.. beating u'r own records and still going strong. I bet I could give u a run for u'r money, if I knew how to swim. And now meeting a BCO SISTER is always exciting. It's funny cuz when u do meet them, it''s like a friend u just haven't seen in a while. I know when I have met some of the girls I was thrilled and then they were much more everything than anything on here could describe--it's just a great feeling and the connection is so open and loving. U'll find it so very nice. I'm happy for u.

    Dara u pooped in. Now u've go lots going on and we all wish u the very best in u'r interviews and I can''t wait to see u in the dress for the wedding. And Cheryl???

    ILL tomorree is the day, please let us know as soon as u feel up to it how everything went for you and having thedrains in can just be a matter of days, so don't give them a second's worry. We'll all be there with you, just waiting how u feel.

    U know some of this mess I'm in is really my fault, when this came on with a thunder I waited about 2 mons. before I called a Dr. How stupid is that. Chit I had my lump for 10 yrs so I guess I just don't hurry to do things. I think that's why this has turned into a fiasco. So I knd of did this to about stubbor Lori, that's stubborn. LOL

    Lori I hope u'r really doing well this morning, it's about time u should be. (((HUGS))) Oh and my supply of everything is almost gone, I can't afford my habit already. It actually does relax me to sleep some, so it helps that way.

    Whoa /Sandy 1,000 miles, jee I didn't put that many miles on in a year, when I sold my car it was 22 yrs., old with original mileage about 30,000 miles. I'm such an adventurer.

    Oh so far Leslie loves her job, of course she has to get clients, but she's had a few, but she also says everyone is nice, which means a lot. So far all she's done is a couple of complete facials and eye-waxing--but it's a start.

    I'm going to try to take my whore bath today and wash my hair--takes forever, but I do the best I can. I'm still using the no rinse products helps a lot. Oh and I have a brilliant idea Jodie is off not this week but next week and I want her to come over and all of them clean my room and put things away. If all is doing it, it would take not more than 1 hr. Sounds good to me. Another thing is I have to buy a recliner instead of my loveseat. My legs have to be able to be up, so this whole room has to be redone, a smaller ottoman <which I have> and then my puter desk. Seems a little more for my comfort now.

    NM I hope things went OK for u'r family.

    No phones today YIPEE


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2017

    Image result for fun summer alcoholic drinks Just in case.. DOTD

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,705
    edited June 2017

    Camillegal, surgery is Tuesday and thank you all for the well wishes, prayers, thoughts. Also, I've had a tie me to the bed post (or several) many years ago on Catalina island off the coast of California. I remember it tasting good, the rest was a blur, lol

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2017

    Ill I get more days mixed p than there are days. I've invented new ones. OK either way I'm sending great vibes in u'r direction, and feeling well quickly. I really believe u will, u'r attitude is great, oh and u'r young, way to young for all of this chit.

    Not to brag or anything , Yea right< I just finished my clean up LOL--my hair is washed and my body clean <big task> all clean clothes, but I have to really watch when my feet are washed, they're pretty numb and I have t make sure I'm actually washing them LOL Boy this wash and rinse stuff is great, even my hair conditioner is the same, and we all know how loverly my hair is. again LOL I really need my hair cut by Leslie but right now I cn put it in a hight pony tail so it has it's convenience for now. I remeber wearing my hair like this in the hospital when I had Jodie, well u stayed in for 5 days then.

    BTW Ill just do everything the Drs. tell u no matter how good u feel, just listen and do it. Sorry I'm preaching, I know.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,705
    edited June 2017

    I kept saying I was too young for this when dxd but BC didn't listen. I think because DH and I opted for no kids, I still feel like I'm in my 20's until DH reminds me that technically I could be a grandma. What?!, that's crazy talk, lol

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited June 2017

    LLL- I don't have kids either. Many women still get it whether they have none, one or many. Cancer does not discriminate! Cami is right too, listen to the doctors. Don't be afraid to ask for home health either!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2017

    Cami, second Teka’s advice on the lift recliner. My mom loved hers. I’ve never tried the no-rinse shampoos, but I use spray dry shampoo a lot. The brands I like best are “Perfect Hair Day” by Living Proof (pricey, but you need less of it and it smells great), “Not Your Mother’s” by CleanFreak, and Suave’s formula with keratin.

    Stephen (my singing partner) helped with the schlepping from the car to the stage—my little plastic folding rolling crate helped a lot. At the hotel, the valet (the owner’s kid) and his dad carried my bags for me. When I got home late last night, I brought my own stuff upstairs—Gordy was out and Bob’s broken ankle keeps him from doing the physical stuff he used to do for me. (The dulcimers are still in the car, in the garage; but the temps are mild and their soundboards & fretboards aren’t under tension like a guitar).

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2017

    I put some Maryhill (WA) Riesling in the fridge to chill but didn’t take any (it’s still sealed, having been Coravin-ed one time). Bob brought home some “Cajun” meatloaf from Fireside (a late-night restaurant in the neighborhood)—I use the descriptor advisedly because the place has some strange ideas as to any food ethnicity other than Irish or Italian, and sometimes puts some weird combinations of seasonings in its sauces (e.g., definitely sage in the marinara sauce—otherwise too sweet & mild for a spicy meatloaf). He went down to the basement to get a red to open, and before I could stop him he was already pulling the cork on…a 2009 Barolo! (Delicious, but not a meatloaf-and-tomato-sauce wine: think filet mignon, leg or rack of lamb or slow-braised short ribs or a porchetta). So I’m sipping it with some Bayley Hazen Blue (VT), Piave Vecchio and Tartufo Bianco (both Italian) cheeses.

    BTW, he looked at my ferritin level of 13 and pronounced me definitely iron-deficient (likely due to a slow GI bleed somewhere), despite the “normal” range starting at 11. He says that in a postmenopausal woman, he considers any level below 100 indicative of iron deficiency anemia. And my Fe sat level is 17% (“normal” is at least 22). Being a gerontologist as well as cardiologist he sees a lot of blood disorders in seniors. He says that if he were me, he’d start popping iron and vitamin C tabs, take an Aleve for my back (despite my PCP’s admonition to stay off all NSAIDs for a month until my hemoglobin gets re-tested—and that the Celebrex I’d been taking before and for a week after the muscle strain didn’t help one iota), and get another upper GI and a camera-capsule endoscopy, maybe start iron shots too. The good news is that my bone marrow has also decided not to kill me…the bad news is that my guts may think it’s their turn.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2017

    Morning DahhhLinks!

    Leaving for LV in about 15 mins. Have Brain MRI this morning and MO appointment tamarry. Then 3 flight legs over the next 10 days. Will likely not be in touch, DS doesn't have wifi in his house. Wanted ya all to know I've been reading, sounds like all are OK.

    Yak when I get home around July 10th.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2017

    Wow Cami, a 22 year old car with only 30K on it. Whoever bought that sure got a deal. Glad to hear your DD likes her new job. I hope everyone agrees to come and help you with your room. Funny about staying in the hospital for 5 days after having a baby. I think they go home the next day now? I was in 3 days with my C sections.

    Welcome home Sandy. Glad you got a little help with schlepping!

    Sue, have a fab time. Try to poop in just to let us know how the scans go.

    Jazzy, when does your company leave?

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2017

    I was in for a week, but only because I developed an endometrial infection after fruitlessly remaining in first stage labor for 8 hrs before they decided to do a C-section. None of my friends nor my sister even got to stay overnight.

    I hurt SOOOOO much from this stupid muscle pull, and after 2-1/2 weeks it's only getting worse. If I burp, sniffle & swallow, or just get up or sit down at normal speed, I feel like I'm being stabbed in the ribs and back simultaneously with a searing-hot knife. I'm going to ask for both a pain specialist and a PT clinic referral--the former might sign off on a MMJ application (for CBD gummies or edibles that won't get me high) and maybe the clinic can figure out exactly what I pulled and offer some kind of massage that will help. I have "the chair," but I have to lean so far back to feel the rollers that it makes it even worse. (I have it set to "short" and sit on a pillow, but it isn't designed for anyone under 5'4").

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited June 2017

    Good morning friends- I hope everyone had a good weekend. Hard to believe June is quickly coming to an end and July 4th is upon us. I heard someone on the NPR this weekend talking about how almost half the year was over and how were we all doing with our New Years Resolutions? EEEK!

    I have a fun hangover from the weekend between the Friday night salsa outing, and then spending the day with my BCO sister and her friend yesterday. I met up with the gals down in the historic area of town for some lunch and shopping, and shopped right along with them! There was music downtown, some cool old cars around, and we ran in to a group heading in to do a shoot out. I was snapping a photo of this handsome young cowboy below, when another guy snuck up behind me and put the gun out in front of me. LOL! Never a dull moment in jazzy's neighborhood.....

    I had plans to have my BCO sister and her friend here for dinner, and a dust storm blew in right as we were heading to our cars. Sand in the eyes and the teeth, yuck! Anyways, we split up for a bit and I got home to get the outdoor patio table setting moved indoors. I had done in the morning and covered with a tied down sheet, so all was protected. Then they arrived for the evening, and we continued with the visit! Delish dinner featuring gazpacho soup, chicken fajitas, and navaho peach crisp for desert! YUM! They left around 9 p.m. and after getting the dishes taken care of, I collapsed!

    They are here through today and heading out to do a few more sightseeing activities and then are flying home tomorrow. Super fun visit and so glad to meet my BCO soul sister!

    Here is a photo from the "shoot out" yesterday


    More later today. I need to do a response to a few of you here......

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2017

    Here’s yesterday’s double rainbow:


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited June 2017

    Love it ChiSandy! We get those here often in monsoon season!

    This is for Cami, from our All that Jazz on public radio today!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited June 2017

    Illiemae, I'll be in your pocket tomorrow keeping an eye on your team of doctors. Prayers for things to go well for you and a quick healing. Godspeed lady! i

    Beautiful rainbow Chi.

    Cam, I smell ya from here, you smell so fine and look soooo squeaky clean.

    Hello to everyone else. A big day for Dara, I am employed pending getting licensed. I start on that on Friday so jest a few more days of being up all night. The beauty is that I will be working from home. Dat means me can dwink n work hehe!

    Woo hoo, can I have a few more wooo hooo's? Mese a bit apprehensive as I will be self employed, actually a 1099 employee. So have to shop for benefits and pay mese own dern taxes. Once I pass the test, I will be an insurance underwriter for a big corporation!

    Hello to all mese goils, lots of love and some cheers for all ye !!


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2017

    A big woo hoo from Chi-town. Dara! Congrats on your employment (and, ferpity’s sake, buy that health insurance NOW)! Drinking a glass of Maryhill 2014 Columbia Valley (WA) semi-dry riesling (sort of like a kabinett, not as sweet as a spätlese) to celebrate for you.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2017

    Sandy, sorry about all the pain you are having. The did say it was going to take awhile to heal. Like Jazzy, we get lots of rainbows here too.

    Jazzy we enjoy those shoot outs too. We will be going back to Kanab for the Old West Roundup again this year. I think it's in August.

    Congrats there my Wacko Werewolf on the new job. I suppose you could stay up all night working! Unless you have to make calls.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited June 2017

    Dara- congrats on the new job! Be sure you go find an accountant right away so he/she can help you get your tax payments in order as you get started. I have had a couple friends come to me as a self employed person when they went from W2 to 1099 and did not realize there were extra SS taxes to pay until tax time came, and with some big surprises.

    If you don't know of anyone, contact your local Small Business Association and they can do a referral for you!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited June 2017

    Good morning friends- I was totally POOPED yesterday after the busy weekend. I think I had a FUN hangover after the salsa night, getting ready for the friends on Sunday and then being with them all day and into the evening. Whew! Anyways, I slowed down yesterday and got a good night's rest and back at it today. I was going to get up and go swimming this morning, but could feel my right shoulder talking to me and decided not the right exercise for today. I will go walk or bike later before my music class.

    I did not end up making the rose sangria this weekend as both my visitors were not drinking. One brought me a nice bottle of DeCoy cab and look forward to imbibbing on that at some point.

    ChiSandy- I am glad you got through the trip okay and had help with the schlepping of the instruments. I am concerned you are in worse pain though, even with that deep muscle thing. I hope your medical team can continue to figure out what is gonig on here with your anemia and this deep pain. Maybe they are somehow related?

    Goldie- I think you asked about the friends and when they were leaving? They were off to do their final touristy visits yesterday and flying home this morning. We had such a great time together. I will be interested to hear how their families like all the goodies they bought them.

    And yes, I love the wild west stuff here too. I always thought that it would have been interesting to have lived 100 or more years ago in the pioneering days, but also know those times were difficult too. I love the stories from the old wild west (movies too).

    NM- have not seen anything from you here since last week. Are you okay sister? I know you have family things going on.

    PontiacPeg- how are you doing? Any new or interesting men? You made a comment about me needing to make some big decisions about the out of state ex BF, but don't think that is something I have to do right away. I just agreed to spend some time with him if he chose to visit here. He is due here next week, but no confirmation on that almost a week out now. He moved recently and been busy getting settled, but don't doubt he is not out dating in the community where he lives. Men keep all their options open, I learned that long ago and quite honestly, he SHOULD be dating where he lives. Anyways, I don't have to do anything with respect to his visit as he is not staying here but will ask this week if the visit is still on or not so I can make some other plans for later next week. I don't let myself get invested with people until they prove themselves worth it. There is still another guy here I have my eye on too, and keep my options open as well!

    Hsant- how are you doing friend? I know you were busy with some deep cleaning, but also taking some breaks to get out and enjoy life a bit more. Hoping every day is a bit easer.

    Cami- how is work this week? Lots of calls? How is your pain sister?

    Mema- thinking of you with your test yesterday and hoping to hear good results. Hope your travels are safe and easy.

    I finished making my next follow up apts for July and start the process again on July 14th and will be done end of the month after my MO check in and Prolia shot.

    Celia, Genny, LLL, Dara, and everyone else, wishing you a good Tuesday!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2017

    Well, both my doctors and my trainer say that with a deep muscle strain, nothing can really ease the pain from the outside in. Massage, even chiropractic (which the local spine-clinic shills in the gym lobby tried to sell me on), topicals, etc. can’t really reach deeply enough to do any good, except to distract, temporarily occupy endorphin receptors and basically convince you you’re at least doing something. Heat hot enough to penetrate would cause skin burns before it could soothe muscles. But gentle heat before a workout or PT does aid in muscle relaxation, enabling strengthening & stretching exercises without further strain. And so do muscle relaxers—of which Baclofen has the shortest half-life and is least sedating because of that. Also NSAIDs, which for me are a no-no, except Bob says if I were his patient he would prescribe Aleve temporarily and order endoscopies STAT. Gabapentin or Lyrica would interrupt pain signals from the nerves, but unless the pain is steady & unrelenting, the side effects (sedation, weight gain, possible addiction) would outweigh any benefits. My PCP is willing to prescribe Norco, but I’d rather avoid opioids for the same reason (not to mention constipation). Bob says for pain caused by inflammation, naproxen beats the hell out of opioids—for his busted ankle, the orthopod gave him a couple of Norco and an Rx before sending him back to work and they did nothing but make him drowsy, whereas two Aleve and a brace worked dramatically. He hasn’t filled the Norco Rx, and he shouldn’t.

    I doubt my anemia (definitely of the iron-deficiency variety) has anything to do with my pain, except that too-low hemoglobin theoretically reduces the amount of oxygen getting to the muscles and possibly retards healing. But that wouldn’t occur unless the hemoglobin was so low (<8) that transfusion would be indicated. I have a normal RBC and blood volume, and my anemia is actually mild enough to be borderline (hemoglobin 11.7) but for the pattern of steady decline from 12.5 over two years (13.1 if you go back to June 2013). Since I haven’t had a major blood loss and no longer have Niagara-volume periods, the low hemoglobin is definitely due to a slow leak somewhere—a small ulcer, or either (equally more likely) a tiny arteriovenous malformation in my small intestine or slow leak from my hemorrhoids (so slow the blood isn’t visible in my poop…sorry if you happen to be eating while you read this). What we will likely end up doing is a “capsule endoscopy:” swallowing a horse-pill-size capsule with a tiny camera that broadcasts video to a remote video recorder—it will do everything an upper GI endoscopy or even colonoscopy does, except less-invasively (good) and more slowly (not-so-good). If it shows nothing (and it might not give as complete a colon picture without—ugh—prep), then we go first to hemoccult (pooping on a card) and then to colonoscopy, three years ahead of schedule. And it’s likelier that even then, the ‘rhoids are likelier the culprit than any polyps I didn’t have back in 2011. The remedy would be to fix the ‘rhoids if they hurt (they don’t) or just periodically supplement iron by shots &/or pills+vit. C.

    Any bone-marrow cause would have produced a low RBC, high WBC and numbers of the types of white cells (confirmed by smears showing weird-looking blood cells). All that’s normal. Whew.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2017

    Jazzy, in your pocket for good July imaging, BS & MO follow-up results and uneventful Prolia shot. (My MO/Prolia-Fest isn’t till August. Might push for another DEXAScan then, but BCBS will still likely make me wait till Nov., which is the 2-yr. mark).

    Cami, may your calls be lucrative and fulfilling and your pain minimized. Everyone facing family issues, hope they are as manageable as possible. Peggy, hope your social life is exactly as you’d like it.

    Today’s our 46th anniv. Gordy won’t be at dinner, as he didn’t know Bob canceled office hrs. tonight and bought movie tix for himself and his BFF (whose mom, our friend Maryjane, died earlier this month). Cheering up a friend in distress is the greater mitzvah than celebrating, IMHO. Bob & I are going to RPM Steak, and will have the best and most appropriate red we can afford from the list. (We’ll take the rest of the bottle home). I will likely start with a flute of bubbly (or when we either get home after dinner, or before we call Lyft, open the Paumanok Brut Nature we bought on L.I.). And I will have Bob & Gordy coordinate their availability so we can reserve at Everest or Alinea (yeah, right) for a night they have tables open.