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how about drinking?



  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,705
    edited June 2017


    Sorry, I might be way annoying with this emoji but it's so fun :)

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited June 2017

    Chi- I am like you with early bc, but had it on both sides. Most people have no idea all the meds and then the ones to counteract things. Many know I have foot issues and get annoyed with my slow walking, but that is a gift from the AIs I will have until I am done with them. Unfortunately, it is the gift that gives forever. I am constantly adapting.

    LLL- I love your emoji, keep bringing that on! I am finishing some paperwork I need to get updated in my biz file and filed and then may go ride the bike and after that, well, some rose in my future. With the heat here, I try not to drink too much as it works against you in the extreme weather. I did have two glasses of a slushy sangria last night that I will say was mighty tasty! Thinking of making some for my company this weekend.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2017

    Illimae, great emoji! Wish I had the graphic skills to make one&/or insert it into memes.

    Today Gordy & I took Bob to brunch (okay, the credit card bills all come out of the same bank account, but it’s the thought that counts). We walked, because it’s impossible to find parking at Cellars on weekend mornings (or wine tastings or $5 Burgers & Microbrew Mondays). They have $10 bottomless Bloody Marys & Mimosas, but I ordered cava (which they use for the mimosas) because I consider a mimosa a tragic waste of both fresh OJ & good bubbly. I was willing to pay the by-the-flute price but they just kept topping up my glass. No complaints here. The walk hurt if I breathed too hard, but it’d have hurt if I’d driven, so what the hey. Maybe this is my new normal (hope not).

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited June 2017

    Chi- sounds like a fab day. I hope too it is not your new normal......Heart

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2017

    Hi ladies,

    Oh I just realized the time.... My BOSS just left, I know I told u we have a goofy relationship, but he did delivr something for me.

    Illi if I could make an emojii or anything for that matter it'd would be all over the board all the time. so bring it to us, especially since u'r having fun with it. I actually never took to much stock in these holidays, I saw my parents all the time anyway and my kids always wish me Happy Fathers day, cuz it was mostly me so that's what it is--Sunday now.

    Oh Lori u must be all mixed up about u'r mom now...maybe this might be a welcome call for her, u just have to wait. I'm glad u went to the Dr. tho, see anti-B's but u know it's still going to take a couple of days to really work thru u'r body. Just rest when u can anyway.

    Jazzy u'r nite sounded so fun,I;m sure u had a great time.

    Sandy, I hope this is not u'r new normal cuz it sounds sucky. I don't mean to be snarky but really do what u feel like u CAN do not what is written on paper to do. U know exactly how u feel no one else does, so just decide on what can be done for this gig. And don't look back, U'r doing all u can do.

    I remember nothing else I read girls, so I guess I'll wind this up.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes! The humidity moved in big time yesterday, so Sadie and I lounged around and did next to nothing all day. Supposed to get thunderstorms later today, should be entertaining. Neither Sadie nor I do well with the humidity like this. Dick went home yesterday and is feeling better. The verdict this time is that he caught a virus. There's going to be a big meeting on Friday at Auntie's, with her case manager nurse and her daughter and her sisters. I'm going to be staying with Dick so Mom can go, since Mom doesn't want Dick to be left alone until he gets stronger. In the end either Auntie will go to Vegas to stay with her daughter or her daughter will take leave from work and stay here and take care of her until the end. Which sounds like is getting closer all the time.Not looking forward to this, Mom will come back with a million questions that she'll expect me to be able to answer without having been there. I hope I'll be able to get to talk to my cousin before Mom gets home so I'll have an idea of what is going on.

    Goldie--The credit score thing doesn't bother me, I'm more amused than anything. I have my own financial goals and that's what is important to me. I am getting out of debt and that is what I want, and the credit score can go jump in a lake. I just find it funny that the score gets worse the less debt I'm in! Seems very backwards, but it explains a lot of thing in the world! Your Mom maybe starting to see what is going on, or she may be trying to manipulate people. She's not going to change unless and until she really wants to. Who knows when that will happen. Glad you got seen, glad you got Auntie B's for the sinus thing. Sorry you are behind at work though. You'll feel better soon and get caught right up.

    Jazzy--the concert sounds like it was amazing. There are some Juneteenth activities going on here, too, I'm hoping I'll be able to catch one of them during the day today, but will depend on where I get sent for work today.

    Illi--Glad to hear the hip bone met is healing, too! That is really good news. Will you need surgery on the other breast for symmetry after this? The emoji looks like fun, how'd you do that????

    Chi--I can see where the progression is worrisome. Glad your PCP is keeping on top of it. Glad, too, that you are getting an x-ray and will find out for sure just what is going on, for the peace of mind factor. Bc treatment really is a gift that keeps on giving, isn't it?

    Illi--I'll join you for wine time, ANYTIME! And the imoji IS fun!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Boozy Peach Lemonade


    1. 2 ounces peach flavored vodka such as Absolut APeach
    2. 1 1/2 cups sugar
    3. 1 cup hot water
    4. 2 1/2 cups fresh squeezed lemon juice
    5. 1 cup fresh peach juice or puree
    6. 3/4 gallon cold water
    7. thyme to garnish


    1. In a 1 gallon+ container, place sugar and hot water, and stir until sugar dissolves.
    2. Add lemon juice, peach juice, and cold water, stir. To get 1 cup of fresh peach juice peal 5-8 peaches (dependent on size) and juice in juicer or Vitamix. For a puree simply peal, slice, and muddle well.
    3. Add vodka, stir until well mixed.
    4. Pour lemonade over glasses of ice, squeeze slice of lemon on top of each, and garnish with a sprig of thyme.
    5. **If you are using a peach puree rather than peach juice don't add to entire mixture, just muddle well and add to each glass before pouring.**

    Boozy peach lemonade

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2017

    Hey Lounge Lizzies, starting to finally feel a bit better, but still tired and weak. Tummy sore from coughing so much. Not going to worry about my mom, she can live however she wants to, except she expects everyone to drop what they are doing to do for her. I'm almost glad I am not living there anymore. She asked my brother if he could take her to a cousin's graduation (twins) and if she had $100 to give them. Brother says no and no, we are going up north that weekend tubing. Well that pissed her off, she thought he should give up his weekend to take her to this. It just never ends.

    Ilona, love your emoji

    Hmmmmm Cami, no wonder Wacko was over so late to visit you, you keep the same werewolf hours as she does. And your boss made a delivery? Was it your hemp?

    Not going to address everyone, I'm still a bit out of it and my house is a disaster, especially my kitchen and so behind with work as well and DH already giving me things to take care of at 5 am….really??? The other day, before heading to the hospital, I was trying to do some dishes, having to sit down every 5-10 minutes, he comes in and says would you like me to do that. I'm thinking to, I wouldn't do that to you. Instead of, honey, go sit down and let me do that! I realize he is not and has never been domestic, but come on!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2017

    Jazzy, I keep meaning to tell you how impressed I am at the gal on the gardening thread with the straw bail garden. I have heard of them, but never seen one. Did she hollow out the tops and put in soil? I would comment on that thread, but don't want to add another group of friends, it gets too hard to keep up with everyone, that is why I just stay here. Occasionally I comment on the Xeloda thread, but not "friends" with anyone there. The ladies come and go as treatments change.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited June 2017

    Good morning friends- the people on the news are funny this morning, they said we are in a 'cooling trend' but heading back into a heat wave. Umm, when is a drop from the 100s to the upper 90s a cooling trend? LOL!

    I had a low energy day yesterday. Went to the farmers market for some tasty veggies and now deciding on some things to make with my veggie loot from the trip. I procured some leeks and love potato leek soup, and may do that or look for another recipe given the heat right now. I also want to make some gazpacho soup this week to go with my southwest dinner planned for

    Goldie- glad to hear you are coming through this crud. The narcissistic personality type is a tough one to deal with because the needs and expecations are never ending. I was only able to get some peace in my life when I finally moved away and stayed away from my mother when I came to NM. I went back east for 10 years and it only resumed and got worse. Being there allowed me to help my brother and father, who both were ill and later died and it gave me time with them before they left us. I won't regret any of that part, but when I could go, I did and my sister left as well. My mother was devouring with her needs.

    And in their later years as their health changes and the real needs set in with changes to health, it only gets worse. Even my mother's final years when we were responsible for her care, the bar was always set impossibly high.

    The best advice I got from a counselor/elder care expert in those final years was that the goal with an older parent is to keep them safe and cared for. Housing, food, medication, etc. Sorry you are in this situation sister, I know the pain.....

    NM- I was a low energy gal this weekend myself. The heat is making me slow mo, but am more energized today. And I am closer to paying off my house as you did this year, but as it is really my only real debt (cars paid off, pay my credit cards in full, no other major loans), I do realize it is good to keep the mortgage for now as it helps to keep your credit score robust. Credit is really based on your ability to have loans/debt and your ability to pay it off. The credit score stuff is just another way for financial institutions to try to keep us captive to their debt schemes.

    I hope the meeting on Friday goes well regarding your aunt. Sounds like Dick is going to be okay and good that you can help and stay with him so your mom can go to the meeting. I hope that a decision everyone can be okay with is found and transitions go easily.

    Speaking of hospice, in the news here right now. This does not help with patient trust with hospice.

    Cami- I hope Dan delivered something good like something to eat, drink or maybe some cold hard cash!

    Gotta get moving to my day and wishing all the other sisters here a good week. My BCO sister comes tomorrow and meeting her on Thursday. Whoot whoot!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2017

    Jazzy, my mom does not know of my stage IV diag. If she did, not only would it break her heart, (or cause it to fail), but she would hound me continuously on how do you feel, did you go to the doctors, what did he say. Did you get blood work, what did it say. How do feel. On and on and on. However she wouldn't burden me with HER issues.

    When ever there is drama, with HER, I hear it from my son, I hear it from 2 brothers, I hear it from her. It's just a pain in my ass. I am glad to still have my mom here, and I love her dearly....but she drives me NUTS.

    We call her "The Queen". My one brother Rodney and I talk the most, and we talk about how we keep beating this dead horse, but the horse just never dies!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited June 2017

    Goldie- I remember you were keeping your dx from your mom. You were worried about the weight loss being noticeable? Beyond the self focus thing with some moms, they are still our moms and would worry. My mother died six months before my diagnosis and am glad she was spared that. And the fact I almost died from the ruptured appendix that year too, which in reality, was the far worse thing for me at that time. I had two major things happen in 2012, something acute and something chronic.

    My heart does go out to you around all this. Just no easy road sister.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,705
    edited June 2017

    Hi all,

    I have my lumpectomy and ALND (left) with reduction/lift (both)scheduled for next Tuesday 6/27.

    The emoji is created in an app called Bitmoji, sadly I have no design skills but it is s very fun creation.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited June 2017

    Hi girls, wedding was beautiful. I do have lots of pics to share and will get to it one of these days.

    Lori glad you are feeling some better. And sorry about mentioning you did not feel well on FB, lesson learned. I should have remembered how your mom worries. Glad you are not letting her behavior bother you.

    oopds, gotta run, man is here with my new bar, pics of that to follow as wel

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited June 2017


    The bride's dress


    Mother of the Groom (my oldest sister)




    Entering reception


    First Dance as Mr and Mrs


    In Memory table, pics of my Mom and Dad on the left... (so touching to see)

    more to come including Dara!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2017

    Lovely wedding, Dara!

    Spoke to my PCP's PA this morning—she put in the order for X-rays at St. Joe's, where I can go till 7 pm tonight. (Tomorrow I have to go up to Evanston Hosp. for my 6-mo. mammos & BS/NP exam, and then I have a training appt. in the evening so I need to be able to tell my trainer what not to have me do as well as what I can & should safely do). Wed. after my mani I can go up to the PCP's ofc. to review results (if he or his PA are in). Thurs. is shot because of my friend's funeral, and perhaps Fri. if I am allowed to go up to Hayward--Rice Lake, 6hrs away--for my Sat. gig). I was going to wait until the x-ray results are in before deciding whether or not to go—but I think I will let my singing partner know now of the possibility I might have a spinal &/or rib fracture, and see what he says about the “contractually obligated" thing. (My DH Bob, as I said before, has such a strong work ethic that he says “the show must go on;" but then again, although he has an 1 hr+ commute and has to walk a lot, he doesn't have to carry equipment or drive 450 miles to go to work).

    It feels like I'm wearing a whalebone corset. Sadly, it doesn’t look like I am.

    My housekeeper came back today, still in her surgical shoe. She was surprised at how I was able to keep the house from being a total sh*t-show in her absence. We have clean laundry again! She will be in tomorrow. Wed. is her podiatrist followup & x-rays, after which she will be okayed to wear a regular gym shoe and not have to ice her foot several times a day. Thurs. is the funeral (she is practically family, therefore was very close to my friend too). Friday? We'll see if I'm here or on the road.

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited June 2017

    Hello to all! Just popping in here to fire off a few words. Have been reading the topic posts, but unable to contribute as much as I would like.

    goldie0827 - Glad to hear you are on the mend. The straw bale gardener is WenchLori. She is a sweetie. We read/post on a number of the same topics. Will send her a PM to contact you about garden stuff, if you are OK with that?

    Illimae - Love your emoji! Will be in your pocket on 6/27 with healing thoughts and gentle hugs.

    Dara - Lovely wedding photos! You are getting a bar? What fun!

    NativeMainer - Love the lemonade recipe.

    Sandy - Hoping for a good outcome on your xrays, tests, etc. Oy vey!

    Jazzy - Sounds like you got some nice veg at the farmers market. Potato and leek soup - YUM!

    Cami - Hope you get your hemp and your pains improve.

    Gotta dash - Board Meeting coming up at 5 PM and have tons of reading to do before then.

    My DOTD will be a white wine spritzer, once I get home. (Although, I do remember fondly when I could have had one at lunch to prep for the Board Meeting.)

    Cheers to anyone I missed.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2017

    Wacko, what a beautiful wedding, hope Cheryl was able to enjoy, looking forward to more pictures. No worries about the FB comment, I deleted it. But then realized that IF mon DID see it, I would have just said it was due to allergies.

    Sandy, can't you get one of those bell carts and haul your stuff that way?

    Celia, we sell irrigation products and I had a customer one time tell me they were going to do a straw bale garden. I just didn't know there was dirt involved. I knew it was WenchLori. That was the only thing I was interested in, the dirt. Not that I want to try it. I have a fairly large garden already!

    NM, I don't think I addressed you. Glad Dick is home, but sorry about the news of your Aunt. Praying for peace for her, whether here on earth or on the other side. How old is she? You are doing soooo good on your cleaning!

    Brother called mom, told him since she hasn't been using her o2 that it must have been lack of to her brain that made her buy the jewelry. She is unreal!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited June 2017

    Good afternoon folks- dang it is hot out there today. Got my house cleaned, went to the store to get some supplies for soups, trying to get some glucose testing stuff worked out with the endocrinologist office which is as usual, hard to get done. No script at Walgreens, message back to the group via the portal. My fasendocrin told me she was having office problems so I send the messages to her. Sigh.....

    Dara- beautiful wedding pictures, bride and groom, your sis, etc. Love the flowers arrangements, my cousins had similar ones at a wedding a few years ago. Love me some sunflowers.

    Chi- I have a strong work ethic too like Bob, but cancer taught me to put my health first after pushing too hard for years when I was sick or hurt and needed care. I hope you can get the X-ray done today. You sound uncomfortable friend.

    Celia- are you done with treatment? Lurking and not posting is a good thing as you recover. We are a blabby group here and you can listen all you want and glad you felt like jumping in today.

    LLL- hope you are feeling ready for surgery. Make sure that bedroom is super comfy, nice pillows to keep you from rolling or the recliner if you have one. Will be in your pocket and here to help how ever we can. You got this!

    Going swimming tonight. My friends have nicknamed me Aqua Woman.....

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited June 2017

    Hi, there Jazzy. Re: Treatment - Rads completed 3/21/17 & started 5 years of AIs on 4/5/17. No skin problems with rads and post rad fatigue is over, also, so feeling good all things considered. Will try to write in more often - my thoughts are with everyone, even though I may not regularly contribute.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2017

    Had my ferritin, iron, & folate levels drawn today, then the x-rays. Must have been about 12 different views, and positioning on the table was pretty painful. My PCP’s PA thinks it’s a severely strained lat, but agrees we need to make sure there are no fractures or lung spots. She also says that even if it’s just a strain, it would be wise to postpone my personal training sessions till I feel fully healed.

    Not every motel even has those carts—they’re at a premium (some s.o.b.s keep them in their rooms instead of bringing them back)and pulling a heavily-loaded one is also physically stressful. And they’d be useless if my room is upstairs and there’s no elevator; and don’t solve the problem of what to do when I have to get all the stuff down to the car in the first place and when I get to the gig. (I might not be allowed to pull up by the stage to unload, and there are no “roadies" at our, uh, echelon on the musicians’ ladder. Doesn’t help that it hurts to breathe, either).

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,705
    edited June 2017

    Jazzy, I'm mostly ready but I will be looking for some more suitable pj's and shirts this weekend and I have a recliner but it's not comfy enough to sleep in and if I tried my DH would insist on sleeping on the couch next to me, bed is better. I just don't like the idea of being put under and the drains, eew and what a hassle. It's a challenge but I'm up for it :)

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited June 2017

    LLL- don't be hesitant to ask for home health. They can help with the drains. I did not have drains, but know many have and sometimes you need help with them. I had home health through several surgeries that fall and it made a huge difference with ensuring no infection developed, etc. My home health nurse was an angel.

    Celia- glad to hear you are through primary treatment. Are you doing okay on the AIs? Sometimes the stiffness and other SEs come on a few months into taking them because they are cumulative.

    Chi- I thought it could be a deep pulled muscle. I have had that before and it is excrutiating and makes it hard to breathe. If everything else is okay, you need to tell your personal trainer to back off a bit.

    I swam 80 laps tonight. I think I have gone mad.....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2017

    Hi gals, I was coming around earlier but phones!!! Still busy.

    Ill u'll be fine and the drains are just more of a PITA that anything, I mean they don't hurt or anything. And maybe just have more pillows on u'r bed so being in more of an upright position, I think is more comfortable. U'r DH sounds adorable BTW.

    Celia good to hear from you. Just pop in whenever u feel like it and blabber <like me> or just well whatever u feel like doing. The important thing is that u'r feeling well.

    It's just to hot in most of the areas everyone s, and Lori just stay in untill u really feel well. U tend to be stubborn Missy so just relax. And u'r DH was being so sweet. I'm sure he thinks u would do things anyway, silly.

    Jeez NM ur family is going thru alot with u'r auntie, but u know that more than anyone. But I think it's true, cuz everyone sounds so caring that she'll be well taken care of no matter what the decision is.

    Dara what beautiful pics. U look like u'r sister And what a nice memorial for u'r parents. So sweet. Did Cheryl get to go???

    Oh Jazzy u do know AquaMan is the least popular of the comic icons. hahaha. But that's OK, I think we're all jealous how much u can actually do. But it's so hot there limit u'r time out till later in the day.

    Sandy my sister, cousin and my friends all have high work ethics and I do understand now how they feel, but since I'm at the other end of the scale, it seems u should just do what u feel. There's a difference between working and then putting u'rself in a position to make things worse, especially with u'r history. To me it just makes sense, but then again, like I said I have terrible work ethics, no really. Why do u think I worked for the state??? I could really only get fired if I stole money or punched a customer, and I did neither, altho I did work with people who actually did both.

    Lori my hemp should be here tomorree but Dan brought the whole package. He's so funny, but that's why he stayed so late cuz I was nervous about it. But it's hard to judge how much to take. So this morning he called and asked how I was doing--better actually. So he told me to take some then cuz it should be time. I told him no cuz I had to work--there was silence--then he said OMG I'm telling u to take it, u work for me LOL so he's been checking in with me all day and telling me I probably am not taking enough. It's hard cuz it's in the fridge and flat and when u break it off it quickly turns soft and sticky. So I keep on trying. And keep on finding it stuck to my fingers. UGH--this has been my first time, obviously.

    It's cooled down here so far, I don't know how long. It was my older DD's BD today and she took the day off and then took her car to change oil. FF is home all the time, he couldn't do it for her. I know that's picky, but come on.

    OK I'll close for now, glad to see more posts.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited June 2017

    Dara, gorgeous wedding, and gorgeous bride and groom!

    Cami, where's the video of Joey? I searched and searched.

    Goldie, how are you feeling? Do you have a flu? Sharts are the worst, especially if you're in a public place. My parents lived at Luke's Air Force Base for 2 years when my dad was a flight surgeon. Good for your DH for making you go to the doctor.

    Native, I'm so sorry about Auntie. I think her granddaughter is over whelmed. I get that. But my dad was really easy and logical. My point is that not all sick, elderly folks are like that. It must be excruciating for Auntie to lose her independence. I'm so sorry about Dick. It must be very hard on your mom.

    you are officially my hero. You are just so dang cool, lady. You make everything from scratch. There is no way I would take the time to make my own detergent. Love the concept, but in reality? Pass me the Meyers.

    Jazzy, big congrats on passing your exam! And another big congrats on your weight loss! I'm not surprised, because you are consistent with exercise and diet. I remember that you like Lily's chocolate bars. Two recent new flavors, dark chocolate salted almond and carmelized milk chocolate. Yum!

    Sandy, my personal rule is if it's 3 miles or under, one way I walk. Traffic is a nightmare in LA.

    Fathers Day was pretty hard. A "first", but it wasn't as difficult as I anticipated. However, I broke down and cried at CVS when I was looking for a card for my uncle last week.

    I have been deep cleaning my house like a crazy lady. 20 total hours since Wednesday, and my house is small. This weekend we had Piper Sonoma rose (crisp, dry and delish!) with smoked salmon, creme freche, capers on a cauliflower Patty. We also enjoyed prosciutto di Parma and a Swiss chees, Emmi raclette. Sunday, we walked to our local Mexican joint and had low carb Margs and fish tacos.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2017

    Pity party tonight—my DOTD was a chocolate egg cream (I make 'em better than anyone since the days of the corner candy store/newsstand/soda fountains back in 1950s-60s Brooklyn). Still hurt like hell, but no news is good news. (PA said that the test results & X-ray reports could be in as early as tonight—so if they were & it were serious--like fractures or lung spots—I'd have heard by now). So I'll just have to "pull up my big-girl panties" and head up to northern WI early Fri. morning. I think the dulcimers can stay in the car overnight, so will just bring in the guitar and the small suitcase—just big enough to hold nightgown, underwear and one nice dress for performing. Can drive back home (or if need be, to the Dells or Madison) in it.

    Tomorrow is breast day. (Mammos, followed by BS/NP followup). If the mammos are fine, the NP will see me; if not, the BS will. If good news, I'll have some sugar-free fro-yo en route home to celebrate; if not, then maybe a half-slice of pie at Hoosier Mama for comfort.

    Bob's & my 46th is next Tuesday. We need to use up Lettuce Entertain You gift cards, so Everest is our first choice. (RPM Steak is our second, but it's a bit too “Wall Street Bro" for my taste. Good food though).

    Noisy tonight—2 am and they're still shooting off end-of-Ramadan fireworks. Fair enough—why should 4th of July & major-league-championship celebrants, and Loyola frats welcoming the freshmen, be the only ones with a right to pyrotechnics? That's why God created earplugs.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2017

    Heidi, good t see you. Oh I would imagine crying buying a card for u'r uncle. Good thing u'r home with u'r DH and he can help u. I thought of my dad a lot <oh I usually do> and I just think of all the fun we had together, even when we would paint the house. So to me that's comforting. Oh I know Jazzy put the email thingy down but u have to be on FB, I don't know how to do it LOL

    Wow u had some pretty good food yummy, and I liked thebig dinner for the night before too. I'm still watching the "housewives" jeez they put the snark in snarky. BTW u'r part of the world is known for traffic.

    Stay well

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2017

    Oh Lori, I forgot, I can use a chair in the b ath, but I can't get in and out--my legs can't mobe that much.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited June 2017

    Good morning friends- getting my day going here and going to be another scorcher, so I need to get out to the yard to do some things early. My back yard is holding it's own in this heat, something have fried but are perrenials and with established roots, will return. The front yard rock garden is really not doing well, but some things are holding their own. We need monsoonal rain here BAD! I had to bring a hanging plant into the shade as the leaves are getting burned. No walking on the patio barefoot either (ouch, ouch ouch!)

    Cami- well, maybe AquaMan was not popular, but AquaWoman will be. LOL. Sounds like your customers are keeping you busy this week!

    Chi- hoping you get some good answers from the x-rays today. Good luck with the check ups tomorrow too. I have mine coming up in late July.

    Hsant- I posted the link of Joey to help Cami but then took it down. I will PM it to you. Sounds like you are doing more and a good cleaning always makes me feel good! The food and drink sound delish too. I am all into the rose wines right now.

    Got another call this week on the client work this week, this time with the top docs (decision makers). Getting closer! Got the tree guy coming today to look at my large tree out front for its pruning needs too.

    Going to be another hot one, stay cool if you are under the western "heat dome."

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2017

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Wow Jazzy u are getting up super early to get started. Hope u get everything done by extreme heat time--Then just stay in for a few hrs. at least. Sounds like u got an interesting phone call. This sounds good for you.hmm more thinking now on ur part.

    NM hasn't been on yet....but I don't remember if she's working today!!! See Kim now u have free time and no one knows where u are doing what...But now enjoying everything much more.

    Lori hope ur feeling better this morning, even a little is good.

    Sandy we'll be waiting for u'r test results today, so I hope u come on to tell us. It's got to be a big relief to have u'r housekeeper back. At least u can sit back while things get done.

    See u all latah.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2017

    Image result for google images of recipes with vodka Just in case NM is to busy--DOTD