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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2017

    Wow Sandy, 12 different views for an xray? Sounds like a lot of radiation. A hotel with no elevators? They must be old ones? I don't know, it sounds to me like you shouldn't go.You are a lawyer, I know there are contractual issues with this gig, but come on now, you are SICK! Well, maybe not sick, but injured. I know you said Gordy doesn't drive, but couldn't he still go with and carry your stuff? Sorry you are still hurting so bad and good luck with all of your appointments/tests.

    Ilona, the drains aren't really all that bad. I too had lumpectomy (not by choice) and just slept in my bed. It's been 9 years, so most of it's a blur now. The surgery that is! You and your DH can both sleep on the couch?

    Jazzy aka Aqua Women, congrats for the 80 laps, you go girl! Too hot for soup, unless it's your, omg I don't have a clue how to spell it, the cold soup! Or freezing it. What kind of soups do you like?The leaves on my tomato plants are all curled due to the heat. June is also my least favorite, or the days in the spring when it's so dang windy.

    Cami, you think I'm stubborn, really? Never thought of myself that way…LOL, but I guess!!! How horrible of FF not to take his wifes car in, all whilst he doesn't do a damned thing. Ahhhhh, you have edibles? Is there THC in it? I think maybe yes? My mom sits on the chair in the shower, the outside legs are on the outside of the tub, and then lifts her legs into to the tub and the shower head is removable. That DOTD makes me sick reading the ingredients, LOL. Ewwwwww, waaaaaaay too sweet for me! But I iz sweet enough, so don't need it, right?

    Hsant, you made it through Father's day, albeit difficult, haggles girl.Capers on cauliflower patties, can you share? I just recently started using capers, never had them before. While in Michigan my brother sautéed some asparagus with capers. I hadn't noticed them and asked him what all spices he used that it had a very unique taste and I liked it. Well he said something like salt pepper and garlic. Noooooo, it's more than that, then we figured it out, it was the capers, but he did not know I had never had them. Bought me a huge jar at Sam's club. The video of Joey playing is just sound, but OMG it sounds so professional!!!!

    Too early to tell how I'm feeling. Took me 3 hours to clean my kitchen last night. Whore, I mean wore me out. Had to keep sitting down as exhausted and started with those burning pains in the back of my thighs. And still had a fever. Didn't sleep well, too hot. Then had a cricket in the house. Oiy Vey! As .my dear friends would say "this too shall pass". Haven't talked to my mom in a couple of days, guess I should call.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Well, the time has arrived. My Auntie with ALS is in her last days. I got the message yesterday, stopped to see her after work, she looks absolutely horrible. She can't talk, tries to communicate with gestures, gets frustrated when we can't understand, is bed bound now, and getting medication for anxiety and agitation. She did give me a big smile and gave me several hugs. I think she's afraid of being alone. Her granddaughter and her kids are staying in the other part of the house where my grandmother had a small apartment, I was there an hour before she came out to check on Auntie. To be fair, she was also on the phone almost non-stop with calls about her boyfriend and his child who were coming to visit and got in an accident and totaled their car, family members calling for updates, and the hospice company people calling. She wished she had this much help from Hospice a couple months ago, now she's getting offers of volunteers and other things that aren't needed now. Auntie's daughter will be home tomorrow ayem, she's taking a red-eye out of Vegas tonight, the earliest she could get her flight moved up to. I'm going to go down later today and see if Nichole will let me take the overnight care for her. That way I can be here when my cousin gets here and find out how she wants things to go. And Sadie can visit with Auntie one last time. This is the Auntie that took care of Sadie for several months when I had reconstruction done. Stopped by to see my Mom on the way home last night, she's doing ok, thinks it's better that Auntie will go quickly rather than suffer a long time trapped in a failing body. Mom also thinks Auntie is starving herself to death so it will go quicker.

    Anyway, I don't have phone coverage at Auntie's house, but do have access to her wifi, so I am taking my Kindle and phone with me and will be checking in at odd moments depending on what's going on.

    On a lighter note, at yesterday's staff meeting we all got scolded for not following through on admission work, like finishing the paperwork and getting meds, supplies and equipment in place. I've been complaining about having to pick up after admissions for over a year and being told it's not that big a problem and to give some of the others a break. Now, about a month after I go per diem and don't do admissions anymore, it's become a problem. Hmmm, wonder how that happened? Actually, I know the Clinical Managers have been having to pick up a lot of that work and I'm thinking they don't care for it. They are busy enough with their own work, and that other stuff is the responsibility of the admitting nurse. I think they should have cracked down on it a long time ago, now it's going to be an uphill battle as many nurses don't even think about those things now, it's been so long since they've been held accountable. So I kept my head down and giggled to myself through half the meeting. Especially when the other nurses starting talking about how they are going to need time the next day to do that stuff when the admission happens late in the day and they can't get in touch with the doctors until the next day, and each day is being filled right up. This is the kind of work that makes a case manager's day so long, all the stuff outside of doing visits that is important and necessary, but there is no time set aside for.

    Goldie--Glad you are feeling better.It will take a while to recover. Some people never catch on to the idea that they aren't the center of the universe. Sorry the house is a disaster, sorry the hubby isn't more domestic, but at least you are feeling better!

    Jazzy--oh, Lord, I hate seeing news items like that. I know it happens, and I know how easily it can happen, but I really expect more of my peers, especially in Hospice work. It certainly doesn't help with the trust issue. I've decided the whole credit score thing is a big scam, and am going to manage my finances the way I see fit, and do what is best for me. If my credit score tanks, so be it. Not planning to borrow any more money unless absolutely necessary.

    Illi--I'm going to check that out!Good luck with the surgeries, praying for a fast and pain free recovery.

    Dara--great pics!

    Chi--I cannot believe that a contract for something like that does not have something in it about cancellation for health or emergency reasons. But you are doing everything you can. Maybe you can contact the venue and tell them you are injured and are unable to schlep equipment and will need someone to do that for you? Glad your housekeeper is doing well, and glad she was happy with your maintenance work.

    Celia--Good to see you! I like lemonade and thought that would be a good hot muggy day drink.

    Goldie--Dick is doing very well, thanks for asking. I'm going to go down and help keep Auntie comfortable for the next few days, or as the family allows. I suspect all will be over by the weekend.

    Chi--if the venue has you under contract, doesn't that mean they are big enough to have to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act? Like re-rooming you on the ground floor if there are no elevators, allowing to drive up to load and unload, wheelchair assistance up the hill after parking the car? What if you call and say you have a fracture (don't need to say where) and are requesting a wheelchair accessible room and a rental wheelchair for the gig?

    Illi--shirts that button in the front work well, and you can also go to a Goodwill or Salvation Army store and get some inexpensive camisoles, much bigger than you would usually wear, that you can step into.Or some very inexpensive, light weight t-shirts thatyou can cut up the back.Cut them up to but not through the neck hem. You can then pop your head through the neck opening and then put your arms in with a minimum of movement and discomfort and once the ends are tucked behind you it looks like you are wearing a regular t-shirt.And if any drainage gets on them you can toss them when you are done with them. I even found a couple of johnnies in the Salvation Army store that I found useful. Also think about picking up some towels and sheets that you can use to put on the bed over your regular sheets in case of leakage, too. Or on the couch or recliner or wherever you sit during the day for the first few days. Again, you can toss them when you are done with them. I found that wearing shorts with pockets was really good for managing the drains (I had 4, don't freak you are having a different surgery and I doubt you will have more than 2), as long as I remembered to take the drains out of the pockets before pulling the shorts down to pee.I used men's shorts from a local discount store for the bigger pockets.If your doc allows you to shower with the drains in, have a length of yarn or ribbon or a couple of shoe laces, tie it in a big circle, big enough that when you put it around your neck it hangs a little below breast level.Use safety pins to hook the drains to this while you are in the shower. This was so helpful that I made a second one to keep dry to use when I was getting dressed or was going to need to sit on the potty for a while. Cobbler's aprons work really well, too, but are harder to find. I had one of those snap up the front, roomy, lightweight summer robes with big pockets for when company came.I cut a slit in the back of the pockets, just below the top of the pocket, big enough to thread the drains through so the tubing stayed underneath the robe and the drains could be in the pockets. And get some small notebooks and a bunch of pens/pencils. Put one in the bathroom to record the drainage from the drains. Keep other at bedside and wherever you tend to sit during the day to recordwhen you take pain meds (if you need to) or any other meds (some docs give antibiotics after surgery like this to prevent infection) or phone numbers or anything else. Anesthesia does a job on your memory for a while.

    Cammy--I don't know much about the hemp thing, but it it's flat in the fridge, then gets soft and sticky at room temp, can you (or someone) cut several pieces while it's cold and put the pieces on waxed paper so you can take one at a time out of the fridge? Do you eat it or rub in in somewhere or what?

    Hsant--don't go putting me up on a pedestal, I don't make EVERYTHING from scratch, only select things like laundry detergent. I still buy dish soap,I like to see suds when washing dishes. Making a batch of detergent only takes about 5 minutes and once you've done it once or twice you don't even have to think about it. If you want to be impressed wait until the next time I make up a batch of homemade macaroni, lasagna and fettuccine noodles!

    Chi--what exactly is in a chocolate egg cream? I've heard of egg creams but haven't figured out exactly what they are except that they seem to belong in the general category of milkshake, frappes, ice cream sodas (all of which I now know are different things from each other). Glad that no news is good news, and praying for more good news to come.And Happy Anniversary!Love the God creating earplugs line!

    Jazzy--It's reallymuggy hear, too, today. Saw some heat lightening last night (and lots of lightening bugs) but no thunder, only 0.04 inches of rain. So much for the torrential downpours they were predicting! It will be a lot more comfortable at Auntie's much closer to the ocean. Needing to really pay attention to hydration, though, according to the color of my pee this ayem!

    Cammy, thanks for covering the DOTD--I am on late today, got home late, had to work for a while to finish up some stuff, slept late.

    Godlie--I've heard that having a cricket in the house is good luck! Maybe it means you are on the mend!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited June 2017

    NM- sorry about your Auntie friend. Sending big hugs.

    And your point about not being able to get out of a contract for a valid reason is something I deal with in my contract work with unethical or purely inexperienced consulting firms. I always have a 30 day opt out on things, but in working with a recent consulting firm that wants me to sub with them, they said my only out was when the work was finished. What bizarre little world do you live in people, stuff happens? I have learned they have had problems with people bailing, have lawsuits, etc. so I get it. Lock you in for life because we suck. Sorry, not that girl......

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2017

    Well, good (if inconclusive) news from the X-rays: no fractures or bone mets, lungs clear. So it's a deep muscle pull or costochondritis. Unfortunately, what one would normally take for it is off-limits to me: I can't take any NSAIDs, not even celecoxib or my daily baby aspirin, till we figure out why my hemoglobin is declining with the rest of my CBC being normal (hematocrit is still low-ish but w/in normal limits). It's not that I'm very anemic (11.7) but that it's been steadily declining since my bc dx (13 pre-lumpectomy) 19 months ago. That points to a GI bleed somewhere. I also can't use the major weapon I have against letrozole joint pain. Finger is triggering like mad, and fingers on both hands are swelling and stiffer.

    The X-rays do show slight kyphosis and degenerative changes (bone spurs) in the thoracic spine. Tell me something I didn't know. (Prior x-rays over the years showed them in my neck & lower back as well--in the neck when I was only in my 30s).

    Yesterday my PA warned me this could take weeks to heal. No way to confirm the presence of torn fibers w/o MRI--which I need to reserve for life-or-limb situations due to the cost and trickiness of dealing with all the hardware in my legs. Not all facilities are prepared to safely do MRI in those conditions, and an EMG is impossible w/o using imaging to locate exactly which muscles to test. It's more painful than my pain, and the treatment is ultimately the same: conservative motion, heat, and eventually PT. Need to talk to my trainer tonight to find out what few things I can safely do.

    But muscle strain doesn't get me out of this gig. And the fate of myHC permit is still in Springfield's hands at the DMV.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited June 2017

    Chi- well, good news here on the part they know. No mets, fractures, etc. More needed to figure out what is happening with the bloodwork though. Sending you big hugs across the miles sister.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited June 2017


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2017

    Just back from the breast center: as the Who once sang: the "kids" are all right!

    No word yet on the bloodwork

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited June 2017

    Chi- more good news! Congrats on the girls being a-okay! Happy

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2017

    Yup: Thelma is BIRADS 1 (normal, nothing abnormal except large size) and Louise has been downgraded from BIRADS 3 (probably benign, due to seroma) to 2 (benign).

    Bloodwork in—Ferritin, Fe, folate all normal. PCP says definite kyphosis at T-6 & 7, and I am now 1/4” shorter than 2 yrs ago (phooey). Orders are to do upper back therapy with trainer (if it doesn’t work, to go to PT clinic), stay off anything remotely resembling an NSAID, and re-test aforementioned blood levels in 1 mo.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited June 2017

    Ilona, the drains were not a big deal for me. I only had them for four days when I had my BMX. I bought a large , sleeveless summer hoodie, and put the drains in the pocket when I went out. I find that people are too caught up in their own lives and not paying attention to other people. I also had a very easy surgery and recovery. I was up and walking in the hospital, and walked to the grocery store the day I was released. I read A LOT on the BMX no recon thread about how difficult recovery is, and I bought a bunch of things (body pillow, wedge, button up Jammie tops) that I ultimately returned. It's good to be prepared, but keep your receipts.:)

    Wishing you THE BEST for an easy breezy surgery and recovery.

    Goldie, how are you feeling? Did your fever break?

    It sounds like your mom may have some kind of elderly related anxiety disorder? My dad had this, and I did a lot of research on it. His PCP agreed with me. It got to the point where my dad was scared to leave the house, and had constant care from the care givers. This was 2 years ago when I was in LA dealing with the BC diagnosis.

    I'm with you, sister! I clean my own home. However, if you're still feeling sick best to take it easy.

    Cami, Oy, Oy, Oy vey to Second Wives! I haven't watched the latest episode, but the whole situation with Veronica (I think that's her name) and her cheating husband......good grief. I read that her discovery of her husband's mistress happened when they filmed this show in July last year. Apparently, her husband attempted to sue E! To get them to not Air those scenes. I assume he initially signed a contract that gave him no legal rights to what they could film. Also, I read he was with prostitutes during their marriage. Crazy stuff! But it's unfortunately not uncommon among the rich folk in LA.

    NM, prayers to you and your family! This must be so difficult on all of you. My mom quit eating a few weeks before she passed and stopped drinking fluids about a week before she passed. She was responding to treatments (she had metastatic BC), but my dad said that she had chemo related dementia, and just lost her will. My heart goes out to you. {{{Kim}}}

    you make cream cheese from scratch! Enuff said!

    Jazzy, can I call you the little mermaid? You're swimming like a fish! So awesome! I forgot to mention that the Piper Sonoma rose is a sparkling rose. Highly recommend.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2017

    With a grass-fed ribeye and corn on the cob I grilled (plus “cacio e pepe” made with sauteed zucchini spirals instead of pasta), I drank a 2011 Maryhill (WA) Zinfandel (Coravin-ed it). Perfect for grilled meats & BBQ.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited June 2017

    Lori, capers are actually berries. I love them, because of their briny, acidity, Kind of like pickles. They work really well in dishes that have a high fat content, like a cream or butter based sauce, or with smoked salmon, cream cheese, onion, tomato on a bagel. If you don't like smoked salmon, it still tastes yummy on a bagel with just cream cheese. I typically stay away from bread, and my local Whole Foods carries these cauliflower patties that look similar to a potato pancake, and are quite tasty. Cauliflower crust (say for a pizza) is very trendy right now, so there are a ton of recipes out there. I've been making mock mashed potatoes with cauliflower for years, and now Green Giant and Birds Eye have this in the frozen food section. Also, cauliflower "rice".

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited June 2017

    hsant - Bagel with lox, cream cheese and capers sounds great - latke on the side, even better. Will be heading to NYC area this Friday - may have to seek out, even though I typically avoid bagels & potatoes. Have used organic cauliflower rice in recipes and find it to be a good alternative to white rice. Veggie cakes I use, although not a substitute for a latke, are Dr Praeger's brand.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2017

    NM, you are a saint and and an angel. So very sorry about your Auntie. I hope her DD makes it before the end. And so very sweet of you to offer to take on the night shift. I hope her passing is quick and peaceful. Can't blame her for not wanting to eat and prolong death. Glad you got some some giggles in at the meeting!!!! They were using you something terrible, and should be ASHAMED! And we can put you on a pedestal iffin we so choose! :p

    Sandy, good news on the good news.

    Hsant, I do believe the fever has finally broke. Still felt like poop yesterday. Today seems a tad better. But mornings are the best anyways, so we will see. Every day, I can see a little improvement. My mom is not healthy, overweight (all her life) and she's just lazy (all her life for this too). There's not a thing wrong with her mind. Capers are a pickled flower bud. How are you doing?

    Need to get moving, have stupid customers, and I mean that literally, to deal with. It's just too bad we can't fix stupid! I think I am done with the fever, so Anti B's must be starting to work. But dang these things are HUGE. Sulfamethoxazole-tmp. Cricket has moved from the living room to the laundry room. Seems if we keep the light on, it doesn't chirp. That is the most annoying when trying to sleep.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2017

    Pretty cool video. These guys dance to several of Michael Jacksons songs, change outfits and all.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited June 2017

    Good morning friends- I have already been out and back to the pool this morning. Decided today was the day to try the early morning swim at my pool (open from 5:30 -8 a.m. for lap swimming). Since the noon hours are gone for the summer, I have been swimming evenings but with a music class that has me busy 2 nights a week this month, I told myself I needed to try the morning hours. Plus, it will help me to create a routine for when I start my new work and for the time I am working from home. It was not too bad, I was moving slower but did get 60 laps in.

    And I lost another 2 pounds this week, whoot whoot. Probably a combination of the heat (and not eating much) and my exercise. I may be at my first milestone sooner than expected (3 lbs to go), then being the final push on the last 20 pounds. I am seeing more shape in my waistline now and getting rid of more of the girth next.

    Chi-well that is not good new about your spine and loosing height. I remember you were getting some of the bone building meds, are you on the Prolia now? I remember you had problems getting that approved and paid for by Medicare? I am glad you are getting some answers on these problems and some help with what you need to do next. I bet a PT would help you more at this point than the trainer.

    Hsant- ha ha, you can call me whatever you want, and I do like mermaids! I will have to try the Piper rose. I bought a bottle of the Mumm sparkling rose for my visit with the guy who visits in early July, but in talking more about things, I am not sure he drinks as much wine as beer. Don't want to waste that on someone who won't appreciate it! I may use that for other get togethers I have planned this summer, like the dinner with my BCO sister and her friend on Sunday. Doing some New Mexican food those and may make some sangria instead? I think I will try this recipe

    I LOVE lox and bagels and capers too! I put capers on lots of things, including fish dishes. I did not realize they were a berry!

    Goldie- glad to hear the fever has broken. I hope your day is reasonable. I am dealing with some stupid people on this end too.

    First official day of summer today although it has felt like summer for a long time here. Have a lovely summer solstice!


  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,705
    edited June 2017

    Oh weather channel, is there no other news? They really are hyping up tropical storm Cindy. I'll be in Austin for work, taking the hubs and 13 year old puppy/baby with me on a mini vacation.

    Have a great week everyone!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2017

    I did get approved for Prolia (BCBS came to its senses), and had my first shot in March. Getting another in Aug., but BCBS/Medicare won’t pay for a density scan until Nov. 2, two years after my first one. Also had Zometa last Aug. The, um “shrinkage” runs in my family. My sis used to be 5’6” but is down a full inch—and she’s two years younger than me and definitely does not fit the osteoporosis profile—she has olive skin and is big-boned (not a euphemism). My mom was 4’11” when she died at 85. My mom’s side of the family, at least the women, has genes for both strong hearts (if not weakened by smoking) and osteoporosis/kyphosis.

    I definitely still hurt like hell and it’s not getting any better yet. But my PCP & his PA warned me that deep muscle strains can take a very long time to heal. I’m just afraid that the pain might be related to my declining hemoglobin. (Cancer makes hypochondriacs of us all, but when the doctor says “I’m concerned,” I don’t think I’m being a hypochondriac).

  • dpako
    dpako Member Posts: 35
    edited June 2017

    Hi Sandy what is Zombeta never heard of it I guess it's shrinkage. You are right cancer makes us hypochondriacs. Now you know why the Prolia shot bothered me. Just the thought of introducing something new in my body made me nuts. My doctor said muscle pain is some of the side affects. Like I said when I see her I will discuss further. I wonder if I can stop it. I read if you stop it you can break bones.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2017

    Zometa (sometimes called Reclast) is zoledronic acid—a liquid bisphosphonate bone drug given by I.V. to those who can’t tolerate oral ones like Fosamax, Actonel or Boniva. It is cheaper than Prolia, which is a “biologic” (monoclonal antibody) and thus more costly to produce—and the two types of drugs strengthen bones (or at least prevent or slow loss) by different mechanisms. Those of us who opted out of oral bone drugs (mostly due to acid reflux disease) need to get Zometa I.V.s or Prolia shots twice a year for four years. You can break bones no matter what, but it’s less likely if you take the drugs according to prescribed schedule. There have been instances of “paradoxical” (i.e., the opposite of what one would logically expect) horizontal femoral fractures with both Zometa & Prolia—but far fewer than the hip & spine fractures caused by untreated osteopenia becoming osteoporosis. And they, like osteonecreosis of the jaw, tend to happen mostly in those who are Stage IV and taking larger and more frequent doses.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2017

    Hello Ladies!!

    my bad for not posting sooner. Have been reading almost daily, but forget most of what I've read. I think some of you can relate to the mind malfunction junction. Been hot hot hot here, but not much wind. I take pooches to the park around 9am, it's already 100o. I can't stand beyond 10-15 mins, but my pooches do me a favor by poopin within 5 mins of getting there. My injury to my tailbone still bugs me but not like it did the 1st I'm living with. We discovered that those neck-pillows ya get for flying and other things, make a great donut-type seat. Been using it in the car and it helps a lot.

    Trip starts next week. DH n I will drive into LV very, very early on Monday, 26th. My brain scan is scheduled for 8am...ugh. Means getting up around 4am and heading out about 6:30. Then Tues I will see my ONCO and get results of my brain scan. I don't feel bad, so I'm sure it will be all good. Oh and I picked up my DXA scan on mese bones, osteopenia has not progressed into osteo-arthur yet...woohoo. My legs have felt normal recently, so am thinking the pain comes on after my Xgiva shot and lasts about 2 weeks.

    NM - am giggling right along with you when u talk about ur meeting with the crew...sounds like they are finally aware and have some real work (scheduling) ahead of them. Still praying for your Auntie ((NM))

    Lowee - absolutely love that video...I really like the majority of MJ's songs. Any new news on the sale of ur business?

    Wish I cud take a little more time and address all....but DH just walked in and needs my attention...Ain't love grand?!?!?

    Lubs to all

  • dpako
    dpako Member Posts: 35
    edited June 2017

    Hi Sandy,

    I used to take Boniva monthly I think I like that better than the Prolia. If my doctor tells me to take that I will. It's cheaper and it does the job. The only way I will take Prolia is if my doctor says the benefit outweigh the risks. I had no problems with Boniva monthly dosage.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2017

    Most women can take Boniva or even generic Fosamax. It’s only a problem if you have GERD or damage to your stomach &/or esophagus, or for some reason can’t stay upright for an hour after taking it. I have GERD big-time, hiatal hernia and all, so the oral bisphosphonates are a no-no for me. The one thing that Zometa and especially Prolia does that the orals don’t is protect against or delay the onset of bone metastases, and for those who already have bone mets, halt or significantly slow progression.

    dpako, I notice your diagnosis is triple-positive. Any reason you got chemo without targeted therapy (either Herceptin or Perjeta)?

  • dpako
    dpako Member Posts: 35
    edited June 2017


    I am not triple positive. I made a mistake when I filled it out. What indicates triple positive? I need to change that. You really know your stuff I don't know any of this. How come you are so knowledgeable I guess you really did your research. I didn't. I was so devastated when I was diagnosed that I really didn't really check it out.

    I was never much of a doctor person so whatever they told me I did. But this is my body and I need to be aware. I am glad you pointed that out to me.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2017

    Jazzy, out Little Mermaid! Congrats on more weight loss. I too have lost some, the little bit I managed to put back on is now gone and I'm back to 130….grrr!

    Ilona, I would love a nice tropical storm! Although it would make it a muddy mess here. But it's just soooooo hot and dry. Enjoy your time away.

    LDB, you are cracking me up with the mind malfunction junction!Reminds me of the commercials back in the day for the kids. Of course I can't think of it due to my own "mind malfunction junction"! They sang their little diddies and they were educational. Your LDB is going to hurt for a LOOOOOOOONG time. Speaking of Xgeva, I need to get mine outta da fridge. I have no SE's from that. Thank you God! One guy made a piddly offer of 700,000. Told Luther not to waste his time. He is the guy handling the sale.

    Heading to town today as tomorrow will be cray cray.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited June 2017

    Cami- this is for you!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited June 2017

    Hi friends-back from my morning visiting with my BCO sister! We just had the best time, good eats, caught up on her trip so far (she is in town with others) and did some shopping afterwards in some of the fun shops nearby. We are going to connect again on Sunday for some time in Old Town and then she and one of her friends are coming here for dinner later that afternoon. So fun! I was thinking today how so many great friendships form here either on line and/or some in person. This thread certainly has that.

    ChiSandy- just as a suggestion, get your bone density done after you have been on Prolia for a year and pay for it out of pocket. It is not that expensive (I think mine was like $100, but they ended up paying for it too; just a co-pay). I think waiting 2 years to see if anything is working is too long, but know when you start the protocol vs. where you are in that cycle can make it tricky. I asked for the orders and said I would do a self pay to my MO's office. I saw improvement and chose to continue.

    I am sorry you are in such pain sister. Hugs Heart

    Mema- I hope your trip goes well and will be in your pocket for this scan. It is super hot out west (been 103 here the past few days, much worse in other places).

    LLL- I hope that you have a good time in Austin. One of my fav spots. That tropical storm, Cindy, is hitting Texas pretty hard right now and hope you don't get caught up in that sister.

    Goldie- sorry about the weight loss. Depending on your situation on these threads, weight gain or loss can be viewed differently. Hope you are staying cool in AZ, still sizzling over here.

    Cami- where are you?

    DARA, DARA, DARA.....

    Got a biz call to do. Later gators

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2017

    I'm here, but just poopin. My puter and my room have to be rearranged for some comfort to us my puter. I can't put it on my legs anymore and cn hardly see it. This stupid pain is crippling me and my movements are gettingk

    worse. So I'll be bock


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2017

    Oh I feel a little better now. I've been reading all along, but now don't remember chit.

    Jazzy enjoyed the video thanks. I still say u'r scenic pics. are absolutely stunningI don't even take pic, it's not as easy as it looks. What's going on with u'r work things. I hope it's all going well.

    Lori hopefully u are feeling much better by now. And SLOWLY getting back to u'r routine. BTW I meant u'r lovingly stubborn. theres a difference.

    SusyQ so glad u'r bottom feels better, wow that was a terrible thing for you, but now u'll be ready for u'r trip.

    NM I do remember reading how selfless u are and I think we all knew this all along. That's why we're all so happy u've made u'r decision to slow down and u'r enjoying this so much it just makes us feel good for u and Sadie. And I know this weekend u will see u'r family and go thru some hard chit with u'r Auntie. (((HUGS)))

    ILL got u down for Monday prayers.

    Did we welcome someone new here??? I think so.

    Sandy u have some thinking to do about u'r trip which is really coming up now. I hope whatever u do, is good for you. U've got lots going on in u'r body.

    Big storms this morning, but cool is coming in. For a few days anyway.

    DARA DARA DARA get u'r A$$ in here with more pics, especially with u'r dress, ON.

    OK try to be bock later


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2017

    Jazzy, sounds like your meet and greet is going well. I thought your friend was coming just to meet you. But it looks like she has other friends in your area. I am just staying inside.

    Silly Cami, lovingly stubborn! What about the goodies that Dan brought you? Not helping? Joey knows not to eat them, I hope! See, now that's how you call Dara!

    I took a step backwards yesterday, but I think doing better this morning (knock on wood). We went to town yesterday, as it will be swamped today with all the campers coming up. We are having a problem with one of our timers we sell and a machine was sent from Taiwan, it was suppose to arrive yesterday, but didn't. So we tracked it, it was in Alaska! Since last night, it went to Kentucky and is in Phoenix this morning!